"Little Giants" Michigan State vs Notre Dame OT Fake Field Goal beats ND

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@nickmordo 9 жыл бұрын
MSU is really fucking good at winning on the last play of a game
@johncate9541 8 жыл бұрын
This is still the first thing that comes to mind if you mention Mark Dantonio to me. If I were the Notre Dame coach, I'd have reacted the same way. If the other guy has that kind of guts and he beats me, tip of the cap to him.
@simsstev 7 жыл бұрын
"Gonna be a good night for Mark Dantonio" ....has a heart attack later that night :/
@WBENHAM 12 жыл бұрын
"Gonna be a pretty good night for Mark D'Antonio". Actually it's not. Glad he came out of the heart attack ok.
@silvert00 11 жыл бұрын
If he was really a fan of the movie he'd know that play was actually called "the annexation of Puerto Rico"
@RiazPhillips 14 жыл бұрын
Hey. This was SO FUCKING awesome. Im not trying to rain in on MSU's parade but I thought they changed the rules this year so that you couldnt taunt/showboat before you got into the endzone. I hate ND so its not like im bitcing. I was just wondering.
@BryanIsReallyBored 11 жыл бұрын
Can you imagine if he dropped the pass
@-_-Code-_- 13 жыл бұрын
the anexation of puerto rico
@seconddayfilmpodcast5255 6 жыл бұрын
Wish ESPn would bring that theme music back.
@Fister_of_Muppets 14 жыл бұрын
@dandandamattressman Agreed, but obviously a heart-attack wasn't in the playbook, that was just chance. Hope Coach Dantonio is in better health now and recovers very soon. But back to the game... that was a BALLS-out call. Reminds me of Boise State a few years ago with that epic ending. Endings to games like these are just awesome, it's what the game is all about, and why we play it, and watch it. Great stuff.
@deputyduffy wow, way to make us Spartans look tacky. This is an embarrassment to our school and is completely in poor taste. As an MSU student was there to witness this great win, and one who is proud to call myself a Spartan for life, I ask that you please take this down.
@drichter8838 11 жыл бұрын
Notre Dame may have lost that game, but you could tell Brian Kelly respected the call! He was surprised obviously, but he enjoyed it!! I don't blame him, it was a hell of a call!!
@VIAStrengths 14 жыл бұрын
Thanks Razorback. Might be play of the year, right? Dantonio is recovering well it seems. Has addressed his team a couple times but happily watched the most recent Spartan victory from the sidelines.
I must also add that this game was ALMOST the most exciting game I've been to.. second only to when we beat MICHIGAN in a similar way last year in overtime!
@FretzAndMez 14 жыл бұрын
@Cokebeard Okay, first off. Notre Dame may not be having the years they used to, I agree, but this also doesn't mean that they are still not going to get the recruits they always get and build on to there team. Also, they are always going to have that tuff schedule playing the top teams. Big Ten teams in Michigan... Michigan State.. Than go off and play some of those Pac-10 teams in USC and such. They'll always have one of the tuffest schedules. Once we get the team going, Good-Luck.
@CDPics 14 жыл бұрын
@PistonsNewsReviews22 0.9 seconds. When the clock on ESPN (Which isn't the official clock) switches from say 0:02 to 0:01, it's switching from 0:02.00 to 0:01.99, so when the clock switches to 0:00, it's technically 0:00.99, meaning they have just under a second of the clock being at 0:00 to get the play off. They got it in time.
@fleetadmiralj 14 жыл бұрын
@Druidblue that and refs usually give the benefit of about a second or so after the clock hits zero too most of the times. sometimes they'll call it right away, but usually they'll give teams another second or so to snap it.
@IamP3rry 11 жыл бұрын
This was my first Michigan State game i had ever been to. I couldn't have asked for a better experience! Sparty On!
