Wait where has this channel been all my life, this is amazing, it feels so angelic the sounds from these instruments. May GOD bless you all here.
@ViolinSolos4 жыл бұрын
Very kind of you! This channel has been around for more than a year, but 2020 has not been great for productivity and creative motivation and so there hasn't been any recent uploads. As you can imagine, it takes an enormous amount of time and work to write and record brand new music. Hopefully, I'll be recording some recently completed arrangements soon. Please tell your friends and colleagues about these videos if you wish to spread the word. God bless!
@izzyw99514 жыл бұрын
@@ViolinSolos They must take alot of time and work to make, they sure did knock me off my feet. This is awesome music, I kinda imagine heaven when listening to every note in these peices. I will share and hopefully learn how to play some of them, I just bought me a new violin afew days ago, have alwlays loved the sound of this instrument and this what you do on this channel just inspires me. Thank you very much🖒🖒🖒🖒
@ViolinSolos4 жыл бұрын
@@izzyw9951 Thank you for sharing your inspiration. It very much helps to keep my motivation to write, as like with any creative process, it ebbs and flows. Violin is one of the most challenging instruments to learn because it's much more likely that the majority of your notes will sound "bad". My recommendation is that you initially focus on your bow technique (tone, phrasing, and color) more than your left hand (intonation, shifting, vibrato). Eventually, notes will need to be in tune and played quickly and in higher positions, but no amount of left hand technique will make you a musician that people will care to listen to. 90% of being an artist is what your right arm does when it comes to violin playing. This is why I don't bother with the Paganini at my age (and most people don't care to listen beyond the first 30 seconds). If you're going to reach into someone's heart and touch their soul, the true test is not how many fast notes you can play while bouncing your bow 6.75 times per second in every key, it's what you can do with ONE NOTE. Can you make an audience cry with the color and expression and musicality you give to a simple tune their grandmother sang to them as a child? More and more throughout my young career, I would be disappointed that people would ask me to "play them something" and then not appreciate the unaccompanied version of the Sibelius violin concerto's 1st movement exposition (look it up, it's hard! lol). Almost every time, I'd get obligatory applause and then an eager "Do you know the Titanic song??" Initially I thought it was the fault of an uneducated public, but now I realize that it was the fault of an arrogant musician who would rather show off than connect with his audience. This is the main reason I wrote these arrangements, hoping to have something technically challenging yet musically rewarding for the performer AND the audience. Most people don't care if the composer used the mathematical theory of Phi and invented brand new extended techniques when composing a piece. Frankly, people just want to hear something they know and allow themselves to be touched by the music. I hope I have been able to accomplish that, even if with a smaller audience. Thank you again, and keep practicing!
@izzyw99514 жыл бұрын
@@ViolinSolos This has blessed me so much, intrestingly, the numbe one reason I love the violin is because it comes naturally for me, I have tired guitar before, drums but non of them seem to hit like the violin. I am a very simple kimda person, complicated things don't cut it for me. And I love what you do here for that reason. Thanks for the advise, the left hand sure is challenging but am determined regardless. I also want to play bible music on the violin, I find that much of the musical passages included in the bible come out better on the violin and in a few years I will be writing peices for JESUS. Thank you once again and my GOD bless you.
@mikhaelmarihotsigalingging22084 жыл бұрын
i think, i need a lot of times to be like that, that's amazing !
@dinglesplat32813 жыл бұрын
Finally! I've been searching for a while and here is finally a good arrangement! I like the 4 levels, I think 2 and 4 are my favorite to play however I like it with less vibrato. This video definitely sold it to me, I bought the sheet music right after!
@ViolinSolos3 жыл бұрын
Very cool! Thank you for your kind words and support :)
@onelvisdelarosa41163 жыл бұрын
Just amazing
@magicmedia795011 ай бұрын
Beautiful double stops.if you know you know!
@ViolinSolos11 ай бұрын
Lol, it's a thing, for sure. Thanks for the kind words :)
@lucianalove94924 жыл бұрын
@houndjordan4 жыл бұрын
Bravo after hearing this I’m gonna burn 🔥 my violin now.
@ViolinSolos4 жыл бұрын
Lol! I don't recommend that unless there is a C string on it ;)
@fiddlemusik6 күн бұрын
@@ViolinSolos Now that's funny! 😄Unless you're a violist....
@donut94445 жыл бұрын
Amazing😍😍😍do you have notes?
@ViolinSolos5 жыл бұрын
Yes! Sheet music for all of our arrangements is available at ViolinSolos.com
@itzabby_yt9544 жыл бұрын
I would love to play this but unfortunately I haven’t learned verbrato yet so I wouldn’t be nearly this good, granted I still wouldn’t be this good even if I did know verbrato
@ViolinSolos4 жыл бұрын
Vibrato would be a great addition to any violin performance. You can be quite expressive with variations of your bow speed, weight, and placement on the strings. Play around with basic scales and try to express different emotions using just those variables. As far as vibrato is concerned, remember that vibrato is literally bending the pitch out of tune around a central note. The brain only registers the center of those pitches, allowing it to still sound in tune. Students tend not to understand that it isn't "shaking your hand" and it will end up vibrating side to side instead of sharp and flat around the central note. Slow it down so that your finger rolls on its fat pad without shifting from its spot. Once you understand the mechanics it allows you to better focus your muscles to perform the correct motion. Eventually you will determine if you prefer hand/wrist vibrato (using the wrist joint to roll the finger) or arm vibrato (using your bicep and tricep to accomplish a small "shifting" action while finger friction holds the finger to the string as the pitch bends). A good test to know if you're doing vibrato correctly is whether or not you can control the vibrato speed with different rhythms (8th notes, triplets, etc). If you have to tense your muscles and the vibrato only works at one speed, you're doing it incorrectly. This technique will take many hours of practice, and years to perfect its use for expression. I still (decades later) still have to remind myself not to only vibrato with certain fingers. Good luck, and thank you for your kind words!
@itzabby_yt9544 жыл бұрын
@@ViolinSolos ty! I’ll have to try this out next time I practice!
@twizzls55824 жыл бұрын
Music isn't about how beautiful or ugly you play. It is about the musically and the emotion you transfer from your instrument to the crowd. One can play very ugly, yet make someone cry.
@eksboks1484 ай бұрын
Anyone else wanted to hear what people in 1906 heard as the first radio music broadcast?