Is Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War Really The Best Ace Combat Game?

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@legomania2427 9 ай бұрын
Most of the character development in the beginning act comes from in game dialogue. For example, at the end of the first mission, Pixy calls you ‘buddy’ for the first time. He’s warmed up to you. One of my favorite things about the in mission dialogue is that some of it changes depending on your Ace style. Really drives home that the others see you a certain way depending on what you do. Also Pixy is a war orphan from Belka. That’s his backstory. Also in the Nuclear bomb mission he’s supposed to fire on you, just to make you feel betrayed. The previous mission where you burned Hoffnung to the ground was what made him start to reconsider his values and why he was lagging behind in that mission. The nuclear bombs just hammered that point home. I understand why you didn’t notice this, but Pixy’s AI is infinitely better than the gang in 5. So I find the trade off of not being able to change his plane acceptable and in my opinion enhances the story because Pixy isn’t yours, he’s his own person with his own plane. I think Zero has the opposite quirk of 5. 5 gets worse on replays while Zero, Zero gets better.
@thatghostlyal8422 9 ай бұрын
Huh I didn't even know that about pixy. The more you know.
@nicolascordobaprado3455 9 ай бұрын
I think the reason why you can't change Pixy's plane is indeed because he is his own character in the story and not just another wingman. Same thing with PJ. IMO, this feature helps the story that this game was driving with.
@5t3v0esque 8 ай бұрын
​@nicolascordobaprado3455 plus the whole solo wing thing that happened in real life happened to an F-15 that lost its wing in a mid air collision and they didn't know the extent of the damage until he landed.
@Hackerhunter15 8 ай бұрын
I love how the dialogue changes based on ace style like how pixy comments on it during the first mission saying if you are a mercenary; Cipher I heard stories about you, you never let your prey get away.
@zInsanityy 8 ай бұрын
Funny story, when I played Zero as a kid I didn't realize you could issue wingman commands, so my pixy never left cover.
@Ikcatcher 9 ай бұрын
This game isn’t perfect, but it’s what I think when someone asks what Ace Combat is. It’s the perfect showcase of what makes the franchise great, stellar music, bonkers narrative and amazing set pieces
@cps1247 Ай бұрын
any other ACs: fought 1-2 aces ACZ: FIGHT ALL 15 OF THEM BITCH
@acolyte1951 9 ай бұрын
Maybe the reason why you can't choose Pixy's plane is because he's a mercenary like you, so it's completely left up to the individual's choice. Unlike AC5 where you were the captain of a squadron.
@gelb598 9 ай бұрын
Indeed. Pixy flies his plane. Even though you are the squadron lead. Pixy keeping his own plane to me makes him feel more like my equal/peer rather than my subordinate
@mrandrossguy9871 6 ай бұрын
Doesn’t make sense what you typed “You can’t choose your Wingman’s plane because your wingman is a Mercenary Like you” What ?
@kneesalt3806 5 ай бұрын
@@mrandrossguy9871 You can't choose your wingman's plane because he's not your subordinate, he's just another hired gun that you happened to end up working with
@heardofrvb 9 ай бұрын
Fun fact: The interviews with the former pilots will differ depending on your Ace Style.
@nong333 9 ай бұрын
One thing I really like about AC0 is its dedication to a theme. Namely, it throws a lot of references to classical medieval European chivalry throughout the story. The "good" playthrough of the game is call the Knight path. A lot of the enemy aces you fight compare you and themselves to knights dueling, there are tons of names and lore elements taken out of classic Arthurian legend (e.g. Excalibur, Avalon, The Round Table, etc). So it only checks out that the final boss fight of this game (where the gimmick is that you have to attack him directly head on) a jousting match.
@RedzaMalaysianCrossover 9 ай бұрын
Ace Combat Zero is probably the most memeable game in the series. Like > , "Yo buddy, still alive" and more. Not to mention the god tier soundtrack final mission.
@trevelyandovah8479 7 ай бұрын
Ace Combat 7
@mrandrossguy9871 6 ай бұрын
Memes are part of the Downfall of Literally everything If taken seriously.. Maybe I don’t Want to see a Stupid viral joke or reference about something I’m trying to actually enjoy
@jetengnexd4348 9 ай бұрын
I have to say, AC0 felt to me a lot more like an actual war, when you play through AC5 and realize who’s behind the war it’s a slap in the face, a bigger slap in AC7, that 2 entire countries just wasted tens of thousands of lives for absolutely nothing. AC0 feels like a real conflict, there’s no scapegoat to blame for the whole war, it’s just war, both sides are good and evil.
@defaulted9485 6 ай бұрын
Personally, I think AC5 wasnt that bad in that regard. But it is a bit of letdown still. Granted they were mongered to a war by Belkan aggressors disguising as Oseans too, but they had a long Cold War with Osea and developing Scinfaxi class subs at the back. Unlike Osea's White Bird which has to be retrofitted during the war to be able to fight with orbital lasers. Same with Major Nastasya's SOLG data. Then they have a fortress right around their capital city. That's a decade worth of city planning to make a fortress that big. At least, the Yukes are gearing up to war much more than Osea. Its why Bartlett had to go to Yuktobania by his ways to get Major Nastasya's SOLG intel and PM Nikanor. Same with Wardog Squad had to fake their death so the Osea won't destroy the Yuke at their capital. Its a more fleshed out Belkan War in some aspects, I had to play several times to realize yellow planes in ACZ are Belkan defectors especially when the nukes dropped mission. They are using Belkan IFF but the yellow MiG-31s are dead set on shooting the nuclear carriers just like Galm Team does. These crafts barely have any dialogues unlike the defectors in AC5 who did everything from declaration, singing, and IFF Switch.
@mrandrossguy9871 6 ай бұрын
@@defaulted9485but Yellow tgt’s are also NEUTRALIZED As you damaged them enough to make them RTB
@Elit3Nick 2 ай бұрын
It felt like an actual war, yes, but I felt like there wasn't any actual tension that makes Belka feel like the juggernaut they're been canonically portrayed as. The whole game just feels like a constant one-sided offensive against Belka. No big setbacks, aside from the reveal of Excalibur, which you proceed to destroy the next mission anyway, and even AWWB's intro has you already take the fight to them right away. It would have felt more impactful if you had more instances of a mission suddenly going FUBAR, and maybe have Belka do counter-offensives that forces the narrative throughout more areas of Strangereal. By comparison, AC5/6/7 gives a proper feeling of their respective antagonists being a genuine threat. AC5 had Belka be the real ringleader, infiltrating both Osea and Yuktobania's militaries to turn them against each other. Estovakia was a much more powerful nation than Emmeria in the beginning of AC6, enough so to push them out of their own capital city (although they're trying to have their invasion done with before their economy crumbles). And then Erusea manages to hack into Osea's biggest military assets to force Osea on the defensive for a good portion of the game.
