I'm digging Pete's Hawaiian shirt. Must be enjoying summertime!
@bazilcaygillАй бұрын
Board 2, I think you should take the Spade finesse. East has shown up with CA, DK, HQ and... passed as dealer!
@williamwarms4713Ай бұрын
I jumped straight to 5D on B8, and was shocked to see the 30 something %!!! Apparently everyone who took their time getting to 5D got doubled by the opponents lol
@jyutzlerАй бұрын
The roulette part of bridge. I thought doubling 4H was good idea but partner decided that going to 5D was an even better deal. The opps goaded us into game and doubled unsuccessfully, something I embarrassingly did in a live game last weekend.
@ChrisHasneyАй бұрын
You made a good choice on board 5. Lots of company in four hearts down one for 39 and change.
@damianhgr4282Ай бұрын
To double 4h is better than 5d but really hard to call passing a partscore contract (I repeated the same auction) in a board where a slam is cold 'a good choice'. Maybe previous exp with robots making often idiotic 3-minor jumps after a t/o dbl could have influenced that
@jyutzlerАй бұрын
4. Thank you for the bidding lesson here. 6. FWIW, I made my usual 14-point upgrade to 1NT and ended up in the same place after a lebensohl auction.
@finrodiiАй бұрын
I had the best first half of the tournament of my life: Bd1 opened 1NT, bought it there and made it for 68%; Bd2 rebid 2C instead of 1NT, scared of the diamonds I guess, partner got bidding on and we ended up in 3NT+1 for 100%. Bd3 made the 1NT and Bd4 made the overtrick by playing crossruff and HJ becoming good in the end. Second half wasn't as good: Bd4 I did bid 4H, down 1 for just about 40%; Bd5 same 3H-1; Bd6 managed to make the 2H by leading heart to jack trick 2 and playing diamonds before clubs, and Bd5 ended up in 4D+2 for 21%... Partner did not push on my 4D bid, and it prevented opponents from bidding/doubling us. Still pretty happy overall.
@shg4421-sb4vbАй бұрын
Tough bookends, but nice round in the middle, Pete.
@ScottPollakАй бұрын
On board 8, had the same auction as Pete, however, I covered the spade lead. Declarer switched to clubs on trick 2, which partner won. Partner switched to a diamond and my ace, and we then had three ruffs (spade, club, spade) and the top heart honors for down 4. Not sure why Pete didn't cover trick 1.
@jonthomson5764Ай бұрын
I found the overtrick on board 4!
@MarkHuggerАй бұрын
Thank you for your work on Board 1. I'll put that nagging idea aside now.
@jyutzlerАй бұрын
One problem is that partner will never believe you have a balanced 16 count. The double looks takeout-ish despite the natural 1NT bid.
@ChrisHasneyАй бұрын
Re Bd.1... I don't think the bots have any understanding of upgrading and downgrading. They will always and ever play you for 15 to 17 and bid accordingly.
@ChrisHasneyАй бұрын
Along those same lines I downgraded board 2 due to the doubleton diamond Queen and Ace less hand and thus passed. Really bad idea playing bot Bridge. Hand was passed out for 10% for me
@jyutzlerАй бұрын
@@ChrisHasneyYeah unless the hand is absolute crap you have to pretend you're in third seat. Play 1 of a major, don't pass.