James Powell: An Overview of Hinduism, the "Sanaatana Dharma" or "Eternal Reality"

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@AniruddhTyagi 10 жыл бұрын
As a Hindu , we believe , Hinduism is not a religion even not in this race , there are no direct meaning of Hinduism form English to Hindi as The Religion is a English word.we call it "Dharma" .Hinduism is before religion and beyond religion , you can not measure it on religion's scale .Hinduism is a way of life . we believe that God is a unseen power and we can only feel and imagine it . there are no particular shape and size for god , he/she is undefined , boundaryless.that why ..people workship him by their own cration and imagination..we believe "God just as devout." (जैसा भक्त वैसा भगवान) so if the devotee is a wrestler , his god will be Shri Hanuman and if devotee is a businessman ,his God will be Maa Laxmi...we consider everyone is Hindu and you can not get rid off from this . bcoz all people are just follow a comman tag line of Hinduism .." "God just as devout" or you can understand it like that a student will be like his/her master or teacher. ...thats why there are no any way or method to converted back in to Hinduism .bcoz you are already Hindu...Waiting for your reply ..Thanx
@gunvantchangala8892 9 жыл бұрын
I find this video documentary explained and defined very clearly as to what is our Hindu tradition. I salute James Powell having such depth knowledge that not even our own Hindu will be able to explain in English the way he has explained in 30 minutes. God Bless him.
@anandkishore5827 10 жыл бұрын
There is no concept of slave in Sanathana Dharma.Daasa,Dasu and Dasi doesn't mean slave.Even a cruel King like Ashoka banned slavery.A slave doesn't criticise, ridicule or question his/her master(God in this case) but Daasa can do all these things.A slave can't be free but Daasas can be. Sri Rama and Sri Krishna are black in color.There skin color is described as dark clouds.That's why some get confused with them being blue in color. Sri Krishna freed 16000 women from the clutches of Narakasura harem.People who keep harems and slaves are called Asura.To lead a dignified life they approach Sri Krishna for solution,he says to tell the world I'm your husband.And 100,000+ children from one man realistically not possible. There is no caste system in Vedas,Githa,etc.Varnashrama is not caste system.In caste system you can't jump from one to another and it is decided by birth.But in Varna Ashrama your Varna is decided by your deeds.Valmiki was a thief(a Shudra) became Maharishi(a Brahmin) by studying scriptures.Chandra Gupta Maurya was a Shudra became an Emperor(a Kshatriya) by his deeds.Vishwamitra was King became a Brahmin and his sons were Shudra. About the Mantra on caste .The meaning of the Mantra is: Source:www(dot)agniveer(dot)com "So the mantra means that any ecosystem necessarily consists of 4 Varnas or properties or qualities or components - Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra. Brahmin means intellect and knowledge. Kshatriya means strength and valor. Vaishya means management, balance and stability. Shudra means rest of the qualities including ignorance. - A smart system would utilize the 4 components in most optimized manner. So a successful society would have intellectuals or Brahmins as head, Warriors or Kshatriyas as protecting hands, Vaishyas or business managers as stability providers or bone marrow producers (femur or thigh bone is the strongest bone of body) and rest of population would be utilized to provide support and basic infrastructure for the society. A successful company would also organize itself accordingly. The Supreme also creates the universe in a manner that these 4 components are balanced. - As human beings, even we have all these 4 within us. But as they are Varnas (choice) we have option to increase or decrease their magnitude in various aspects of our lives. Note however that there is no binary choice of either having or rejecting a property. All the 4 must exist, only their proportions may vary. - Our brain represents the Brahmin which should be nurtured to extent possible. We should have strong arms to protect ourselves. A very healthy body and good blood circulation to ensure our longevity and powerful feet to be dynamic. - There is no human who does not have any of these components or properties within him. And there is no meaningful activity that can be performed in absence of all these 4. After all we are a complete being and not parts. So when we are even studying Vedas - we use the Brahmin to understand the essence, Kshatriya to ensure we can study peacefully and not be disturbed by every other mosquito or nuisance, Vaishya to manage the procurement of Vedic text and lamp, and Shudra to actually sit down, switch on the lamp and perform all manual tasks necessary to successfully complete the study. If even one of the Varnas is ignored, the task may not be successfully and sustainably completed. Buddhism focused only on Brahmin and hence perished in Afghantistan to attacks from West Asian looters. Wahabis got exclusively into warfare and made world a dangerous place. Hindus became too much of managers/ Vaishyas or Jugaadbaaz and lost their strength and dignity. Pakistan made Shudras out of its population by neglecting education and training and is nearing a failed state due to dominance of barbarians. - In society, we, for sake of simplicity, call a person Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya or Shudra based on his predominant profession. However this is only a simplistic approximation. In reality, each of us has a Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra within us or else we would not be able to even survive for a while. You can clearly see that with this very logical interpretation, the entire Varna system as well as the mantra becomes so comprehensible and easy to understand. Of course, with further introspection and analysis including study of language, we can derive even deeper meanings from this vastly intellectual mantra from one of the most wonderful Suktas of Vedas." Source:www(dot)agniveer(dot)com The reason for people criticising you for your evangelical tone is we are fed up with these cowards who don't have courage to debate on truth but use deceit in my country and they get huge financial and indirect logistical support from European and American Govts.
@SantoshDhayapulay 10 жыл бұрын
at 06:30 its "Chakra" and not "Cakra" if someone else noticed on the right top displaying information
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
in fact it is "cakra" Sanskrit has two such sounds, one aspirated and is transliterated as "ch" as in Chanda, the other unaspirated "c" as in carvaka, cakra and the like. So...i go for proper transliteration. you can google that if you like.
@SantoshDhayapulay 10 жыл бұрын
thx for correcting that. frankly i have no in depth knowledge on this literature, but I know "chakra" means -wheel-disc-orbit-round and so on. found this. www.spokensanskrit.de/index.php?tinput=cakra&direction=ES&script=HK&link=yes&beginning= vedabase.net/c/cakra
@RK-dj4xb 6 жыл бұрын
Not tribal traditions, not less organized, English is not capable of translating Sanskrit, the word Arya refers to lord Rama only, no color differences, yoga is entirely spiritual, Muslims borrowed ideas from vedas, vedas are not myth, wrong about avatar, Hindu gods are not like Greek gods, don’t compare Krishna full avatar with Godzilla, don’t compare Ramayana with Mario brother characters.