@SophiaPerri 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Nick! My name is Sophia, and I am producing a doc for Big Ten Network about the MSU "Little Giants" game. For this doc, we are looking for unique fan stories of watching the game. I'd love to connect with you over the phone in the coming days and hear your story in more detail. Do you have an email address where I can send further detail? I look forward to hearing from you!
@VIAStrengths 14 жыл бұрын
Unbelievable! Is there another coach in football who would have such courage? It's Dantonio magic!
@frambesbuckeye 14 жыл бұрын
@nkowal14 So back them up 5 more yards LOL........that doesn't prevent a wide open TE in the field from scoring LMAO
@Fister_of_Muppets 14 жыл бұрын
Something tells me Coach Dantonio's stock just went up 200%. What an epic finish.
@madscout96 14 жыл бұрын
lol 2:20 Notre Dame coach just drops his headset on the ground instead of handing it to the guy
@MrAUFANATIC 13 жыл бұрын
Is this the game afterwards where Mich St head coach caught a heart attack?
@TheSportsman131 13 жыл бұрын
man, as a ND fan, i feel like calling this a delay of game is as successful as calling the bush push a penalty. we can say that as much as we want, but in 05 ND should have scored a td on that drive that fitzpatrick blew the field goal and should have stopped that 4th and 9. in this game, we should have scored at the end of regulation or should have put a td on the board in OT and would not have had to worry about a fake fg. hope we beat usc and msu and um this year, that would be great.GO IRISH
@ReallyBoredMan 13 жыл бұрын
@jermworm9 The call was right on the field. When the clock was 0:00 the ref had to look down to see if the was snapped, so because of this there is a small window in which you can get a play off when the clock says 0:00. MSU did get the play off during the window, this is why there was no delay of game call, and this is why MSU won. Ha can't believe people are still mad about this play. Don't be mad about this play, be mad that your team didn't win during regulation...
@HitandRunTroller 13 жыл бұрын
Don't feel bad ND fans, you won your bowl game. Michigan state on the other hand, suffered an ass-whooping so bad, that not only did it destroy any kind of reputation MSU would have gotten for the 2010 season, it also made Nick Saben upset because Alabama kept scoring and MSU couldn't do anything but watch. I haven't seen a more pathetic team since the Wisconsin and Indiana game.
@philligatortears 13 жыл бұрын
@Throwmachine2010 Hahaha, dude, when the clock hits 0 that means 0.00. 0 means 0 seconds, 0 tenths of a second. 0 milliseconds, nothing, nada, zip. 0.89 occurs between 1 and 0. So yeah, that was a delay of game, but because of human error (umpire's eyes) it wasn't called. Happens in every game though so it's no big deal. However, even as an ND fan, I'm glad they didn't call it cuz that play was the best of 2010.
@Delpheno2K7 14 жыл бұрын
@CDPics I'm sorry if I misunderstood you, but I don't think you're right, and if you are, then someone should change the technical aspects of the clock. Between the clock hitting 00:01.00 and 00:00.00, the clock will always be at 0:01.00. So if the time is 0:00.45 in electronic time, it will still be 0:01.00 on the game clock. It will hit 00 when it's 00. If I am right, then in NCAA or Madden 11, it would have been a delay of game. However, it was the "lag" time that made it legal. Look it up.
@hondo1971 14 жыл бұрын
Since ND will never regain its prominence until it joins a conference, I suggest that ND consider one of the following: the MAC, Conference USA, the MCC, or the Big East. Assuming that they will have you. The Big 10 is full now, guys. You had your chance and now each school in the Big 10 makes more money then ND due to the Big 10 Network. Admit it. You were greedy 20 years ago when you signed the agreement with NBC and now you are too damn proud to admit your error.
@rmccamy 14 жыл бұрын
I'm guessing the coach meant that the kicker didn't have experience with that kind of long overtime must-make kick. Sure, he has the leg to make long ones (and did so indoors in a cupcake game the week before) but I get why MSU made that call there. It was the perfect time to run the fake. Probability of converting the fake probably wasn't much worse than probability of making the kick, so you might as well go for the win.
