Our Thoughts On Cyberpunk 2077 + More! | Dropped Frames 259 [Part 2]

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In the second half we take a moment to talk about the announcements from The Game Awards last week and some comments on the show itself. Then we get right in to our general thoughts of the controversial Cyberpunk 2077 (look forward to a spoilercast sooner than later!)
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@Chris3s 3 жыл бұрын
Cyberpunk talk starts at 10:30
@skomTV 3 жыл бұрын
We all appreciate you ;)
@PaperAtlas 3 жыл бұрын
You a real one
@tjmcbryan 3 жыл бұрын
doing Gods work
@smiechu47 3 жыл бұрын
@Tobwilk 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks - your awsome.
@NexusNoxCS 3 жыл бұрын
The problem with Cyberpunk is that CDPR really wanted to put as much of different things into this one game -- great narrative story, big, dense, living world, open world looter shooter, RPG progression, stealth gameplay, complex character AI systems, driving and car customization, character customization and on and on and on -- and none of those systems are finished. Some are straight up abandoned half-way. Like, Zeek was talking about parkour and yup, that was in the game! They planned to do all kinds of parkour stuff with like mantis blades and hanging off walls , but it was cut and abandoned. This game's plans were so ambitious, so out there, but they seemed to cut dev time half way through. Seriously, this is the same shit as "Bioware magic" way of ME Andromeda and Anthem was developed all over again. Cyberpunk 2077 at launch is a game-in-development at least a year out of being done. They basically sold an Early Access game that's like 85% finished and called it "Gold".
@pilot7350 3 жыл бұрын
Publishers need to stop advertising their games way to early cause they just end up putting major pressure on themselves.
@joestar9221 3 жыл бұрын
That why rockstar doesn’t announce their games till it ready. More studio need to do that
@klemenskof 3 жыл бұрын
@@joestar9221 rockstar also releases games for only consoles first, then after a year or 2 on PC. much easier to finish them well and polish. CDPR should've done that too, obviously PC first then consoles :P
@FakeEgirl 3 жыл бұрын
which is hillarious because it got announced back in 2012, its been 8 years. for reference, they started production of witcher 3 in 2011 and they completed it in 3.5 years, was it buggy on release? sure, but nowhere near as much as cyberpunk is now and merely a year after release it was amazing, and hell even on release it was amazing. they took twice as long as cyberpunk and they come out with this. Its not just the bugs, theres so much illusion of choice, so many flawed gameplay ideas, the AI is absolutely horrendous and the Ui could really use some work especially in the qolf front. Like the game is just such a disapointment. And lets not even talk about the console versions.
@bagrym 3 жыл бұрын
i agree to a hundred percent and want to add, that maybe the buyers should stop giving in to the hype and the fear of missing out and just stop preordering things that arent limited and might be shit on release..
@jonesjeremiah 3 жыл бұрын
Well Blizzard decided to not announce Diablo 4 at Blizzcon 2018 and we all know what happend lol.
@exfaux 3 жыл бұрын
Man I wish this conversation wasn't cut by a bunch of useless Twitch Townhall stuff that went too long.
@LastMinuteGuess 3 жыл бұрын
I have 80 hours now on cyberpunk because its basically been the only thing I've been doing since its release. It was a nice vacation to take. However, it was a bit disappointing. Not enough developed RPG elements for me, it almost plays more like a borderlands game IMO, and the amount of markers on the map reminded me of a Ubisoft game.
@Badbentham 3 жыл бұрын
The comparison is pretty true: Cyberpunk is Borderlands and Deus Ex having a baby; mixing and matching both strengths and flaws of them.
@nokturnallex2160 3 жыл бұрын
At like 100 hours now, still working through side jobs, it definitely feels like Fallout/Skyrim in a Cyberpunk universe. It's story suffers from the same problem as Fallout 4 did where because they decided to voice the main character, they also decided to give the player very little choices. They cut so much content, you can tell certain side quests were cut short and like the Corpo lifepath was almost entirely cut, turning the Corpo into a street kid pretty quickly. Outside of changing the Street Kid dialogue into Corpo dialogue, Corpo lifepath changes into a street kid, even having the same apartment. The corporate intrigue is MIA from the game entirely too much with you only ever getting a surface level feel for it. The coolest quest being "Dream On" which blue balls you by ending just as it's getting good.
@NewbOoyNS 3 жыл бұрын
@@nokturnallex2160 Yeah, as a Nomad, you can see that only the Street Kid lifepath had any development put into it (or had time to put into). Like, even in the beginning, V, talks like a street kid no matter the starting lifepath. I compare this game more to a Mass Effect-lite. Amazing world, side characters, and a VERY interting main story, but it falls even shorter on RPG mechanics than Mass Effect or Fallout.
@nokturnallex2160 3 жыл бұрын
​@@NewbOoyNS Far as World Building goes, the artists did an amazing job, but when it comes down to programming and UI design, it's like wtf were they thinking? Like the infinitely spawning police should've just been cut from the game entirely. I'd say the story decisions are about as Shallow as Fallout 4 though due to that same problem of voicing the player character then refusing to add branching choices. Older RPGs and even some current day CRPGs definitely give the player more choice than what Cyberpunk allows. I'll have to replay it entirely to see how many choices can actually be made. Perhaps I'll keep a tally on hand to reference lol.
@acedias12 3 жыл бұрын
The gunplay is more of a watered down version of Borderlands, frankly. Ironically, all style, no substance.