@grantstafford-renard9095 9 ай бұрын
What’s great about the ace squadrons is that they are yet another thing dependent on your mercenary style, and given there’s a secret mission where you fight mobius 1 and other aces from the game, unlocked if you beat ALL enemy aces, yet another thing that needs 3 separate playthrough a to unlock
@mahamann7734 9 ай бұрын
but keep in mind that Mobius 1 only spawns in the gauntlet on ace difficulty
@Tman2bard 9 ай бұрын
Okay, no offense but "the story is nonexistent for the first third of the game" is quite the worst I've heard out of these little impressions. I get it, you seem to enjoy cutscenes and drawn out moments but to me, there is story its the gameplay, briefings, radio messages, all of that. You discredited the story of AC1 & 2 the same way, and they're still canon and have implications for the entire series. Its clear you miss a lot in gameplay and that's starting to show when you get quite a bit wrong on Pixy's character, hell on any of the others too. Edit: Oh god, how did you get A World With No Boundaries so wrong. Its people from many nations who want to wipe the slate of the powers that be, including Belka, and give people a fresh start. Erase the lines that all the pointless bloodshed has been over and trust the next generation to move on.
@MikeThorton 4 ай бұрын
Terrible video essay, uploader needs reading comprehension and research before making one
@cps1247 Ай бұрын
@@MikeThorton well he just played the game once and move on, was really in rush for the review
@Gatherway 9 ай бұрын
Regarding the hype surrounding this game, I will freely admit that 90% of it is likely tied up in the final dogfight against Solo Wing Pixy. That said, it is a moment that for many including myself is the peak of not just Zero, but the entire damn franchise. To put it one way, it is where you and your buddy-turned-greatest-rival end a game themed around the Knights of the Round Table by JOUSTING in FIGHTER JETS with MISSILES, all while he spouts deliciously cheesy one-liners about how "this twisted game needs to be reset to Zero!" and Keiki Kobayashi's magnum opus plays in the background on repeat. There's a reason why "Hey, buddy, still alive?" Pixy is one of the series' most beloved characters/memes, and this is the reason why.
@lesslighter 9 ай бұрын
it also takes into account your current ace ranking and change his lines based on that as well
@Daimo83 5 ай бұрын
I literally just quit the game because of this stupid scripted fight. First time I went all out and ran out of missiles before the rocket launch, second time I couldn't make him turn around before the time limit ran out. Not sure if I will bother playing again.
@Sorain1 8 ай бұрын
Okay, I can't *not* comment on this. That trench run? It's not to stop an AA system. Those are nuke tipped ballistic missiles your stopping, V2 is no small matter. I can grok not liking a story built around people reacting to your decisions in missions (in terms of style) because that's just personal preference. But that you somehow thought Avalon Dam's facility was an AA system displays a worrying level of lack of comprehension. That 'I just want to blow stuff up' attitude you took hurt you on this review.
@Supermatmike 9 ай бұрын
Okay so I don't want to be a dick, but were you even paying attention while playing the game? First of all, Pixy doesn't just go "okay bye" and leave, HE TRIES TO KILL YOU, and that isn't just a split second decision in the heat of the moment, Pixy had been becoming more and more disillusioned with the war up to that point, and during that section, Wizard contacts Pixy letting him know that now is the time to defect, meaning Pixy was in contact with AWWNB before then. Speaking of which, A World With No Boundaries is not a solely Belkan organization, including Oseans (Wizard, Sorcerer) and Sapinish (Espada) in their ranks, with the Leaders of Wizard and Sorcerer having high ranking positions within the group. Furthermore, AWWNB's goal is not to "make Belka the only country in the world" it's to destroy the concept of countries entirely, to erase the divisions that separate humanity. all of this is clearly laid out during the game. At no point is it even hinted that AWWNB has a connection to Belkan nationalism. During the trench run in Avalon Dam, you're not destroying AA defensives, you're destroying the launch controls of the V2 Mass Retaliation Missile that is being housed in the dam. The missile that is later launched anyways by Pixy. This (at least in my opinion) brings a lot of emotional weight to the final battle, being forced to shoot down a man you once called friend or risk the world being undone by the madness of AWWNB. To comment on your statement of not enjoying Zero's story as much as the previous games due to not being character driven, I must disagree with that and instead pose the counter that Zero is entirely character driven, the whole story is told through the interviews of the aces you fought, recounting their experience and their battles with Cipher, using it the paint a picture of The Belkan War, the people who fought in it, and what they were fighting for.
@legomania2427 8 ай бұрын
Pixy’s ai can glitch and not fire missiles at you. That’s well known
@cps1247 Ай бұрын
@@legomania2427 LOL we don't talk about that one glitch.....
@anlize3422 9 ай бұрын
The point of characters in AC0 is how they bounce off you. By the end of the game, you earn the nickname "Demon Lord of the Round Table", and that has a immense impact in how it defines the character. From AC4 onwards, all played characters have an "nickname" and that really inspires and connects with most players. The whole theme of chivalry is very hit or miss in Zero, for me it was a MASSIVE hit, they way the other squadrons talk about you, how things develop, finishing with the final joust with our buddy Pixy. All the AC pilots have place in the my heart and in the skies, but the "Demon Lord" in particular reigns above all others. It has been hypothesized that, in hindsight of Zero and Five, Cipher is the Demon of Razgriz and Blaze is the "Hero" of Razgriz according to the myths, but so far that is only conjecture. AC0 alone is a very strong game, but when it stands together with the others, you can see it really shinning. Or maybe is the Nostalgia, but boy, I really love AC0. Hope to see you soon over the skies of Emmeria, are you ready to dance with the angels?
@anttitheinternetguy3213 7 ай бұрын
This game left me an impression that still holds, im 30 years old and i player this game in 2007 as 13 years old, i still to this day fly planes with Belkan roundels in war thunder and wouldnt fly any other way
@Eboreg2 9 ай бұрын
Ace Combat Zero is the kind of game that gets better the more you think about it. While it does have a similar anti-war message to AC5, this message is far less pretentious and far longer-lasting.
