Rocker Lady Never Heard - Rammstein - Deutschland - Old Guy Reaction

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Old Guy Reactions

Old Guy Reactions

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@3lmodfz 2 жыл бұрын
Can't believe this video is now 3 years old. I remember when it first released, it was one hell of a "come back" as we'd had no new music from them in 10 years. And this is clearly a master piece.
@Opocrious 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, feels like yesterday I saw this in 2019. Now I just discovered Zeit after their concert in Montreal and that album was amazing!
@sskingdom7181 Жыл бұрын
I was in army when this song first time in spotify. Remember like yesterday, whrn ı heart new song tomorroe, ı could sleep that night.
@LifeisFoo 2 жыл бұрын
It's being realistic and honest about their love/hate relationship with their country. The main difference between Germany and America seems to be that Germany acknowledges their past, and takes steps to prevent it from happening again.
@EvilsTwin66 2 жыл бұрын
Most of us sure not all & still at work. Hopefully...
@excaligaming2435 2 жыл бұрын
as a german I can absolutely assure you, not a single lesson was learned, the people are as susceptible to manipulation by media and politics as they were over 80 years ago, the pandemic showed our true colors again and we let our "leaders" split us once more.
@jurgenl.493 2 жыл бұрын
Sehr gut formuliert! 👍
@LifeisFoo 2 жыл бұрын
@@jurgenl.493 Danke 😊
@xarexes7070 2 жыл бұрын
I agree!
@Wearldsproake 2 жыл бұрын
As a Dutchman living close to Germany, I can tell you we all felt this when this came out. I don't think anyone from North-Western Europe can watch this without a lump in their throats. It's so chockful of references I don't even know where to begin. It does help if you speak German and understand the lyrics. The singer's diction itself is gripping. The commentary on what 'Germany' means today, and how historical events have led to that interpretation, is simply overwhelming. It's sadness, disgust, grief, and a sort of mirror for Germany to 'do better' in the future. They love their country, but can't deny its gruesome past. The thing that got to me most was how they depicted themselves as Jews in their striped concentration camp garments being hung. It's as if the nation hung itself when they allowed these war crimes to happen. It's an excellent commentary, although extremely painful to watch. I also like that they deliberately chose a black lady to play Germania, because Germany today is a multicultural society, and it's a big middle finger to the neo-nazis who continue to think of Germany as an all-white state.
@b3ntastic 2 жыл бұрын
They choose a black woman to play Germania to represent the german flag, black , red, gold...she is black, wears a golden armour and red lasers in the background
@gallowsongs 2 жыл бұрын
It's more than that. During the liberation wars volunteer corps gathered to fight against Napoleon, and promoted the idea of a united Germany. Not having uniforms, the died their clothes black to look the same, thus black is the colour of unity in the German flag. Germania emerges as Armenius fights his final battles with the Romans, with his brother Vlavus fighting on the Roman side (the one eyed warrior at the beginning) - not long after Armenius was betrayed and killed, yet his unification of the tribes became the founding mythos of Germany. A story endlessly romanticised through the centuries and the Nazis. The spiral of references, black, unity, Brüderstreit (war of Brothers , i.e. West/East Left/Right, Church/People...) keeps tightening, and all the while Germania is carrying Armenius's head - the man that created her and who's story was misinterpreted by so many. What ties it all together is the 'roter Faden' the red thread, which is a German expression for three common denominator that pulls as story together.
@RobBCactive 2 жыл бұрын
Du, Du hast, Du hast recht! 😉
@Ikmijnnaam Жыл бұрын
Hahahaha you expect yanks to speak German ? Good luck with that one hahaha.... Sandra Bullock does she is raised bilingual but that is pretty much it .... haha so forget it ... yanks and speaking other languages ? Good one ! Nice joke ! Je weet toch dat Amerikanen geen woord Duits spreken en je weet toch ook waarom dat is, ze hebben nooit interesse in iets, ze kijken naar hoe joden worden opgehangen en het eerste wat ze denken is : waar is mijn bak met popcorn dus vergeet het maar !
@ziggystardust7377 Жыл бұрын
You're even a Worldman ! Greetings from Germany ❤. THIS is exactly the same what I see in the Video.
@MLawrence2008 2 жыл бұрын
"Dort, wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man am Ende auch Menschen." ("Where you burn books, you end up burning people too.") Sadly still as true today as when it was when it was written.
@michaelmiller6924 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, I'm from Germany. Rammstein is playing a classic "Industrial Metal" style. A 50-50 mix of synthesizers and hard metal guitars. A big part of the German history in one video. The black woman as Germania. Germania is the personification of the German nation. It isn't and wasn't a goddess or Joan of Arc. The glass coffin: It is Little Snow White from the Grimm-fairytales....and from their own video "Sonne". Only with black skin and in space. The piano song at the end is the song "Sonne", too. The line in this song "So jung und doch so alt" (So young and yet so old) means: Germany as a unified state is very young. A unified German nation is only existing from 1871 onwards. Before that year of unification Germany was made of countless, little mini-states and the people identified first and foremost as Prussians, Hessians, Saxons etc, etc, etc. and only in a second line of thought they had a lose sense of being somehow Germans, too, as a kind of unifying second identity. So the area & the landscape where the Germans are living and the Germans themselves as a people...are thousands of years old. But only recently, in 1871, there was a unified Germany as one single state. So Germany as a unified state is very young...and at the same time it is thousands of years old. The battle of the Teutoburg forest against the Romans (and Rammstein as Roman soldiers and Germans alike). That battle is of ABSOLUTE importance for the German history. The hanged bodies in the trees were the beaten Roman soldiers, who were gruesome sacrificed to the Germanic gods...and were partly nailed to the trees. The Varus-(Teutoburg)-Battle was already in 9 AD. In 16 AD were the vengeance campaigns of Emperor Germanicus. Therefore we see here the arrival of the Roman troops of Germanicus and they are watching their dead comrades hanging in the trees or getting their heads chopped off (for nailing them to the trees). In reality the Romans under Germanicus found only the bones of the Varus army in the various ways they were slaughtered, sacrificed and displayed at the trees. Slaves were liberated even decades after the battle. After the scenes with the Romans we saw the Hindenburg Zeppelin disaster (the burning Zeppelin in the background). The moustaches and clothing from the fight scene are from WWI and post WWI years. From the working class people in WWI and the roaring 20's. In the WWII years later on this kind of big bushy moustache was already out of fashion. The falling banknotes in the prison are not about corruption. That scene is about the hyper-inflation of the 1920's, that took away the savings of the Germans and left them in deep poverty and desperation. One had to pay a loaf of bread with a handcart full of nearly worthless banknotes back then and it hit the German people deep down inside and in their souls. Especially the poor ones and the simple workers. The V2 rocket (first manmade object in space) as technical triumph of the German spirit...and at the same time the killing of the concentration camp prisoners in the bunker factories below the mountains during the production of that rocket. This scene in the video could be a representation of a very specific concentration camp. It was "Mittelbau-Dora" below the Kohnstein mountain. A mixture between a big, huge bunker factory for V1 and V2 rockets and a concentration camp. The concentration camp inmates had several different markings for different kinds of convicts and their "crimes" sown to their chests, like it was in reality, too. A pink triangle for homosexuals, the star of David for Jews and two of them were marked with the double-triangles for Jehovas Whitnesses. The book burnings of the Nazis and the burning of the witches of the church. In the same scene with the book burning there is EVEN MORE going on. The cooperation of the church with the Nazis, when the priest with the cross embraces the Nazi SA-man. The scene with the sign with the Hammer and a pair of compasses in a circle of wheat is the sign of the GDR (DDR). The socialst German state in the east that existed before the German reunification. Therefore it was Karl Marx in the background in the scene with the tank (not the scene at the concentration camp). The scene with Rammstein wielding guns (the pumpgun) and taking Germania hostage was about leftwing terrorism of the 1970's. The terrorists were called the RAF (Rote Armee Fraktion). My interpretation of the red scanner-like beams: There are two different kinds of beams. The massive straight red light beam that goes up into the heavens AND there were those smaller, thinner "scanner" beams. Aliens (or humans from the future) are scanning the whole German history. Like some real scientists are scanning and excarvating ancient Mexican or Egyptian statues, for example. The massive red light beam is the red ribbon of time that ties together all the historical events. PS: As for the dogs: Germans are fanatical dog lovers. We are a dog-owner nation. The dog is a firm part of Germany. PPS: They didn't eat the body of the woman and her inner organs, even if it really looked that way. They were eating the national dish of Germany, that was put on the body of the black woman: Sauerkraut, Kassler & sausages. In my opinion it symbolizes the church eating itself fat on the goods and values and food of Germany during the simple people (farmers, simple workers etc) lived a long time in a kind of hell of poverty and serfdom (the red fetish area below the table with Germania on it). But that eating scene could indeed have a double meaning. It could represent the 30 years war, that was fought for religious reasons and depopulated large areas of Germany. It forced the people to commit canibalism because nobody was