Nodal Axis into Aries and Libra

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Pam Gregory

Pam Gregory

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@blakemauney Жыл бұрын
18 years ago, December 2004, I went into business partnership with my Mother in hopes of trying to ease the pain of her losing my Dad. I did it out of pure love and concern for her in hope of trying to uplift her spirits. What a disaster this entire event came to be by June of 2006. She broke all of her dealings that were agreed upon and left me financially ruined which sent me down a very dark path that I still to this day am recovering emotionally from. Fast forward 18 years to today and we have reconciled but our relationship has changed forever. It was the biggest learning experience of my lifetime. I learned that she placed a price tag on love and that she never took any responsibility for the hurtful and harsh outcome that she left me in. She is now 88 years old, in very poor health and I see it is the end of the road as far as this incarnation goes for her. As much as it will hurt me to lose her, despite the years of pain that I have gone through, I see this nodal transit as one that will lay to rest all of our bitterness and honestly I need that final closure to move forward. I never in my wildest dreams ever thought my own mother would totally abandon me. I would not wish this upon anyone. The nodes are POWERFUL to say the least and they truly express the karmic ties we have with others. Thank you Pam for this particulare video... it really hit home for me.
@PamGregoryOfficial Жыл бұрын
Sending love to soothe this situation Blake. Px
@janmeyer7074 Жыл бұрын
@augustasimone9323 Жыл бұрын
Read this Summer : Daughter of Narcissus by Lady Collin Campbell ! I stumblied upon her story and that was comfirmation for me to realize that our parents were raised in a very Narcicissitic System ! Also , I love Dr. Ramini who has a lot of information. The damage they have done needs to be removed and Read :Dr. Joseph Murphy : The Power of Your Subconscious Mind. Wishing you healing and seeing yourself well. Because you can accidentally attract people into your like just like your mom.
@ginnylorenz5265 Жыл бұрын
Dear Blake....Oh, how I hear you. Love and Blessings to you.
@Worlds_to_Explore Жыл бұрын
As the daughter of a Capricorn gatekeeper with my Saturn in the 4th house, I can truly say that forgiveness is salvation. We cannot control others, but only ourselves and sometimes even that is hard. My mother, a harsh disciplinarian and basically an adversary during my youth was able to shift into my supporter. I have Mars in Libra and my moon in Libra, so it might be my nature but forgiveness is freedom. The harsh ones are sometimes our greatest teachers. Bless you and your mother. You will both laugh in Heaven.
@leaghjanell4374 Жыл бұрын
Pam, your work is getting more and more profound to me. Maybe i am just more aware, but i sense courage in your interpretation and dissemination. Also, i am more blissful these stressful days. You pointed to that possibility. Got my heart and ear!
@sarahmankowski2803 Жыл бұрын
2004/2005 I was getting engaged/married. Now I’m getting divorced. 🤣 Love you Pam. Thank you for these. You continue to be the calm in this storm!❤️
@Luckywab Жыл бұрын
Hugs 🤗 be strong ❤️
@Luckywab Жыл бұрын
Hi 👋 2004 I bought a new car , will I buy a new car again , also in 2005 my daughter was pregnant 🤰 with twins . I wonder 🤔 will there be another pregnancy 🤰 if so will it be twins again if so , whom will be pregnant 🤰 surely not my daughter! Will it be my youngest son’s wife 🤔🧐they had a baby girl sixteen months ago and I don’t really see them having another, because they are career driven individuals.
@algebragirl Жыл бұрын
I'd just got married too. Now we're separated😮
@TrulyNaturalMom Жыл бұрын
I was going through divorce … a very difficult process but also a deep awakening.
@thehappyhermit144 Жыл бұрын
Same! Got married in 2006 and divorced this April… that’s wild. Oh those nodes eh?! 😂
@colourfab Жыл бұрын
Wow. I'm pretty blown away, Pam. I started dating my husband at the end of April 1986; we moved in together a few months later, and by Dec 1987 our daughter was born. We married when she was 9 months old. It was a rather difficult marriage, in a very restrained way, though we had a wonderful time together with our daughter. In April of 2004 he started having very worrying health issues, and soon after this incredibly healthy man, an athlete, was diagnosed with a very rare form of leukemia. He died near the end of February 2006. He was always non-helpful with my chronic health issues, and I feared becoming really sick because he was so unhelpful. Instead, HE was the one who became very ill, and he finally treated me as he always should have while he was battling the disease, and was so grateful that I didn't "run away, as most women would," as he put it. (I don't think most women would, that was projection on his part.) Though he had a horrible disease, and went through a lot of chemo, he never became outwardly very sick as you would expect. Our marriage was the best it ever was during those 20 months. He died suddenly from a brain bleed caused by the chemo. Talk about a karmic relationship! He and our daughter had quite a magical relationship, too. Since then he has made contact multiple times through mediums, and otherwise. I know he is always here. So, this effect of the nodes you describe is spot on for me.
