Organic Transit ELF Review - $5.5k

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@ro0ky 9 жыл бұрын
I am an Elf owner, I purchased it last year in May of 2014. After driving it for a complete season without incident and never being flipped off by any motorist. More often than not people give the thumbs up and smile with curiosity when they pass. I use for commutes between my location and town (17 kms round trip). The route I use has a maximum speed limit of 60 kmh , I can clearly see anything coming to and from me. When I experience a situation where I may be a liability to road traffic I simply pull over and let vehicles pass however most are willing to wait and watch until they can pass safely. Over all I am very well pleased with this bike and recommend it to anyone looking for an alternate form of transportation. It helps our environment, health and is economic when you do the math.
@bonnieyuzapavik7002 6 жыл бұрын
Need to throw some water proof on those things, like doors, that lock & put a sIgn on the back that reads," E-BIKE, NOT A CAR." People are going to want to be able to use these things in summer or winter too, you know. Also, can criminals hack into your smart phone E-bike account and remotely drive off with yer E-bike? And if so, does it come with a tracking device, so you can find were it is, or where it went ?
@helgaluest2183 6 жыл бұрын
How do you lock it up? Also, do you have safety concerns when driving it?
@corywebb5537 6 жыл бұрын
If you don't mind me asking, how much do they run
@individualofuniverse9110 6 жыл бұрын
What is the price?
@peter130476 6 жыл бұрын
Is it as noisy as it seems to be in this video? How is it after 4 years?
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
Hi Agrotis, I can't reply to your comment for some reason so I'm writing it here. The ELF starts at ~$5,500 and goes up depending on the options, here's the rest of the details on the bike:
@tarstarkusz 10 жыл бұрын
Fifty five hundred dollars, therein lies the problem. This is why velomobiles don't sell well, they are just far too expensive.
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
tarstarkusz Quite a few normal electric bikes retail for North of $5K and even the ELF is selling well. I think velomobiles tend to sell less well than upright two wheel bikes because they are untraditional looking, harder to transport and somewhat harder to lock and store.
@AndrejGobec 10 жыл бұрын
tarstarkusz You must understand most cheap bikes are mass produced and assembled in china from budget materials but ALL recumbents and velomobiles are hand-made and tend to have mid to very high grade materials and equipment. That adds to cost. And you make a very deliberate choice when buying a bike or velomobile like that. Not because you need it but because you WANT it!
@tarstarkusz 10 жыл бұрын
Andrej Gobec Mass production is probably the key to get these down to a better price. I'm old enough to remember buying bicycles that were made in America (where I live) and though they were slightly more expensive, they weren't triple the price of cheaper bikes from Taiwan and other cheaper labor markets. If you can mass produce cars, you can certainly mass produce this vehicle and bring the price down under $1k
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
tarstarkusz I think you're right and prices will come down ad these companies become more established and reach new markets.
@merfwriter 6 жыл бұрын
That's so cool! I have mild Cerebral Palsy and I never learned how to ride a two weel bike. This is a cool alternative. With the three wheels it gives you the balance that some people with CP have trouble doing on a two wheel bike.
@popeyegordon 6 жыл бұрын
Yes, the ELF is marketed to autistic, legally blind and wheelchair bound users as well.
@YourMajesty143 4 жыл бұрын
@@popeyegordon - Thank you for commenting this. I'm legally blind and this fits my needs. I'm glad it's specifically marketed in that way, this explains why it ticked most of boxes on my list.
@popeyegordon 4 жыл бұрын
@@YourMajesty143 Glad to steer you in the right direction, but bad news, the factory is presently shut down so you only have the 1000 used ELFs to check for used sales. There are several sites that list it but one of the better ones is You should also check out the competing vehicle called the PEBL. Watch KZbin videos about it.
@YourMajesty143 4 жыл бұрын
@@popeyegordon - Oh that's too bad, I guess I can check out if those are available or if there's something similar like the one you just mentioned. Thanks for the heads up 👍
@extendedp1 10 жыл бұрын
Good review, I was impressed you shot video from outside the bike while driving.
@kevinkirk7187 8 жыл бұрын
Not sure when this video was posted, but here's a user review from early 2017. Purchased my ELF in the middle of December and have put about 600 miles on it in 10 weeks. As someone who has cycled to work as often as possible, this is much more than I would have put in on the bike. The shell and lights have made riding in the wet and dark a non-issue. I would probably have about 1/5 of that mileage if I was only using a commuter bike through this season (extraordinarily warm Feb not withstanding). The lack of doors and floor are not a problem. Have never gotten wet, and even on mornings in the low 20s I'm not cold. I suspect the opposite will be a problem as the temps rise - it may be difficult to remain cool enough without any wind to cool me. While I am happy with my vehicle and plan to ride it into dust, I'm not happy with the company and I would urge any potential buyer to do lots of homework before making a decision. I began to have questions about OT when they wanted to charge me for shipping, even though I was picking it up myself at the company. Much of the information on the website is overstated (imagine: a marketing tool that's not truthful. The horror.). For instance, it says on the front page "up to 48 miles without pedaling." This is just plain wrong. I rode the ELF back to my office that day, a distance of about 12 miles. When I left for the day, the battery didn't even make it out of the parking lot before it died. And let me tell you, unless you are going only downhill, the battery is absolutely essential for travel. As a strong cyclist, I had my hardest workout since climbing Mt. Mitchell getting that thing home. When I called the next day to see if there might be something wrong with the charge, they asked me how far I'd traveled. When I said 10-12 miles, their reply was "that's about right." Now, true 12 miles is "up to" 48, but when I pointed out that was the information on their site they claimed I was wrong. (I wasn't - it's still there). They also suggested I needed to pedal (which I'd done continuously) especially when starting from a cold stop (which is nigh impossible). So they were essentially blaming me. They recommended that I use the larger 15ah battery, but have yet to make one available to me. My requests for tips on maintenance have gone unanswered (currently it's been 3+ weeks since I asked something about the brakes - the brakes! - without a reply), as has a request for a copy of the warranty. Like a lot of tech companies, they would just as soon never have to talk to an actual person. Another misstatement would be the price. These videos suggest $5K, but you will be hard pressed to get away for less than 9K. Everything, including color, comes with a price tag. So if you are going to get one, here are a couple of tips. First, get the Schwalbe tires. You want heavy duty tires, because you do NOT want a flat. It will take you most of the day to fix one the first time, maybe longer if it's the back wheel (there are FOUR youtube videos to explain how to remove it). And put Slime in the tires for extra protection. Second, do not get the wheel covers. They are as expensive as the tires and only make it more difficult to deal with the wheels (like inflating them or trying to lock them). Third, spring for the CycleAnalyst. It's very helpful to know exactly how far I've gone and how much battery is left. Fourth, I've enjoyed the variable transmission, but I suspect that if you're trying to save a little on the price, this is an option to be skipped. You can vary the effort with the throttle instead of the gearing. And last, get the larger battery. Although, since those are just a myth at this point, spring for a second one if you are planning on travelling any distance at all - especially if you won't have a full day (and full sun) for the solar cells to recharge it. So, bottom line, would I get one again? I'd say yes, but if there were other similar vehicles out there, I'd give them a long look. And if I read reviews that the customer service of those other companies was stellar, it would be a deciding factor for me.
