Opiate Withdrawal | What's Detoxing Like?

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@MedCircle 2 жыл бұрын
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@Shortkonner 2 жыл бұрын
I'll be an addict forever. Relapse is part. Most of us die okay. Your doctor is doing something very special. Helping us. I've never heard a doctor talk like him. I trust him. I would let him handle my care.
@me67226 2 жыл бұрын
@jojo(crazywormwoman) me too ❤️😭🙏
@otterbaby3054 2 жыл бұрын
i am at day 8 of quitting cold turkey of a 3 years straight heroin smoking habit (i was smoking 800mg-1000mg a day)..it's absolute hell i never felt so bad before in my life and i've been through some really serious shit..i'm shaking, i feel ice-cold on my body but burnig hot in the face, i've got fever, hallucinations, anxiety, depression, serious pain in muscles and bones, torturing headaches, can't sleep at all for like 7 days, restless legs i just can't keep them calm because they are so fucking tingly it drives me mad, diarrea, stomach pain, dizzyness and nausea, my nose is runny and my eyes are shedding tears and im yawning all the time and throwing up..allmost all symptoms are active at the same time, and 24/7..i'm sure i have forgotten some symptoms..the list goes on and on..but i think u get the point..it's really bad and i'm completey alone, having nobody who's giving a damn about me..i'm fucked!..i just don't want to wake up anymore..but the problem is i can't sleep, so no chance of dying unconsciously.. edit: unfortunately i live in germany and here people are assholes and stupid and have lots of stereotypes running in their micro-minds..they judge and hate me for being addicted..i feel so alone and worthless due to that..
@jeffersonjurawan8964 2 жыл бұрын
Great episode
@jmr6117 2 жыл бұрын
@@otterbaby3054 my friend i know its been a month but let me tell you,you are somebody cuz God don't make garbages humans you are somebody if you feel olone remember God its there whit you..i on the stand you ,cuz i am addict too ,right now im am sick from methadone 18 years and i am trying to detox,i have all the sintoms too...i hope you are doing well ,if you relapse its part of recovery take it one day at time ok.
@TheGreekPianist 2 жыл бұрын
Those of you who are withdrawing/detoxing now, like I am, remember you’re NOT alone! We’re in this tough process together and we’ll come out of it even stronger. Hang in there! ☺️🤝
@bobbybraddock7530 2 жыл бұрын
I am right here with you! Years on subs and tapering now!
@TheGreekPianist 2 жыл бұрын
@@bobbybraddock7530 I’m sure you’re doing great bro! And do you mean Suboxone? Or a diff med? All my WD symptoms have since vanished! Also, Clonidine does wonders to stop WD symptoms! I’d ask a Dr for it!
@bobbybraddock7530 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheGreekPianist I am tapering, and yes Buprenorphine, down to 1 tablet 1 time a day, then 7 days of 1 tablet every other, then half a tab every 3rd day, then half of half every 4th day or if I can go without go without... I got hired on for a company, passed all background nad physical exam, I listed Buprenorphine as a med I was taking thinking they tested for it, well they don't but it is on the restricted list so now I have to be off of it to be cleared medically... kinda seems unfair to me, but that is the rules I have to follow... for now I have not noticed anything or a difference from the 2 tabs a day, but I'm sure I will when I get down to half every 3 days... any info you can provide would be great!
@michelleburt3468 2 жыл бұрын
Did you make it?
@kathrynfielder9001 2 жыл бұрын
idk if you still are but this is my 3rd day of the restless and starting the chills. currently in hot water trying to get relief! 😭
@ponzo1967 Жыл бұрын
Miserable isn't the word! opiate withdrawal is a slice of hell. I went from oxy to methadone then cut myself off the methadone and thought I would die. In fact the acute phase was more like 21 days and it was a good six months before I felt anything close to good. The good news is once that six months was over I never felt better. I would break out in chills listening to a good song, my passion came back, my mind was clear, I felt alive for the first time in years but it was nothing short of brutal getting there and non addicts can't possibly understand the suffering.
@kramerjake7731 4 ай бұрын
Definitely worse than miserable man. I don’t like how he said that Suboxone is far less addictive then other opioids cause it’s really not any less addictive. It is however an amazing medicine that really does help people to not feel like they’re dying from withdrawal, but if you stop it cold turkey it’s gonna hurt pretty much just as bad.
@JamesMcBride-w7j 4 ай бұрын
You are exactly right I believe the people that has been through this experience would be the best counselor and life coach ✌️ &❤
@LaurenHarper-wm2zz 2 ай бұрын
That'd hopeful. I'm 3 months clean but mentally. I'm dead and depressed and no meaning in life. I look forward to in 3 months hopefully feeling well again
@jimmydawn8237 2 ай бұрын
I’m almost 2 months in and the withdrawals are still here but more manageable. I have take a Tylenol for my legs. I’ll be glad when it get better. I dose down and quit cold turkey. Not an easy battle. I didn’t want to get on subs and methadone and get addicted to that and worry about coming off of it
@jimmydawn8237 2 ай бұрын
@@kramerjake7731yea I’m 2 months in cold turkey praying it gets better. I didn’t want to do sub or methadone. Another thing to get addicted too. I wanted to be clean completely. I still have withdrawals. But they are management. But I’ll be glad when it goes away. The withdrawals are still here
@nora_nayeli Жыл бұрын
My friend passed away last night from an overdose. I wish I knew all this information about opioids. I didn’t even know she was addicted to them. I wish I could know this and maybe show this video to her. I’m going to learn as much as I can because if I can stop this from happening to someone else I will.
@tsommers3284 Жыл бұрын
I’m so terribly sorry!
@ev0nka_ 11 ай бұрын
😢im so sorry
@Wilson85887 11 ай бұрын
I hope you’re doing ok today! ❤
@grifyn882 10 ай бұрын
she was such a mess...crazy...
@aprilpresley8234 9 ай бұрын
Thats horrible 😢my deepest condolences and empathy for you
@chadhiggins9944 2 жыл бұрын
This is probably one of the best interviews about addiction I have ever heard. Solid doctor. Solid interviewer. This is fantastic.
@XstonedmonkeyzX Жыл бұрын
Yes, but when he said he can Give Advil to combat the Pain when he was explaining the solutions to Detox, he lost me 🤣...
@mikesully110 Жыл бұрын
@@XstonedmonkeyzX yeah I know, whenever a doctor recommends Advil, Loperamide and some Gatorade to combat Detox, I know straight away they are a clown. He did know about the narcan method where they put you under then give you narcan, I wish I could try that, seems like it would skip the worst part of detox which for me the first 4 days are total unbearable
@circusofsix Жыл бұрын
completely agree. bravo.👏🏽
@amberlilly4101 7 ай бұрын
@@XstonedmonkeyzXYes, I cannot take Advil, it gives horrible stomachache which last for a long time. And, after you have been on a Narcotic I don't think it would do very much for you.
@BushyHairedStranger 6 ай бұрын
Except that he took an oath to ‘First do no harm’ which means truthfulness-honesty with your patients no matter the outcome. All physicians take an oath to Apollo-an Oath to heal. Acute opiate/opioid withdrawal can & does KILL people every single year. So why isn’t he saying so? Also he works in total fear of DEA reprisals, retribution, which no doctor should ever have to endure not ever!, it impacts their decision making, their oath. I get it,..yet change starts with STANDING UP AGAINST and FIGHTING what is wrong! So any physician who wont tell me the truth & who follows law enforcement over the own Oath to Medicine, just isn’t a physician I would ever trust.
@commentarywithconnor 11 ай бұрын
Hope anyone reading this is sober or attempting sobriety. No matter how dark it is we are always capable if we keep getting back up and trying. I went through 15 withdrawals, brought drugs into rehab successfully and ended with detox rather than starting with it, went to a halfway house and IOP. This thing is so fucking hard but if you need the secret I will tell you what is working for me. Everything that you go through is exactly what you needed to go through to get better. I had to address everything that made my life miserable without drugs and had to find purpose and happiness. I did this one day at a time. We do recover. No matter what youve done, no matter how bad of a person you think you are, there is always a way out. Find yours. Please try. We aren’t bad people. We are just sick people getting better. I believe in you. Believe in yourself.
@amberlilly4101 7 ай бұрын
I'm alright with any other issues, except, chronic pain which cannot be fixed.
@Unknownentityfeline 6 ай бұрын
​@@amberlilly4101Same with me after several surgeries which only made me worse off. That's why I don't believe that you and I are addicts, however we've become more or less dependent on the only thing that works for us. And even then, it can be very specific to one brand. This guy posting here has found happiness and purpose which is addressing the real cause of addiction, as was made clear in the Rat Park study so long ago. If you're not familiar with it, you can google it. I never had to keep increasing my dose and my body told me, when I was in emergency, that I didn't want more than what the doctor was going to give. I never felt euphoria and certainly didn't get "high". This is the only medication that works for me. I, and I believe you, too, only want to be able to participate in life. Without pain. We are not addicts, our situations are different and most of us are responsible. Some of the ideas this doctor is saying is Draconian and the fact that so many people who faced being cut off their life-changing medication have committed suicide is what scares me. We mustn't ban these drugs in such a wholesale manner from people who need them and thank God that the ones who are writing policy have admitted that this approach has failed. I hope we can get the pendulum swinging back for the sake of patients like you and me before it's become so late that our voices die away with us!
@caralinehowden2951 5 ай бұрын
@@amberlilly4101 Chronic pain maybe not be fixed, but having the tools to help you change your mindset, could be of benefit. What I mean is, I enjoy crafts and no not everyone loves doing that, but most people have the one thing they love to do, (I have just had this conversation with my husband as he is on the list for knees surgery after a bad accident a few years ago) But lets go back to the topic. If you can go to the library and search for crafts for male/female, and yes they can be interchangeable, or if you would rather do a youtube search, there is surely something that you would love to learn or attempt. For me I have found this doesn't reduce my pain, but it helps me cope with it better, therefore making a negative into something positive. When I say crafts I mean anything from hand sewing, crochet, knitting, embroidery, and probably a few more besides. It is the finishing the item that gives you that positive feeling. Reading a book, only helps temporary, as does watching a movie. I do hope that you are able to find something that will help you. Please don't get me wrong I have severe pain and there are some moments where I just cannot even handle doing the things I love to do, that is when I take time out and rest on the bed until that feeling passes, in saying that I have the luxury of being retired (yeah I never thought I would say that) but it means that no one is reliant on me and therefore mine time to do what I can for me. Good luck :)
@naeemalewis14 2 ай бұрын
@@commentarywithconnor Yup. Day 3, skin crawling is very bad still
@commentarywithconnor 2 ай бұрын
@@naeemalewis14 keep going. You can do this. You’re almost on the other side of
@zboy02043 2 жыл бұрын
The analogy relating cancer to addiction and relapse was very powerful for me. So true. Recovery needs love and understanding not shame and guilt.
@Shortkonner 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you i appreciate that. I didn't mean to hurt anyone else you know. ❤️
@Soleprofit559 2 жыл бұрын
That one hit me too. People just don’t understand or aren’t educated. Even if they are nobody truly understands unless you been through addiction and withdrawals yourself.
