application of mapping theorem to stability analysis: a semicircular contour of infinite radius covering the entire right half of s plane is mapped to one in F(s) = 1 + G(s). H(s) plane. Then with following assumptions : a) none of OL poles and zeros lie on jw axis b) lim G(s). H(s) = 0 or const as s -> inf implying system causality for CL stability we want z = 0 => Nc = Z - P = --P ie. the contour in F(s) plane should encicle origin P times in CCW => contour in G(s). H(s) plane will be the one in F(s) (= 1 + G(s). H(s)) plane minus 1 => # CCW encirclements of (--1,0) in G(s). H(s) plane = # CCW encirclements of origin in 1+G(s). H(s) ie essentially we are now looking at Nyquist plot for stability analysis.