@combatking20 9 ай бұрын
Larry isn't from Ustio... he is from South Belka. Became a Merc when certain stuff happened to his parents. And he is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal, you have a phone book thick list of stuff he has done. Ace Combat Zero has a truckload of backroom lore that needs to be explored.
@cps1247 9 ай бұрын
Assault Records is still a fun read
@joseguilherme3388 25 күн бұрын
Brazil here. Eu adoro ace combat zero e é bom ver vídeos assim hj em dia. Bom trabalho.
@Cousin_Uli 9 ай бұрын
I've always taken all 3 of the major musical elements, the hard rock heroic stuff, the orchestra, and the flamenco as being an echo of the Ace Style system. Zero is kind of the lynchpin of that idea, because it's all 3 major elements just smashed together with each individual aspect getting to break through.
@mrsaxophone4765 Ай бұрын
To be honest the flamenco style other than being the main theme of Zero, it is a major theme of the last mission. Being played by TWO GUITARS the battle feels like a duet, a dance in the air between two planes fighting to death, deciding the future of the world.
@christophercurtis9392 4 ай бұрын
My favorite AC of all time. Still play the OST soundtrack, still randomly find myself going, "Hey buddy, still alive?" I would kill for an AC0 remaster.
@HunterForHire422 9 ай бұрын
AC0 focuses on what i like the most in ace combat which is ace pilot fights. So im biased in that regard when i say its one of my two favorites alongside 7.
@typhoon5384 9 ай бұрын
I've noticed that people's opinion on which PS2 Ace Combat game is the best heavily depends on which game they played first. Zero was my first game, and I personally swear by its story & gameplay above the others, but I can definitely see how someone could like 04 and 5 better. Excellent review!
@mikedude2724 9 ай бұрын
idk, 04 was my first, but Zero is my favorite.
@Viviana088 9 ай бұрын
@@mikedude2724 same 04 was my first but zero swooped me off my feet... Especially after listening to the flamenco elements in the soundtrack. Everything about the game feels complete and just right.
@robertallshouse500 9 ай бұрын
This is definitely true when it comes to ps2 era. Ac4 was my favorite, but it was also my first on that console
@Aerynolae 9 ай бұрын
My first game was AC2, but this game and AC3 are my top guns. The worldbuilding, the ace styles, and the dogfights of AC0 made a huge impression on me, while in AC3, it's the story routes, futuristic planes, and varied mission locales (Geofront specifically. Flying through that tunnel run as a kid and succeeding on my first try felt great).
@bagusarif1199 8 ай бұрын
Zero is more gritty story,you won't understand anything if you didn't listen to anything,just like real li5
@nathanapplegate5374 15 күн бұрын
The Balkan nuke defense isn’t why Pixy went turncoat. The reason he left was because of the indiscriminate bombing of Hoffnaug in the previous mission “inferno.” At the end, you hear the sound of him in the interview saying that nobody knew why they were fighting anymore. He then says “and that’s why I…” the sound bit cuts at that point. The next mission is Stage of the Apocalypse. After the nuke goes off, Wizard 1 comes over the radio and calls Pixy to leave, which he does after trying to attack you.
@lucasdias7990 9 ай бұрын
AFAIK, the reason you're not able to choose the plane your wingman flies is that you're both mercs, and supposedly, each merc has to buy their own planes. (Though I guess you could just buy other planes for your mates too, but I digress).
@cloudmangalm03 6 ай бұрын
I honestly feel that it was more of a style sorta thing. The F-15 fit Pixy's personality so well, it'd feel odd to change his plane.
@lucasdias7990 6 ай бұрын
@@cloudmangalm03 could be
@alexanderminas28 9 ай бұрын
What i like most about this game is that you make out what Cipher is to everyone.
@onyx9935 9 ай бұрын
I feel like zero blends the mechanics of 4 and 5 really well
@cps1247 9 ай бұрын
Zero took everything good in 4 and 5 and there you go, a well crafted game
@Karter_Blackpaw 6 ай бұрын
When I was a kid, I rented this game and it was the first AC game I had ever played. Glad I started with this one since it being a prequel was an excellent way to get into the series and branch out to the other numbered titles.
@lector-dogmatixsicarii1537 5 ай бұрын
>Completely misses the character development in 'The Inferno' from before the nukes... Are you self-reporting?
@shingshongshamalama Ай бұрын
"I stayed firmly in Mercenary." Welcome to the Round Table. Oh boy that's a lot of AMRAAMs.
@mohd88zarif7 8 ай бұрын
I still play this on my PS2 till this day
@rjspires 6 ай бұрын
The Ace Combat game I completed the most. Just before 7 came out I replayed 4 and Zero, playing Zero about 5 times in a week.
@StrvB-ng8kb 8 ай бұрын
You know, I am surprised you didn't like Zero's plot given how charismatic the characters appeared to me, but to everyone there is own cup of tea. Belkan War to me as well felt pretty rushed at times. Perhapd Excalibur could be introduced sooner, or something, but I imagine it was not to let player get the hand of new style system. Anyway, I write to you with an idea, how about you conclude the series with review on Project Wingman? I know it is not an Ace Combat game, but it is clearly inspired by Strangereal and I would love to hear your impressions on fans taking the game in their direction.
@notcole 8 ай бұрын
I've been considering doing it as a bonus episode at the end! Still not 100% sure, but I have a feeling I'm going to 🙂
@Mx64MaxyImpress 3 ай бұрын
The Dogfight in this game is such a blast especially encounter many different squadron depends on your Ace Style with flameco musics, especially final showdown with Pixy in Zero Mission as Peak of it
@jamesabernethy7896 9 ай бұрын
As I've said in some of my other comments. I've never played this game but was curious enough to watch some lore stuff on it. Each game, even when not perfect, has a charm to it. Being more of an Arcade style makes it feel accessible. It looks such an interesting world, real planes and some advanced ones. Recognisable architecture but also super weapons. Relatable cultures and styles that don't feel lazy allegories for real-world natures or periods. This would be such an amazing world to explore in other ways.
