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Alexander G

Alexander G

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Пікірлер: 101
@XskullDrSkull 2 ай бұрын
I have to heavily disagree on the whole Cameraman section simply because she operates much differently than Courier. - Cameraman is defensive. Getting damage out of her means building a big stack, or else you use her as a secondary meatshield layer/ clean up smaller support or peons. Courier works fine in small pairs of even just 2 but has a much thinner defensive line because of his speed. Their usage is totally different which makes your whole outclassing/ overshadowing argument extremely hollow. - Camera crit? Hello??? That talent is literally the reason why the Metal meta is dead alongside Catasaurus. It’s nearly a OHKO against most Metals and huge in stages like Ironsand which have some of the strongest SMS. It also makes her an incredible role compressor for general lineups, no need to waste a slot for a crit unit. - You talked a bit about how Courier is better generally but this is just not true. If we’re looking at general lineups, Cameraman is WAY more optimal for lineup building because of their superior defense and crit ability. None of the best general lineups in the game use Courier while all of them simultaneously use Cameraman as a literal auto-pick, you can reference 7 / shichi who utilizes Cameraman instead of Courier because Cam’s role compression is just way, way better than Courier and it’s not even close. I’ve seen so many people’s general lineups scuffed because they went with Courier instead of Cam and that causes their whole lineup to collapse with very non-optimal picks. On a more positive note, I do agree with most other parts of the video. I wouldn’t necessarily call most of them overrated, but they are definitely not optimal in comparison to the powercreep we’ve gotten.
@AlexanderG-l4c 2 ай бұрын
I appreciate the disagreement, though I don't feel any different about what I said. 1. Despite their usage difference I don't find camera's extra defense as useful as courier's speed and piercing ability, and if defense is necessary I'd say just use other defensive units and if stacking is needed for the stage then I use cats like housewife or manic/lil dragon with courier... Or also camera 2. Camera's 250 range is nice but the 2% crit chance is barely reliable. It'll kill any metal for sure but unless you already have a massive stack or something it's probably not gonna happen. 3. Again camera's crit chance at 2% being something helpful is unreasonable as it's unreliable if that's your only critter (unless you stack them like crazy.. which has failed a lot for me), and cam still doesn't have piercing unlike courier who's faster and can pierce up to 400. For your generalist disagreement I feel it also assumes that the other cats chosen can't make up for not having cam, or they fully assume that camera isn't in them. I'd rather use courier because of his piercing ability and higher speed, as what camera has over courier doesn't outweigh courier's generalist ability over camera in my opinion. Not calling camera bad but still, courier > cam for me, and thank you for enjoying the video.
@yogakusuma89 2 ай бұрын
Should I use cameraman or courier if I have no talents?
@AlexanderG-l4c 2 ай бұрын
Use both
@yogakusuma89 2 ай бұрын
@@AlexanderG-l4c but uhh I don't think I have anything to replace except for maybe ramen
@yogakusuma89 2 ай бұрын
@@AlexanderG-l4c I'm not yet into cotc btw I'm still in itf ch3
@CannedJuiceYT 2 ай бұрын
Nice choices, I agree with most of them. Though some of them aren't what I'd call "overrated" (Not many people I know think Mina is too spectacular), I think you did a good job giving a fair assessment on these units. However, when it comes to Hoopmaster, an important benefit of his Freeze over Chucky's slow is that it stops all damage while Chucky slow can still have enemies chip the frontline meatshields. This is impactful in a good amount of mixed metal stages, like Ironsand Beach where freezing Sir Metal Seal makes the gory waves easier to deal with overall from a better defence. Hoop is also better to stack for this reason, as a permafreeze is much safer to control than a permaslow. As for Cyberpunk, he has crazy utility but whether the player wants to use him comes down mostly to playstyle, so I wouldn't call him overrated but rather just personal preference based. A single Cyberpunk can also be useful on some stages due to the area attack slow, which is what Deadeye lacks, and he also makes Cyber + Deadeye combo possible allowing you to permaslow enemies without any stacking. Overall though, cool video.
@Rb_Perm 2 ай бұрын
Dude called my entire Arsenal overrated 💀
@DeMarcusAcheampong 2 ай бұрын
Dark lazer is more of a wave unit than anything, mina's a generalist if you have nothing else, good for no gacha but not great, ururun tier generic. Cameraman and courier have different roles, cameraman is more for stacking, but courier sucks to stack in comparison. Idk if you really used cyber properly, can beat most stages with not too much effort easily, but no fun to play at all. Everything else I agree with though.
