Obey God and obey the messenger

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@auralitedivine 4 ай бұрын
MaShaAllah, JazakAllah☮️☮️☮️
@J_S1984 6 ай бұрын
Long time listener. Just wanted to say, I'm glad you put ads up. This takes a lot of work, I'm sure. Other than God's blessings/your good deeds (most importantly), at least you can get a bit of monetary recompense for doing honorable work. Peace.
@hamzamalik7409 5 жыл бұрын
@vrarvideogaming 7 ай бұрын
is it mentioned when the dates of ramadan is in the quran
@abdo19code 5 жыл бұрын
Great content.
@JA-be7me 5 жыл бұрын
Salam brother What are your thoughts on riba in the quran? Ive heard a view that this means only extortionate type loan shark based transactions which caused people to suicide as a result of not being able to pay back and threatening from the borrowed. Not regular interest like banks etc. What do you think on this? Salam
@QuranTalk 5 жыл бұрын
Peace - Here is a link to an episode on the topic. I think the key take away is that no one is victimized and all parties are content with the transaction. kzbin.info/www/bejne/nKTXpGSup7WmatU
@JA-be7me 5 жыл бұрын
@@QuranTalk Thankyou. I didnt know you had a video on it lol. Ill check it out:)
@samirsirenglishbafsd8701 2 жыл бұрын
@JJ-xo3bc 5 жыл бұрын
Peace and blessing on you brother. I wanted to ask something kind of related to this kind of not. When I read the Qur'an the understanding I got is that I have to pray 5 times a day. Now how did I get this? I could go through all that but I'm just trying to understand as a Qur'an only Muslim, is my understanding right or wrong? Cause I know most Qur'an only Muslims don't believe in the traditional Islamic way of praying but I found it all in the Qur'an when I personally read it. Which is why I'm asking. Just tell me if I'm right or wrong no need to do a lot of explaining (unless you want to) I'm just trying to understand.
@QuranTalk 5 жыл бұрын
Peace - according to the Quran there are five times specified for Salat. Three of the times are specified specifically by name and the other two are mentioned indirectly. Below are the corresponding verses. If you send me an email I can forward you a graphical image that makes the times for the Salat more clear to how they correspond with their respective verses. Three of the Five Prayers [11:114] You shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) at both ends of the day, and during the night. The righteous works wipe out the evil works. This is a reminder for those who would take heed. *both ends of the day correspond to Dawn and Sunset Contact Prayer, and during the night to the Night Contact Prayer. Etiquette Two Prayers Mentioned by Name [24:58] O you who believe, permission must be requested by your servants and the children who have not attained puberty (before entering your rooms). This is to be done in three instances - before the Dawn Prayer, at noon when you change your clothes to rest, and after the Night Prayer. These are three private times for you. At other times, it is not wrong for you or them to mingle with one another. GOD thus clarifies the revelations for you. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise. The Noon Prayer [17:78] You shall observe the Contact Prayer (Salat) when the sun declines from its highest point at noon, as it moves towards sunset. You shall also observe (the recitation of) the Quran at dawn. (Reciting) the Quran at dawn is witnessed. [2:238] You shall consistently observe the Contact Prayers, especially the middle prayer, and devote yourselves totally to GOD. *middle prayer would be the Afternoon Contact Prayer. It is worth noting that the Salat was originally provided to Abraham (14:40) that is why Muhammad was commanded to follow the religion of Abraham (16:123). All the practices of Islam are passed down from Abraham. This is why you will never see a verse explaining how to perform the Salat as it was always in existence since it was originally taught to Abraham (21:73). We see that Jesus did the Salat (19:31), Moses did the Salat (10:87), Children of Israel did the Salat (5:12), even the Arabs at the time of Muhammad did the Salat (8:35). If you want a video showing how to perform the Salat as was first delivered to Abraham and carried on to Muhammad here is a video: kzbin.info/www/bejne/oIWyqaKbhNyDr7s
@alisyedzain1 Жыл бұрын
Obey God means to follow the Quran and obey his messenger to follow the verdict he gives in any civil matter. For example a married lady approached the Prophet (S) and asked him that her parents gave her hand to stranger she does not like him and her life has been miserable . She wants the divorce from him. The Prophet (S) summoned the bridegroom and asked him to divorce the bride The Persian fake imams took the advantage of this verse and wrote many books to replace Quran. The Muslims through out the world are following their books instead of Quran. As a result all are gone down to gutters.
