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Opioids are still needed for many chronic pain patients | USA TODAY

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Garrett Greene takes opioid medication for pain management and has struggled to find effective treatment.
RELATED: Remember thousands of grieving parents in opioid crisis: Editorial Page editor • Video
Drug-related deaths among people 18 to 34 soared 108% between 2007 and 2017, while alcohol deaths were up 69% and suicides increased 35%, according to an analysis of the latest federal data by the non-profit Trust for America's Health and Well Being Trust.
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@joeljoss1916 Жыл бұрын
It's disgusting how legitimate sufferers are made to carry the load of reducing opioid use, while the abusers still get all they need.
@hastyhillfarmand4x480 11 ай бұрын
Thank prohibition for that
@chefdownunder92 9 ай бұрын
Its insane that doctors don't end suffering because they don't want to take the risk of creating additional suffering.
@joeljoss1916 9 ай бұрын
The bean counters that run healthcare now tell the Doctors to reduce the opioids they're prescribing. so they go after the low hanging fruit, the elderly. You know, the real abusers the ones with degenerative diseases. @@chefdownunder92
@margaretedwards1366 7 ай бұрын
You can't possibly believe that. They don't prescribe to legitimate chronic pain sufferers because they're afraid of losing their licence. They're covering their ass and they tell you it's for your own good . Take two Tylenol.
@joeljoss1916 7 ай бұрын
Oh, I absolutely believe it. Some bean counter tells the Dr "we must reduce opioid prescriptions x%" to show we're proactive and reduce exposure. Granny gets cut off. Meanwhile Joe drug addict gets whatever he needs from the street. The medical community can tout they're doing their part. Problem solved.
@simbad909 2 жыл бұрын
Denying pain relief to legit patients is a crime
@603adventures9 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately doctors do what they want . I have a terminal disaese my doctor won't help with pain at all .
@Achilles_696 Жыл бұрын
it is seriously fucked up. the opioid crisis backfired on sooooo so many legit pain patients, even those terminal. it's sad. just sad how broken the medical system is among so many other things.
@JavierGonzalez-te8sz Жыл бұрын
I shattered my femur and had a femur nail surgery and I had sooo much pain after surgery at home and they literally gave me so many opioids I’m not sure what situations you guys are talking about but they still continue to try to give me more I have to refuse them.
@Meme-ks7uq Жыл бұрын
What are we supposed to do. I to have a launder list & tired of being treated like a drug addict or a drug seeker when I'm just trying to find a quality of life
@dalia5378 9 ай бұрын
Last may, i was diagnosed with osteoarthritis and i had two really bad falls!! I’m in so much pain right now and bed bound to and my doctor doesn’t want me on my pain meds!
@kelseyk530 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for showing the living hell us incurable and intractable chronic pain sufferers like me have been persecuted and abandoned. Opioids are our last resort and keep us functioning instead of completely bedridden or committing suicide.
@roccopuzzo6561 5 жыл бұрын
Hello....I am a pain patient that has had my meds drastically lowered. Is there a movement that can fight this discrimination. We must fight back. Please contact me if you know anything....thank you.
@kelseyk530 5 жыл бұрын
@@roccopuzzo6561 Don't Punish Pain rallies on Facebook.
@bevmin7398 5 жыл бұрын
rocco puzzo I’m in the same boat as you. I wish we could get thousands of us in front of the DEA. I’m miserable.
@carolynrombardo4821 4 жыл бұрын
@@roccopuzzo6561 hi im also a pain patient ..and being lowered..hard to believe ..our government is going after sick disabeled n elderly..i found ..Dont punish pain...they hold rallys all over in 49 states....its hard bc many of us r not ambulatory....theres also pain news network keeps up with new info..,
@carolynrombardo4821 4 жыл бұрын
@@bevmin7398 im so very sry to hear this...i did see this video n wondered if all Dr.s took thier oath as seriously as that Dr. Has .?and GOD BLESS him to have such empathy ..if they all stood up and against thiese our voices..we might have a fighting chance....I will pray for this Dr...n..for u..n..for all of us....
@nikkkis90 4 жыл бұрын
I am glad things worked out for you but there are MILLIONS of people who do need opiates because they have tried everything else but nothing else worked. Please explain that this is YOUR story and you do not represent all of us.
@carolynrombardo4821 4 жыл бұрын
Cld not agree more with ur comment..many many lives have been utterly destroyed by what our govetnments done..plzz look at pain news network up to date news n how the people involved with this stood to gain financialy off of this heartachevn modern day genocide..4 of them were involved with huge johnson n johnson lawsuit ..millions of dollars.. they tried to hide it
@sr.6816 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly! My daughter has chronic pain and she feels like a lab rat. Shes been cut off cold turkey without help. Shes been rediculed, mocked and her life ruined by 5 doctors within the last year that deny her ANY type of medicine. She can't work, she can't take care of her 4 year old son anymore. I am lucky to have found a job working nights when she got cut off so I can take care of my grandson right when I get home from work. I sleep right before I go to work sometimes 2 to 3 hours every. I feel tired and exhausted but most I feel frustrated and stressed of seeing my daughter suffer like this with her spirit getting sucked out of her!! How can this Country be so cruel to let this happen??!! Doctors should be allowed to make sound judgement on a one by one basis. When is this criminal madness going to end?
@edwarddunlap7344 3 жыл бұрын
@@sr.6816 but its happening !
@maryg6292 3 жыл бұрын
So many of my friends are suffering needlessly because the myth of addiction. They had been coping and using painkillers responsibly. Suddenly, they were relegated to the same position as a recreational cocaine user and suffer intractable pain. The doctors have shown little interest in or knowledge about alleviating the pain. It was grossly unfair. Are we not "addicted" to air and food? Is a Type 1 diabetic addicted to insulin? We know so little about the workings of the brain and the effect of pain - we are savages. When millions regain joy and function and purpose of life in a drug, is it not by definition necessary for those persons and a crime to deny them the life that people who are lucky to be healthy take for granted?
@edwarddunlap7344 3 жыл бұрын
@@maryg6292 try kratom !
@cerena Жыл бұрын
I have been on pain management for many years and take Percocet just so I can get out of bed and care for my young son. It doesn’t get me “high” and I haven’t gotten an increase or asked for more medicine in over 2 years because this dosage works for me. I have done every alternative treatment and medication available and nothing has worked. I still get questioned and looked down upon for being on these meds whenever I get them refilled. Yes, many many people abuse them but some people truly need them.
@Achilles_696 Жыл бұрын
I also am prescribed Oxycodone.. just a different type, been on the 30mg Roxicodone IR. 3 per day, i usually only need 2 sometimes 1 and 1/2. the extra ones i keep in a super safe place because i've accumulated so many over the years. anyway, i am also prescribed 2mg Klonopin 2 times daily. Flexeril 10mg 2 times daily and adderall 20mg IR 1 time per day.. before i became established at the current pharmacy i'm at now i remember the first time trying to fill these i ended up spending an entire day, hit well over 10 pharmacies and finally CVS said they would only to make me wait 3 hours to tell me that the head pharmacist "didn't fill comfortable filling my medication". it was crazy, the opiod crisis backfired on us legit patients big time. sad stuff.
@johnnylego807 Жыл бұрын
They won’t seem to prescribe above 5mg no matter how severe, i don’t seem to understand this? is it different for you?
@missgigip 7 ай бұрын
I totally agree with you..I’ve been in pain management for 8 years and my meds are what keep me going..I’m able to work and help my family and I don’t get high..I’m able to function and have a life..otherwise I would be in bed crying and wanting to die because that’s how I used to feel until I got it under control..I didn’t ask for this but this is the card I was dealt and I’m trying to do what I can..I hate that we’re being punished
@anthonymeckler7581 Жыл бұрын
I've been in pain the last 9 years of my life, due to bad surgical practices, over 14 or so. I absolutely hate people judging me, especially pharmacists with the "sure you need pain meds " look. I didn't ask for this.
@djkoenig4716 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for talking about the pain meds problem. Some people HAVE to take them if alternatives dont work. Doctors don't seem to care about a patients with chronic pain anymore.