@nameofchannel7648 3 жыл бұрын
oof Cohhs face when theyre talking about the motorcycles that you never see...that he owns an irl version of.
@nameofchannel7648 3 жыл бұрын
watching Cohh during that whole segment just had the feel of a disappointed father hearing how bad his kid is..
@radosawbiel2083 3 жыл бұрын
When Cohh mentioned fixing broken promises in Cyberpunk with charged DLCs I had the same reaction as Zeke :D
@joestar9221 3 жыл бұрын
If they do that then and it not Free DLC then they are just asking for it
@dillscriv22 3 жыл бұрын
@@joestar9221 they've stated minor dlc will be free while story dlc will be paid, ie exactly like how it was in the Witcher
@atnfn 3 жыл бұрын
Paid DLC needs to only be for new quest stories and new features they didn't promise for the base game. NPC AI needs to be fixed for free Police Wanted system needs to be fixed for free, and they need to be able to chace you in cars. Reputations with different gangs need to be fixed for free Car/NPC pathfind AI needs to be fixed for free, NPCs and cars need to be able to go around obstacles. All the billions of small bugs need to be fixed for free. There are surely more missing stuff I didn't really follow the prelaunch hype videos. If they start charging for any of the broken/missing stuff they are no better than Bethesda/EA.
@panamakira 3 жыл бұрын
You guys are on point. I've been playing for about 30 hours and the main story and some of the side quests/characters are just really cool! But then you try exploring this beautiful city to find things to do, or interact with NPCs or heck even try a full stealth run and the game just falls flat. The driving in this game is terrible. A bike is the only and best way to move around. I have the Akira inspired bike and it looks really cool but then the game drops the ball in other areas, even outside of just bugs. All in all Night City is one of the most beautiful open world environments I've seen in a game and yet it is empty with broken AI. This game can be brilliant and equally frustrating. It's a shame. I feel like this is not the game we were promised :/
@eirik1068 3 жыл бұрын
THis is true. Let's just hope that they go the redemption route for this game. There is soooo much potential here!!! Shame everything except the core of the game falls flat.
@RandomGuyCDN 3 жыл бұрын
Broken AI more like barely enough AI for the game to function. AI, crafting, reasonable clothing choices all at a bare minimum to put the game out to people. Having ADS shooting and grenades breaking randomly sucks. Plus having to click through crafting when even 10+ year old WoW has an option to craft multiple of the same thing is embarassing. I had to slog through this game as well to just finish the story to feel like i got my money's worth.
@Huckleberry42 3 жыл бұрын
What disappoint me about cyberpunk is that cdpr hasn't learned from Witcher production wise same delays and still full of bugs.
@danieldavis2347 3 жыл бұрын
If I had a vote for GOTY, I would cast it for FFVII Remake
@Ormathon 3 жыл бұрын
The most annoying bug that keeps repeating for me is the problem with you cant f loot stuff.
@RiskOfBaer 3 жыл бұрын
Yep. Honestly that's the only bug that is frustrating. The other ones are minor and can just be ignored or dealt with easily.
@Sophie2570 3 жыл бұрын
Jurassic park meme was one of my favorites 🤣
@eyesus8165 3 жыл бұрын
I want to see the "Venn Dieselgram" of the Ark and Vin Diesel fans.
@NexusNoxCS 3 жыл бұрын
Also, I can't even imagine the kind of crunch there will be now in the race to bring this half finished game Cyberpunk is to the finished status in as fast as six months.
@Juhz0r 3 жыл бұрын
Regarding the conversation about "redemption arc" games, I'm not sure what to think about that trend. Obviously it's great that underdeveloped or broken games get worked on and fixed over time. I just don't especially like how they are celebrated for doing that. Declaring how it's not terrible anymore has practically become a marketing slogan for No Man's Sky. I hope Cyberpunk 2077 gets fixed, I just don't think there should be a party over it. I also hope the devs gets some vacation time after what they've been through. They were just completely failed by the management. Now would be the perfect time to organize a strike, if that's possible and allowed by Polish law. They need trained employees familiar with the game to fix the bugs.
@acedias12 3 жыл бұрын
Certainly there shouldn't be a grand party for fixing stuff, but still the effort to mend what is wrong should still be recognized at the very least. No Man's Sky made all those changes and improvements without asking for extra cash beyond the game's selling price, and they did that over an extended period. If it were any other major corporate, they would ask to be paid to make said improvements or like Bethesda, waiting for modders to fix their stuff.
@Juhz0r 3 жыл бұрын
​@@acedias12 Recognition is fine. I would like to see it being treated like a paying back a debt. "Ok, you took your sweet ass time, but eventually you did what you were supposed to. Now we are back to zero." It's not a perfect analogy because the debt giver knows they are giving away something with the promise that it will be returned later, but the consumer doesn't or shouldn't expect a game that will be up to par some time in the future. Still, a response like that would be preferable.
@raypalmer5125 3 жыл бұрын
Money - Greed - CDPR - Cyberpunk 2077 - PS4 - Xbox One
@silenceyouidiot 3 жыл бұрын
AI issues aside in CP77; hope they update food and drinks to do unique little benefits (and hey, have stuff like Moonshies or Mr White bars do the slowmo effect, and they can craft into a better duration drug.) At the moment they're just junk to me that I can't quickly sell or dismantle.
