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Scarlet Ravenswood

Scarlet Ravenswood

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How does your ancestry or heritage inspire your spiritual path? Share below in the comments! 🌟
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@priestessoftheancientflame4232 4 жыл бұрын
I am Italian, born in Germany, were I live still today. My parents where both Italians, but on my mothers side is something nordic. I dont know for sure, how far north. My mother is from Southitaly, my father from Rome, and I have never lived in Italy, I was only there for travel. Like you Scarlet, I dont feel connected to one place. I worshipped since I was 13 and begann with the Goddess Diana, because of my italian heritage. Then Freya called me and I was shocked. How could I worship a nordic Goddess, I am Italian! Then I find out about the martial nordic touch of blood in my family and it makes sence. Since then I have a profound connection to the nature here in Germany. When I am in Italy i have a strong connection with the ocean. But I never felt totally at home, not in Italy, not in Germany. I thing this means I am free to choose and to be free from boundings to a special place. Sometimes I felt something missing in my life and I wish for this connection to a country. Sometimes I feel lost. And then I make a ritual and I create a sacred space and the Gods were near and I felt complete. It is a curious situation. I think, heritace is not important, everyone can worship Gods of other cultures. The Gods are not interested in bloodlines, why should we be? Why should we create limitations, when the Gods have given us an unlimited freedom of soul? Thank you for this video, it reflects perfectly my feelings. Blessings )O(
@blokeinconnu8490 4 жыл бұрын
I agree with you, when you write: "Everyone can worship Gods of other cultures", but I would end to add: "if it is done respectfully". You probably already implied that. That said, I also think it is of uttermost importance, that modern Pagans connect to the land spirits of the place where they actually live. Ancient Pagans did that.
@emmysmith8878 5 жыл бұрын
As an Englishwoman, my path is very Pagan. Celtic, Briton-Celtic and an amount of Norse/Roman. Britain is extremely Pagan because of its roots and heritage, and I’m really fortunate to have such a connection with my heritage and homelands.
@joejones9520 3 жыл бұрын
"Epigenetics" is a fascinating phenomenon; science has proven that we can inherit the experiences of our ancestors; a lot of the way we see the world and feel about things, even our fears and interests, are the result of things our relatives experienced, experiences that happened before we were conceived and that we may not know anything about. It is almost like science proved that a magical process exists.
@richardking9621 6 жыл бұрын
It was nice to hear from you again! I believe you were on your way to New Orleans the last time i saw a video from you. I also am a traveller. I do not put rootsdown very deep. My genetic background is Irish,Scottish,Norwegian and German. I practice Celtic based Witchcraft by choice,but i have been told that it is better to stay within your ancestral pantheon. I personally have no problem with someone practicing within my Celtic pantheon that is not of Irish ancestry. Be free to follow and explore is my belief. Look forward to more "rambles" from you!☺
@KatyReminiec9399 3 жыл бұрын
My heritage is Kievan Rus ... I'm studying both Slavic Witchcraft/ Russian black magick & Wicca I'd rather stick with my ancestry It wouldn't bother me if someone who is German practices Slavic Witchcraft.
@hubmama Жыл бұрын
I lived in one place for nearly four decades, but never felt deeply connected to it at a soul level. Two years ago, I moved to Panamá and feel a much deeper connection, primarily because of the nature. With regard to genetics, I think that is very limiting because it only applies to this body we’re currently in. I don’t have any defined beliefs about reincarnation but, based on an experience I had several years ago, I definitely believe it’s a strong possibility that our souls have lived in different bodies. One day, I suddenly felt this intense urge to draw a very specific picture. I’m not a drawer, which made it even more strange. I went out and bought supplies, sat down and drew what was in my head. Or, probably more accurate, my soul. What I drew still blows me away. It was a tropical indigenous setting with huts, a huge mountain, a river, lots of lush vegetation, and myself living in one of the huts outside of the center of the community. Later, my sister (who knew nothing about the drawing) had a reading done and was told that she and I were medicine women who lived apart from our tribe, but were deeply connected to it as healers. I’ve had a lifelong passion for tribal drums and music and dance from both the black community in the US and indigenous communities throughout the world. If I just went by genetics, I would be limiting myself to Wales, England, and eastern Europe. I say follow what sets well with your soul!