@popeyegordon 7 жыл бұрын
Kevin - the 48 mile figure is with two batteries. One battery is good enough for most because we pedal and get solar charging as we go. There was a problem with their battery supplier for a while but that is now over and they have 16AH batteries. The price was from 3 years ago, it is now $8,450. They were losing money. Tire repair is NO DIFFERENT AND GENERALLY EASIER with the ELF than with a two wheeled bike since it stays upright. The number of instructional videos for tire repair is irrelevant. I have not yet had a flat in 29 months of daily use but I did rotate my front tires which was easy, just place little blocks under the frame. I use no flat proof gimmicks. I like my wheel covers, they look futuristic and high tech and they increase the side visibility view of this vehicle but of course they are optional. Look, your warranty will eventually expire and you sound like someone who will need an expert ebike mechanic so just find the closest shop that is willing to work on this, most are thrilled at the chance to touch an ELF. The only challenge is finding a shop with double entrance doors so it will fit indoors. The sooner you connect with a local shop the better.
@BurtonHohman 6 жыл бұрын
Any idea how it compares to the Pebl?
@jclar3565 6 жыл бұрын
Very thorough truthful and excellent commentary in my opinion as an elf owner.
@popeyegordon 6 жыл бұрын
@@BurtonHohman There are fans of that copycat vehicle despite its 205 pound curb weight which takes the joy out of pedaling and limits hill climbing ability. OT offers a full one year warranty, the PEBL offers none. PEBL is more fully enclosed so it is better for cold climates, the ELF is great for me here in Florida, I'm in my 5th car-free year.
@popeyegordon 6 жыл бұрын
@@jclar3565 You are in an extreme minority. 1000 ELF owners who are excited to be part of the paradigm shift away from personal car abuse are happy with their ELFs and understand they need maintenance. The newer the ELF model is, the less maintenance they need. 500 engineering improvements in the last 6 years. There will always be a whiner and a sour grapes complaint with any product.
@lawnvett 10 жыл бұрын
I test drove an Elf a few weeks ago, and I loved it. We are selling a 1972 Porsche then buying an Elf to use around Winston-Salem, NC as a city car.
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
That sounds amazing! Good trade in my opinion... I love Porsche (maybe you've seen the eRuf concept? but there's something so practical and cool about the solar powered ELF, especially for going around town. I guarantee people will say hi more frequently and you'll get the kind of fresh air and exposure that traditional transports just can't offer. Feel free to share your experiences and pictures in the Organic Transit Forums here: I'd love to hear about it!
@FrustratedBaboon 10 жыл бұрын
Now that is something to wow at. Bravo for posting this video. Very inspiring. Great job.
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks! It was a long road trip to visit these guys but totally worth it, glad you enjoyed the video :D
@eggtricycle3410 10 жыл бұрын
Electric Bike Review Great job on this video. I have found your message.(very late) Hope,one day you will do the same good job on my Egg tricycle.Thanks for interest. Recently I am building upgraded version of the EGG -alloy,improved design-better ergonomics and practicality , hub motorization, integrated cargo box and no tilting. It will be hopefully available early next year. Sure, I will let you know details when it will be ready. I am based in Slovakia =quite far,but lets see how far it will go...
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
Egg Tricycle Sounds like a very cool design! Will you be at Interbike this year? I skipped Eurobike but may go next year. Good luck with your project and thanks for sharing :)
@patrickmckowen2999 10 жыл бұрын
I keep coming back and looking at this unit -- I find them to be very intriguing. Looks like they are petering out as the media from Organic does not seem to be growing very fast and looks like a standstill for 4 months. These guys have a great product a bad price point, IMHO. They need to start getting them mass produced and get the price down. Pretty soon someone else will see the product and make a copy of if for allot cheaper - and more then likely not as good of quality as the elf. I really hope Organic becomes very successful and they become main stream as we really need stuff like this to help the environment. Cheers, Patrick
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
Yeah, it's tough to say... The story I heard during my visit last time was that they're expanding, looking at new geographies, adding different models. That might be code for "we haven't found our customer" but I'm not sure. It's definitely inspiring and intriguing but the price is a touch high compared with products that could match or beat characteristics of the ELF. None combine them all... There's another velomobile product I'm going to check out in SoCal later this year. I think it goes for under $3K but lacks the solar panel. It's a company called Virtue Bikes and the model is the "Pedalist" you can see some footage of it in day 3-5 here
@peterwilliamson4296 6 жыл бұрын
This trike has clear advantages to conventional bikes, e bikes etc. I think it appeals to motorcyclists too because they are uncool in the rain. As for bypassing Big Oil...............priceless. A great form of transport for short trips commuting etc. Love to try one.
@BrettsCorner92 Жыл бұрын
Are these crash tested in case you were hit by a car
@ConstantXplorer 3 жыл бұрын
For those not able to have or drive a car ...these are awesome alternatives. Not to mention environmentally friendly.
@sweetgothfromhell 6 жыл бұрын
Number 1 environmentally gas no engine...
No floor in the ELF If u drop ur things though into the road and the car roll across and ur things then damage.
@elybaster 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting this review! It was super informative and contained so much great info that I hadn't seen before. I love seeing the innovation (shocks, rear seat, steering improvements etc.) since I'm still saving for one at least I know it will contain some of these new upgrades. It has lights and turn signals but does it have also brake lights? Please shoot another video in a couple months to show what the doors might look like and any other design changes we can look forward to.
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate the compliment! Yeah, the ELF is an awesome little electric bike/car thing and I'm also curious about the doors but may not get to see them. I had to drive from Colorado to North Carolina to do this review and have just been sleeping in my car and stuff... posting from libraries ;) It does have four red lights in the rear that are always on (not activated by the brake) as well as turn signals back there. I'll be posting more reviews soon of other bikes that are out here on the East Coast but nothing quite like Organic Transit has.