@PamGregoryOfficial Жыл бұрын
Happy it has helped but so sorry you have had this loss. x
@colourfab Жыл бұрын
@@PamGregoryOfficial Thanks so much, xo
@ilzitek2419 Жыл бұрын
Oh, wow!!
@kimberlyhart5588 Жыл бұрын
I was making notes as you were talking. Both time periods had a lot of work increases and both time periods had purchases of houses. It looks for exciting time!!😊😊😊😊
@mariojackson4773 Жыл бұрын
Bless you & your family.
@claudiatomasini9940 Жыл бұрын
From the deepest of my heart I send much love and light to all of us ❤🧚‍♀️🌞🦋💖🦋
@parry3231 Жыл бұрын
Claudia, Thanks for your comment and for your energies of love and kindness to me and everyone ❤ I send you my love and best wishes for joy and peace with the love of being alive and healthy ❤ I wish this for everyone in the world 🌎 We all need love and kindness in respect and support ❤ Thanks again ❤
@scathatch Жыл бұрын
Thankyou Pam. 2004-2006 was a very tumultuous time for me. Returning to Australia on my husbands wishes. Nothing to come back to. No work, broken friendship bonds. The separation from my family in the UK broke my heart. Was one of the most difficult times in my life. Also, it was the beginning of the complete break down of our marriage. 18 years previously was equally tumultuous, again stripped down to almost nothing when about to give birth to my daughter. Again a lack of support from my partner. However, it was the beginning of my relationship with my daughter who is now living in Africa. I cant help feeling a sense of trepidation given the profoundly disruptive and life changing experiences of the previous nodes in these signs. Now I live alone and perhaps the notion of stepping into my own power has finally come. May the required courage be available to do so and also the capacity to allow the karmic process to enable the journey forward of my souls purpose here on earth.
@lifeforceunlimited27 Жыл бұрын
April 1st 1986 I had a complete emotional breakdown. A past life scenario showed up where the characters had put me to the stake and I had the opportunity to forgive them. The following year, I moved to Wales to run a B&B, the year of the Harmonic Convergence ( which I didn't know at the time]. I am looking forward to this Nodal change as hindsight has helped me heal a great deal. ❤
@sylmason4895 Жыл бұрын
Wow, so many people have had similar experiences. Amazing. I too met my husband in June of 1986 and we were both struck and fell in love right away. 18 years later we almost broke up but I made a career change that moved us out of our city. Our fresh start worked and this year we're 33 years married. The Aries/Libra NN change falls into my 8th/2nd houses and hubby's 4th/10th. Hindsight is a tremendous teacher. Thanks for not only sharing your wisdom, Dear Pam, but also your heart. Much love xx
@CoachAubreyBahr Жыл бұрын
Mine is the 2nd and 8th house as well!
@serenadevon Жыл бұрын
I agree with you Pam, I feel the more i understand the Nodes, the more I feel influenced by them. Thank you for your explanation, very helpful. Love & hope your knee is 💯 healed 🙏💞!
@deborahnetti9575 Жыл бұрын
In 1986 I had a total “breakdown” (As most people label it.) In my own experience, as difficult as it was, I labeled it a “Break through.” It was a pivotal time for me in my mid 20’s. I went from working in a an egoic industry, living in a toxic relationship, and living an unhealthy lifestyle. To leaving the industry, getting a divorce, moving across the country to be with my twin sister and being hospitalized in a manic state. When I was released from the hospital, I vowed never to take another medication and began living a holistic life, practicing yoga and meditation at a time in which very few people knew about it. And in 2006 exited another relationship that was soul connecting in the beginning and ended in parting ways. In each circumstance I broke through the soul ties and lived in love and forgiveness. After watching this video, I think I may want to learn about the nodes and their affect on me! Thank you Pam. I appreciate your knowledge and teachings. 🙏🏼❤️
@MadameX_ Жыл бұрын
During the last nodal shift in 2004-6 I was moving across the country. I knew it was a big deal. Little did I know how big! Jeez! Life is much more settled now and yet I feel another big wave of change coming. I’m ready. Thanks to the last 18 years of big spiritual, emotional and psychological growth. Thx Pam. Blessings to you and all those reading this.
@zaxqwepol Жыл бұрын
Thank you Pam, I found this video very interesting. I have 1st house in libra and 7th in aries and vx 14 degrees of aries. Last night I had a dream, where I met a man, that I have seen a couple of times in my dreams before. He isn't anyone I know, but he felt so familiar, like we have been together forever. When I woke up in the morning I cried, because I missed him so much. Oh how I wish my dream will come true in the coming 18 months!
