niamah jin Alex Len 他会说阿拉伯语吧,英语是不是也很好?想请他跟油管主Christian Prince辩论一下古兰经教义 。Christian Prince 阿拉伯人,不过只获得过伊斯兰学士学位. Christian Prince 跟很多Sheiks 辩论过,但是都不是他的对手。他是揭露古兰经,穆罕穆德真相者。在他的影响下,现在很多人都觉察到创始人穆罕穆德就是一个栾童的恐怖分子头子。而极端主义正式在效仿他们教主的恶行。这是他的一个作品。他的油管号是The Arabian Prophet每天直播古兰经,希望能看到两个阿拉伯语者正面交锋
@يوسف-ق8ج3و5 жыл бұрын
@@mrdanger199 信仰是自己的
@KT-rg2vb4 жыл бұрын
@@mrdanger199 你是哪儿来的智障?
@TonyLinSh6 жыл бұрын
@wingbutcher88486 жыл бұрын
@孫益森6 жыл бұрын
@吕江-p4f5 жыл бұрын
Tony Lin 在独裁上面都是有一定相似的。
@abrandpluckedoutofthefire80433 жыл бұрын
布尔什维克和伊斯兰(真正实践the sunnah of Mohammad的穆斯林)都是自封正义,然后总是入侵他人,杀戮不听话的,羞辱不老实的,爱抢财产,爱喊口号,爱惩罚脱离者,爱搞内部清洗,以意识形态不同者为假想敌,梦想都是搞政教合一的帝国,都以为自己能通过这些拙劣手段建立世界大同,但是真诚的布尔什维克有一点好,虽然批斗,但是总想着还是能改造好,不像穆斯林直接杀了拒绝安拉的非天经人,布尔什维克也许有共产共妻嫌疑?但是不搞性奴
伊斯兰的古兰经是从圣经,犹太人的塔木德,新约伪经,等等来源抄袭组合成的,以下是一个从密释纳抄袭某拉比对旧约故事点评的例子 The Quran's story is found in Sura 5:27-32. Initially, the O.T. and Quran basically agree on the narrative. In verse 31, the two diverge. "That is why we laid it down for the Israelites that whoever killed a human being, except as punishment for murder or other villainy in the land, shall be deemed as though he had killed all mankind; and that whoever saved a human life shall be deemed as though he had saved all mankind.". Initially, there appears to be no connection between verses 31 and 32. Why the life or death of one should be as the salvation or destruction of all mankind in not made clear in the Quran. When we turn to another Jewish record - the Mishnah Sanhedrin, we find the link between the story and what follows: "We find it said in the case of Cain who murdered his brother, 'The voice of thy brother's bloods crieth' (Gen. 4:10). It is not said here blood in the singular, but bloods in the plural, that is, his own blood and the blood of his seed. Man was created single in order to show that to him who kills a single individual it shall be reckoned that he has slain the whole race, but to him who preserves the life of a single individual it is counted that he hath preserved the whole race." Mishnah Sanhedrin, 4:5 Here in the Quran is a passage from the Mishnah! The Mishnah is a Jewish commentary on the Torah. How did a Rabbi's commentary on the Torah make its way into the Quran? Simple, Muhammad had heard these teachings from the Jews, and repeated them later as he recited "revelation". Because the word for blood is in the plural in Gen. 4:10, an ingenious Rabbi invented the supposition that all Abel's offspring had been killed with him which signified that any murder or life-saving act had universal implications. Clearly Muhammad had no knowledge of the source of the theory set out in the Mishnah but, in hearing it related, simply set out the Rabbi's suppositions as the eternal decree of God! Now today, some Jewish Rabbi's thoughts are quoted as revelation in the Quran! This short piece clearly shows, in one way at least, how Muhammad received "revelations". In this case, verbal stories told by the Jews, and Muhammad's memory served him. Here the Quran fails the test of authenticity; it owes much of its substance to other faiths. For some reason Muhammad decided to quote a Jewish story, feeling it has some important meaning, and placed into the Quran. Little did Muhammad know or really understand from what he was really quoting. NOTE: Dating of the Mishnah Sanhedrin is as follows, from the Encyclopedia Judaica, 1996, Keter Publishing House Jerusalem "Commitment to writing began about the middle of the 3rd century CE with RAV (Abba Aricha) and Samuel and was completed with the conclusion of the teaching of Ravina in 499 AD." Likewise the "Introduction to the Babylonian Talmud", Soncino Press edition by Dr. J.H. Hertz states that the Babylonian Talmud " Claims origins from the Babylonian captivity proclaiming the religious and civil law fixed in 444 BEC by Ezra the Sofer (The Biblical Ezra the Scribe) and finalized in 500 AD." Both these references state that the writing related to 5:32 predate Muhammad.