@SpartanChief17C 8 ай бұрын
Honestly? ACZ to AC5 is kinda like how Fallout New Vegas is to Fallout 3, being developed by a smaller team pressed for time while the main studio worked on a new installment, and yet making one of the most beloved entries of the franchise in spite of all their limitations (additionally, the included importance of player agency in completing missions impacting later dialogue is another factor) I can't believe I only JUST realized this lmao
@shira_yone 8 ай бұрын
This game is my favorite for many reasons: - The gameplay loop is more akin to AC2 and 04's in pace. You wondered why you don't run out of missiles as often in this game compared to 5, and that's because 5 make the enemies tankier often needing 3 missiles to take down, with the side effect of you having to loop back around to the same enemy to pad your playtime even more. Zero cuts off this fat and gave us back the juicy meat of quickly destroying enemies from one to the next, making optimizing your routes and tactics in subsequent playthrough more fun; most ground targets dies with 1 missile hit and only bosses or rival aces ever need more than 2. - One of the best progression system in the series, tying it with the narrative and themes. As a mercenary you destroy more targets and thus you get more money to spend, but you also meet harder Aces (your difficulty spike is partly because you are a mercenary). The plane list is superb and as you mention the extra skin unlocks is still the best, not to mention how cool they are compared to the skins in other entries. Replayability is still some of the best the series has to offer, Assault Records is legendary in how much worldbuilding and lore you get from it, reading them while listening to the Campaign Menu track is a sublime experience. - The rival Aces are too cool and fun at the same time, this is one of the few games where the opposition doesn't seem utterly incompetent. I know it's a bit lame to introduce a superweapon and not let it warm up to you for a bit of intimidation factor, but realistically any military would deal with them as soon as possible. I think part of the reason why they did it this way is because they know players would've played their other games already, and the usual approach's effectiveness could've been pretty low by the time they play Zero. The music, the flamenco guitar, the Arthurian legend, knights in fighter jets fighting for their ideals and believes, combine that with some Area 88 influence, a story about mercenaries treated as cannon fodder banding and bonding together in this hellish situation, it's all are so unfathomably cool and is still unbeaten in this aspect. - A story that after looking past all the bombastics and dramatics, is wondrously poignant and thought provoking with a surprisingly reserved and realistic execution/approach. There is a reason why "Belka did nothing wrong" and Pixy is the poster boy of Ace Combat meme and not Hamilton of AC5 or even anything from AC04 (sadly), I'm sorry but 5's characters and story are beyond cartoonish and are practically one dimensional (that's not a bad thing) they don't give much lasting impression. Zero works really well because Cipher isn't really the main character, Pixy is. 04 is also amazing because the character we actually care about is Yellow 13. Seeing how the world reacts to your action (with the Ace styles) differently also gave a nice feedback, as if the world is truly alive. Honestly Zero is just a clear case of "less is more", quality over quantity if you will. AC5 is godawful to replay and I wouldn't recommend any AC5 fan to do so as to not tarnish their great first impression; which is the complete opposite to Zero where the more you replay it, the better it gets. You pick up small details that will fly over your head the first time around, you get to understand the characters better seeing how they interact with each other, you get to see more rival Aces with their interesting perspective on Cipher or the war, all in all I can't say someone has beaten Zero until they did all the Ace styles.
@cps1247 Ай бұрын
that reminds when I tried to replay AC5 I stopped after 10 missions or so iirc, shit starts getting dumber and I was like "yep no more and just replay the best missions only"
@shira_yone Ай бұрын
@@cps1247 5 got a lot of _"wait around until the dialogue is finished"_ in the missions, it's a non-issue for 1st playthrough but on replay you really *feel* how much it drags on the experience.
@scott2100 9 ай бұрын
I don't know if somebody has brought this up, but it might be worth reviewing Daemon X Machins and Project Wingman because they are spiritually like Armored Core and Ace Combat, also they were made by people who were getting impatient with the respective series to release something, sometimes from people on the dev team from Fromsoftware
@lukaszfurmaniak6953 9 ай бұрын
Ace Combat Zero is definitively one of my favourites, and plays best after 5 as it has strong prequel energy (the chemical laser from Excalibur appearing like the Arkbird’s attack in 5 at first, getting to interfere with Huckbein the Raven’s plot) but the story is certainly more “big scope” and has some gems hidden in the pilot records. Gameplay wise… there was a lot of potential which couldn’t be realised, which we did get to see made real in Ace Combat Infinity - the Excalibur mission from that is such an overwhelming improvement on what we got in this game… but Infinity was an online only game which merged all the Ace Combat plots into a surprisingly coherent plot which we can’t really enjoy anymore 😢
@agustindanielgimenez9483 9 ай бұрын
Amazing video as always, i have similar opinions about this game, even if this game is special for me, is one of the first ps2 games that i bought for my ps2 in 2009, it was a burned iso in japanese xD. Cant wait to see you talking about ACX, my second favorite game and one of the most underrated games of the series.
@JohnSmith-ip6kc 19 күн бұрын
There’s way more variety to special colors then just finishing Ace styles. You have to shoot down named aircraft as well, but some of the special colors can only be in locked at higher difficulties and a lot of the time, you have to fulfill certain mission conditions
@afonsoneto5296 9 ай бұрын
I would like to point that, I don't really think the Fact that you can't choose your wingman plane as a downgrade. I like to think that, in AC5, as you are a regular air force, you use the funds to get your squadron planes; in AC0, since both of you are Mercenaries, each has their own plane. On the Excalibur/Stonehenge part, the reason AC4 you had that many missions dodging Stonehenge because you couldn't attack Stonehenge since it was way behind the enemy front line, while against the Excalibur, it was considerably closer to the front line. They could made the dates between both missions longer (so it would made more sense as their intel were trying to find this super weapon location as planes were grounded because of the danger of said superweapon).
@troyp467 9 ай бұрын
Just finished the PS2 trilogy too and I think 5 is my favourite. From having only played 6 7 and assault horizon before it made me realize that the games could have good stories? Playing ac7 again now and I still really like it and being a modern game is great but I think ac5 and 0 are going to get some replays to unlock more for sure.
@gkurl 3 ай бұрын
This one hit different, I remember playing the absolute crap out of this. The narrative, music, mission styles - everything just hit nice with this compared to others. Setting was gritty, and it felt like you were building your legend as a nobody to an Ace.
@bdbgh 8 ай бұрын
For me the soundtrack for Zero generally had this sense of breaking out of a thick cloud into clear skies, feeling like a predatory bird scanning the skies for prey.