@ivydemichael3661 Жыл бұрын
No gog5
@Nick-ig4wz Жыл бұрын
People can’t understand if they haven’t lived it though. It’s just the way it is.
@markolsen3727 9 ай бұрын
All i ever got was so i should, as a person i was destroyed
@S.C.A.R-NATION 2 жыл бұрын
It’s amazing how much this man truly understands the detox process
@Spineburger Жыл бұрын
and at the same time how much this dude doesnt know. you cant just give suboxone when they are sick. fentanyl will bind for up to a week or more. this 24 hours bullshit is just incorrect.
@professionalasschomper6276 5 ай бұрын
He doesn’t understand shit hes saying this can be comfortable wtf is he talking about hes saying its easy no fear this dude has never seen an addict
@icedawggg 2 ай бұрын
Foreal most doctors don’t even have a clue.
@kurtmanasco67 2 жыл бұрын
We need more People like him I LOVE the way he walked them through the hard part wish there were more Doctors like him and less Doctors who give them the Drugs
@officialguccifer2.0gmai Жыл бұрын
Need help on any kind of meds? hit me on channel bio
@ericanderson2173 2 жыл бұрын
this doctor gave absolute amazing, compassionate advice. i’ve been opioid free (methadone) for two weeks now… and watching this video encouraged me to remain clean. thank you.
@lisasmith7066 2 жыл бұрын
Good for you! Hang in there! 💕
@gurpritsandhu6197 2 жыл бұрын
God bless .you are champion
@JamesThomas-sh2nz 2 жыл бұрын
What were u on before methadone?
@ngocduynguyen1977 2 жыл бұрын
@ngocduynguyen1977 2 жыл бұрын
Sát sssss. Ssss
@Sweetenedmlk Жыл бұрын
I have been taking opioid pain medication on and off since 2010, and continuously (daily) for the last 4 years, I’m only 31 years old. As of today I’ve been clean for 6 days. I quit cold turkey and it’s been up and down and I’m ready for things to get worse, but for right now my anxiety and depression is kicking my ass. (Im medicated for my mental health and have been for years) Im sweaty and clammy a lot, dizzy like vertigo feeling, nausea, diarrhoea, just, not fun. Every part of me wants to start taking them again but I refuse to do it. I just really hope the withdrawals don’t get too bad. Thats part of the reason why I’ve been taking them for so long, because I was scared of the withdrawal symptoms. But here I am. Wish me luck x sending love to anyone else going through this right now x
@granth1332 Жыл бұрын
are you doing any better now?
@ajronlejdi2525 Жыл бұрын
Sorry, I hope you don't mind me asking how you're doing ?
@duallylicensed145 Жыл бұрын
We all need an update !!!! 😖
@jonathandeschenes2973 Жыл бұрын
Going through bad withdrawals myself and I’m taking subs to which force the opiates out of your system and makes the withdrawal suck wayyy more but is only really really bad for 6 hours. That’s why I didn’t stop for so long either cause I knew this pain would suck
@bendodsworth2373 Жыл бұрын
How you get on
@iamanempoweredone6064 2 жыл бұрын
I did suboxon for quite a while to get off of opiates. I started sublingual sub and then cut the strip very small every day and weaned off of opiates that way. Been off six years now.
@EmNiMhurchu 2 жыл бұрын
Way to go! Congratulations 🥳
@micheletotton9342 2 жыл бұрын
Good for you 😉
@jessie330 2 жыл бұрын
Fuck yea !!!!!
@NMW80 2 жыл бұрын
How long were u on it for? Congrats for getting off it. Do you think it’s easier to get off that normal pain medication.
@iamanempoweredone6064 2 жыл бұрын
@@NMW80, over two years. One day I woke up and thought “I don’t want to be this way” then I began to ween myself off of it a sliver a day. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be.
@wizl4035 4 ай бұрын
Im 36 years old. I have been in opiate addiction since i was in my early 20s and i have no idea how time went so fast. Im on day 2 with not taking anything and pray to god i will make it. Its a PAIN but i have dreamed about this for so long and feel stronger then ever, i managed to quit on my own 8-9 years ago and i WILL quit again and never touch drugs again, i do this for my 2 kids. Dont EVER give up
@Ruben-no4fk 2 ай бұрын
Okay but some people can't quit
@crispyslicker1038 Ай бұрын
howd you do man?
@Mum_daughter718 Ай бұрын
How are you today ? I hope you are well 🤲
@buttercup2290 2 жыл бұрын
So I was addicted to heroin and went to rehab in 2017.. signed myself out after nine days and went back to using only to overdose a month later and nearly die but I’ve been clean ever since and I never went back to rehab I never did a 12 step program it’s still a major struggle but nothing was worse than getting sober by myself in my apartment. Quitting cold turkey was the hardest thing ever
@catherinepraus8635 2 жыл бұрын
I feel ya it sucks so bad
@molliegrrrr 2 жыл бұрын
💜 I’m sorry you went through this, I’m glad you made it to the other side. Blessings!
@buttercup2290 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you loves!
@EmNiMhurchu 2 жыл бұрын
You can do anything now!!! That is a HUGE achievement 👏
@heshanlahiru3732 2 жыл бұрын
@bms77 2 жыл бұрын
Very informative but I’d also say that there are so many caveats to addiction to opioids or anything really. That 3 days of hell thing really only applies to someone who’s only been using a few years vs someone like me who used opioids for almost 20 years!!! I remember those first 5 years everytime I got off then temporarily, it was always 72 hours almost on the dot! When I finally got too old for this sh!t and stopped after almost 20 years, omg it was like 2 weeks of feelin like crap with the first 4 days being the worst!! The longer you use, the more “use-to” opioids your receptors become and that longevity or consistency is what really screws you over so just remember kids, if you’ve only been using like 5 years or less (which is still a long time no doubt), it’s MUCH easier to get over that physical first part than it is when you stop after 15-20 years
@1060michaelg 2 жыл бұрын
bdizz77 Finally, someone who knows! I like this doc but I chuckled when he did the 72 hour "over the hump" remark. Addicts, especially people like us who lost over 20 years to dope, know things that doctors don't. They've been taught things but the ones who've listened to the addicts they've treated are way ahead of the curve. Peace, Friend!
@1060michaelg 2 жыл бұрын
@El Incognito 🥸 Hey mate. I mean, I am VERY happy for you. But as I said in another comment just now, succes in 3 weeks after being on benzos, opiates (you didn't mention h, but pain pills, in my opinion, are harder to kick...also a habit by mouth, an "eating" habit, is far worse than a needle habit. A needle habit, the worst part can be got through in two weeks...then the work begins of course. An EATING habit...the "Worse" part usually lasts a month... A BLOODY CHRISTING MONTH, Lad!! That's why the relapse rate is 97%...no one can do that kind of time, yeah?) I am sure I don't have to say to thank the Big Boss---without whom nothing good happens in this after hours club we call Earth. Peace and Love, mate---be watchful and stay clear of the punters you used to run with. A partner of mine once said, "The last thing guys like us need are guys like us." Brilliant, I thought.
@daif8562 2 жыл бұрын
I always hear this. But try to dismiss it and say it'll be easier since you have experience kicking and aren't blindly going through wds for the first time. My mind is too powerful to know it's just gonna be worse the more I wait! Any opinion of h vs fentanyl withdrawal
@1060michaelg 2 жыл бұрын
@@daif8562 Hey, Dai-- I think it's slightly different in subtle ways. Subtle, because most of the horrific symptoms we as addicts suffer during junk sickness (I guess I'm dating myself using that term, dope sick being used now, but I prefer "junk sick") are mostly universal; we all get the twitching legs, sweats, chills, desperate sprints to the crapper for diarrhea not seen in hell, then the most dreadful (and cause for dread) vomiting....long after nothing's left, we keep retching (i've brought up bits of tissue), and of course the skin; feels like one big electric current going through my whole skin and can't be touched or my whole body contracts in a shudder. I dread the twitching legs (jimmy legs) and puking the most. And one more thing; those long nights, anyone you love or loves you (hopefully both) is in bed and you have that long desert of haunted night to slog through. I watch movies, but the film morphs with hallucinations and becomes a carnival of terror. (I usually experience heroin and benzo w/d at same time---PLEASE try and not to put yourself in that position. Deadly and SCARY. At some point you are frozen in place, experiencing time as slow as a cave crystal forming. Nothing left to do but stare ahead and suffer in silence. You know that painting "Silent Scream"? That's how i picture us in the worst part of withdrawal. Why did I say all of that? I know it's long winded, sorry about that...but my point is; no matter how many times we go through it, it's not any easier. It's physiological response to the lack of smack. The only thing we who've gone through it many times is we have this, "Bloody hell, here it comes...not completely blindsided. That's something, at least. You asked about h vs fentanyl withdrawal. I mostly have been on h and pills...but I did my share of the Fentanyl "Lollipops"...you know them? In the silver wrapper with DEATH warning for people who are Opiate Naive; they would surely die. I almost checked out when I sucked three of them down when my habit was light on h...it took hours, but I started puking blood. I made it back to my trap and spent days recovering. I've known people who are now moved on, meaning they've split town, not dead. Lucky. I have a friend who's mom had to save his ass TWICE with narcan, once on THANKSGIVING. I know it's harder in every way from what they've told me. It's hard to imagine what I go through times 3 or 4 or whatever, yeah? I CAN tell you this and it is the absolute truth. Tried and tested by myself many times. Meds for withdrawal: CLONIDINE SUCKS. XANAX will relieve every symptom of Opiate withdrawal except for vomiting. For that, get a supply of ZOFRAN (also known as ODENSATRON), the little white pill that dissolves under the tongue and Voila! Nausea and vomiting stopped dead in it's tracks. Really miraculous! Jus don't stay on the Xanax longer than you HAVE to...if you aren't hooked on benzos, you don't want to be...the w/d from benzos worse than Opiate w/d by far. Two weeks on Xanax (or Ativan), three at most, will get you through the thickest part of the Woods. Trust me. If I hadn't done it myself several times or more, I wouldn't suggest it. But DON'T Take too many. Just enough to get you through the day...and, say three 1/2 mg. tabs to get through the night. If you're experienced with benzos, you know the score; you can take what you need to sleep...but don't over do it. I am very sorry to be so long with this. My heart is for my fellow sufferers of this shit condition we have. It takes more than a few glib "Oh you will do it! I did it cold turkey, la la la!!" And that shite. Take care, Dai...let me know if this clicks with you...remember you're never ALONE. Peace and Love.
