You must be to young , before year of 2000 in HK when use escalator should stand left hand side , because Hong Kong is a right hand drive city , due to too many ( Mainland Chinese ) visit HK then cause lots of trouble for other pedestrian so some place had change the footpath & escalator using direction .
@fcfhkmelb Жыл бұрын
@@ylm5865 香港由day 1開始已經係跟英國一樣左行右企,從來冇變過,亦同行車方向冇關係
@Jethinobamino Жыл бұрын
@TheHongkc Жыл бұрын
@@fcfhkmelbInteresting, we singapore also follow UK rules, but ours is 左企右行
其實消防車同救護車一樣都係要比錢,如果煙霧器係連左去metro fire station (多數係apartmens) ,唔小心burn toast引致誤嗚,消防局會喺幾分鐘收到,會即刻開至少兩部消防車嚟,就算途中無再響但消防車已出車但未到都要比錢,around $850aud. 所以如果真係誤嗚要立即整停佢。 但house/unit 絕大部分都無連fire station。 嚟左澳洲廿年有多,喺melbourne讀書同sydney工作過, 但最鐘意都係adelaide. 搬左去其他州都要搬返嚟Adelaide. 覺得比其他州容易安居樂業。
@TC_4162 Жыл бұрын
Sydney 揮手區。18,補充少少讀書關係研究過starbucks 敗走原因因為啲咖啡定價同質素完全唔可以用咖啡嚟形容佢地,基本上我地會當佢係糖水舖。短短幾年間就執左70%嘅舖。衰啲果句,瞌埋眼是但去一間coffee shop嘅咖啡都會比sb好飲好多。 題外話,我個人覺得澳洲嘅獨特口音某程度係建基於文化上佢地係好直腸直肚嘅人,識嘅vocabulary唔多,成日都重覆又重覆咁用一啲字,語氣同懶音就主宰左佢地講英文時嘅主要傳遞方式。有少少似LA咁,住過一排。佢地果啲極為造作拉到極長尾音嘅英文加浮誇嘅表情,聽落都幾好笑。 最後澳洲真係一個幾好嘅地方,冇咁多煩人嘅事。起碼作為80後嘅我,經歷過嘅野,喺澳洲先發現原來生活係可以好簡單
@Woodland26 Жыл бұрын
Starbucks failed because any cafe in the corner can make a better coffee. Tried once and never again. Not all Australians are poorly educated. Go to a low socioeconomic suburb than sure they are rough. Go to a rich suburb like Mosman in Sydney then you will see the difference.
@TC_4162 Жыл бұрын
@@Woodland26 can’t agree more. I would say most of the Australian have great coffee taste bud, even cheap coffee is way better than Starbucks. I have never drink a burnt coffee in Australia but always do in Starbucks 😂
@Woodland26 Жыл бұрын
@@TC_4162 even with the higher price of close to $5 a cup of coffee from most cafes in Sydney, it is still good value compared with HK. I went back and tried Pacific Coffee, around HKD 60 from my memories in 2018. Coffee tasted very weak, much like drinking water. My uncle from HK always enjoys his coffee in Sydney, he thinks the milk alone makes a big difference in the taste. BTW in USA Starbuck give you "Half and Half" (Cream & Milk) and it tastes horrible.