@Bindi.B Жыл бұрын
I hope so too for you 💜 . I’m also 1st house libra and 7th house Aries, but that’s all I know of astrology 😊
@Candlesinthewoods Жыл бұрын
My dad died in 2006. It was just so devastating to me. This put me on my spiritual journey. I started to question “why are we here?” Then it all began.
@mariaridler1831 Жыл бұрын
My Dad died December 2004. He was my rock and losing him changed my life forever 🙏💕
@lindamardula733 Жыл бұрын
I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad in 2021, not a day passes that I don’t miss him. My hero. I pray you are comforted knowing you will see him again someday 🙏
@TJS11 Жыл бұрын
Mind blowing! Both time frames life altering changes! Thank you, Pam! I am Aries sun, Libra moon and Virgo rising. Dec 2004 I landed a life- changing job. An acquaintance completely out - of-the-blue repeatedly "insisted" that I apply for a job in healthcare which was completely out of my career field. Ie: I was working as an interior designer at the time. .It quadrupled my income and dramatically changed my life in an extraordinarily positive way. Definitely karmic! - - In 1986 my husband developed a brain tumor and almost overnight my life changed. I moved to another state which could treat him and he passed away. In the end it was the best thing that happened because he was violently abusive and I may not have ever left him had this not happened. It was karmic.
@lindalabelle6642 Жыл бұрын
What a lovely eloquent lady with wonderful words of wisdom ❤
@heatherlentz5872 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the description of people being on their own time lines and to trust the comings and goings of people and even places in our lives right now as each of our vibrations is evolving, some of us have been at it a long time, so to have incoming yet seen, new & good things will be truly treasured.
@solsticemagik Жыл бұрын
First off, your blouse is gorgeous. Purple/pink/lavender is def your color. Secondly, thank you again for sharing your wisdom. I truly look forward to your videos. I share them with my friends.
@laurawitte6146 Жыл бұрын
I'm a Leo rising with Aries sun in 9th house and Libra moon in 3rd house. The last time we had the nodes in this position, I just landed a huge job promotion. In April, I started a new career and landed a fantastic job. I have felt huge changes in me the last several years. The fog started to clear toward the end of March. I know my direction now, and I know myself better than ever before. ❤
@eg348 Жыл бұрын
"...The fog started to clear...I know my direction now, and I know myself better than ever before." That's beautiful 😊🙏
@lotte7171 Жыл бұрын
I'm also Leo rising with Aries Sun in the 9th house and Moon in Libra in 3rd house. The NN will still be transiting my 10th house for another 6 degrees when it changes signs until it reaches my 9th house.
@mariateresaemotionalmusings Жыл бұрын
This month is my own nodal reversal. I have felt this incredible shift brewing since the onset of 2023. Going deep is exactly correct Pam, great terminology ✨️💛💫 thanks for recommending your book in this particular episode. The moon cycles each month this year have been super intense for me. More so than ever before. Thank you Pam for sharing your wisdom and your light 🙏 💛✨️💫
@jilly3511 Жыл бұрын
Me too Nodal reversal @ 21°54. New life, new beginnings brewing, my own boundaries, no shadows lurking in the wings, complete freedom 💫✨🌟💖
@mariateresaemotionalmusings Жыл бұрын
@@jilly3511 awesome, here's to our combined journey of exploration of self and soul ✨️ 💛💫
@theageofgoddess Жыл бұрын
You are such a very wise woman Pam Gregory, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge so generously 🙏🏼
@ProudMary1721 Жыл бұрын
Pam. Thank you so very much! As I’m listening and reflecting to where I was in 86-87 I was able to go back in time to where I was and who was in my life. I’m standing here getting ready for work and looked in the mirror at the shirt I am wearing… 1987. Extremely profound if I don’t say so myself…it’s rather hot and this morning I chose to wear a sweatshirt.
@Warriorprincessppp Жыл бұрын
Good morning Dearest Pam. Happy Canada day from vancouver. Sending much love and appreciation ❤
@sarafishersmith2547 Жыл бұрын
Personal experience continues to show me that the Nodes are the most important part of the birth chart. The entire chart gives us many experiences. But always brings us back to the Nodes. I think it is called “tough love”.
@Worlds_to_Explore Жыл бұрын
1986 marked a recovery period from me as a 19 year old who had experienced multiple abuses and a traumatic miscarriage that per the doctor, was potentially life threatening. I attempted to end my life in 86 but in the midst of losing consciousness, I renounced my actions and realized simultaneous how important life is (even my own). Pills were involved in my attempt and other than sleeping for a long time, I woke up with a renewed sense of strength and increased gratitude for the chance to have a human life. In the quickly coming years I fully understood that I had to choose happiness. In 2004-06, I was pursuing education and being a mother. The only other thing that stands out is saying no to compromising my values.
