Fighting flag raising

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Ottawa Citizen

Ottawa Citizen

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Around 100 Vietnamese and Vietnamese-Canadians gathered at the Human Rights Monument in Ottawa to protest the city of Ottawa's raising of the communist Vietnamese flag in recognition of Vietnam's Day of Independance. Video by Darren Brown.

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@HH-ec2ro 4 ай бұрын
I was born in the South of Vietnam and grew up during wartime. HERE ARE THE TRUTHS WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT: 1. From the very beginning, the "Republic of Vietnam" (RVN) lacked a solid legal foundation. It was not until 1955 that it was established, and it did so illegitimately on the Southern half of Vietnam as a pure creation of the US to pursue their own interests (Southeast Asian market, increasing influence in a strategic location, preventing the spread of socialism, among others). 2. The direct foundation for the establishment of the RVN was the "State of Vietnam" (1949-1955) - a puppet regime created by the French during the anti-French resistance period, with former Emperor Bảo Đại (who lost his throne after the August Revolution of 1945 - Cách mạng Tháng Tám 1945) serving as the Chief of State. The "three-striped" flag of the RVN was also the national flag of the "State of Vietnam," which was "granted independence" by the French. 3. When the US invaded Vietnam, the government of the RVN wholeheartedly sided with the invading US. No matter how one may justify their actions, it cannot be denied that the true nature of this pseudo-government was that of collaborators with the invading US. 4. After firmly consolidating its puppet government, the RVN initiated a land reform program diametrically opposed to the agrarian reform (aimed at land redistribution to farmers) previously undertaken by the revolution. Through this "land reform," President Ngo Dinh Diem confiscated land from peasants and restored the landlord class, further cementing societal support for the regime. Consequently, despite any superficial attempts to win over the populace, this government failed to garner support of the majority of people in the Southern region. 5. Thus, from the outset, the people of the South knew that this regime had committed numerous atrocities and bore the unmistakable "traitorous gene", evident down to the "very pores" of its being. The transition from the "State of Vietnam" to the "Republic of Vietnam" (RVN) marked the shift from serving as pawns for the French colonialists to serving as pawns for the US empire. 6. Over time, the RVN regime became increasingly corrupted with rampant corruption, internal power struggles, and military coups. This regime ceased to represent the people and, in reality, was abandoned by both the populace and history. 7. In particular, in the name of "fighting for freedom," the armed forces of the RVN (also known as "the Saigon military") closely collaborated with their "masters" - the US expeditionary forces - criminals who committed numerous inhumane acts such as raping Vietnamese women, massacring civilians (illustrated by the infamous case of My Lai massacre), utilizing Agent Orange, napalm bombs, and other types of indiscriminate cluster bombs. With degrading tactics aimed at exterminating Communist prisoners of war (such as nailing into the head, drilling teeth, drilling bones into "rice cake" form, boiling alive, burning genital organs,...), the Phu Quoc prison - a hell on earth created by the Saigon military (as per direct instructions of the US experts) - stands as monumental evidence of the regime's gross human rights violations and medieval-style crimes against humanity, which know no bounds or forgiveness. 8. With its mercenary nature (and even mercenary death), the Saigon military was entirely dependent on the US, devoid of ideals, incapable of representing the Vietnamese nation, and unable to inherit the military traditions of the Vietnamese people. When the US withdrew all aid and ceased all support, this Saigon military (along with the RVN regime) rapidly collapsed, no longer knowing "what to fight for", very much akin to a "patient taken off life support." → Hence, the “crying out loud” people as shown in the video. They are the ones once lived in an environment of degradation and lacking dignity under the RVN regime, now lost their way as they were deceived, coerced, or simply acted out of sheer desperation for a meager livelihood. Before the collapse of the RVN regime, the usurping authorities continued to propagate that the liberating forces of the Southerners would drown Saigon in blood. However, in the end, there was no such bloodshed. On the contrary, those soldiers of the RVN who laid down their arms and returned to the embrace of the Vietnamese people received the forgiveness of the liberation forces of the Southerners. * SHOULD ANYONE WANT TO DENY ANY TRUTH ABOVE, BEAR IN MIND THAT: If the Republic of Vietnam truly had the support of the majority of Southern people, perhaps there would not have been the emergence of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam (in 1960), along with the Liberation Army of South Vietnam (in 1961), with the main force being people from the South, speaking in a Southern accent. ** FOR THE RECORD: During the resistance war against the US, the Vietnamese people's hearts always turned to the Communist Party of Vietnam, both in the North, Central, and Southern regions. The Vietnam War (as it was commonly referred to by mass media in the US, is known in Vietnam as "The Resistance War against the US to save the nation" - "Kháng chiến chống Mỹ cứu nước") from 1955 to 1975 was not a civil war but a righteous resistance war conducted by the entire Vietnamese nation against foreign aggression - the US (plus Canada and other allied countries) and the puppet regime of the US.