@Gastro-enterite-en-imax 2 ай бұрын
He talked about cheese but decided to not take them in consideration
@DeMarcusAcheampong 2 ай бұрын
@@Gastro-enterite-en-imax he seemed to say cyberpunk is good for "some cheese strats" but it can literally wreck most stages, which was my point
@outofsync776 13 күн бұрын
I like the video, but the camera take is just genuinely horrible. Courier's busted, sure, but he really falls off later in the game. Other than behemoths, he just doesn't have much usage, he can't be stacked well and the chip can be better done far better by other, better units. I feel like courier's ease of use is why people find him so good, if you invest your time in using camera you'll see the true potential she has, she's harder to use, sure, but the results you can get with camera far outweigh what you can get with courier in so many scenarios. I hate to say it, but your camera complaints really just seem like a skill issue.
@outofsync776 13 күн бұрын
Oh and the cyberpunk take was atrocious as well, sniper is really your go to for everything? What about the single target? Complete lack of pierce? And how about "sniperpunk"? It's really well known for being incredibly powerful (even if it's incredibly lame). Cyberstacking destroys so much of UL, crowned stages included. Again seems a lot like a skill issue, if you can't keep enemies out of cyber's blindspot then you need to learn how to use him better.
@AlexanderG-l4c 12 күн бұрын
Interesting comments, but I do have some push-back. 1. Appealing to me having a "skill issue" is both an assumption and it's... easy. You could say that about ALL of the other cats I chose on the list, or hell even any other cats like, "Can't use Manic Dark? Sounds like a skill issue, have you seen his DPS at max? Just freeze the reds." it's completely nonsense and the contention doesn't even fit with Camera and Cyber. I mean, these are some of the most skilless cats in the game... you just spam cam and then stall hard with cyber 2. Camera: I maxed camera out, talents catseyes and all. Though since this video's about a month old and I'd shift my opinion to courier being better in most situations, not straight outclassing, I don't think that she's "harder to use" or whatever. You just have to spam her a few times with defense like any other midranger. With courier though there are a lot of different situations I've encountered where camera stacking would be nice, but given the stage it isn't effective due to camera's slow speed, so I use courier instead, and he also has piercing, though usually I'd use both. 3. Cyberpunk: Unless the specific stage REALLY calls for it, I've got almost no great reason to use cyberpunk most of the time over sniper (or either of them that often). The cost is 3750c vs sniper's 900c, they have the same range, and even though sniper doesn't have piercing, he'll always hit his target when enemies get close. Cyber's good at what they do but I simply don't need them most of the time, and if I do need some push-back, then I'm gonna go for sniper first because they do almost the same thing with no blind spot, same range, and a way lower cost. Sounds like you're losing a lot there but they're very comparable. 4. Sniperpunk: Just like bringing cyberpunk, in the vast majority of situations, I have 0 reason to bring both sniper AND cyberpunk. I guess it COULD destroy all stages, but me just Uber carrying could do the same. It's unnecessary and I don't need to do that strategy outside of rare few scenarios.
@outofsync776 12 күн бұрын
@@AlexanderG-l4c Looking through some of the other comments, you said you were having a hard time stacking camera in a lot of scenarios, which I think was pretty funny considering they are a defensive unit, built to stack. Also, still nothing about peon spam? Basically every single problem cyber has, sniper has too, except for cost and blindspot, but even the single target limits sniper so much. Unlike something like balrog, he can't just try another hit because of his long attack rate, and then the enemies could easily push and kill basically everything. But don't worry! Sniper's still there to make sure that one squire rel won't move forward! Plus, when sniper gets hit he's just dead. Didn't mention cyber's survive, or the damage! Sniper has literally 0 damage, making him pretty useless in plenty of other scenarios. Cyber at least has some decent chip, especially for his range. I guarantee if you used camera OR cyber more for scenarios you wouldn't think they would usually shine in, you will see why they're so good. (And most of those scenarios sniper doesn't work and courier doesn't do nearly as well.)