@opensourceworldviews 6 жыл бұрын
How about tribal traditions not organized on as large a scale? English is capable of translating Sanskrit, though English is not as complex and subtleties are lost. You would be arguing from a religious standpoint, not a scientific one to say "Arya" only refers to Rama. Even the Buddhist philosophers are called "Arya". Yoga can be spiritual, it can also serve as a health practice. Vedas are myth, but "myth" does not mean "falsehood" as is commonly thought in modern English. It is human language to disclose inexpressible truths. Hindu god are indeed comparable to Greek gods...sorry if you disagree (e.g. Saraswati and Athena, Rama and Hercules, Krishna and Dionsyis...they are all human personality types projected onto the cosmos. It is a compliment to the Ramayana that Japanese designers were inspired by the story and spread the story to youngsters around the world, no?
@slingshotchicken4695 Жыл бұрын
James Powell, there are few I view as well versed as myself in these sorts of things but YOU James Powell are not only well versed you deliver with juxtpa! You 've got the goods and you deliver them well. What is more, many scholars of world religions are merely scholars, they aren't what I call "experiential". It's as if they have read 1,000 books about rain and have not once stood in the rain itself. As they say, reading the word rain cannot get you wet you'll have to actually be in the rain. Well, you sir, need an umbrella! I thank you for your research, for sharing your experiences, and for your style.
@opensourceworldviews Жыл бұрын
You are so kind to say so Slingshot! Thank you. I pride myself on being a "hands-on" type with regard to religion.
@marvinpowell2880 9 жыл бұрын
Could not wait to tell how fun you made the eternal reality - I'm so proud to share your last name because we too often find theology just mind numbing- I enjoy the sense of playfulness while learning what most might people would just say whatever- You plowed right through alot of info with swift efficiency A+ professor- MPowell
@opensourceworldviews Жыл бұрын
I am so glad to hear that MArvin. Sorry about the delay. Yes, it is a good last name!
@jays5186 4 жыл бұрын
So, you gave a great historical perspective, but couldn't touch the symbolic philosophy of Hinduism. Gives a sort of a comical representation of this great philosophy, which is both colorful and deep
@owenpaul5632 9 жыл бұрын
Aryan invasion theory the biggest lie of the history, which started by British to establish imperialism in india. Aryan-Vedic civilization one of the most ancient and advance civilization like chinese. DNA study proves that. mention of aryan invasion itself bring down the authenticity of this video. Also writer and follower of vedas were not tribes. Stop using that word. The cities found in Harappa, mahenjodaro or under water Dwarka are bigger than Manhattan.
@gurucharan1702 9 жыл бұрын
@disankar 10 жыл бұрын
To James Powell, Well done. You presented your view, very well. The Aryan invasion theory proposed by Max Muller, however, stands discredited. In any case, the Vedic tradition of the so called Indo-Aryans, is only one of the corner stones of what we today know as Hinduism. The Mother goddess concept, The theory of rebirth and the Bhakti movement that resulted in the renewal of Hinduism, in the 9th century, are all non-Aryan "Dravidian" contributions of the Southern Indians, to Hinduism.
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
you should look up "Kurgan hypothesis"...Max Muller has been dead for about 100 years. Now we know more about the Aryans...as I have said many times, but continue to repeat it, the Aryans were the nobles classes from the Black and Caspian Sea...they invaded what is modern Germany to modern Aryaland (Ireland)...they are not a race but a class...think British Empire and you have a good idea. They spread their laws and culture to India, but did not replace the locals...but yes, you are right...yoga, the mother goddess all that is pure Indian...the only Irish yoga you get is the drunk guy in impossible postures due to having collapsed in the street in weird ways
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
JAMES K POWELL II here are some examples though, of Irish yoga: www.google.com/search?q=irish+yoga&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=gsMXVKf_LqG7igLNx4DwBQ&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1093&bih=486&dpr=1.25
@disankar 10 жыл бұрын
JAMES K POWELL II Haha, Irish Yoga! Enjoyed it. Thanks. On a more serious note, on the Aryan invasion theory, I think what many Indians object to, is the suggestion that they are not indigenous to the land of their birth. Their point, as well as that of many academics, is that the human migration from Africa to Europe was via the Indian sub-continent and hence many Indians share the genetic pool with Europeans. They point out that there is more genetic diversity within India than in any other part of the world save Africa The further you get away from Africa, the less diverse the genetic pool becomes, and since the European genetic pool is less diverse than India's, they argue that the migration took place from India to Europe (BBC documentary 'The Story of India' also argues that the rest of the world was populated from India, after the origin of humans in Africa; it further points out that Australian Aborigines share DNA with dark skinned South Indian Dravidians). Many Indians also share DNA with blue eyed, fair skinned Germanic people, a fact confirmed by genetic research through the frequencies of occurrence of R1A1A within Haplogroup R1A!. (I don't need genetic tests to say this as I have been to parts of India where people look so light eyed and fair skinned, despite thousands of years of Indian summer. You might remember the iconic national geographic pic of a blue eyed lady from Pakistan or Afghanistan, I have met many like that.) I think we are all related. Some are more closely linked than others. Here is the link on r1a1a: blogs.discovermagazine.com/gnxp/2012/10/r1a1a/
@disankar 10 жыл бұрын
Lastly, James, being a Buddhist, you probably have heard of Adi Sankara, a Southern Indian monk (Southern Indians are mostly supposed to be non-Aryans) and the proponent of Advaita Vedanta. Sankara, the Savior of Hinduism according to Buddhist texts, played a key part in Buddhism's decline by "incorporating Buddhist notion of non-duality into Hinduism" and by defeating Buddhist monks in debates that took place all over India. But long before this, the Buddha had rejected the Aryan-Vedic tradition. So, all the Indian traditions are more indigenous than Aryan, in any case.
@islandbuoy4 10 жыл бұрын
what is your relationship to James N. Powell sir? great book The Tao of Symbols
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
no relationship, but i know who you mean
@GaneshKumarButcha 9 жыл бұрын
Aryan Invasion Theory was debunked long ago. Why mentioning it again? If you want to explain about Sanaatana Dharma. Go ahead and explain. No need to add absurdity to it. BTW, Ireland is derived from the Irish word Éire adding the Germanic word Land. It first appears as Ierne in Greek writings which may have a base dating as early as the 5th century BC. The name appears as Iouernia in Ptolemy's map (c AD 150) and has also been found translated into Latin as Iuverna. I am not sure how you could link Ireland / Aryaland to Aryan race. There is no such thing as Aryan Race / Dravid Race in Ancient Indian History.