@RVNSaigon 4 ай бұрын
Buddy I'm not sure if you were actually born in south Vietnam or not but from what I do know from family members that were born their before and during South Vietnam. Communist and the US want to portray the war as a American versus Vietnamese War in reality it was a Vietnam vs Vietnam with external help. US did not create the puppet of Republic of Vietnam, Vietnam was split in half by the the Geneva accords which split Vietnam into two countries State of Vietnam ruled by Bao Dai and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam ruled by Ho Chi Minh. Ngo Dinh Diem appointed as Prime Minister by Bao Dai. Ngo Dinh Diem gain power by wise political maneuver and defeating opponents such as Binh Xuyen crime syndicate, religious sects and Nationalist groups. These groups had their little army and caused issues of the country making them undivided. Upon gaining these power he overthrew the unpopular French puppet emperor Bao Dai and form the Republic of Vietnam. From this experience from the forming of Republic of Vietnam he used this technique of leading with an iron fist during his regime till his death. The issue comes with him entrusting his family to take a political role of power which would lead to his regime to be known as corrupt. His siblings place under high role of power use it for their own personal usage. Ngo's regime would end because of the corruption of his government and and him not trusting or cooperating with the US government because he didn't want Vietnam to be too dependent on US government assistant. Politics is dirty and I am not saying that he is innocent and never doing anything wrong. Their were land distribution issue. The National Liberation Front was controlled by Democratic Republic of Vietnam as a part of their military campaign in the south to recruit and terrorize anyone who support or has knowledge communism. The NLF committed horrendous war crimes including famous events like the Hue Massacre and the Tet Offensive. People's Army of Vietnam and North Vietnamese controlled NLF attack during a holiday where they knew that majority of Vietnamese were off celebrating and remembering their ancestor. NLF were attacking and killing any civilians with a education. NLF were targeting teachers, government officials, prominent intellectuals, policeman, soldiers and foreigners to name a few. NLF kidnap, hold hostages, torture, bombings, and mass killing. They often recruit people who don't have proper education or manipulate people. While you are not wrong that Republic of Vietnam was dependent on US military supply, North Vietnam was no different from USSR and China. USSR and China were normalizing relationship with the US and US president was going to visit China. Hanoi took advantage and claimed that the US president was trying to divide the relationship between the communist countries. China send out a diplomat to Hanoi to ensure that they will continue to have continuously support from Beijing and Moscow followed by Beijing. This cause of North Vietnam to gain 2000 new trucks 10,000 oil and fuel from China and USSR. USSR ship numerous numbers of T-55 and T-54 MBT with PT 76 light tanks and 130 mm M-46 artillery. China also ship Type-59. The USSR also gave a STA3 staggered anti tank guided missiles and SA7 anti-air guided missile. T-55 were far superior from the Bulldog M41 light tanks in terms of firepower protection and decent speed. while South Vietnam did have M48 pythons they were in a little amount compared to the t-55 and had quality issues. The South Vietnamese M101 could only shoot at a range of 7 miles comparing to the large amount of M-46 artillery that could shoot at ranges of 17 miles. South Vietnam also had M107 that had a range of 25 miles but were inaccurate in far ranges. 3,000 North Vietnamese crewmen were also shipped to USSR to learn how to operate t-55 tanks, During the Paris Peace Accords, they depicted Nguyen Van Thieu as a crybaby that refused to participate in the signing of the document. In reality the Peace Accords would have put a knife to South Vietnamese Independence throat. The peace Accord would allow the North Vietnamese to keep their troops station at the Ho Chi Minh trail which runs down the side of South Vietnam. This is an issue because in case of any attack, the border would be too long and would spread out defense force too wide with not enough to hold a sustainable defense from the communist onslaught force. Especially US congress cutting off a huge chuck off military support to South Vietnam. Everything that you have just said is the same thing that the US education board is teaching. Communist and the US want to portray the war as a American versus Vietnamese War in reality it was a Vietnam vs Vietnam with external help from major allies. Thank you for reading, Have a nice day.