@introvert__music 2 ай бұрын
although i don't find myself using cyberpunk super often, he has been a great generalist going through ul blind, and his slow/cost down talents help a ton. i'll never forgive courier for replacing cameraman but he's still just better in most situations 😡😡😡
@corruptedslayer3168 2 ай бұрын
I just want to say first hand that this video is extremely well put together. I heavily respect people who spends their time and effort to voice their opinion and attempt to justify it. However, the cameraman vs courier part is just not it for me While on the surface, those 2 may be similar, in actual scenarios this just isn’t the case at all. The main strength of cameraman isn’t just his midrange dps, it’s his defensive utility. Courier being a midrange rusher dies pretty quickly on the battle field. Cameraman, while having worse stats has a major advantage over courier: his movement speed. Cameraman’s slow movement speed allows you to easily create mass amount of cameraman on the battle field. It essentially allows you to create a giant wall of dps that excels at clearing peons. This is especially noticeable in late to end game content, where cameraman is one of the best options to repel the busted af peons. Even in stages where cameraman is outranged by the main enemy, just clearing the peons especially in late to end game makes a majority of stages significantly easier. Cameraman when talented also have 100% survivor chance, while greatly increases his defensive utility as he can always take at least one hit from even the most busted enemy, it’s to the point where you can use him as a secondary meatshield. Courier is definitely broken, but comparing them both together when their role and usage is extremely different is rather unwise. Again, this is a great video, I hope to see more from you soon!
@Gastro-enterite-en-imax 2 ай бұрын
Im in ZL and still havent found a use for camera
@VoltmasterTbz4 8 күн бұрын
@@corruptedslayer3168 Not to be annoying but Cameraman is a girl even if they say it is Cameraman and not Camerawoman.
@TankieBoi 2 ай бұрын
I agree with every one except Cyberpunk (he's best used on stages with ridiculous pushing power such as Baron Seal MAX where he's the most important unit in the whole loadout), but I 100% think that a lot of units who require talents are just... Overrated. Use your free/advent units! Spamming courier is better than Paris 90% of the time, Slime/Jelly Dumpling cat is OP, Stone Cat is amazing, and unless you hate ubers for whatever reason, use what you've got! The game gives you every tool you need to progress, zero talents needed, the units I suggest talenting are Cyberpunk (slow), Jiangshi (speed) and Can Can (basically everything). I've not actually talented Can Can yet but I know it easily pays for itself once you do.
@KylerNoon 2 ай бұрын
2:07 a rule of thumb when comparing cats is this: when it comes to specials and rares, you can only compare them to specials and rares, because of 4 crown stages the argument of bondage being worse than roe instantly crumbles when you enter any 4 crown legend stage otherwise, yea roe is a lot better also, camera vs courier courier has the worlds most annoying blindspot, and cam has high defense, can CRIT (hello??), and low move speed low speed isnt really bad either, as it opens up a very good benefit, which is giving the ability to group up and stack way better, especially when they have many knockbacks, like cam does. other than that, i agree with basically everything else
@AlexanderG-l4c 2 ай бұрын
1. Most situations are not 4 star, and the argument does not "instantly crumble" unless the 4 star stage is red only. Even then it kinda proves my point since he's only useful in this insanely niche circumstance 2. Courier is just better a lot of the time thanks to their movement speed and sure, the defense helps, but in my experience the offense is usually better and while the blind spot IS annoying, it's not that big of a deal if you have nice meat shields. Tons of the time anyway cam just dies because she has such a slow movementspeed that she can't even get to the enemy while with courier being 5x faster, he usually can. 3. Plus, cam crits at a 2% chance (hello???). You say it as if it's at all a consistent, common thing that makes her stronger, when really it's like Island's crit chance except with area attack. Even when she's stacked majorly you barely see it. Again saying that as a strength is like saying "Hello? Manic Island has a crit, he's still an incredible unit!" Total nonsense.
@KylerNoon Ай бұрын
i'll be 100% honest, i must have been super tired when typing all of that. i look over it and i wonder what the hell i was talking about the only thing i can sort of argue is research combos + crit combos can heavily boost cameraman, but even then those are a waste of slots for just one unit i also dont even think i knew cam's crit chance was that low 3 weeks ago, lol.
