The Daily Demons Have Returned!
@GRIMHOOD99 Сағат бұрын
I liked every single dragon age and had issue with each of them. Origins had really boring combat animations, 2 reused locations waaaay too much, Inquisition felt like mmo turned singleplayer. Veilguard do far feels like it could be better than Inquisition but combat looks boring as hell.
@Leo-ds6lz 3 сағат бұрын
as much as i'd love to watch cohh or jp play the DLC. Streamers just play way to much for me to be able to keep up with their progression. so im just watching the vods afterwards instead.
@MichaelGabriele 4 сағат бұрын
Yes, Bruce, Warren Buffett invests in good companies, like Coca-Cola, which is very healthy for you! For informative and nuanced takes on complex economic subjects, I would suggest not listening to what video game streamers think :-)
@Phibrizzos 6 сағат бұрын
what is with this question? it imply its top 5 game and there can be no dicussion about it? for me its a 7-8/10 game, wudnt even make my top 100.
@joratoxdarkblade6826 7 сағат бұрын
Lets see Fallout: New Vegas. Massively enjoyed this game, the world, the story. Just hits all the right notes for me. Mass Effect trilogy. One of the best story games to date, nothing rivals it in my mind, the ability to be part of the story, reacting just sells me 100% Bloodborne. Absolutely my favourite fromsoft game, the play style of hyber aggression and the world makes it a clear case for me. Destiny 2. This may be a bit weird but I really enjoy the gameplay loop and spending time in it is a comfort for me. Payday 2. Playing this with friends is some of the best memories I have. The gameplay and build possibilities are also just solid. Elden ring is like 4th of soulsborne games for me, pacing issues, the horrible balance (not difficulty more like lazy design with no regard for gameplay. Godskin due, elden beast, malenia health drain even when not doing any damage and so on) due to said issues and the extrem amount of what feels like bloat in the content from the reused bosses and dungeons takes alot out of it for me.
@Holy_Grapefruit 7 сағат бұрын
The FromSoft Elden Ring phenomenon, is very much alike to CDPR Witcher 3, let's just hope FromSoft's 2077 goes over a bit better tho.
@strikingbushmaster9071 12 сағат бұрын
You’re so wrong it’s crazy
@ScrivoQualcosa 12 сағат бұрын
JP really has a weird concept of spoiler
@Colawaver 13 сағат бұрын
"This is the Shi**est episode we've ever done" Laughed too hard on that, with the context.
@Nottim554 16 сағат бұрын
If you’re shitting for 20 minutes you need help.
@shadow12k 18 сағат бұрын
Its crazy to me that the thing everyone loved about base ER which “ oh i cant beat this i need to explore” is being complained about.
@MassconfusionGaming 18 сағат бұрын
Imagine saying "the camera fin sux" over and over and never once unlocking it from the super agile dragon-dog =P
@Machobunni 19 сағат бұрын
Ever since JP moved closer to his friend Gassy, he has been an absolute bundle of joy and I fucking love it. He just seems more happy internally, I hope he is. Granted I've loved his manner of entertaining for over a decade, I do love his pessimistic, angry gaming as well.
@NewbOoyNS 19 сағат бұрын
Man, Bruce is the man! I love how he can talk about serious stuff but throw in jokes here and there that don't take away from the situation.
@Gusty331 21 сағат бұрын
I'm down for more Bruce and Lawrence on Dropped Frames
@mysticmoose6123 21 сағат бұрын
The Grub Tub is a real restaurant amazingly. So no sponsorship from them. Good work guys
@TheWindwall 22 сағат бұрын
Ethics: $20 a pop
@MitraKesava 22 сағат бұрын
Disgustingly hilarious
@VoxAcies 23 сағат бұрын
If I had to point out one mistake Fromsoft made, it's their description of the scadutree blessing. They really should have made it obvious that this is the way to increase your power in the shadow realm. As it is now, the description of the blessing sounds like it's some optional thing and it is not. If you don't seek out the scadutree fragments, you're doing a challenge run, in the same low SL would be a challenge run. Personally, my main drive in Fromsoft games is exploring, I make it my primary goal to explore of all the available map before engaging the critical path bosses. Partly because I enjoy looking for sequence breaks and partly because I like running early into some crazy challenging late game bosses to see if I can beat them. And you'd be surprised how far you can get without beating a single main boss in the DLC.