@MrBlindedInChains 14 жыл бұрын
Gotta love ND fans. Always whining when their team loses. I personally am a UofM fan, so while I didn't care about the outcome of the game, I have to credit Dantonio on making such an insanely aggressive call. For the idiots saying it was delay of game, play the game an learn the rules. The ball CAN be snapped when the clock hits 00, because it's up to the officials to call it. Sometimes you get the call, sometimes you don't. It's all part of the game. I do hope Kelly turns ND around though.
@JuanWayTrips 14 жыл бұрын
@BigHits4Twenty ESPN: "The Big East said Sunday the back judge is supposed to focus on the play clock. When it hits zero, he is then supposed to check on the ball before calling delay of game. The league says there will always be some lag time, and that on the fake field goal, "this lag time created the situation where it appears the play clock expired just before the snap." The league says it believes "the snap occurred well within the normal lag time."
@IndestructibleXx1 14 жыл бұрын
@LordHugenstein lol im a die hard notre dame fan, and im unlike the most (like yourself) who only like a team when their winning. God if Notre Dame did that to Michigan State, it would be a WHOLE different story with you. You'd be pulling excuses out of your ass lol. it was a good game on both sides of the ball and actually I laughed when i saw this play and i give Michigan State credit for their wits. But there is no need to criticize everyone who likes a football team cuz they lost...
@dcaron 14 жыл бұрын
For those that question the playclock, the explanation given on Mike and Mike this morning was, there a "lag time" once the playclock hits zero that a team has to snap the ball. The back judge whose job it is to watch the playclock said MSU was within that lag time and got the play off in time. My guess is this probably due to the fact that playclock doesn't utilize tenths like a hoops gameclock. Either way MSU won and that's all that matters. GO STATE!
@MrThatswhatshesaid12 14 жыл бұрын
@SpartyFan1213 I still HIGHLY doubt that a team would take more than a minute to discuss a play. That still, to me at least, doesn't validate the need for a play clock. And why would anyone care if that was the case anyway? You can put up with the constant barrage of commercials, time-outs and the ridiculously long process of play reviewing, but not a team taking too much time to go over a play? That doesn't make any sense.
@vampycardinal 14 жыл бұрын
"After review, the conference believes that the game officials correctly applied the proper mechanics and guidelines that are in place to determine, in a consistent manner, when a flag should be thrown for delay of game. The responsibility is assigned to the back judge, who in this situation was standing beneath the upright. Proper mechanics dictate that his focus be directed to the play clock as it approaches zero.
@awigodski 14 жыл бұрын
BIg OT no-call correct in Notre Dame-MSU "The responsibility is assigned to the Back Judge, who in this situation was standing beneath the upright. Proper mechanics dictate that his focus be directed to the play clock as it approaches zero. When the play clock display reads zero, he must re-direct his attention to the ball. At that time, if the snap has not started, a flag will be thrown for delay of game. If the snap has begun, no flag will be thrown. End of Story!
@artemis836 14 жыл бұрын
Thats really really hurtfull. I just want you to know that when you say things like that it has a serious impact on people. I went to Notre Dame and I truly love that school. I have to give it to MSU, they played a hell of a game and that ending was, while unbelievably painful, also quite amazing. But you're attacking my faith. This is something that a large portion of the worlds population cares deeply about and you just throw in a flippant comment about molestation. Totally unacceptable.