@Budismo7917 2 жыл бұрын
I never try that test but I guess I moved on by the inspiration that awakes my curiosity. 😁👍🏻
@quad418 6 жыл бұрын
I definitely have some mixed feelings about this subject. As someone who has moved more times than I can count, and spent significant time on other continents, I certainly understand the desire to have a sense of place, or belonging. And there is certainly nothing wrong with finding out your ancestry, especially if it factors into your spiritual path. But I think Americans have a strange sort of obsession with the idea of ancestry, probably owing to the fact that most of us are the quintessential "mutt" in our genetic makeup, and many of us feeling as though we have no sense of place or history. It's no accident that the modern neo-paganism movement gained the greatest traction and diversity in the New World. However, I think we can easily misplace our desire for a sense of ancestry, in a number of ways. When I was in my early twenties, I spent some time in Ireland and the British Isles. I was excited, as many of my ancestors came from Irish stock. However, as I drank my way across the Isles, it became abundantly clear to me that the Irish, the Scots, the Welsh, and the English had very different ideas about ancestry and a sense of place than I did as an American. Even in the same country, (Ireland, for example) certain areas felt very different about other areas in Ireland, to the point of not even feeling that they were the same people. Even some villages felt like their own world, and had their own patrons and practices different than villages only a hundred miles or more away. A far cry from being "Irish". The other problem, I think, is this obsession with using genetic testing to gain a sense of belonging. While I think most people think its merely a fun and interesting thing to do, there are serious ethical issues involved with using these services, ones that would take far too long to go into depth here. But briefly, especially with regards to discussing spiritual paths, should it matter if I'm, say, 23% Swiss, as opposed to fully 100% Irish? Would that mean I should devote 23% of my practice to the ancient beliefs of the mainland Celts? These numbers, in the end, only have the meaning we grant them. I'm part Native American, and while I find Native American mythology interesting, it doesn't mean that I have to devote significant study to it, or incorporate it into my practice, unless I choose to, or feel called to. In the end, the gods call to us (or we find the meanings we wish to, if the gods aren't your cup of tea). Genetic percentages are merely a statistical smokescreen.
@ScarletRavenswood 6 жыл бұрын
You bring up some really interesting points! It's definitely true that as Americans we tend to have a much different understanding of 'ancestry' than Europeans might have. Perhaps as Americans many of us feel like something is missing; possibly because the concept of American culture or heritage is not as easily defined. Maybe it's a romantic (and futile) notion derive spiritual meaning from our ancestral homelands. However, I think the increasing interest in these genetic tests are indicative of a feeling of cultural absence in our daily lives. Through these are just some initial thoughts and I look forward to thinking about this topic in more depth.
@quad418 6 жыл бұрын
I would certainly agree that it's a romantic notion to try and connect with a sense of ancestry, and I definitely think that Americans especially feel as though they are missing some sort of heritage (Though not all Americans. I think this is more of an urban issue, as opposed to a rural problem; people from Appalachia, say, have no question about where they are from). What I think would be a better use of people's time and money is trying to find a way of building community and finding a sense of place where they are, instead of useless genetic testing. Find your ancestry, if you want to; there is certainly nothing wrong with it. But your ancestry is not your heritage; I think people would be far happier if they made their own heritage, from whatever background, rather than feeling an obligation to one because of their genes. But that's just my take; having moved so much, I'm probably a bit biased when it comes to a sense of place and heritage.