there anymore to produce food. Except the fat, wealthy people of the church, of course. They were still able to eat enough. Only the simple people at the bottom (farmers etc) died from hunger and had to fight and die in that war. The 30 years war was the biggest catastrophe in Germany until WWI happened. PPPS: The short scene with the dogs and their gas masks = WWI, where in reality animals (messenger dogs & horses) AND soldiers were wearing gas masks, too. PPPPS: The puppies at the end are Leonberger dogs. The Leonbergers nearly went extinct during WWI and WWII. PPPPPS: The black woman in the prison was dressed in a Prussian uniform with a Prussian helmet. Till sings the famous, often misinterpreted, line of the "Deutschlandlied" (Song of the Germans), that is not forbidden in Germany but simply isn't sung anymore in our modern national anthem. Till sings in his version the line "Deutschland über allen" (Germany above everybody) What is a BIG change to the real line in the orginal Deutschlandlied-song. In the original Deutschlandlied song it is written as "Deutschland über alles" (Germany above everything). The real, whole line of that old Deutschlandlied goes "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles. Über alles in der Welt" (Germany, Germany above everything. Above everything in the world). This line is often misinterpreted by many people as chauvinism and as a looking down upon all other countries on this planet. But that is wrong and not many people know about that in Germany and elsewhere. The writer of that famous line didn't meant it in a chauvinistic way. When that song was written, Germany was divided into umphteeth mini-states, what made Germany relative powerless and defenseless. Therefore the task of German unification was the goal above any other goal for all Germans (at least the writer of the song meant it that way). So the main goal for all Germans had to be the united Germany. The goal of "(united) Germany above everything else". That was, how that line was meant by the writer of the song. The line isn't forbidden, like many people wrongly think. It's simply not sung anymore and not part of the official anthem of modern Germany anymore. This has NOT its reason in the seemingly chauvinist meaning of "Deutschland über alles", like many people wrongly think. This whole stanza of the Deutschlandlied isn't sung anymore, because in other parts of the stanza are borders and landscapes mentioned, that aren't German borders and landscapes anymore. We want to live in peace with the people and countries, who are now living in those former German lands and therefore we don't sing about those old borders and landscapes anymore. It has nothing to do with the "Deutschland über alles" line in that stanza, like many people wrongly are thinking. Finally: The scenes I'm now talking about are pretty dark and low light. The WWII submarine in the submarine bunker during the astronauts are walking by with the glass coffin. I think, the choice of the black woman as main actress was made, because: a) it makes any accusations of racism and fascism against Rammstein useless b) she represents one colour of the German flag and she is wearing the rest of the colours of our German flag as makeup and jewellery and clothes on her body: Black, Red and Gold c) it provokes many people EVEN MORE 😄 Greetings
@stefanmuller3116 2 жыл бұрын
als ob die das alles lesen
@michaelmiller6924 2 жыл бұрын
@@stefanmuller3116 ich glaube schon ,schauen auf die likes :P
@stefanmuller3116 2 жыл бұрын
@@michaelmiller6924 naja trotzdem viel text
@HagathaBroomstick 2 жыл бұрын
I read it all. Nice job.
@hiran4935 2 жыл бұрын
@@stefanmuller3116 As a Srilankan who is not even close to Europe, I think I understood most of the things they are showing and the love/hate emotions of the song. Americans are kinda meh in history anyway lol
@philippkartusch1303 2 жыл бұрын
You have to understand the History of Germany to understand this Video! Even if you know much about German History you have to watch this Video many times to understand every Sequence. This Video is a Masterpiece!!!
@ReligionOfSacrifice 2 жыл бұрын
Germania is the black woman and she represents the strength of Germany. Hence she is strong in the first encounter with Rome and then joins Rome and wears a crown of strength, but under the Holy Roman Empire she is beginning to be consummed as strength is in Rome and the religious who represent Rome. She is happy between WWI and WWII as Woodrow Wilson's "determinism" allowed Germany to attack other political views, but even stronger during WWII Nazi Germany's third Reich, and is captured by the Bader Meinhof RAF by accident in their terrorism in Western Germany, but is also gleeful at seeing strength also in the West, for she merely bids her time in Eastern communism as a soldier, but yells out her pride in being German. She has riches and dogs in this present age, but can also be in a wheelchair as she is weak in rejecting nationalism (I cannot give you my love), and she gives birth to dogs through interbreeding of the races and the white man is on his hands and knees as a dog before the lesser breed of race because of it. GERMANY OVER ALL. Now what was it all about? Finally, in the future with laser like in "Freejack" they are zeroing in on Germania to take her strength for the future and begin the cut while the crown is on her head inside the concentration camp, but she is dead and in a casket without the spaceship for the future at the very end. This is because only the spirit of THE ACT OF THE WILL is loved as the human is unnecessary in the future. Some Nazi who is rich, must have wanted to give forth this imagry knowing the demons are all that exist in hell as man is working towards no flesh as man is merely a beast (Psalms 49:20) as for humans the second body and soul are destroyed in hell fire (Matthew 10:28).
@Cyberfriend-il8vv 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, I'm from Germany. A big part of the German history in one video. The black woman as Germania. Germania is the personification of the German nation. It isn't and wasn't a goddess or Joan of Arc. The glass coffin: It is Little Snow White from the Grimm-fairytales....and from their own video "Sonne". Only with black skin and in space. The piano song at the end is the song "Sonne", too. The words "Germania Magna" at the beginning are a Roman name for the area of Germany, that wasn't conquered by the Roman Empire at that time. Germania Superior and Germania Inferior were the Roman conquered areas (Roman provinces) of Germany. The line in this song "So jung und doch so alt" (So young and yet so old) means: Germany as a unified state is very young. A unified German nation is only existing from 1871 onwards. Before that year of unification Germany was made of countless, little mini-states and the people identified first and foremost as Prussians, Hessians, Saxons etc, etc, etc. and only in a second line of thought they had a lose sense of being somehow Germans, too, as a kind of unifying second identity. So the area & the landscape where the Germans are living and the Germans themselves as a people...are thousands of years old. But only recently, in 1871, there was a unified Germany as one single state. So Germany as a unified state is very young...and at the same time it is thousands of years old. The battle of the Teutoburg forest against the Romans (and Rammstein as Roman soldiers and Germans alike). That battle is of ABSOLUTE importance for the German history. The hanged bodies in the trees were the beaten Roman soldiers, who were gruesome sacrificed to the Germanic gods...and were partly nailed to the trees. The Varus-(Teutoburg)-Battle was already in 9 AD. In 16 AD were the vengeance campaigns of commanding field general Germanicus under Emperor Tiberius Augustus. Therefore we see here the arrival of the Roman troops of Germanicus and they are watching their dead comrades hanging in the trees or getting their heads chopped off (for nailing them to the trees). In reality the Romans under Germanicus found only the bones of the Varus army in the various ways they were slaughtered, sacrificed and displayed at the trees. Slaves were liberated even decades after the battle. After the scenes with the Romans we saw the Hindenburg Zeppelin disaster (the burning Zeppelin in the background). The moustaches and clothing from the fight scene are from WWI and post WWI years. From the working class people in WWI and the roaring 20's. In the WWII years later on this kind of big bushy moustache was already out of fashion. The falling banknotes in the prison are not about corruption. That scene is about the hyper-inflation of the 1920's, that took away the savings of the Germans and left them in deep poverty and desperation. One had to pay a loaf of bread with a handcart full of nearly worthless banknotes back then and it hit the German people deep down inside and in their souls. Especially the poor ones and the simple workers. The V2 rocket (first manmade object in space) as technical triumph of the German spirit...and at the same time the killing of the concentration camp prisoners in the bunker factories below the mountains during the production of that rocket. This scene in the video could be a representation of a very specific concentration camp. It was "Mittelbau-Dora" below the Kohnstein mountain. A mixture between a big, huge bunker factory for V1 and V2 rockets and a concentration camp. The concentration camp inmates had several different markings for different kinds of convicts and their "crimes" sown to their chests, like it was in reality, too. A pink triangle for homosexuals, the star of David for Jews and two of them were marked with the double-triangles for Jehovas Whitnesses. The book burnings of the Nazis and the burning of the witches of the church. In the same scene with the book burning there is EVEN MORE going on. The cooperation of the church with the Nazis, when the priest with the cross embraces the Nazi SA-man. The scene with the sign with the Hammer and a pair of compasses in a circle of wheat is the sign of the GDR (DDR). The socialst German state in the east that existed before the German reunification. Therefore it was Karl Marx in the background in the scene with the tank (not the scene at the concentration camp). The scene with Rammstein wielding guns (the pumpgun) and taking Germania hostage was about leftwing terrorism of the 1970's. The terrorists were called the RAF (Rote Armee Fraktion). My interpretation of the red scanner-like beams: There are two different kinds of beams. The massive straight red light beam