@RoaringMind 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting this. Regardless of the whole Aryan Invasion debate, this video provides a pretty solid and well-explained introduction to Hinduism.
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks Roaring mind. Yes it is a basic and solid intro...I would like to see these guys prepare one on Christianity right? Likely, it would be laughable I am thinking. Some seem to think that only practitioners of a religion have a right to say anything about it. While the practitioners view is important, it is not the only view I think.
@AAA-ml4hm 10 жыл бұрын
JAMES K POWELL II absolutely right, but the practitioners will have a connection to it, that an outsider will never understand and therefore never look at it with the same eye....and of course the beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder....
@aakashnair5170 10 жыл бұрын
The hindu tradition has been shaped by the beliefs of the ppl. Just like any other religion in the world. The way u put hinduism across is like we blindly follow or believe what the scriptures say. Sry to inform u that our religionis not an 'indian mirror' of chritsianity. In fact, it strongly opposes that. The stories in the scriptures are merely life lessons, like fables, which teach us how to respond to or handle different situations. The villagers/tribal peoples of india may just blindly carry out rituals as they do not understand the real concept behind the faith. Hinduism is mainly about the realisation that everything is one(some may say 'god' instead) and thus everything is divine. Thats why hinduism says we shouldnt kill animals. It stresses that we shouldnt follow anything blindly and question any faith before following it. But, we should be accepting of other faiths in society so as to not cause tension. So hinduism is about PEACE and doesnt spread by conquering other lands. Just becos ur screwed up religions have had needed to conquer lands, u shldnt justmake the asssuption that the hindus did that too. We believe in doing anything with the least harm. Hinduism had spread from india to southeast asia without any conquest at all, or forced conversion. The kings saw that india was a prosperous nation and decided to learn the faith and teach it to their people. No conquest at all. If hinduism had originated from greece, dont u think that they would hv the same gods as us? U are using the most screwed up logic known to man, and the aryan invasion theory which had been engineered to save the pride of the british and make indians look like bunch of fools.
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
i get so tired of hindus writing about the aryan invasion theory, but here goes again. it is not about hinduism emerging from greece...it is the Black and Caspian Sea area, modern northern Iran ("aryan") and Armenia. They conquered the British Isles too. In fact, take a look at these cognate gods from first Greece, then India: ouranos/varuna, dyaus pitar, zeus patar and those are just a few cognates. perhaps you could explain also these from english and sanskrit: brow/brov, mother/matar, soup/soop, nose/nasa...the list goes on and on. hindus tell me india is such a powerhouse of culture, its culture spread peacefully through trade. languages don't spread peacefully through trade, hence english is india's second language...british invasion theory there, right? who said i said all people believe the same way or that indians are uncritical? find me that in my presentation please. did you watch the section on the upanishads? ok, i am done for today on the aryan invasion theory. please just check out wikipedia, will you? there is much more and only indus disbelieve in what has been historically chronicled in even babylonian clay tablets friend..... james
@aakashnair5170 10 жыл бұрын
U are coming up with ur own theory, making a screwed up video, and imposing it on us. In the aryan invasion theory, north indians came from northern africa and settled across the middle east. Then they reached india. But the fact remains that there was a flood which may have driven the dravidians downward. Then they say the aryans adopted the dravidians' outlook of peace. U see, now more north indians are vegetarian, and there are still animal sacrifices going on in southern india. U dunno abt us. And ive seen that u hv commented that indians shldnt be telling their own story. That doesnt make sense. Why is it u ppl can come up with your own origins, but neglect our own version of it which is as viable? You are being biased and insulting to us. This video is also very racist/religionist, if i may, and sarcastically put across.
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
Aakash Nair no, no, no...i am happy to see indians tell their own story...no worries there! you believe what you wish though, i don't have to agree with you now do i? you don't have to agree with me either. that is called diversity. do you believe what our fundamentalist christians say about jesus? was he a war-monger, gay hater as they claim? i don't believe them either...and i don't care if they agree with me. as for sarcasm, you will see that on all my religion videos, not just hinduism. religions are pretty nutty, much as i like them all too, no?
@aakashnair5170 10 жыл бұрын
JAMES K POWELL II okie, i just felt insulted by the video, so this comment was sort of a kneejerk rxn to it.
@Galavya41 10 жыл бұрын
Although I do not agree to some of the ideas presented for example Radha and Krishna getting married and Vedas meaning sight ( Radha is in fact not even mentioned in the Bhagwatam , Sages believe Radha to be the personification of krishna's bliss aka Ahaladini Shakti and Vedas actually mean Knowledge ) I think it was an honest attempt to present the Sanatan Dharma to a complete layman .
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
yes, i am weak on my krishna knowledge, but "veda" is indeed from the root verb "vid" "to see" with the synonymous meaning "to know".
@Galavya41 10 жыл бұрын
JAMES K POWELL II There is an interesting aspect to Sanskrit which most western indologist seem to neglect and thats "dhatu", from the very begining a student is taught to recognize Dhatu in the words. Yes Veda do come from VID dhatu and it does mean to know thats why most Indian Masters translate Vedas as " knowledge". When there is question of knowledge, these three forms are used: vetti, veda, vido, according to sanskrit grammer .
@nitzarg2414 10 жыл бұрын
JAMES K POWELL II this is indeed an honest effort by you. Appreciate. Have you ever visited Ajit Vadakayil's blog? He is one of the powerhouse of knowledge on Sanatan Dharma. There are thousands of posts, You may start with this link: ajitvadakayil.blogspot.in/2014/07/nasadiya-sukta-rig-veda-5000-bc.html
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
no, but there is much i have to do as a generalist. much i do not know also about the Qur'an and the like...but thanks for the link!
@nitzarg2414 10 жыл бұрын
I am a very young mind sir. Just started studying my own culture seriously. You seem to have a vast experience on various religions. Therefore Im asking your views on the blog. Many facts will be outrageous for you on first read. Like Radha never existed and was a fake creation of white invader to belittle Krishna. And how life originated on banks of river narmada by pieces of meteorites(shiv linga) containing the seeds of life. How Sanskrit is the oldest language and Hinduism the oldest religion in the world. How newton and einstein were thiefs and plagiarists. In the end, It will be a matter of your perception and judgement. This blog site is one of the most read in the whole world.(comes in top 500). I would like to read your views and comments on this. Please enlighten when you get the time. Thanks.