@daif8562 2 жыл бұрын
@@1060michaelg I very much appreciate the informative reply. I have been through benzo wd once but I was on methadone so it wasn't in addition to opiates which sounds like blowing my brains out would be more appealing. Xanax was just lot of twitching of every muscle from my feet to my face. And seizures I would have never known about that seemed to happen every time I tried sleeping and woke me up. I was dating my MAT counselor who got me through it and told me about the seizures. And of course the anxiety which was the problem considering I was prescribed Xanax for my debilitating anxiety and ended up abusing it once I started methadone. Now I can't take a couple bars without being twitchy and anxious for a few days after quitting. I don't take any benzos even though they seem to be the exact remedy to my self medication. Anxiety is the reason I can't live a normal life and I am desperately searching for something as useful as benzos without the wds and I believe I would be done chasing fent and h and now hard as well (c). I'm screen shotting your suggestion and will give it a try. I'm willing to use Xanax for a longer term if it means I'm gonna be free from the handcuffs of this addiction!!! You've been through more cold turkey nightmares than me. My restless legs are not just legs. I get restless arms and thankfully alone in my bed just flailing arms and legs rolling around to find comfort someway and always lasts a few minutes until I'm kicking and punching and rolling into a burrito in my sheets that are soaking wet from sweat and every smell is intensified and weird. I always watch my favorite drug movies too, dope sick love, black tar heroin, heroin cape cod, candy, wolf of wall street. And not to be TMI but how are any opiate addicts having diarrhea when you've been constipated for years. I would be grateful for diarrhea but I'm always in another crisis terrified with impacted stool scared to death not knowing if I am gonna need to 911 and or stitches. Can't believe I'm saying this but I never see this part being discussed and honestly I have a bit of PTSD every time I have to go. I finally purchased that stuff to drink daily to help soften the stool but I waited years longer than I needed for it.
@LifeCoachJesse 2 жыл бұрын
I just shattered my elbow, tore ligaments, and broke my wrist in a freak basketball accident. I had never had surgery before. I was given morphine, and other pain killers. Currently decided to stop taking those oxytocin pills. I am currently 24 hours from not taking the medication. I'm glad I had the surgery, but man these withdrawals are strong. I know have a new perspective on this and can empathize with people who struggle with addiction. I am a man of faith, and this is just another battle I'm taking and giving to God. I'm 31 and 4 years sober from alcohol in May. I'm taking this battle seeious. It's so easy to just go take a pill and calm down. 4:01am here on socal and I'm trying to go to sleep. To anyone reading this, you are not alone, reach out to someone, talk about it, take your battles to God. In Jesus mighty name we will be healed. Never would of thought I end up on KZbin researching this. I feel much better letting it out and reading the comments.
@vandy2077 2 жыл бұрын
How are you now buddy?
@Thekingking17 2 жыл бұрын
Amen 🙏🏽
@funwhyte Жыл бұрын
I pray you are overcoming by the blood of Jesus Christ. May Christ perfect your healing. His grace is sufficient for you in your weakness. Don’t give up!
@caralinehowden2951 5 ай бұрын
Or for those who do not believe in a god, as many dont, and I am not putting you down because you do. You have the right as we all do to believe in something. I don't but giving myself a good talking to helps, I have done this for years and has helped me out of many a situation, even if I am having a situation with a friend when I find they are being horrible, I will do this and in the end I find that I dont even need to talk to that person as in myself I feel better. Sounds strange I know, but we all needs someone to talk to and to talk out our issues. One day at a time
@MarcKlark Ай бұрын
It's the worst feeling. 😢 sorry for people who takes weeks.
@Soleprofit559 2 жыл бұрын
I’m on my way to recovery . Addiction destroyed relationships in my life , changed me as a person and is holding me back in life from what I want to accomplish. I am currently on 10mg of methadone tapering 2-3mg every 10-14 days. Started at 40mg . Almost there . Give you guys and update only to give hope to those that are struggling and it’s possible if you really want recovery. You have to really want it and be done with it . I recently turned to god and in Jesus name he is helping me with my battle . Also dealing with major anxiety and depression from a horrible breakup with my ex. Kind of going through a major turning point in my life right now . The question is what am I gonna do about it ? am I gonna sit here and stay the same or am I going to grow and change . I want the old me to die and be reborn so help me god .
@jesusmalave3340 2 жыл бұрын
I am in the same boat right now 10 mg but i am in methadone for 19 years and i was in 90 mg...i don't know but 2 or 3 mg every 10 to 14 days it's tu much to soon ,You Will feel the gorilla in your back soon ,just take it easy i try that before SO many times and fail,i Will go down 1 mg every 2 weeks cuz i am feeling the heat right now...good luck ..
@nickjohns Жыл бұрын
@@jesusmalave3340 I agree. I was determined not to be on methadone. Rapid drop every 2 weeks. Got down to 18ml. It went wrong. I'm now back on 75ml
@jesusmalave3340 Жыл бұрын
@@nickjohns don't be mad at your self , it's happen toooo often when people try to detox methadone,we want to detox fast but sadly that dosn't work whit methadone,now stay there couples weeks and go down slowly 1 mg every 2 weeks or SO ....i am in 9 mg and i feel the whitdraws but i Will take My time ,this time i can't make the same mistake...good luck ok.
@royferguson3909 Жыл бұрын
I down to 12 mil , please tell me something positive, the time goes slowly and I super anxious to hear something good. I in u.k.
@royferguson3909 Жыл бұрын
@@jesusmalave3340 I on 12 mil , how are you , please say
@bayareagrl4ever526 2 жыл бұрын
Another problem with the horrible withdrawal from opioids is you have to set at least a week aside to deal with the severe illness. Then comes the possible depression and other mental problems. It’s hard to find a week or two to get clean. If you’re alone, you have to make sure you have everything you need because it’s hard to get dressed and leave the house: food, water, diarrhea, sinus meds, anti anxiety meds, etc…. (Of course follow your doctors orders) I know an attorney who was using for over five years due to broken neck injury. He said the only thing that worked for him was marijuana. Best of luck to everyone trying to quit any drug (including alcohol)
@Shortkonner 2 жыл бұрын
Bro. Good morning. Don't give up on him please.
@MistakenMystery 2 жыл бұрын
Gabapentin amazing for opiate withdrawal
@heathermariearmbrust 2 жыл бұрын
Soooooooo true!!!!
@mignongarner8437 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for being HONEST. People rarely talk about the the DEEP DEEP induced depression that comes AFTER the acute w/ drawal as a result of completely depleted receptors that are raging for opiates. The darkness that blankets your entire world/ every day just crashing into the next. Educate people with patience and I Do believe compassion NEEDS to be part of the conversation. That doesn’t mean enabling but it Does mean patience, understanding as well as compassion. People are dying or living a life that is totally Enslaved to opiates. Lives/ even those who live, because it’s just existing with addiction, can be saved because of quality education like this.
@linannskillings5050 Жыл бұрын
@@MistakenMystery how so? Tell me more, TY
@michaelmiller8455 2 жыл бұрын
This doctor's understanding, compassion, and willingness to prescribe medications, I'm assuming, librium, Ativan, etc., to get someone through opiate withdrawal is admirable. Going through withdrawals is absolutele misery. You hope you have a home to do it in....being in your car is miserable. If you need detox please go to the ER. I hate it too. I'm an alcoholic. I've suffered through the shame of walking through the front doors and announcing why I'm there. Just do it.
@Shortkonner 2 жыл бұрын
I went to er. They helped me like he's talking about.
@1060michaelg 2 жыл бұрын
@@Shortkonner I guess it depends on who is on duty in the ER. Most addicts presenting to the ER (most of us know not to even bother) will get the raised eyebrow and "If this guy thinks he's getting a shot..." treatment. You might get a ringer for dehydration and if you've got a real human being, IV Ativan. I've nearly died from going through benzo/heroin w/d at same time. My wife begged me to let her drive me to the er...I said, "You know as well as I do we'll wait for hours...and then get bubkes." But I love hearing the one's who've gotten treated well.
@criticalmass6249 2 жыл бұрын
Ive been to the ER and they told me to get Lost, but thats just one experience. Good luck to all of yous. 💜💜💜💜💜
@1060michaelg 2 жыл бұрын
@@criticalmass6249 Yeah, CM..that's the almost universal response to those of us who, they SAY they believe, have a medically recognized DISEASE. Addiction has an arc...a progression that is as predictable as most degenerative diseases. In the end, that's what addiction is; a degeneration of mind/body and it feels like your soul is also at risk. I pray good things and help come your way, my way...our way. Take good care :)
@frankpaya690 2 жыл бұрын
@@1060michaelg The determining factor most of all, is what kind of insurance you have.
@johnhancock9249 Жыл бұрын
Day 7 here from hydrocodone prescribed for 2 years now from a doctor. I have a nasty disc in my lower back. Injections don’t work and the doctor just looks at you and gives you more pills. Well once the prescription doesn’t work I find other ways to get more. So I was taking 15-20 10 mg per days. Then I got to where I can’t get out of bed in the mornings unless I popped about 5 pills. It’s a horrible addition. I am going cold turkey. It’s been 7 days of pure hell. And I own a million dollar company. It’s been difficult handling business. But I’m getting thru. I’m going to a neurosurgeon instead of a pain doctor. I have lost 70 pounds thru this all and was 325 pounds. I noticed that my back is better now that I’m off the meds. They were making my back hurt more than should. So I’m a champion in this. I’m getting thru this cold turkey. I’m doing it. I slept the first time in 7 days and woke up feeling all kinds of weird. I’ll never eat another pain pill for the rest of my life. I’m disgusted that I was so hooked on them. My suggestion is skip all the pain management clinics. They stick you with needles and push pills to you. They are legalized drug dealers. Go to a back doctor and come up with a treatment plan. Good luck to the ones that are suffering because I understand. I was taking an average of 20 pills a day for over a year. I’m luck to be alive. Thank God above for keeping me alive.
@vinnylona4177 Жыл бұрын
Do you think you lost weight from the withdrawl ? Also I hope everything is better now
@lamontedney Жыл бұрын
You a real winner
@miichellemarquez10 3 ай бұрын
So Did you stop cold turkey? How long did the withdrawal symptoms last?
@ramirov8625 Жыл бұрын
I been taking opioids since 2010. Everyday is a battle, I been feeling alone lately. It's time for me to stop this addiction, I know everything starts with me. I want to get off. I want a healthy life again. I want to start saving my money. I need help. I found this video, it is really informative. I wish there was more doctors like him.
@mayito714 Жыл бұрын
Buprenorphine is what they call a "partial opioid" but it saved my life.
@michaelesutton7058 Жыл бұрын
Ramiro, you got this! Stays strong and fight for your peace and calm brother. You are not alone. If you need help-get help. Find a doctor, a therapist and/or a support group and get better.
@s9preme 8 күн бұрын
Get on subs or replacement while you get your life in check, then you can slowly taper off much more easily. The 4th/5th night you’ll start to get excellent sleep. I got probably 5 hours last night and feel incredible. That is 100x better than tossing and turning and sitting up only to lay back down a minute later for 2 days straight. Around the 4 day mark the beauty of life will flow back and it’ll be infinitely easier.
@craftystarky 2 жыл бұрын
I wish I had help getting off tramadol which I was taking a high dose for 5 years ! 😳😳😳 For chronic pain. It was very unpleasant stopping that medication. But I did it & I am very proud of , definitely does make me think I can never go back to that again. I do still suffer from pain though so life is hard. Doctors should realise that we didn’t ask for this pain also don’t know what the affects of these tablets are. Withdrawal from this drug I nearly walked into a busy road. It messed me up! It was so horrible 😭
@Buai2 2 жыл бұрын
I have bad spinal injuries. Been taking high dose Tramadol for 11 years. Got off twice...and it didnt seem too hard. But this time (now)...its hell. Current family issues (plus my own childhood pain) partly drive the addiction as well now, it seems. I can get down to very low dose - bet then its hell jumping off the end...and I end up going back up. I wish the Doc had never given this to me. Big Pharma should be... for these products. They know damn well what they do - but they make a killing, just like street dealers do, so they really dont give a toss. Meditation is great - once you get totally clean.
