You guys are painting a great picture, however the article you referenced is correct. They tried not to hurt the idea (it's a great project if properly administered) but you underplayed the core imperative of the legislation...the core is for these dollars to create "DIRECT & SUSTAINABLE OPPORTUNITIES" for the people(?) who likely are distressed/financially bereif. Your accolades for putting projects/programs that offer "RESIDUALS for those Souls are mis-informed and at best are mis-guided. None of the dollars spent stayed in the community or set in motion pathways to sustainable jobs or certifiable skills-sets. I believe the Invested Stakeholders have not paid enough attention to that imperative and are at risk of being suited to be ejected from the Deferral Portal and it's premier yields. Honesty, there is no reason for the Dems to kill OZs. At their best OZs are a positive -extraordinaire for middle-class taxpayers and communities. The industry must have the imagination to meet the goals of the legislation - 10yrs is a very long time to think that you can getaway with this much riches investing half-ass efforts. I love this program and I believe it's the best opportunity we have for a noteworthy success.