@HH-ec2ro 4 ай бұрын
@@RVNSaigon Hi, thanks for reading my comment and sharing your perspective. I'd like to underscore a few key points to clarify the nature of the war - it is a war of resistance against the US imperialist aggression, not a civil war. 1. Nature of the Conflict: The Vietnam War, from 1954 to 1975, was not a civil war but a resistance war fought by the Vietnamese people against the US invasion. The primary objective was to achieve national liberation and reunification, combating the new colonial policies of the US and foreign intervention. 2. Origins of the War: The US involvement in Vietnam began as early as the 1950s. By 1954, the US was financing 78% of the French war effort in Indochina and even considered using atomic bombs at Dien Bien Phu to prevent the inevitable French defeat. Following the French withdrawal, the US directly intervened by establishing the Saigon regime and refusing to sign the final declaration of the Geneva Conference, thereby rejecting the terms of the Geneva Accords of 1954 and pushing forward with their plan to dominate South Vietnam through neo-colonial policies. 3. The US War Strategies: To execute their invasion plans, the US employed various war strategies: “Special war” (1961-1965), “Limited war” (1965-1966), and “Vietnamization war” (1969-1973). These strategies included massive bombings, chemical warfare, and deploying a large expeditionary force aimed at subjugating and destroying Vietnam. 4. War Crimes and Atrocities: The US executed inhumane bombing campaigns, notably the B-52 bombings of Hanoi and North Vietnam, aiming to devastate the region back to the "Stone Age". The US used over 8 million tons of bombs and nearly 80 million liters of toxic chemicals, along with the most advanced weapons of the time (excluding nuclear bombs) and a massive contingent of expeditionary forces. At its peak, over half a million US troops were stationed in South Vietnam, and 6.5 million American servicemen participated in the war. For details on crimes committed by the US, please refer to No. 7 in my previous comment. 5. Formation of the National Liberation Front: Your assertion about the National Liberation Front (NLF) being controlled by the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV) overlooks the complex historical context surrounding its formation. Following the Geneva Accords of 1954, Vietnam was divided temporarily into two regions. In the North, the government and people of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam were steadfast in their commitment to implementing the Geneva Accords of 1954 and advancing national reconciliation. Conversely, in the South, the US and the regime of Ngo Dinh Diem vehemently opposed the Geneva Accords, obstructing efforts for nationwide elections. Their resistance stemmed from their apprehension that the majority of the population would vote for Ho Chi Minh. Instead of honoring the Geneva Accords, they initiated a state of war, employing ruthless suppression campaigns and terror tactics against resistance fighters, patriots, and any dissenting voices. This oppressive environment pushed various segments of South Vietnamese society to seek liberation and change. Consequently, on 20 December 1960, in the liberated zone of Tan Lap commune, Chau Thanh district, Tay Ninh province, the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam emerged. This coalition included representatives from diverse backgrounds - spanning different layers of the population, ethnic groups, religions, and patriotic individuals in the South - united in their quest for independence, social justice, and an end to foreign domination. As such, it's inaccurate to portray the NLF solely as an instrument of DRV control; rather, NLF is a grassroots movement born out of the aspirations and grievances of the South Vietnamese people. 6. Historical Truth: The true nature of the resistance against the US cannot be distorted. This war was a patriotic war to liberate and reunify the country, driven by the determination of Vietnamese to resist foreign aggression. Historical facts are clear and cannot be manipulated. Below are some citations for your reference: - In the book "The Vietnam War and American Culture" (published in 1991 in the US), authors John Carlos Rowe and Rick Berg straightforwardly point out: “Simply put, America invaded South Vietnam, where it proceeded to ignore the crime of aggression with many horrific crimes against humanity across Indochina”. - In 2009, scholar John Prados (of the National Security Archive - the George Washington University) released the book "Vietnam: The History of an Unwinnable War, 1945-1975" also admitting that this war, for the Americans, was a mistake and unwinnable. - In a press conference shortly after the fall of the Saigon regime, former US Secretary of State Heinz Alfred Kissinger admitted: “We were wrong to make Vietnam a testing ground for our policies rather than dealing with the Vietnamese policies. I think that perhaps sending US