@craftystarky 2 жыл бұрын
@@Buai2 bless you I totally understand 🙏 ❤ xx
@heshanlahiru3732 2 жыл бұрын
Try to use pregabalin for tramadol withdrawal symptoms
@Buai2 2 жыл бұрын
@@heshanlahiru3732 - Thank you. Im already using it. I does help, in a big way. But its the very last part, where Im jumping off 50mgs. I try to put a day between doses, but its seriously difficult. Im going to try chopping (Ive done this before, with success) tab up again, to take less and less...down to 10mgs - or what looks like 10mgs. In this state of confused Tramadol and Lyrica (Pregabalin) mind, I simply forget about things that I would normally (or any normal human would) remember, & consider optional. I was at 400mgs (that went up to double at times), Im now very stable at 200mgs - I just started a week of 100mgs. Then go down to 50mgs for a week. Then I'll start chopping a tab up, and do that for a week. Fingers crossed.
@FitzSchlitz 2 жыл бұрын
I’m documenting my methadone detox from 160mgs-0. I’m 10 months methadone free! 💪. It sucked and is still not leveled out. I did my own slow taper. Awesome video…thank you! Healing vibes, love and blessings to you all!!!!💪✌️❤️
@GJames007 2 жыл бұрын
How long you taper down for?
@FitzSchlitz 2 жыл бұрын
@@GJames007 my breakdown differs. All together 4years. How are you doing lately my friend?
@GJames007 2 жыл бұрын
@@FitzSchlitz how long was just the taper though? I’ve been at 80mg for 4 years. I’m in no rush so I honestly might do a mg/ week
@FitzSchlitz 2 жыл бұрын
@@GJames007 I went down 10mgs every two months or so. When I feel half way better I drop down again. I try and listen to my body. I was on 160 so it would mean roughly 2yrs or so. My videos my be all over the place. Sorry. Lmk how things go and please update on your progress! Healing vibes, love and blessings! 💪💪✌️❤️
@salas..5686 2 жыл бұрын
Methadone sucks, worst detox ever...did not sleep for months, came out looking 20 years older
@dubz636 2 жыл бұрын
In my opinion, there IS a reason to suffer. I’ve been through it, and the one thing keeping me from using again is the reminder of the absolute hell I’ll have to live through again if I do.
@nikkis7375 Жыл бұрын
I’ve heard others say this too. I’m scared and about to go through it but I gotta remember we can do it.
@norse_cat 2 жыл бұрын
The feeling of “just being done” is the key to getting well. It has to be your decision. I’m not an addict but had a bad eating disorder. This was the exact thought that made me get better. Just woke up one day and said enough.
@Atum1c Жыл бұрын
@Alanthe918mobilemechanic Жыл бұрын
Ur right but the levels of pain and discomfort aren’t even close to comparable. Think of it as pain and discomfort so strong addicts are willing to die or suffer homelessness and massive depression anxiety etc to continue its like modern day witchcraft taking opiates. You’ll sell ur soul for a few hrs of not even feeling good just not to be sick. It’s a sad and miserable existence. It’s physiological warefare it’s why America consumes 85% of all drugs in the world. Odds are u know ppl who suffer and you’d never know.
@Atum1c Жыл бұрын
@@Alanthe918mobilemechanic yep , opiates you would sell your soul , unless you actually really want to give it up and live a better life you never will ..I sold everything I own and stopped caring about how I looked and my health …but it’s not the end for addicts because if I can turn it around and I pretty much have a perfect life now - anyone can .
@Atum1c Жыл бұрын
@@Alanthe918mobilemechanic the pain is unbearable, worse off methadone for a fact …herion -5-7 days ..methdone a month minimum ..when your nerves come back to life is a killer .
@rudyferrell Жыл бұрын
@Atum Gaming a month to get over methadone? It took me a year just to start feeling HALFWAY normal. I jumped off at a 170 milligrams a day. I literally thought that I was in hell for 3 weeks, I cried like a little girl....
@strategic1710 9 ай бұрын
Getting completely sober sounds like it’s only for rich people without any responsibility.
@joanaisabelmaia Жыл бұрын
A Dr saying that Suboxone is not addictive??!! WTF!!! Quitting Suboxone was hell!!!
@tjm8128 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been on very high dose pain meds for 20 years now and I’m on day one cold turkey. I think I can handle most things but the lack of sleep is going to kill me. Sleeping one hour then having to go do a full days work is going to be brutal. But I have to try.
@daif8562 2 жыл бұрын
You are still going to work during cold turkey wd,????
@tjm8128 2 жыл бұрын
@@daif8562 no couldn’t be done. I was deluding myself.
@royferguson3909 Жыл бұрын
are you alive
@granth1332 Жыл бұрын
@@tjm8128 how are you 3 months later?
@DEBO5 Жыл бұрын
Book your vacation time right before spring break or winter break that way you’ll have like 2 weeks to detox.
@TheMattJacks Жыл бұрын
Im on day 7. Almost 0 symptoms. Im stocked on clonidine, Hydroxizine, gabapentin, clonazepam, loperimide, and Tylenol. I've been on Subs for 10 years. The film with naloxone. How is it day 7 and all I feel is lethargic and a little emotional?
@nicholascampbell90 Жыл бұрын
Congratulations for making it so far I'm getting ready to start with gabapentin, clonidine, and weed myself. I am done with this crap! Huge waste of time and money. Great job I hope you keep it going and are able to make a full recovery.
@Shylade Жыл бұрын
It maybe the gabapentin if it’s bothering you to be lethargic and unemotional. BUT.. you are on day 7 (21 now) and without those meds you maybe on day 1. Clonide too takes the physical symptoms of emotion away. Again you are on day 7.. takes many days many weeks.. to be and STAY without an addiction. Hope you better now?
@devionpruitt2111 Жыл бұрын
Hey can we talk I’m certainly 1 week sober today off Roxy 30 but basically it is Fentanyl I want to talk to you bc I have some of that stuff that you mentioned and haven’t tried it
@TheMattJacks Жыл бұрын
@@devionpruitt2111 Sure. Dec 2nd was my last dose. I ended up taking 1x clonidine, 4 gabapentin, and 2 Clonazepam. Doing great now! All those meds I mentioned are easy to get from your doc and if you're hurting, they will help a TON.
@TheMattJacks Жыл бұрын
@@Shylade My problem was being way emotional. All the feelings came back. It was beautiful. Epiphany after epiphany.
@danielrobinson6022 Жыл бұрын
If anyone is struggling with their detox hang on in there ... I did a 4 weeks H to methadone detox starting on 50mg tablets and finishing on 5mg on the final day of the fourth week day 28. I was really pleased with the progress but man the day after the WD came on ten fold. Was two nights of hell and then 3 weeks of no sleep what so ever where you genuinely think that sleep is a thing of the past, but week by week it will increase half an hour or so and eventually you will get 4 hours and be happy then very very slow and steadily it will continue to increase. It does get better! Good luck guys 🙏♥️
@scottbliege8288 Жыл бұрын
That was the worst part of going through withdrawals for me. Being awake all night and tossing and turning. After the 5th night of zero sleep I felt like a zombie.
@mikesully110 Жыл бұрын
@@scottbliege8288 After 5 days of no sleep my vision was warping - straight lines like blinds, would wobble around. And I was hearing whispering voices in my head. But the RLS and chills had gone down enough where I could lie still and I passed out for a few hours. It felt soooo good to get a few hours of sleep after 5 days of nothing. But sadly my pack came through the mail (it was late which is why I was detoxing), I debated flushing the pack but I didn't, I kept it under my bed for 4 hours and gave in "just 1 small dose to help me feel normal". Of course within a week I was back dosing 8 times a day
@s9preme 8 күн бұрын
Methadone takes a wayyyy longer to detox than other opioids. You need to taper over a year or so. It literally builds up in your bone marrow.
@s9preme 8 күн бұрын
@@scottbliege8288At recently 20 years of age I’ve gone through that like 5-6 times and it’s to the point where now I can sleep only 3/4 days in. Not to mention the anxiety and feeling like an absolute tweak after tossing and turning all night and going through pretty much a 72 hour long day. It was also impossible for me to go to work and be on my feet as well. I’m on day 5, feel absolutely incredible, but I still struggle immensely with motivation.
@kanikanewsome6305 2 жыл бұрын
This doctor knows his MEDICINE/Practice. I've been in and out of recovery on and off for about 20 years. Please don't try to make this man wrong in any kind of way because he will shut you down every time. God bless this doctor, they are saving lives. Opiate addiction does not discriminate it devastates all nationalities 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏽🙏🏼🙏🏻🙏. This is the current epidemic of drugs let's tackle it,treat it without over criminalizing it.
@1060michaelg 2 жыл бұрын
Kanika Newsome I do like this Doctor, he plainly has a heart for we who suffer the disease of addiction. My only point was on a couple of points; a) 72 hours is not the point where things get better, you are entering DEEP WATERS at that point (especially people like us who have been 20 years addicted), there are no exceptions to this. Also, he misspoke when he said one of the signs of withdrawal are pinpoint pupils...the exact opposite is the case. He was wrong on a couple of points, not a huge deal, just needed correction. Blessings to you and Be Well!
@kanikanewsome6305 2 жыл бұрын
@@1060michaelg oh yes ur right sweetheart
@1060michaelg 2 жыл бұрын
@@kanikanewsome6305 Thanks, Kanika-- I just realized how many times I used the word "point"...uhg!! Peace.
@kanikanewsome6305 2 жыл бұрын
@@1060michaelg 🙏🏾💛
@rrrrtttt2915 2 жыл бұрын
very true
@mmmaaaabbb 2 жыл бұрын
Great video. I would just like to mention my experience being from Quebec/Canada. After multiple OD's and rehabs/"conveniential therapy" for my crippling IV heroin/fentanyl/coke addiction I have had amazing success with kadian(extended release morphine) in conjunction with safe supply(hydromorphone) which I take every morning. This keeps me stable, and my cravings for other illicit substances are non existent. I don't drink or smoke, I workout everyday and I am a productive member of the society and not in jail or dead. It consider myself truly lucky to live here. Just wanted to share my experience.
@highcaliberexclusive9890 2 жыл бұрын
Please elaborate. Please. Op lives in Miami Florida.
@mmmaaaabbb 2 жыл бұрын
@@highcaliberexclusive9890 what would you like to know Kevin? I'll gladly answer
@highcaliberexclusive9890 2 жыл бұрын
@@mmmaaaabbb you live Canada? What's this kadian you speak of? What kind of OPIOIDS where you taking?
@mmmaaaabbb 2 жыл бұрын
@@highcaliberexclusive9890 yep I'm in Canada. I was doing anything I could get( heroin, fentanyl, cocaine, oxy's and less regularly ketamine, mxe, weed , alcohol etc) right now since about a year I started the safe supply program in Canada and I go to the pharmacy every morning to get my kadian( which is morphine er and lasts around 24hrs) and I get 3 x8mg dilaudids and clean needles so I can inject them safely. Like I said I haven't done any other drugs, have not drank alcohol, quit cigarettes since I've started this program.
