Oedo Fight is a 2D fighting arcade game developed by Atop and published by Kaneko for Kaneko AX System in August 1994 in Japan. This game is a follow-up to its predecessor, "Fujiyama Buster", this fighting game takes its inspiration from the "Mortal Kombat" series, featuring digitized graphics, blood, gore and finishing moves, but with the same satirical feudal Japanese setting of the previous game. Though superficially similar to "Mortal Kombat," the gameplay still resembles the mechanics set forth by "Street Fighter II", just like "Shogun Warriors". Some rumors indicate Oedo Fight is the sequel of Fujiyama Buster, but this was never confirmed by Kaneko. Most of the characters in the game are the same of in Fujiyama Buster but their name are different. However, their old moves are still present, but some new ones were added for all of them.
@hakureicirno60593 күн бұрын
The Japanese Mortal Kombat.
@Reinaldo303 күн бұрын
The most forbidden for gore content
@miked43773 күн бұрын
i like this gamealot..and kaneko ...japan is great ...also the jackie chan games are cool..