Hi Pastor David, is this letter yours? Or somebody is using your name to write this letter? If you wrote this letter, let me tell you something; first, today Ethiopia is in a critical situation were the country need the maximum attention of Dr Abiy and your complain is irrelevant and untimely. Second, Dr. Abiy's spiritual values is not measured based on the attention he gives to any spiritual institutions including yours. Third, I believe the reason why he gave special attention to Orthodox and Muslims religions is to set them free from political bondage that captivated them for last 27 years. You should have been happy for this and your church doesn't need the liberation. Let God give us his wisdom to ask what we need not what we want.
Bless you pastor.Absolutely true.Ethiopia is for all Ethiopian regardless of religion and other associates.I know every one understands that currently.PM should give attention to protestant churches as he does for others too.God bless him for his positive mind and heart.We thank God to be generation of this Era.We love our pm and we believe he is a gift of almoghty God for us at this critical time.I believe the whole prolonged and sophesticated problem of the country will end.I hope also he will establish or reform the constituetion for ones and last.