that goes up into the heavens AND there were those smaller, thinner "scanner" beams. Aliens (or humans from the future) are scanning the whole German history. Like some real scientists are scanning and excarvating ancient Mexican or Egyptian statues, for example. The massive red light beam is the red ribbon of time that ties together all the historical events. PS: As for the dogs: Germans are fanatical dog lovers. We are a dog-owner nation. The dog is a firm part of Germany. PPS: They didn't eat the body of the woman and her inner organs, even if it really looked that way. They were eating the national dish of Germany, that was put on the body of the black woman: Sauerkraut, Kassler & sausages. In my opinion it symbolizes the church eating itself fat on the goods and values and food of Germany during the simple people (farmers, simple workers etc) lived a long time in a kind of hell of poverty and serfdom (the red fetish area below the table with Germania on it). But that eating scene could indeed have a double meaning. It could represent the 30 years war, that was fought for religious reasons and depopulated large areas of Germany. It forced the people to commit canibalism because nobody was there anymore to produce food. Except the fat, wealthy people of the church, of course. They were still able to eat enough. Only the simple people at the bottom (farmers etc) died from hunger and had to fight and die in that war. The 30 years war was the biggest catastrophe in Germany until WWI happened. PPPS: The short scene with the dogs and their gas masks = WWI, where in reality animals (messenger dogs & horses) AND soldiers were wearing gas masks, too. PPPPS: The puppies at the end are Leonberger dogs. The Leonbergers nearly went extinct during WWI and WWII. PPPPPS: The black woman in the prison was dressed in a Prussian uniform with a Prussian helmet. Till sings the famous, often misinterpreted, line of the "Deutschlandlied" (Song of the Germans), that is not forbidden in Germany but simply isn't sung anymore in our modern national anthem. Till sings in his version the line "Deutschland über allen" (Germany above everybody) What is a BIG change to the real line in the orginal Deutschlandlied-song. In the original Deutschlandlied song it is written as "Deutschland über alles" (Germany above everything). The real, whole line of that old Deutschlandlied goes "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles. Über alles in der Welt" (Germany, Germany above everything. Above everything in the world). This line is often misinterpreted by many people as chauvinism and as a looking down upon all other countries on this planet. But that is wrong and not many people know about that in Germany and elsewhere. The writer of that famous line didn't meant it in a chauvinistic way. When that song was written, Germany was divided into umphteenth mini-states, what made Germany relative powerless and defenseless. Therefore the task of German unification was the goal above any other goal for all Germans (at least the writer of the song meant it that way). So the main goal for all Germans had to be the united Germany. The goal of "(united) Germany above everything else". That was, how that line was meant by the writer of the song. The line isn't forbidden, like many people wrongly think. It's simply not sung anymore and not part of the official anthem of modern Germany anymore. This has NOT its reason in the seemingly chauvinist meaning of "Deutschland über alles", like many people wrongly think. This whole stanza of the Deutschlandlied isn't sung anymore, because in other parts of the stanza are borders and landscapes mentioned, that aren't German borders and landscapes anymore. We want to live in peace with the people and countries, who are now living in those former German lands and therefore we don't sing about those old borders and landscapes anymore. It has nothing to do with the "Deutschland über alles" line in that stanza, like many people wrongly are thinking. Finally: The scenes I'm now talking about are pretty dark and low light. The WWII submarine in the submarine bunker during the astronauts are walking by with the glass coffin. I think, the choice of the black woman as main actress was made, because: a) it makes any accusations of racism and fascism against Rammstein useless b) she represents one colour of the German flag and she is wearing the rest of the colours of our German flag as makeup and jewellery and clothes on her body: Black, Red and Gold c) it provokes many people EVEN MORE 😄
@utedachner3741 2 жыл бұрын
Er ist ein absoluter Rammsteinfan, diese Reaktion, diese Begeisterung. Auch ohne Übersetzung versteht er alles. Er kann seine Partnerin auch dafür gewinnen. Das Video ist aber auch einmalig.
@kayleighgunton9060 Жыл бұрын
Every part of this video is a metaphor... it's a man who wants to love his country and his heritage but finds it hard to do so because of the horrific things that have happened in its past.... Every video of rammstein is very well written.... always tells a story... I cannot praise rammstein enough... til lindemann is frikkin awesome and hugely talented... this is why this band is so successful worldwide . Rammstein rock..... FACT !!! 🤘❤🤘
@kayleighgunton9060 Жыл бұрын
Also that rendition of the song 'sonne' on piano is just beautiful ❤
@dirkspatz3692 2 жыл бұрын
The scenes with the puppies can be explaned as follow: Some Historic information: The puppies are "Leonberger Dogs" a breed used in WW1 and WW2 at frontier dogs and at the end of both World Wars the breed was close to be estinct (Only 5 or 8 dogs survived WW2 after WW1 also only a handful dogs survived). After WW1 the breeders were able to re-breed the dog race - only to see that the dogs where used at the frontiers again, but they re-breed the dog race a second time. Germany was destoryed, ruined, "close to extinction" after both Wars but like the Leonberger Breed where re-born after the wars (Regardless of how deep germany falls it will raise again). So Giving bird to the dogs can be seen as "Giving Bird to a new nation" or better to new nations (The "Holy roman empire of german nations, The second Empire, The Weimar Republic, The third Empire, East and West Germany and finally a unified Germany). Judges in Germany historicaly wear black dresses - except the highest of all - The Judges of the "supreme court" (Bundesverfassungsgericht) - these judges wear red robes (Like the one in the Video). Can be seen as "Give bird of new nations under the obsevation of the highest court" (in hope that this time the new nation behaves better)
@majorchaos8105 2 жыл бұрын
Finally an explanation for the dogs.... thank you!
@gallowsongs 2 жыл бұрын
Germania is literally giving birth to a new breed, a new species...
@jdrancho1864 2 жыл бұрын
03:40 that "wink" is such a blink-and-you-missed-it moment, I am surprised you picked up on it. I always thought, tho, that it was aimed at his opponent as a psych-out move.
@RustyDust101 2 жыл бұрын
This is what happens when you compress 2000 years of history plus commentary into an eight minute mini-movie. Loads of impressions, cut together quickly. When lines, or maybe even only one word of the lyrics are paired with a one second image the commentary becomes a bit more clear, but it also adds insights into the background of the era depicted. For that a lot of background knowledge is required. Thank you for your insight into Richard Z Kruspe giving a tiny wink at Germania during the 1920's scene when he patted down the knuckledusters. That's another little detail that I missed. Each and every time I see this masterpiece, or a reaction to it, I get another little insight, another viable interpretation, such as yours. Edit: 16:05 Hehe, nope, you wouldn't fear those guys. In everyday life they are completely sweet, gentle men, not their stage or video personae. Totally chill, relaxed, friendly, outgoing, normal. It is astonishing how much their stage characters differ from their normal everyday life. You'd probably not even recognize them if they were in normal street wear. Till Lindemann, the big, buff, gruff looking singer, actually has extreme stage-fright, and never really focusses on a single member of the audience when on stage. It is his mechanism to overcome his stage-fright by never making eye-contact but panning over the distant crowd. If you check out some of their interviews you'd find out how ridiculously average these guys are, by their own admission. 😁😁 The red lasers might have multiple interpretations. One is that it represents the "Rote Faden" / the "red thread", or the 'plot line'. The central idea continuing on, the main theme. The woman/Germania giving birth to the dogs was a nod to German scientists and dog breeders saving and recovering the Leonberger dog breed after it had shrunk down to nearly FIVE dogs only. Modern Germans, like me, tend to be quite a bit more relaxed than the depicted versions, either of this video, or of the typical WWII movies. We've had our share of insecurities after especially WWII. When it comes to our military we might have excellent equipment IF we kept it working, but we prefer not to touch rearming our military. As we've had more than enough of war and destruction. We'd prefer peace and prosperity as well as real cooperation among the nations now. In reality our armed forces are almost a joke when compared to other nations. Which has been some cause of concern among other NATO members. You really don't have to worry about Germany as a military threat anymore. /sarcasm on We prefer selling our military equipment to those that are at least nominally on our side. /sarcasm off
