What amazes me, one Norwegian prison I worked in used to have a place where inmates trained dogs for the defence force. The prison earned money and the inmates loved it. But THAT was taken away. Rigth now I'm sometimes in Kroksrud Prison, they still have the dog group. :)
@tomkirkemo5241 Жыл бұрын
In all the prisons I have worked in, all the knives, forks and other kitchen things where locked down unless there where a couple of employees around. Both high and low security. Or the big knives was chained to the wall.
@tomkirkemo5241 Жыл бұрын
The tunnels aren't just for dragging difficult inmates around, or in Halden it is. But take a bird eyes wiev at f ex Ullersmo Prison and se how many people you see on the the surfice inside the walls. Almost none! That's because all transport of inmates, and emploies (mostly) is trough tunnels.
@tomkirkemo5241 Жыл бұрын
I'll soon shut up..but I believe it's about 60 Nkr, about 6 USD a day now, that the inmates get. Then again, almost everybody smoke, and a 20-pack of cigaretes here are now at about 170 Nkr. ;)
@laila-holm2 ай бұрын
You realy must get your facts about why we are rich! - The oil, realy? Yes you part of right, but it started with timber, now gas, hydro, minerals+ been so smart invest in fonds = ouer "welfare-fond" + other facts you are wrong about, and lack of....