Oh wow thank you :D I really wasn't expecting you to do that, but Thank You Very Much!
@NorthernGoblin13 жыл бұрын
@nickkarma I tried tonight to AMS the first one and leave the hungering cold late on the second so if I was dominioned they'd die in the blocks, we lack the slows though to make the kite possible. Oh and amazing quality on your videos btw, love watching them in 1080p :)
@NorthernGoblin13 жыл бұрын
@nickkarma Aye our previous stratergy, and the one we're likely going back to is our tank tanking Skeletons + Onyxia, we just wondered if the kite stratergy offered an extra layer of safety as we still had situations of tank death due to the damage. Much thanks for your help.
@TheManBearPig67613 жыл бұрын
Izeah Tichondrius Good Video.
@nickkarma13 жыл бұрын
@Khaotikal Generally wiped, or wiped in phase 3 because adds were spread all over the place. Ended up just wiping on purpose if adds were spread too much in phase 1 to save time.
@Jman001114 жыл бұрын
@MrGlennJohnsen We didn't have a slow down on the pack 100% of the time since we were constantly moving, though I would try and put earth bind down on CD and especially when I saw the shadow priest get MCed. Ice rink would definitely be better to use for that since it's more reactive. I'll try and get the hunter to use it more next time.
@Priestofdoom14 жыл бұрын
@nickkarma Thanks for the reply! Yeah I use the TB trink on conclave and Nefarian fights atm, In normal we push an electrocute on the way in to phase 2 and have another electrocute in phase 2 so the trinket makes it very easy to heal. May well use a normal trinket as mana may well be an issue on this fight.
@nickkarma13 жыл бұрын
@whatoxide Thanks for the compliments. I might put out strategy videos, but I would still do these types. I've recorded our guilds kills since naxx 60 and like to go back on occasion and watch them again. I'd have to think of the format to use and if I'd have time.
@darkstarstar11113 жыл бұрын
@saqibaz ohhhh the crackles! you have to top everyone off... its impossible to avoid except for magic shield (dk spell) also a elemental resistance totem maybe?
@whatoxide13 жыл бұрын
You guys make very good videos. The music is not noisy. There is vent. No non-sense babbling on Vent. Generally very well thought out strategies for the rest of us to follow. Since, Tankspot is doing 25m videos, 10m guilds can't really follow Tankspot's strategies and their strategies kind of suck these days. I would be great if you guys do some simple strat videos. No need extensive narration or anything. Just the strat you guys followed in words would be very helpful. Thank you.
@nickkarma14 жыл бұрын
@Morituri29 I am in the process of fixing the copyright thing. I took down that Cho'gall video and will be uploading it again.
@Morituri2914 жыл бұрын
Grats on 12/13...would comment on your Cho'Gall kill instead...but unfortunately your music selection is copyright in Canada and so I can't view it :( Can't wait to see your Sinestra Kill (ps. Grats on breaking top 50 guilds in the world for 10mans :D)
@nickkarma13 жыл бұрын
@Khaotikal Actually sorry I forgot we changed the strategy on this just this week. We have our ony tank just tank all the skellies. He puts vig on our hpaly who has RF on. He then just uses some cd's through the breath's. The skellies will all go down before the lava comes up even if at 100 energy.
@darkstarstar11113 жыл бұрын
@saqibaz you have to stay on his back, dont stay anywhere near his side, you will get tail swiped but its better then dieing :)
@kyjan13 жыл бұрын
@MaoisMao get some elixiers if your raid have problems surviving electrocutes
@MrGlennJohnsen14 жыл бұрын
Just a tip i didn't see you use hunter trap on your group in the last phase alot, having the snare on the people being MCd gives them atleast 2-3 more stacks of the buff.
@l1e2o3n4i5d6a7s12 жыл бұрын
nice fight-.- can u list ur addons pls ;D
@nickkarma14 жыл бұрын
@Priestofdoom TB trinket is something you shouldn't need on this fight. After magmaw nerf I only need it on conclave now with storm shield. There are pros and cons of holy and disc, I started off as disc, switched holy cause P2 is huge pain as disc, went back disc cause p3 sucked for what I was doing as holy.
@Priestofdoom14 жыл бұрын
Nice video! I am a priest that is soon to start progression on this fight. I am normally always holy for this fight for an easier time healing phase 2. Do you think holy is ok for hc 10 or would you say it is a big advantage to be disc for the tank healing and electrocute dmg mitigation? most if not all our raid has TB trinkets so I'm not too worried about electrocute
@NorthernGoblin13 жыл бұрын
Tried this tactic this evening, me as the DK doing the add kite in P1, only I've been dominioned twice. How did you guys work around this happening as it's a complete threat wipe.
@MaoisMao13 жыл бұрын
do you have everyone with Mirror of Broken Images?
@Phyxius8913 жыл бұрын
what is the addon on the left of your screen tracking cooldowns called ? :) thx
@bybumzen13 жыл бұрын
Is it the same tacts in HC as it is in normal?
@MaoisMao13 жыл бұрын
how did you guys manage to survive all the electrocutes? i heard they do 100k + on herioc with buffs, any advice?
@codsnake13 жыл бұрын
How did you put Numbers in ForteXorcist?
@MrGlennJohnsen14 жыл бұрын
First i suppose. Also big congrats.
@nickkarma13 жыл бұрын
@MaoisMao Have more than 100k hp
@Thesgfire13 жыл бұрын
why the hell did you fall out of the pillar? WTF? i mean ive only done it on regular, but isnt it kinda a no brain'er? no wonder u died :0
@uffe66614 жыл бұрын
april fools! this never happened, clearly photoshopped ! :D