@ilzitek2419 Жыл бұрын
Wishing you well.
@Worlds_to_Explore Жыл бұрын
@@ilzitek2419 Thank you for your kind sentiment! I am great, however. Things began a bit tough but adapting is important.
@PamGregoryOfficial Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. x
@frankmalinaro9700 Жыл бұрын
~~ Absolutely brilliant Pam ...It took me two sitting to get through this video ..I kept on pressing the pause to think about what you said...this video was most helpful . Aries is an intercepted constellation in my 12th House ..opposition to my beautiful Venus / Neptune in Libra ( 6 th house ) ....I feel so empowered now that I understand whats happening . Your refreshed my memory with such key knowledge . ( I was blessed with a 12 house Taurus Moon & North Node so it's not a stretch ) Bunches of blessings , Psychic Frank ( S F Commons )
@sallyglenn5222 Жыл бұрын
The one thing I struggle to understand, is why? Just like so many people, 2004 changed my life forever. Changed my trajectory, I lost everything. Now 18 years later its back. What does it mean? A replay of the past? A rebuilding for the future? I understand the what but not the why. P.S. love you to bits Pam Gregory!
@rosieatkinson9194 Жыл бұрын
Usually when Pam says “remember what you were doing in the year ?” I have no clue, this time I was instantly oh please god no 😂 I remember that period of my life like it was yesterday, it was not all bad but just so uncomfortable and a definite pivot yet the run up to those events had been 2 years of total chaos in my life which kind of mirrors the last 2 years. Only slightly bricking it but perhaps slightly relieved that if similar I’m through the worst of it. It was and ending and a beginning then and I’m all ready for another new beginning
@robinsolaylarosemali8997 Жыл бұрын
August 1987 I was born. 2006 I finished studies and went travelling. I have Jupiter at 29°aries / north node Aries and now I'm about to start travelling again but with the intention to share all the wisdom and creativity I have accrued along the way!! 🪶☀️🙏💗😘🌹Thankyou so much Pam xxx
@sherigrant1298 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Pam for all that you do! I have followed you for years and you are one of my tribe. I also gravitate to a lot of the same people that you speak of or include in your videos. I appreciate your unique and authentic way. You are always talking to us, not at us. I always feel your sincerity in all that you do! Thank you, Thank you and Thank you!!! Blessed Be~ Sheri 🫶🏼
@chamac4698 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Pam for your kind guidance during these changing times. I got divorced at the beginning of 2005, then I met my 2nd husband in March 2006. I lost him to Cancer in July 2015 during Venus retrograde. My NN is in Aries, my SN is in Libra, 1st & 7 house, pisces rising. I've surrendered to the divine, trusting that everything happens for a reason. Sending healing energy to you Pam, and to everyone else who needs it 🙌 ❤ ✨️
@paulinecall6891 Жыл бұрын
Wow!!! Loved this Pam. Thankyou🙏
@corinnedawnlewis9478 Жыл бұрын
Really powerful Pam. Thank you for sharing your insights and wisdom. So much in here. Will definitely be watching it again and again. ❤
@originalsofiflor4909 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Pam, for helping all of of us with your humanity, for the courage to share, for your humblilty. One love
@nanshe3x Жыл бұрын
Wow!! Looking back to the last time nodes were in Aries/Libra was HUGE for me. Really life changing. Time before that too. This one is already gearing up as well. Thank you, Pam. I feel like this will be a helpful tool. Hopefully the landing will not be quite as hard this time.