military forces to Vietnam was the worst solution, as it meant introducing a foreign element”. - President of the Republic of Vietnam - Nguyen Van Thieu remarked: “If the US continues to provide supports, then we will continue to resist the Communists. If the US no longer supports us, it will not take a day, a month, or a year, but only three hours, for us to leave the Independence Palace". (in original Vietnamese: “Mỹ còn viện trợ, thì chúng tôi còn chống Cộng. Nếu Hoa Kỳ mà không viện trợ cho chúng tôi nữa thì không phải là một ngày, một tháng hay một năm mà chỉ sau ba giờ, chúng tôi sẽ rời khỏi Dinh Độc Lập”) - Vice President of the Republic of Vietnam - Nguyen Cao Ky admitted: "This is the US war. The US always stood on the forefront, playing the lead role, while we were merely hired fighters". (in original Vietnamese: “Đây là cuộc chiến tranh của người Mỹ. Mỹ luôn luôn đứng ra trước sân khấu làm “kép nhất”, và chúng tôi chỉ là những kẻ đánh thuê”) …. and many more. I could keep writing about this forever! Unfortunately, this comment is too lengthy for one read 😔 To be honest, it's fascinating how your family anecdotes provide such a comprehensive and unbiased view of the entire war. I mean, who needs history books or firsthand experience when we have the infallible wisdom of family members, right? Clearly, my own experience of being born and raised in South Vietnam during wartime must pale in comparison to their vivid secondhand tales. Thanks again for enlightening me on the intricate political maneuvers and profound historical insights that you’ve gleaned from your family stories. It's almost as if living through it isn't quite as illuminating as hearing about it from afar. Nice day to you, too! 😄
@HH-ec2ro 4 ай бұрын
@@RVNSaigon Also, your point about "Ngo Dinh Diem appointed as Prime Minister by Bao Dai" is NOT correct. The truth is that Diem rigged the elections to overthrow Bao Dai. The US helped Diem secure the Prime Minister position within Bao Dai's government by goading Diem into carrying out a mission, which was to organize a "referendum". On the surface, it appeared to be a dual election between Diem and Bao Dai. However, it was evident that this was Diem's coup against Bao Dai through electoral tricks (election fraud). To execute the "usurpation" plot, on 23 October 1955, as the Commander-in-Chief, Diem ordered armed units to drive people to vote to "choose a leader" between Diem and Bao Dai. On the other hand, the US financially sponsored Ngo Dinh Nhu and Tran Le Xuan to hire people to put up posters and distribute leaflets praising Diem throughout the streets. Many of Diem's henchmen organized their people to vote for Diem multiple times. In some places, Bao Dai's name was pre-crossed out on the ballots, and voters simply had to drop such ballots in the ballot box. In Saigon, many polling stations received votes for Diem amounting to 130% of the electorate. With such obvious fraudulent acts, the election results were announced on 26 October 1955, declaring Ngo Dinh Diem the winner with 5,721,735 votes (98.2%). In the face of the heavily rigged election results, religious factions called for boycotting Diem. Regardless of public opinion, Ngo Dinh Diem declared himself "the President of the Republic of Vietnam". Later, in an interview by Stanley Karnow, a historian specializing in the Vietnam War, asking President Johnson if he believed Diem was the "Winston Churchill (British Prime Minister, contributed to defeating Nazi Germany in Europe) of Southeast Asia" or not; Johnson vulgarly exclaimed: "Shit! Diem is the only boy we’ve got out there" - quoted from Stanley Karnow, Vietnam a History, Edition King Press 1983, page 214.
@danrhinehart1134 3 ай бұрын
I would like to challenge you to come to Garden Grove California and stand on any street corner and make these contentions publicly. Our local population would be more than happy to answer your contentions regarding the republic of Vietnam.
@HH-ec2ro 3 ай бұрын
@@danrhinehart1134 Dude, very kind of you to offer. But I must decline that honor. I'm content with the life I have now in my beloved country 🇻🇳. Enjoy your 'freedom and democracy' there, keep on protesting, and hopefully, you will shake off that bitterness, really ✌
@duongthienbao8782 Жыл бұрын
Putting a Nazi flag with Vietnamese current flag to compare the Vietnamese government with fascism is extremely silly thinking, the Vietnamese government is not a dictatorial government or a neo-fascist government like the old regime of South Vietnam, I don't think Vietnamese officials, politicians and leaders today will give the fascist salute because they are not extreme nationalists, They also do not worship fascism and Adolf Hitler
@gabrielruiz512 9 ай бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂The best joke I have read so far, Vietnam: 138th place in the democracy index classified as "authoritarian regime"
@TranHungDao. 8 ай бұрын
Hmm Hue Massacre seems like more of a Nazi regime… Oh it was NVA/Vietcong that did that????