@amansreport 11 жыл бұрын
You are so misinformed about my religion. What sources did you use to build this video?
@opensourceworldviews 11 жыл бұрын
Please correct my information with a comment or email. I already am assuming it is my comments on the "aryans" right? i am sure i have a basic story of Vedas and Upanishads, Krishna and Shiva stories are basically correct, right? I used my 4 years of Sanskrit studies, my BA in religion where i took course work in Hinduism, my PhD in Buddhist Studies and my 15 year of teaching...along with consulting with countless Hindus about your religion. Please be specific.... I already know well how little Hindus and Indians generally (except for Jains and Buddhists) regard to Aryan Invasion Theory (AIT), but I simply do not agree...the evidence is over-abundant, and I mean historical, clay table evidence, not simply a belief in "white supremacy" in which I do not believe, and if you watched the video, you know that the Europeans were equally victims of it.
@anandkishore5827 10 жыл бұрын
JAMES K POWELL II AIT is bunk.Go here voiceofdharma.org/indology.html .Don't dare segregate Jains and Buddhists of India from Hindus(Sanatana Dharma).They are all Hindus even Supreme Court of India agrees to it.And most importantly you don't have any basic story on Vedas,etc.Simply because you haven't put your heart in it and more importantly you have protestant lens(your claim in one of your comments).
@anandkishore5827 10 жыл бұрын
JAMES K POWELL II Leave alone their tales you don't even know the skin color of Sri Krishna and Shiva.Go to this blog jayasreesaranathan.blogspot.com and read 30+ part series on "Is Vedic astrology derived from Greek astrology?" you will know Indians went all over the world and not AIT.And don't rob us of our ancestors legacy by rubbing in your so called AIT.Romila Thapar herself given up then why are you hanging to it.
@saeedkhanshan3420 10 жыл бұрын
is there any subtitle available?
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
Alas, no...I should do that, but it is time-consuming....
@pdimpleraja224 10 жыл бұрын
As per Hindu texts.There is no link with outside Tribes(vedas).Aryan theory is proved wrong.As you said it is masked by your english writers.There is nowhere in the world defined 4 class system.Look in youtube.
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
Please explain this: www.hinduhumanrights.info/the-druids-brahmins-of-ancient-europe/ I can find you more though...you will find not only the druids (dru+vid) have cognates but so do so many terms. Please see my presentation on the Aryan theory in my "Overview of Ancient Religions" video. Please refute all that evidence and I will recant all these ideas....from Aryaland (Ireland also Eire, pronounced "Airya") to Iran (Aryan), they left their mark. Even they totally conquered my British Isles folks. I hate them too!
@AAA-ml4hm 10 жыл бұрын
JAMES K POWELL II here you go....and of course you will not agree because you have just continue with what you believe....same as those people who keep debunking evolution... kzbin.info/www/bejne/p4HEdIiAqL-shrc
@AAA-ml4hm 10 жыл бұрын
JAMES K POWELL II people moved from Indus valley civilisation, ...to other places and therefore mark of Indian languages and cultures remains
@chaturatman2697 10 жыл бұрын
i came across this video while looking for the depth of information on 'sanatana dharma' The information shared in this video is basically a hotch-potch mix of basic information which is highly prone to errors. I'd say this represents the 'view' of an individual or a school of 'historians'/'linguists' and not necessarily leaning towards experiential facts arising out of being part of the culture. if this is what 15+ years of study could lead to, imagine! However, appreciate the effort in trying to understand other religions - request is that when representing your views dont color it too much with your own views.
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
I would love to know how to not color these religions without my own views. Please let me know how you do this...I just do my best. Indeed though, I was raised a Protestant, so my views will always be colored with these lenses. I just want to do my best, but no, this is not an experiential approach. I just try to guide beginners through my map.
@adityabose26 10 жыл бұрын
JAMES K POWELL II If you could, please read up on the writings of 'Swami Vivekananda' and 'Rishi Aurobindo' for a more nuanced understanding of 'Sanatana Dharma'. 'Hinduism' had schools of atheism & agnosticism included in its thought far earlier than the greeks. But then, 'white' civilization' if there is any such entity, have always 'treated' the greek traditions as their own, wrongly if I may add, & have subterfuged the history to claim superiority for their own.Furthermore, the Aryan theory has been long disproved. Also, ur interpretation of the 'Kurgan hypothesis' is full of factual errors. There is also a flaw in ur deposition where u argue for conquerors influencing the culture & philosophy of the conquered. Does ur theory hold true for the vandals/goths conquering Rome as well? The greeks never went beyond the borders of what is now the 'Multan' province in Pakistan. If u were genuinely a lover of Hinduism or even a true scholar (u don't always need to love what u study), u could have been a little more through in your deposition. Thank you.
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
I hear this all the time from Hindus like yourself. Never from anyeone else though. We disagree. I know much of the thought of Vivekananda. You cannot say "Hinduism included agnostics and atheists". This makes these traditions nastika and thus by definition not Hindu. As for the Greeks, please do some research on Sumer and you will find the source of both Greek and Indus Valley civilizations. Yes, the Devanagari alphabet goes back to this culture as well...as do nearly all alphabets (aleph = ox, beth = house).
@senzusensei 9 жыл бұрын
@JAMES K POWELL II you forgot the 4th Indian religion Sikhism in this video when you brought up the Indian religions.
@AAA-ml4hm 10 жыл бұрын
Your facial expression and choice of words tells that you have no respect for this system of understanding....please know that no one asked you to explain this, as being on the outside you cannot understand it. Its called being one with the sacred. and your history does not include that...
@shravankumar-os1zl 10 жыл бұрын
SIR in order to support an invasion of a region there must be some kind of information to support invasion.the death of people at harappa civilization show a mysterious way in which people died either naturally from the skeletal excavation found at harappa.if you support aryan theory then could you tell any clan names which belong to this aryan races.because when alexander the great visited india and he fought king porus he did not see any charioters as aryans are described but he saw a very distinctive people who rode elephants(alexander coming to india is probably the first foreign invader coming to india).sir flourishing of harappan civilization happened because of drying up of river.sir in one of your comment you said about marduk (1595 BCE-1157 BCE) is much older than indus valley civilization but praying of lord shiva is much older in india the dravidian region most oldest excavation which go upto 7000bc have been found which point to the cult of shiva.this prety much predates that of marduks and akkadian and praying of krishna is as old as about 2000bc.