@RespectAndLoveAndPeaceWins Жыл бұрын
Thank you Pam. Wish you a delightful weekend ❤🙏💐
@awakenwithsimone Жыл бұрын
Yes, and you feel angry because, "darn it, I've worked solidly on this lesson", and boom, with the intensity of these times, up she comes again. These dates are significant to me except 1986 as I was only 10, but if I dug deep, I'm sure there'd be a link. Thank you Pam. Love your videos and your vibe!❤
@lostcause6100 Жыл бұрын
December 2004 to June 2006 was a time of massive upheaval for me. I have Aries in 4th/5th and Libra in 10th/11th. December 2004 I was made redundant as the bookshop I had managed for 12 years closed down. 11th April 2005 I managed to find another job in a second hand bookshop but at much lower pay. September 2005 I was blamed for something by a colleague that was not my fault but as she had worked there longer than me the owner believed her - she phoned him and blamed me after she had left that job to go home to America. Foolishly I had thought she was my friend. In spite of this I was not sacked but was given full responsibility for running the shop but still at low pay! By March 2006 it was clear the shop was failing so I applied for a job with the NHS. I was told I had given a good interview and they were just waiting for references. Then I was rejected! I used freedom of information to see my references and was shocked to discover my old employer of 12 years had only given me a statement of employment despite promising me a glowing reference when I had phoned him. This it tuned out was the new company policy. My current employer had provided what my union rep described as the most malicious reference he had ever seen blaming me for the failure of his business - a real character assassination. Despite continuing to employ me to run his shop for him. I found myself a temporary job and left him to it. The shop went downhill and closed in October 2006. The summer of 2006 was a terrifying time for me wondering if I would ever get a decent job again as I was so worried about references. But by the end of October I had found another job with the NHS which I kept until retirement and all was well. At the height of all the trauma the south node was conjuncting my 11th house Moon/Neptune in Libra emphasising my peace at any price tendencies and the north node in Aries was conjuncting my Sedna in 5th - keep your heart open in Hell. I learned important lessons. What other people think of you is often wrong. People in positions of power can be less evolved and ethical than you. Some people will not hesitate to throw you under the bus even if you have been good to them. I became assertive and fought back - north node Aries. I was able to get an excellent reference from a previous long term customer of mine. I engaged my union to fight for me with the shop owner to give me a fair reference which he refused but their threat of legal action had rattled him. There are many different routes to a permanent job not just the conventional ones. What people think of you is often more about them than you. In the end I chose not to take my boss to court because I realised I did not need his reference but I am glad I got my union involved. A new job is a fresh start - put the past in the past and move forward. I think the universe pushed me out of the second bookshop to stop me from festering in a useless dead end job with no pension or prospects. If the first shop had not closed down I would have stayed there but my final job was so much better in terms of pay, pension and satisfaction. In my years in the first shop I had convinced myself that I was unemployable but discovered that it was quite easy to get temporary work and that I was actually quite employable. I became a lot more confident as a result.
@almafugitiva6055 Жыл бұрын
This is the third time I've listened this video. It's incredible the information you share. Tx so much! ❤
@vanessaandronic6379 Жыл бұрын
thank you from the bottom of my heart, for your kindness and wisdom, that you are so kindly sharing with the rest of the world. what a blessing you are to all of us. love to you, Pam.
@lostcause6100 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing Pam.
@andrearoy4658 Жыл бұрын
Gosh, during that time, I lost ALL trust in the ALL institutions, people, and spirit. However, when I reflect back, it was such a catalyst for my spiritual growth. The phenix within died to everything outside of her. I started trusting in spirit, then myself, now I'm just starting to trust people (trusting myself kind of takes care of that😂). Aires in moon and Libra in uranus. Hmmmmm, I wonder, kind of exciting. Thank you, Pam, for making the time for posting this. Loving kindness ❤❤❤❤
@awakenedone4989 Жыл бұрын
This was AWESOME much to unpack and relisten to..appreciate you!, Marie
@linda-joyclarkson1790 Жыл бұрын
You had me at Nodal Axis into Aries and Libra, I am Libra, south node in the first house with Neptune & Mercury conjunct & Aries in 7th house. My whole life had been about learning to stand in my sovereignty. Co-creating with Source has been my greatest gift which I am being guided to share and as I begin moving into a larger apartment with a dedicated studio room in which to continue learning, I am now ready to begin teaching/guiding others. I can't wait to settle into my new home to put some serious time into working with your book. Pam, you are always in my prayers. Deep gratitude! 💞
@PamGregoryOfficial Жыл бұрын
So happy to hear that Linda-Joy, delighted that the astrology has helped you! Many blessings to you and all good wishes on your next episode! x
@andreabroadribb8003 Жыл бұрын
My gosh, so much to learn! Now is the time to work through your book and gain some deeper insights. Thank you Pam, looking forward to it!😊
@lizearnshaw7486 Жыл бұрын
Wow, best video to boot. So enjoyed it especially the time lines presented. Karmic and soul level regarding relationships. You are so very generous with your time and your kindness shines through. Thank you. Much love and blessings. And healing.
@deekapma3450 Жыл бұрын
Amazing, amazing. In 2004 I decided to leave my work for the Government as a Health Official. I guess I was part of the "3 waves of volunteers" as Dolores Cannon pointed out. Now, today, many will understand why I needed to leave the Governmental narratives. It meant many years of loneliness as I knew nobody in 2004, until 2020, who felt and understood what was going on in the Systemic structures. I have Libra in my first house and Aries in the 7th house. Creating new long-term relationships.
@BP-vu1zz Жыл бұрын
Dear Pam, thank you so much for this information. I have NN in Aries 4th House, SN Libra 10th House. In 2004 I was diagnosed with MS, recently I've been trying to lean into my Divine Feminine more & know that I need to accept the MS as part of me. Self care is a massive thing I'm working on & I know I need to concentrate on me more. Thank you Pam, you always enlighten me 🙏
@lifeforceunlimited27 Жыл бұрын
Look into MMS Master Mineral Solution and Barbara O'Neil. I feel that one or both will be of great benefit to you. Celestial Blessings.