@TheBuschfuss 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, I'm from Germany. Rammstein is playing a classic "Industrial Metal" style. A 50-50 mix of synthesizers and hard metal guitarrs. A big part of the German history in one video. The black woman as Germania. Germania is the mother of the German nation. It isn't and wasn't a Goddess or Joan of Arc. The glass coffin: It is Little Snow White from the Grimm-fairytales....and from their own video "Sonne". Only with black skin and in space. The piano song at the end is the song "Sonne", too. The battle of the Teutoburg forrest against the Romans (and Rammstein as Roman soldiers and Germans alike). That battle is of ABSOLUTE importance for the German history. The hanged bodies in the trees were the beaten Roman soldiers, who were gruesome sacrificed to the Germanic gods...and were partly nailed to the trees. The Varus-(Teutoburg)-Battle was already in 9 AD. In 16 AD were the vengeance campaigns of Emperor Germanicus. Therefore we see here the arrival of the Roman troops of Germanicus and they are watching their dead comrades hanging in the trees or getting their heads chopped off (for nailing them to the trees). In reality the Romans under Germanicus found only the bones of the Varus army in the various ways they were slaughtered, sacrificed and displayed at the trees. Slaves were liberated even decades after the battle. After the scenes with the Romans we saw the Hindenburg Zeppelin disaster (the burning Zeppelin in the background). The moustaches and clothing from the fight scene are from WWI and post WWI years. From the working class people in WWI and the roaring 20's. In the WWII years later on this kind of big bushy moustache was already out of fashion. The V2 rocket (first manmade object in space) as technical triumph of the German spirit...and at the same time the killing of the concentration camp prisoners in the bunker factories below the mountains during the production of that rocket. This scene in the video could be a representation of a very specific concentration camp. It was "Mittelbau-Dora" below the Kohnstein mountain. A mixture between a big, huge bunker factory for V1 and V2 rockets and a concentration camp. The concentration camp inmates had several different markings for different kinds of convicts and their "crimes" sown to their chests, like it was in reality, too. A pink triangle for homosexuals, the star of David for Jews and two of them were marked with the double-triangles for Jehovas Whitnesses. The book burnings of the Nazis and the burning of the witches of the church. In the same scene with the book burning there is EVEN MORE going on. The cooperation of the church with the Nazis, when the priest with the cross embraces the Nazi SA-man. The scene with the sign with the Hammer and a pair of compasses in a circle of wheat is the sign of the GDR (DDR). The socialist German state in the east that existed before the German reunification. Therefore it was Karl Marx in the background in the scene with the tank (not the scene at the concentration camp). The scene with Rammstein wielding guns (the pumpgun) and taking Germania hostage was about leftwing terrorism of the 1970's. The terrorists were called the RAF (Rote Armee Fraktion). My interpretation of the red scanner-like beams: There are two different kinds of beams. The massive straight red light beam that goes up into the heavens AND there were those smaller, thinner "scanner" beams. Aliens (or humans from the future) are scanning the whole German history. Like some real scientists are scanning and excarvating ancient Mexican or Egyptian statues, for example. The massive red light beam is the red ribbon of time that ties together all the historical events. PS: As for the dogs: Germans are fanatical dog lovers. We are a dog-owner nation. The dog is a firm part of Germany. PPS: They didn't eat the body of the woman and her inner organs, even if it really looked that way. They were eating the national dish of Germany, that was put on the body of the black woman: Sauerkraut, Kassler & sausages. In my opinion it symbolizes the church eating itself fat on the goods and values and food of Germany during the simple people (farmers, simple workers etc) lived a long time in a kind of hell of poverty and serfdom (the red fetish area below the table with Germania on it). But that eating scene could indeed have a double meaning. It could represent the 30 years war, that was fought for religious reasons and depopulated large areas of Germany. It forced the people to commit canibalism because nobody was there anymore to produce food. Except the fat, wealthy people of the church, of course. They were still able to eat enough. Only the simple people at the bottom (farmers etc) died from hunger and had to fight and die in that war. The 30 years war was the biggest catastrophe in Germany until WWI happened. PPPS: The short scene with the dogs and their gas masks = WWI, where in reality animals (messenger dogs & horses) AND soldiers were wearing gas masks, too. PPPPS: The puppies at the end are Leonberger dogs. The Leonbergers nearly went extinct during WWI and WWII. PPPPPS: My interpretation of the glass coffin is Little Snow White in space, like I wrote before. PPPPPPS: The black woman in the prison was dressed in a Prussian uniform with a Prussian helmet. Finally: The scenes I'm now talking about are pretty dark and low light. The WWII submarine in the submarine bunker during the astronauts are walking by with the glass coffin. I think, the choice of the black woman as main actress was made, because: a) it makes any accusations of racism and fascism against Rammstein useless b) she represents one colour of the German flag and she is wearing the rest of the colours of our German flag as makeup and jewellery and clothes on her body: Black, Red and Gold c) it provokes many people EVEN MORE 😄 The lyrics deal with the national pride that every German would like to have, but our past with what Germany has done still haunts us today. Every time I hear this song as a 27-year-old German, I am accompanied by a strange feeling of connection but also shame. No one who is not German will ever feel the same as a German when listening to this song as a foreigner, because being perceived as German is often like someone telling you your mom (Germany) was a lousy bitch and you can't do anything do or say about it, except that it was before your time. Greetings
@megatwingo 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, I'm from Germany. Rammstein is playing a classic "Industrial Metal" style. A 50-50 mix of synthesizers and hard metal guitars. A big part of the German history in one video. The black woman as Germania. Germania is the personification of the German nation. It isn't and wasn't a goddess or Joan of Arc. The glass coffin: It is Little Snow White from the Grimm-fairytales....and from their own video "Sonne". Only with black skin and in space. The piano song at the end is the song "Sonne", too. The words "Germania Magna" at the beginning are a Roman name for the area of Germany, that wasn't conquered by the Roman Empire at that time. Germania Superior and Germania Inferior were the Roman conquered areas (Roman provinces) of Germany. The line in this song "So jung und doch so alt" (So young and yet so old) means: Germany as a unified state is very young. A unified German nation is only existing from 1871 onwards. Before that year of unification Germany was made of countless, little mini-states and the people identified first and foremost as Prussians, Hessians, Saxons etc, etc, etc. and only in a second line of thought they had a lose sense of being somehow Germans, too, as a kind of unifying second identity. So the area & the landscape where the Germans are living and the Germans themselves as a people...are thousands of years old. But only recently, in 1871, there was a unified Germany as one single state. So Germany as a unified state is very young...and at the same time it is thousands of years old. The battle of the Teutoburg forest against the Romans (and Rammstein as Roman soldiers and Germans alike). That battle is of ABSOLUTE importance for the German history. The hanged bodies in the trees were the beaten Roman soldiers, who were gruesome sacrificed to the Germanic gods...and were partly nailed to the trees. The Varus-(Teutoburg)-Battle was already in 9 AD. In 16 AD were the vengeance campaigns of commanding field general Germanicus under Emperor Tiberius Augustus. Therefore we see here the arrival of the Roman troops of Germanicus and they are watching their dead comrades hanging in the trees or getting their heads chopped off (for nailing them to the trees). In reality the Romans under Germanicus found only the bones of the Varus army in the various ways they were slaughtered, sacrificed and displayed at the trees. Slaves were liberated even decades after the battle. After the scenes with the Romans we saw the Hindenburg Zeppelin disaster (the burning Zeppelin in the background). The moustaches and clothing from the fight scene are from WWI and post WWI years. From the working class people in WWI and the roaring 20's. In the WWII years later on this kind of big bushy moustache was already out of fashion. The falling banknotes in the prison are not about corruption. That scene is about the hyper-inflation of the 1920's, that took away the savings of the Germans and left them in deep poverty and desperation. One had to pay a loaf of bread with a handcart full of nearly worthless banknotes back then and it hit the German people deep down inside and in their souls. Especially the poor ones and the simple workers. The V2 rocket (first manmade object in space) as technical triumph of the German spirit...and at the same time the killing of the concentration camp prisoners in the bunker factories below the mountains during the production of that rocket. This scene in the video could be a representation of a very specific concentration camp. It was "Mittelbau-Dora" below the Kohnstein mountain. A mixture between a big, huge bunker factory for V1 and V2 rockets and a concentration camp. The concentration camp inmates had several different markings for different kinds of convicts and their "crimes" sown to their chests, like it was in reality, too. A pink triangle for homosexuals, the star of David for Jews and two of them were marked with the double-triangles for Jehovas Whitnesses. The book burnings of the Nazis and the burning of the witches of the church. In the same scene with the book burning there is EVEN MORE going on. The cooperation of the church with the Nazis, when the priest with the cross embraces the Nazi SA-man. The scene with the sign with the Hammer and a pair of compasses in a circle of wheat is the sign of the GDR (DDR). The socialst German state in the east that existed before the German reunification. Therefore it was Karl Marx in the background in the scene with the tank (not the scene at the concentration camp). The scene with Rammstein wielding guns (the pumpgun) and taking Germania hostage was about leftwing terrorism of the 1970's. The terrorists were called the RAF (Rote Armee Fraktion). My interpretation of the red scanner-like beams: There are two different kinds of beams. The massive straight red light beam that goes up into the heavens AND there were those smaller, thinner "scanner" beams. Aliens (or humans from the future) are scanning the whole German history. Like some real scientists are scanning and excarvating ancient Mexican or Egyptian statues, for example. The massive red light beam is the red ribbon