@hippiechicksmomma2727 2 жыл бұрын
I like to understand why they are being stopped? What about alcohol? 40 % of accidents are Alcohol related. My case the same I was hit by a drunk driver. What about cigarettes? Everyday thousand suffer with severe illness from smoking. Explain why aren't they stopping the Alcohol n cigarettes? They are deadly. My mom died at age 63 I still remember her painful death. Gasping for breath unconscious. She suffered along bout with cancer than treatments. The same with alcohol. They say they are stopping life saving pain meds because people are overdosing that's a lie. People on pain meds like me are this young man are suffering daily. Anyone can abuse anything why are they attacking people suffering like us? I'm 64 I'm in hell everyday but most part I live in fear. I was cut one pill and 9 months of hell. I suffered withdrawls so bad I had sezuire on the way to the emergency room. I have no life. I'm treated like a drug addict. My doctor put me on this said for me to have a quality of life. I live in terror everyday when I will be lowered again. Where is my doctor who put me on this? Who is going to take responsibility for my suffering who is going to take responsibility for my withdrawls my fear the pain I feel. The fear I feel. I been lied to not told what they are doing they just do what they want. Every month I go to the clinic I'm terrified to talk in terrified I'm going to say something wrong . Last year they wanted to up my pain meds by 20 more mgs I refused n said let's try to temporarily lower my meds the next month I went back I got a new doctor and they didn't want to put it back. I feel like im being punished for refusing the higher dose. I'm worthless now as a human my later years in life are tourmented with fear and suffering . No time with family no vacations no peace of mind. My adult kids are tired of me saying I'm sick I'm sufferering they can't handle it and they abandoned me. I can't function like a normal person. The goal is to put me on suboxone. I'm not a drug addict. And why change it if the meds I'm in is working? Suboxone is fir people who abuse pain meds not for people suffering in Cronic pain. A simple pill can have me up and walking an active but im semi paralyzed. The next option is Epidural Injection s which damage the bone even more. Maybe they may be good in some situation but not all not when your bones are degenerating . Ever needle gos in damages the bone even more. Than after so many Injections the pain will be worse. Who will get me out of pain if they won't get me out of pain now they won't later. Why aren't they being honest what is going on ? They should becareful who they give the meds to but to people with real illness documented why do we have to suffer? I don't want to go on methodone I don't want suboxone. That is alot more worse than what I'm on. I'm in a low dose of pain meds. So why put me on a hardcore narcotic that is for drug addicts? You say this young man is now being treated with another drug but you don't say what he's on. I wonder why. Your killing us sick suffering people. I'm afraid to open my mouth I could be stripped of Everything. Who an why is doing this? And if I'm not to be on this pain med whose going to be responsible for the suffering I will feel being stripped? The doctor put me on it. I didn't put me on it my doctor did. I use to go around feeding n caring for homeless cats and rescuing them now I'm worthless no life no peace I live in fear everyday. I'm treated as a criminal drug addict Because of a meds my doctor prescribed me. I trusted my doctor completely. Now look at me. When they lowered my first pill I was seeking info on assisted suicide Because I couldn't handle the pain . The new bill NO PAIN ACT HR 3259 explain this doctor will be paid more if the refuse to give pain meds and do procedures n surgery's. These surgical procedure should be as a last resort. What kind of human would take money to stop treating a person's pain? I could never make money off of letting people suffer. I can talk all day long but no one can explain why they won't take away smoking n drinking which is just to get a person high are feel good. But they strip those suffering in pain we have no choice but to be on this meds we don't choose it. The doctor chooses it for us. We didn't write our own scrip. So to you doctors out there this is written from a human who is suffering n don't understand why. My life is worthless now. I can't do anything I was able to do before. Doctors take an Oath to heal us not just get rich off of us. To all the folks like me out here suffering I'm sorry I guess we won't ever know why they are doing this. I just got over Covid 19 my body immunes system was so weak Because of the issue with pain meds I believe that's why I got covid. If I was strong n mobile maybe it would not been so bad. Now I suffer more. Still don't know what will happen but Covid almost killed me20 days in hell of pain. Just to come back to this. My heart is weak my body is weak I'm living in fear and can't understand. God help us all
@revolutionunderground 2 жыл бұрын
@Raw_Roots Жыл бұрын
@@revolutionunderground Do some research and find out who is in control of the CDC and WHO. I'm sure you'll be surprised.
@equus3333 Жыл бұрын
No they don’t care
@ruthmiller5588 Жыл бұрын
I've seen three doctors in the last year to try to establish pain care for my chronic pain due to post polio syndrome. One was rude and cursed at me, called me a drug addict and drug dealer. The next two refused to write scrip for pain medicine. I'm up shit creek without a paddle. I never thought when all this began that I'd lose my quality of life because doctors don't care to be doctors anymore.
@JennRighter 5 жыл бұрын
The most important thing to note is that the stricter the laws against opioids became, the worse the crisis became. I know that laws restricting these drugs were enacted with good intentions, but the results speak for themselves. I'm from Ohio, one of the worst states when it comes to this issue. The amount of people that turned to drug dealers for their pills, or worse drugs, like heroin, is astounding. As much as these addicts are judged, the majority of them either have chronic pain or at least were in serious pain when they were first prescribed these drugs and became addicted. I'm in no way discrediting the impact opioids have had on people across the country. What I am saying is that not everyone prescribed them is an addict and restrictive laws have led to an even worse crisis. That is a fact.
@JennRighter 5 жыл бұрын
I had an abcessed tooth last year. It was intense pain, I looked like I had baseball implanted in the side of my face. The swelling was so bad I couldn't open my right eye and my lips were twice their normal size. I was given a non-opioid medication for pain. It not only didn't help at all, it gave me weird feelings of anxiety. I told my dentist and was given Rx Ibuprofen. It also did absolutely nothing for the pain and gave me extreme heartburn. It makes no sense that a patient in my circumstance wasn't given an opiate. Obviously after being given the Ibuprofen I just dealt with the pain, I wasn't going to keep asking for medications after the two didn't work. But why not just give me something that actually works? It's a dental issue that's temporary and very factual and obvious. It's something that clearly only required a short term pain management treatment. Allowing people to suffer for absolutely no reason isn't just wrong, it's cruel, VERY cruel.
@carolynrombardo4821 4 жыл бұрын
U r 100% correct..we all no the real problem is heroine n fenytanol..n..yes there were some bad dr.s n some bad people..but to take everyone off meds they have been on for yrs with no problem..who were able to have some semblence of normalcy in thier lives ?? just wrong !!!..the government should stick to politics n not medicine
@carolynrombardo4821 4 жыл бұрын
@@JennRighter i had another spunal fusion in jan 2019..and there was a problem during surgery so lots of hrs of surgery n much much pain...i was not allowed any pain meds other than what i was taking prior to blood pressure from pain was so high..i almost had a heart attack..the medical field has become inhumane..i wld not...cld an animal suffer much less a human being..thier oath means nothing to them now..or they wld stand up for what they right
@knowthispodcast9182 4 жыл бұрын
Exactly, like in Phoenix Arizona where I live when they took a lot of pain patients off the medication the overdose of heroin started to rise, suicides went up, it hasn’t really helped anyone and I don’t see the silver lining.Exactly, like in Phoenix Arizona where I live when they took a lot of pain patients off their medication the overdose of heroin started to rise, suicides went up, it hasn’t really helped anyone and I don’t see the silver lining
@sotafats Жыл бұрын
@terryglenweaver 3 жыл бұрын
Animal Activists would be out raged if an animal was treated this way. Perhaps call PETA on these human Doctors.
@Jc22ny 3 жыл бұрын
I wish that instead of attacking all those with Horrific pain and take Opiates they should work harder at finding solutions/alternatives. Those suffering from Agonizing Chronic pain need pain meds to feel a bit a normalcy in their lives.
@janetspell1396 3 жыл бұрын
Anybody reading this and are in agreement with these restrictions made for “The War On Opioids”, all I can say is I pray that “the Lord doesn’t humble you” or “Karma” doesn’t come to visit you (as they say$,..because I wouldn’t wish chronic pain on my worse enemy!!! Pain is real people and it’s suffering beyond humanity.
@mariereneagonzalez 4 жыл бұрын
I hate those who abuse pain meds why don’t they keep to their other drugs and leave the prescribed stuff to those who need it most chronic pain suffers get accused to be drug seekers etc
@andreah6175 3 жыл бұрын
Its not about that, its about them creating new symptoms to refer their colleges otherwise the cure doesn't make them more money. Its a scam. Worse yet, see my videos, the weighted blanket one.
@Jc22ny 3 жыл бұрын
True! So many without agonizing Chronic pain are so quick to judge. Demonizing those who need Opioids is not the answer.
@rc59191 3 жыл бұрын
We need pharmacies in all doctor offices to keep people from getting screwed over.
@gunsmokegaloreyt6840 Жыл бұрын
Probably because they don’t wanna do heroin but also don’t want to feel like hanging themselves all the time. Use your head, you’re not the only ones in pain, anguish hurts too
@mariereneagonzalez Жыл бұрын
@@gunsmokegaloreyt6840 🤣
@dorisreynolds8904 3 жыл бұрын
I am in chronic pain so bad I can't live my life. I just wish I could get a low dose of Norco couple times of day to not suffer. I live in pure misery.
@muranoeglesias1306 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear about that. Stay strong
@edwarddunlap7344 3 жыл бұрын
have you tried KRATOM ? it works against chronic pain !