@PamGregoryOfficial Жыл бұрын
BP I know that the microbiome is a big part of an MS diagnosis. 5 years ago when I was very ill (and had been ongoing for 39 years) I had two fecal transplants that saved my life, and at the time the small private clinic were seeing a lot of success with MS. These repopulate the gut with good bacteria. They had to stop the treatments because of covid, but see whether you can find something locally. x
@anneoreillycronin6991 Жыл бұрын
Perhaps you might consider the work of Dr Brooke Goldner also . See specialises in reversing autoimmune diseases. Wishing you all the best.
@omjaan5882 Жыл бұрын
I finally got around to buying the 2 part video so I can understand better how these transits affect me personally...I can highly recommend you get these if you want to understand things better...Pam is a really great teacher and explains it all beautifully...Thankyou dear Pam...sending love and light for all 💚🌏🌻☮
@PamGregoryOfficial Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!x
@siannalyons Жыл бұрын
Deep thanks, as always, dear Pam, for keeping us aware of the changing skies. Your book on the nodes is one of my favorite books, so much profound information, written with so much clarity. This Libra rising is very excited for the return of this cycle, which has been a pivotal one on my path. Sending you lots of love and continued healing energy to your knee. ✨ 🙏❤🙏✨
@caramena Жыл бұрын
This is amazing... 18 years ago me and my son moved from one house to another. And just a week ago my son found this lovely house so he is moving out of here again. I started a realtionship 18 years ago but i've learned not go too fast because he ruined my life. But i'm still here and really learned from that relationship. Thank you so much Pam. Be blessed and thanks again XOXOX
@judithgordon7676 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this, Pam. I always feel better when I've watched one of your videos and today was no exception. In fact, this one, in particular, left me feeling energised and hopeful. Please know that you and your work are greatly valued and we love you.
@CoachAubreyBahr Жыл бұрын
In September 2004 I left my physically abusive husband leaving behind all of my materialistic things. I left without saying a word so I could only bring the clothes on my back and my purse. My 2nd house is ruled by Libra and my 8th by Aries (that is crazy!) Oh and I have my moon, Pluto and Saturn conjunct my 2nd house! I got married in 2005 to my soulmate and we are still happily married. Now I’m just trying to figure out what this axis would mean this time. I’ve recently been working a lot on growing my business and have felt that soon it will really start to blow up in a good way. I’m definitely hoping that’s what this means for me this time 😊
@sabrinapagnini62 Жыл бұрын
AMAZING book! So useful, so clear! Thanks Pam❤
@oritheartlight Жыл бұрын
Remarkable as usual❣️Thank you Pam for your generous dedication to our collective❣️❣️❣️
@mariarosario1464 Жыл бұрын
Love and Gratitude dear Pam, 86 and 2006 were pivotal years with strong chances and Lost of dear ones. Well, I'm aries and I belieber Life is Light and Love. Blessed be.💖
@marcosrissi Жыл бұрын
Thank you Pam. Thanks for delivering so much value. All you point out and the way you do it, is very practical and helpful to help us understand what is coming.
@sylwialukasik3807 Жыл бұрын
Woww dear Pam ❤ I gave birth to my son in December 2004, in 2005 we separated from my son's father and we traveled 800 km. After 18.5 years, we live again in the city of my son's birth, we moved on November 22, 2022, may everything go well 🙏👼 Thank you for your work, God bless you 💐❤
@cheryldotson5460 Жыл бұрын
Thank you again Pam…your wisdom is absolutely appreciated at these now moments. 🙏🏻
@beatops4360 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much as always Pam. Love you always, Light & Love
@trishykins Жыл бұрын
Gosh Pam v v profound. I have Aries ascendent and met my husband in Feb 2005 - we divorced in 2022 when it felt like our time together within a marriage was done. So this really hit home for me. Thank you so very much, I am deeply grateful for these videos, they help so much more than you possibly know. I have your books and teaching videos too and absolutely love them. Thank you deeply.
@tbeau6663 Жыл бұрын
In late December '04 I walked away from a job where I wasn't treated well. Within two weeks a new, better paid job landed in my lap - and I stayed in it until June '06. 😉 Thanks Pa'am!! (I'm back) x
@clarice9714 Жыл бұрын
The nodes are a big insight for us. Gratitude for this video. 🙏💗🌙
@chrisgarcez Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Pam! Glad you explained the years. That helped me pinpoint what was going on. I was born with this placement (10th/4th), so I guess this will be my third go around. For me it has meant liberation, and a new life path. I seem to be dealing better with my Libra south node tendencies. I've never paid much attention to the nodes, but I agree now they are extremely significant.