of time that ties together all the historical events. PS: As for the dogs: Germans are fanatical dog lovers. We are a dog-owner nation. The dog is a firm part of Germany. PPS: They didn't eat the body of the woman and her inner organs, even if it really looked that way. They were eating the national dish of Germany, that was put on the body of the black woman: Sauerkraut, Kassler & sausages. In my opinion it symbolizes the church eating itself fat on the goods and values and food of Germany during the simple people (farmers, simple workers etc) lived a long time in a kind of hell of poverty and serfdom (the red fetish area below the table with Germania on it). But that eating scene could indeed have a double meaning. It could represent the 30 years war, that was fought for religious reasons and depopulated large areas of Germany. It forced the people to commit canibalism because nobody was there anymore to produce food. Except the fat, wealthy people of the church, of course. They were still able to eat enough. Only the simple people at the bottom (farmers etc) died from hunger and had to fight and die in that war. The 30 years war was the biggest catastrophe in Germany until WWI happened. PPPS: The short scene with the dogs and their gas masks = WWI, where in reality animals (messenger dogs & horses) AND soldiers were wearing gas masks, too. PPPPS: The puppies at the end are Leonberger dogs. The Leonbergers nearly went extinct during WWI and WWII. PPPPPS: The black woman in the prison was dressed in a Prussian uniform with a Prussian helmet. Till sings the famous, often misinterpreted, line of the "Deutschlandlied" (Song of the Germans), that is not forbidden in Germany but simply isn't sung anymore in our modern national anthem. Till sings in his version the line "Deutschland über allen" (Germany above everybody) What is a BIG change to the real line in the orginal Deutschlandlied-song. In the original Deutschlandlied song it is written as "Deutschland über alles" (Germany above everything). The real, whole line of that old Deutschlandlied goes "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles. Über alles in der Welt" (Germany, Germany above everything. Above everything in the world). This line is often misinterpreted by many people as chauvinism and as a looking down upon all other countries on this planet. But that is wrong and not many people know about that in Germany and elsewhere. The writer of that famous line didn't meant it in a chauvinistic way. When that song was written, Germany was divided into umphteenth mini-states, what made Germany relative powerless and defenseless. Therefore the task of German unification was the goal above any other goal for all Germans (at least the writer of the song meant it that way). So the main goal for all Germans had to be the united Germany. The goal of "(united) Germany above everything else". That was, how that line was meant by the writer of the song. The line isn't forbidden, like many people wrongly think. It's simply not sung anymore and not part of the official anthem of modern Germany anymore. This has NOT its reason in the seemingly chauvinist meaning of "Deutschland über alles", like many people wrongly think. This whole stanza of the Deutschlandlied isn't sung anymore, because in other parts of the stanza are borders and landscapes mentioned, that aren't German borders and landscapes anymore. We want to live in peace with the people and countries, who are now living in those former German lands and therefore we don't sing about those old borders and landscapes anymore. It has nothing to do with the "Deutschland über alles" line in that stanza, like many people wrongly are thinking. Finally: The scenes I'm now talking about are pretty dark and low light. The WWII submarine in the submarine bunker during the astronauts are walking by with the glass coffin. I think, the choice of the black woman as main actress was made, because: a) it makes any accusations of racism and fascism against Rammstein useless b) she represents one colour of the German flag and she is wearing the rest of the colours of our German flag as makeup and jewellery and clothes on her body: Black, Red and Gold c) it provokes many people EVEN MORE 😄 Greetings Mega
@megatwingo 2 жыл бұрын
PS: KZbin didn't allow me to integrate this information into the bigger text (above) for unknown reasons, therefore I'm posting it here: The troops, who smashed the Jewish shops during the Kristallnacht (not shown in the video) were SA (Sturmabteilung) in brown uniform and not the later SS (Schutzstaffel) in the black uniform. The SA did all the dirty work at the beginning of the Nazi rise to power...until the "Night of the long knives", an inner-Nazi power struggle, happened. The head of the SA (Ernst Röhm) was killed and from then on the SA was turned more and more into the SS under Himmler. The book burnings were part of the early Nazi years, too, and were done by the SA, too. One can see the SA burning the books and Till is watching it in a brown SA uniform. Both, Kristallnacht and book burnings were different things and happened at different times. The book burnings happened over a longer timespan at different locations at different times during the Kristallnacht was one big "event" that happened at one single day. Kristallnacht means "Crystal Night" and was called that way, because the smashed shop windows of the Jewish shops looked like thousands of crystals on the ground. But in the Rammstein video I've only seen the book burnings. PPS: The two beer drinking soldiers to the left side of the table, where Germania is lying on and where the priests are eating Sauerkraut & Sausages from her body, are not French soldiers and they aren't representing the French revolution. Those two beer drinking soldiers are Prussian soldiers and they are emphasizing the importance of Prussia for the German history. As far as I could see: They were from the era of Friedrich der Große (The Old Fritz), who was of extraordinary importance for German history. Amongst many other achievements he was the one, who brought the potato to Prussia and Germany. That saved many Germans from hunger and the potato became one of the most beloved foods in Germany on that way.
@normanh8506 2 жыл бұрын
@@megatwingo besser kann man es kaum erläutern 👍 Hut ab
@megatwingo 2 жыл бұрын
@@normanh8506 Danke für das positive Feedback! :)
@flaminaphilomena1800 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, neues "Deutschland react Video", mal gucken ob Megatwingo schon gepostet hat. XD Ich wurde nicht enttäuscht.
@megatwingo 2 жыл бұрын
@@flaminaphilomena1800 :-)
@berliner2651 2 жыл бұрын
I've been curios how they may react to that video. But his excitement is contagious 🤣. Love the way he is totally enjoying the music, the videos and their live performances. Wish I could headbang with him. Greetings from Germany and a rammstein fan for over 20 years
@vitalykarbowski 2 жыл бұрын
you, guys, are awesome!!! it's like watching a video with good friends
@michaelfinck7487 2 жыл бұрын
The whole Video will understand only Historians and Germans and these people also have to watch the video several times. The song is about the ambivalent relationship of Rammstein and many Germans to their country, because of the violent and cruel history with extensive human crimes ("red line of violence through german history"), especially in recent history. Therefore the video features various events from German history, including Roman times, the Middle Ages, witch hunting and burning, Protestant Reformation, the November Revolution, the "Golden Twenties" and hyperinflation, Nazi book burnings, the Hindenburg disaster, the First and Second World Wars, the Holocaust, the Weimar Republic, the Red Army Fraction (violent anti-capitalist terror alliance of young people and students against Nazis in high state and economy positions in post-war Germany), and the division of the country into West and East Germany including the Uprising June 17 in East Germany. The black woman represents Germany and one of the Colors of the German flags, sometimes as a victim, but mostly as a perpetrator. With her black skin she is also a provocation to all stupid racists A lot of people do not understand the scenes with the dogs. This breed of dogs are not German Shepards, but Leonberger. This breed of dog narrowly escaped extinction during the First and also Second World Wars and is symbolic of the German people, whose existence was also strongly threatened in those wars (Morgenthau-Plan) - both now have a second existential chance, just like the new German democratic constitution, which in future must be protected as strongly as if it were under quarantine (Judges in red robes, Rammstein members in protective suits with the dogs) The Holocaust was for this reason the greatest human crime because it was the first industrially organized mass murder in human history, by a country that was culturally at its highest point at this time and called itself the country of poets and thinkers. But it is precisely the high cultural and scientific level of Germany that unfortunately caused others to be viewed as subhuman who can be killed without pity, just like animals. Seeing other people as inferior has always brought a lot of suffering to people Rammstein is one of the most famous metal bands and living legends with the same line-up for 25 years. They are a german band and are considered the best live band in the world, especially when it comes to showmenship, pyro and fire. Above all, Rammstein uses pyro quite differently than all other bands. Rammstein's music is a mixture of techno (electronic music) and metal (= industrial metal). Rammstein concerts are a life time experience that you will never forget. Their videos are art but also often controversial. Rammstein also refers to classical German literature, e.g. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's. Several of their songs are related to controversial and taboo subjects such as sadomasochism, homosexuality, intersexuality, incest, pedophilia, necrophilia, cannibalism, pyromania, religion and sexual violence. Also several of their songs are allegedly inspired by real-life events or politics. Rammstein lyrics are very deep and are also often used in school and universities around the world to learn German. There are people who learn German only because of Rammstein. Rammstein fans are considered to be the craziest and most fanatical fans in the world. In concerts from the hardcore fans all over the world it is expected that you can sing along with the German lyrics even if you don't speak German.