@AntiGrav1ty88 3 жыл бұрын
While I mostly agree with what has been discussed, I never understood the full pass that the devs get for this. I have worked for a very large, corporate software company as a developer and the notion that devs are all completely blameless and every mistake is forced upon them is just wrong. As management or higher up you ultimately have to take responsibility for the end product, and rightfully so, but let's not pretend like devs just don't make mistakes or miscalculate things themselves. Management does not just set arbitrary timelines and announce features without the devs telling them what they can do first. It is on management to enforce proper internal and external communication and to delay the release when it is not in a ship-worthy state, but there is no doubt that (some of) the devs miscalculated what they were able to accomplish and overpromised on what they could deliver in the given timeframe. Otherwise this doesn't happen.
@NewbOoyNS 3 жыл бұрын
Well, because the manager let it happen. Also in the Game Development Industry it's more prevelent that development people get chewed out and leave the industry due to stress. Also in game dev, it's way more of a SCOPE issue, which the devs often have no say in. Like IMO, there was no reason to make 3 different lifepaths in the game, since they don't affect more than 5% of the game. I think with Witcher 3 they had good limiters in that they had to confine the systems and story into a pre-exsiting story, while with Cyberpunk 2077 it seems like they just went, let's do GTA + Deus Ex + Borderlands.
@gzzzt 3 жыл бұрын
Devs carry plenty of responsibility but they are not responsible for the excessive marketing or feature bloat. It's management fault and I mean upper upper management. If you cant handle a project this size, just stop taking in money and focus on the actual game, thats your business. Its pretty common to hear that CDPR is not great to work for and not many people stay there for longer.
@idhunepijl2398 3 жыл бұрын
After bitching about the game for 3 days because I got the black screen bug (couldnt load my saves) .... I have to say I am reallllly enjoying the game. The story/atmosphere is great. I havent really been immersed in a game to the point where it was all I would play for over a week since RDR2. Soooooo sad to see all the hate on the game, I understand all the criticism but it's going wayyy to far, to the point where it's almost impossible to find any good reactions on it.... This could be a masterpiece eventually, a cultural event, but the whole release-drama is going to destroy CDPR. I wouldn'be amazed if it bankrupted them eventually.
@MrTree-jq1zu 3 жыл бұрын
i like the new youtube thumbnails! :)
@dantedja 3 жыл бұрын
When it comes to resetting stats in cyberpunk, if they don't want to let people do full reset of stats, then they should definitely make it possible to buy reset points that subtract 1 point from stats, so you choose a stat and then a perk from that attribute to be removed/reclaimed. Then there'd still be weight to your stat choices, but also allowances for people regretting a certain build.
@eobet 3 жыл бұрын
I can't believe (yes I sadly can) that JP was the first and only one to mention crunch, but I look forward to Cohh's entire episode on it...
@SquaredbyX 3 жыл бұрын
I think it's a pop in issue, that's why there are so many physics collision / physics corrections and ejections. Loading in not fast enough or at all.
@ymirssohn79 3 жыл бұрын
Respec def. needs to be in this game, but it'd probably need a rework of the crafting tree.
@AAGGHH4 3 жыл бұрын
Haven’t finished it yet, I’m about 40+ hours in and It’s looking like it’ll be in my top 3 single player games of all time. I feel like I’m playing a different version of the game though, other than a couple of small bugs here and there it’s been problem free, not a single crash either in that time. Only downside is I’m on a GTX1080ti so no raytracing
@5chr4pn3ll 3 жыл бұрын
Agreed. It feels like there is such a strong anti-Cyberpunk meta atm, and I'm not getting it. The Witcher 3 at launch was not pretty, Skyrim is still full of bugs 10 years post realease, Bethesda in general in fact, Wasteland 2, No Man Sky, the list can go on and on. But for some reason people expected Cyberpunk to be flawless with a stressed release? I'm enjoying myself tons, and I know CDPR will support the game for years. I don't get the fuss.
@NoNo-sq8zn 3 жыл бұрын
Top 3 lmfao have you only played 3 games
@gamingeagle19 3 жыл бұрын
@@5chr4pn3ll you're clearly not playing on base consoles.
@naftulzvi3353 3 жыл бұрын
@@gamingeagle19 Why would anyone?
@nr1771 3 жыл бұрын
If you're enjoying Cyberpunk, great, more power to you. But that doesn't change the fact that CDPR did not just market this as a story-based game, but as a reactive and believable open world, and it just simply isn't that. There's so much in this game that's just missing or broken. Cars should be able to drive around cars stopped in the middle of the road instead of just sitting there doing nothing; even games from 20 years ago managed that. Police literally just appear right next to you when you get a wanted level and they can't even chase you when you're in a car; GTA3 had a better police system and that game is 20 years old now. You can't customize your character's appearance after character creation IN A CYBERPUNK GAME, which is all about customization. The crime system is nothing like what CDPR promised and the faction system they hyped isn't in the game at all. And then there's the fact that throughout development CDPR was hyping up the life path as if it totally alters the game based on what you pick. In reality, all the life paths end after the first half-hour of the game and merge into a "6 months later" montage. Regardless of if you picked corpo, nomad, or street kid, the game basically forces you to become a street kid merc. If you pick corpo at the beginning, you're a street kid merc half an hour later. Nothing like what CDPR promised. Also the game is just flat-out broken on the PS4 and XBox One.
@Cynicz13 3 жыл бұрын
so basically if they end up going the Bethesda route how long until we can expect Sony or Microsoft to come in and buy them? I received the game as a gift so I won't be getting rid of it but I also am not going to play it until it's ready. Here's hoping they go the owlcat route and start fixing it as soon as the holiday is over. Looks like it's just Larian Studios for game companies I still have faith in.