@deeomalley5789 Жыл бұрын
I don't want to go back there as it was a really difficult time! I'm not the same person, I have finally got the courage to detatch with love from my toxic family - it's not easy, however, I'm getting better and better. Thank you Pam. Sending love vibrations x ❤
@starseedshan6294 Жыл бұрын
Pam, thank you for sharing a bit of your personal story with us. My north node happens to be in Aries in the 7th house, with both natal Mars and Saturn there. It's been on my list for a long time to buy your videos about how we can apply astrology to our own charts. And I can sure tell you that I changed jobs, met my baby's daddy, and bought a house back between 2004-2006. Gracias
@annemeredith6037 Жыл бұрын
Thank y ou s o much Pam. I loved th is video, and indeed it has helped. You are so generious with your extensive knowledge of astrology, and you share it so widely for the greater good. It is no wonder why you are in such favour with spirit.
@nataliebarney6203 Жыл бұрын
Wow just realised how much the Aries/ Lives axis has impacted me. I moved to England from France in October 1986 which really defined my life as I met my husband in England and then moved to Australia with him after 5 years in Holland. And then the last time the nodes were in this axis I got my gemmology certificate, found work in a jewellery retail store which was a complete career change after being in marketing. That led to us purchasing this store in July 2007. Oh and my son was born (3rd child after 2 miscarriages) in April 2005, my husband's Hodgkins cancer returned in August 2005 and I found out that my in-laws really despised me. So as you can see from the above ... lots of action. And both my husband and son have their natal notes in Aries/ Libra and my eldest daughter in Libra/Aries so it's big!!! Loved reading your book about the nodes Pam. Thank you ❤🎉
@Musicjammer2736 Жыл бұрын
Holy moly. Karma. Destiny. 😢 Those dates line up relationship-wise for me too. Wowww.
@chansonette22 Жыл бұрын
So helpful. I am fascinated by the nodes. What richness even just this video has brought. Thank you!
@1963madelon Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your personal message. Helps so much on a level I hadn't thought of before ❤
@lgo4961 Жыл бұрын
Pam, thank You for your videos and for sharing even private things from your personal life. We appreciate it and many of us can relate. People are struggeling with stuff and drama and this is really helpful. Bc on social media today everything seems always perfect and its easy one things something is wrong only with him/her.
@vidad3820 Жыл бұрын
Sun in libra and moon in aries. 😊 During that time I married someone I shouldn’t have, and had my first son - who has his sun in Pisces. He is now approaching 18 years old and graduating from high school. He is grounded and healthy, but I sacrificed everything to give him my best. With him preparing to move away, I am in graduate school now moving toward some personal work and growth. ✌🏼🙂
@QuantumSpirit8888 Жыл бұрын
Beyond fascinating - I am so intrigued by the nodal axis information - look forward to understanding more - thank you and blessings
@cherylstclair4783 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video Pam. It was fascinating and I finally worked out that my north node is in Aquarius 27deg 14min House 5 and not House 6. Yay!!! I have your books and now I will buckle down and actually study them as I feel I have more of an understanding of the basics through your videos. Such a gift to have you as a teacher through these amazing times. Blessings. 🙏
@juliakrosbacher1775 Жыл бұрын
oh Pam, I have been so much looking forward to your new video - thank you! In November 2004 my first child was born when my sun in libra was in the 4. house ... I could not thank you more for your wisdom and the wise and kind way you teach us - how blessed we are to have you 💜
@korimccormick4048 Жыл бұрын
OMG thank you thank you thank thank you! I am getting what your putting down!
@violetatcontentboutique7188 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Pam! Powerful energies these days ... kinda like a ride at Disneyland :)
@kellydavies9699 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely amazing, Pam. I remember, very clearly, what I was going through during the previous 2 episodes you mention... Both times I started out very confident in myself and both ended with me giving my power away to others (aries mainly 1st house, libra mainly 7th). I'd like to believe I've learned the lessons I was meant to and am looking forward to 3rd time lucky❤ thank you for sharing🙏🏻
@laurensmith3237 Жыл бұрын
Pam you are an absolute superstar!! 🤩 such a wealth of knowledge!! and you explain everything so clearly and concisely. i have a fairly good grasp of astrology but tarot has always been my field of expertise (these 2 are intrinsically linked as i'm sure you are aware) but just now i am feeling to deepen my astrological knowledge, and you are such a great mentor to have!! thank you so much for all your work, you are an inspiration!! 💗
@Sue-pd4bz Жыл бұрын
Pam, Thank You for the info on nodes. I really got so very much out of it.
