You mentioned only the minor criminals will be transferred to Australia. What about the serious criminals, were they staying in Britain at the time? Does not make sense to me though.
@jasonlo19990227 Жыл бұрын
They were sent to hell:))
@shallow-knowledge11 ай бұрын
Death penalty, parts of the bloody code lasted until the mid-19th century
答案: yes and no 住過就知唔少本地人幾咁無禮貌又家暴,已經唔講歧視程度會侵犯財產同人生安全。所以重點係唔係罪犯,而係有無公德問題。 見留言大把朋友提出佢地主要係二戰時嘅移民,其實呢班難民同罪犯分別唔大。反而著眼點應擺係人民質素,係咪自主決定而嚟。近年過得嚟嘅都有品德有貢獻,唔係班(部分)歐洲難民恃著白皮而為所欲為