@conker3685 14 жыл бұрын
ND got played like a bunch of fools. I think it's funny people actually expected a BSC appearance out of Brian Kelly this year. The guy has never coached at a school surrounded with so much unfounded hype as Notre Dame. I'm a South Bend native, and I get sick and tired of all the hysteria surrounding ND's football program. I'll give the guy about 3 or 4 years, then the University will pay out his contract costing millions, force him out, and find some other schmuck to fill the role as head coach
@ChiTownWarrior1 14 жыл бұрын
Let's see, last Saturday we had: Oklahoma blow out FSU, Ohio State dominate Miami, Alabama destroy Penn State and Oregon kill Tennesse. And that was called "MONSTER SATURDAY". This was MONSTER SATURDAY if you ask me. Arkansas/Georgia,Clemson/Auburn, Notre Dame/Mich St and Iowa/Arizona all went down to the last second or overtime and they weren't even talked up that much as the games last week. This just makes college football just that much more exciting to watch every Saturday.
@NekoSOM 14 жыл бұрын
@RdSoxFan618 It was very well executed. Bates didn't panic and waited until the last possible moment to show the fake. Their kicker had already made a longer one this year, and 50% isn't exactly terrible odds. Then of course..it's not a play you expect from MSU's coach Dantonio. He's typically pretty conservative. Combine those 3 things..and it helped them catch ND with their pants down. Great play.
@Cokebeard 14 жыл бұрын
@loweyklo apparently not even one did. ND sucks. get over it. someday ND fans will stop living in the past and realize that their program is a shell of its former self. living off of the once was... and here i thought you were gonna call me out on not knowing my facts. they were actually Big East officials. oh, and nice game against Navy... again.
@illini799 14 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I didn't realize there was an "issue" with this play. Obviously they got the play off in time. Too bad for ND, good for MSU. When you're a team like MSU that is certain not to go to a BCS game, it's easy to call crazy calls like this. Great for recruiting too. Notre Dame, meanwhile, continues to put a disappointing product on the field year after year.
@gcburns4 14 жыл бұрын
Watch the scoreboard :00 (top corners) and snap. Its almost simultaneous. No official could blow that dead. I dont care if these refs were all ND alumni and the game was at ND Stadium. That play stands. You cant blow a play dead without checking if its snapped, and it happens at the same time. Thats why they talk about 'lag'.
@gcburns4 14 жыл бұрын
The ESPN play clock is 1/4 seconds fast. This has been broken down in 60 frame per second HD. If ESPN had their shit together, this never would have been an issue. The snap is only 1/5 a second late from the scoreboard. No official can make that call. Its effectively simultaneous with the :00 on the real play clock.
@Gizmo524 14 жыл бұрын
The ref behind the line of scrimmage has to look up at the play clock, then blow his whistle and throw the flag for delay of game. So even though they did hike it after it hit 0, human error and the lag of the ref means it's legal. The NCAA already explained their lag rule and said it was fair. Michigan State wins.
@Delpheno2K7 14 жыл бұрын
@keroppl Keep in mind, the official timekeeper actually relies on the stadium clock, which was at 0 before the snap. Once it hits 0, then the ref must immediately look at the ball. If it is not snapped, then it's a delay of game. The snap was off between 0, and the ref moving his head, which is still within the rule. Go figure.
@DmanMadness 14 жыл бұрын
@XNoToleranceSkillzX So he delivers a pancake block to the first guy (Within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage) then trips over the second guy who had already fallen down. How is that pass interference? And before you accuse me of being an MSU fan, I'm not. My Huskies got destroyed by Nebraska this weekend so I had to find good highlights somewhere else.
@MrThatswhatshesaid12 14 жыл бұрын
My question is this: Why is there a play clock in OT? It doesn't make any sense, there is an unlimited amount of time for the teams when they have possession and it's not like they would purposely drag out the game. That would be stupid. The fact that there is no time limit makes a play clock in OT extremely unnecessary.
@friedmarlin5 14 жыл бұрын
@Xdiablofoolx WOW !!!!! I didn't watch the whole game yesterday so I missed this. You are exactly right on the expression on his face. It's like the look on a celebrity's face when the judge tells them their going to jail for a few years instead of to the club that night !!! TOTAL DISBELIEF in what just happened. Classic.