@highcaliberexclusive9890 2 жыл бұрын
@@mmmaaaabbb so your on Heroin assisted treatment. HAT. Man I wish I was in Canada or Europe. Do you know anything about these synthetic dope on the streets nowadays? In terms of how bad are withdrawals and how to get off. I know these are fentanyl analogous and more recently it has like benzo like synthetic substances mixed with like veterinary sedatives like xylazine and a bunch of other junk like isonitazine.
@Steady_Charlee Жыл бұрын
Where is this doctor located? Im going through day 1 of withdrawal, Wish me luck !!!
@pandemicnoob20 2 жыл бұрын
Detox from suboxone was the most painful thing ive ever experienced. I will never touch it again
@trafficjon400 Жыл бұрын
How many years on it depends also.
@JurisaBoras Жыл бұрын
True !
@dazhiamitts2478 Жыл бұрын
​@@JurisaBoras shit that means nothing. I went to a clinic literally for about 7 days I told myself I just needed the drug out my system ended up lying wasn't 24hrs clean, the Suboxone was a higher dose I can't remember what they started my out with but it made me go into instant withdrawal, I was in the bath for 6 hours in the most horrible pain I've ever felt in my life, got through that day went back to the clinic I couldn't even drive myself the second day was much better then I had a manic attack and left out of state , with one strip left lost that in the process ended up withdrawing from the Suboxone it literally felt like the same shit I went through when I sent myself into instant withdrawal. So I don't think it matters how long that shit sucked. I came home literally in a week. Lol and of course relapsed but by the time I made it back I believe I was 100% clean from everything, I went through the motions out of state.
@cr-nd8qh 2 ай бұрын
It lasts so long too. I'm on it now
@andersonlmjr Жыл бұрын
I'm calling BS. Why, why is it every time I see these doctors and interviewers talk about detox they're referring to addicts. There's a difference between being addicted and dependent. When Opioids have been prescribed for pain for a long period of time, even years, detoxing is NOT a 72 hour flu. Tapering takes months. Every month is a repeat of hell knowing you're going to repeat the cycle the next month. It infuriates me when the context of these discussions do NOT take into account people who have lawfully and legitimately taken narcotics or opioids and have become DEPENDENT.
@moeruss2726 Жыл бұрын
💯! That’s what happened to me. I had 2 failed back surgeries, 2 failed spinal cord stimulator trials , a year of physical therapy, dozens of round of injections, after a bad car accident my pain management doctor prescribed me Fentanyl & Percocet. I never got high, it just dulled my pain enough so I could do some chores instead of being bed bound. I took the same dose & amount for 10 years. A few weeks ago at my 3 month check up, which was routine, I came home then later in the day called my pharmacy, the same one I’ve used for 11 years, and they said my prescriptions weren’t sent in. I called my clinic and they told me the prescriptions were pending to be sent. This went on for 5 days. Every time I called they gave me the same answer. I’ve been in severe withdrawal for 2 weeks. I’ve never felt this sick before. I have a fever, chills, gastrointestinal issues, sweating, I haven’t eaten solid food in over 10 days, I can’t sleep or get comfortable , and I’m having terrifying Hallucinations. I don’t understand how they could have done this to me and IDK how much longer I can live this way. 😢
@noface7679 2 жыл бұрын
Okay but why did they have to pick a hot Dr.
@Irena-Irena 2 жыл бұрын
I’m cracking up!
@user-bs5ih1pl9u 29 күн бұрын
😂😅😂 No homo... But that lifted my spirits! Clark Kent is Superman
@suzybearheart530 Жыл бұрын
Just the idea that this doctor could make it so someone in withdrawal could sleep at night and not be crazy jittery all night long - that's huge. For me that was hands down THE WORST symptom. I felt like I could survive everything else but the jittery, restless legs all day and all night long.
@lothropstoddardiii6231 Жыл бұрын
i cant handle it anymore i just went back up on my taper from bupe cant stand insomnia and RLS
@strategic1710 9 ай бұрын
Agreed. I could suffer through the day, just calm my legs enough to get 2-3 hrs of sleep and it’s doable. The insomnia from the rls is what made me have to attempt it a few times before success. After about 3 days without sleep you start to lose your grip on reality and go crazy.
@suzybearheart530 9 ай бұрын
@@strategic1710 Exactly. Sleep is vital to any kind of healing!
@17chubbrock 8 ай бұрын
@@lothropstoddardiii6231you gotta be strong dog I'm on my 8th day no sleep you gotta think of it like if you keep getting save from other medication you will never be free they tried to give me Suboxone I didn't want that shit I'll go through whatever to be free again if I gotta be woke for 20 days it is what it is it won't last forever. And eventually you will have your life back running to other medication cause you can't handle the symptoms I'm sorry to tell you. You will never be free I rather go through all that pain it's gone make you unstoppable if you can get through that can't nothing break you
@MichelleMonaghan-g4r 7 ай бұрын
It's the burning 🔥 skin the hives like itchy blistering sneezing then the tummy not sleeping the horrible sickness after getting 2 hours sleep panicking about my next dose for me it's pregablin lyrica it comes under different names next I'd mirtizapin my god the hell is real I want my life back and the doctors never explain this was addictive I'm scared 😢❤ x
@tomascruise85 2 жыл бұрын
This guy is a scammer, acting and pretending so obviously. Genuinely not interested about addiction or people. Someone please give him a role in a movie as doctor.
@rogeh5687 Жыл бұрын
I detoxed miserably and had gotten through it. And then relapsed. Then I got off oxy IMMEDIATELY with 7 days of 200mg tramadol 3 times a day. Literally 80% of the symptoms went. Anxiety and depression was barely there. It’s been 3 years now and I haven’t touched it.
@jonathonsuggs6268 Жыл бұрын
Could u sleep?
@rogeh5687 Жыл бұрын
@@jonathonsuggs6268 Hey there. Yes. I'm so sorry it was remiss of me not to include Lyrica 150mg as well. 3 tramadol x 7 days and then 2 x 150mg Lyrica for 3 weeks. Sleep wasn't the best but I got a good few hours.
@hov_bx Жыл бұрын
i love to hear this
@frankpope5097 2 жыл бұрын
Lmmfao clonidine lmao what a joke that doesn't work I have 100000 of those it doesn't work
@nicholasnoriega1205 2 жыл бұрын
On day 4 no norco and on day 3 no marijuana. I don’t do anything else. Besides that i’m pretty healthy but staying away from gym for a few days. I went through withdrawal once already but unfortunately relapsed. I’m still going through withdrawals but I know i got this. I thankfully weened off so that helped a lot. I tried cold turkey once and I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. But imm done with everything now. This time feels different because I don’t even have the ugre to smoke, i do sometimes have the urge to use because of the withdrawal but because of the withdrawal i never want to do it again. So tired of feeling like shit.
@billj4525 Жыл бұрын
I have done cold turkey off high dose opiates, and it was a VERY TORTUROUS experience that is hard to put into words, and I am a very strong and healthy person who works out all the time and every day pretty much, while following a strict diet. The discomfort is just disgusting. I know they say you can't die from it, but I can only imagine a very weak unhealthy person coming off a high dose cold turkey. It could potentially kill them, especially without being monitored medically. I have been off 6 years now. Im glad you are off too. Tapering is definitely the easier and better way to do it. Glad you're doing so well, hang in there man.
@anniemae9729 Жыл бұрын
How's it going now?
@marymcdonagh-ql4sx Жыл бұрын
I went Tru withdrawal from heroin Soo many times because I either had no money to get myself right or I got ripped with my last 20 dollar's,and was left to suffer! But my last withdrawal was Soo Soo bad that I swore I would never put myself through it again! I remind myself of what I went Tru when ever I feel tempted. I also did some damage from all the vomiting , and throwing up green boil ,I now suffer from acid reflux and sometimes boil still comes up,. I also had a tear in my stomach from all the vomiting I did when I was withdrawing, I was also vomiting up spots of blood, l. I was in a Bad way because I was using alot of heroin every day because my tolerance had gone up, so the withdrawal was bad!!! I felt like I was in HELL. and I was having crazy thoughts about demons ! I got myself some methadone and detoxed myself , I had been on a clinic before many times so I knew exactly how much I needed to take! I'm off heroin and methadone now and I intend to stay off it with gods help! 🙏
@nikkis7375 Жыл бұрын
Proud of you❤hope you’re doing well and sending love your way.
@jordansanders1836 2 жыл бұрын
For anyone using opiates just please keep moderation use if your gonna use I been using for 4 years and rn day 2 of no opiates I’m fine maybe little down or sad but I’m okay and all bc of one thing… real true moderation Use no more than 2-3x a week tops and take breaks, if you take it as a reward at the end of a good week rather than getting high everyday you will feel so much better and be able to be better and function in life, you just have to be able to hold discipline but if not you can’t hold discipline then that’s okay to, just be sure to not enable yourself to any true addiction always know yourself and do what is best for you wether it be moderation or zero use. I believe in you and wish you the best, you got this
@reddbridgewater1165 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this recommendation I appreciate your honesty
@Atum1c 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds like denial to me
@iamthefiremanjj 7 ай бұрын
I dunno I feel sick even if I use them a few times a week
@tinaferr 5 ай бұрын
so rare people who can chip like this. addiction waits for you
@Swenser Жыл бұрын
Withdrawal lasts more than a few months for me. Makes me think , it's not withdrawal, it's other issues and that's why I need to go back on the train ride. Put me in a coma for ten years please.
@CaptainKirk01 2 жыл бұрын
I am all for these methods to detox. I am even ok with lengthy maintenance therapy. The goal has to be to taper off the med eventually. I do NOT agree with the current practice of taking something like Suboxone or even methadone indefinitely. That practice has to stop. Also, The addict ultimately has to make up their mind to stop using. Nicotine is just as addictive as opiates. It was that insight that allowed me to quit smoking.
@jessie330 2 жыл бұрын
I used IV heroin for two years and have been on methadone for four years when I was ready the doctors did not want to discuss reducing from my 21ml during Covid because they weren’t able to see me as much as they needed to. Okay half understandable, then about six months ago I got quite pushy with wanting to reduce and kind of said something like work with me or against me and I was honestly planning on just trying to leave a little bit in my cup every time and reduce that way. Which would be inaccurate and not very safe or smart but I couldn’t think of any other way. Every time I spoke about coming off the program and I have been to 4 different clinics in this time I have heard numerous times for saying if you needed heart medication because you had blood pressure issues he would take that medication this is the same thing. Okay yes I know I have a serious condition that I am treating with medication but I would like to try life without the methadone. When I first got on the program the $52 a week it was costing me was nothing compared to my drug habit but now that $250 a month I could really use on things like food and or a couple litres of petrol.. I did use for two years, During that time I was able to maintain my lifestyle to a certain extent and didn’t lose too much throughout my before I started to try to pull up, I am not better than anyone and I don’t and never think that, comparatively speaking I didn’t have that long of a run and although I don’t have 100% confidence I will never relapse I would like to slowly steadily at a comfortable pace come down and off the program. I don’t know if they’re advised to just keep people on the program because it’s cheaper for the government to have free methadone clinics then it is for them to how’s the people in jails and hospitals due to actions resulting from trying to obtain money and or drugs. Like I get it but also they should let some people try and beat the statistic. I fucked up so badly fucked up but I also am coming out of it with a willpower and grit that I would never have developed if I never opened the opiates Door I wouldn’t wish it on anyone but if I try and look for positives that is one of them. I think i have a determination, willpower and grit that being an only child growing up in middle-class neighbourhood I would never of heard otherwise. I cannot channel the determination and willpower and grit that I had when it came to obtaining drugs but knowing what I have crawled out of and away from let me know I have a strength that I never knew existed
@NMW80 2 жыл бұрын
Lol sorry but that’s not true at all. Cigarettes are NO way in hell as addictive as opiate medications. I have gotten cigs so much easier and I’m struggling so bad to get off pain meds. It’s hell and I wish it was the same as getting off cigarettes.