@pulkit8628 10 жыл бұрын
A decent job James. However, I can say there are simplifications like your explanation on Geeta. Also, there are some factual errors, example, Krishna never married Radha. More over there is far more heterogeneity in hindu philosophical thoughts than what has been explained here. But your video is a decent intro to non hindus.
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the feedback Tushar...I learned that about Radha...did not know! I will re-edit this one at some point and fix it. Thanks! James
@joyjeetchowdhury 10 жыл бұрын
I'm soo sorry to inform you that from start is faulty, then rest of the discussion is based over the fault line, so no point in proceeding if the foundation is all at fault.
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
i am sure it is that darned aryan invasion theory you detest. only hindus just about, in the rest of the world, deny the kurgan hypothesis. the invasion is even chronicled in Babylonian tablets and even in the Vedas themselves.
@joyjeetchowdhury 10 жыл бұрын
JAMES K POWELL II so pleasent to get a reply from you. Pardon me for the late reply but i never studied Kurgan Hypothesis earlier. so took some time. I really Understand the conditions that you are getting are mostly adverse, Kurgan Hypothesis(Which introduced in 1960s) is actually based over Aryan Invasion Theory. There has been a consistent efforts to indoctrinate that Europeans has the whole knowledge and it was them who got the God Given right to civilize the earth. more or less like that. It was actually said by the British PM in 1929. there is absolutely no evidence to support the statement that someone came to India from the west and gave the Knowledge. if you go to the basics there is no such thing or literature prior to 200 - 225 years, that can be found. it was German Nationalism which triggered all such theory. it was found out that it was the Germans who first proposed this theory as Germans of that time were considered inferior in Europe. quickly picked up by the Britishers as they were in an attempt to colonize India, so they theorize that Aryans from the west came to India, brought Sanskrit, Brought Knowledge, and made us Civilize. you'll get more or less same theory in whole of European/Amarican Universities. all the theories based over the Book "History Of India" in 4 volumes written by Max Muller. a person who never came to India, never studies India and never did any effort to know India has written and it Quickly made authentic by British Royal Society. so on and so forth. All the efforts that has been done to keep India Deprived and be an Market for the world so that they can sell their good. The basic reasons are actually economic and religious to spread Christianity. There are Proper evidence that continuous efforts can be seen easily. The French cosmetic industry is practically based over Aurveda, many efforts has been made to get patents over various Aurvedic medical goodness. (I know its unethical but people are doing it). check with Yoga, you don't need to find much just look out for "Christian Yoga". Whatever they will say but its the First effort to establish that there are roots of Yoga in their religion. the method is to just write a book about these practices and put it in a Shelf, then open the Shelf about 100 years from now with some extraterrestrial reference which cannot be found and that simply claimed out to be authentic as its old. its basically the same practice as History of India by max muller. I suggest, If you really want to know Indian History, Study Purana.
@AAA-ml4hm 10 жыл бұрын
joyjeetchowdhury Good detailed response joyjeet!!
@disankar 10 жыл бұрын
Sanatana Dharma/Hindu Dharma is beautiful for it is Universal, no one and nothing is excluded from Moksha/Liberation. It is one of the most tolerant of all Dharmas, as it accepts many paths to the Ultimate Reality/Primordial energy/Brahman. It is rational, for it uses grandiose time scales, envisages the connectivity between life forms, animals and plants included, and envisages a cyclical universe that is being created, preserved and destroyed to be created again (big bangs, followed by big crunches again followed by bangs). Most importantly, like Buddhism, Hinduism sees divinity within oneself, we are all divine beings NOT Sinners.I urge those who watched this Video by Dr. Powell to spend some time studying the philosophy of the Vedic tradition/Hinduism.
@jamesstevenson7725 Жыл бұрын
Only Dharmic people can achieve Moksha
@waterflows8353 10 жыл бұрын
Nice vdo , but you have to go bit dip and do not mix the things like Greek was followed in Veda. And also cast system is not mention in Vedas : you should first Vedas core content and go forward how it was misinterpreted on the way to now . Which led to different bad tradition like cast system or sacrifice of animal.
@prasbuttons 10 жыл бұрын
I think this is by far the best video to explain the concept of sanathana dharma. I wonder how you learnt it and how long it took. There are some serious similarities between the greek and indian mythologies. based on the little I know, I feel that the upanishads standout among the other scriptures in the religion (they dont really talk about any of these gods in particular, they are more pondering rather than preachy). Why do you think thats the case? Could it just be chronological and/or effect of the bhakthi movement? Oh and btw, I would like for you to make some video on the upanishads if you get a chance. Thanks for your effort
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
it has taken me 40 years to get to this point. may not go much further, but i always learn something new every semester....thanks!
@mantracures 10 жыл бұрын
Miracle sloka -Vishnu Sahasranama
@senankamalakanan5128 10 жыл бұрын
You need to go back to school Mr James K Powell, if you are not sure about something then please do not denounce it. Sanathana Dharma is not what you just said, you seemed to have skipped the most important bit,the supreme vedas. Is this video some sort of religious gimmick by some other religious group? Sanathana Dharam is not a religion, once you attain the highest spiritual level then you would simply understand all religions in the worlds falls into it. Every single believe system in this world falls into Sanathana Dharma. For you to understand I would simply say Hinduism=Secularism in religious terms. Now if you want to know more about all this, first make a hypothesis of who God might be for you and you would understand the answer can only be found in Sanathna Dharma( Highest Spiritual Level one can ever attain). Hinduism's literal translations simply means Religious Secularism and this word was given to us by the west. Please don't bring your dogmatic view to our way of life, from what I see Kim Jong ill is already being revered as God in North Korea, with a few wars and spreading it through sword he to will be another Jesus or Muhammad in 2000 years. Cheers !!!
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
who denounced anything? umm yep. our christians tell me theirs is also not a religion. who do i believe? you or them? both claim to be true so....?
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
gosh! more school for me? had four years of Sanskrit, two BAs a Masters from Cambridge and a PhD from Wisconsin with Geshe Sopa. How much schooling have you had? please let me know, so I can learn from you if possible. James
@senankamalakanan5128 9 жыл бұрын
JAMES K POWELL II Really ? Sanskrit that Max Muller translated ? Please if you want to know Hinduism please read the Vedas & Upahanishads. Yes now Christianity is no longer a religion but a way of life, Please if the west is truly secular in its view then no religion that claims exclusivity should be tolerated.
