"一首經典的美國童謠,被改編成各國的語言,而這首日文的版本賦予它更不同的感覺。以一個古老的時鐘串起整個故事:這個大鐘從爺爺出生的當天就買來了,伴隨著爺爺的一生,陪著爺爺渡過喜怒哀樂,就在爺爺過世的那一天,它敲響了最後一聲,就不再響了...。如此感人深切的歌,靜靜的品味,希望大家會喜歡這首歌歐!! A classic American nursery rhyme has been adapted into the language of various countries, and this Japanese version gives it a more different feel. To tell the story of an old clock: the clock from the grandfather was born on the same day to buy, accompanied by grandpa's life, accompany grandpa through the passions that day, then my grandfather passed away, it sounded the last sound, the sound stopped.... So deeply touching song, quietly taste, I hope you will love this song !"