@pfos 10 жыл бұрын
Electric Bike Review Great post! Have you checked out FFR Trikes yet? They are in NC also. Not really the same useCase as Organics but they are quite the perfomer and a sign of things to come. They brought home 1st and 2nd place at Pike's Peak in 2012. watch?v=bS6JVhX0d8c
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
pfos I love those guys! Have reviewed several of their bikes but refer to them as "Outrider" instead of FFR
@pfos 10 жыл бұрын
cool, I'll check it out
@clnmyjts 10 жыл бұрын
a good idea would be a tinted windshield or windshield visor so when your riding into the sun
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
That's an EXCELLENT idea, thanks for sharing. I'll mention it to the Organic Transit team when we talk again. This is something that you can't really do with a normal bike (unless it has a wind fairing or something)
@popeyegordon 4 жыл бұрын
I used Gila heavy duty cling tint on my ELF. It is still good 3 years later in harsh Florida weather.
@glenswada 10 жыл бұрын
Very nice review of the trike. When I first saw it, I thought no way, but after your review I want one!
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
Ha! It's pretty crazy right... but also awesome. Glad you enjoyed the video ;)
@patrickmckowen2999 9 жыл бұрын
I have liked the ELF styling since first sight. Don't like the price but when you compare it to what is out there like the Rhoade's Car, definitely better bang for the buck with the ELF. Just watching this vid again to get ideas to build my bastardized version that will look more like the Rhoades with the plexi roof, noticed in this vid that you will might get sprayed by the wheels if you are out in the rain when turning, no biggy, just noticed it and thought I would point it out to others looking to get one. I figured that if you are paying to get something to keep you out of the elements it might be important! Cheers, Patrick
@Shindinru 7 жыл бұрын
The Rhoades Car is poorly engineered junk. If you can pick one up of craigslist for cheap ($200-$300) they are ok, but not worth the new price in the least. If you are looking for a Quadracycle either go with a Surrey, they have been selling them since the 70's, or order one from Quadarcycles LLC out of Tuscola, Illinois.
@patrickmckowen2999 7 жыл бұрын
Thx for the info - I am building my own from scratch - got delayed in the new build but currently riding my Recycled Recumbent design 2 wheeler that I converted to a 3wheeler using the rear end off a adult trike. Cheers, Patrick
@fixman88 7 жыл бұрын
+Shindinru I've never seen or rode on a Rhoades Car before but I did watch a video of one being built at their factory. I knew I should probably steer clear of them when the guy started installing the wheel bearings on the bike wheels...*with a claw hammer*. The quickest way to ruin bearings is to drive them into place with a hammer of any kind, much less one meant to drive *nails*. You use a bearing press for that and for that application a strictly mechanical one would work fine.
@DNesij 6 жыл бұрын
The fact that the price went from 4k (2013) to 10k is insane to me.
@Nichen 10 жыл бұрын
Cool dude didn't know you reviewed this! Totally awesome and it is actually a very practical solution :)
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it! I'm very impressed with the Organic Transit products, this new version of the ELF has suspension bumpers, the solar panel and an improved motor which is a great combination of the lower price and simplicity of a hub motor with the balance and durability of a mid-drive. Very cool.
@cresshead 8 жыл бұрын
has that retro VW feel color scheme to it, cool
@JaevoBlessin-b3s 3 ай бұрын
Seen one of these yesterday was instantly in love just had to find out more about it 😍😍😍
@ElectricBikeReview 2 ай бұрын
@kodakwhite4029 9 жыл бұрын
can you review on the Organic Transit ELF 2FR/2 SEATER pls pls!!!!!!
@kelvineldridge 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the review.
@dltffemtb1978 5 жыл бұрын
Id love too get one of these im sick of owning a car
@jezz2k 9 жыл бұрын
In the UK, we had something similar back in the 1980's called the Sinclair C5. Two wheels at the back, one at the front. Only available in white. It had both pedal and battery power (though not solar). The handle-bar was under the legs and it had no top. It was considered impractical and felt quite unsafe when buses and other large vehicles overtook. It was a flop and one of the failures that led to the downfall of a company that had previously introduced affordale 8-bit computers such as the highly successful Spectrum 48K and 128K home computers (comparable to the Commodore 64 but half the price).
@waltlars3687 10 жыл бұрын
Seems that driveing/rideing with the rear screen up is less aero drag in warm and dry weather seems like a good idea that brings up another point. When Your making a turn on a wet street do the front tires spray You?
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
Great question Walt, the fenders look pretty big so my guess is that you stay dry (there wasn't any water to test with on my ride). I wonder if the front slips at all? It felt solid and stable when I rode, even when I turned hard.
@HarryUnderwoodMedia 10 жыл бұрын
Dude, you sound like Joshua Seth (voice actor of Tai from Digimon, Tetsuo from Akira and Dio from Last Exile). And the bike looks like something which can become very popular as it gets cheaper. A solar vehicle for the masses. Great review! EDIT: Also, do you think the ELF could be used with the Bike RV project? The Bike RV Project by Alexander Main or the EDAR tent? CNN - Tents on wheels give homeless people roof and pride
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
Glad you like the bike! I agree that it's a bit pricy but love the solar panels and nice shell they built. It's funny you should mention the Bike RV Project, I've seen that video before and even donated a bit and wrote to that guy but never heard back. Maybe it's tough to get email when you're in a Bike RV :)
@scottm5425 4 жыл бұрын
What a great machine I'd love one
@anubhavsaksena 5 жыл бұрын
Sir, Thanks for the nice review. I would like see more such reviews of 3 wheeled electric vehicles with a body.
@popeyegordon 5 жыл бұрын
This is a 5 year old video. He won't see your message here. He has new reviews where he reads the comments. There are only two bikes in this class which have been in production.
@fredrik999z 8 жыл бұрын
How can that solar panel give 60 Watt? What I can see it is normal PV crystalline silicon panels giving maximum 20% energy output. In the standard size of 125 mm * 125 mm that would give maximum 3 Watt per square. So 15 * 3 = 45 Watt! Real output a sunny day would probably be around 30 Watt because of the round shape and not perfect conditions. If not using a MPPT controller probably down to 20 Watt. Just some calculations in my head..
@popeyegordon 5 жыл бұрын
The 21% energy conversion efficiency is included in the wattage rating. The 100 watt panel gets hit with 500 watts of solar radiation.
@Joe90V 9 жыл бұрын
Great to see you riding without a helmet on, looking Dutch!
@godofallbums 9 жыл бұрын
what the little people will be using when the oil runs out
@ElectricBikeReview 9 жыл бұрын
godofallbums Yeah, these things are pretty cool! I love the idea of just leaving it outside to charge :D
@jamesdemetro9123 6 жыл бұрын
Im 6ft.and thinking of sleeping in one of these..
@nebula7226 10 жыл бұрын
Very Nice. I like this bike but I am not sure I would like being "indoors" while riding as a personal choice. I think if you want to be enclosed this is the etrike. I do not like the noise. I would find a way to button down the items that are making noise. Not a bad price for what you get. I do like the position of the battery and I really like the way the motor is mounted with a gear and chain to help with the torque. I am willing to bet you could change the rear gear so a rider could go up just about anything. From this video I have two changes I am going to make to my etrike. Thanks for the report.