@duongthienbao8782 8 ай бұрын
@@TranHungDao. In Hue, The US and the South Vietnam regime dropping bombs and shelling artillery on the NVA and the VC but they also hit on their own ally and the civilians
@leonardoursua4765 8 ай бұрын
​@@duongthienbao8782 Uh because it was a Battle part of the Tet offensive 1968 which was led by the NVA and VC like it literally says it on Wikipedia flat tits.
@Sparkl1ngwater989 6 ай бұрын
​@@gabrielruiz512well atleast monks arent burning themselves lmao, i bet the south is WAYYYY lower in the Democracy index, sit your ass down
@NationalfacistKillingfields Жыл бұрын
Its honestly sad to see people pissed over a war that they lost and having an ego saying the vietam flag is offenisive and hurts them is saying what someone likes is offending them
@emperorshowa8842 10 ай бұрын
South Vietnam is the state that officially represents this country and Different sources state that the communist regime that ruled the country during the Vietnam War from 1957 to 1975 killed approximately 200 000-300 000 people (in addition to the war victims). The total death toll on all fronts of the war during the period from 1959 to 1975 is estimated to be approximately 3-4 million.
@TranHungDao. 8 ай бұрын
Do you remember Hue Massacre?
@Sparkl1ngwater989 6 ай бұрын
​@@emperorshowa8842 Its a war. Of course there will be deaths, you'll count the deaths in a Country in an ongoing war, While specifically pulling out the Black Book numbers of millions and only focusing on the Communist's death toll on the war while being biased over the South's and the US alongside it's allies horrendous crimes
@RVNSaigon 4 ай бұрын
As for the Viet Cong or the National Liberation Front is a group controlled by the North Vietnamese government. The Viet Cong were known for the atrocities, committed such as murder, kidnapping, bombing, hostages, torture and intimidation. Even after the war, South Vietnamese citizens who worked for the government were sent to re-education camps basically labor camps with brain washing. They took everything from the middle class South Vietnamese people. They limited amount of money of 500 dong They also made a law were citizens that once work for the South Vietnamese government offspring were denied collage for next 2 generation. Veterans of South Vietnamese government were denied proper healthcare. I would say that they have a right to be upset because the flag that terrorized their home, their family, until during the 1980s when they escape. Thanks for reading, if you would like to debate again, then do some deep research that come back.
@user-hr6nw9il2t Ай бұрын
@@RVNSaigon Source: Trust me bro.
@_6666- 3 жыл бұрын
@HaNguyen224 Ай бұрын
I am telling you not all the communist are bad . At least you need to respect us . Why do you need to burn the the flag.😢 and what if we do that to you ,do you like it . We know what we done in the past and we are sorry, but we are humans too we are the same Vietnamese people.
@RVNSaigon Ай бұрын
It’s been some time since my earlier comments, and I agree with your points. Both sides often see each other as wrong, leading to ongoing resentment. It would be better if both sides moved on from past conflicts. For example, South Vietnamese channels sometimes have hateful comments from supporters of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, and vice versa. Even historians are divided on the Vietnam War. Moving forward and avoiding further division would be best for us.
@luanzonglinh Жыл бұрын
haha they think they are Vietnam No they are just remnants of the old regime 😂
@user-7I9gdym4j 2 ай бұрын
Hmong people stand with South Vietnam. We are allies. Much love.
@voellie6039 2 жыл бұрын
1st this is my question how is the Vietnam flag offensive they just win a war and this is what the south vietnamese thinks of us we’re nice the Vietnam flag does nothing
@buddhisminvietnamandoverseas 2 жыл бұрын
They suffered under the communist rule.
@NationalfacistKillingfields Жыл бұрын
​@KennyKatyushaInWotBand the people who support South Vietnam are Nazis who support slaughter of innocents
@RVNSaigon 4 ай бұрын
It is deeper than just a war it is an old feud that has been going on because we could not agree which side was right and both of the Vietnamese people claiming the other side is bias and their side is right. Their is still lot to debate and it would seem like a long time until we know what actually happen during Vietnam War without any of the sides bias or propaganda.
@saviet4222 Ай бұрын
Retarded question? Why does the conquered group of people upset when the flag of their enemy is being raised?
