ふうちゃん、やっぱあなたはサイコー👍いつもだけど少なく休み家でゆっくりせず遠方まで行きますね!ジムニーくんの能力を生かして雪道を走破素敵👍大平宿への道閉鎖、前もどこか行けない時あったよね😅でも、切り替え早く馬籠宿行けて良かった👌妻籠宿もあるよね、行ったことないけど。温泉宿でゆっくりお酒が進むだんだん酔うと変化ありますね、いちご練乳大量にかけるね😋楽しい酒Good I 白樺湖凍ってる景色きれい👌ホットサンドまずいはずない、うまい😋😋焼肉もサイコー👍酒が進む進む👍雪の冷蔵庫いい⛄️八島湿原絶景素晴らしい👍😀夜空もきれい😍 今回も普段経験出来ない事案内いただきありがとう😊 あなたも満足ですね、夜勤頑張ってくださいね💪💪
Really appreciate your work and effort for sharing with us your tour of the countryside that's rich with history thru your vlogs, Fuu-chan! I think it's part of the reason why I look forward to watching your latest video on weekend.
@fuchnnel Жыл бұрын
Happy New Year ✨Thank you for always looking forward to my videos 😊
Happy New Year Fuu. The trip looked like fun and despite not being able to see the abandoned village you were still able to enjoy the rest of the time. Those Strong Zero style drinks are very deceiving, the fruit hides how much alcohol is in them.
@fuchnnel Жыл бұрын
Happy New Year to you, raymonde✨! This drink is like a juice even though it has a strong alcohol content😂that's why it's always fun to get drunk!
Happ new day Fuu. I'm watching to your vlog I'm always waiting to your upload your new video everytime. I'm so excited to watch this. I'm can't imagine my self if I'm here in Japan so very cold😂. But i want to experience the snow to my self and throwing the snow ball. Take care always and take care of yourself I'm worrie if what happened to I hope you are always now.😊
@fuchnnel Жыл бұрын
Happy New Year ✨Thank you for always looking forward to my videos 😊Snow is coming to some parts of Japan and I am very much looking forward to it! I love snow too ☃️