@inabaraisin4314 2 ай бұрын
While I do agree that camera is overrated I do also feel like the "courier better lol" argument is...kind of weak ? Like they are both somewhat spammable area attackers at the same range but that's about where the differences ends. You could mention how camera is extremely good and can tear things to shreds when stacked and her cost efficiency, except because end game meta is balanced around piercing attacks and higher ranged pushers stacking camera just isn't feasible, compared to courier who can run it, deliver a few hits that cripples enemies then die comfortably. Overall I feel like some of the arguments can be a little stronger but otherwise pretty alright list
@Catornado 2 ай бұрын
Ok I have some comments; Dark laser: you actually don’t need to go all the way, lv1 wave and lv5 attack is really all you need for mid game. Still agree though, her usage falls off after mid game. Bondage: the videos shown are like 4 years old, I haven’t seen anyone use this thing except for no gacha players. It’s more so the initial hype that bondage is actually usable after talents considering what he was pre talent. Mina: she is definitely not overrated, she is mainly used as an ld nuker for 4 stars before endgame. This is due to the fact that every other unit that can fulfill her role is locked behind ludicrous progression, so basically it is using because that is your only option. After newer options, you wont use mina. Cameraman: lol (kzbin.info/www/bejne/bJzHZ5aBlst7jbMsi=wShp4C7co3r7_OLj). ok my actual comment now; cameraman is not overrated, he is still pretty good and you’ll definitely still find some usage. The reason your points are valid is because courier is the piece of garbage unit ever added. (WHY THE HELL DOES THIS THING HAVE LIKE DOUBLE OF EVERY ONE ELSE’S DPS, *WITH LD* WTF. YOUR TELLING ME HE STILL HAS AN ANTI RED AND BEHEMOTH NICHE WHY PONOR. AND WHY IS HE SO EASY TO OBTAIN, THE ENTIRE PROGRESSION SYSTEM AND BEHEMOTHS ARE BROKEN BECAUSE OF THIS ONE UNIT). sorry where was I? Uhh.. yeah agree with what you said, either use both or use courier. Also you can use her on metal stages. Cyborg: thank you, ever since I used this unit on floor 30, I realized, she is not that great anymore. Cameraman can mostly fill her role and I’ll spare you the courier rant. I still do use her for specifically winged pigge, but thats all. Cyberpunk: yeah, you are most likely gonna need this dude for 3 star ul, because enemies push so fast that other options would most like just die, from what I have heard. I can’t give comments because i am on ul17, but haven’t used him for a while now. I feel like its more playstyle dependent than anything.
@Viiper1237 2 ай бұрын
You have valid points, tho have you watched march to death solo with cameraman?
@SilumanTomcatReborn 2 ай бұрын
I'm partly in fault with Bondage agenda because I keep pushing people to invest on him. But the primary reason why I did that because he is so cheap to invest. All you need to do is buy Lv1 Dodge. It already gives Bondage flat 40% Dodge chance. Upgrading further only raises Dodge duration by mere 1s, which is not worth at all. Bondage already has good HP so you don't need HP Up Talent. Even if you do need it, Lv5 HP Up is already sufficient. Everything else is trivial. With 75 NP, you practically gain immortal meatshield for pure-Red stages. You actually don't need that much NP for Bondage. It's good bargain.
@AlexanderG-l4c 2 ай бұрын
Even if it's cheap, why is that necessary when roe exists and has vastly more HP just at level 30? If the damage is crazy and the 40% dodge chance that (at lvl 1) lasts for 0.4s fails, he'll die, versus roe who will always have the same HP when you throw him out, and has a more consistent chance of surviving. Even for 75 NP it's just not worth relying on a 40% dodge chance for 0.4s as opposed to guaranteed high HP. Using that 75 NP and further NP on investing in Roe's defense up and cost down talents will go infinity further in not only red stages, but general stages over Bondage.