@LDuke-pc7kq 3 жыл бұрын
Please try Kratom, don't give up keep looking for an ethical doctor and also if you have been discriminated against Sue!!
@positivelastaction3957 Жыл бұрын
Do NOT ever use Kratom. It's deadly.
@yasministryhealing Жыл бұрын
@@positivelastaction3957 why is it deadly?
So, this video is obviously supporting the CDC not the human being that's suffering, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, etc.! My family doctor, literally told me, with hardly any warning, that he's just referring me to a, "Pain Management Clinic", but before he kindly did, he cut all my pain medicine that worked perfectly, well as well as could be in HALF
@TheSilverlady1980 Жыл бұрын
I had radiation for eye cancer and the rads melted the myelin coating of my trigeminal ganglion inside my skull. I had 18 months of painful needle nerve blocks, then nerve avulsion then nerve ablation then a wire stim implant all done external cranium and finally brain surgery showed the melted nerves. My neurologist retired and my family doctor continued my pain control. I have letters from various specialists “never discontinue this successful stable pain control”. My family doctor is now retiring and about to drop me cold turkey. Inhumane and cruel. I suffer electrocutions and tapering agony that can throw me off my feet!! That pain will be back full blast if they deny my pain control. CPSO doesn’t care. This will force me into Assisted dying as last option to end this pain it’s torture. This is murder!! When a perfectly good medication can control my pain. What the crazies are doing out on the street has nothing to do with me. I never drank, never smoke, am not the addiction or abuse “type” . What is my crime ? Getting cancer at age 42 and needing pain control for A Typical trigeminal neuralgia.
@EGH181 3 жыл бұрын
Can we sue the doctors that dump us? Isn’t it a breach of their oath.
@andreah6175 3 жыл бұрын
Their rules, their scam = no liability. We maybe all have to collaborate collectively to get noticed.
@LDuke-pc7kq 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, Continuum of Care violations, human rights violations, discrimination . Please if you have the money to sue Do It! One of the major problems is the patients that are getting affected are on disability disabled or poor from disability so retaining a lawyer is very hard for them though they have a justifiable case
@cerena Жыл бұрын
I had one doctor who had me on a disgusting amount of narcotics when I was younger and even had my on fetanyl. I trusted him and didn’t realize he was just giving me meds so I got addicted and kept coming to him every month, one day he got in trouble and cut me off cold turkey. It was HORRIFIC. Now looking back and having a good pain management doctor who wants my pain to be managed but keeps me at a realistic dosage, I get so mad at doctors like my old one. It’s so scary for people out there in pain management.
@EGH181 Жыл бұрын
@@cerena my mother, 85, had a doctor who denied her opiate medication even though her medical condition was severe. She died in terrible pain. Her pain management doctor was dogshit. Trust them all you like.
@ruthmiller5588 Жыл бұрын
Mine retired because he got tired of the bullshit from the cdc. I've tried to find a new doctor who will help me. No such luck has befallen me. I live in excruciating pain because I don't have meds to help me.
@edwarddunlap7344 3 жыл бұрын
the CONGRESS should NOT be in the doctor bussiness ! all doctors should go on strik until congress gets their hands OFF !
@ABitefLife 11 ай бұрын
Hey just a heads up I’m a physical therapist who deals mostly with veterans… I’ve seen people file lawsuits on gross negligence and malpractice - and win- against doctors who cut patients off cold turkey after years of pain treatment. It’s despicable and soulless, irresponsible and selfish for doctors to just throw patients away all of a sudden because they are “afraid” of CDC or DEA. It’s unacceptable and you always need to stand up to doctors doing the wrong thing
@abeltesfaye_ 8 ай бұрын
This is great to know, thanks so much for sharing this! ❤
@goingbonzo5923 3 жыл бұрын
I'm really disappointed in the system . I just found out my script is being reduced because of the fda mandate. I have pain that is manageable. I'm not an addict, I'm not a dealer I'm a pain patient. The government is overstepped their boundaries. This will really get worse as people will find a way to get them and those drugs are very dangerous.
@Achilles_696 Жыл бұрын
it is seriously fucked up. the opioid crisis backfired on sooooo so many legit pain patients, even those terminal. it's sad. just sad how broken the medical system is among so many other things.
@EDD519 Жыл бұрын
SCOTUS ! You need to read these posts and DO YOUR JOB !!!!
@1cbrigg 5 жыл бұрын
I'm curious as to what kind of doctor you found, an where you live. It's been hard on me because my doctor's are taking you down so fast. I've had 13 back surgeries an cant walk hardly. I also have a nerve disease that's caused by to many surgeries, between a rock an a hard place.
@andreah6175 3 жыл бұрын
What is your status a year later now?
@Jc22ny 3 жыл бұрын
I hate how people are so quick to judge and attack. Some need Opioids to simply survive
@cheryl3928 2 жыл бұрын
The CDC has as of today succeeded in causing 100,000 suicides of chronic pain patients. Which death tally is greater I wonder : The Aids patients you refused to help back in the 80's or the chronic pain patients you refuse to help now?
@RossIsFine Жыл бұрын
The high rate of suicides by chronic pain sufferers went skyrocketing when thr so called "Opioid epidemic" started. Many of us got ripped off our pain contracts without warning and we're then treated as drug addicts/seekers by every Healthcare provider.
@Achilles_696 Жыл бұрын
it is seriously fucked up. the opioid crisis backfired on sooooo so many legit pain patients, even those terminal. it's sad. just sad how broken the medical system is among so many other things.
@johnnylego807 Жыл бұрын
How do you get removed or violate the contract? trying to find answers to this so i don’t accidentally find myself there
@possumofantikka8160 10 ай бұрын
@@johnnylego807 theres nothing you can do or not do that will stop it. its all up to how much of a coward your drs are. thats really the bottom line. its an abusive relationship. if they want to make you suffer out of morality or because of junk science or just plain monetary green, but its mainly cowarddice. if you have a dr whose a coward, you have no rights anymore. my advice would be leave the country while you are still healthy enough to walk. once you are bedridden it will be too late to esdape.
@terryblais9128 Жыл бұрын
If they can't cure my pain then they should always relieve the suffering as best they can. I am prescribed a low dose of Percocet only 2 per day. It only allows me about 5 hours where I can feel and act like a normal human being. It doesn't completely remove the pain but makes it tolerable for the limited time frame. I have severe crippling pain due to Ankylosing Spondylitis, and some herniated disks. I have tried multiple procedures therapies and meds. My diagnosis comes late in my life and my prognosis is horribly painful. Until a better option of mercy can be found I if anything wish they could prescribe more so I might have relief for maybe 10 hours per day.
@terryblais9128 Жыл бұрын
@swanjames3137 hi not sure what wellmans11 means but if you think it may interest me can you elaborate thnx
@buddyandmissus 3 жыл бұрын
That’s just horrible. Some people need to stay on pain medicine because they’re in so much pain. I’m glad you got off. But you made it to where people who need it feel like they can’t get it and it’s better off of it. I guess you’re not in as much pain as I am.
@jennifermaxwell98 3 жыл бұрын
I hear ya ! And they didn't say what the alternative med is that the new doctor is prescribing !
@frewofstew6304 Жыл бұрын
It's all because of dead addicts! DEAD, DEAD DEAD! You can only control you. They won't treat the real pain patients because of DEAD people! They chose to overindulge to the point they would be DEAD! We want to get up, get dressed, make a meal, go to work, etc. They are terrorizing legitimate health providers. But didn't do anything to stop the ones already DEAD! It's all backwards! Put those billions you sued from healthcare into thousands of treatment centers or lockup for the severe main liners. Pain people and especially elderly...wake up! Let the addicts go through it...the pain of withdrawal At least they will be free from all pain! My goodness if I can choose living without this tight line around the difficulty getting pain medication or withdrawing and having no pain at all …I would definitely seek withdrawal from a party! Oh and the suggesting physical therapy 1st sounds like malpractice. Nurse's were educated to give their pain patients their pain medications a least a half hour before physical these chronic pain patents could move to do the exercise! Wake up seniors and chronic pain suffers! We are bearing all the punishment; along with good people who spent years obtaining their medical degrees They can't help us unless we help them! God made this natural mercy plant; as he created all. If you eat till you are so big that you are getting sick...who has to make the changes! Also, take an honest survey of people who have had surgery and recovered and after ordering pain medicines they no longer needed...asked the Doctor to ween them off. I did it already after a craniotomy for a large aneurysm. I didn't need the TV, radio, etc. to tell me to do this. I did it myself and you can bet many others have done similar things; such as with eating, sex, drink, etc. We are is not the whole world's responsibility to suffer from an individual's choices. Hello, it is seriously backwards. Wake Up People!