@shirlDLebaron 14 жыл бұрын
Look at the play clock on ESPNs lower bar. If its correct (actual clock), the snap was a 1/2 second late. There should have been a delay of game, 5 yard penalty and who knows if that would have made a difference in chemistry and karma. Great call, like the Saints on-side kick to open the 2nd half in the Super Bowl.
@chuckgmc 12 жыл бұрын
Sitting in the end zone, wondering how the freshman kicker will attempt this long field goal. Snap. Fake and Gantt running right at us with the ball in the air. Touchdown MSU!! Love my season ticket. And yes the Hail Mary against Wisconsin was in the same end zone. GO GREEN!
@elhugo05 12 жыл бұрын
MSU had a Top 5 defense statistically last year. Why would you not have faith in that? They saw on tape that they might be able to pull it off. Same thing with the Northwestern fake punt that year. Dantonio and his staff said that verbatim. It's good coaching. Learn the facts.
@Cuchulainn131 13 жыл бұрын
I love how the MSU players celebrate in the ND band. Payback for Golden Tate swan diving into the MSU band from the year before. For those complaining about the clock. The only difference it would have made is that the pass TD catch and run would have been 5 yards longer...
@frofro73 14 жыл бұрын
I might be a Razorback fan but I LOVE College Football moments like this because u don't see this shit in the NFL and Btw how is the coacjh for MSU doing is he ok? would love to know and I ALWAYS root for y'all when u play the mighty meatchicken...GOD I LOVE COLLEGE FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!
@hondo1971 14 жыл бұрын
@ryanthemythbaker Wrong, buddy. The Big East crew released a statement that Monday. There was a half second delay between the stadium clock and what was shown on the TV signal. Don't worry. Western Michigan is on your schedule. Maybe you'll squeeze out a victory by then.
@Evondagoolagon 14 жыл бұрын
this is great! I love seeing the top catholic school in the nation getting its butt whooped by first michigan and second michigan state. My grandpa who has been gone for 45 years now wouldv'e loved to see this. Whoooo hooooo its good to be from the state of Michigan!!!!!!
@NelsonB51 14 жыл бұрын
ND fans are now complaining that time had run out... that there SHOULD have been a Delay of Game penalty (5 yds). The entire officiating crew was from the Big East Conference. The Big East released a statement Sunday that says the officials made the correct call (non-call). Have a nice day.
@catgravy420 14 жыл бұрын
my dad called me and told me about this play. i went crazy. this is a great play and in the spirit of football a real win. but what a surprise. i love college ball. i looked at the wife and told her that this was great. she does not understand. i still love her though.
@pwk1994 14 жыл бұрын
@balmdeezy nd beat msu last year 33 - 30 and in 06 so going 3 and 2 in 5 years is not "domination" so good job u guys won but if the roles were reversed msu fans would be saying that the play clock expired and that #22 was fouled and the touch down shouldn't of counted
@jeffsamardzija 14 жыл бұрын
The officials blew the whole damn game. The no call on MSU's last td where he wasn't forced out of bounds? The block in the back call on the punt when he didn't touch him? The play clock hitting 00? ACC and Big Ten officials are by far the worst officiating conferences in college football.
@sagittated 14 жыл бұрын
You can see the actual clock - not the TV clock - on the screen during the live play. It was clearly delay of game. great call and execution, but it should have been a 5 yard penalty and forced state to go for a long 4th down to keep chances alive. ND got screwed.
@georgiadawg278 14 жыл бұрын
@bballdrew1001 The TV play clock isn't always in sync with the actual play clock, bud.
@keroppl 14 жыл бұрын
@XNoToleranceSkillzX This is college ball, there is no pass interference until the ball is in the air. Perfectly legal blocks. As for the play clock, the TV clock isn't necessarily correct, only what the official timekeeper has.