@enlightendbel 3 жыл бұрын
When you play the game DeusEx "Ghost" rating style, it's LOOOOOOooooong and Hard and really enjoyable. But that's where the bugs come in. I'm a no-kill ghost player that never gets seen and never kills. I've accidentally killed people because of bugs (like putting down an unconscious body and them exploding) so many times by now, I'm really counting my blessings my system reloads saves in less than 5 seconds. Issue there is that having to be anal about saving every 20 seconds for no other reason than safeguarding and countering against bugs is annoying as all hell.
@nightmareghostz1016 3 жыл бұрын
The autosave system in the game is amazing, i've not lost more than 2 min from a bug because of it.
@omegapointsingularity6504 3 жыл бұрын
important comment!
@RPGManoWar Жыл бұрын
It's wild to me that we are now 18+ months out from launch and the game stiiiill really isn't there
@corey-vz3kr 3 жыл бұрын
I play on the Xbox one X and I crash around every 3 to 4 hours but that about it.. but what I found disappointing is the create a character.. I found the options lacking..I wanted to make a big brute but there's only 1 body type..bummer
@_Snarky 3 жыл бұрын
As someone that didint play Witcher series & weren't hyped or payed any attention to the development of CP2077, this game were good enough for 60€, as good as i found BL3 to be. I'm satisfied for now. Not gonna replay it though for at least a year unless they release story dlc.
@LennyRandom 3 жыл бұрын
I'm SO happy I haven't bought Cyberpunk 2077. I was borderline ready to buy it at launch for PC. Now I can wait for them to fix everything that needs to be fixed, and play my first run the way it was probably meant to be played.
@xthor86 3 жыл бұрын
COOL and intelligence has the most interesting perks that actually do stuff.
@Downloader3008 3 жыл бұрын
i'm playing on pc with a medium settup. it runs ok. i'm enjoying my playthrough but i understand the disappointment people feel. still...this game needed another year to cook.
@vashtxsx 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly I think the respec should be part of the cyberware. It makes more sense to me that the parts you get should improve your stats not require them. Like cyberware should add to body stats not require a stat to install
@shadowhunter6391 3 жыл бұрын
The number one question I have rolling in my head all the time is....If Covid didn't happen this year, could have they made this game playable 100% without bugs?
@esaedvik 3 жыл бұрын
There are already several infinite money in a few minutes/100k in like 10mins exploits, so even for a casual player, 100k for a respec isn't really a big deal. I get it if people don't want to use those though, it can ruin immersion or just enjoyment to get a lot of money and unlock everything right away. They kinda shot themselves in the foot by locking respec out though as bullet-sponginess is a thing and you can really fuck your build up.
@SmorgasLord 3 жыл бұрын
respecing stat points and not being able to change you hair or tatoos kinda sucks
@johnengels8017 3 жыл бұрын
Oh there not about attributes respecing. I think it is set not to be able to so that there is a reason to replay and create new chars. If they do what Coh suggested were they have a respec item for both attributes and perks there will be zero reason to create new char and replay the game. Other then to see the quests again and very few people would do that.
@Morden97 3 жыл бұрын
Vin diesel is a game dev in ark 2
@beartech28 3 жыл бұрын
Man I have 60+ on cyberpunk, the story and characters were awesome and the katana was a blast to use. I liked the "weight' of the decision. It made me proud? if that's the feeling? Plus again playing through another time lets you take different paths.
@NoNo-sq8zn 3 жыл бұрын
This guy is dumb this chrono kid dumb af
@naftulzvi3353 3 жыл бұрын
@@NoNo-sq8zn Stop projecting.
@iMadPow 3 жыл бұрын
@@NoNo-sq8zn u aight man?
@NoNo-sq8zn 3 жыл бұрын
@MrJeffreyrichards 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I am playing on PS4 and to be honest it is not that bad it does crash sometimes but then I reload and picks up 5 secs before and I dont lose anything so nothing to bad and I get the same glitches as others and yes on the AI I hope this game become something more amazing with patches and I love it tough and yes there was so much missed on promises missed.
@Razzying 3 жыл бұрын
I'd like to hop and say that I'm disappointed in the lmg category since its just a single one, why cant I own an HMG? I'd happily take 80kg HMG if it means I can own one and carry it around with me. Also armors, why arent there like black market trauma team like armor being sold(maybe i just haven't reached it yet but the armor I've seen close to military are armored vests). I hope in the future they add more armors and gun variants because for me its certainly lacking since its cyberpunk, its high tech stuff!
@esaedvik 3 жыл бұрын
TotalBiscuit is yelling "DON'T FUCKING PRE-ORDER GAMES" again somewhere...
@mrshrp1621 3 жыл бұрын
I'm having fun with the game , level 15 in starting zone still and have maybe almost 30 hours in and i just started the quest line to open up more at some point .I done nothing but side quest and blue mark "quest" .Thou i have one side yellow quest i might not be able to do , it link to another marker and one who u need kill is dead and don't count :/ .Even dump the body on the side of building and screw up marker system LOL ....Bugs are bad and funny but i haven't had a game breaker yet ,well beside "stuck npc " but side quest so ,whatever ..Even beat a npc by having a table between us and twins i use a "bug" to beat them on hard .That more on me thou then the game ,i guess .They needed more time and wish there was more to this game , i thought there would be more to this game by the way they talk .So i can say there some let down , felt lie to .IF they get the license to do more games in cyberpunk world , i hope they add more to the city ,more different shops from tattoos to hair saloons ,strip clubs ,cyber clubs , more bars .dance clubs and even music concert with a live band's ..Better coding to driving and movement , first thing i notice is how "fast " you move compare to other games .Cops need a major fix ,then show up normal and not just poof in , i can understand drones semi doing this .Even take a cop car and cops won't care when you drive by them lol . They got a solid world but need a MAJOR FIX with the life in it ..They over spoke and should of told the truth in the end and not waste time on old gen console knowing it wouldn't work or/and had issue . I like the concept and i hope they can do better down the road or some other company can pull something like this off .Since so different and nothing like other open worlds we get all the dam time .