@hastyhillfarmand4x480 11 ай бұрын
​@@jennifermaxwell98and didn't say if it worked out for him.. makes me think it's completely fake propaganda video.
@KM-nj3cm Жыл бұрын
How sad. In 3 years, only 11K have watched this video. It should be in the millions! People won't know what it's like to have meds stripped away, until they need them. I hate how DC always swings the pendulum!
@nisanight2247 3 жыл бұрын
A silver lining for one person who is ambulatory, young and was able to tolerate a different protocol. For many, opiates were the last resort after all other avenues of pain care were exhausted.
@kelseyk530 3 жыл бұрын
Hey, I'm only 30 and started opioids as a last resort after literally going through 40+ other horrific meds that aren't even meant for pain--looking at you antidepressants and others--and at 25/26 started low dose opioids along with my now 16 years of Xanax and 12 years of Ambien ER. Now I'm up to 300mg a day of Oxycodone 30s vs my original Vicodin 7.5 of maybe 60-90mg daily. So age has nothing to do with this. In fact my being so young works against me. If my 73 yr old dad goes to the ER he doesn't get harassed and read the riot act by the nurses, PAs, and Doctors...all of whom have yelled at me and belittled me and thought I was a junkie (one PA commented that I was in the ER a lot...and I am for various things as besides my 17+ incredibly rare incurable and intractable chronic pain and health problems that these idiots can't solve, I get additional shit like excruciating 12/10 cyst/sac sitring right on my eardrum that was so painful over 3 days (weekend) I told the head ENT chief that I was ready to kill myself and I went through almost both bottles of Vicodin and Percocet each quantity at least 50...the good old days in 2015 or 2016 when they still wrote scripts like that or things and sat screaming bloody murder for the 7 hours I waited in the was a Milwaukee hospital on a Friday night and the blacks are notorious for shootings that time frame...and a resident who finally saw me and said he could've helped me out of my misery but stupid bureaucratic hospital rules prevented him from getting the necessary tools from the ENT/Opthamology building and bringing it to the ER which is located in a difference mean nearby building of the hospital, there for profiling my suffering for three egg and eyes and gays that left the rest of my body in such Iraq that it was the worst state that my acupuncturist of over a decade that ever seen me in...or things like 10/10 kidney stones and emergency surgery two years in a row and the second time it took two different ERs 3 days to finally see I had a stone, a kidney infection and a blocked ureter on top of everything. The one ER refused to give me any pain meds and just wanted to give me Tylenol. Then as I kept getting worse and screaming more they gave me tell me which is a horse tranquilizer and a hallucinogenic and does not really work well for pain when they should have and could have easily given to me IV morphine or Dilaudid which I didn't get until I went to a different Hospital ER. My doctor that was giving me my benzodiazepines Xanax more than half my life and then the Vicodin 4 about two years all of a sudden cut me off cold turkey of both medications during the Christmas and New Year's holidays at the end of 2017 and beginning of 2018 and left me in horrible withdrawal where I was a danger to myself and others and left me with no doctor as a backup or obviously anybody doing me or no substitutes doctor to take over after he committed his patient abandonment which I reported him to the Medical Board of Wisconsin in which three months later I got a little postcard in the mail saying that he did nothing wrong. He's lucky I didn't stroke out and die easily happened. Then I proceeded to go to 12 different pain clinics car paint specialist in my state and the neighboring state of Illinois and what's in four months or so all 12 rejected me even though they saw the opioids works and that all about all about other medications I tried weren't effective and I could see that I've been sick for literally half my life and that my medical files more than detailed everything but I've gone through and who I all seen in what I don't ride & Dunn before I went to opioids and what I all I have been suffering from. I got told by all of them that I would just have to suffer. I was told that I wasn't worth them potentially losing their license even though this was just a guideline and not a law. He had no sympathy and were completely apathetic and abandoned the Hippocratic oath and didn't care what happened to me. I had to get medication from some people we're friends of my dad's who went to Mexico to get medication and that's what sustained me for about 7 months until Mexico crack drone and then it was over for me. I was waiting for the train commit suicide and as it happened a doctor North Carolina that calls over a week ago called me at that very instant and literally saved my life. He was a horribly mentally challenged emotionally and psychologically abusive man who loves to put down women and torment women chronic pain patients. Then he had his license taken by the DEA in February 2000 20 + I was devastated and in shock hello freaking having the rug pulled out from me yet again. I had contacts and we all literally scoured the entire United States and not want to come up with a doctor that went give me the medication at the dosing I needed and also suits Harvey out-of-state I couldn't have one of those ridiculous pain contracts I couldn't fly to see them at the drop of a hat to do pill counts for drug test which other previous doctors I never had to do any of that or had any pain contracts. So then the doctor was license taken found two other doctors in North Carolina one who mainly treated Alex who were recovering from opioid addiction but took me on as a pain patient. Out of the 34 patients I was 1 another who came all the way from a Northern State that was a two and a half hour plane ride one way to see his doctor in North Carolina and ticket help that's how scarce pain doctors are. And then another thing is getting a pharmacy the fill your scripts. Chain pharmacies will not and even small Independent Pharmacies marketing scared or wary and won't fill opioids or they wouldn't fill the massive doses is I'm on so that was another huge challenge. And all 3 of my pain doctors I did have or currently have are all in their mid-70s to mid-80s so there are likely to die and or retire and then I'll be stuck without any pain doctors. So this has left me forced me to seek out an assisted suicide program in Switzerland. So I'll be bad age 30 or 31. Thanks to cowardly apathetic doctors scared of government and thanks to the government for interfering doctor patient relationships and going after legitimate documented chronic pain sufferers instead of what it really is illegal heroin or fentanyl.
@hippiechicksmomma2727 2 жыл бұрын
@Cathy-ux9xd Жыл бұрын
Even with verified (MRI or CT imaging) severe painful disease, they deny pain medication. Cancer patients are supposed to be protected, but they’re not. Same with palliative care patients
@jenniferlynnscalzo7243 2 жыл бұрын
This just happened to me ‼️ Never hear about the high percentage of people that suffer from chronic pain and that has been on pain medications for many years and don't go drug seeking or go from Doctor to doctor or pharmacy to pharmacy actually has stayed with the same doctor from the get-go I was in nursing for 23 years I was pushed into an early retirement due to co-worker did not lift when it was time to lift a 300 lb patient so blew my back out within a month laying on an operating table regardless the whole my whole point is is no one says anything about the people that have been made to go without their pain medicines and like for me I refuse to become a heroin addict and that's mainly you either have a choice of becoming a heroine or take your life those are your choices because like I said I had just changed doctors after 9 years only because we closer to my house seen them for one month he had put me on a stronger pain medication than what I had been on and then that's it gave me a month's worth of medication and went back to see him and he said he can no longer treat me no it's and their butts just nice knowing you. So what rights do I have ⁉️ oh I guess I'm just a continue the rest of my life suffering being miserable not enjoying life etc etc why all these drug addicts and they're whiny ass parents and family members are blaming the doctors and the medication when no wrong they didn't take their medication correctly and that's the bottom line you can feel when you're becoming addicted to something and not only that first sign of becoming a bit you're becoming addicted is your require more than what you are prescribed per day common sense so to all those family members people whatever thanks a lot but how about we speak up for the people that are killing themselves because they can't live with the chronic pain that's no way for someone to live especially someone that had gave their life for 23 plus years saving other lives I get so sick of seeing the commercials against opiates opiates what the f ever ‼️
@frewofstew6304 Жыл бұрын
Also these street heroin addicts get their money from their parents. I have known parents of addicts that had enough money to support 5 decades of their childrens habit and even left money and houses to these useless kids...who treated these parents worse than shite! The people who come online and tell the chronic pain patients that it was the medicine in granny's medicine cabinet that started and are responsible for their kids Death! Believe me. Chronic pain patients keep close eye on their pain meds. If not they can't walk, etc., by the end of the month. Wake up Patients and Healthcare!
@hastyhillfarmand4x480 11 ай бұрын
It's all a big lie, drug prohibition funds more for the government than oil, the DEA spends over 70 billion dollars a year "fighting the war on drugs" that literally only hurts everyone. Well over 60% of all crimes committed are tied to drugs being prohibited. They don't gaf about us, or our freedom of choice, it's all propaganda.
@beverlypearson5332 11 ай бұрын
Punctuation is your friend. ;-)
@revolutionunderground 2 жыл бұрын
@johnnylego807 5 ай бұрын
This is exactly what I’m going through. God bless this man for speaking out!! We need help!!!
@MadamTickTickBoom 3 жыл бұрын
The title of this video certainly is at odds with the content lol. Clearly the video is very anti-opiod lol.
@jackycook64 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting this. I was wondering if I had misunderstood the video.