@SilumanTomcatReborn 2 ай бұрын
@AlexanderG-l4c trust me, 40% Dodge is super busted. It's one of the strongest Dodge in the game
@LanceAdams-z3h 2 ай бұрын
My goat keep posting 🙏
@pithin3625 2 ай бұрын
Island Cat: I think that's pretty true altho peop,le don't respect island cat that much anymore. I'll be honest every normal units are basically useless beside for combo/restriction stages these days (excluding eraser and superfeline ofc) Bondage Cat: I'd say they're pretty underrated actually, alot of people still think they are the worst unit because of that one Lucas video, but they are current a very solid 4* anti red tank and actually has better solo capabiltiy than roe Dark Lazer: Not true, dark lazer is one of the only 4* anti-black attacker in the game and has valueable niches with enemies like dark dober, the generalist dps and wave stacking also make her worth it either way Mina: She isn't cosnidered good in the first place lol, it's just that she's one of the earliest sniper unit you can get no-gacha so she's usually used in early UL guides but beyond that then people would use stuff like naala or uril instead Cyborg: I also think she's kinda underrated these days, alot of people think she's just compeltly useless after slapstick but her low cd and toxic/weaken immune can still comes very handy Cameraman: This is one that i heavily disagree with. Courier is just completly different from cameraman, cameraman can stack dps way faster than courier ever could on low range enemy with her short cd, and the short cd also mean that adding research M combo like cheating heart doubles her spammability. A high boosted cameraman cat just straight up have higher stat than courier too Hoop Cat: I usually use mochi and puppetmaster over hoop but he still has his place. Freezing is a much better debuff than slow and it also allow hoop cat to cheese a few stage by letting you stack attackers against a super metal hippoe or super metal seal Cyberpunk: Also another completly different unit, cyberpunk can slow an area amount while deadeye only work on 1 enemy, cyberpunk also has solid chipping DPS and survive. Also usually if you use deadeye you're stacking him with cyberpunk anyways Manic Macho Legs: Yeah i don't think he has a place in the meta with stuff like masked grandmaster and slime existing Manic Island: He's still a very good melee in early and midgame, also his pure anti red stat is also still some of the best out there which means he's still really good for queen bee relic and prof a As for stuff i think that are overrated, most of em would be ubers but -Basically most of the normal cats: As i said before their stat are well... outdated, even the good stuff like eraser and superfeline isn't holding on so well anymore with so many options existing -Lasvoss: As a person who have him at level 55 and talented he is good but isn't anywhere close to top 10 ubers for me. Most people just hype him up because he can oneshot bosses and stuff but in reality you'd need a lot of RNG + just setting it up is way harder than beating the stage normally anyways, and his normal output (non-strengthened/savage blow) is alright but nothing too crazy considering he can only get 1 or 2 hit in and he might even miss. Honestly i use his research combo way more than the actual unit, i will say the immunities are really nice though
@jcwade347 2 ай бұрын
Dark lazar is good because black and reds have tons of melee enemies that push and she can also kill backliners with her wave. Also I don't get why you try and say that cameramans low speed and high kb count are bad when they are part of the reason she's good, her knockbacks and slow speed allow her to stack insanely fast.And also why compare them to courier when they are used for entirely different reasons?
@jcwade347 2 ай бұрын
Also cyberpunk is not overrated at all, he has like 60% uptime with talents and unlike sniper he can hit multiple enemies at once. Also is very easy to obtain unlike sniper. very cheap true form and is in every banner. It has a guaranteed slow against almost every trait with good uptime at an insane 1200 range. Also the points about other debuffers being better are bad because they all synergize well together. And if a stage is pushing hard you can just bring other debuffers along with cyberpunk because they synergize well together.
@2Uvas 2 ай бұрын
Is there anyway to give you fanart? Because i rlly like your persona's design and wanna draw the little guy
@AlexanderG-l4c 2 ай бұрын
You can join the discord server and put it in art, the server link is in the description
@2Uvas 2 ай бұрын
@AlexanderG-l4c thanks man
@caoinhnamkhanh2795 2 ай бұрын
A lot of these units (other than islands and dark lazer) operate in different conditions and they arent overrated as they have their niche that they do well in. I looooove paris cuz of the 350 range and decent offense, ofc the cost does drain cash but i can just use cash more carefully on meatshields or crowdcontrol (ofc i dont always use her cuz pizza kinda insane but for levels that pizza cant get hits in or gets pushed i often try out either courier or paris)
@mrcat-g3c 2 ай бұрын
Him basically the whole vid : outclassed by courier
@petscopstan 2 ай бұрын
cameraman is my goat wdym. also first comment
@StormBlade-BPB 2 ай бұрын
I agree cameraman is the better of the 2 as her slow speed let’s her be stacked
@Footy_skelengton 2 ай бұрын
But the thing with cyberpunk is that he slows EVERYONE for ~4.4 seconds, and he do that to a whole group of enemies, spider while also very good, he only has single target and slows for less time
@sultan_abdulhadi 2 ай бұрын
Sorry im not ditching my level 50 camera
@Mrpeanutty27 2 ай бұрын
Couriers speed and blindspot drastically lowers his survivability and can sometimes allow wild doges in (as a mitama user this can be a game ender) not only that courier has 2 knockbacks meaning he has only one chance to reposition versus cameraman's 4 cameraman stacks way easier and are very durable with almost half of couriers cooldown a cheaper cost and it's unique in the way that even as you get pushed back your stack survives and grows while courier would just die. The strong against floating and guaranteed survive makes it a great ranged meatshield aswell which helps you not get pushed back. Unless there is dangerous behemoth enemies like the ducks cameraman is just better
@DongbaekEGOSpicebush 2 ай бұрын
Cameraman and courier simply work in entirely different ways, comparing them directly isn't fair since they do different things better and worse. Cameraman is an incredibly effective unit to attack against short ranged, slow and/or high KB units. They stack up quickly and will survive a while, but if the enemies have any range or simply can attack faster than them, cameraman is completely worthless. Courier is rusher with very strong piercing range for its role, incredibly high damage, their low KB count actually serves well to push into higher range enemies like Professor A, and their higher damage per unit makes up for less stackability. And most notably, courier moves and attacks faster, along with the previously stated perks, it has enabled for so many previous stages to become completely trivial.