@mordaelrose-heart2891 3 жыл бұрын
I wish more people were talking about the railroad-y story and lack of RP choices.
@the_elder_gamer 3 жыл бұрын
If anyone is after a couple of different takes on the topic, I'd highly recommend Chris Davis's most recent video. And for a different take from a different community of gamers, try the latest PS and BS Podcast, they're a super small channel and could use the signal boost.
@78kelab1 3 жыл бұрын
I wish JP said this before I pre-ordered it for XBOX ONE
@SogonD.Zunatsu 3 жыл бұрын
You're an idiot then. Never pre-order.
@hipiticlivi7400 3 жыл бұрын
I think the reason for not having a respec is because of the Skills. The skills level up as you use them, and they cannot go above your stat. Meaning. If you have Reflexes 7, you level the handgun skill to 7 and then respec reflexes to 3, you will have skill 7 with the stat at 3. I don't see a problem myself, but CDPR probably did.
@nokturnallex2160 3 жыл бұрын
It's mainly a problem for them I think because they rushed through the main story, if you actually level to max level, you'll be so OP it doesn't matter which stats you invested in. Like even just lvl 10 intelligence and Cool can allow you to stealth and hack your way through anything without having to fire a shot or even get spotted. Max level hacking and quickhacks allow you to just look at people and kill them. Hell, Ping's Legendary Quickhack allows you to kill people through walls, don't even need line of sight.
@Merlin_Price 3 жыл бұрын
Indie games didn't even get a response? The game awards is a joke. Until money isn't an issue in how these awards get publicity it will always be a compromised affair. Accolades for any work done, in any field, cannot be taken seriously unless the judging of it is respected. At the moment it is not. In large regards because of the insipid nature of advertising.
@nokturnallex2160 3 жыл бұрын
Yep, it's the same reason gamers can't trust Gaming Journalists, the majority of the money they make is from getting paid by the people they're supposed to be critical of. Even if they wanted to be unbiased it'd be impossible. Back when people paid subscriptions to magazines it wasn't so bad, but with the internet taking over all the money is from advertisements. Clickbait and shilling is pretty much the status quo now.
@SuperOrangeSauce 3 жыл бұрын
I’m loving the cyberpunk memes. Best part of the game.
@StefanRindom 3 жыл бұрын
This game almost broke my gamer heart, but i will keep coming back like a beat up love drunk.
@_Snarky 3 жыл бұрын
"Cyberpunk still has a lot of good stuff that isnt there in fallout 76" Wow i'm sure Cohh never imagined that he would be saying a line like that.
@Barista.Nathan 3 жыл бұрын
Cyberpunk feels like a game that was just WAY too ambitious. It needed another YEAR of development at minimum to be on par with its marketing and promises. Even then, the expectations it has for the hardware that 90% of people own were exorbitant. All in all, I wasn't as hyped as SOME, but it still feels like a big disappointment that this monstrously hyped and marketed game ended up far worse than Fallout 4 at launch. I parrot this take with extreme bitterness toward them, but Bethesda was publicly murdered for releasing a game that had about ss many bugs and less outright lies in its marketing and promotion. That CDPR isn't suffering a similar fate says a lot. Bethesda didn't try to actively kill their players with 76... All this to say nothing of the undue stress and anxiety the company put on all its employees as a result of this rush to get the game out in a reasonable timeline.
@Barista.Nathan 3 жыл бұрын
Wow Cohh just basically said everything I did XD
@meeranhaq9479 3 жыл бұрын
I really don't get the upset around the awards? Granted I was happy LOU 2 won (other than 1-2 categories). It seemed fine to me...the world premiers were kinda a let down but the show as a whole was fine.
@stefanhemker2929 3 жыл бұрын
playing on ps4 basic. and love the shizzel out of it, not many problems on my part.
@toolshedvideo 3 жыл бұрын
You can't say it's "unreasonable" to expect better performance on older consoles, when some of the best looking and least buggy releases come out EVERY year on PS4. That's a terrible excuse.
@bredtimestories 3 жыл бұрын
The gunplay is certainly not great, but I think it's way better than Metro
@jynxycats 3 жыл бұрын
If this game wins goty, it's going to signal to more studios that this shit is acceptable.