@akanakapally 9 жыл бұрын
+JAMES K POWELL II Senan is right . Most of your information is the false info which the British created n order to destroy Indian nativity and ease their conversion to Christianity. Don't waste your time and that of others.
@rauleyshar3635 9 жыл бұрын
Meaning of life? What book can provide serenity and love between us? Nothing is perfect.. No religion is perfect. Our perfection is not perfect. Relationship between soul and body is not perfect. Pain is inevitable since, aging is inevitable. Greed is avoidable, only if true purpose of life has been discovered. Greed, Attachment, affection and superiority is an another meaning of pain. Simplicity is the way to serenity. Serenity is the way to sustain best relationship between soul and body and keep them both in equilibrium state. Have a nice day!!!!
@dalinglovu129 9 жыл бұрын
so nice thankq
@jamesstevenson7725 Жыл бұрын
Caste is not part of Sanatana Dharma. You should mention that unlike the abrahamic religions there were no slaves in Sanatana Dharma. Also, women were treated better in the Vedic age than in other parts of the world.
@opensourceworldviews Жыл бұрын
I believe the Vedas are part of the Sanatana Dharma, no? I believe there you will find the myth of Prajapati and the birth of the castes. Slaves were universal in those days. It is not possible to even prove your claim that women were better off in the Vedic age...but please, send me some evidence, I like to learn!
@rajshekarcs89 10 жыл бұрын
misconception on krishna marriage and it was pure relation with no desire and no babies
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
Good to know that Rajesh...thanks, but he did have 100,000 or so children right? With the Gopis only?
@rajshekarcs89 10 жыл бұрын
those who read the vedas specially viashaviats veda (vishnu, krishna followers)they prepare there own puranas the mythological story to spread it but root veda do not mention about it. his karma duty was over instead they mention he maintained a pure relation with all even he did not marry radha the beloved.
@rajshekarcs89 10 жыл бұрын
JAMES K POWELL II those who read the vedas specially viashaviats veda (vishnu, krishna followers)they prepare there own puranas the mythological story to spread it but root veda do not mention about it. his karma duty was over instead they mention he maintained a pure relation with all even he did not marry radha the beloved.
@anandkishore5827 10 жыл бұрын
JAMES K POWELL II I already posted a comment regarding marrying 16000 women and 100K+ children.I repeat here again.They were freed from Narakasuras' harem by Sri Krishna.He told them to tell the world that I'm your husband so that they can lead a dignified life in the society.It's realistically not possible to have 100K+ children from one man.
@sriram5519 10 жыл бұрын
JAMES K POWELL II what a rubbish comment........u dont knw anything about lord krishna This Krishna tatvam is most misunderstood and most misinterpreted by you........ During Ramaavataara , the Maharshis, and Rishis , who were blessed to have Darshan of Sri Rama , were so .worshipped HIM , because Rama was described by Valmiki maharshi as '' Pumsaam mohana roopaaya ...'' , though Sri Rama was male , HIS divine attraction in face was so Powerful, that The maharshis and rishis in their minds wanted to be always NEAR HIM AND ADMIRE HIM. This Sri Rama granted to them In Krishnaavataar. so all those rishis were reborn as gopikas in their next births People mistake that he married the Gopikas Each Gopika had ONE KRISHNA WITH HER. On Amaavasya (New Moon day) of Diwali Krishna freed from the prison 16,000 women and asked them to go back to their respective homes. But all the Gopikas (cowherdesses) fell at Krishna's feet and pleaded that it would not be possible for them to live in dignity in their old homes after having been the prisoners of Narakasura and they would prefer to end their lives at his feet rather go back. 'You, who are the protector of the universe, cannot protect us?', they pleaded. Krishna agreed to protect them. Because of the pledge, he gave them that he would bear the responsibility of protecting them, he was called their "Bhartaa" (supporter). This has been wrongly interpreted as meaning that he was their husband. It is a libel on Krishna to say that He married 16,000 Gopikas. This Amaavasya day is the day of liberation for the Gopikas. It is a moonless day, when the night is utterly dark. The Gopikas prayed that as on that day they had got the light of freedom. james can anyone have 100,000 children that too god :-o??? u dont have common sense at all think man think..... use your brain.... plzz do some research on topic before u make comments.....
@nayanmalig 11 жыл бұрын
Great effort.
@opensourceworldviews 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks! Looking to post the whole class content soon...appreciate the kind words....
@chaitanyamatma 11 жыл бұрын
Only Krishna ( Vaishnava tradition) was wrong. otherwise its fine.
@opensourceworldviews 11 жыл бұрын
Glad to hear it, Thanks for the feedback...I will revise! Seems Krishna was eating dirt, also his consort Radha is also his uncle's wife (!) and that he held the Govardhana mountain to shield the people from the old Vedic god Indra, not a demon.
@swaminathansendhil4989 9 жыл бұрын
The Aryan Invasion Theory is bunkum, Mr.Powell ...
@CowBhai 10 жыл бұрын
Sly process of digestion of Sanskrit by separating it from it's source by his whiteness
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
I forgot..."white' guys can't comment on others' religions right? I suppose the reverse is true...why did Gandhi make negative comments about Christianity? This is a racist comment....
@CowBhai 10 жыл бұрын
JAMES K POWELL II Gandhi commented on evangelical Christians not on Christianity. He revered Lord Jesus Christ.
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
Cow Bhai Fair enough! But I love Hinduism...this is not a negative trashing of the religion, but it is like all views, subjective.
@reimayk6483 10 жыл бұрын
MATTER =ENERGY =CONCIOUSNESS. Only plant can convert light energy in to life force or consciousness. That mean entire universe is different manifestation of same consciousness (Oneness of creation and creator that is Advaita of HINDU) Hindu devatas are different manifestation of same energy for different function in the nature. Creation Destruction and protection and such and such.
@tulasidas5996 10 жыл бұрын
No Doubt , Jesus was a great prophet, however Christianity stands on a single Logic "Jesus washes away your sins by his blood". I wonder how 2 billion people in World are believing this? Is God satisfied by Blood of somebody and forgives our sin? God is infinite, Omnipotent, omnipresent and even the blood was created by God himself and he can forgive your sins if he wants to in anyway. Turn Out else Burn Out..
@waterflows8353 10 жыл бұрын
And it's not food that Krishna was eating it was mud , I found your info to the surface only so needs bait more study
@thewarrior5258 10 жыл бұрын
plz do read the book written by D.r B.R Ambedkar about Hinduism and cast system !! Good vedio thanks for uploading sir!
