I will see if you want to cut thicker material yes
@ChrissRollex9 ай бұрын
Hello, Could you please clarify where you plug in the LED strips and provide details about the LED strips you're using, such as wattage? Additionally, have you integrated the camera with your PC and Lightburn software? I'm currently considering purchasing a 130W CO2 laser from Omtech. Keep up the great work! 🔥🔥🔥
@wisamyousif149 ай бұрын
The led light is a 24v light You plug it into the bottom power supply from the 24v output The camera yes is programmed to lightburn
@ChrissRollex9 ай бұрын
@wisamyousif14 thanks mate . Where did you plug in the camera ? Into your pc or somewhere on power supply from the laser ? Also can you send me link or name of your camera ?
@wisamyousif149 ай бұрын
@@ChrissRollex the camera is plugged with the USB into the laptop, you will need a USB extender all it depends how far is your laptop from the machine mine is very far the USB from the camera is about 3 ft high end up buying a 25 ft a USB cable extende you'll need something good give me sometimes I will look into the link
@wisamyousif149 ай бұрын
The camera I have is not on sale any more but this is something close to it www.amazon.com/ELP-180degree-Fisheye-Angle-Webcam/dp/B01N03L68J/ref=asc_df_B01N03L68J/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167140037427&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17209196465498687781&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9016827&hvtargid=pla-378975808277&psc=1&mcid=aa7d4a43b652313f8271877bbce3524d&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwMqvBhCtARIsAIXsZpZA1uRjYFI_gp7qaQ0EoKfue0iSyomVJXkneqMGGgyC4BKBNgz7KgAaApk2EALw_wcB
@wisamyousif149 ай бұрын
And this is the USB cable I purchased what up to you how long do you want it if you needed they have a bunch of them different sizes I hope this helps,if you have any questions feel free to ask www.amazon.com/Extension-AINOPE-Material-Transfer-Compatible/dp/B07ZV6FHWF/ref=pd_aw_fbt_img_m_sccl_1/140-5400550-2764663?pd_rd_w=OyJdR&content-id=amzn1.sym.6d90cd56-3eed-4d23-b409-a3b634cfdc4d&pf_rd_p=6d90cd56-3eed-4d23-b409-a3b634cfdc4d&pf_rd_r=YNET81QZFRMFR1Y39QW3&pd_rd_wg=H2C9C&pd_rd_r=877dd4d0-8ce7-4f40-a154-81c4f4f4b930&pd_rd_i=B07ZV6FHWF&psc=1
@henriquesantana96092 жыл бұрын
Hello Sir, What camera is that? 170 Degrees? or 180? did you get it on amazon? Thank you!
@wisamyousif142 жыл бұрын
hello this is the 180 and yes this was from amazon but they dont have them no more but i did look for you i think thisis the same see if this will work for you www.webcamerausb.com/elp-8mp-usb-camera-with-36mm-lens-free-driver-pc-webcam-hd-video-conference-camera-mini-cmos-sony-im179-uvc-8megapixels-camera-module-with-m12-mount-lens-interchanegable-p-149.html make sure you click on the 180 its like $4 extra let me know if this will work for you