@Bill46214 14 жыл бұрын
I was ALL for the Spartans, however, the clock was clearly at zero before the ball was snapped. The back ref totally missed that one. However, I'm glad the Irish got a taste of their own crap they feed their opponents in South Bend.
@RdSoxFan618 14 жыл бұрын
@NekoSOM You are right and these are all great points and I totally agree with you. But in general what I was hoping people would take away from my comment is that it is not all that surprising or shocking that MSU would make this call in this situation.
@RdSoxFan618 14 жыл бұрын
How didn't ND see this coming? It's a 45 yard field goal which is a less than 50% make percentage for a college kicker. It's not the biggest play of the year, I think many people would have made the same call to either go for it or fake the field goal.
@johnbudburner6387 12 жыл бұрын
Are you honestly stubborn enough to think that espn play clock is the official play clock? there a TV station. there is a red staring at a stop watch and once it hits zero he looks up to see if the ball is snapped..
@Throwmachine2010 14 жыл бұрын
Hey for the uneducated people that are making comments about the clock hitting 0, ever heard of miliseconds? The clock was at 0.89 on miliseconds when they hiked the ball. Now you know, feel smarter now? Good.
@sarcmatt 14 жыл бұрын
The play was intended for number 24, the reciever running alongside the player who eventually catches the pass. You can see him fall and then put his hands on his helmet in despair, thinking that the play was busted.
@NDfootball44 14 жыл бұрын
this is ridiculous. the playclock was at zero for a good second before they snapped it. i love how the refs were eager to call notre dame for delay of game but when theres an obvious delay of game on state theres no call.. wtf.
@bkeg31 14 жыл бұрын
@BigHits4Twenty ok? move it back 5 yards, the only thing that changes is that its a 51 yard fake field goal for a TD rather than 46. Maybe if you keep crying they'll change the result of the game to what you think it should be.
@TheSportsman131 14 жыл бұрын
@bballdrew1001 hahhaha those big 10 refs fucked us over with that illegal substitution bs last week which took away a 2nd and 25 for michigan on that final drive, and now this..... glad we aint playin the big 10 again.
@PantstofryPWNZ 13 жыл бұрын
@warrior34able Yeah, alabama, one of the best teams in the nation. You guys played Miami. Big fucking deal. It doesn't matter how often you win, though, you still are a Notre Dame fan, and that sucks.
@VladimirUlya 13 жыл бұрын
tomorrow i will relive this moment. those who dislike this are either figure skaters born in a very dark hole watching their first football game or somehow someone on pcp got hold of a computer
@leeterrell21 14 жыл бұрын
#24 is that pass interference? not that i'm a fan or a hater of either team, i just love football. i was like, "awesome play!" then i saw #24 the second time around and... u tell me. Offensive PI?
@SPACESPINACH 14 жыл бұрын
@captainbanana69 it's as simple as this.... You won't. No matter how bad you Irish fans wanna believe it, you won't retain the glory you've had in the past for at least 5 more years. Simple as that...
@lebutzki 13 жыл бұрын
@ 1:50, I like that the announcer said that it was going to be a good night for Dantonio...except that he kinda suffered a heart attack a few hours later. Great game and a great call.
@Shandy706 14 жыл бұрын
@rcutter66 No it wasn't, I couldn't care less about either school, but they went over this officially. The on field play clock had not hit 00 as the ball was being moved back to hike.
@jasonalun 14 жыл бұрын
The TV clock or even the scoreboard clock are no longer official. The refs keep the time. If there was no time left they would have called it. Therefore, the play was on time.
@xHaterofHatersx 12 жыл бұрын
This was looked over the day after this happened two years back, the espn clock and the stadium clock weren't in sync. The play was officiated correctly, touchdown MSU.