@CaptainKirk01 2 жыл бұрын
@@jessie330 I'm sorry I haven't checked this sooner. It really is a mindset. You really have to make up your mind as to what you want. I did it with opiates first, and I did it with nicotine after. It's one thing to get help, I didn't have help except for the nicotine, because it's legal to buy alternatives to nicotine, and your help has to be enough. It has to be just over your threshold, But you have to want to change it. And you have to decide when you're going to no longer use. It is a mindset, sir!
@CaptainKirk01 2 жыл бұрын
@@NMW80 Take your CIGS away, and tell me how you feel
@CaptainKirk01 2 жыл бұрын
@@NMW80 You get cig's easy, so you are always satisisfied. Stop Them!
@grifyn882 10 ай бұрын
J'ai pas bien compris pourquoi c'est si long cette interview, je me suis endormi même au bout de 20 min... le médecin fait que répéter toute l'interview la même chose : "blabla je vais vous donner du suboxone ...blabla...ca va pas guérir l'addiction, mais rendre l'arrêt des drogues opiacés plus confortable blabla" en boucle c'est que ca cette vidéo, c''est chiant on a compris au bout de 3 min
@beccarusso5253 2 жыл бұрын
Hi! I am a heroin addict. This is very informative and super accurate. I will say though that methadone & suboxone are very addictive in reality, even sold on the streets. That would be the only correction I would make. Great video!
@rickwrites2612 2 жыл бұрын
They definitely cause physical dependence, and may be harder to physically become independent from, but not nearly as addictive (in the cravings and psych sense) as dope, oxycodone, morphine etc because there is little to no euphoria co.pared to sedation (ie if your opiate-experienced , your likely to nod out or OD on methadone before ever getting a good high comparable to heroin). Where I live they're mostly sold for ppl who can't cop dope, want to home detox wean, or who have drug tests. Methadone can also have some undesirable side effects such as extreme weight gain and in about a 3rd of ppl causes xerostomia significant enough to cause rapid dissolution of tooth enamel even in populations that were never drug addicts, (like pain patients) after 6-12 mos. The right dose can totally eliminate cravings and allow someone to live a normal schedule, though, so there's definitely pros and cons.
@Shortkonner 2 жыл бұрын
It is a great video hu? They are worth 30 to 40 where i live. And you do get high from them. And people shoot them. It's wild.
@aspenisthebest 2 жыл бұрын
methadone and suboxone are completely different. Suboxone helps people stay clean and be safe also everything is sold on the streets. Would you rather be dead on the street with a needle in your arm, or taking 2mg of suboxone everynight living in a nice apartment with no cravings and clean from the shit that kills people?
@jessie330 2 жыл бұрын
@@rickwrites2612 so if my teeth Havant rotted being on the program for 4 years they won’t now ? I have gone from 21ml to 14ml since December and plan on going down and getting off it slowly but surely. But The two thing I always just thought it was a cop out because I don’t know many addicts who have good dental hygiene and I thought they were just blaming it on the small amount of sugar in the methadone
@jessie330 2 жыл бұрын
@@Shortkonner Before I started using heroin I got my hands on one buprenorphine strip 8 mg and it did get me high but once I developed an opioid addiction it did nothing but strictly opiates from my brain it made me sick. So it doesn’t make you high if you don’t have an OP in addiction
@CV1983 21 күн бұрын
I came here on day 3 when I thought I couldn't make it. I made a small step to Day 4 (4 hours sleep is progress); and I'm starting to feel better!!! I just want to comment to show others watching videos like this pushed me through time (which virtually stopped. Every minute was like an hour yesterday), and please hold on. I did. ❤
@barettgrundmann3418 2 жыл бұрын
Actually suboxone is lil bit addictive & will still give you the same detox feelings for longer then heroine does.
@jmr6117 2 жыл бұрын
Methadone and subuxone are the worst drugs to detox.
@mellopez1859 2 жыл бұрын
It's worse than heroin
@trafficjon400 Жыл бұрын
@@mellopez1859 Yes and alcolhol being a little more dangerous with more of a 2-3 week detox and a possible or more likely 2 years PAWS. suboxone up to five years because it has many years of subtracting from the Bones and sticks twise as hard the activated Reseptors of the Brain. this is a medical sickness and far from emotional. Why the system voids Adrenal cortisol damage and a very normal delicate perfect cortisol level a must be because it gives that happy awake life like human being feeling? to low or to high cortisol also effects and lowers immunity. why this never gets treated would be any ones guess .
@mellopez1859 Жыл бұрын
@@trafficjon400 man , I did not know this about Suboxone ! What I sort of found out it messes with hormones?
@trafficjon400 Жыл бұрын
@@mellopez1859 but they are other drugs that can truly fuck up Human Hormones that people and Professionals simply void thinking its not the case causing the problem . i won't mention any because depending on blood type DNA or health. practice professional experience people go through and can't figure it out . so don't ask me what am i talking about for it won't help you for many Doctors can't explain it . Pain killers opioids of all kinds even with naloxen i think what its called not sure? Drugs all way's seem to interfere with Adrenal cortisole and this can become a life like big problem that can cut off the will to live a normal life style. Many counter top drugs that can mess with your hormones including Simple eye drops believe it or not depending on how healthy your Adrenal Glands and Cortisol is and in Good levels also not to high or to Low . Your Cortisol is a Very delicate Level rate that must be at the perfect correct level . troubles in a person will be very complicating not knowing what the hell is going wrong with them. Why so many people today in America are being treated with autoimmunity deficiencies caused by 100s Different names in Man Made Hormones . What are these Medical Hormones Named and what types are they as 2 of the Man made artificial names are in the Anabolic and Metabolic Field that i researched because of taking an injection of one of the stronger metabolic artificial hormones and it induced autoimmunie deficiency and cause a cushings like syndrome . Addisons like ? these sybdromes used to be very rare 30 years ago but becoming an average sickness today .
@bobyotesh5328 2 жыл бұрын
Withdrawal should NOT be minimized. Yes, the memory of how HORRIBLE it was is so powerful. Went thru all natural detox drive days of hell. But I was only at the doorstep. 70 more days of severe PAWS. Anxiety and continuous panic attacks plus all other detox symptoms magnified by 200. I was fortunately only physically addicted (10 years morphine, 450mg ER/day). Even if I were dying with cancer pain, I would kill myself before using an opiate again. The agony of withdrawal cured me forever to even consider using it again!
@sorryeverafter523 Жыл бұрын
The agony of withdrawal cured me completely too... from fear of the next withdrawal And what to do now heheh😅If I'm not afraid even of THAT anymore.
@ClickClack_Bam Жыл бұрын
Not me. It hasn't stopped me one FUCKIN bit. You start to lose hope because the pain of withdrawal keeps you doing ANYTHING to avoid going through it & keep using. The thing I NEED to happen is to be knocked out for 2 days & detox. I can't take that pain anymore & suicide starts to creep in around the edges because it's that FUCKING bad. How about next time you THINK you know what's good for EVERYBODY, you think again. I'm DEFINITELY not wired ANYTHING like you are WHATSOEVER.
@bobyotesh5328 2 жыл бұрын
Also, it was MY CHOICE to get out of this Hell at age 58. 6 years later, I am so healthy and happy. You made your bed, sleep in it and suffer what you did to your body. No mamsy-pamby way out. Grow some nads and just do it. Easy way out NEVER works.
@BlondeMafia89 Жыл бұрын
As long as you achieve long-term sobriety, it doesn't matter HOW you get there. Don't discourage people to make their own decisions based on what's best for them!
@babydhernandez7542 10 ай бұрын
On my 6th day sober i feel comfort knowing im not alone im so scared haven't slept in days but Im leaving it in Gods hands pls pray for me im fighting so hard for my family my kids need a sober Mom
@joel.974 10 ай бұрын
I’ll say a heartfelt prayer for you! Greater is HE that is in you than he that is in the world! You already have the victory - do it for your children as I’m doing the same. ❤
@motolife702 2 жыл бұрын
People don't understand how actually is I ended up being the pills because I got in a bad motorcycle accident had a few surgeries and ended up being depended on the stupid lower tab 10. Some people don't have a choice they're just doing what the doctor tells you and you just do what they say and then next thing you know you miss one day and you wonder why you don't feel good you shittin yourself cannot sleep you can't eat you can't do nothing literally making it to the point where you cannot function to go on with your day because of the physical withdrawal yeah there are some dumb people out there that do drugs for fun and are just idiots period but then there's some that are like me that got in a bad accident ended up doing what the doctor told me to help me with my pain and ended up in more pain in the long run because I need up losing a lot of people I loved and cared about lot of opportunities I could have still had but I blamed myself but it wasn't really myself at the time because imagine you being controlled by something and if you don't have that you won't be able to go on with your day without feeling normal and not like a sweating cold kind of us feeling it's a miserable throwing up running nose sneezing every 2 seconds eyes are running you cannot stop coughing so you want to lay down but you can't even lay down because all of your nerves are all messed up so you always twitch trying to get comfortable but you never well. I wouldn't wish this Addiction on my worst enemy but luckily I had no choice but to figure out how I was going to do it and I did it all I got to say is FUCK YOU doctors for not telling the people that think your helping them but really are setting them up for a fucked up Rollercoaster that will never end . TO ALL OF THOSE STRUGGLING OUT THERE JUST KNOW THERE IS A WAY YOU ARE NOT ALONE ITS NOT GONNA BE EASY AT ALL BY ALL MEANS BUT YOU CAN DO IT.
@guillermo6713 2 жыл бұрын
And how is that possible? All I see in the comments makes nonsense. Did you get help? How you did it? Cause I can tell you, I am on 120 miligrams 40 each 8 for last 7 years due to degenerative Spondylitis. Kind regards from BC.
