This is a fairly old kit. I probably have one too but I need to find mine, It's probably buried somewhere in my store room. But I actually decide to build something other than Gundam for a change of pace so I'm building all the Hasegawa Crusher Joe kits. Just finished cutting and sanding the 1/400 Minerva and 1/72 Fighter 1& 2 so I can paint them all at once since they share certain colors so I only have to mix them once. 😛
@OMGTOYS2 жыл бұрын
@Wiz332 жыл бұрын
@@OMGTOYS I want to build something other than robots for a change. After Crusher Joe, I'll probably work on the New 1/1000 U.S.S. Enterprise from Star Trek Discovery (with LED) or the 1/32 Flying Sub from Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (with LED and photo etch) 😁
@chosetec2 жыл бұрын
Awesome paint job, thanks for the video! The V3 is my favorite version because it has nice proportions, and it is the version of the first life-size Gundam they made, which I saw when it came out in Japan.
Origin version imo is the best out of all the MG. Yea the head sculpt is probably one of the worst but the rest of the kit makes the most sense and if you just look at it from neck down it looks very elegant. One year war version in some respect does look better than the 3.0. More chunky and overall far more solid. My biggest complaint with the 3.0 is the tiny feet. They just look sort of dumb with all the modern details everywhere. If you have a few of these to swap parts around I think an Origin body plus either a 3.0 or OYW version head would really be perfect. It would look like the GFFMC RX-78 which imo the best looking official release of any RX-78-2. By all means 3.0 isn't bad looking at all and you have done a great job painting it, as usual.
May I know which book did you refer to? Do you have the link? Thanks in advanced!
@formulachan2 жыл бұрын
here a link
I don't understand the sentiment of not wanting Bandai to release more MGEX though...the more the merrier. Money is a non-issue if you really love gunpla. And think about how much Bandai has improved on its tech on designing gunpla in the last few years with RG, and how awesome would that be to see MGEX versions of all the major protagonist/antagonist MS in real life.