3 жыл бұрын
I'd personally enjoy a deeper discussion into the game design systems. So many reviewers stop short on the bugs and maybe mention the AI. I think there are some fundamentally poor game design decisions in this game - things you wouldn't want in an RPG. Why is the hacking minigame the exact same thing the entirety of the way through regardless of objective, location or level when it literally encompasses the entirety of what is hacking in cyberpunk 2077 play style - I'd have thought that hacking, seeing as it is a known class in the tabletop, would've gotten more love - why so little love for one of the paragon classes of the OG game? And when you can get the perks, your reward is to play less of the minigame, like they know its kinda boring - especially 90 hours later? Why do you need legendary mats to upgrade legendary items... when the rarity of these mats mean you won't be able to craft the upgrade and the very next common item out performs your legendary? Why attack higher level mobs when their drops are always for a higher level character, ergo no reward for your risk? Why buy any car after you have Jackie's bike? Why does no one in Night City have Trauma Care Response other than the women in the first quest? We do kill people other than gangbangers. Why craft when what you can routinely find the very next level outperforms what you crafted? Why do iconic items share a look with non-iconic items, aren't they iconic? Why is there a mirror you can vaguely mug at? At first I thought it was to see more and more johnny in your mannerisms, but its so bethesda fugly its seemingly pointless? Why can't you lock or save weapons you want to keep when the game routinely asks you to pick up 20 weapons per encounter and either disassemble them or sell them all to the nearest vendor? What is actually happening in the world when your character is disassembling, please explain in a non immersion breaking way? Why does the rain look so bad? Why so few enemy types? Why does every vendor buy 20 guns no questions asked? Why are bosses immune to hacks when it invalidates a netrunner build, or if not immune just so damn expensive and ineffectual? Why does no-one else in the city or the bad lands ride a motorcycle? Why are there so few brain dances? Why can you buy brain dance disks, they're not labelled as junk, but you can never play them with the headset you are especially given? Why is the first brain dance the best one with multiple layers and heartbeats and urgency while the rest are a snorefest? Why is the UI so terrible for making a phone call or checking a phone message? Why is the layout of the skills not organised in a way to suggest a build type? Why is explosive damage in crafting? Why are grenades so terrible? Why isn't the order of the phone messages preserved in the chronological order they were sent when you reply? Why is there no traffic AI for a city with traffic? Why is there no crowd AI for a city with crowds? Why is there no Police AI for a city with police? Why are there no indicators on clothing, like there are on weapons, to tell you what is better or worse as compared to what you are currently wearing? Why do certain items have weight but not others? Why do you have 164 healing syringes in no time? Why is there a street cred system, wasn't it supposed to show your "street cred" to various factions by the clothing you could wear... it seems like its just another XP bar that gates equippable content? Why does no-one remark on your elite street gear (other than clothing vendors who do so no matter what)? Why are there no faction standings which are influenced by your actions? Why does the fixer of a region immediately know you've stepped into their neighbourhood and immediately start offering you cars and gigs even when you've done exactly nothing to prove yourself to anyone? Why are you offered car after car after car after car in seemingly endless carousel (see what I did there) between game hours 3-8 when each of them are ridiculously expensive for where you are in the world and if you could buy one, you could buy only one? Why is the purchasing of that parked car so sterile? Why are the UI map elements for cars, gigs and side jobs all the same exclamation icon? Why be able to choose your genitals? Why are enemies so bullet spongey when they are wearing a tank top and I'm shooting them in the face with a double barrel shotgun? Why don't I ever see myself go under the knife when I got to the ripper doc to feel the loss of humanity as more and more cyberware is added? Why can't I try clothing on to see what it looks like before purchasing? Why can''t I respec my attributes? Why can't I change my hairstyle? Why can't I see the tattoo Johnny gets me in a good close up? Why are there foam cut outs in my stash? Why do I have a computer in my apartment with the Net, just for that one mission? Why are the perks clumped to (seemingly) even attribute levels so there are many blank levels with no perk choice? Why have Nomad, Corpo and Street kid backgrounds other than to flavour the first 20-30 minutes... and to provide text prompts which don't really seem to add too much benefit, but thereafter to offer no discernible benefit to replayability? Why does my minimap not zoom out when I', driving so that I can see the corner coming up? Why is the driving over responsive determined to spin out and pinball off everything... but also mannequin lifeless, when I push forward on my left stick in GTA my character responds to that by leaning forward... not so here? Why are the combat systems so ordinary - AI that never looks for you, AI that shouts out the same 3 lines at you, combat music that never stops until you find that lone enemy 3 stories away hiding in a room - really average shooting and melee (I'd say the melee is worse than the witcher)? This game needs more than bug fixes. It needs system overhauls. I finished the game in a 96hr playthrough. Full INT Netrunner. Press contagion then burnout to win and still didn't earn enough quick hack skill points to get that bottom central RAM recovery skill. I tried to get into crafting... but could only hit 12 as I saw I needed a minimum of 6 body for many weapons and 6 reflex for some dialogue options. I was 50 street cred and 37 level when I finished the story. On PC. (The GPU CPU Pool config file amendment saved my playthrough as up until then my system was bottlenecked by CDPR's config file to a 16th and an 11th of what my machine could handle...it wasn't public until I was 40 hours in... but at that point I managed to allow the game to utilise my full 2080i and 24gb RAM which made a seriously janky first half with frame rate and performance issues into a mostly enjoyable experience for the latter half even though the many game breaking and immersion breaking bugs continued right up through to my final cinematic... I had my ugly smart gun reticle covering a good sixth of my screen right up to the credits). I wish them luck. If this is the IP they want us to care about for 2021 and beyond, they've got quite a lot to do. I don't think it's all achievable though... making it run on current gen consoles... fixing the bugs for everyone else... adding the systems they told us they would have... adding the systems they need to add to keep replayability up... and add multiplayer... all in the year? Doubtful. So either way the are going to lose hearts and minds along the way as they prioritise on... whatever they deem the most important, most likely current gen playability.