@LauraBlair-ut5ns 28 күн бұрын
Detox in jail is the worst!! It's cruel especially if you have been on methadone or suboxone.Absolutely horrible.I layed on a cold concrete floor and puked pure bile for 7 day's and then dry heaves for about 6 more days.When I got out I went directly to the hospital and the lining of my stomach had started to rip7 away and my pancreas was sooo messed up.I was in the hospital for 12 days.Irony of it was that they had to give me opiates for 5 of those days!!lol That's pretty much the story of my life.Anyway, I actually prayed to die, but I lived to tell the story.These damn jails could do better than that though.It's not right to let somebody lay on a concrete cold ass floor with only a sheet and threaten to put you on suicide watch if you don't eat. I hear that's how jails everywhere are doing I know jail isn't supposed to be club med ok and it's not a pleasure cruise.But people can die! It took about 6 months to get anywhere near normal because I had lost over 27lbs.in about 3 weeks time and that put me at 98lbs.I am 5ft2.I looked horrible and it took me a whole year to gain back 15lbs and I still could use about 10 more.I lived to tell the story and I hope all addicts everywhere sobriety.The thing is though that I thought I was doing the right thing by getting on methadone because I had my life back,I had a job, no drug use, no od's, what so ever, a good wife, not on the street, going to church, and no other risky behavior.I don't know what I would say if someone asked me about methadone.The thing is, they gave me a DUI but then my bloodwork it said I was well under the given parameters and it was immediately dropped.I already knew that !!!@ I just hope for people and pray for people everywhere and I wish only good things for everybody.I send out much, much love and respect for all. Ps.I had od'd 6 times with no heartbeat or breathing whatsoever and woke up in ICU on a respirator before methadone tx.and that's why I thought I was doing so well.No dirty drug tests while on methadone either.
@johnnyblaze6220 2 жыл бұрын
I love this doctors passion and love for his patients
@candlercutcliffe9617 9 ай бұрын
I can tell you this after going through countless withdrawals and detox , the "horrible experience " doesn't really matter. Of course you remember it but if your mind is in that relapse state then nothing matters. Everything goes out the door and those memories are lost. It's horrible. When you live with a brain that wants to kill you everytime you wake up its taxing.
@junaidmoody8342 2 жыл бұрын
I would rather take kratom for about 2 weeks and wean off and it's natural. I was in the methadone pickle..thanks to Kratom I'm off that crap
@brysoncain7506 3 ай бұрын
Just know people no matter what you do you will have to suffer you have to suffer for sins you commited... there is no quick fix other then jesus christ he did it for me I was on harder stuff then pain pills and suffered tremendously for 2 weeks I'm 2mo the clean and honest to god I've bounced back like never before... please people pray to God and ask him to heal you it won't be easy but it's so worth it.. thank u God for saving my life and making me stronger then ever before
@aishwarya11 8 ай бұрын
Currently going through withdrawal, this is pure hell and so unpleasant. Feels like there is no reason to live. Feels like an eternity spending the night. Praying to other people going through the same
@jeffvernon9469 7 ай бұрын
It's absolutely horrible. Ppl don't understand that you don't want to take them. It's the withdrawal that we are ascared of because it is absolutely horrible. I try to tell ppl that just don't understand. Take your worst hangover and times it by 40. That's why ppl use again. Not to face the ugly withdrawal. I have been diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis and my Dr gave me "hydromorphone" for the pain. I have been taking it for two years. I stopped taking it and made it 34 hrs but couldn't sleep, extreme restlessness. Cramps, no energy. Etc,etc. I feel you, and hope you're doing ok?
@philipwillingham6789 4 ай бұрын
I understand ! Hang in there. Praying for you...
@brandonw4096 Ай бұрын
But that's the thing we didn't do it to ourselves the doctors didn't tell me that I can get addicted to play medicine
@sosscarz Жыл бұрын
Crazy because i was addicted to suboxone for 10 years. I got high off of it and fell in love with it. They gave it to me to help against opiate addiction and then it turned into my biggest addiction. 6 months clean now and suboxone withdrawal is insane.
@danielbonner8309 Жыл бұрын
Pretty much same story. Subs are a long withdrawal. 6 months is great
@sosscarz Жыл бұрын
@@kimmysplayhouse I guess it's different for everyone because i was able to kick methadone cold turkey but suboxone was intense. I had to taper to down to almost nothing and still was tough for me.
@tcreative8030 Жыл бұрын
@@danielbonner8309 How are you? Day 6 sub withdrawal and I'm doing ok...
@JamesMcBride-w7j 4 ай бұрын
Its also the reason people don't get off is because of the withdrawal im living proof its the worst thing I've ever experienced in my life its unexplainable and it lasts months at least the physical part of it you are never the same after this is a humanitarian issue some of iur most brilliant people are hooked 😢
@1060michaelg 2 жыл бұрын
Good for you, doc; relapse IS a part of the DISEASE of ADDICTION. Thanks for recognizing that.
@der2191 Жыл бұрын
Guy's I'm like 36 hours in. I've never felt this miserable in my life
@der2191 Жыл бұрын
But you know what? I am weirdly happy, like a different kind of happy as when I was will on it. Because it feels like I'm on a turbulent, shaky way out. Like..actually OUT. So even though it might be rough, if I use this step right and continue going in the right direction, this what I am experiencing might be my way out, this kind of thinking gives me strength and I'm sure I'll get trough it. And you can do so, too - whoever is reading this!
@jeffvernon9469 7 ай бұрын
Anything after 30 hrs is horrible 😫 it's extreme. Hope you're well?
@Tapssx3 2 жыл бұрын
I was tapering of morphine 20 mg every three days and taking lyrica 2 weeks . And I worked after a lot of years of opiat addiction. I'm happy it's over iwas using iv morphine 600 mg daily and 800 in my very bad times. Then I was on 200 to 300 mg started to drink the tabs normally first no more iv and then tapered slowly until 0 and took tramadol and lyrika and it helped. 1 year sober and proud of mysef
@CV1983 21 күн бұрын
How much lyrica were you doing I'm on day 3 of cold turkey and dying
@johninflorida8634 9 ай бұрын
Withdrawal forces the addicted to not get sober. Making getting sober leas painful helps them to get sober.
@lea856 2 жыл бұрын
Loving this series! Very important and I am learning alot to understand opioid addiction better. His empathy and passion for helping others is needed!
@MN_MAGA Жыл бұрын
Ummmmm, Opiate withdrawal can be life threatening. I know 2 people that died in withdrawals they were white knuckling through. I hate it when these "Addiction Doctors" say, "You feel like you want to die but you won't" This guy is terrible and pretty cavalier about a serous issue.
@SamsungGalaxy-dc5mq 2 жыл бұрын
Its better to suffer and go through withdrawal. It's the reason I will never do opiates again. I stopped cold turkey after 2 years of optiate use. Not being aware I woke up in the middle of the night sweating and heatt racing , panicking. I went to the er 3 times. Coming off was so awful I had nightmares about it. I don't even wana be in the same room as an opiates.
@mydailyupdate9384 2 жыл бұрын
2 years of colD turkey Lol
@leejen.shakya 2 жыл бұрын
Every person is diff
@BlueFlash215 2 жыл бұрын
Just doing the same. I'm a pain patient and had no other option. It was and is my last hope. I'm not telling doctors but I'm getting slowly out of my system. Had 4x20mg Oxycodon r*tard*d (I fear this comment gets deleted if I write this word). That was 20mg every 6 hours. After 14 days km at 20mg every 10 hours. That's 2-3 per day instead of 4 per day. I'm going for 2 per day next. After that I'll stay at 2 per day and reduce the dose from. 20 to 15 to 10 to 5 to 2.5 to hopefully 0
@GatorZillaChomp Жыл бұрын
What if you are about 5 years of oxycodone10/325 and Xstamza 9mg er for maybe 2 years with oxycodone 10/325 should my friend detox. Look im ignorant to it. He was in a accident spinal fusions n still deal with pain from that as well. Now he is going through another horrible car accident legal help was secured now drs won't see this guy. Meaning he doesn't get his refills when he supposed to just cut off?
@mikewacker1105 2 жыл бұрын
God bless that Dr.he's a good person at heart that only wants to help people.its hard to help people that don't want or have the courage to help themselves .I'm sure he's brought a lot of people back from the darkest pits they've put themselves in..
@Nunya_Biznes Жыл бұрын
As an opiate addict I teared up when I heard the dr say his family member just woke up one day and had enough, I dream of this day ❤
@tinaferr 5 ай бұрын
if you truly reflect on your life it's easy to hear the call. unfortunately the hustle quiets it. mine kept getting louder and louder until i realized i couldn't take the alienation and loneliness anymore. and i was fortunate to be out of work and have time to recover. i also used kratom. if i had to do it all over i would have gotten on kratom a lot sooner but i didn't think it was strong enough to help. wishing you well in your recovery. the fact that you want to stop is a big sign that you're getting ready. i did a lot of research on tapering and warm turkey which really helped
@rachellestroupe8182 3 ай бұрын
@@tinaferrhow did you know how much kratom to take? And which strain?
@Adoginthenight Жыл бұрын
I’m so sorry, but in my experience, if you think your daughter will stop turning tricks because you gibe her Monet, your deluded. That’s not your daughter any more. My daughter would never.. no, possessed by addiction, she’ll eventually do anything. 😊
@Shortkonner 2 жыл бұрын
Every day is sobriety is special. It's a serious success.
@KickingZebra Жыл бұрын
"it's not going to kill you" until we got so dehydrated our organs shut down and we almost had cardiac arrest and would have if i waited a few more days. 4 people died from it in one week this month already, so yeah, you an die from it. people have several different medical underlying issues. also clonidine and other bp issues kills people with pots. then you have people with underlying chronic severe pain from severe injuries that still need to be helped with. so just making it more tolerable DOES KILL.
@theblowupdollsmusic Жыл бұрын
This doctors knowladge base is amazing. Clearly he has personal experience and a real passion for treating addiction.
@anthonykanavos6230 5 ай бұрын
Clearly, he does not have a personal experience because he just said that if he gave that guy some of his Suboxone that he wouldn’t hardly feel any effects from it, that guy would be so high that he would almost have to go to the hospital like I’ve said in the posts Have been in attic for almost 10 years and I’ve been sober for six. I have taken one of these medication’s. I am still on the shot called sublocade and I am very, very, very knowledgeable on all of these medication‘s. I’ve taken them all. I know everything about them. I’ve even taught some of my doctors on Waze of dosing and through my experience long-term treatment I honestly have seriously considered going into this field, but I already have a very nice job, a company with my brother and my father but if you have any questions feel free to message back on this thread I would be happy enough to educate you on whatever you need I would not steer you wrong. I have been through all of it and I mean all of it.
@davemacnicol8404 Жыл бұрын
I honestly think that implant idea is horrible. You can get suicidal enough from that naloxone block. I can only imagine literally having no hope. At least the thought that you could use might get you by until you fix your head. But you make that court mandated or parental choice for a minor. You take my only reason for being away before teaching me another and I'm gone. There's nothing left.
@Lizzzzzzy921 Жыл бұрын
I quit opiates right when fentanyl was getting put in everything and I overdosed after taking what I thought was OxyContin and I was lucky I didn’t die. I was desperate for help quitting and thankfully my doctor got me on a suboxone program and literally saved my life.
@jonathandeschenes2973 Жыл бұрын
I’m currently getting of fentanyl right now and btw I’m also doing this by myself, I have done this before and I’m doing it again but my addiction was much worse this time and as I sit here trying to type while being super miserable and sweaty. I’m just scared of going back cause I want to stop but then I really dont.