@Chickensrus 2 ай бұрын
Bro spitting truth
@amphibiansriseup596 2 ай бұрын
I think you undervalue Mina in your video. Pre-TF Mina is kinda meh, but TF Mina is perfect for early UL and mid UL as the only non-Uber sniper unit with 400+ range. On top of her decent dmg output and surprisingly low cooldown, she’s key to answering a lot of formidable ranged or midranged enemies like bear variants, M.Ost, Rain D, Sleipnir, Red EnerG, etc. She also has lower cost than the Ururuns and LD which is more favorable in UL as stage designs tend to lean towards sniping. Ofc around late UL/ZL she begins getting outclassed by better options as snipers or generalists like Uril TF, Naala, Luza, Doron, and the direction ZL stages have been taking promote a cost-effective, breakneck blitz playstyle. Still, her role by the time you reach UL is irreplaceable if you decide to do a no uber or even no gacha run.
@CalvinVanMatre 2 ай бұрын
How dare you badmouth dark lazer that unit has carried me thru so many stages
@albireo2990 2 ай бұрын
@CalvinVanMatre 2 ай бұрын
@stickmanstudio6451 2 ай бұрын
Possibly unpopular opinion but i think slapsticks is way better then camera and cyborg for general use.
@ant_give1238 2 ай бұрын
Only in stages without 4 star restrictions
@stickmanstudio6451 2 ай бұрын
I agree
@Mrpeanutty27 2 ай бұрын
Way higher cost and cooldown but great against relics
@rivaledrandom1282 2 ай бұрын
​@@Mrpeanutty27Nah slapsticks is wayyyyyy more cost effecient than cyborg while camerman is a very different kind of unit that has their own strengths and weaknesses that makes it awkward to directly compare with slapsticks
@Mrpeanutty27 2 ай бұрын
@rivaledrandom1282 true but you can't stack slapsticks like you can cameras in some situations
@michellemurphy8195 2 ай бұрын
My boy UBC is NOT taking slander! he's carried me through like 90% of 4 star red stages and also hannyah? I think that's how you spell the name
@Platinum_Pickle 10 күн бұрын
I don’t know what to comment so imma just ask what y’all would think metal tf or boulder tf would gain
@aleph-nil 2 ай бұрын
I felt offended when you said that Showoff is overrated and comparing it to CHARLEY, that is incredibly overrated. Showoff is a pretty good unit to bring to metal stages because they can periodically stop the insane dps of Sir Metal Seal, making it easier to make a stack. Instead, Charley sucks because they cover a niche that's already been covered by Curry, who in comparasion does have lower slow time, but it's guaranteed, he's extremely stackable, has higher range and can crit.
@PansexualTrashCat8008 2 ай бұрын
by watching the beginning alone it reminded me of kappy jr so i went to beat his stage (i used catamin) w/ gato amigo and like idk issun boushi and NOT dasli
@sergiobarboza3281 2 ай бұрын
Cameraman is still good when you need to build a stack to nuke a boss, in this situation is far better than courier. Cyborg is pretty good against toxic to prevent a wipe out. I'm kinda agree with the rest.
@callumconnors5190 2 ай бұрын
Cameraman has the advantage of being boosted heavily compared to courier, tho seriously just use both
@AlexanderG-l4c 2 ай бұрын
The advantage barely exists as I used her max stats (50+80 w/ max talents) to compare them ...courier still wins in that case. But yeah use both, there's usually no reason not to
@blessi-man5024 2 ай бұрын
@@AlexanderG-l4c you cant stack courier though she has almost double the spa and no survive and 2 kb's you'll have around 2 couriers out where as cameraman depending on the stage up to around 5 - 6
@artemissssssssssssssswith15s 2 ай бұрын
the difference between 50 and 50+80 is not as big as you'd think. it's still a huge buff but it's only about a 1.75x buff which is NOT equivalent to the time and effort of getting a unit up to that level
@Ushiwakamaru_offical Ай бұрын
Hell naw 💀🙏 how far are you in the game?