@terryblais9128 Жыл бұрын
If he is getting off pain killer then he didn't need them it sounds like he was overprescribed from the beginning. There are many like this patient who never needed such a strong dose in first place. Many of us need more pain relief not less.
@kellyshea92 4 жыл бұрын
Lol try living with a fused lumbar without pain meds
@edwarddunlap7344 3 жыл бұрын
try kratom !
@LDuke-pc7kq 3 жыл бұрын
Try a high quality Kratom, dose every 4 to 6 hours
@Jc22ny 3 жыл бұрын
@120offroadllc 4 жыл бұрын
That's so true. Men. I got stage 4 small cell lung cancer. And I can't even get basically anyting. I got a lot of nerve damage neuropathy everything. All they tell me is to take Tylenol.
@dondressel452 3 жыл бұрын
Your oncologist tells you that? My oncologist gives me 180 mg oxy’s a month I’ve got 4th stage cancer in the bones It’s prostate cancer
@ishouldbesleeping1354 3 жыл бұрын
Cancer patients are EXEMPT…Ask for palliative care dr to manage your symptoms.
@cathypiper9373 Жыл бұрын
What’s shocking me is that this video is 4 years old and still no one is government is listening or cares.
@pp2072 3 жыл бұрын
Horrible. There’s people who need pain meds.
@samk6820 Жыл бұрын
I love this 💜 Thank you for dressing this subject matter. You can't talk about it on Facebook support groups without getting kicked off. I have so much spinal cord damage I can't even list it all here. I hold my pain very well. And doctors don't always believe me rightaway. The CDC guidelines are inhumane. But their guidelines they're not mandates. And if you're poor alot of non-narcotic treatments are not available to you on state insurance. "People will talk about suicide when they are in enough pain." Is all over the CDC website guidelines. But if you tell the doctors you're in so much pain you're suicidal they take it as 2 different areas not that 1 is causing the other. Pain and psychological. But they are both simultaneously.
@gavindamron9502 Жыл бұрын
I was thrown out of my truck in 2020. Had to learn to walk again. When they released me from Vanderbilt, they gave me nothing after being on strong opioids for months. I honestly wished I had not survived. Luckily, I was able to find help at the pain clinic. The other doctors all said there was nothing they could do.
@AverageJoe1006 Жыл бұрын
Doctors dont know shit
@hastyhillfarmand4x480 11 ай бұрын
​@christianagorge5597I always think I'ma get caught doing that..
@yamadkiddo8028 7 ай бұрын
@@hastyhillfarmand4x480 what do you have to lose? either be in pain or dont comply with our tyrant useless government cdc
@colinclement2752 Жыл бұрын
I'm assuming this dudes on prescribed suboxone while this was filming.
@natecote1971 Жыл бұрын
My dad was in a bad wreck 30years ago his back has been screwed ever since, hes been on oxy for 30 years it helped his pain and he didnt turn into a junkie or anything he actually owns a very successful business and youd never know he takes pain meds hes a normal person. Well maines laws got very strict, his doc retired and the new one immediately started cutting him telling him he cant be on it forever!! Why? It works and has worked for 30 years! They dont care if your in pain as long as your not on pain meds! They said "you cant be on them for ever" yet they will prescribed meth aka Adderall for life? They will prescribe anxiety meds for life? They will prscibe opiate depression meds for life but if your in pain, sorry suffer or go do street drugs!
@hastyhillfarmand4x480 11 ай бұрын
Exactly, I'm not sure that this guy is even real, they could have gotten a actor to go on here and say all this, not to mention it never says if it worked out for him, just that he was giving it a shot, so... this video is propaganda, opiates can very easily be done responsibly. Each year 450,000 people die from tobacco, 300,000 die from alcohol, and only 3,000 people die each year from ALL illegal drugs combined... so it's obviously all a lie. The DEA spends over 70 billion dollars a year fighting the war on drugs... it's more lucrative than oil for the government and gives power to the cartels.. we are cattle.
@possumofantikka8160 10 ай бұрын
^^ THIS RIGHT HERE. this is whats really happening. this guy in this video, lets say he really wants to be off the meds and really tries but goes back in a couple years and says, 'i cant do it. i cant work, shop, eat, get out of bed, i didnt want to but i need them to have any kind of normal life' DOES ANYONE THINK THIS BIMBO WOULD SEE A 'silver lining' there??? hell to the no. its only a 'silver lining' when they have you pretending everythings fine when everyday you wish for death. if this guy asked to go back on his meds, genuniely didnt want to but had to admit his life was falling apart, she would drop him like used toilet paper.... id bet everything i have on that. DO NOT TRUST ANY DR. THEY =ALL= LIE. and it ihasnt gotten any better, its much, much worse now. buyer beware
@christopherbellore3511 4 жыл бұрын
Great testimony, and commentary Garrett. I wish you well. I too have pain that can not be seen. 16 herniated discs in my spine alone. 7 MRIs in 4 years, just of my spine. Lot's of PAIN. But I LOOK great! It sux. I'm 52 so it's basically a lifetime of severe wear and tear. Truck driving, physical labor, martial arts, gymnastics, football, break dancing... Yeah, my head busted three windshields throughout my life, and the one time that the car was totalled, I walked away with temporary amnesia, concussions, 7 stitches in my left eyelid (yet no damage at all to my eye). Life's been exciting. Anyway, you take care brother. I wish you health, and peace. I hope breathing gets easier pal.
@keepyourdayjob5658 3 жыл бұрын
Wait a minute here. You have 16 herniated disk in your spine oh heavens you have it bad. 7 MRI’s in 4 years geez and you have lots of pain well it’s no wonder. How do you even move your arms + hands + fingers + shoulders + breath + and any part of your body. Did you know that all of your disk are ruptured or have been but 7 sense there are 23 disk in the human spine. How do you even sleep at night or how can anyone like you even look normal to other people? And your only 52 and have the rest of your life to live yet. And your pain can even be seen. What did your MRI’s show if anything at all because of you not showing being in such pain but you are in pain. What medications do your doctors have you on for pain that even helps you? And to have been in such a terrible accident on top of everything else going on in your life. I am surprised you were able to drive a truck during this time period or did you have to quit truck driving? I feel four you and I hope you get better sooner than later. Thanks
@Joseph1701-A 11 ай бұрын
I hurt so darned bad from degenerative disc disease, severe spondlosis, and more but the doctors don't give a care, I have had Several spinal surgeries, severe nerve damage and many other issues. Why should I suffer because someone else abuses the system?!!!
@kelly-k-dub 6 ай бұрын
I am one of the patients that need these medications. I’ve been going to my pain doctor for eight years, he’s only upped my daily dose ONCE, by HALF A PILL. So there are days where I need to do things or just the pain is worse due to weather, did too much the day before, etc.. so I take one extra, then I’m short at the end of the month. My Dr cannot up my dosage because people that don’t need it or only for a short time but continue to go to their doctors for refills. So thank you to those people who just want a “high.” There are millions like me that suffer everyday for you to get “high.” I just want to say, thanks, thanks a lot!!!! SMDH
@madelinestory4230 Жыл бұрын
❤Amen and thank you. I have horribly painful genetic chronic disorder and my joints come out on their own, I scream having to put them back in place myself. I was put on other meds and had a complete stroke, they tried to take my child and home because I was alone but I pushed myself to move and speak again . I watched KZbin and lipped my fav songs until I could talk and was able to get a lawyer to talk to people on my behalf but I almost died and then almost lost everything because I was born with genetic condition that they don't look at me as human because of. ❤
@michaelburnside4947 11 ай бұрын
It is pretty stupid that someone who has legitimate pain can be denied appropriate medication because of the providers reluctance to prescribe opiates. It is not right!
@johnnylego807 5 ай бұрын
Most of us have been totally abandoned by the system. I’m sitting here in this scenario. Unfair does not even begin to describe it!