@lvl5Vaporeon 9 ай бұрын
The best OST in the series.
@Sapheiorus 8 ай бұрын
Did you know that there are three types of aces: those who seek strength (AC4's constant time attacks test your ability to destroy targets quickly), those who live for pride (AC0's crucible of aces tests your dogfighting against the best of the best), and those who can read the tide of battle (AC5's story-based mission sets test your ability to pay attention to your battle conditions and conserve your weapons for what's important)? Those are the three. But by the end, what the gamers savor the most is their pride. That's why AC0 is very often our favorite to play; it gives us the satisfaction of feeling that we really are the best around after beating as many ace squads as we have... that plus the ultimate foe, whose presence ought to have been addressed in this review. Heck, I had to learn to employ entirely different dogfighting techniques from the traditional turn-and-persist dance to reach that ultimate foe in the Gauntlet. You know you are being pushed beyond what you are used to when you have to innovate that way after having played just about every other modern incarnation of the series. Let it be known, I started in this franchise with INFINITY, then 5 and 7, then 4, then 0. This isn't about which came first. It's not even about which one had the best music (that's AC4 for me). This is about parting impressions. 0 is the one I'll be most ready to return to as a game. Like you said, its replayability is probably the best there is in this series. You don't get tired of what this one offers because the ace fights happen so frequently. Shooting galleries are one thing, but I'm like a Predator... I take particular satisfaction in hunting a prey that can really fight back.
@cps1247 Ай бұрын
agreed bro, I played the holy trinity in release order and I can say 0 is the best in the trilogy and the one that I played the most (so much that I bothered enough to obtain all S-Ranks in all ace styles on ace difficulty, getting all the assault records and all planes/skin unlocked)
@MrDarksol 8 ай бұрын
Oh my God you talked about 0 and I missed it I don't think I need to mention my thoughts on this particular one considering that even my friend who's a huge AC fan loves this one the most. Like yeah it may have less content and it may be a little short but the fact that everyone to this day still quotes a good majority of what happens in this game including the final battle is something to behold. Also Spanish guitars make fights better.
@irvingomez3879 8 ай бұрын
I like your video, even when I don't agree with your conclusion. Thanks for putting this together.
@marksayosmejia7251 9 ай бұрын
God i cant wait for that ac7 review. Ac7 got me(well mostly the music) into ac. Bought one copy because my ps4 sounded like a jet engine and decided why not. Im now a huge souls/ace combat/monhun/atelier fan. Uusally just rpg titles, but the funny airplane game is really something
@ds-it9ej 4 ай бұрын
I think what one of 0 impresses me is that,it really builds a wingman that the player can have strong emotional resonance with. I think this is because his is not just your buddy but turns out to be cipher’s archenemy at last , I think there are only some enemies that can leave some impressions to the player like yellow 13 in 4 and Mihaly in 7, but as for the wingman… you can rarely tell what types of people they are especially when you are in a squadron with multiple wingmans like in 5 and 7, I think the combination of a wingman and an enemy really add some special features to the gameplay in 0, making the scenario more dramatic. I remember some medias criticized 0’s story for being melodramatic but I just kind of like it. Anyway, thank you for the nice video and it really makes me reconsider the game and made me realize some flaws of the game.
@hdWWtchR 7 ай бұрын
I personally enjoy the soundtrack of zero because it really made you feel like this will be your last dance in the air with pixy
@선조-y6n 9 ай бұрын
I have a question. If you finish reviewing all Ace Combat series games, would you also consider reviewing Project Wingman, which was created from that series? Honestly, it would be great if there was a review because it's a really good game.
@notcole 9 ай бұрын
I've been considering it! It really just depends how I feel about doing it once I'm done with the AC7 video, but chances are I'll do one 🙂
@SoloWing88 9 ай бұрын
There are more flight action games than just Wingman
@thealliedpowers 9 ай бұрын
@@notcole forewarning/gameplay 'spoilers(?)' PW has great flight and gameplay mechanics honestly beat out AC but the story is nowhere near the heights of ace combat and the mission variety starts to become very repetitive towards the end
@Spacewith2224 Ай бұрын
Your misses function better if you fire them when they are inside of this circle you can view by pressing L3. It doesn't show you once they are in the ring but it will remain there until it is close to an enemy. You don't need to press L3 to target, you can get a hang for where it is over time. You will find your missile are far more likely to hit this way.
@thealliedpowers 9 ай бұрын
these are great reviews, i found your AC3 one sort of by chance because I feel that entry is so underrated, but i'm just really rubbed the wrong way at how Ace Combat gets a dedicated, extremely in-depth review section for music but your Armored Core series didn't, when one of Armored Core's most unique points is it's unlike-anything soundtrack.
@notcole 9 ай бұрын
The only reason I didn't do it in every Armored Core video was just because I hadn't thought of it yet 😅 It wasn't until people were specifically asking for me to talk more about the music that I started doing a segment in every video 🙂
@LocalDiscordCatgirl 3 ай бұрын
With Solo Wing's defection, there's more to it. He becomes disillusioned with the alliance with Osea after witnessing the indiscriminate bombing of Hoffnung. He had a 'Are we the baddies' moment seeing bombers level civilian targets. He says a couple of things hinting to this through the next couple of missions before the nukes drop, then nopes out in the confusion when they do. Hoffnung was the inciting moment, the nukes were just the set piece to kick it off.
@ErynnDBuck 7 ай бұрын
How did you miss that AC5 is where the gun on ground attackers got aimed lower, and that Zero has the ability to click the left stick to give you the ability to target the thing closest to your nose?
@cloudmangalm03 6 ай бұрын
Very good review, fam. I will say, however, you're doing AZ0 a disservice by not playing it on harder difficulties. When you reach Ace, and even very hard, that's where the game truly shines, so it's worth a shot if you gave the other games a try on the hardest modes, if you haven't. That being said, I regard ACZ as the best of the trilogy because of how the story is portrayed, being different from its counterparts, and I love that it manages to send its message very strongly.
@rga1605 9 ай бұрын
I didn't know about that developing stuff, it does explain why AC0 is so short. AC0 is really my favorite exactly because of how well it builds its world (I've mentioned why I dislike AC5 in the previous, video so I won't repeat it, only emphasize how better AC0 deals with the theme of war, instead of 5).