@ElderShaemus 3 жыл бұрын
No Man’s Sky 2077
@MrJeffreyrichards 3 жыл бұрын
I disagree with it only being next gen the game was announced for PS4 and xbox one era and this is the biggest amount of player base as PS5 only had 15mil units and will be years till every one can even get one same with the xbox. The game had 4 delays if none of them happened next gen would have been far off. Now what should have been done was a longer delay they should have pushed it into next year like april the game would have done much better with 4 -5 more months of work.
@xanianempire 3 жыл бұрын
4 years heavily in the making, how much more time do you need? I think the technology isnt there yet to make a game like this.
@abrahamharn7690 3 жыл бұрын
IMHO if they wanted to hit a deadline, fine, release the game as "beta". They would've still sold a ton of copies, but now people can't bitch as much.
@sirpiggsy 3 жыл бұрын
i think people over hyped them selvs too much i was well aware it was going to have problems on the first month/week/year witcher 3 had its problems too and yet every one still rated it the best rpg ever made everyone gets mad at CDPR for releasing too soon but tbh im betting it was the people funding the game saying hey hurry the fuck up and bring the game out already.
@korrul 3 жыл бұрын
I think I disagree with that it's a great game that wasn't finished, cause most of the things he was angry about is like core systems being 10-15 year old, which is hidden by the game not being finished
@LooseCo 3 жыл бұрын
Man I wish at least one of the three liked Smash. No mention of the show opener during the game awards chat, the Sephiroth reveal. Unless I just totally missed it
@wolvie90 3 жыл бұрын
It's almost like this happens because morons give developers money hand over fist after seeing a 15 second teaster and a logo.
@som3wone 3 жыл бұрын
Cohh and JP bragging about 20k crits and I'm here sitting with a revolver and sniper that headshot crit for 200k each ... They may not have chosen the right perks XD
@kold1783 3 жыл бұрын
20 k is enough to one shot almost everybody. Maybe that's the reason they "brag". Also, sounds like they're not the only ones guilty of bragging 😅😅😅
@som3wone 3 жыл бұрын
@@kold1783 No hiding that XD. But tbf with the right perks you can probably double that 200k
@ratache 3 жыл бұрын
Cyberpunk reminds me of Vampire Bloodlines.
@Aver888 3 жыл бұрын
The combat AI is so terrible in this game. Often they don't do anything, like it takes them so long to react to player's action, or they trip on stairs/bodies and lie on the ground. No matter what difficulty level I play game is extremely easy.
@adityawismanto7423 3 жыл бұрын
Well...when you make something new, no matter how much knowledge and experience you have, there will be something miss out, cause it's new for you. repair it hurry up please...😅
@cr3d294 3 жыл бұрын
Why is everyone trying to change their character. Jesus, make another one! It's an RPG, role play! This game tho, it's gonna be night and day a year from now. So we'll eventually have what we expected, it's just a damn shame mgmt sucks so bad at their job.
@Kkj1994 3 жыл бұрын
Itme JP cohhyude appan coppan
@StarlightDragon 3 жыл бұрын
what's wrong with the gunplay? I didn't have any issues with it.
@Raxen95 3 жыл бұрын
I know people like to shit on Call of Duty a lot, and definitely for good reason. But if there's one thing I can say is that more often than not the gunplay in most of the games is second to none. So when JP was saying going from CoD to Cyberpunk was like comparing apples and oranges I definitely understood that. Cyberpunk isn't necessarily "bad", but it's not great either. It's serviceable.
@NewbOoyNS 3 жыл бұрын
@@Raxen95 I mean, it's an RPG. In the beginning of the game, my weapon sway was crazy, at the end, my vertical weapon sway was completly gone. I think they found a great balance between good gun play and stats tying into it. Although, I will say, the heavy machine guns feel way too light.
@Gedis2x 3 жыл бұрын
I strongly disagree about stat re-spec. Imagine that in DnD game, that's just wrong. I would be fine even if i couldn't re-spec perks...
@liuzhaoqi2003 3 жыл бұрын
If you spec have major impact on game play or story choice, sure. But in this case your spec just make you a little stronger or get in some lock doors
@maxheadshot3287 3 жыл бұрын
The combat gameplay is incredibly stupid, just another meaningless super-hero game with unlimited health and ressources. It doesn't fit to the narrative.
@Wagnersuperior 3 жыл бұрын
In the lore bullets are still deadly and several characters get shot and nearly die from it. Meanwhile the PC is eating lead for breakfast and huffing gallons of stims stored in his clown suit of random items he is wearing.
@maxheadshot3287 3 жыл бұрын
@@Wagnersuperior Lol.
@nr1771 3 жыл бұрын
@@Wagnersuperior To be fair, though, a lot of games do this. Look at Uncharted, for example--you can get shot four times, hide behind cover for a few seconds, and then be completely fine.
@warblackjack5565 3 жыл бұрын
Last of Us 2 winning GOTY was the least liked game by those who played it in comparison to all of its competitors.
@meeranhaq9479 3 жыл бұрын
I'm glad I didn't by CB 2077. I was slowly getting bought into the hype, but what I really wanted though, was a GTA style game and this is nothing like that and that saddens me.
@eyeco2 3 жыл бұрын
It plays a lot like GTA and i must be lucky as i have zero game spoiling bugs, loved every minute so far. Seems its a mess for some and fine for others. which is a shame as the game is so good.