@epitronic515 2 жыл бұрын
That piece is thick and deep. Never figured out the dog stuff, until now. Thanks for taking the time. Some other German dude
@BA-ik5be 2 жыл бұрын
Schön, ich dachte auch, eigentlich kann nur ein Deutscher, der schon etwas länger lebt, dieses Video verstehen.
@holgerczubka5453 2 жыл бұрын
Danke Michael, in deiner Erklärung ist einiges, was ich noch gar nicht im Video bemerkt hatte.
@randuru 2 жыл бұрын
Did you notice that after the scene with the shot Nazis the red beam became two separate red beams - as Germany became two separate countries after the war.
@epitronic515 2 жыл бұрын
@@randuru ....nope, went right over my head. thx
@rudolfg.7041 2 жыл бұрын
Ein Episches Video von Rammstein mit einigen Szenen der Historie von Deutschland.Etwas verwirrend aber super. An epic video from Rammstein with some scenes from the history of Germany. A bit confusing but great.
@megaraphoenix 2 жыл бұрын
Fun fact Ruby Commey who's the woman in the video is suppose to be the personification/symbol of Germany, you can see the Germanic Flag Colours in all her outfits. And the band is representing the people's attitudes towards her and therefore Germany over the ages and the Love/Hate relationship they have.
@michaelborn351 Жыл бұрын
Habe alle Videos gesehen 😀 man spürt deine Begeisterung bis hier her und ich bin Deutscher 👍 Ich wünsche dir alles gute und schöne Grüße aus Deutschland!
@Kay_The_Coffee_Weirdo 2 жыл бұрын
"Deutschland" paints the band's love/hate relationship with their home country Germany. The woman in the video represents "Germany" or "Germania", the same way that Lady Liberty represents the United States. "Deutschland" is the German word for Germany, and Germany has done some horrible things in their history, but also been the spearhead of a lot of good things too.
@dirkspatz3692 2 жыл бұрын
Official it is Columbia (the Woman Columbia Pictures used for their "Intro") - The personification of Amerika.
@stuartcollins82 2 жыл бұрын
It's also worth noting that she's black, wearing gold, and usually has red light on her on behind her. The colours of the German flag.
@frankbelin1590 2 жыл бұрын
LOL, I just wrote almost completely the same thing before I saw your reaction.
@ZhuRan1239 2 жыл бұрын
This is one of those songs that hit and hit hard with a lot of people. My mother's family left Germany in the mid to late 1800s and landed in the States and survived all the discrimination for years in both world war I and II, they'd been here for decades but still endured hatred for things their cousins or distant relatives had been doing. Specifically my family comes from the Bosch's of Stuttgart (tool and mechanical company) and the head of the family during WWII did everything he could to help the Jews and tried before hand to prevent a war and vehemently went against Hitler to the best of his ability. Here I came in the 1990s and growing up - I am very German looking, with German, Swiss German and Norwegian heritage with high percentages of DNA. I grew up in the southern US being called a Nazi as well as a racist southerner. It's that same type of thing as the song, I have a lot of pride in where I come from and my family, culture and overall heritage but it's almost at times a love and hate relationship. Southern culture has so much love in it but it's overshadowed by the civil war the same with Germany and WWII. The saddest part to me about German history is the fact that they had been prevented for centuries to ever unify into a single German state by all of the powerful countries around them - keeping them in smaller nation states and once they finally were able to do it they almost immediately overcompensated and were just destroyed from the inside out possibly permanently from ever being able to have their own national or ethnic pride. Politicians in Germany recently have even done everything they can do literally state that "there is no such thing a German identity or German culture". So many centuries of history and cultural development ruined by a small man with an inferiority complex.
@hape3862 2 жыл бұрын
"Politicians in Germany recently have even done everything they can do literally state that "there is no such thing a German identity or German culture"." I beg to differ. We may not be as "proud" of our country as others, but that doesn't mean we have no German identity or culture. We are well aware what Germany has done in these two wars _and_ what it has accomplished before and since. National pride is childish and leads to exactly the outcomes Germany is known for (and what we witness these days in Ukraine!). We Germans are just done with patriotism and we grew up. Others have this learning process still ahead of them. Oh, and: "they had been prevented for centuries to ever unify into a single German state by all of the powerful countries around them" isn't true either. The Holy Roman Empire was the dominant power in Europe for exactly 1.000 years, no one has prevented us from unifying. We were not AS unified as one would it define today, but the HRE was far from that mess as what it looks like on a map.
@michaelbuttner4262 2 жыл бұрын
Germay got a good and Bad history , thats all
@amykolterman3744 2 жыл бұрын
They were unified under Fredrick the Great and that was lost due to his grandson. Then in the 1860s, unification under Fredrick Wilhelm I. Prussia was a big influence for the German States. When Germany was under the Royal Prussian House of Hohenzollern, it flourished the most.
@spaceli0n 2 жыл бұрын
The saddest part to me about German history is the fact that they had been prevented for centuries to ever unify into a single German state by all of the powerful countries around them - keeping them in smaller nation states and once they finally were able to do it they almost immediately overcompensated and were just destroyed from the inside out possibly permanently from ever being able to have their own national or ethnic pride. Politicians in Germany recently have even done everything they can do literally state that "there is no such thing a German identity or German culture". - so much this.... germans need to be proud of their culture and ethnicity before its lost.......
@osirismpg7393 8 ай бұрын
Man love how happy and excited you are :)
@nathalieeamiramistydiva2016 Жыл бұрын
I just love your vibes Hahaha,you are so happy. Deutschland about Germany history,a mini movie
@BBE2022 2 жыл бұрын
I love how you guys are LIVING the music and the video! Great to watch! It always warms up my heart when people get emotional with music and really feel it! Keep it up! Greetings from Germany!
@RobertHoffman-e9e 7 ай бұрын
Bro your smile just enjoying the music, love it
@AlphaflyINXS 2 жыл бұрын
Everything about this song has been said in the other comments...except one thing: Like Till Lindemann (the lead vocalist) once said, you will basically have several (at least 3) "meanings" when it comes to the lyrics 1. the Meaning of the Lyrics that you hear you hear, 2. the Meaning of the Lyrics you want to hear, 3. the Meaning of the Lyrics when you read between the lines! But really, that isn´t the end of it! There will always be a Meaning to the Lyrics that only the one who wrote that song will get...and he is not telling!
@Damalatorian 2 жыл бұрын
I always envy new listeners to Rammstein. I also give credit to all who goes through the credits. Everything about this song is perfection in my opinion.. Zeit comes up there as a front runner -but the best song for me have always been Mutter -and it makes me so glad that their piano version were chosen as the ending. Really liked this one guys. Keep it up. :)
@TormentorMB 2 жыл бұрын
4 weeks from now till i'll see them in Leipzig live, and 6 weeks to Berlin. I can't wait to see them again! Rammstein is my blood and soul!
@stephenmiller195 2 жыл бұрын
I’m going June in wales cannot wait, best live band ever, hope you have an amazing time.
@erhardt1477 Жыл бұрын
Well… I do like that this is a couple who has very different take on aspects of the video… that made it fun to watch as well as listen to. Having said that … Like others already described, I’m sure… the symbolism is simply overwhelming… It would take up a university study course alone years to unravel ALL of the different historical, psychological and social angles this video has portrayed … besides the music … of course … 👍 Greetings from Germany everybody 👋 Stay safe
@matzeschulz9661 2 жыл бұрын
lovely greetings from Germany....Nice Video !
@sk8mysterion 2 жыл бұрын
I hope you guys are gonna check the meaning of the lyrics, it's a masterpiece, even for a band like rammstein. I feel absolutely blessed to understand them, till lindemann's voice is hauntingly good:). Cool reaction ✌️
@derbrandmeister4660 2 жыл бұрын
This song in combination with this video runs you over like a 18 wheeler ...
@alexvdvelde 2 жыл бұрын
The excitement of this man is great
@AggressivelyLoving 2 жыл бұрын
On every reaction I always think how beautiful Germania really is in this video. wow much love from germany.
@robstershadille2047 2 жыл бұрын
You two are cute. You made me smile and laugh a lot, greetings from Germany :)
@theinvisibleneonrainbowzeb2567 2 жыл бұрын
I'd have liked to hear more of what the woman had to say, watching some of the things she seemed to notice during the video, she definitely had a slightly different focus than the man, so I'd like to have heard more from her. To say she doesn't know the band or anything that they are about, have been through etc, she seemed very insightful. And she's correct that Till's voice is wonderful, definitely 'gruff' as she said, but also it's beautiful, it is unlike anyone else I can call upon to compare, and I LOVE it! For a different perspective on his voice, I suggest she watch Rammstein perform Seeman live, from sometime in the last decade (although it is one of their early songs) I think, obviously I may be wrong, but the man reacting when he was trying to describe Till's voice, when using words "sharp", I wonder if "clarity" might be a better fit? Because despite the roughness and depth and power in his vocals there is also generally a clarity, even as a non german speaker one is able to differentiate one word from the next, and if you watch any of the live concerts, whatever country and language people are singing along. If you haven't seen Du Hast live in Paris, you need to! Finally, I REALLY recommend that the two of you check out a channel called "three arrows" who have a brilliant video analysis of this song, and IMO it seriously helps us not-Germans with understanding what is happening in the video 🤘🏽🖖🏽☮
@oldguyreactions 2 жыл бұрын
Yessss, clarity is a better word. Great comment....thank you for this.