@cps1247 9 ай бұрын
5 is like MGS2 imo: great experience on a first playthrough but gets old so fast on replays
@luckyspray 4 ай бұрын
I think it's because the Sapin country (Spain if you move the letters) they added the Flamenco style. When you have to fight against Pixy it is one of the best OST of the entire Franchise.
@RushZ3r 9 ай бұрын
Despite it's high and lows, this remain one of the best AC games, and it certainly will always hold a special place in my heart :) Let's not forget the freaking Spanish (Sapinish) Guitar!
@CombatTeddy8 9 ай бұрын
Hey buddy. Your prescription and description from your reviews are solid. No notes to speak off. I love the new mechanic but felt disappointed about the story after the high of AC5.
@planguy9575 2 ай бұрын
Ace Combat Zero is essentially Ace Combat 5 dlc. Or you could think of it as the New Vegas to Ace Combat 5's Fallout 3.
@OverDriver05 6 ай бұрын
"The story is nonexistent for the first third of the game" Apparently, this guy doesn't know this little thing called "environmental storytelling", and of course, this is prevalent in every Ace Combat during the initial half.
@JarboeGaming 8 ай бұрын
#belkadidnothingwrong Great video. Buckle up for AC6, that's all I'll say lol.
@OmegaEnvych 9 ай бұрын
I unfortunately skipped Zero and 6 back in their time. But if anything - Zero (track that plays during fight against Pixy) is one massive piece of work that I can't throw out of my head and gives great food for ideas for epic encounters
@megagamernick9883 9 ай бұрын
I first played Ace Combat on the 3DS then 7 then 4 5 6 and Zero. I honestly love Zero the most. It didn’t just have a fantastic story which isn’t the most important part of a game if you ask me. It had the best gameplay in the series. The non hostile opened so many concepts, having over a hundred Aces added a fun replayablity that others didn’t and unlike 5 it doesn’t force you to fly a specific plane because story says so. Except for the last 3 missions. Plus it changed the map and switching weapon buttons to be easier to do in a fight. Plus the friendly AI was so hopefully to the point I think any flight game needs to take notes on.
@cps1247 9 ай бұрын
You can still change planes in the last 3 missions, just quit the game in avalon/pixy mission and pick continue the game
@yuri_0517 8 ай бұрын
Does someone know how to change cameras in Ace combat zero? Im stuck at claustrophobic HUD view.
@mrandrossguy9871 8 ай бұрын
Bruh read the manual 😅 Or press All the Buttons on controller
@yuri_0517 8 ай бұрын
@@mrandrossguy9871 alright, i found it out. Thanks. Its on r3
@hdWWtchR 7 ай бұрын
Its press the right stick like AC5 i think
@yuri_0517 7 ай бұрын
Alright, i found it.
@astreakaito5625 9 ай бұрын
congrat on going through the PS2 games! I think Zero is kino but I understand your point. I much preferred Zero's war story over any other ones except 3, I think I prefer world building over anything else as long there's one or 2 strong characters here and there and boy if Pixy isn't amazing compared to pretty much anyone else in the series.
@johnaaaa3239 9 ай бұрын
Now you know why people comparing rusty to pixel in a certain word they used
@shinozakilio 6 ай бұрын
that guy crashing at 09:14 caught me off guard
@notcole 6 ай бұрын
bro thought he was a Belkan ace for a minute there 💀
@det.bullock4461 7 ай бұрын
I didn't S-rank as much as you but the sorcerer squadron mission was actually easy for me. What got me was the ravine with the SAMs and the final duel. The tunnel was easy once I got that I had all the time in the world to kill all the targets in it, I ended up with two minutes and thirty seconds to spare once I did.
@ppk2823 9 ай бұрын
*flashback to two nights ago when I showered Shilage with ADMM’s*
@gelb598 9 ай бұрын
Im glad you finally got around to this game. This is an honest tie with AC4 for my favorite Ace Combat game. It has the perfect amount of plane customization. Great mission variety, a tragic story, and amazing music. Not to mention the ace battles and the corresponding interviews. I love its style. I grew up playing 3, 4, and 5 and didnt play this game until about 3 years ago so the nostalgia bias isnt really a factor, i feel as though this game captures the essence of ace combat better than any other game. My only complaints are that it is too short, and paced poorly. I would of loved them to strech out the game an extra 4-5 missions. Oh and more score attack missions which was an issue in AC5 too. I know alot of the community doesnt care for score attack but they are my favorite. I love grinding to entirely clear the mission like in tango line or whiskey corridor. Im glad you finally got to experience this game. Also be sure not to skip the credits. As it holds one of the best tracks in the game, with the black and white pictures of the world it is literal perfection
@themindgarage8938 8 ай бұрын
To me, Zero is basically 5 without all the things I dislike about 5. I couldn't care less about the story and cheesy cutscenes in 5, and although I appreciated its mission variety, it got really frustrating at times due to either failing for seemingly no reason (something ACX got right by adding a bar telling you how close your allied ground troops are to being defeated etc) or missions with atrociously forced pacing (Four Horsemen, Final Option). I agree Zero has its own issues with anticlimatic superweapons that die too quickly and uninteresting filler missions but having by far the best dogfights makes up for it. I think there's also more character development than you give credit for - you can hear signs of Pixy's unease as early as M7 ("Nuclear inspection? What a joke!") and although PJ is generally annoying (and the Max0r video doesn't help at all), it's interesting to hear him go from the idealistic cowboy in M9-10 to always feeling inadequate next to Cipher in M13 onwards. I replay Zero regularly, 4 occasionally and can't possibly stomach a full run of 5 so just replay the odd mission here or there.
@marcelosampietro6424 2 ай бұрын
Ace combat 0 is one the most fun to play because is all about dogfighting. There are still superweapons, but the focus on enemy squadrons and intense dogfighting. To me if Ace combat 7 was like this, with more focus on enemy aces could be the best ace combat game evermade.
@cps1247 Ай бұрын
Look up "Project Wingman" bro, that game took nearly everything good from ACZ and expand it even further
@Avenger-K 2 ай бұрын
You didn't mention this so I gotta ask, did you realise you are jousting with Pixie at the last mission? You have to fight him head on so its basically like a knights joust but with planes. Also, Pixie really hates borders. That entire army was set up to rid the world of the borders bookstore. Check out Max0r's parody on AC Zero, pretty funny. He also brings up one or two points you mentioned. There's also a level of brutality in this game that I don't think the other games capture. The ace pilots will absolutely despise you if you are a mercenary. The Round Table is a no bail out zone cause its hazardous mountain range, and you're fighting there all the time, also keeps with the knights theme. The other occasion I can think of is the bombing of Hoffnung, and when you attack Directus. Which is think is a reference to WWII bombing of Dresdon, which was a military manufacturing city, but they just leveled it. I would say the scope of the story was too big for the timeframe of the game to really get that brutality of war across.