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
Awesome, I'm glad you've gotten some new ideas from this. The Organic Transit ELF is one my favorite bikes because of the unique design and solar panel integration. It's inspiring :D
@nebula7226 10 жыл бұрын Thanks Court. I really think the solar panel is awesome.
@TTTHC 9 жыл бұрын
Can the batteries be charged using a manual plug in cord?
@LandofNonecom 9 жыл бұрын
+ArielHelwany Yes.
@eggaweb9127 10 жыл бұрын
Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't it be more more aerodynamic backwards than forwards? Shouldn't the blunt end of the teardrop shape face forwards for maximum efficiency?
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
good point?! I'm not a physicist but it seems like you could be right. I think the design they chose here is based on having space for your feet and the steering hardware. It could probably work the other way too? At sub 20 mph speeds however, aerodynamics are less important and maybe they just thought it looked more like a little car this way :P
@CoquiAudio 9 жыл бұрын
that will e perfect for Puerto Rico streets :)
@ElectricBikeReview 9 жыл бұрын
+Juan Vargas Nice! It's an amazing little vehicle, hope we see these in small communities all across the world, I love the solar!
@npr-sgtrangerrickringlemin3207 8 жыл бұрын what's the tow package can I haul my travel trailer does any of the paddling charge the battery
@mikebtko 6 жыл бұрын
Saludos de Rincón Puerto Rico😝!
@KoroWerks 5 жыл бұрын
@@npr-sgtrangerrickringlemin3207 i know this is late, but in this model he specifies that the motor and your pedal drive train both freewheel. for regenerative braking or any other kind of charging, you need something to be turning the motor the other way, in addition to it being the right KIND of motor. it's got solar panels on top, so it recharges while you're at work or whatever, but there is no regen braking or pedal charging. if it did, there would be significantly increased rolling resistance and friction.
@craighawkins4133 4 жыл бұрын
It looks pretty good for Adelaide streets too.
@BikeTall 5 жыл бұрын
Cool. I am looking for an electric bike to travel around the country and promote green energy. Was thinking of getting an ebike & towing a trailer with a solar panel...but then I saw this and thought hmmm 🤔 Could be interesting! I am curious what the battery range is and how long it takes to charge via the sun. I don’t mind just using pure human pedal power, but I am curious. Especially on a tour of that thing was loaded down with gear.
@popeyegordon 5 жыл бұрын
You really need to check out the movie made by a Canadian who went 4000 miles to Key West in an ELF with one spare battery. He has a KZbin channel too, representing 'Sustainable Joes': Two other people have done 4000 mile journeys as well. Carrying camping gear or staying at VFWs. There are several hundred ELF videos you should consider reviewing for ideas. In the first year, no PEBL owners have done long journeys. You will figure out why, soon enough. Once you buy an ELF you can join our community with 3 groups on Facebook. Ask me where you can buy a used ELF.
@danstafford5977 5 жыл бұрын
that would be great for someone that had their driver's license revoked... it's also very economical no gas or oil or insurance!
@dehoedisc7247 4 жыл бұрын
It would also be a Death Trap if you tried to mix very closely with car and truck traffic, Jackass. It is generally assumed that a rider would want to Stay Alive in traffic, and this little pig is not suited for that.
@tinkerbell4296 4 жыл бұрын
@@dehoedisc7247 you're mean
Because U are drunk driver. That's why U are revoked . U can't drive any vehicles!!!! So U are not smart and an idiot!!!!!!!!!
@tinkerbell4296 4 жыл бұрын
@@YOUGETVIOLENCE you're evil and mean.
@@tinkerbell4296 U are not smart.. are u drunk ????
@RoyDurett 4 жыл бұрын
the biggest issue with these kind of vehicles is that a used motorcycle cost half as much. I bought a Vulcan 900 for $2,950 this electric trike is $5,500.
@popeyegordon 4 жыл бұрын
No, this trike has a list price of $8,950 and the competition sells the PEBL for $12,000 with no solar panel. No gasoline powered vehicle can be compared with bike prices. The ELF is emissions free, offers fun exercise and needs no driver license or insurance or tags. You are in the most dangerous group for severe injuries on motorcycles. Car drivers think nothing of taking on a perpetual annual cost of owning a car in the range of $3 to $5 thousand dollars every year, year after year. You all seem clueless that a car costs you at least $30,000 every ten years while the ELF only costs you $3000 to own for ten years, a savings of at least $27,000!!! In year 6 without a car my ELF has already saved me $16,000, more than twice my purchase price in 2015. And you ignored the fact that cars and motorcycles are a proven double risk - you get no exercise and their pollution injures all humans and the biome. Buying the ELF was the smartest thing I ever did. And of course we are still free to rent a car or motorcycle if needed but you will discover you don't need one when you live sustainably and responsibly. My car was stealing resources from future generations. I put a stop to my theft. The ELF has $3000 worth of high performance parts, why should they sell it below cost?
@GiannisNeveskiotis 10 жыл бұрын
wow! how does it cost?
@camaronruss9476 4 жыл бұрын
Around 10,000 much cheaper than a car!
@transparentbeauty2816 10 жыл бұрын
I love, love, love this bike! I'd love to see if they'd put a bench in the back for small kiddos. Wouldn't that be an awesome vehicle for a family?!!
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
That's a great idea! Organic Transit recently introduced a two-seater version just like you're imagining here. Check out this article on Treehugger:
@JoeGP 10 жыл бұрын
in city centers where cars are banned (there are plenty of those in Europe) these could be huge business and the fact that it charges while you work is freaking awesome. I was expecting some actual shock absorbers but i guess those are better than nothing. By the way how far are these models from the production version ? Also why not have 4 wheels ? i mean 300 pounds + half the bikes weight + the rider is a lot of strain a single bicycle tire, is it just because it's easier to make the drive system this way ? And another thing, when you get a puncture you tip it over ?
@Everdayvideos 10 жыл бұрын
In the US if it had 4 wheels it would considered a car and you would need a license and insurance
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
Yeah, the suspension bumpers were kind of basic but this design keeps the weight and price down. These are very close to production but still kind of pieced together (the one had a rear seat and the other one had the unique paint job). To fix flats you might have to use a small jack or prop the bike up and take the wheel off. I would recommend keeping it right side up to avoid scratching the frame. I asked about maintenance and they said it uses standard bike parts and most shops could help... but it's kind of big, I think it's probably more work to service than a traditional bike.