@jpvanzyl6435 Жыл бұрын
Soooooooo awesome!!! My kids gifted me both your books!! Bliss!!! Aries blessings from South Africa. 😊😊😎😎💥💥
@sandymarshall1417 Жыл бұрын
Lovely video Pam, my daughter has Venus and Black Moon Lilith at 29 Aries, she turned 29 on 1st April and currently has an exact Saturn return at 7 Pisces. Her Ascendant, Neptune and Uranus are in the late part of Capricorn so has been well and truly Pluto'd! I won't forget this year in a hurry! She hasn't had a significant other ever due to work commitments...So fingers crossed xxx
@Adrinacolacoprakashsinha Жыл бұрын
Thank you Pam . I did a lot of digging and trying to remember…. Let’s just say it’s going to be eventful 😅.
@MrFersitos Жыл бұрын
Pam, amazing messages!!!!! Thank You so much!!!
@geoffpullen5030 Жыл бұрын
Many,many thanks,Pam. My Mars is 29 degrees of Aries square Pluto and you have clarified so much from my past. Amazing video!
@janicesmith1956 Жыл бұрын
I have Jupiter in Aries rising and 3 planets in libra when I was born in 1951. My life has changed radically. Lost hubby, mum and dad two good friends sold business and house . Moved south. Been end of cycle for me retired now. Pluto in Capricorn well I will be pleased when it goes.
@soapyart Жыл бұрын
Hi this is Xavienne. My dear sweet sister, how are you doing? You are a delightful being I wish only the best for you. Your message again is filling my heart with joy. After returning home from a spiritual trip from Cusco, Peru, I'm integrating what I've learned. I am ready for the new paradigm. I had a very bad time 18 years ago. Happily we worked through everything and everyone is in a much better place. Thank you this time I suspect it will be much different energy.
@ZansAstrology Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Pam for sharing your passionate wisdom! 💜💜🙏🙏🙏
@maureennewman905 Жыл бұрын
There are more things in heaven and earth earth Horatio than you’ve ever dreamt of in your philosophy. How true
@lesleyhughes-i9w Жыл бұрын
that amazing Pam . . i married back in 86 ... he died in 2004 . . all within this time you mentioned . . I only wish I could read my chart so I'll watch the video on explanation . . I fell this is a big time. . . been leaving some friends behind . . . you have been so helpful xx
@louisestewart-brown8785 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Pam. Very alluminating ❤
@kwood4419 Жыл бұрын
Between 2004 and 2006 I was having a ball, I was with some great friends we were inseparable, had a job I loved so much that even on works night outs my personal friends became friends with my work friends and we all went out in a huge crowd, lots of fun, dancing, singing, probably some of the best days of my life. It didn't begin or end then though I don't think. Aries in 6th house no planets, Libra in 12th house with Venus, Mars and pluto
@donnad634 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Pam!
@patriciasantana9983 Жыл бұрын
2004-2006 was a great time for me. I changed my career path and my income drastically increased 😊Let’s see what comes around this time. ❤
@freetobe8345 Жыл бұрын
That was great Pam. I've got you Astrological Signs Tutorial, Transiting Jupiter and Saturn, your Two Part Astrology Tutorial and both of your books. My next step ☺️ is to get the companion which will be of great help for me to get a real grip on the nodal axis. I'm now at the stage of re-watching the tutorials which are absolutely excellent. You make the learning of such a difficult subject very comfortable - no stress involved thankfully. Sometime this week I'm going to create my own chart as you demonstrated and colour it in so it will be easier for me to understand. You did mention people getting creative didn't you lol. I've always been fascinated with astrology but thought it was too difficult to get my head round but I'm getting there with your help. My grandson made sure to test me on the signs and I was very happy to get them all right - even when he mixed them up! You're doing a Stellar job (groan). Thanks Pam for doing what you do. Loads of Love 💕💫🌍☮️🙏⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
@PamGregoryOfficial Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much, delighted that the videos have helped you! x
@SoleilHelena Жыл бұрын
Thank You Dear 🌹 Pam for ALL. 🧡🌍💜
@larisal1500 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Pam for this helpful info and u look stunning in that outfit! Love the design & colors!
@susanbanack4855 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Pam for sharing your knowledge. makes me want to delve deeper in to my nodal chart!
@dvalosaubisemilosa Жыл бұрын
thank you so much Pam
@JT-wq1vl Жыл бұрын
Very interesting Pam, thank you ❤ Aries is in my first house, Libra in my seventh, also Cancer sun. Because of my strong sense of direction, I feel my personal relationships (and I) have suffered. I'm hoping these times will bring some clarity and balance. So very fascinating
@LimitlessLovve Жыл бұрын
Loving your book on the Nodes. I’m working thru it page by page & step by step.
@PamGregoryOfficial Жыл бұрын
Delighted to hear that! x
@LimitlessLovve Жыл бұрын
@@PamGregoryOfficial - Thankyou so much for your work Pam. A beacon & A guide you have been to our family. ♥️♥️
@PamGregoryOfficial Жыл бұрын
@@LimitlessLovve So happy to hear that! x
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