@Wolfwolveswolf 4 жыл бұрын
This is cruel and inhumane punishment to us people with a Severe Chronic Pain illness. Have had this for heading towards 41 years now. Nothing new that works, the drug addict directed Belbuca, does nothing for my level of Pain. I am NOT a drug addict, though treated like one thanks to State Government people who care about drug addicts lives, but not our existence in a Hell. I responsibly used Opiate/Opioid Medicines for 29+ years with NOT one measly problem. When they finally allowed me to start using Opiate/Opioid Medicines, it was just in time as I was literally finally losing my mind from the daily constant Hell of life ruining Pain I had in a literal torturous manner suffered through. My Pain is also all due to a strangers illegal plastered drunk driving in an 18-wheeler truck (talking about one driver in a truck who did something illegal, as I respect Truck Drivers who move the world), and the head on collision the illegal drunk driver caused- enough to kill two friends (I am just mentioning such, that I did not do anything to deserve this Hell- that now again they make me suffer for- that I know is for nothing more than corruption, and lies. As Opiate/Opioid Medicine DOES WORK FOR A LOT PEOPLE'S SEVERE CHRONIC PAIN SICKNESS LIKE IT HAS MORE THAN PROVEN TO BE FOR ME- BEING A FACT! WE DO NOT HAVE TO KEEP UPPING THE DOSAGE OF OUR OPIATE/OPIOID MEDICINE, AS A WORKING DOSAGE KEEPS WORKING! FOR WE DO NOT NEED THE HIGH/BUZZ FOR OUR OPIATE/OPIOID MEDICINE AT A WORKING DOSAGE, TO KEEP WORKING TO EASE PAIN. WE CAN EVEN FLUCTUATE THE DOSAGE WHEN OUR SEVERE CHRONIC PAIN GOES UP AND DOWN AT SIGNIFICANT LEVELS LIKE MINE DOES- THOUGH ALWAYS STILL IN PAIN. JUST AS LONG AS THE TEMPORARY DOSAGE INCREASE IS ALWAYS USED IN RELATION TO OUR LEVEL OF PAIN BEING UP- AND BEING SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER- WHERE YOU DO NOT MISS AT ALL THE PAIN BEING UP (WHICH WE LEARN BETTER WITH TIME WHEN IS THE RIGHT TIME TO USE WHAT INCREASE DOSAGE/WHAT-WORKS; YES IT WILL NOT ALWAYS BE EXACT, BUT WHEN DONE RESPONSIBLY THINGS ARE FINE- AS SUCH IS NOT GOING TO TURN US INTO A DRUG ADDICT- AND AS SAID WITH TIME A PERON GETS MORE TO THE EXACT POINT FOR WHAT/WHEN WORKS BEST (OF COURSE IT CAN NOT BE RAISED AT A LEVEL FOR A CONSIDERABLE LONG TIME, AS THE PERSON'S BODY WOULD THEN ADJUST TO THAT HIGHER LEVEL AND REQUIRE IT AT THAT LEVEL FOR WORKING, BUT IT TAKES LONGER THAN PEOPLE REALIZE, AS WHEN USED RESPONSIBLY- BEING ONLY RAISED IN RELATION TO A RAISED PAIN LEVEL- THAT THE BODY REGULATES WELL LIKE THAT IT IS TO A NORMALCY, AND I KNOW THIS FOR A FIRST HAND MORE THAN PROVEN FACT- AS I HAVE HAD TO GO BEYOND A WEEK, YET WHEN PAIN WENT DOWN- I NO LONGER NEEDED THE HIGHER DOSAGE, PLUS HAVE HAD TO GO BACK UP SOON A COUPLE OF DAYS LATER- FOR LIKE A WEEK TO LONGER- THEN DOWN AGAIN- THOUGH NOT THAT THIS IS A COMMON THING- JUST THAT IT HAS HAPPENED, AND I WAS NOT NEEDING TO STAY AT THE HIGHER DOSAGE) (from 300mg to 570mg on average, even a couple days beyond 10+ Pain and above the normal 570mg- like needing more Morphine Medicine- or to where I was also getting a shot of Demerol it was so bad- of 150mg to 200mg Demerol beyond my average dosage- with Phenegan in it for my stomach due to Pain- as so bad- I'd often vomit without it due to the Pain- not the Opiate/Opioid Medicine, the vomiting has cleared in these later years- and all thanks to Morphine Medicine at a working dosage with time, but still great neck, face, eyes, head, shoulder, upper body, and if upper body active much- arms-hands Pain- the Pain due to c1-c2 fusion not exactly in place as best, wrapped with wire, and other severe head, face, injuries that play a part in the pain), BUT SADLY NO ONE SEEMS TO WANT THIS TRUTH KNOWN THESE DAYS ABOUT THE LIFE SAVING MEDICINE FOR MANY OF US SEVERE CHRONIC PAIN ILLNESS PEOPLE- i.e. OPIATE/OPIOID MEDICINES, I SEE BEING DONE FOR A SAD, LYING, SINISTER REASON. INFURIATES ME WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO THE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES ABOUT OPIATE/OPIOID MEDICDINE IN RELATION TO DRUG ADDICTS, AS EVERYTHING THE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES SAID ABOUT OPIATE/OPIOID MEDICINES IS THE TRUTH, AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH DRUG ADDICTS! SO HOW DO THEY GET BLAMED FOR PEOPLE USING OPIATE/OPIOID MEDICNE WHO DO NOT NEED IT- AS PEOPLE CAN CON WELL ABOUT PAIN, BUT THE CON DOES NOT LIE WITH THE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES, NOR THE DOCTORS. IF I HAD KNOWN ABOUT THE LAW SUIT AGAINST THE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES- I WOULD HAVE HITCH HIKED TO DEFEND THE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES, TO TELL OUR SIDE OF THAT IS TRUE THAT THEY ALL PURPOSELY HIDE WHILE THEY TORTURE US AGAIN, WHILE CARING FOR THE LIVES OF THE DRUG ADDICTS. BUT NO ONE IN THIS UNITED STATES OTHER THAN THE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES, AND RARE REAL DOCTORS, CARES ANYTHING ABOUT US PEOPLE WITH A SEVERE CHRONIC PAIN ILLNESS. U.S. GOVERNMENT, AND CERTAIN HIGHER UP PEOPLE IN THE MEDICAL WORLD SOLD OUT US PEOPLE WITH A SEVERE CHRONIC PAIN SICKNESS. I feel as though I do NOT live right now in a true UNITED STATES (wish it was real/true as I once thought/felt long-long ago, even started believing again, but now once again being made to suffer again, have suffered for most of my adult life for other strangers illegal wrongs I have nothing to do with, and I get NO guaranteed trial- NO defense- NO Judge- NO Jury, just punished again for other stranger's illegal actions that I have nothing to do with- my life is freely not only ruined- but I have to grossly suffer for nothing- doing nothing- hopeless- no future (and NOT referring at all to President Trump, or Vice-President Mike Pence). It is truly an evil!
@fentanylanonymous 8 ай бұрын
lol seek help 😂
@sandrastevens4418 10 ай бұрын
Thank you. Yes, it is unfair on us with chronic pain. We are the most controlled group of patients in the United States. We are subject to a pain contract and we get tested, pill counts and now we are punished for a crime we did not commit. We wake up every day and go to bed every day in pain. that's our normal now. And nobody should have to exist that way because we are under medicated we just exist. We don't do the things we were able to do because we are in pain, and being in constant pain makes you tired.
@sotafats Жыл бұрын
His key words were I HIDE IT VERY WELL !!!!! So familiar and so sad 😞
@totalt6600 2 ай бұрын
God love you. Thank you for speaking for me,and others in similar situation.
@jbr84tx 11 ай бұрын
I'd like to know what other medication this guy started to replace the Percocet.
@yamadkiddo8028 7 ай бұрын
probally suboxone
@bryanduchane2371 9 ай бұрын
This decision to not practice pain patients with opiates has liked hundreds of thousands who had to change to street drugs to replace the medication Drs once prescribed regularly!!! As a chronic pain patient myself if I've 13yrs I am so fortunate to have the Dr in so who is fairly liberal with the amount of pain medication he has me on. He, like all other Drs is not taking new pain patients.... management patients
@timothyj1966 Жыл бұрын
Everyone anti-Oxy ! I say tougher Laws/Penalties for those who ABUSE. There are those of Us who NEED this when Surgery is NOT an option and live in 24/7 Pain!
@AndthenthereisCencorship-xc6yi 7 ай бұрын
YEs, and that is a no brainer, by the way. Why opioids have been near eliminated from the treatment of pain is criminal. the fact that the FDA and DEA can do what they've done to destroy patients with all kinds of propaganda regarding opioids is unconscionable.
@EDD519 Жыл бұрын
there is a blood test to settle this ! inflammation blood test , plattlets show inflammation and inflammation = chronic pain ! damnit SCOTUS HELP US !
@carolynheitmiller280 2 жыл бұрын
I've been living with chronic pain for many years I was treated w opiod meds, but those whom have decided we don't need them have got so many laws changed I'm even seeing complaints of the terminal ly I'll cancer n other. Diseases being denied anyi
@andrewwernert9910 Жыл бұрын
I cant find 1 dr to treat my pain even tho im paralyzed got a bone infection a prem broken knee both hip bones removed pressure sorrs down to the bone that wont heal i cant even get out of bed at this point
@Ivan.A.Churlyuski 3 жыл бұрын
I thought it was my body, don’t I get a choice? Or only for destroying life not living it out of pain?
