This and the P51Mustang are the most iconic WW2 US fighters and the most beautifully designed for both their purpose and the eye. Said with due respect to the F4U.
@scottfw7169 Жыл бұрын
Wait, what? How can a WW2 US fighter be iconic if it hasn't got a round motor? 🤔
@traceefarmer3850 Жыл бұрын
@@scottfw7169 So many engines, all beautiful.
@scottfw7169 Жыл бұрын
@@traceefarmer3850 Truth. 🙂 I just had to indulge in a spot of moderate silliness. Plus, Dad and Grandad were each pilots for a season of their lives, and each was in the Navy where Round Motors Are The Right Motors! 😉 And as it happens, in-progress right now, albeit quite slowly, on my model building table are Revell reissues of Monogram's old P-40B and Grumman TBF Avenger kits in 1/48 scale. And I am quite pleased with my paint work on the P-40's exhaust stacks.
@traceefarmer3850 Жыл бұрын
@@scottfw7169, you're amazing! You should post some pix of that paint work. I'm going to guess you're METICULOUS. My husband, a retired Marine, has a soft spot for Avengers and Corsairs (F6F).
@scottfw7169 Жыл бұрын
@@traceefarmer3850 Thanks! Neurological autoimmune disease has reduced the ability to be meticulous, but, hey, that I can still do hobby stuff at all is a fortunate blessing. Have right beside me an orange tabby fellow who was rescued 15 years ago seriously injured along a 2 lane rural highway. And to use a phrase, he is 'still kicking' with a leg it was thought would have to be amputated. I named him Grumman, he took serious damage and is still flying ... and definitely has predatory talents. 😸 I'm not sure what shape his motor is, though ...😉