Good luck with the house hunting! Exciting stuff for sure. Take your time and will be looking forward to hearing how it all goes and seeing the new set up eventually.
@lukemick2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Evan! Yes, very excited to work on collection organizing and setup videos! Really excited to show you all the final layout!
@BaileeWalsh2 жыл бұрын
Good luck to you and Nancy with the house hunting and eventual move!! It can definitely seem like more of a stressful process when you have a collection of some sort. I don't even want to think about if I was to move with all my books, movies, and kpop stuff. Packing books becomes heavy so quickly, too! Good idea getting things together and figuring out how you're packing stuff in advance like this. Being concerned about certain releases/items, you could use clothing or bedding to protect them better.
@lukemick2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Bailee! The clothing and bedding suggestion is a great idea! I've been doing that since reading your comment and it seems to keep things nice and secure. And yeah books are crazy heavy. I'm sure you have waaayyy more books than me, but even the small number of books I had to move out of my mom's house when she sold made for one of the heaviest of boxes.
@kacman112 жыл бұрын
my only advice is wrapping up those boxsets in tshirts and to mentally prepare for getting real fussy about labeling the crates w the boutique blus so they're basically treated like fragile boxes congrats to the two of you, exciting next steps!
@lukemick2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the tshirt wrapping idea! I've started doing that after reading your comment :) The good thing is that we can move piecemeal. We don't have a deadline for when we need everything out of our current living spaces, which really helps alleviate my worries about the collection
@URBONED2 жыл бұрын
Exciting news, all the best with it. We'll be waiting for your triumphant return.
@lukemick2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Luke! I look forward to reading your comments again when the time comes
@shitpostheavy2 жыл бұрын
Just about to move into my new house too. I have a third of your blurays to move on good luck man.
@lukemick2 жыл бұрын
Good luck to you as well! Before I moved into the place I'm currently in, I probably had about 1/3 of what I have now. It was certainly hectic then, since some stuff was coming from college living and some stuff was coming from my mom's house. Let me know how it goes for you!
@standinsilence2 жыл бұрын
Is that a tazer youre talking into? LOL..
@lukemick2 жыл бұрын
Hahah yes it is. I take it with me when blu-ray hunting to shoo people away from the things I want to look at
@standinsilence2 жыл бұрын
@@lukemick Wow! I should get one of those too. Theres this one super annoying guy who goes to the same charity shop as I do who will start taking things up from your cart asking "Are you gonna buy this?". I would love to taze that guy.