@JoeGP 10 жыл бұрын
Everdayvideos good point i guess, but over here (in East Europe) we already have small cars that don't need a license or insurance, because they are very small, about the size of the ELF if not smaller, they also have small 300-400cc engines and a limited top speed, stuff like this
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
Joe G.P. That's cool, I forget that you're in East Europe and not US! In the future maybe we will also see smaller cars like this. We have the Car2Go that uses the Smart car like this
@JoeGP 10 жыл бұрын
Americans are way to used to big cars, it will never catch on, maybe only in big city centers
@tjejojyj 7 жыл бұрын
Good video. There's no mud guard on the inside of the front wheels. Won't the driver get covered in spray when cornering on a wet or muddy road?
@popeyegordon 7 жыл бұрын
Not a problem for most of us but you can add a simple flap if that is a concern. In any case you won't get "covered". A really tiny percentage of the time you are moving is spend in sharp turns in wet. Most turns are not sharp.
@CB-RADIO-UK 9 жыл бұрын
What a great product.
@snowbird29803 10 жыл бұрын
Fascinating prospect for niche transportation needs of some. Q: 1. Is there any work being done to shave the price of these or produce a version that would be more attractive to more budget conscious adopters? 2. When does an electric bike become motor vehicle status? 3. Does a user need to be a bike mechanic; are designers even considering that many prospects don't want to be constantly tinkering with their ELF in order to keep it on the road? For this concept to flourish, it needs to be low maintenance and reliable, and cheap. At $5.5K and up, many seeking alternative transportation will opt for more traditional vehicles. At this price, they would be a hard sell vs. a Twizy (where available), or a conventional bike, moped, LSV/NEV/golf cart, etc.
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
1.) Great question about price, I think the ELF is selling very well at the current ~$5K mark and they are expanding the variety of models right now. I'm not aware of a more affordable version in the works at this time. 2.) In the USA an ebike is classified as a bicycle if it has a motor that is
@SuperHotBM 10 жыл бұрын
I can see many bent wheels, brakes wearing out and the back wheel will need to change the tire often.
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
Good insights... I think the added weight of this bike at ~150 pounds will use up brake pads more quickly and agree that the rear tire will take more wear given the motor drive placement. The wheels seem very solid and they offer different tire options so bent rims shouldn't be a huge issue. These things can carry a lot of weight and have been in use by the Durham bike trail police which seems to be working out alright.
@SuperHotBM 10 жыл бұрын
Electric Bike Review Can you do a review of the EnergyReturnWheel. I think it would be the best fit for the elf. Also do you know about blacklightpower.. replacements for battery technology.
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
superhotbm I'd love to review the Energy Return Wheel (ERW) but have never seen one in person. They are so expensive right now but I love the idea of no flats. Will keep an eye out for that and the Black Light Power thing (looks like hydrogen power or something? Have you seen it before?)
@SuperHotBM 10 жыл бұрын
Electric Bike Review I think a better design for this would be a huge disc brake on the back. Have you also looked at the auroratek self charging scooter. I think the ERW is the future of electric bicycles. One of the big problems is flats, bent rim from the heaviness of the batteries and the motor. Electric bikes are in constant repair.
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
superhotbm Yeah, a disc brake on the rear wheel makes a lot of sense, right now there are two chains there (one for pedaling and one on the other side connected to the motor mounted at the middle of the frame) so maybe that limited their ability to attach a disc? I've contacted Energy Return Wheel because they have an office in Denver very close to where I'm at right now but they don't want to do a demo for some reason...
@phil6853 10 жыл бұрын
I wonder if/when these things would be available outside the US. This is exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for.
@gregorytaylor4464 9 жыл бұрын
you're awesome thanks for the info.
@geraldoalves1490 3 жыл бұрын
Quando ,custa no BRASIL?
@LaughterOnWater 10 жыл бұрын
Since there are two wheels up front, I wonder if it might be worth exploring front cargo wells. I suspect the trike would be less likely to tip during an emergency swerve when laden.
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
Great idea, I've seen a running board side rack thing that goes along the inside walls and a front dash board thing that might come close. Keeping weight low and towards the front where it's stable is a good call. You can see the features here under "front parcel rack" and "bamboo cargo shelves"
@Beatles5 7 жыл бұрын
Made in USA - a great bicycle! /Sweden
@federicabarelli9259 4 жыл бұрын
Hello guys! I'm fallen in love with the Elf. Just a question: I live in a city where thieves steal everything! How can I protect Elf from burglers?
@popeyegordon 4 жыл бұрын
All bike security measures apply and the motor key removes. This is a huge 160 pound bike. Kids can't hide it in the bushes and it won't fit in a standard van. But it does sound like you need to move to retain your own human dignity.
@tammiyoung1065 6 жыл бұрын
I want one of these
@FASSY524 10 жыл бұрын
I am going to buy one of these soon!
@Observerx10 10 жыл бұрын
I predict a huge market for these superb little grocery getters!
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I really love this thing. It's amazing to see in person and realize just what's being accomplished combining solar, electric drive and cargo capacity.
@MarsterKanobi 9 жыл бұрын
great bike. but I have a question I cant se in the video ore other asking... ? Have do you lock the Bick if you want to leave it some place, so it want be stolen?
@marthajbanks2024 9 жыл бұрын
MarsterKanobi If it were stolen, they wouldn't have the key, so couldn't use the motor. But I've got a good u-lock and a motion-sensing alarm that should be additional deterrent. Plus they're so rare a thief couldn't do much with one. I'm also adding stickers to personalize it..
@AluminumBird 9 жыл бұрын
@popeyegordon 7 жыл бұрын
I called Court to ask him to consider making an updated review since this one is three years old and many improvements are now standard in the 2017 ELF. He is interested but has to work it into his schedule as he travels the US making these videos. He's on a shoestring budget, lives in his Prius while traveling. Maybe we can see a head to head review of the latest ELF vs. the new PEBL in production now.
@jean-pierredevent970 8 жыл бұрын
thieves will find it irresistable because it's light enough to lift it into their car while you are inside for only some minutes. I think that the replacement of the car by the 'improved bike' needs a advanced theft protection.
@Grizzydan 7 жыл бұрын
A GPS location chip welded inside the frame.. I prefer to put criminals behind bars instead of worrying about them.
@jclar3565 7 жыл бұрын
People need to stop putting up with living with crime.
@Grizzydan 7 жыл бұрын
You must live alone a thousand miles from anywhere if you aren't living near crime.
@popeyegordon 5 жыл бұрын
@@Grizzydan No. Most of us don't live in crackhead neighborhoods.
@jonmarshall1502 8 жыл бұрын
What happens if your feet slipped off the pedals while using the motor? I think you might snap an ankle or lose some skin. It needs a lightweight tray under the feet, otherwise cool looking
@popeyegordon 7 жыл бұрын
There is no issue with feet off the pedals unless you place your feet down on the pavement with pressure that could create enough friction to drag your ankles back under the vehicle. If this frightens you buy pedals with straps or clips. I got the optional full foot platform pedals with heel cups, so very comfortable even barefoot. A full floor is not practical due to the small clearance to the road bed and we need the ventilation.