@mojojeinxs9960 5 ай бұрын
Hurt my back at age 10 falling off a balance beam. Was in a motorcycle accident and then a car accident. I work as a nurse's aide lifting people double my size. My back pain is excruciating as well as my hip I injured. Refuse all pain pills. I take Advil and learned to deal with the body pain.
@sheldonhatch8255 Жыл бұрын
@hastyhillfarmand4x480 11 ай бұрын
This video is anti opiate..
@possumofantikka8160 10 ай бұрын
you are right on one thing, the true addiction rate is less than 2%. that remains true in every country, for the last hundred years they have kept records. the whole od thing is just been massively overblown. none of these drs is correctly trained and yes this video is definitely anti-opiate.
@riohenry6382 3 ай бұрын
If you have chronic pain, opiates are often necessary. I would rather die than go back to living with that pain. I tried it drug free for 3 years and I couldn’t even get out of bed on any single day during those 3 years. Dropping a pain patient like that should be criminal
@glovesoffofficial1382 6 ай бұрын
Yet Alcohol is sold freely!! What double standards
@alxr.4522 2 ай бұрын
👋🏼 ME TOO!! Thank you! Thank you! For sharing this real and private story. I have a similarly horrific experience.
@allencampbell8322 5 ай бұрын
I have been suffering for years being denied pain medication
@Lennylo238 3 ай бұрын
I lucked out with my doctor it’s crazy I get 90 30mg oxy from my motorcycle accident super hard
@ladonnataylor-3670 11 ай бұрын
I suffer bad chronic pain awful
@genericx2347 3 жыл бұрын
I learned nothing in 5 minutes
@ladygertrude5113 2 жыл бұрын
So what did they give him instead of opioids?
@iamtheshed2584 2 жыл бұрын
Three letters that ended pain meds C D C . . God BLESS ALL Da SHED ! ! ! !
@meltdown7259 2 ай бұрын
People still need this medicine not all people are addicts
@MightyFowler 12 күн бұрын
My doc cut me off opioids cold turkey, luckily discovered a page called *“DEVONTRIPS* handled by an upright specialist who delivers Oxys an other narcos safely 2 ur addrez without hassle. ships discreetly btw '
@MightyFowler 12 күн бұрын
Dude is on Telegram
@pamelasmith2625 Жыл бұрын
What medication did you put you on to get you off oxycodone?
@spiritmediumclaytonsilva649 7 ай бұрын
CDC guidelines have helped no one!! Hope his teeth don’t fall out with burprenorphine which is probably what he’s on now.
@stonedout6951 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, I'm sure they took him off the Percocet's and put him on Suboxone. 💯
@endlessadventure541 Жыл бұрын
But he did not say what his now on! This video was very sparce in details.
@sneezln Жыл бұрын
Dude I have multiple sclerosis nerve disease. Ouch . like I don’t understand I really don’t understand. I watch peoples videos and I don’t understand I really don’t because you talk about it messes with your eating but if I don’t take my pain medication and I’m in pain and I don’t wanna eat anything at all.
@michelletoni3067 Жыл бұрын
I had my arm crushed & degloved, basically almost cut off & 28 surgeries to repair & I have chronic pain, u can’t judge the many, by the actions of a few, without pain management I know I wouldn’t be here, Buprenorphine saved my life period.
@pambaginski6071 3 жыл бұрын
What is the name of the new medication his new doctor put him on that worked?
@possumofantikka8160 10 ай бұрын
@darrellsmith437 4 ай бұрын
This is what I call it. “Chronic Pain in America” The New Leprosy! If they could put us on an island and forget about us, they would.
@mattthehighguy686 7 ай бұрын
Its sad that if you had a pet and it was enduring so much pain. Your veterinariam would reccomend euthinization because it is inhumane to let them suffer and live. But as a human we let others suffer inhumanely because "the benefits outweigh the risks."
@watchdog8058 4 ай бұрын
i was in a car accident many years ago and i have tried everything to get rid of pain. i have a hard time getting medication as everyone looks at me like a junkie! i have a full time job, mom, etc and i am not a junkie. i am in pain all day and night! it is not fair to those of us trying so hard to just live life!
@mamabear8729 Ай бұрын
Exactly what happened to so many of us. Very scary how badly patients were treated.
@MightyFowler 12 күн бұрын
My doc cut me off opioids cold turkey, luckily discovered a page called *“DEVONTRIPS* handled by an upright specialist who delivers Oxys an other narcos safely 2 ur addrez without hassle. ships discreetly btw ::
@MightyFowler 12 күн бұрын
Dude is Literally on Telegram -
@cassie05 Жыл бұрын
My pain doctors refuse to give me a low dose of Percocet. Gfy. I just got a new job working at the hospital. I love my job and am on my feet all day. I have spinal stenosis, disc degeneration and severe nerve damage. We do injections that don’t work. My last one didn’t even improve anything, it has in fact made it worse. I have NEVER been irresponsible with the medications I take. I also have zero desire to be addicted to them. I use them when I absolutely need them just to function minimally and get through my day. Unless my pain is at a 10/10, I don’t take them. And the crack down and punishing of people who actually need them is making people hit the streets. I don’t get the appeal of taking them for a high. I just want to get through my day and do my job and if a low dose is what I need, then please…help me.
@johnnylego807 Жыл бұрын
Where you on something and they took you off it? or aren’t giving you anything in the first place?
@cassie05 Жыл бұрын
@@johnnylego807 they said it will affect other meds I’m on because one is a benzo. It never has before. They do this because our hospital tracks scripts. Unless it’s a surgical procedure worthy of it, they don’t dole it out. If I absolutely cannot handle it I call my FNP back home and have a script sent and I hold onto it for dear life. I ask once a year.
@johnnylego807 Жыл бұрын
@@cassie05 Bless your heart, that is terrible, have you ever considered seeking a Pain Management Dr? Especially Since you use it so infrequently they may be able to help you. i can kind of see the concern, Drs are hesitant to prescribe especially to those on any form of Benzo because the risk of OD is significantly inflated, While not even close to the number of fent ODs Benzos do play a big part in the ODs of patients, simply because both are CNS depressants and Benzos will prevent you from feeling your lung essentially getting close to OD, now as long as you don’t mix them, you would be ok. But A lot of Drs are hesitant because they get into trouble if something happens to you because of something they prescribed. If it’s a low dose of Benzo they will probably be more willing. No one should have to be forced to live without medical help or relief. 💜💪 And your correct, all those scripts are Tracked via the PIX System.
@possumofantikka8160 10 ай бұрын
@@johnnylego807 this was a kind comment but your facts are wrong. the only drug that is deadly in combo with these others is totally legal alcohol. sorry, try again.
@johnnylego807 10 ай бұрын
@@possumofantikka8160 But my facts aren’t wrong……. Co Perscribed Benzos are statistically one of the leading causes of over dose deaths from perscription meds. When combined with Opiods it can cause lethal Respiratory suppression. Alcohol will also do the same thing. Combing alcohol and Opiods, or alcohol and Benzos can be a lethal mix. Alcohol, and Benzos are CNS DEPRESSANTS. Opiods are also a CNS depressant. When combined together in high enough doses. It can cause Respiratory failure. You don’t have to take my word for it. Look it up. In the correct dose it’s safe. But the line between correct and too much is rather blurry.
@NewyorkkittykatT.N.R 11 ай бұрын
What is he on now ?
@leegutierrez4058 2 жыл бұрын
You never mentioned what you were on now instead of your Percocets?
@sabetibrahim860 Жыл бұрын
Street heroine
@galacticgalaxyonezerone7235 Жыл бұрын
I remember someone I knew getting prescribed opiates from a major surgery with intense pain for weeks after and they pre planned a thing so after it’s was all done they would go though a process to quit the opiates because of being reliant on them and withdrawals by the time they didn’t need them anymore. Sounded odd as in never heard of this being planned but it should be expected if you need these long enough to get withdrawals when your done with them so it also made sense actually but idk only time I heard of that happening.
@Ourfightisreal Жыл бұрын
I watched the whole thing but did I miss where they said they changed him to? Just curious lol
@TheYandereMachine Жыл бұрын
Currently suffering from my spine muscle peeling off and it wont reattach ive had too be told theres nothing we can do at least a hundred times in the last two years i just went into the ER and finally got aweners
@SkinCareLuver Жыл бұрын
That's sad this poor man has to go through this.
@mercy3219 3 ай бұрын
HELP! Doctors are still running scared of losing their licenses! Pharmacists are the second road block because they have been hit so hard with penalties. CRPS patients will be hard pressed to find a doctor who will take the risk of prescribing opioids and CRPS patients are being forced to go through horrific withdrawal programs and then may not find a new medication or a non-drug solution that works. My CRPS has spread and become so severe that I just stay flat out on the couch 80-90% of my day for the last 6 months.🥺
@splintmeow4723 3 жыл бұрын
What was he given? I have a broken skull and TBI, not getting any help from the doctors, it has just been over a year and I don’t know what to do.