@mohammadnawar4193 4 жыл бұрын
@jmuhammad9852 5 жыл бұрын
Salamun Alaykum
@QuranTalk 5 жыл бұрын
Peace brother :)
@jmuhammad9852 5 жыл бұрын
@@QuranTalk Peace Brother from Sister.
@hash7373 3 жыл бұрын
What is the difference between the following two verses (Obey Allah and the obey Messenger) which has two obeys & (Obey Allah and the Messenger) which has one obey as per my understanding -- First, a brief explanation: With regard to the verse in which has two obeys ,God gives the meaning of (obey the Messenger) in one verse, and it is not necessary to repeat it every time, the verse is in Surat Al Nisaa verse 59 ( O you who have believed, obey Allāh and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree in things, than return it to Allāh and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allāh and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result.) 3:59 as per my understanding that obey Allāh is different than obey the Messenger in this verse or in any other verses that comes with two obeys the reason because in this verse obey Messenger comes with those in authority as we know the Mohamed was a Messenger and a ruler/authority and as a ruler there are day to day rules/instructions like a woman can not travel alone but these rules/instructions can be changed depend on the situation. Any times obey the massenger mentioned in the Quran it means that the verse subject has a flexibility and the one in authority can put his input/rules/instructions but it should not oppose other verses in the Quran . whenever obey Allāh and the Messenger verse comes it mean the verse mentioned a subject with details and you can not add any thing to it or it means the rule of Allah in the Quran. for more research look up verses and see the difference in the subject : - obey Allāh and the Messenger . -obey Allāh and obey the Messenger. -obey the Messenger. -- Second, a deeper explanation and details: Firstly We must understand the significance of the word Messenger in the Qur'anic discourse The word "messenger" in the Qur'an comes into five types: First: The word messenger means the bearer of the message (person). Examples ﴿ما عَلَى الرَّسولِ إِلَّا البَلاغُ وَاللَّهُ يَعلَمُ ما تُبدونَ وَما تَكتُمونَ﴾ [Al-Mâ'idah: 99] ﴿أَم حَسِبتُم أَن تَدخُلُوا الجَنَّةَ وَلَمّا يَأتِكُم مَثَلُ الَّذينَ خَلَوا مِن قَبلِكُم مَسَّتهُمُ البَأساءُ وَالضَّرّاءُ وَزُلزِلوا حَتّى يَقولَ الرَّسولُ وَالَّذينَ آمَنوا مَعَهُ مَتى نَصرُ اللَّهِ أَلا إِنَّ نَصرَ اللَّهِ قَريبٌ﴾ [Al-Baqarah: 214] Second: the word messenger means the message itself (Quran). Examples ﴿وَيَومَ يَعَضُّ الظّالِمُ عَلى يَدَيهِ يَقولُ يا لَيتَنِي اتَّخَذتُ مَعَ الرَّسولِ سَبيلًا﴾ [Al-Furqân: 27] ﴿وَمَن يَعصِ اللَّهَ وَرَسولَهُ وَيَتَعَدَّ حُدودَهُ يُدخِلهُ نارًا خالِدًا فيها وَلَهُ عَذابٌ مُهينٌ﴾ [An-Nisâ': 14] ﴿مَن يُطِعِ الرَّسولَ فَقَد أَطاعَ اللَّهَ وَمَن تَوَلّى فَما أَرسَلناكَ عَلَيهِم حَفيظًا﴾ [An-Nisâ': 80] ﴿وَأَطيعُوا اللَّهَ وَالرَّسولَ لَعَلَّكُم تُرحَمونَ﴾ [Âl-'Imrân: 132] ﴿قُل أَطيعُوا اللَّهَ وَالرَّسولَ فَإِن تَوَلَّوا فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ لا يُحِبُّ الكافِرينَ﴾ [Âl-'Imrân: 32] The word (obey) and the word (obeys) are a present tense verb and this indicates the continuation of the act of obedience until the Day of Resurrection, because obedience is only for someone living or an existing entity, and this is achieved by the existence of the living God, and the existence message Third: the word messenger that comes in the meaning of the message and its bearer together. Example ﴿وَكَذلِكَ جَعَلناكُم أُمَّةً وَسَطًا لِتَكونوا شُهَداءَ عَلَى النّاسِ وَيَكونَ الرَّسولُ عَلَيكُم شَهيدًا وَما جَعَلنَا القِبلَةَ الَّتي كُنتَ عَلَيها إِلّا لِنَعلَمَ مَن يَتَّبِعُ الرَّسولَ مِمَّن يَنقَلِبُ عَلى عَقِبَيهِ وَإِن كانَت