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Sources/Further Reading:
Beard, A. (2020). The suitability of Welsh language provision in English-medium schools to produce speakers of the language. Cylchgrawn Addysg Cymru / Wales Journal of Education, 22(2).
Bonner, E., Prys, C., Mitchelmore, S., & Hodges, R. S. (2024). Defining economic impact on minority languages: the case of Wales. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1-17.
Cunliffe, D. (2024). Exploring the presence of Cymraeg on TikTok. New Media & Society.
Davies, J. (2014). Welsh language - a history. University Of Wales Press.
Harris, T. (2018). The Welsh language in Patagonia. European Journal of Language Policy, 10(2), 277-295.
Haselden, L. (2003). Differences in estimates of Welsh Language Skills. Ethnicity and Identity Branch. ONS.
Honeycutt, C., & Cunliffe, D. (2010). THE USE OF THE WELSH LANGUAGE ON FACEBOOK. Information, Communication & Society, 13(2), 226-248.
Jones, R. (2019). Place and identity: Wales, “Welshness” and the Welsh language. Geography, 104(1), 19-27.
Jones, R. J., Cunliffe, D., & Honeycutt, Z. R. (2013). Twitter and the Welsh language. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 34(7), 653-671.
Lovell, Alexander. (2023). Towards the language continuum: Definitions and implications for Welsh learners in English-medium education. Cylchgrawn Addysg Cymru / Wales Journal of Education. 25.
Mac Giolla Chríost, D., Carlin, P., & Williams, C. H. (2016). Translatingy Cofnod: Translation policy and the official status of the Welsh language in Wales. Translation Studies, 9(2), 212-227.
Medhurst, J. and Nicholas, S. (2024), A Battle for the Nation's Rights’? Past, Present and Future Public Service Media in Wales. The Political Quarterly, 95: 86-91.
Morris, J et al. (2024). Motivations for Learning Welsh among Adult Learners. In: Bowell, T et al (eds.), Revitalising Higher Education. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press.
Russell, P. (2011). Latin and British in Roman and Post-Roman Britain: methodology and morphology. Transactions of the Philological Society, 109(2), 138-157.
Sims-Williams, P. (2020). An Alternative to “Celtic from the East” and “Celtic from the West.” Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 1-19.
Smith, K., & Rhys, M. (2022). “Everything we do revolves around the exam”: What are students’ perceptions and experiences of learning Welsh as second language in Wales?. Cylchgrawn Addysg Cymru / Wales Journal of Education, 24(1).
Statistics for Wales. (2012). 2011 Census: First Results on the Welsh Language. www.gov.wales/...
Statistics for Wales. (2019). Welsh language data from the Annual Population Survey: 2001 to 2018. www.gov.wales/...
Welsh Government. (2024). WELSH LANGUAGE AND EDUCATION (WALES) BILL, Integrated Impact Assessment. www.gov.wales/...
Welsh Government. (2022). Welsh language in Wales (Census 2021). www.gov.wales/...
Welsh Government. (2024). Welsh language data from the Annual Population Survey: April 2023 to March 2024. www.gov.wales/...
Welsh Government. (2017). Cymraeg 2050: A million Welsh speakers. www.gov.wales/...
Welsh Language Commissioner. (2024). The Welsh Language Commissioner Annual Report 2023-24. www.welshlangu...
Welsh Language Commissioner. (2023). Consultation on the Future of Population and Migration Statistics. consultations....
Images Used:
The Authors: Alban Thomas, Christies.com, Dominic Nelson, Geoff Charles, Gottscho-Schleisner, --Immanuel Giel, Jaggery, John Lucas, John Price, Lars Aronsson, Len Rizzi (photographer), Llywelyn2000, M4, Museo del Desembarco, The National Library of Wales, Philip Halling, Robin Drayton, Satdeep Gill, Theophilus Evans, William Morgan,
The links to the images: docs.google.co...
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