@PeskyTheIdiot 2 ай бұрын
While I do agree on some overrated units like paris and cyberpunk I do feel like this entire video mostly comes around “courier is better lol” It’s not that it’s wrong it just feels kinda iffy denying units like cameraman over courier when she’s got more advantageous things for her (like Kappy with the rock strat and literally the entirety of itf once you get her) Also saying misland is overrated is wild considering the amount of stages that it helps tremendously with its health (easiest example is with relic queen bee where roe absolutely gets gutted once cursed whilst misland can still apply some support) These units are good in their own right, it’s just that courier does everyone’s job better and left them in the dust, kinda sucks that powercreep is like that but it is what it is Overall nice vid (thanks for pointing out how stupid cyberpunk is)
@Chris.530 2 ай бұрын
3:11 real.
@imfumrsaqjed 2 ай бұрын
I wonder what level your units are because there seems to be a lot of focus on doing things fast it's like I'm watching a ranking by chillhola
@Mothingman 2 ай бұрын
I love my camera man I got them at level 40 by the end of itf1 Yuhh🗣️‼️
@zmcoolguyYT 2 ай бұрын
A cat I would call overrated is Kasli the Bane.
@nedagamer9436 2 ай бұрын
I want courier but wild doges...
@potato-xm5en 2 ай бұрын
I disagree, cameraman and cyborg are very good units as they can destroy lots of melee enemies that they can outrange. cyberpunk stacking is literally so good overrated my ass
@AlexanderG-l4c 2 ай бұрын
Do you cyberpunk stack in usual circumstances or on cheesing stages
@lancelover789 2 ай бұрын
​@@AlexanderG-l4c no, because you're meant to use him when he can be stacked, which is of course not going to be all the time, an unit shouldnt always be great, that just promotes boring and lazy gameplay, when cyberpunk can be stacked, is when you're meant to use him, because thats when he shines the best, deadeye who you compared cyberpunk to, doesnt always work all the time, in the end, cyber and deadeye are equal in general usage, but each have their own actual niche where they are meant to be used.
@potato-xm5en 2 ай бұрын
@@AlexanderG-l4c both
@lancelover789 2 ай бұрын
i agree with most, but HARD disagree on cyberpunk, cyberpunk is not an unit that works on every stage, but the thing is, in the stages he works, he works spectacularly, if he is bad on overly aggresive stages, then, just dont use him on stages like that? thats like saying metal macho is bad on stages with too many peons, like, yeah, thats how weaknesses and bad matchups work. cyberpunk is meant for long battles of resilience, cyberpunk will never end a battle quickly, and thats for sure, he is meant to stop the boss for a while while your frontline units and meatshields get a small break, situations like that are the ones cyberpunk was made for, not only that, but he has pretty good chipping potential, and has an amazing synergy with deadeye, since they both make up for their own shortcomings. in the end, cyberpunk is basically MADE to be stacked, get three or four cyberpunks, and you win, this is basically his whole appeal, not many stages will allow you to do this, but when you do get the chance to, he can basically destroy it, no matter how hard the stage is.
@AlexanderG-l4c 2 ай бұрын
I say that cyberpunk doesn't work in every scenario and I know where he works. That's why I called him overrated, but not bad. Plus, the 3750 cost (or wit cost down 3000) is still a lot of money if you're in some kind of resilience battle, unless there are a lot of small engines that give you money. Deadeye's 900c cost is way more manageable in all situations, he has the same range and he can KB and slow for 3s, plus the single target isn't that bad a lot of the time in my experience. I find him to be a niche, overpriced unit, and even as you described this is still exactly what he is. A niche, overpriced unit that's only very useful in some circumstances. 🤷🏿 A good unit in comparison like camera or courier would be solid in plenty of places. Not one that's only useful for "long battles of resilience". That description is almost like saying bondage is great because he's meant for all red stages.