@Tritttbretttfahrer 2 жыл бұрын
I can feel your love to Rammstein. Thats awesome.😉
@annettereynolds1995 2 жыл бұрын
Oh, and that beautiful piece of piano music at the end is a piano version of "Sonne", one of their most famous and well loved songs.
@annettereynolds1995 2 жыл бұрын
I've got tickets to see them for the 8th time in June and I can't wait. Just when you think they can't get any better...they do
@georgekeiper5208 2 жыл бұрын
I think the word you two were looking for to describe Til's voice is evocative. He has awesome range,clarity and tone and can make you feel what he is singing about without having to know his language.
@phynancier4644 2 жыл бұрын
Perfect diction/enunciation
@CavHDeu 2 жыл бұрын
Zeit and Zick Zack next. You can watch it several times and always find some new details they placed.
@arnodobler1096 2 жыл бұрын
@perleperle5441 2 жыл бұрын
@perleperle5441 2 жыл бұрын
The videos are awesome, but live it's the best band I've seen. You can feel the energy fucking good, it's amazing.....
@Scottistic 2 жыл бұрын
I think one of the best lines was where it said..."He who climbs high will fall low. Germany, Germany above all (everybody)" Which implies that germany thought it was above everyone so much that it fell to rock bottom.
@乙爪s乃웃乇 2 жыл бұрын
Hello! This Song & the Video are Masterpieces! Your Reaction-Video is awesome! Thanks for reacting to my favorite Band & I like it you pronounce Rammstein correct & you both enjoyed it!👍🏻 Btw...The black woman is "Germania" & she represents the German people!😉
@miketyukanov1748 2 жыл бұрын
No, it's the lyrical I in the lyrics and band members in the movie who represent the German people, while the black beauty represents Germany. Germany and Germans are quite different, and both lyrics and movie are about their hard relationships. While they are together for a long time, they are not one. Germany is quite dominating and oppressive for Germans (Deutschland, Deutschland über allen -- not just above any idea, as in the Deutschlandlied "über alles", but "über allen", above everyone. In one of the final scenes Germany is an angel (self-referencing their Engel song), while Germans are her leash dogs -- a self-reference to their official video to "Mein Teil", the Germans are in complete submission to Germany there. German people saying to Germany "your love is a curse and blessing, my love I can't give you" -- that's basically the main message of the song and the video.
@乙爪s乃웃乇 2 жыл бұрын
@@miketyukanov1748 Germania represents Germany, so she represents the German people, too! Very simple to understand!
@bryandeschenes6153 2 жыл бұрын
Hey guys. Just came across your channel. I like supporting reaction channels that react to bands like Rammstein! They have two brand new videos/songs that are vastly different from each other. They are Zeit and Zick Zack. Good luck!
@thegriswolds2014 2 жыл бұрын
i dont know if this will be too late for you to notice it but the best analysis ive found in the internt is"deutschland by rammstein analysis" by 3 arrow. he really does his stuff.
@scottbeuschlein 2 жыл бұрын
Rammstein has always been one of my favorite bands, they are awesome.
@jba.9385 2 жыл бұрын
The video is actually filled with countless subtle references to German history (we even analized it in advanced history class) and talks about the inner conflict of patriotism/pride and guilt of Germanys past. Basically, the only line you need to understand to get what the song is about is the Chorus "Germany, my heart in flames. I want to love you and condemn you." The Woman is supposed to be "Germania", the personification of Germany by the way.
@MeridienneOR 2 жыл бұрын
Well, me as german wont hear anything anymore about "german guilt" Personally has my generation nothing to do with anything anymore. But we still have to bleed out for the (feeled) whole world. Why? Beeing german is just a pain in the ass novadays.
@arwinsp3358 2 жыл бұрын
@@MeridienneOR Perhaps the key to avoiding future errors is knowing what you did wrong in the past...
@seimen4348 2 жыл бұрын
@@arwinsp3358 that, yes. Just ignoring and pretending is the soil were something like that can grew again. Never forget.
@FlixTraveler Жыл бұрын
As a direct neighbor of Germany living in the Netherlands, I can attest that this is quite profound. We, as Dutch citizens, moved past the war a long time ago, but the Germans did not. They consistently carried a sense of responsibility. However, when the Ukrainian war unfolded, they began to shed that guilt.
@nicolemielke410 2 жыл бұрын
YOU 2 are Great!
@odunhops7727 2 жыл бұрын
look at "Zeit!" best Video ever!
@barbaramorcinczyk7169 2 жыл бұрын
More Rammstein 🤟❤️❤️
@SgtSousa92 2 жыл бұрын
The piano piece at the end is from the song "Sonne" (german for "sun") - another great one you should react and many many more!
@frankbelin1590 2 жыл бұрын
It's mostly about the feeling they have about Germany. Everybody wants to be proud of their own country, but how when your country was responsible for horrible things in the past where you can absolutely not to be proud about? So this picture shows this very heavily confronting love-hate relationship. That's why he sings "Meine Liebe kann ich dir nicht geben": I can't give you my love. He wants to, but he's too embarrassed for what Germany has done in the past. That woman, by the way, symbolizes Germania in this video, the old latin word for Germany. And for those who find it controversial, sadly this is history that should never be forgotten nor denied, not to glorify it but to remember that this should never happen again.
@marcvanmaanen2946 Жыл бұрын
Crazy to see they did not get one part of this video and all the symbolism. Even without speaking German there should be some stuff in here they would recognize or associate with something :-s Did like the music though it seems 🙂
@Hamal83 10 ай бұрын
Fank you for reaction!
@timorman6672 2 жыл бұрын
Ich Tu Dir Weh official video is what you should seriously watch next. Probably my favorite song. Love the video is bad ass guitar rift. Rammstein is the best guys. 👌 You will thank me.😃
@yuen4817 2 жыл бұрын
Great video!
@aerialarboreal9005 2 жыл бұрын
Oh and the piano at the end is the instumental version of their song "Sonne" (Sun)
@theodorandren6850 Жыл бұрын
The monk scene seems to be one of the most misunderstood one among many reactions, to my mind it symbolises the church ”eating up the country while reenforcing opression(notice the glassbox with people trapped in it underneath the lady)
@stori4874 Жыл бұрын
The piano at the end is from the rammstein song "sone"
@aerialarboreal9005 2 жыл бұрын
It's a German history lesson, every scene has a meaning, that's how this band rolls...
@MKitchen75 2 жыл бұрын
Every country flag is stained with blood but its just how you handle your history and carry on.. this song is spot on that they need to carry on and admit what happened in past.. we all have our past but we can better from that..
@treyharp1881 2 жыл бұрын
The piano tune at the end is a rendition of Sonne. You guys should watch that video too
@Palerax 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, another kickass video.
@xarexes7070 2 жыл бұрын
Hello you two! Germany's history is really old. I am a native of Cologne, which is on the Rhine (the river) and the Romans could never really get a foothold east of the Rhine. The Germanic tribe of the Ubier built together with the Romans, the city of Cologne as a trading city. I mention this only to explain our mentality, that is, attitude. Germany is already a crazy people. The "Holy Roman Empire of German Nations" was a patchwork of small states, from Germany to France to Italy, the former Roman Empire. Don't nail me down, but around 600 AD, they embraced Christianity. After that Clovis killed his whole family to become emperor and he became emperor. So much for Christian values. But the church gained real power, etc. and so on. If we can't conquer something, we make treaties. The USA has 30% German roots and it scares me a bit how they run blind eyed into the same mistake as we do. I've never been to America, but that tribal pride is dominant, isn't it? The USA didn't get hit in the face twice like we did either! We Germans, by and large, want to form a European Union without being in the limelight. And now to your conclusion and questions: 11:16 This is Snow White! The black lady is Germania, a symbol of the united "Germanic empire"! Snow White sleeps only, at the moment in the empty space. And we illuminate the history, there Americans know surprisingly little about it, it should be taught in school. Racism is already a problem here, even more so in the West. We should not wake sleeping dogs. 14:38 I agree with you on all points! We Germans have shifted gears and are working through our history. I personally think slavery never stopped in the US, only today they work at MCDonald's. But love goes out even though you could only get the pictures right. For me as a German, the song is even much, much deeper. 17:15 I found it very interesting that she did not give birth to wolves. That would have been wrong too, Germans have to be careful not to follow a leader. But we follow our master, like dogs. Snow White is sleeping! 18:26 Yep, we should not forget our history and guilt, but enough is enough. We have the least racists in Europe, but even in our country it is 10% of the population. OK, Scandinavia is just even cooler. Thanks to the rocker lady and until the next algorhytm, love abroud. Translated with (free version)
@stephenmiller195 2 жыл бұрын
They are masters at their music and videos absolutely fantastic, try the new song Zeit it’s a masterpiece, great reaction 🙏
@SladeSF2 2 жыл бұрын
Ruby Commey (the beautiful black lady ) is a german actress. She is the female personification of Germany in this video. Example: In one scene, Ruby Commey is lying on a table and covered with food. In the box below her, tortured and maltreated people are locked up. The priests help themselves in abundance to the food on offer. During the Middle Ages, the Church was endowed with a huge amount of power and often used the abundant gifts that Germany had to offer for its own benefit. At the same time, the rural population suffered from the high taxes that had to be paid to the nobility and the church. Ruby Commey often appears in the video with gold clothes and red lips. Together with her black skin, this results in the German national colors. These are currently the colors of the German national flag and the coat of arms of the Federal Republic of Germany. The colors black, red and gold (yellow) were already the colors of the coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire (1184 AD), not to be confused with the Roman Empire. A black eagle on a golden background with red claws. These colors appear again and again in the German history, for a long time as national colors of the Holy Roman Empire sometimes as symbolic colors against the state authority (German Empire).The entire video is full of references and symbols , which, among other things, refer to the changeable and difficult German history. A detailed explanation would fill several pages and would always be strongly influenced by the interpretation of the individual.