@deckire 9 ай бұрын
This was my first AC game I ever played, (didn't even know what Ace Combat was at the time) and the second game I ever owned of the series. It definitly not the hardest, AC6 and AC7 are significantly harder in their own ways. but I always found this one the best Ace pilots because depending on who you choose depends on their style of combat. Merc path has far more straight forward squadrons, Knights have far more defensive style and sneaking tactics. (Freaking wizard with the stealth sneak attacks) While Soldiers have the more tactical and skilled pilots. Their could be a few reasons that they Air Craft Locked the jets, story Reason, Solo Wing Pixy is was a Pilot who lost his wing and is his trademark design. (in most sense they woudl have to do that for every jet and I think that is just tough to do) The other, Game reason, it saves up space and helps with AI. One of the few problems in AC5 was that even though the Jets felt like they were doing stuff, when you commanded them, I find out that even if you choose loadout and choose jet, it never really mattered, it makes you think it matters but overall 99% it was a placebo effect at times. You could have put them in trainer jets and the mission would feel the same if they were in Super Weapon Jets. Pixy and PJ actually had far more kills and supported me far better then all of Wardog squadron. When I first played through this game, I had sorta the same view point on the story as you did on the story, but as time when on I actually appreciated AC0 far more. While not as grand of story as 4 or 5, Zero had one thing, it focused on Us the player. AC4 focused of a man retelling his story as a boy as he sees Yellow Squadron and the war. AC5 focused heavily on everyone thoughts on the war, only acknowledging us in missions. But AC0 is about us and our choices. While yes some of their acting is kinda bland, (normal in war documenteries, but also voice actors acting to be normal people getting interviewed) and does do a lot of world building. I actually like the interviews because, we get to see who we shot down, and get to see how us defeating them had effected their lives. A man who hears the bell chime, a reminder what he has done and the people who saved him, also reminds him the haunting image of us hunting him down that keeps him up at night. A woman who dances her life away because we killed her lover. A man who seeks answers joining the same organization as Mobius 1 from AC4 and seeing war from a different angle on a border city. It's far more personal in my opinion and that is why I like the game the most out of the series.
@cps1247 9 ай бұрын
Pixy joined ISAF and fighting around the border is just feels funny to me, he had become the very thing he swore to destroy
@CoolPsyco 9 ай бұрын
id say that. Ace combat 0 is the last child that everyone love no matter what the pros and cons it has. while both the 1st and 2nd sibling fight which is better lol. im in the side on ac 5 because i believe in myself and the indomitable human spirit withint all of us 😎
@apauloh 3 ай бұрын
I don’t like absolutes, and claiming which AC game is the best, is probably my most difficult opinion: AC04 was my first ever video game, so I have bias to that. AC: Zero was amazing with the merc, soldier, and knight paths, and also having Yuri Lowenthal as your wingman for most of the game, AC5 has Steve Blum, and the end of the story showed me that even your opponents could’ve been deceived, and that both sides could be greater allies, rather than enemies
@marksayosmejia7251 9 ай бұрын
I beat the trilogy. In preparation for this review. And i went for the timeline order of zero, 4, 5. Im replaying 7 after. I learned ace combat with the ac7 default controls(trigger throttle/brake, bumper yaw) so i had to re learn the actuL old school format(bumper throttle/brake, trigger yaw)
@Fraude_fiscale4 8 ай бұрын
If i had a nickel for every time you had to fight a former ally in a game who calls you buddy I'd have two nickels which isnt alot but its weird that it happened twice
@notcole 8 ай бұрын
In an "AC game" no less 😂
@cps1247 Ай бұрын
I've been playing Project Wingman and that game is literally an unofficial sequel of ACZ which is one of my all time favs, really enjoyed it too
@StrayedGuy 9 ай бұрын
The only ace combat game i got a bit too emotional i think Edit:i feel like belka is the one who starts wars alot because their name is similar to Balkan
@ArifxDD 8 ай бұрын
I can't say much cuz i play it through Chronological order... So it felt like Up,down,up. 0,4 & 5 I like 4 but the game just feels casual/arcady... Idk tho. Or it also because everytime i play ac4 my cutscenes always got skip by itself so I can't say much about AC4 story AC0 and AC5 are definitely peaks Ace combat game, their manages to hits their game formula. From arcade game style to heavy story with multiple ending game and then to making their own universe/world And now everytime people hear Ace combat. People will immediately thought about Boss fight, Superweapon, soundtrack and memes
@Spac3d_Out 9 ай бұрын
Again, I cant wait for AC6 :D
@johndoe62804 6 ай бұрын
Even with several flaws and downgrades from two other parts of Holy Trinity, I will boldly state ACZ is the best game in franchise and nothing have surpassed the impact The gameplay, the replayablity, the strong storytelling, the final boss fight, the memes and funny scenes, everything is just awesome Absolute 10/10 game, I seriously wish AC8 they are making WILL change and blow my mind
@mrandrossguy9871 6 ай бұрын
Bruh well you do have strong Stubborn opinions and should I dare say rOse tintEd goggles; Because to me Nothing has Topped Ace04 Still, from SFX to Flight Physics to Visuals (aside from Ace6 being dominant in Pure Visuals) well theres still something Unique with Ace04 in visuals as the blur from the Engine exhaust to the afterburner flame holder pattern to the Color and Hue of the Flames to the Environmental Visuals like Sky/Atmosphere darkening when Going Higher, or Under Cloud Cover with actually darkens your Plane and surroundings to the Reflections and Shadows INSIDE THE COCKPIT etc. Then again I have 🌹 👓 as well But I also Love Ace5 as it was my Second Ace Combat Game ! And To this Day no other Ace title had the Scope and Depth as Unsung War ! Then again CERTAIN Graphics and visuals Where carried over from 04 that I mentioned But were Still Severely Downgraded or just flat out abandoned I’ll give them that But every one has their own Stupid Opinions and feelings So F off
@Thoriumplatypus5263 8 ай бұрын
Once you done with the ace combat series why not try one of the more hardcore flight simulators? I recommend VTOL vr. While I haven’t played either of the games I would describe the learning curve as in between ace combat and DCS. Plus it’s fairly cheap (assuming you already have a headset and a vr capable pc) 30$ for the game and 30ish $ of DLC for 3 additional aircraft.