لَكَبيرَةً إِلّا عَلَى الَّذينَ هَدَى اللَّهُ وَما كانَ اللَّهُ لِيُضيعَ إيمانَكُم إِنَّ اللَّهَ بِالنّاسِ لَرَءوفٌ رَحيمٌ﴾ [Al-Baqarah: 143] Fourth: People as messengers to each other. Example ﴿يا بَني آدَمَ إِمّا يَأتِيَنَّكُم رُسُلٌ مِنكُم يَقُصّونَ عَلَيكُم آياتي فَمَنِ اتَّقى وَأَصلَحَ فَلا خَوفٌ عَلَيهِم وَلا هُم يَحزَنونَ﴾ [Al-A'râf: 35] Fifth: the messengers of the angels. Example ﴿قالَ بَصُرتُ بِما لَم يَبصُروا بِهِ فَقَبَضتُ قَبضَةً مِن أَثَرِ الرَّسولِ فَنَبَذتُها وَكَذلِكَ سَوَّلَت لي نَفسي﴾ [Tâ-Hâ: 96] This is a group of verses - and it is not exhaustive - that the reader can read it and get a good idea about the sorting process, how it is done, to do himself in sorting the other texts, and differentiate between the connotations of the word messenger in the Qur’anic discourse, i.e. related to the messenger as the bearer of the message or to the messenger in the meaning of the message itself, or both together. Knowing that the true value is the message itself, which is continuous with conservation, and it is subject to obedience on the part of people. In our verse, the subject of discussion here are two obedience, not one obedience What is the difference between obedience to God and obedience to the Messenger and the ruler among you. - The First obedienceis is obedienceis to God , and it is in the Holy Quran . - The second obedience is combines between the Messenger and the ruler, i.e. obedience to the Messenger as an authority person, and it is not absolute, it is a civil legislation according to the temporal and spatial conditions prevailing around and it can be changed, and this civil legislation should not contradict the book of God . (and if you disagree in something, bring it back to God and the Messenger)
@zenkoan1 5 жыл бұрын
"Other hadith" means not anything which is outside of Al-Quran, but which contradicts it.
@QuranTalk 5 жыл бұрын
Peace - The issue I see with such an understanding is that it means that we still do not believe in God's assertion that the Quran is complete and fully detailed and should be our only source of religious law. [6:114] Shall I seek other than GOD as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book fully detailed? Those who received the scripture recognize that it has been revealed from your Lord, truthfully. You shall not harbor any doubt. [6:115] The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. Nothing shall abrogate His words. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient.
@QuranTalk 5 жыл бұрын
@Tony G Peace, by this I meant that since Muhammad was the conduit for receiving the Quran the revelations were coming to him to be disseminated to the people. And since he is a human being and not a book therefore he walks and talks :) Sorry for the confusion in that statement.
@QuranTalk 5 жыл бұрын
@Tony G Peace - my apologies I misunderstood your question. If you are asking where in my psche I came up with saying that Muhammad was a walking talking Quran then the answer is I have no idea. If this is all that you got from my talk then I would recommend to look at the core of what is being said and not nitpick at fragments of speech that can be misconstrued to extrapolate an erroneous conclusion - Peace :)
@chronwell1 5 жыл бұрын
Fard wudu does not mean flushing your nostrils. Nowhere is that in the Quran. SMH
@maryarroyo2011 4 жыл бұрын
Peace My Friend, Nice Video only you're contradicting what you're intending. You see, the "23 yrs" you're talking about is from the Manmade Hadiths that you're against. And I agreed, the Qur'an states that it's the Best Hadith. So why would you say 23 yrs if that's not in the Qur'an? Stick with the Qur'an Only as commanded. Blessings .🙏
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