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you Mayur...glad you liked it. I have been a fan of Ambedkar's for literally, decades. Great man, not well-enough known. James
@rajshekarcs89 10 жыл бұрын
O man gandhi used to read gita to solve all problems in life
@rajshekarcs89 10 жыл бұрын
casteism can be removed but caste exist natural the one who learned gets good job than other untouchability is manifested interpretation of human beings that lead cruel
@novic19881 10 жыл бұрын
#BELIEVE #God and not man/ #1Timothy 6;3-8 If anyone teaches otherwise and does not consent to sound words of Jesus Christ is just bloated and nothing knows no truth and think that godliness is a means of gain. #Hosea 4;6 My people are destroyed because there is knowledge,which you reject knowledge,I'll drop you. #REVELATION 15;4 Who will not fear you,O Lord,and glorify thy name,for thou,You're the only light,[dug wells themselves muddy water,and I offered them the living water]// #Ephesians 6;11-18 Put on the armor of God,so that you can resist cunning devil.Because we do not have to fight against flesh and blood,but against principalities,authorities darkness of this world,against spiritual wickedness in high places.Take the armor of God so that they could be held in the evil day.;1 having girded your loins #TRUTH.2 put on the breastplate of #justice. 3 For shoes take zeal that gives gospel of #peace.4 shield of #faith.5 helmet of #salvation. 6 sword of the Spirit which is #the #Word #of #God.7 and of course,heavy artillery, #prayers. #Jesus reveals the truth of the Bible,water is a spiritual fight,Jesus[ #REV.4;11] and his followers[ #REV.14;12] against the opponents of the fallen angels and his followers[ #REV.12;3 #REV.13;1-9. #REV.19;20].Trinity of heaven,earth against Trinity [ #Rev.16;13-14].The truth against lies.Jesus'teaching against Babylonian science[ #REV.17;3-6].Ruler of the universe against the emperor of the world.Every car has its own law,whose laws respect me,you're a follower of his,and expect salvation from him.Every law has a seal,a sign of authority,in this case it is the day.Saturday,Seal GOD.Many opponents of Christ[ #REV.18;4] will say this is heresy ,but it is our true Jesus Christ,may his eternal glory.Jesus says,Go ye into all the world and tell the truth,not half the truth,not a lie. #1kings 18;21 How long will limp on both sides,if the Lord is God follow him,if you go to wave for him./no text in the New Testament,which states that the eternal law of God,the 10 commandments abolished,Paul tells us that we will not be destroyed as required by law if we stumble [the soul that sins,it shall die],but it should be kept because it is the criterion of the court and the character of Jesus.[ #Revelation 11;19]/ the beauty of true Christianity is a voluntary obedience. #Rev.14;12 that the patience of the saints who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus [not only faith in Jesus].Saturday as a mark of authority of our God Jesus Christ is given even in Eden Adam and Eve who were not Jews,no matter how hated and called a sect,it will last until the last day and will continue in heaven [ #Isaiah 66;22-23].Praise the Lord and his holy character of the Saturday. #John 17;17 Sanctify them in the truth,your word is truth, #1John 5;1-5 For this is the love of God; that we keep his commandments,and his commandments are not burdensome, #Jesus said;Some of you shall betray me.The seal is the same as the sign or seal.God Jesus said, #1Moses,2;3 7day God bless and sanctify him[God has ordained that the seven day Saturday holy day of God and not people]. #2MOSES 16;26 A seventh -day Sabbath.. #2moses 31;12-14..keep my Sabbaths,for this will imedju you and me and descendants of your essence,characters,whom you will know that I I am the LORD that doth sanctify/ #3moses 19;30 keep my Sabbaths,I am the LORD [JESUS CHRIST]/ #3MOSES 19;3-4..keep my Sabbaths,I am the Lord/ #Isaiah 56;2,6,7 Saturday not only for Jews but for everyone who wants the Lord [JESUS] to serve/ #Isaiah 58;13-14 Saturday the world/ #Isaiah 66;22-23 Saturday will be celebrated in heaven/ #Jeremiah 17;19-27 Saturday sign of the authority of our God[JESUS CHRIST]. #Ezekiel 20;12 I gave them my Sabbaths,as,signs,between me and them,that they might know that I am the LORD that sanctify them/ #Ezekiel 20;20-25 ye shall keep my Sabbaths,and they shall be omens between me [JESUS CHRIST] and you,to know that I am the Lord your God/ #EZEKIEL 22;26 priests transgress my law and profane my holy things,no difference between the holy and the defiled,and the unclean and the clean,do not recognize,hiding his eyes of my Saturday ,and we're profaned among them. #Daniel 7;25,on,[fallen angels and his followers] will change the law [10 Commandments],while [7 days a week],persecute God's people,true that God [forgive sins]../ #Isaiah 24;5 modifies Decree in my law,so shall the land mourn,and collapse of its residents./ #Matthew 5;17 did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it./ #Matthew 15;3-8 why transgress the commandments of God./ #Matthew 19;17-19 for eternal life keep the commandments./ #Matthew 23;1-4 law of Moses to be respected../ #Matthew 12;3-8 Son of Man[JESUS CHRIST] is lord of the Sabbath [sign authority]/ #Matthew 15;9 VAIN respect me,teaching human precepts/ #john 5;45-47 believe Moses,you would believe Me/ #John 14;15 if,mE[JESUS],love me,keep the commandments/ #Ephesians 6;10-17 Fight against an opponent with a biblical/ # 1John 2;7-10 illiteracy new commandment,but old,remember/ #Revelation 14;12 keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus [not only faith in Jesus]/ #Revel.11;19 Court will be held on the criterion of the coffin eternal covenant of the 10 Commandments/ #Revelation 3;20/ #God's law is not abolished; #MATTHEW 5;19 will not go away even one line of law and that all is fulfilled./ #Matthew 7;23..Depart from me,you who trample the law/ #Matthew 13;52 to preach the Old and New Testament/ #Matthew 15;3-8 Why transgress the commandment of God/ #Matthew 19;17-19 for eternal life keep the commandments/ #Matthew 23;1-4 law of Moses to be respected/ #Port 23;54 on Saturday,rested on the law/ #john 5;45-47 believe Moses,you would believe Me/ #John 5;2-4 love of God that we keep the commandments/ #john 7;19 not given you the law of Moses,and one of you by law inanimate/ #john 14;15 If ye love me keep commandments/ #ACTS 17;2 Saturdays to read the letter/ #Romans 2;13 not just who obey the law,but that doeth [Paul was clear,but many interpret it as they please]/ #1Corinthians 7;19 it's all in keeping the commandments of God/ #gallate 3;19-29 law [10 commandments] is our only teachers,who leads Christ,to be justified by faith,[therefore should be respected,the eternal law of God,the law of peace,the law of love of God that God would be merciful to us,the law is an indication of sin]/ #Romans 3;31 abolishing you the law through faith,by no means,but it still reaffirm/ #Philippians 3;7-11..not by law,but justice faith in Jesus Christ.