Damn, the punchline at the end, it really all clicked into place. Iizunamaru and Aya might gain more popularity votes from these comedies when compared to what they've been trying before!
@obaniwan Жыл бұрын
thank you very much. I hope that this duo will become more popular!
@And_yet_it_moves Жыл бұрын
Hahaha. The last punchline of “ Do you need a plastic bag?” was unexpectable! Personally speaking, it they hug again, their popularities will go up a lot!!
Another great episode of a comedy show! It's nice to see lizamaru-sama doing some exercise in working an actual job. Wonder how other Gensokyo inhabitants would've reacted to her in a convenience store or in a cab. Or to her occupying Mystia's stand like Cirno did! Hmmm. Might even become a series. How different characters would run a shop...
@obaniwan Жыл бұрын
thank you very much. This video was the second episode. If everyone's reviews are high, I'll probably make it into a series.
新しい字幕参りました!!いやぁ、この漫才を何度も見ても笑えます!日本のお笑いのスタイルは海外と少し違いますが、このボケと突っ込みの面白さがよく伝わるように翻訳しました! それではタイトルと説明がこちらになります。 タイトル: [Touhou MMD] Comedia Manzai Tengu "Megumu & Aya": Una Gran Tengu trabajando a tiempo parcial. 説明: ¡Segunda entrega del espectáculo de comedia al estilo manzai de "Megumu & Aya"! ¡La historia de hoy es que Iizunamaru-sama asume el reto de comenzar un trabajo a tiempo parcial! Lista de reproducción Touhou MMD con subtítulos en español. (プレイリスト) Muchas gracias por vuestros comentarios tan alegres y agradables. Los leo todos, son un gran apoyo para mí. Personajes: Megumu Iizunamaru Aya Shameimaru Traducido por イェス/Yes