@arnodobler1096 2 жыл бұрын
love your channel Zeit and Ziick Zack next pls
@CentriNEON 2 жыл бұрын
Zeit And Zick zack reaction pleasee 🤟🔥
@arnodobler1096 2 жыл бұрын
@n0wi153 2 жыл бұрын
Rammstein - Zeit ; )
@валерийстепанский-ч1н 2 жыл бұрын
классная реакция. Спасибо
@michaelshields7777 2 жыл бұрын
If I'm not mistaken, I believe the red vertical laser beam, represents the ribbon through time, connecting all these events together.
@Klonbold 2 жыл бұрын
with that reactions i allways want to help the people with understanding the lyrics cause they are such a great part of the songs. want to tell them wich conotations specific words have and nerd out about the musik :D
@cayreet5992 2 жыл бұрын
Little fun fact: the lead singer of the band is a trained opera singer - which is probably the only way you can sing on against that strong music.
@Karlsruhe_in_Germany 3 ай бұрын
Wanted to watch Rammstein and Manowar live before I die. Both succeeded. Rammstein in Brussels, Manowar in Frankfurt. But I'm still alive 😁
@andrewchirgwin4136 2 жыл бұрын
One phrase to remember is meine liebe can ich dir nicht geben, it means I can't give you my love.
@agustindetlefsen6944 2 жыл бұрын
RamSHtein! Yeah! 😂
@KimOfDrac 2 жыл бұрын
The red lasers can be viewed as a red thread. In the beginning it comes down from the sky and in the end it goes out to space and in between is history that we know of
@necromontys. 2 жыл бұрын
absolutely amazing and wonderful ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@DerCooleFriese Жыл бұрын
And if you not noticed...... the end Credits have the piano version of " Sonne "
@farawaydiaries6340 Жыл бұрын
You really really should see the lyrics to like all of their songs. It opens up a whole new perspective!!
@TexumBǰornWrong 2 жыл бұрын
I love watching church ladies go metal!!...🤘🤘👍👍...rock on!
@jdrancho1864 2 жыл бұрын
06:36 Man, that is just about the WORST time to pause the video. Just when the "über..., über..., über..." buildup is about to reach its crescendo, you hit the button. That's the worst timing ever.
@PhatFreddysCat 2 жыл бұрын
Violent history of Germany that theyre not proud of. Great reaction!!!❤️👍🏼
@houseviking4352 2 жыл бұрын
The cip is a recollection of german history. Thr oman scene is a report of a huge defeat Rome had in german land, Prussia, the Weimar republic, of course Nazi Germany. The black lady is Germania, an avatar of the country through these times. The red lights are kinda ''scanning'' the scenes for analysis. The scene with the angel and the guys walking on all four is a reference to the Brandenburg gate monument.
@danivplus8530 2 жыл бұрын
I like you guys , greetings from BlackForest Germany
@cap.luisfigo9401 Жыл бұрын
Read the lyrics. It is really important. This is not a joke. This is Rock 'n Roll!!! ❤🇩🇪☮
@gabrielstratton1775 2 жыл бұрын
The puppies are leonbergers. A breed unique to Germany that has come to represent the Germanic peoples ability to rise from hardships. The breed has nearly gone extinct twice in the last 100 years. Once during each of the world wars. After ww2 it was thought that only 6 pure bred dogs survived and the breed had to be reestablished through careful cross breeding with other dogs. This is why they showed 6 puppies. But of fun trivia for ya. Great reaction. Basically the meaning of the song can be summed up in a translation of 2 lines from the 2nd and 3rd chorus' "Germany, your love is a blessing and a curse. Germany, my love I can not give you" they loved their country but are also ashamed of some of their past
@D-ragon-S 2 жыл бұрын
Bring wife to reaction of Rammstein - America. An uptempo song that highlight some of the things ...... Much Love to you and Ukraine 🌻🌻🌻💙💛💙
@tilochristen637 2 жыл бұрын
The text translated from Deutschland. * You (You have, you have, you have, you have) Cried a lot (Cried, cried, cried, cried) Separated in spirit (Separated, separated, separated, separated) United in heart (United, united, united, united) We (We are, we are, we are, we are, we are) Are together already for very long (You're all, you're all, you're all, you're all) Your breath cold (So cold, so cold, so cold, so cold) The heart in flames (So hot, so hot, so hot, so hot) * You (You can, you can, you can, you can) I (I know, I know, I know, I know) We (We are, we are, we are, we are, we are) You all (You all stay, you all stay, you all stay, you all stay) * (Germany) My heart in flames Want to love you and to condemn you (Germany) Your breath cold So young and yet so old (Germany) * I (You have, you have, you have, you have) I never want to leave you (You cry, you cry, you cry, you cry) One can love you (You love, you love, you love, you love) And want to hate you (You hate, you hate, you hate, you hate) * Arrogant, superior Taking over, handing over Surprise, attack Germany, Germany above all * (Germany) My heart in flames Want to love you and to condemn you (Germany) Your breath cold So young and yet so old (Germany) Your love Is curse and blessing (Germany) My love I cannot give to you (Germany) * (You) (I) (We) (You all) (You) * Overpowering, superfluous (I) Superhumans, tired) (We) Whoever rises high falls hard (You all) Germany, Germany above all * (Germany) Your heart in flames Want to love you and to condemn you (Germany) My breath cold So young and yet so old (Germany) Your love Is curse and blessing (Germany) My love I cannot give to you (Germany)
@garyrobb5341 2 жыл бұрын
One of the most shocking scenes is the remains of someone being burned at 9:09.
@DJDan07 2 жыл бұрын
If this was not mentioned earlier, but at the end of the video, the piano is taken from a lovely Russian pianist, named Gamazda, and the song is called "SONNE", which is another Rammstein song from many many years ago. She did a great job of it, that they used some of her music and added it to their video. You can check it out .
@stephankarl1301 Жыл бұрын
the credits is an reprise of an other song of rammstein somme (sun) to light and burn the place
@MKL614 Жыл бұрын
This video was so scary to me the first time I watched it, then I googled the meaning and watched it again, then it was sad
@derahnungslose9789 2 жыл бұрын
please react to "MEIN HERZ BRENNT" official and the piano version. btw nice reaction
@dfgsdsgsdghfhsrt 2 жыл бұрын
Rocker Lady is complete....she heard Rammstein!!!
@kosmosskll1345 2 жыл бұрын
Will you see Rammstein when they are in US this Year?😍
@sophiecooper1824 2 жыл бұрын
They would love it . I saw them last week , unforgettable night
@onionsssplays9095 2 жыл бұрын
The song doesn't just cover the historical events so to speak. Lyrically its explaining the emotions felt by the German people when it comes to their history and their country. "(Deutschland) Mein Herz in Flammen Will dich lieben und verdammen (Deutschland) Dein Atem kalt So jung und doch so alt (Deutschland)" Translates to: Germany My heart in flames Want to love you, want to damn you Germany Your breath is cold So young and yet so old Germany (I'm not German but this is basically the translation) So looking at the chorus translation it's clear that although they love their country there is a big dose of shame and hatred for its history in the eyes of its own people.
@TheL4r5 2 жыл бұрын
its not only about the relationship of the band to germany but overall a brief history and the black woman is always the representive of germany itself in the video
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