@lancelover789 2 ай бұрын
@AlexanderG-l4c but then, tell me why you don't consider units like bombercat, aku researcher or Icat overrated? Their generalist value is absolutely trash, but that's because they are not meant to be used as generalists, or to be used in every stage. If anything, I think calling cyberpunk overrated is still wrong, even with his weaknesses, because in the end, he only gets praised for the stages he works in, you'll never see anyone saying cyberpunk is great for zombie outbreaks, or stages with too much wave, atleast I have never seen this, and if you yourself can't deny that in the stages where he works he is amazing, why call him overrated when those stages are the ones people think he's great for? That people think he's amazing in "an ancient curse" doesn't mean they think he's godlike all throughout the game. And also, because of cyberpunk's playstyle, you're probably going to want to get him around the start of the battle, where money will be a lot less scarce, and, while deadeye is most of the time better, I'm pretty sure you can't deny that cyberpunk is a lot more reliable and predictable, since, all it takes is deadeye shooting at a peon by mistake, and he's wasted a highly valuable attack, something pretty uncommon with cyberpunk, plus, deadeye is a lot rarer than cyberpunk, since even though they may both be gacha super rares, deadeye isn't always available to get, so no wonder he's a little better, otherwise there would be no reason to get him.
@AlexanderG-l4c 2 ай бұрын
I don't consider units like bomber overrated because nobody puts him on top ten lists of cats. There are entire videos about why this guy is one of the greatest super rare cars from people like Nio, Canned Juice, and others. Bomber and cyberpunk are seen in completely different lights and by OVERRATED, I mean cats that people think are better than they actually are. Plenty of people use cyberpunk all the time for any situation when other cats could've been better in their place because they're overrated, it's that simple.
@QWERTY708100 2 ай бұрын
hardest disagree of my life
@abdulmydudu8957 2 ай бұрын
Is there a reason you do not mention dark lazer's lvl6 wave attack once at all? It's the main reason why it's been used at all
@AlexanderG-l4c 2 ай бұрын
1. I do, rewatch the segment 2. My point was that she dies quickly most of the time so her waves wouldn't even be a big factor
@Random_and_Things 2 ай бұрын
@@AlexanderG-l4cthe thing is people use max talented dazer over other units in stages with tons of money or red/black stages because of her high damage and waves. If you stack like 3 you’ll already have a decent chance to continuously create waves and shred, and if you get like 6 they can 100% shred everything on the field, not to mention the one kb she has making her tank more hits from enemies instead of just instantly dying, unless you’re doing cyclone stages every day. And sure, there’s other better units like courier or roe for reds, and pizza for blacks, but her attack speed means in the end, she’ll do more damage then the other units that ‘outshine’ her. Although she requires a lot of investment, it’ll be worth the np because of the insane damage output. Also, dark lazer can reach some enemies at the back with her waves, whereas other units might not be able to hit the backliners
@your_local_mario 2 ай бұрын
who likes bondage? 💀💀💀
@therealowenmcbride 2 ай бұрын
@StormBlade-BPB 2 ай бұрын
So everyone will disagree or even dislike my comment but manic eraser is overrated and here is why Manic eraser (I’m going to refer to him as ME) is a solid meatsheild with high health speed and low cost also he has a great cool-down abysmal range (which is good for a meatsheild) and all that jazz However ME is fast yes that was one of his strengths but it’s also one of if not his biggest flaw he gets spaced out and struggles to protect your unit as you can’t make a sturdy wall. Regular eraser out does him in this way. ME is also overshadowed. Yes I said ME has a unit that does his job better i am going to reveal what unit that is later but anyway what is the point of great hp if you get 1 shot anyway. If you are fighting angels do you think your dual erasers are going to be outdoing your ramen? If you are fighting zombies are your dual erasers doing better than your shigong. And if your fighting in a mixed stage is your dual erasers doing better or is the mystery unit jiangshi doing just aswell so just bring bio one and the specialist meatsheild or jiangshi and your good All in all ME is great but does get overshadowed
@MarcosAlvarenga-d8z 2 ай бұрын
Manic Eraser is a good meatshield (specially alongside normal Eraser) but people tend to treat them as if they're the perfect units in the game. I go for research combo L + Ramen for general meatshielding instead of dual Eraser
@StormBlade-BPB 2 ай бұрын
@ fair
@GraviYTz 2 ай бұрын
No, the M Eraser isn't overrated, it's just extremely powerful for the point in the game you get him. It's true that in the end game it's not used as much and it's better to just use your boosted ramen, but that doesn't mean the Manic Eraser is an extremely powerful cat.
@MayoContainer 2 ай бұрын
@zKattz 2 ай бұрын
@Haha_yes_im_real 2 ай бұрын
You should try 4* ul and then complain
@acatz9462 2 ай бұрын
u aint gonna beating aku and relic cyclone with courier. Chip damage is good in long run but in the short run/timed run like cyclone stages, it's piss shit.
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