@xHaterofHatersx 13 жыл бұрын
@WEGSxIRISH lol bama wouldve killed anyone... as of anyone else from the top half of the sec. because of the fact that theyre the sec... dont try that card anywhere else
@Baptistberry08 13 жыл бұрын
I love how she says "little giants indeed..." lol what the heck does she mean by that? Obviously she had no idea it was from the movie, she was just trying to be cool haha
@0626msm 14 жыл бұрын
The official play clock is kept on the field, not by the TV clock!!!!! It counted, and that's why nobody but ND media and people that don't know football are complaining.
@thedoctor3223 14 жыл бұрын
@thefootballtoday Nice win over UMASS dude...very impressive. By the way, how do you pronounce "Appalachian" (as in Appalachian State)...I've never heard of it LOL
@realcampusman 14 жыл бұрын
@Cacamamy18 14 жыл бұрын
@KJT922010T Yep, expected to make a full recovery. Minor heart attack, placed a stent, will be in the hospital a few days, but won't be on the field for the next game.
@MikeinAustin 14 жыл бұрын
@terranellsworth What they put on the screen and the game clock may not be the same. It did look like 00 had come up though. I suspect the officials were watching closely.
@iMBz1 14 жыл бұрын
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! Notre Dame fans are like wtf man!?
@MSUParker 12 жыл бұрын
you must be difficult to be around. A "classy coach" would not have won that game. Who cares HOW they win. A win is a win. ND lost and MSU won. Bottom line.
@brihamlin1 13 жыл бұрын
@WEGSxIRISH The MSU vs ND game always seems to be special, we've had our heart ripped out a few times vs ND. Agreed, sports is a beautiful thing...Go Green.
@mschaffe1 13 жыл бұрын
I would love to tell a joke relating this heart-stopping ending to Mark D'Antonio's heart attack... but I'm pretty sure that's been done many times already.
@baerdog2003 14 жыл бұрын
The Squabbling Leprechauns get their collective asses handed to them. I love it!!! Neutered Lame is the most over rated team and university on the planet.
@billhere5 14 жыл бұрын
@FretzAndMez Well, since the play was reviewed by the folks who enforce the rules and they say the call on the field was correct, it appears you're INcorrect.
@mcavelli84 14 жыл бұрын
The snapper snapped right on zero, you didnt see anyone react until it was caught by the QB which made it seem like it was after. Watch the snapper and see.
@dinkinflicka100 14 жыл бұрын
the caption under this video reads 'no description available' that's because there literally is no way to describe the feeling of beating Notre Dame like that.
@PureNRK 14 жыл бұрын
Sorry man, it was a delay of game. Everyone who was at the stadium knew it. State still gets the W, so who cares what "should have" been called. Gutsy play call.
@ryanthemythbaker 14 жыл бұрын
Michigan State never should've won that game. Watch the play clock...it hits 0 seconds just before they get the snap off!!!! The Irish got robbed!!
@puma913x7 14 жыл бұрын
Im a Longhorns fan and i'm guessin that notre dame fans feel as bad as longhorn fans did when we lost in the last second against texas tech back in 2008.
@thedoctor3223 14 жыл бұрын
The best part is our entire team flooding the Notre Dame band....a little bit of payback for that dumbarse Golden Tate jumping into our band last year LOL
9/18/2010 - Michigan State 34 Notre Dame 31
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SHAPALAQ 6 серия / 3 часть #aminkavitaminka #aminak #aminokka #расулшоу
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Most Viewed College Football Plays of All Time
Highlight Reel
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UCF Professor Richard Quinn accuses class of cheating [Original]
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Explaining The Worst Championship Game In Sports History
Isaac Punts
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UT vs A&M 2011: The Kick
Miguel Esparza
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Michigan State Spartans Football- Fight song
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Arch Manning 'ELECTRIC' Debut Highlights vs UTSA (SPEED KILLS!)
Ding Productions
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HIGHEST Scoring Game in CFB HISTORY! 💯 Texas A&M vs. LSU Highlights
Harris Highlights
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College Football's Playoff Problem
Weston Ware
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Will A Guitar Boat Hold My Weight?
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