@Makeshift_Housewife 23 сағат бұрын
the Metroid Prime 4 development did a full restart 3-4 yeras ago because they hated the game. Thats why it took 7 years
@nilsharaldtrollsasfrydenbe413 Күн бұрын
Can anyone tell me what the thing they didnt talk about but just kinda talked around about 22:20 was about?
@NewbOoyNS 19 сағат бұрын
The two time champ.
@nilsharaldtrollsasfrydenbe413 17 сағат бұрын
@@NewbOoyNS what is that?
@NewbOoyNS 16 сағат бұрын
@nilsharaldtrollsasfrydenbe413 one of the biggest streamers at one point on twitch, known for FPS games. Got banned and settled with twitch out of court. no one knows the ban reason
@nilsharaldtrollsasfrydenbe413 Сағат бұрын
@@NewbOoyNS oh, Dr.Disrespect?
@alphadelta141 Күн бұрын
Arizona green tea is still 99 cents where i live, even has the 99c printed on the can so retailers can't raise the price.
@Theraton1 Күн бұрын
Amazing how quickly you found one of the hardest bosses of this DLC.
@Juhz0r Күн бұрын
Loved the show! Bruce was a great guest.
@Theraton1 Күн бұрын
My Elden Ring take: yes everything hits like a truck at first but you get used to it - you still can use your mimic summon and stomp over bosses and with exploring and finding more scadutree blessings everthing gets easier. The world and scenery is fantastic and fun to explore. The issues i have with this DLC: 1 The world is really empty in some places: In parts you are riding for mintues only to find a smithing stone. 2. Enemy recycling is in some parts very bad - i get it its the same world but seeing the same enemies recycled again and again (looking at you dragons) is really bothering me. Still a very good game for me.
@samimermer1982 Күн бұрын
These guys haven't seen manor lords? That army gameplay has better ai than total war army ai. How the fuck do these guys have an audience with this shilling mentality?
@Dopesaur Күн бұрын
Had to take the extra moment after 29:29 to search up Maximillian dood's reaction to the news. That 10 minute video is EMPOWERING! Man, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face the whole way through. So pleasant to watch people get excited about something. Even if I've never interacted with MvC.
@rythiancross Күн бұрын
For the new zelda game the thing I dislike about it is the creativity to solve the problems how you want, where in the past it's a very clear set in mind puzzle. That's the whole reason BoTW and ToTK weren't of any interest to me as it was more of a sandbox
@Juhz0r Күн бұрын
It's definitely tough to strike that balance, because on paper it's cool that there are bunch of ways to solve a puzzle, but often in practice it just means that the puzzles are easier and less unique/interesting.
@omegaeraser Күн бұрын
System seller for switch 2 is gonna be pokemon legends.
@Murderbits Күн бұрын
Yes, Zeke, there are ETFs that contain ONLY "ethical" and "non vice" companies. They're a great place to invest if you are looking to make a loss.
@stefanneaga Күн бұрын
I will say I only generally care about streamer charity work, as far as the parasocial relationships work. If you give I am more willing to give
@ItsAlways42 Күн бұрын
Interestingly, Bruce compares Still Wakes the Deep to being a game that seems like it's trying to test out elements for a larger, darker game with combat. If I'm not mistaken, aren't they the ones making VTM Bloodlines 2, and we're all super concerned that it'll be trash? If they're nailing dark, atmospheric gameplay, and this was a short cut to let people see what they can do, it could be a positive view of things to come.
@eracaneracan Күн бұрын
I swear I could look up old videos of Elden Ring when it first came out. Hearing the same issues... it's like peoples memories where wiped by the men in black. I bet in a couple of weeks we are going to see videos praising how great the DLC is for "Insert topic". Just like the spin of Elden Ring was.