@tranminhnhat2977 Ай бұрын
They not even Vietnamese anyway
@horse_face3019 2 жыл бұрын
The fact that their burning the flag is not gonna do anything. And even tho we have freedom of speech they shouldn't take the flag of that person's property. And they have some families living in vietnam right now and they are burning the flag that their using. And the question that I have right now is. Why? I understand why they hate the flag.. but I don't think hate is a word. And I think forgiveness is the time to do not hate. And I wish that will just happen but now I don't think that it will ever happen at all. And may vietnam forgive us for what south vietnamese people for burning their flag.
@thanhdinh3179 Жыл бұрын
Forgiveness isnt going to do anything. The fact is many veterans and human rights activities died or were jailed in “reeducation camps” for opposing the communist party and speaking up for freedom. The vcp are pawns of the Chinese and are getting rich while the people remain restrained.
@fizkallnyeilsem Жыл бұрын
The communist vietnam govt. Tortured many of its citizens after the losing of south vietnam. Dont be surprised why there are people of your race that hate the govt.
@RVNSaigon 4 ай бұрын
I think the main issue lies at the new evidence of the Vietnam War are still coming out. One side claims the other is biased and vice versa. Both sides see their sides is correct and what they were doing is right during the war. Vietnamese people of both sides that live through the war have past their anger down to the next generation, which this new generation would transfer hate to the other opposing side. Example of this are these few comments here to tease instead of seeing the issue. That is where all the heat and anger is coming from.
@RVNSaigon Ай бұрын
Chào các anh chị em Việt Nam, tôi rất mong các bạn đọc thông điệp này. Cả hai bên thường coi nhau là sai lầm hoặc phản bội, dẫn đến sự oán giận kéo dài. Vòng xoáy này bắt đầu khi những ký ức đau thương bị kích thích, gây ra những hành động thù hận dẫn đến sự thù địch thêm. Mỗi bên sau đó đáp trả bằng sự thù địch nhiều hơn, và vòng xoáy này tiếp tục, làm gia tăng sự chia rẽ. Sẽ tốt hơn nếu chúng ta vượt qua các xung đột trong quá khứ, mặc dù điều đó không phải lúc nào cũng xảy ra. Ví dụ, các kênh của người Việt Nam Cộng Hòa đôi khi có những bình luận thù hận từ những người ủng hộ nước Việt Nam Dân Chủ Cộng Hòa và ngược lại. Phần bình luận này minh họa rõ vấn đề này. Những cáo buộc và đổ lỗi từ cả hai bên chỉ làm sâu sắc thêm sự chia rẽ trong cộng đồng người Việt. Tiến về phía trước và tránh sự chia rẽ thêm sẽ là lựa chọn khôn ngoan nhất. Ngay cả các nhà sử học vẫn còn chia rẽ về cuộc chiến Việt Nam và các chủ đề gây tranh cãi khác. Cuối cùng, chúng ta đều là người Việt với cùng nguồn gốc, văn hóa và lịch sử. Điều duy nhất giữ chúng ta chia rẽ là quan điểm chính trị của chúng ta. Sự chia rẽ này ngăn cản chúng ta thực sự đoàn kết như một dân tộc Việt Nam. Dù bạn ủng hộ miền Nam hay miền Bắc, cả Ngô Đình Diệm và Hồ Chí Minh đều muốn thống nhất Việt Nam. Chúng ta có thể đã đạt được sự thống nhất chính trị, nhưng với tư cách là một dân tộc, chúng ta vẫn chưa đạt được mục tiêu đó. Tôi hy vọng rằng trong tương lai, chúng ta có thể giải quyết sự khác biệt của mình và đoàn kết như một dân tộc Việt Nam toàn cầu. Tôi hy vọng một ngày nào đó chúng ta có thể đồng ý dưới một lá cờ mà không làm tổn thương bên kia. Tôi mong rằng không còn người Việt Nam Xã Hội Chủ Nghĩa và người Việt Nam Cộng Hòa, mà chỉ có người Việt Nam. Tôi cảm ơn bạn đã dành thời gian đọc thông điệp này và chúc bạn có một cuộc sống tuyệt vời. Xin hãy giúp lan tỏa thông điệp này để chữa lành những vết thương lâu dài của dân tộc chúng ta. Long Live the Vietnamese People As One.❤‍🩹❤‍🩹❤‍🩹❤‍🩹❤❤❤💙💙
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