你好!感谢您中肯的意见,我也认为身形与拳脚合一确实很重要。但我想分享一下的就是,按照我本人打泰拳几年下来,在正式格斗过程中,要求一个人要做得像练套路时动作那样标准是不可能的事。时间上根本不应予,而且动作太大成了习惯就容易被对手利用这点来设计下面的两三次攻击。英语惯用的术语是Fake or Feint。很多咏春以及被打得很惨的国术代表们,他们最大问题在于平时基本只练套路,没练习活用。还没开打心里就开始慌了,别打了一次脸蛋就忘了所有战略!简单来说就是(格斗)学艺不精!我的个人意见,请别介意!
詠春拳初練時,確實如你所說的練-些套路的動作,使身體有了比較有效的移動,出拳,檔格的基礎,比如說小念頭的榜手,圈手,尋穚的低踢腿等等,可以獨立的跟師兄弟配合逐招練習使動作純熟,亦可打沙包踢沙袋,亦可對方上護脛踢其脛骨,這是初步,跟著就是自由䅻手,培養手的感覺,學懂用觸角感應對手䕶手空檔出招,把之前單招練熟的動作應用出來,跟著是閉目䅻手,完全用觸覺發招,可有效感應對方的虛實,避實擊虛,以柔制剛,四兩撥千斤 (誇張了點,用十分一力橫撥對方十足拳勁,使其剛剛打不到自己才真!)最有效的招數,暨攻且守,日字衝拳-出,瀉䦕對方來拳同時攻擊對方頭部,次有效的招式是-橫格對手,馬上用格手,或另一手擊向對方,才不會等對方下-招攻擊。詠春不同太極拳,是招招主動的,由於詠春拳源於女子,女子無男子這麽好的體能耐力,所以-出就要 KO 對手,不然遊鬥女子必輸於男子的體能之下。當然要打擂台賽,就要有其他擂台選手的訓練。
I cannot type Chinese but I can understand you. So, here it goes, what you are saying is exactly what I have been saying to people for the last 10 years or so. I am just a guy who has done my fair share of fighting and I train everyday in different stuff. I am no expert but I know a few things. To this day, I still see bad wing chun being performed by people who claims to know how it is done. Of course, everyone has an opinion but I know for a fact that I can handle myself in a fight. I used to know this guy who trained in wing chun for 10 years got whacked in the face by a hook punch and gave up straightaway. Wing chun is all talk, zero action, and unrealistic training methods. This is the downfall of wing chun. So when the speaker is saying it is you and not the art then i would have to disagree that it is the art that is making people stupid. Can wing chun still work? Yes, but not this nonsensical version you see online or down at the local club. There are people like me out there who knows and experiment with their art. Where there is one good wing chun guy there are 9 dumb wing chun guys with big signs and big gyms. Who do you think will get the customers?