[justice law required,the soul that sins,it shall die[spiritually],or slaughter a lamb and repent,and are now becoming is eternal lamb that was slain,by faith in him can not repent,and ask for mercy because its the biggest victim of something] / #Port 16;17 before the sky will pass,but it falls a line from the law. #JEWS 4;3-10 Saturday God's rest,rest of the people one more Saturday to rest upon,[Saturday creation and redemption Saturday,the Sabbath is a sign of the authority of our God] #JAMES 2;10-11 if you keep all the commandments,and sinned in one,blame you for everything,[means we need the grace of Jesus,we are weak in order to fully comply with the law,but we try not to sin,because Jesus did not sin officer] #1John 2;3 if we keep the commandments,then we know/ #1john 2;4 who says i know him but do not keep the commandments,is a liar/ #Revelation 14;12 keep the commandments of God,and,the faith of Jesus,[not only faith in Jesus]/ #Revelations 11;19 criteria Court,10 commandments [we're gonna need a lot of grace,because no one has not complied with properly,we gave it away,because,God forbid,[Paul would be angry]]. #JAMES 1;25 but who discerned the perfect law,the law of liberty,and stay in it,and not forgetful hearers,but a doer of work,he shall be blessed in his actions/ #JAMES 2;12 So speak and so treat as those who will be judged by the law of liberty [10 commandments]/ #1John 3;4 Whosoever committeth sin,break the law, #and #violation #law #sin is,and you know that Jesus was manifested to take away sins,and that sin is not in him.Whoever it is,not sins,whoever sins has not seen him or known him/ #Romans 6;23 For the wages of sin is death,but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ,[to respect the law Jesus that was in Christ Jesus].We do not keep law in order to be saved,we all violators,I got it because I love #lord,and because so God requires/ #john 8;32 And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.Opponents say;And how people interpret,there's nothing to explain,all clearly states,the Bible interprets itself.Eternal glory to Jesus Christ the Savior and Creator of heaven and earth.['re Jesus died in torment,gave himself for us,that these are the end times all given up and forgotten the value of your victims,you forgot your Imperial law of PEACE,forget your holy Sabbath day,forget your immeasurable tolerance,forget your only cross symbol [Galati6;14],they forgot who the father is a stepfather who,forgive us please because we do not know what we do.
@kumararya87 9 жыл бұрын
Krishna never married radha!
@pdimpleraja224 10 жыл бұрын
can you explain this dwarka city dated back more thousand years even before your aryan invasion and as per your theory. kzbin.info/www/bejne/pIK9d4Zvfc6dZq8.Even there is BBC document also
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
I can explain it. The Indus Valley Civilization is far older than the Aryan invasion. Dwarka is an ancient remnant of this culture.
@pdimpleraja224 10 жыл бұрын
JAMES K POWELL II Krishna is aryan god vishnu avatar as per you.Bramhins were there and mahabharata is happend during his period.You say this aryan culture or Indus valley culture.Thanks for your reply
@pdimpleraja224 10 жыл бұрын
JAMES K POWELL II It had happened more than a week you are not giving reply.So, i want to give my statement.Stop saying that wrong and false words on our religion.First know about it fully and then post.Don't say that our religion came from west and wrong about it to spread your Christianity.(or show the proofs).
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
Yes I can. The Indus Valley Civilization pre-dates the Kurgan/Aryan invasion by more than 1500 years. They are relatively late on the scene in fact. Sumer/Babylon had been around already nearly 4000 years. The invasion is chronicled in Babylonian tablets in fact...the "horsemen" or "maryannu" ruled Babylon also for around 400 years.
@pdimpleraja224 10 жыл бұрын
JAMES K POWELL II I say INDIA invaded Europe.ROME means RAMA.Greece means GANGA,British means BABA and Christ means KRISHNA.This is why they found swastika symbol in TURKEY (Belived it to be TROY) which doesn't have importance in your books. What i'm asking and what you are saying .VIshnu is an ARYAN god DWARKA is city of Krishna an avatar of VISHNU. As per your ARYAN invasion theory or written by west 1)Vishnu is ARYAN god.Shiva is Dravidian god. 2)It happend in 1500 B.C. around.(As per books.If you have done research you can give a date.Don't tell as you like) 3)Upper caste were ARYANS and Lower were DRAVIDIANS.Dravidians Were driven back to tamilnadu.But,caste system exists in tamilnadu and kings from tamilnadu occupied south east like cambodia. Dwaraka is not dated back to 4000 years.It is 8000 years ans some say 32000.Not said by or INDIANS.As per history and BBC channels. Show me that those any of these three points valid. Or obey that you had an wrong view on HINDUISM.As you said it is your view and suggestions were allowed.
@disankar 10 жыл бұрын
First of all, to Vjt9, to describe you as a representative of the Sanatan Dharma would be a great Sin/Papa. You understand neither the essence of Hinduism nor the tolerance permeating it. All you have displayed here is a BIG ego.
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you tat-tvam-asi...it is good to hear a Hindu voice weigh in. Yes, Vjt9 displays a big ego. S/he misses the point that I love the Hindu tradition and am attempting an honest account from an outside point of view. Having said that, I practice yoga and went to kirtan last night chanting to all the "biggies" (Kali, Lakshmi, Shiva et. al.) Thanks! James
@kedarkulkarni5862 9 жыл бұрын
THERE WAS NO ARYAN INVASION hehehehhe stop spreading lies..............
@priynk2009 10 жыл бұрын
another eurocentric video......
@opensourceworldviews 10 жыл бұрын
what did you expect from a Euro-American? A Chinese view? Perhaps...and Indian view? Should I kowtow to the Hindu nationalists who write in this forum about the Invasion Theory? The world knows better...but not Hindu nationalists, just as our fundamentalists view the earth as a mere 7000 years old. perhaps you can suggest a non-euro-centric, non-indian view of hinduism? something completely "objective", without a human perspective. i will sincerely like to see that one!
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