@Thoriumplatypus5263 8 ай бұрын
@Jovian999 4 ай бұрын
Ace Z is a great game, but I do think it's saved by the cool factor. The aircraft variety, mission variety and story involvement are not as good as Ace 5's, with a lot of filler, but it has the best soundtrack of the PS2 era and fighting sexy ace squadrons doesn't get old. I feel the team gets credit for writing some great tragic antihero in Pixy that it doesn't really deserve, since he didn't really have a personality until mission 10 and falls far short of most of Ace 5's wingmen. Still, when you're playing a game about fighter jets, cool factor counts for a lot.
@neerajoshi5473 6 ай бұрын
I wish they remastered all of the old games for the new generation of councils
@KhristianGillespie 7 ай бұрын
The fact the laser Connon Of Balkan got tooked down next mission show Balkan's have worst luck in history! The first wave kill balkan super weapon exblcallicer!
@twocontradictions 9 ай бұрын
To me, Ace Combat Zero is the best for it's story and character, and it's not really tiresome to play and the set pieces are very numerous. The narrative of questioning the ethics of war and where do we draw the line or even cross it. Even if we know the outcome thanks to AC5, seeing it ACTUALLY happen in-mission, makes it more personal to me because we get to see the absolute worst thing to happen in-universe and I don't think you noticed this, but Pixy actually fires on you during this before fleeing. Some of the mission's dialogue is memorable to me like Pixy calling you his buddy, PJ talking about his girlfriend, the enemy aces thinking on what should they do when they face Cipher, or even shit talk you. The personal storytelling and worldbuilding, in Zero makes it so significant as you are not turning the outcome of a war, you are shaping the history of the world that will come back 15 years later. It terms of Zero in gameplay, ACZ also has better allied AI than AC5's horrendous allied AI (AC04 has better AI even!) and tweaked the wingman system a little bit which makes it having a objectively better system. And the hangar system since AC04 is back in a more improved way (because I hate AC5's hangar system because not only it forces you to play the same plane only to get different variants of planes for better performance, but also limits your combat capability and using 3 of the same plane as yours is kind of useless when the AI is that bad). And in each ace style, missions 3,10, and 16 depending on what ace style you're on, the enemy aces have a different style of fighting you, forcing you to rethink on how you should fight them. And ACZ is the most replayable game to me after the AC game you're reviewing next, Skies of Deception. Zero is what made me LOVE Ace Combat and made me sold into the franchise and I think, that's why it's the BEST of the trilogy after AC04. Anyways, thanks for your review Chole, it's always nice to see newcomers to enjoy and have opinion on games I truly hold a place in my heart. Hoping to see your MGS Ghost Babel and ACX review soon.
@davet7454 6 ай бұрын
I love top gun and ps2 and have played all ace combat gaames, i love it and is ultra realistic
@cameronfarrell9076 9 ай бұрын
I think a lot of people are so enamored with the final fight with pixy, but for me i think the whole thing fell flat because the story and character building just wasn't there like it was in 5. I think 5 having 4 consistent squadmates and the story being focused on what your squad was actually doing, and what was happening to them, is the best thing the franchise has ever done. Anyone who says zero is better than 5 is on drugs.
@TornadoADV 9 ай бұрын
People who think 5 is actually good are on drugs.
@cps1247 9 ай бұрын
I played 5 then Zero and I can say the latter is ten times better lol
@shataneekbhattacharya8088 5 ай бұрын
Top 3 interview in my opinion 1. Gelb 2 2. Espada 2 3. Solo wing You cant say those felt real most of the time, but rest of them are very undercooked. 😂
@ds-it9ej 4 ай бұрын
Yeah especially rot 1…he’s just so arrogant…
@inkblotthecolt 4 ай бұрын
growing up i thought that Zero was the absolute worst of the trilogy. now i look back and see that in terms of PS2 Ace Combat, the team perfected the whole formula.
@arm514ve5 6 ай бұрын
The reason zero is beloved because the ace system dictated how the story plays out and how Pixy talks about you at the end as well. The music IMO is some of the best offer and the bosses were some of the best since all tied to how you play and themselves have a character tho breff.
@Rizkyace118 9 ай бұрын
Assault record? Really?? Let me tell you, I HATE collectibles in video games. Especially the ones that aren't rewarding, but assault record is an exception. For me, it is a trasure trove of lore content and I'm happy with it. If you decide to review Ace Combat 6, good luck. Can't wait for the next one.
@cps1247 9 ай бұрын
Assault records is the main reason I strive for 100% and it was worth it
@D4rkn3ss2000 5 ай бұрын
Your analysis and conclusions of the ACZ story just tells me that you didn't pay enough attention to it AND that you didn't replay the game. You need to replay the game I would say at least 5 times in order to get the full picture of what the game's story has to offer. Every piece of dialogue, every briefing transcript, every interview, heck even every enemy ace you encounter gives you a piece of information about ACZ story and how it connects to the AC4 and AC5 and even to the AC6 and AC7 games. This is not only a prequel, but a set basis for the entire story of the Strangereal world.
@cps1247 Ай бұрын
you can tell in this video that he just played the game once and bail out
@livingreverie5951 9 ай бұрын
It’s time
@SuperAaron55555 6 ай бұрын
No it was number 2. Unsung War was peak storytelling
@mrandrossguy9871 9 ай бұрын
To me Zero is just Like heavy metal, Ace5: is classical and contemporary Ace04: is Pop-Rock and contemporary/New Wave 😅 But I think Xero Did Good by bringing back 2Player Split-screen and weapons customization Also Color choice was Very Rich as 5 different skins Each Unique And Awesome especially paying homage to earlier titles ! Story was Awesome As being the back story to Ace5 , Though I personally think Ace5 is the Goat Even though AceZero Polishes some graphical stuff and brought back traditional features, and Ace04 is Godly. However it is Ace5 that had the Captivating Story Plus Soul And Nice Expansive Selection of Licensed Craft And Campaign etc. I just wish it would have had 2plr and Ace04/Ace3 Flight model !
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