@jonathandeschenes2973 Жыл бұрын
Update: I’m a lot better now! I have a amazing job a beautiful girlfriend whose super supportive of me and everything, yes of course I’ve had my moments of weakness and could say I’ve had mini relapses but everything els out there is so minuscule to actual fent and one thing I know for sure I’ll never touch it again cause I know if I do I’ll surely lose my life! Just keep up the fight! It’s god danm hard! Especially the mental part about it, if you can just work a part time job and do whatever els you can to occupy your mind cause what I found if you work to hard and stress yourself out you’ll go back to using to be able to compensate the rough day in and day out of working a 9-5. But hey everyone is different but from my experiences working the 9-5s have made the wants/needs of the mental part much much worse. Find your nich!
@puck61luck64 Жыл бұрын
B.S. So if a person is in pain, not a booboo and because they use a drug for up to 10 years to control that pain. You want a to say stop so the pain comes back double with detoxing on top. Can you say Dr. The Markey Sodad school of medicine. Sorry for the spelling.
@tommymasters388 2 жыл бұрын
Day 11 for me Went cold turkey off of Oxy 35-45 mg daily for 1 1/2 yr. It hell mentally for me. And RLS is still kicking my ass
@PrOBOY251 2 жыл бұрын
Hopefully you are still going strong! Keep it up....
@tommymasters388 2 жыл бұрын
@@PrOBOY251 yes 42 days today's thanks
@PrOBOY251 2 жыл бұрын
@@tommymasters388 That's incredible. Have the cravings died down? Is the hardest part behind you?
@iamanempoweredone6064 2 жыл бұрын
When your off opiates for that long the addiction becomes psychological. What makes you angry? Sad? Love? All the emotions. That is the hard part deciding what to you want to be or how you would like to be. Those answers come through a spiritual focus.
@hawks3109 Жыл бұрын
I personally think once you're out of the woods that keeping track of how long it's been keeps your mind on the drugs. The apps that track how long may be motivation for some, but for me it would feel like I'm still stuck in that addiction chapter of my life. I'm currently in that chapter tbh, but I know one day soon it'll be a distant memory. And I want to retrain my brain to see opiates as just a normal medication like anything else. The apps would just make me feel like they are special still and I'm not really past it.
@royferguson3909 Жыл бұрын
what apps , I on 14 mill and 12 tomorrow, I like you input please
@markstubington8730 Жыл бұрын
I literally would not wish acute opiate withdrawal on the most evil person in the world I'm serious it's like nothing else i experienced in my life i deal with it a lot as an addict of 24 years I'm too entrenched methadone is even worse I've tried subutex n went OK till i had to taper off that as well since it is an opiate too. Yes you can do it but it depends on so so many things. Really young people just do not do it
@LoukasMayn3 Жыл бұрын
I hope Kyle really realizes how bad opiate and drug addiction is, and how hard it is too have full sobriety for the rest of your life. I appreciate this information being shown. I just really want to make it clear that being an addict and becoming sober for the rest of your life. Is the one of the biggest hurdles a human being can go through in our modern age. Because if you want to get sober you HAVE to address why you use, the reason people use is different for everyone and most of the time the reason is associated with a persons trauma's or insecurity's. That's why finding full sobriety is so hard cause you have to face those demon's and understand why they are there and what is waiting for you if you defeat them.
@ryanisflying Жыл бұрын
I had respect for medcircle unti I saw this Video. This doctor is a bad actor and full of hypocrisy. The first thing he says is that you cant abuse suboxone and and it can’t get you high. Then he says there is an illicit market for suboxone because it can be abused. He also contradicts himself by saying that if an opiate naive person takes suboxone it might make them feel good. He is then asked if suboxone is less addictive and you can see the doctor almost cringe when he lies and says “yes it’s less addictive”. From a physical dependent standpoint suboxone is no less addictive then any other opiate yet these shills lie about it. The second major contradiction is when he talks about someone having to be ready and willing to accept treatment for it to be effective. but then he goes on to talk about how much of a hero he is because he fights for every state to have laws that force someone into treatment. He talks about forcing people into rehab against their will multiple times. It is such hypocritical bullshit that i don’t know if i can ever take medcircle seriously again. Also, this doctor is completely ignoring the fact that the family members of these addicts are often the people who caused them to become predisposed to opiate “abuse” in the first place.
@grahammorgan6208 2 жыл бұрын
After a 24 month breakout from my condition, relapse was very easy to fall back into. I can also attest to the substance keeping me invested in using
@rosemarybarrass8946 Жыл бұрын
Is this about illegal opioids or legally prescribed opioids. I’m disappointed you seem to be treating / comparing one on controlled / prescribed doses of opioids as an addict, and addict is one who takes it illegally and or anything
@davidmark805 2 жыл бұрын
Setting boundaries is extremely important. They can be heartbreaking to enforce. I wish we had forced rehab or detox in my country but we don't, it's hard enough to get them under a psychiatric hold for two weeks. We have to prove a danger to themselves, the public or both.
@cheehee808_ 2 жыл бұрын
I'm glad I have good parents and a support system. When I quit, they literally locked me in the house and took my car keys and slept in front of the door to make sure I couldn't leave even though I was in utter agony at the time. I'm glad for it now, been clean 3 years thankfully due to their help and a year of treatment
@davidmark805 2 жыл бұрын
@@cheehee808_ .....this is great to hopefully get the addict a start but of course not sustainable on the long run. The addict has to learn to carry the fight for life and it reads like you have. I wish you all the best and congrats to you on being clean for 3 years. That's huge!!
@lothropstoddardiii6231 Жыл бұрын
sub WD is fucking torture i cant handle the insomnia. i just started on trt ...it better do something quick..i'm 2 weeks in and about to lose my job bcuz i am so exhausted from getting 2hrs of sleep for like ten days straight now. And the best part? i am only down to .4mg a day...been at this dose weaned down for like a month now. I adjusted to every taper down for several months that it took me to get from 4mg to where i am now..i nevrer took more than 4mg ever. I am so sick of the insomnia i just cannot take it anymore. Every time i get closer than this to jumping i simply cannot take the insomnia anymore and go back up a little. I have both xanax and gabapentin and they do basically nothing....maybe i am not taking enough because i am trying to avoid getting addicted to them too. I have medical marijuana as well...does nothing.
@Euphoric_Toast Жыл бұрын
I feel you on the insomnia, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, it is pure torture I’m only on day 3
@lothropstoddardiii6231 Жыл бұрын
@@Euphoric_Toast how much did you jump from? i still take between .3 and .4 every morning when i wake up
@Euphoric_Toast Жыл бұрын
@@lothropstoddardiii6231 I thankfully wasn’t taking very much maybe 60mg a day of oxycodone, for probably the last 6 months or so but I went strait to taking 0. But I am still getting pretty bad withdrawals not anything to severe yet, but being awake for nearly 72 hours strait has really made it more difficult.
@khalilrazak6486 2 жыл бұрын
What a great, compassionate, wise doctor.
@goergelucas1232 Жыл бұрын
It's not that one feels like they are dieing ,, you want to die just to get away from the feeling one is going through, and if one is using it for pain ,, well now you have that to work around,, it's a position that did not need to be,,all they had to do was give , one a bit of smoko ,, not this slow release
@sardiniaramos5801 Жыл бұрын
Had two strong anesthetics for an awake medical procedure after an accident and found myself battling insomnia for two and half weeks now. I m glad I came across your video it explains it now. I need a detox!!
@surelymoorehead712 Жыл бұрын
72hrs might of been for heroin withdrawal but not for methadone or fentanyl
@Multilevelmediasolutions 2 жыл бұрын
Great video, I don’t trust Drs and people that haven’t actually experienced something but you have a very good idea about addiction! Appreciate this convo
@ortizmusic7115 Жыл бұрын
I don't know who can hear me but I've been 3 years clean and on 70mg of methadone, I have cleaned my habits and the areas and people are gone that where a part of that nightmare, I'm working and living a productive life, but I'm at a fork on the road, I want to stop the meth and keep moving forward, I can go 3 days without out the prescribed dose but after that it gets uncomfortable, anybody have any suggestions or help for me, sometimes I'm feeling lost.
@rae7864 Жыл бұрын
I wish we had doctor's like him here in Canada.
@prolific_rell2424 2 ай бұрын
Who here 2024 trying to detox and get clean
@iamanempoweredone6064 2 жыл бұрын
That is what happened to me. One day I woke up and said “I’m done”. I was tired of being that way. Statistically there is no difference in recovery rates between those that go to rehab and those that don’t that recover from addiction. What do I want? What do I not want?
@Shortkonner 2 жыл бұрын
@walkwithtom236 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly it's a choice
@jmc7504 2 жыл бұрын
how long was cold turkey
@iamanempoweredone6064 2 жыл бұрын
@@jmc7504, with suboxone it was relatively easy. I had the subliminal ones that I just cut a sliver off everyone I was taking. A little more day by day. About 4 weeks into it I was about one centimeter sliver and I just stopped. Anxiousness lasted about a week. I was also taking vivance for adhd. That was another story. It is a lot easier if you physically move away from that environment. Cut yourself off from all access. It took my brain about six months to rewire but it is worth it. I had forgotten what normal was. What did help me through much of it was Kratom. I still take Kratom to this day. The first six months I dropped about 45 lbs to my normal body weight. The effect on me was a weight reducing help. I simply took it when I was getting hungry. Gotta talk milk of magnesia with it though or it will stop you up. Plus take lots of water. I now have no desire to return back to those “highs”. That is not the way I want to be. I still battle depression though. I refuse to take pills for that. I have a Christian based belief system which for me is an anchor so I can get my directions right. I hope this helps someone.
@makessensetokickurheadjr879 2 жыл бұрын
@@iamanempoweredone6064 so much depends on how long the dependence has been going on and the amount and frequency its taken. And, the 1st time is the easiest. Everytime one goes thru detox and withdrawal it gets harder. If you get off this shyt - thank God and know, you're one of the few and it wont happen again if u let it back into your body and life.
@tannerward8764 2 жыл бұрын
Guys I’m on day 1 of dropping these devil pills. And I have lost everything in life I have ruined my relationship with my family over it due to them hating me for being on it. I’m 25 and have been on it for 6years. I stopping for around 6 months and pick it back up. No car no job and I’m sick of it I wanna join the military and I can’t even do that cause I stopped school cause I couldn’t function unless I had it. I’m so done and have litterly no one to call or talk to about it. Only posting this cause I have no one to talk to about it sorry for the rant.
@granth1332 Жыл бұрын
I have no one either. have things gotten any better?
@indrachannels 2 жыл бұрын
Some researchers say that if someone has done opiates for more than a year, it becomes very challenging to require the neural pathways, as compared to alcohol and other drugs . Even when using MOUD . What are your thoughts on this.
@jfdomega7938 2 жыл бұрын
If that is true I'm I real trouble, more than 40 years here!
@mariocabeza541 Жыл бұрын
Day 1 for me . 🤬🤬🤬🤬
@moeruss2726 Жыл бұрын
I hope you’re ok. I understand what a nightmare it is.
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