@heavyhittersgaming3759 10 жыл бұрын
I want one, cant afford it but still want
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
Me too, I love that it has that solar panel on top and is so self contained. When I think about actual use and storage it's a little daunting but the idea is great :)
@heavyhittersgaming3759 10 жыл бұрын
Electric Bike Review Im pretty handy and can build most anything. Its giving me some
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
Too Country BBQ Did you see this video? I got some behind the scenes footage with the founder of Organic Transit and it shows how the frames are setup and the unique middle mounted hub motor Organic Transit Tour, ELF Overview With Founder Rob Cotter
@heavyhittersgaming3759 10 жыл бұрын
Electric Bike Review Yes I saw that, Just wonderful, I may have to design something for myself....Not a rip off but its inspired me...
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
Too Country BBQ Cool, if you do create a custom design definitely take some video and share!
@daniele_go 10 жыл бұрын
excellent review, thanks!!!!
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks Daniele! Glad you enjoyed it :)
@fabrizioolmeda1747 9 жыл бұрын
Simpatico ed anche pratico
@loungelizard836 9 жыл бұрын
Unfortunate that they can't get the price down. You can almost buy a used Leaf for that cost, but then... you have to have license and insurance, registration. Maybe with higher production they can bring down the price. I saw lots of this sort of thing, looking somewhat home-made, in Beijing. I guarantee those would be VERY inexpensive.
@cook7772 9 жыл бұрын
It's a bike, you need non of those things.
@loungelizard836 9 жыл бұрын
cook7772 Yeah, that's what I meant to say... the advantage is that it's classified as a bicycle, so you don't pay all that extra stuff. What we need is a low-cost option, like the pedicabs and such you see all over Asia.
@cook7772 9 жыл бұрын
+J Bishop I travel at 15-20mph I just don't see the point. I don't gain enough speed to make it worth it. If you give up your car, you can add up price of gas and Insurance for the year. For a decent electric bike start at what? $2,000?
@loungelizard836 9 жыл бұрын
cook7772 I've got a PHEV now, since I need a car (in our area mass transit sucks and almost nothing is walking distance), so my cost of fuel is, well, nearly nothing. Insurance is about $200/yr (PL/PD only) and registration is... I'm not sure what I paid. Probably $200 or so. I can put lots of stuff (like 4 people) in the car and go 60mph. I'm not willing to spend $5,000 on a bicycle... but I would definitely buy and use something like this if it was reasonably priced for the covered moped that it is.
@cook7772 9 жыл бұрын
+J Bishop How's your cost of fuel almost nothing??? I'd honestly be surprised if you commute spots where more then 10 miles. (Except work) Most car speed's avg dies with traffic lights btw. Doesn't sound like it saves you money, so I would agree with you on what's point of it.
@thornycroftegies2152 9 жыл бұрын
hello there i want to know if solar panel can keep charging the battery while running. and which company make they are
@amstudio56 9 жыл бұрын
how the hek India build a car that you can buy for $2,000 (nano car) but Americans build a bike car for $5000. I just don't get it why it's so freaking expensive.
@ElectricBikeReview 9 жыл бұрын
***** I'm not completely sure Alicia but it might have to do with volume of sales (many more buyers of small cars in India than ebikes in the US) and also regulations and taxes in the US. Our products have to be UL certified, companies have to carry insurance and there are import duties vs. India where laws are less restrictive and manufacturing is done locally for a much lower cost (US has minimum wage). It's a complex topic but I think these are some valid points. On the flip side, some things are very affordable in the US compared to other countries such as food, water and energy.
@marthajbanks2024 9 жыл бұрын
***** The nano car needs gas, insurance, etc. The ELF doesn't, so in the long run it's more efficient. And I understand the nano car isn't very safe. I wouldn't take one of they paid me.
@patrickmckowen2999 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Alicia - its all about profit margin over here in North America - you cant stay in business if you dont make a certain amount of money so you can than afford the over priced housing and fancy cars which I will admit I have a big house and good car. Not sure how we fix this An example on price mark up is on the upgrade Mag aluminum wheels - I got those same rims for 64$ for a 20" and 70$ for a 24" - 30 dolars shipping so 234$ is getting marked up to $1000. Another example are the solar panel - I got them for $100 - $550 from them. That is a huge profit margin - can you imagine everything else on there that has to be marked up and you can be sure these people get better pricing then I did because they in bulk. I aint beating the war drums on OrgTran and their products - everyone over here is the same way. When you go out there and price Electric bike this or that - OT pricing on par to what else is out there. This is one reason I am building my own - wont look as fancy but it will get the job done. Green is good now and it is not the environment green - it is the dollar green. Best Wishes, Patrick
@popeyegordon 7 жыл бұрын
Patrick - YOU don't get a warranty. YOU deal with any dimensional incompatibility issues when mounting the wheels to the disc brakes and axle. YOU did not have to research and test the wheels for reliability. What dealer offers upgrades at cost? Name one.
@popeyegordon 7 жыл бұрын
Patrick - you did not get a comparable solar panel for $100. Either you lied or you got a cheaper version. They average $180 plus shipping of the crate on Amazon. The panels are shipped in custom wooden crates, I know because I got one that way. Again, what vehicle dealer sells replacement parts at cost? Is there a free warehouse for them to store the panels in? Do they get free financing for the funds to stock those panels? Any home made imitation will not come remotely close to the performance of a product designed by a team of engineers and assembled with half a million dollars worth of specialized custom tooling. You are a childish braggart pissing in the wind.
@mainHERO88 9 жыл бұрын
I wonder if lining the inside of it with some of that sound reducing foam that you see in music recording studios would reduce the rattling noise? Not coating the entire inside but just putting strips of it here and there ya know?
@MintMacelodeon 9 жыл бұрын
this thing in traffic, would be a nightmare.
@ElectricBikeReview 9 жыл бұрын
mace FTL Haha! Awesome visual...
@ElectricBikeReview 9 жыл бұрын
mace FTL Though... You might just be able to cut between cars and pass everyone who is standing still in heavy traffic :D
@MintMacelodeon 9 жыл бұрын lol!
@chapman1569 6 жыл бұрын
Going downhill makes me think of the soapbox races. The ELF is a neat transport option. I wonder what is the reaction from car drivers on the road to it ; do they leave enough clearance for the ELF? Are they allowed on the bike paths? I find the cabin a bit noisy, as you explained you had left the rear flap unsecured and it rattled . I think they could isolate the different parts that vibrate with something and make the cabin noise less noticeable. I find the signal lights too small, they could be larger sort of like butterfly who make themselves appear bigger . I would use the cabin pillards as signal lights.