@meeranhaq9479 3 жыл бұрын
@@eyeco2 Nah, not the GTA experience though. Where you can steal and kill whatever and then go in a cop chase and just let loose. Flying cars around the city? etc. More constricted than that
@SorrowsHeelTurn 3 жыл бұрын
it's not unreasonable to expect a game to work on the console you bought it on. stop making excuses for them please.
@Abyssionknight 3 жыл бұрын
The thing that bothers me the most about cyberpunk 2077 is that it released this year. I mean, covid stopping people from working in office has delayed everything everywhere. CDPR could have easily said 'Hey, this game's important to us and we want to give you the best product possible. Covid's slowing us down, so we're delaying until 2021'. People wouldn't have been thrilled about that, but the vast majority of people would have accepted the delay as just part of what the world is going through right now. The fact that CDPR instead decided to try and release during covid to max sales, even though the game clearly wasn't ready, pisses me off. I don't see a single justifiable reason for a 2020 release of this game, other than 'we want more money'.
@ShadowOfHavoc 3 жыл бұрын
I don't agree with the respecting on the fly like in Valhalla because certain missions prefer a certain approach and if you can respect to the best approach kinda takes away from the game.
@shanebovell6733 3 жыл бұрын
80? Waaaaaaaay too generous. literally every layer of this game is buggy and undercooked. Police? LOL. Collision? LOL. Models? LOL. And those are just examples of ingame stuff. The stuff surrounding the game with the lies and the deception is even worse. Colossal failure from CDPR.
@BONO33100 3 жыл бұрын
they need to fix the bags and after that, the first DLC should be life quality!!, no new quests!!, first thing life quality!!, like 50 GB update have life quality!!, that will maybe save this game!!, but I know that not going to happen!!, BTW Jackie is useless!!, I hide in a corner for two minutes wall we were in combat just to see if he will take care have the enemies for me and he didn't do any damage!!, he's just shooting, reloading, saying stupid shit but no damage!! {and they don't do any damage to hem to}, if u don't do it ur companions will not do it!!, they are just useless and broken!!, in act 1 u can "choose" to betray dex with Evelyn but why??, there storyline ends in the beginning act 2 so.......what??? so stupid!!!, Romances options my ass!!, half have this is only one cut scene!! and the other half is only in quests!!, shhhhhit i ad better Romances options in dragon age origins, GTA......... I can go on and on - MAN FUCK THIS HALF ASS BAKED GAME!!!.
@Zertryx 3 жыл бұрын
Cyberpunk, is generic thats the honest truth. it doesn't do anything new other than letting you change your private parts ... The rest of the systems are average at best, character visual creator is lack luster compared to other games, the level system is pretty basic, the game play is pretty standard. the game isn't anything special yet everyone making it seem like its the newest thing and so good. The only thing the game has going for it honestly is just the story and even that is just okay.
@RiseReligion 3 жыл бұрын
There's no saving Cyberpunk. They can fix bugs but you can't just patch in entire gameplay systems and mechanics.
@TeamTigerBloods 3 жыл бұрын
@otockian 3 жыл бұрын
@polterghost_ 3 жыл бұрын
This year they just couldnt do much. Winter/spring whole country goes on lockdown. They had to organize work from homes. That wasted time and disrupted work flow. Summer comes, lockdowns over but vacations starts, people are out. Fall, coronas back, working from home is back, another work reorganization.
@levigoldson4242 3 жыл бұрын
Cohh is so delusional. I guess he wants to make sure he gets invited to do more voice acting.
@MaledictusXCII 3 жыл бұрын
Disco Elysium a indie game that is away better RPG than Cyberpunk.
@lewiscrowley2761 3 жыл бұрын
Why does cohh look so annoyed when they started to talk bad about cyberpunk
@joestar9221 3 жыл бұрын
What you talking about????? Cohh went off on bugs and stuff especially no flashlight stuff lol 😂
@lewiscrowley2761 3 жыл бұрын
@@joestar9221 he did but the face he made the whole time
@Sophie2570 3 жыл бұрын
Who wouldn't be annoyed? One of Cohh's favorite games is Witcher 3, he was super hyped for Cyberpunk as were we all, but the game was in many ways very disappointing.
@jkzamien 3 жыл бұрын
Imagine a world where games are released when they are 100% done. All this deadline shit is dumb.
@quest900 3 жыл бұрын
I've gotten 75 hours of fun out of Cyberpunk so far. So the dollar per hour value is looking real good.
@notenoughcoffee 3 жыл бұрын
Looks a bit disingenuous to ignore TLOU2 on every category when they went through the awards phase to now having him say Cyberpunk is phenomenal a bunch of times... eh..
@meeranhaq9479 3 жыл бұрын
What? Cohh? He said it's a phenomenal game aside from his main contention, the story.
@Tikoyyyy 3 жыл бұрын
Cdpr and cyberpunk is the most overhyped sh1t ever. It's my most disappointing game of all time for how hyped everyone is for this game only to come out a mediocre product literally cyberpunk 2076.
@darkxiro 3 жыл бұрын
but please don‘t blame streamers with 10k+ viewers who hyped the game over 8 years. Thanks for Twitch Sub by the way..
@MrJeffreyrichards 3 жыл бұрын
Way off on it as they gave TLoU2 game of the year when it had a 6 on liked by gamers you had people not happy with the game you can not give a game that was so divisive and hated by more then half its player base you had people destroying the game disc on video and reports of massive returns. No the game awards show should be given to the games that have none of this like Ghost of Tsushima was and is the game of the year due to how much it is loved and liked world wide.
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