@a9fc Күн бұрын
the last 5 mins was basically the redneck cox show LOLOL
@Justin-ee1mv Күн бұрын
@Wvzzz Күн бұрын
"this will affect me and my family" (about revenue changes due to sub cost increase) "I tell my fans to not be parasocial" which one is it bruce?
@Wirenfeldt1990 Күн бұрын
I don’t see an issue..
@MeaganKC Күн бұрын
I guess you didn't pick up on that being a joke huh?
@firecrow7973 Күн бұрын
@@MeaganKC I guess you didn't pick up on that being a joke huh?
@Murderbits Күн бұрын
Arizona tea cans are $1.09 in Denver.
@Machobunni Күн бұрын
Worked for Costco for 5 years; they are the better of the retail corporations. But they still are a corporation. They have flaws, Each Costco Warehouse is different, one may have complete ASS management, another can have better (example one warehouse I worked at often times had people working 10+ days in a row, get 1 day off then work 7 days in a row before getting 2 off, the other warehouse never worked people more than 7 days in a row). Has good things going for it, but still has plenty of horseshit things going on behind the scenes as well. Hard workers getting more work while those who dont do anything get away with it, harassment (experienced first hand), racism from managers, etc. Dont think Costo is a holy company please. They are on the better side, but they fuck up plenty (just look up the bathroom break lawsuit and they still try to push no bathroom breaks as an example XD ), I cant tell you the amount of times I saw female MANAGERS in tears because of shit treatment from their superiors. It's still a company ran by humans. Humans are trash
@slanderpop8771 Күн бұрын
I dont know why people were expecting switch 2, as they confirmed it was not going to be shown this summer. Of course they could be foolin peeps, but that isnt how Nintendo usually works
@kephalai Күн бұрын
thank you so much for doing this. now i have something to listen to while i die to that fuking lion dancing boss for 2 hours lmao btw been watching bruce's stuff for a long time and really happy you finally have him on :D such a great show this week
@GetDaDrawsDawg Күн бұрын
Maybe I will try to play LoL finally. Oh they outright ban characters cause of skins welp l I'll give it a few more years to mature I guess.
@GetDaDrawsDawg Күн бұрын
Humble Bruce
@ShyGuySpirit Күн бұрын
No chapter markers, guess I'll use the description.
@GetDaDrawsDawg Күн бұрын
The great and wise Barry might be on vacation. If the great and wise Barry is in charge of that.
@smackinmywill5646 Күн бұрын
this was a nice episode to watch. Having bruce on was nice to see and hear. hearing different things from him was nice to hear
@Euphamia Күн бұрын
love it when the news show wont talk about the news :P
@Euphamia Күн бұрын
everything has to raise its price, because those at top need mroe
@gfraserewu Күн бұрын
I've waited a LONG, long time for B is for Bruce, B is for Brave to join the podcast (or at least, since JP started to stream games with him). Much love from a long time Funhaus fan.
@Victorgramatron Күн бұрын
i explored the sh%t out of the map before fighting the Lion head boss and beat him second try, not bragging, just saying that it feels balanced
@ctg4818 Күн бұрын
The micro stutter is cause by the EasyAnitCheat (basically a virus) but IT CAN BE FIXED by going into task manager and setting the affinity to only use 1 CPU core (core 6,7, or 8). To do this just right click it in task manager and select "go to details" and right click again.
@gc3k Күн бұрын
The former president of Marvel (Disney wasn't really involved here) feuded with the former president of Fox over Marvel film licensing. In retaliation, Marvel freely decided to stop marketing the characters that Fox had film rights to. It affected the comic books, merchandising... and video games. There were a lot of problems with MvC Infinite, but the main reason why it undersold was the missing "Fox" characters who were part of MvC since the 1990s, before the Marvel blockbuster movie era. So the key art of Cyclops front-and-center with a huge grin on his face is a major statement for longtime fans, and anyone else who's familiar with the Marvel-Fox feud