@popeyegordon 6 жыл бұрын
Cars treat us very well, more respect than bikes get. ELF is legal on almost all bike paths unless they ban ebikes. You absolutely can not judge interior noise in a cheap KZbin video, don't even think about it. If Court had to yell loudly to narrate that would be different. What about that constant loud roar of wind past your ears on any bike going more then 12 mph? Doesn't happen in the ELF with windshield. The LED lights are correctly sized, they are very bright and exceed DOT specifications.
@popeyegordon 6 жыл бұрын
The demo unit has the 2 inch tires, most owners take the 3 inch tire option for a softer ride. The old demo unit does not have the elastomeric front suspension. Over 300 upgrades have become standard since this video was recorded.
@MS-pt3yh 3 жыл бұрын
A suggestion for improving this version. The wheels need a rain cover on the inside of the driver's cab. Didn't you think of it? I think it's best if the rain cover is hung on the bike itself instead of integrating it into the cabin.
@popeyegordon 3 жыл бұрын
Not really needed. A few of us have added a small panel to extend the fenders inwards in the area near our knees/thighs but there is no spray when going stright, only when turning over a deep puddle. Mostly avoidable.
@swapnilyeutkar3148 8 жыл бұрын
can you tell me more about transparent material that you used in this Trike
@Noetik5000 4 жыл бұрын
In love with this ebike I need one soon. I want to take it on a cross country trip. You think that would be possible?
@popeyegordon 4 жыл бұрын
Three ELF owners have completed 4000 mile journeys in an ELF. One wrote a book about it, one made a movie about it that you can watch on KZbin, one is still going. They carry one extra battery and a charger. Solar helps a lot.
@Noetik5000 4 жыл бұрын
@@popeyegordon any links or names I can search?
@popeyegordon 4 жыл бұрын
@@Noetik5000 Type various key words in your search window. Organic Transit ELF, solar powered trike, PEBL. Or go to this trailer for the movie:
@theresapetekiewicz1788 6 жыл бұрын
Is it get it in fat tires? What is the battery voltage?
@billboyd4051 6 жыл бұрын
I live in America, do they make one with bulletproof glass?
@SamoreIntuitiveChats 9 жыл бұрын
Pretty cool. Gotta try one , one day
@jeanlabrek8454 10 жыл бұрын
Clever and interesting video, and what kind of camera and who held it.
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
Jean Labrek Hi Jean, I held the video (Court Rye) and I'm the one who does :) I'm not sure which camera I used... maybe a GoPro 3+ in combination with my smart phone? My new cameras are GoPro 4 and I use a motorized 3 axis gimbal to reduce the motion vibration stuff.
@jeanlabrek8454 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the info.
@SolarizeYourLife 9 жыл бұрын
Any winter riding? Not winter storms...
@ElectricBikeReview 9 жыл бұрын
+SolarizeYourLife Sure, I've ridden ebikes in the snow before and they work pretty well, even rain and wet conditions... just clean them off and store the batteries in cool/dry vs. freezing cold or super hot to make them last. Here's one test I did in the snow with a fat ebike: scroll down for the video ;)
@evcman4383 6 жыл бұрын
I own 3 ebikes, and with the rise of these types of vehicles, we really need an infrastructure of bike lanes and paths to really help them to take off in popularity.
@davidlane1248 3 жыл бұрын
I think price is the biggest barrier to entry before infrastructure. These hybrid velo-etrikes are already road friendly, after all(barring interstates) I understand completely why these things are so pricey, but it doesn't change the fact that you can literally buy a car for what OT was asking. Expensive recumbents get away with the pricing because they're a niche hobby product, but the Elf was trying to be a practical machine and the price just didn't match what was being offered I still plan on getting one of these used one day, regardless lol
@rightfulfuture4 10 жыл бұрын
Unit can it go on highways depending on whieght and stamina
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
Hi Mitchell! I think that really depends on the highway as some are large, others are very small and there are different minimum speed limits. The ELF can reach a top speed of 20 mph under electric power and possibly higher if you pedal very hard but likely no more than 30 miles per hour. This low speed might not be appropriate for highway roads but possibly a bike lane on the side of a highway could work and you might have good luck using frontage roads or side streets if those exist. The road systems vary from state to state and across different countries so it's hard to say for sure. Here's an interesting article that might help, just think of the ELF as a bike: look at step 3 specifically.
@EdHotchkin 4 жыл бұрын
How long will it be before we can start seeing these replacing all cars in urban traffic......forgive my impatience.
@ka8gov 10 жыл бұрын
I was wondering if you had a big duffle bag with your things in it for a long bike ride lets say to the indy 500 from Dayton ohio will the bag fit in cargo space also I can picture some nice ham radio in car plus a mobile antenna for out side
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure whether it would fit or not but there is quite a bit of space in the rear. This might be easier with a couple of small duffle bags to even out the weight, one could be put in back and one up front. Here are some close up photos that might help you estimate
@ka8gov 10 жыл бұрын
that would be neat if I was the first person to have one in Dayton ohio I have not seen one yet on bike trails or on street yet in Dayton
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
cliff stumpff Yeah, I'm sure a lot of people would be interested. These are cool machines :)
@VideoMusicManiacPlace 10 жыл бұрын
Cliff, if you live in Dayton, as do I. I think this summer you will see me tooling around on one! I'd go no a Indy 500 trek with ya.
@MissMeganBeckett 7 жыл бұрын
Hi ElectricBikeReview. I would like to see a review of the Pebl it is supposed to be similar to the ELF but for cold climates.
@popeyegordon 7 жыл бұрын
PEBL has just started production on their new assembly line. No models to review yet but you can bet that Court will be on it.
@popeyegordon 5 жыл бұрын
Udate - oops, EBR now charges a fee for reviews. The PEBL turned out to be too heavy and slow.
@lalbtubebtube4393 8 жыл бұрын
awesome job man !!!
@Tmorans 2 жыл бұрын
I really love how it sounds like it’s rattling into a million pieces.
@rlemoyne007 10 жыл бұрын
Depending on where you live, there are width restrictions on bike path. They would not be allowed in Montreal, Canada.
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
Interesting... thanks for the input. I wonder how the ELF is used in real life, like do most people ride them in the street or around neighborhoods? I'm just curious, the design is awesome but yeah, on a path it would stand out (whether it was allowed or not).
@donnamason8643 6 жыл бұрын
Awesome !!!DEALER in lubbock texas?
@metaphoricaltactics5543 3 жыл бұрын
Interesting. There was no mention though, on how fast this actually goes or the range before you actually have to recharge it.