@durcanjoshua5072 3 жыл бұрын
What meds are you finding it difficult to get
@durcanjoshua5072 3 жыл бұрын
Why don't you try blk market
@splintmeow4723 3 жыл бұрын
@@durcanjoshua5072 Percocet, broken skull, TBI. Going to try something else though. I don’t think long term use would be good on the liver and kidneys. Really wish there was just a surgical solution, just want to feel normal again. Opioid prescription I had before was the only thing that made made me concentrate, get work down and lessen the pain (still doesn’t stop it ). I hate there is no surgical solution to make me just even feel nothing there anymore, even if I lose the sense of feeling. Don’t want to go on the black market, it is not covered by insurance, also if I get caught then I become a criminal. It is such a hopeless feeling. Just give me a lobotomy at this point, or fry my head with radiation….
@amandachristanburran571 3 жыл бұрын
May we ask who this pain doctor is?
@MarshallApplewhite143 10 күн бұрын
I was just made to lay in the hospital for 8 hours in agonizing pain before getting my appendectomy because they wanted to treat me like a drug seeker instead of someone in pain. Why punish people who are actually in pain just because they created an opiate epidemic for profit
@RIGiantsGuy 2 жыл бұрын
@gloriawilson3241 8 ай бұрын
I have several friends that were prescribed pain meds by their doctor and then the doctor stopped their meds so they sought out pain meds on the street.
@midnightrun2764 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much!, cuz we, chronic daily migraine folks hear you! 🙋‍♀️…✌🏼🇨🇦
@CookingAmmi Жыл бұрын
What is ocopid?
@terryglenweaver 3 жыл бұрын
You do realize no one is listening. Those folks causing this problem are not paying any attention.
@nicecutie 3 жыл бұрын
can you add some answers to this discussion that might help pain patients? what you just said is not what pain patients want to hear........... im not being rude just saying
@terryglenweaver 3 жыл бұрын
@@nicecutie Correct, this is not what pain sufferers want to hear. Perhaps a bit of why I said this: I was in an accident while on my motorcycle. I hot hit head-on by a car at 135+ mph impact, back in 1979. So, for over 40 years I have suffered with severe chronic pain and it only gets worse. Currently I cannot get ANY Doctor to help. These pain Doctors have limited their service by treating only one aspect or another for Chronic pain. This way they limit their prescription pain meds. These doctors are telling me that I need another doctor for pain aspects they do not treat. They also seek to operate on what ever aspect of pain they will treat. I really have far too many diverse pain problems to go through more surgeries. Not Chronic Pain Sufferers (such as me) are banding together and putting out KZbin videos and such BUT. Doctors and Organizations and Government Organizatuons such as the CDC, DEA, FDA, AMA and many others realize Chronic Pain Sufferers cannot fight their campaigns. We are in far too much Constant Chronic Pain to actually put up any Physical Assault. We cannot even campaign except very few at a time. Without "them" ever FEARING us, they simply turn off their audio devices and continue their assaults to us. There is only wanton disregard and contempt by them toward Chronic Pain Sufferers AND for Government Organizations there is a financial gain for their actions. For every Chronic Pain Sufferer that commits suicide because they can no longer withstand their pain or can no longer get med iij cations to moderate their pain, the GOVERNMENT has one less monthly disability check to make. Yes, this government is financially gaining by making Pain Sufferers suffer even more. This government could have easily made an exemption for Chronic Pain Sufferers. Also, this government could have investigated the Doctor's Patients instead of the Doctors... FIRST. But by attacking the Doctors the government can claim their c hff arges are never wrong. Remember the Sufferers just don't have the physical ability to thwart these attacks against their Doctors IF THEY EVEN KNOW THEIR DOCTOR IS UNDER SUCH AN ATTACK. This means every one of the Chronic Pain Sufferer that commits suicide because any Doctor refuses to moderate their pain, is actually MURDERED by the Government forcing Doctors to torture their patients. This is no different than the Nuremberg Doctors from WWII. See, they were also simply obeying orders and torture and suffering was their output product. (The government (NAZIs) were already killed in the war or put in prison for life, if caught.) NOW... USA is doing it to their own Citizens. This is even worse than the NAZIs who did this to those they labeled as their enemies. All in All, until these organizations that are murdering Chronic Pain Sufferers start dying for their actions this will only get worse. Imagine being in an accident and having it determined as being fully debilitating and the Doctor tells you that by Law he must kill you. Therefore the ONLY answer is for a Chronic Pain Sufferer deciding to end their life, is to take that of any government official that caused this... first. (Until they pay for what they do, they will NEVER listen).
@kelseyk530 3 жыл бұрын
@@terryglenweaver Saying that if you going to commit suicide and die because you can't find a doctor to prescribe for you for no doctor will prescribe or for any other reasons but I just simply refused to help him prescribed that's your only option is suicide that you should shoot up pharmacies or kill dancers working specialists for pain clinics who have abandoned their Hippocratic oath and are cowards and don't treat you or shut up any government representative or official that is Wars against helping chronic pain patients and is 4 basically helping addicts more than us
@terryglenweaver 3 жыл бұрын
@@kelseyk530 I am trying to figure out what your point is. If you think for a moment that one cannot be put in enough long term pain to opt for suicide over continued severe pain, you are wrong. If you think there is always doctors that will treat Severe Chronic Pain... again you are wrong. The idea that drug addicts cannot be weeded out from those with real issues is also wrong. If you think doctors should be allowed to continue in their practices of seeing patients live in torture... again you are wrong. Just how many suicides have been committed because a person could not achieve proper pain management? And how many doctors have lost their license to practice medicine because they were unwilling to properly treat a pain patient? I never heard of a single doctor losing their license for leaving a patient in torture... Except the Nuremberg Doctors. And it is Nuremberg Doctors that are practicing today in USA. You can expect to see this government throw pain Doctors under the bus when this mistreatment comes to a head. Exactly where do any of these people... government officials, pharmacists and Doctors get the right to stop a person from treating themselves as they see fit? Those wanting drugs for recreation will be discovered and those who need drugs for pain management will also be discovered. But the issue is: exactly where do these people get the right to keep severe Chronic Pain Sufferers in pain? I say they have no right, no more right than us keeping them from their necessary living needs. It is not difficult to exempt severe pain Sufferers from these attacks that enforce torture.
@terryglenweaver 3 жыл бұрын
@@kelseyk530 Are you trying to say that Doctors refusing to prescribe proper pain meds for Severe Chronic Pain Sufferers should be exempt from discipline? If so, then you must figure the Nuremberg Doctors should also have been exempt from any discipline. Torture is torture no matter the method it is still torture and you are condoning it?
@JahidAfridiJr.-np7uy Жыл бұрын
How about many spinal cord issues so I need Morphine sulfate 15mgs Gabapentin 800mgs baclofen 10mgs
@LucasChurch-yl3lw Ай бұрын
Im 21, i cry everyday i cant work out, i take 4 Tylenol and a meloxicam and still feel like ive been hit by a car. Im going to therapy for it soon🙏🙏
@MightyFowler 12 күн бұрын
My doc cut me off opioids cold turkey, luckily discovered a page called *“DEVONTRIPS* handled by an upright specialist who delivers Oxys an other narcos safely 2 ur addrez without hassle. ships discreetly btw +
@MightyFowler 12 күн бұрын
Dude is solely on Telegram -
@SkinCareLuver Жыл бұрын
does he mean 22 years? People need to learn you can't count the first 5 years of your life unless he's 32
@DanaSimmons 3 ай бұрын
That is called the death grip. It was so painful.
And this folks, has been a sponsored video by the CDC.
@titandragon753 9 ай бұрын
Yes, they are still needed. I’ve suffered horribly since these new laws were put in place. In Australia, no new treatments were put in place. I received no kindness, no understanding, I received no help of any value from anyone. I have been left on my own to cope with everything. I basically have a damaged nervous system. Which causes extreme pain and fatigue. I’ve been denied medication to help treat my OCD and PTSD. The new age treatment, is basically medication free with zero help from anyone. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and relaxation techniques only go so far. Before you are burnt out from exhaustion. The government and public servants make my medical decisions now. Not my doctor. They’re continuing to threaten doctors over here with prison. And all these great alternatives they speak of. I can’t afford any of them.
@drinkwalter9346 8 ай бұрын
You can get what you want delivered to you location anytime, I get my pain medication from an online vendor that is run by a certified mycologist , I’m a war veteran and i got psychedelic mushroom for my ptsd and anxiety
@drinkwalter9346 8 ай бұрын
The telegram and Instagram handle below is the contact address
@drinkwalter9346 8 ай бұрын
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