ኦራ ዳዊት ,የእናትህ ሞት በጣም ከባድ ነው እግዚአብሔር መፅናናትን ይስጥህ እሷንም ነብሷ በአፀደ ገነት ያኑርልን 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 ወደ ስራህ ተመልሰህ መምጣትህ ለብዙዎቻችን ትልቅ ደስታ ነው። I’m so happy to hear that you’re doing well ! Love you ❤❤❤ Keep up your amazing work !!
Congratulations for Davey new video clip 🔥🌟👐 The song contains chaos, enthusiasm and creativity. It is amazing, burning with excitement and splendor. I loved the work in terms of photography, direction, locations, and especially Davey’s voice. This musical work has a spirit of mastery, so I will say that the song succeeded and won, We hope that everyone will like it, will get the highest percentage of views exceeding one million you creative really Davey my regards from Libya 🇱🇾 and the Arab world🔥🔥🌟🌟👐🙏