@popeyegordon 3 жыл бұрын
There are dozens more videos about the ELF. It conforms to US federal e-bike laws, meaning it is limited to 20 mph under power. In daytime the battery is constantly charging from the 100 watt solar panel which is a good match for the battery. The battery is good for 25 miles without pedaling or sunshine but the advantage of this design is that we can get that vital daily exercise while running errands, inside a shell that offers collision protection. Three owners have gone on 4000 mile+ journeys in the ELF, carrying one extra battery. It comes with an AC charger if you need it.
@EdHotchkin 4 жыл бұрын
What kind of battery......lead acid?
@gustavvson 6 жыл бұрын
How much do the optional doors cost and also how much does it cost to ship to Ontario Canada?
@popeyegordon 6 жыл бұрын
The doors northern owners like, including Canadians, are actually clear vinyl curtains with a zipper in the middle. They can roll up. They are sold by an after market supplier who is also an ELF enthusiast, I recall it is about 200 USD.
@popeyegordon 6 жыл бұрын
Shipping and duty will be at least a grand unless you pick it up yourself.
@JimmyTurboMods 9 жыл бұрын
Are these kind of vehicles road legal in the UK? Do they require tax, MOT and insurance? Do you need a licence to drive them? Would be interested to build something like this but with 2 seats.
@diegotrigueromochales1537 6 жыл бұрын
me gustaria saber si este vehiculo esta homologado para circular por España y como esta la venta y distribución en este país
@OpenGeeklanthropy 10 жыл бұрын
any family bikes, 4 seater preferred electric or not electric ?
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
Hi Lodwin, several models come to mind. The first is a sort of cargo bike that has been customized to haul children in a safe and comfortable area at the front (it's called the Urban Arrow Family) and a couple of others include the Yuba elMundo and the Xtracycle Edgerunner which are both more traditional extended frame bikes with benches towards the rear and I'm not sure any of these are ideal for four passengers but you could always pull a trailer behind the bike for more space depending on the passengers. I hope this helps!
@OpenGeeklanthropy 10 жыл бұрын
Electric Bike Review ty....very helpful indeed, and i'll keep coming back to your channel just in case you find more family 4 passenger casual bikes
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
Lodwin Cueto Sure thing Lodwin, I just reviewed a new Xtracycle cargo bike with the Bosch drive system and saw four adults riding on it successfully! Pretty amazing setup. The review will be coming soon.
@theresapetekiewicz1788 6 жыл бұрын
I would like to know how many miles do you get on one full charge?
@loriekosterman536 8 жыл бұрын
With one rear wheel, do they tip easily?
@inspectyerbooty 10 жыл бұрын
"the back is a little noisy"..... LOLOLOLOLOLOL TRY CLOSING AND LOCKING THE HATCH!!! love your video , thanks .. P.S.... i would make some snap on screen doors just like front radiator covers for cars with "bug-bras" or winter radiator covers for gas vehicles
@ElectricBikeReview 10 жыл бұрын
Great idea about the snap or zip on doors, could keep the rain out and make it slightly more aerodynamic. I agree these things ride a bit noisier, glad you enjoyed the video.
@Shindinru 7 жыл бұрын
April 2017 up date - Base price on the ELF is now $8,495 for either the Solo or 2FR. The two tone paint option takes it up to $9,399.95
@popeyegordon 7 жыл бұрын
I predict this is a phase-in tactic for release of ELF version 2.0 which is expected to have rear suspension, regenerative braking and reverse gear plus more. Since there is an approx. 2 month backlog the orders taken now may be getting the upgraded model. I look forward to side by side rubber meeting the road performance testing of ELF vs. PEBL. Acceleration, hill climbing, load carrying, braking, battery range and lighting safety measurements. And the results of two 4000 mile long PEBL trips comparable to what that Canadian and a 74 year old German woman did with their ELFs. Collision testing is very expensive for companies this small and not required.
@popeyegordon 5 жыл бұрын
Note he arbitrarily added the nice but rarely chosen two tone paint upgrade. Better to invest in the wide tire option and the computer.
@Channel-oo2jh 6 жыл бұрын
i wonder how long it will be before they start racing these ? love to see a sport version the wheels angled for corners more sleek on an oval track .or maybe someone can figure out a trick or two on it . either way really cool idea as is
@popeyegordon 6 жыл бұрын
The ELF wheels ARE angled for corners, it is called the tadpole design. The ELF is the heavy SUV of velomobiles with cargo and passenger space. This would be like racing panel trucks or tractors, makes no sense. And there is a strict 20 MPH limiter to keep the vehicle legal on roads.
@Dldmny 4 жыл бұрын
Cool little buggy! I've been a life-long cyclist, are these things available in the US?
@popeyegordon 4 жыл бұрын
Made in the USA. There are two businesses making these. Over 100 videos can get you up to speed.
@opticalriot 9 жыл бұрын
i could have used one of those when i was a teen... crowing up with seizures, my only way to get around was a bike.. ty showing up to a Funeral Home type job dripping wet...
@kntwing23 4 жыл бұрын
can i buy 1 in big apple? i dont know how to ride a bike this good for me? all i need is doors? if u step outside the super market someone might steal your ride. do i need a driver linsnce ?
@popeyegordon 4 жыл бұрын
There are ELF pedicabs in NYC. You don't need to balance the 3 wheel ELF. All bike security measures apply and the motor key removes. This is a huge 160 pound bike. Kids can't hide it in the bushes and it won't fit in a standard van. Doors are available but they make it too hot. We need maximum ventilation while exercising in this small space. This is designed to conform to ebike laws so no license is required.
@dimitristripakis7364 3 жыл бұрын
Can I ask something: if they put this in Kickstarter, what did they offer in return ? Price discount ?
@popeyegordon 3 жыл бұрын
Yes. $4000 was a deal that lost the company money. Kickstarter worked out beyond all expectations for numbers and orders.
@PurwantoGepeng 8 жыл бұрын
Is this vehicle has been marketed to Indonesia? how if I want to buy it? and at what price? thanks.
@popeyegordon 7 жыл бұрын
Contact they ship world wide.
@tratymorg 7 жыл бұрын
It's cool, i want one!
@angiegutz3348 6 жыл бұрын
What happens if it does rain ? No whipers?
@popeyegordon 6 жыл бұрын
This is a low speed vehicle, rain does not pile up on the windshield like it can with high speed cars. Wipers ruin plastic windshields. We use carnauba wax to keep the rain beading off. Good enough at 20 mph max speed.
@lecor65 4 жыл бұрын
Do you market that ebike /recumbent solar ebike in the Philippines?
@popeyegordon 4 жыл бұрын
No. Too expensive to ship that far. Every week for the last 5 years I have seen a request from the Philippines. You guys really need to start a factory!
Speed increase from 750watt to 1250watt. Bye bye PEBL #7!
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