@ScarletRavenswood 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks! I really appreciate your insight. You definitely bring up some good discussion points. :)
@quad418 6 жыл бұрын
Scarlet Ravenswood No problem. Thanks for your videos!
@MarcelGomesPan 4 жыл бұрын
As a native Swede ( despite my name ) i can say that different areas can feel very.....well,different. Sweden, just like Ireland, England and many other countries, was not always one country under one king but smaller enteties with petty kings and chiefs. Even tribal or clanish when it came down to it ( a Norse ”clan” was called an ”aett/ ätt”. There are some differences but it is a somewhat similar concept ). I come from Gothenburg, urban, coastal, rocky. My family are from the coast and traditionally worked in stone. I had an urban life in a rather liberal society, nightclubbing, friends etc, etc, and my magick and religion reflected that. Now, through some love misadventures, i live in the province of Småland, surrounded by woods, lumber and metal industry and with a very rural, bible belt feeling to it. Rooting for the local sports team etc. Småland even means ”small lands”. Parts of it sounds like a pagans dream, those mysterious woods, all the nature spirits. But to me it feels more alien than when i actually lived in other countries, perhaps because i’m stuck here ( i have lived in Denmark, Ireland and for a few months Portugal too ). The culture and mentality here is very different, kinda closed up. Gothenburg being a great mix of all kinds of people, international and known for a silly sense of humour that no one gets, a harbour town, compared to.....Twin Peaks ( without the cool stuff ). My magic always ”worked” even in other countries. Here it is like a match in a storm. Here it could be argued that i have ancestry from the British isles and Portugal ( hence my name ) but i never thought of it that way. I just dont feel like i belong where i live now and now that is reflected in my magic instead. I put it down to several reasons. 1: Not feeling like i belong. 2: Not being here ”by volition”. 3: Not being able to bring my workings ”down” into the physical sphere / no magical link to the goal because of geographical distance. I think a feeling of belonging, both in a place and a tradition is empowering, regardless of genetics. I once joked to a Swedish heathen who is also an academic (archeology ) that i could easily make a philosophical argument that only people who lived in a Nordic country (regardless of genetics ) could worship the Norse Gods, to counter the genetics argument, and he agreed i probably could. That argument would ofcourse in my own eyes be equally incorrect. I think i would rather someone delved into a tradition that felt magical to them than going through the motions of one because of ancestry. Having said that i also think many feel that a tradition is magical and empowering because of ancestry. Paradoxes are yummy! 🙂🧙🏻‍♂️
@stevelarson5103 2 жыл бұрын
Witch stands for What is The Change. Starting with a question, and ending with a question , this historical origin is true to the point and enduring as long as the existence of question marks the psyche of mankind
@danielavolkmann6422 2 жыл бұрын
I think it makes sense to connect both with our ancestors and the spirits of the land we live. There’s a reason you have the roots you have and also a reason you live where you live.
@stevenangel8768 4 жыл бұрын
Love your videos ☺️
@maeowelvsulotz 5 жыл бұрын
Ah! I'm glad I finally found this video. It lends to what you are I were talking about in your more recent video's comments. It's so touchy to start talking about American spiritual displacement because it always feels like I'm a whiney white girl, but that mindset is literally what brought me to paganism. Wanting to re-connect with an ancestral culture opened me up to the way I view spiritual life. But there is that understanding that while I may be germanic, scots-irish, etc. I don't have the experience of being culturally German, or Irish. So in a sense, I'm always an outsider to my ancestral beliefs. This isn't at all limited to caucasians either. African Americans, Asians, Middle Easterners, and so many others all go through this dis-association as 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generations blossom in North America. As our world and country become more blended, the concept of culture takes a different meaning and association with racially mixed peoples and societies. (Which begs the modern question: "What is cultural-appropriation going forward?") Love to hear more on this!
@ScarletRavenswood 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your comment! Yes, I find that this topic is definitely worth discussing and exploring more. As Americans we are in a tricky spot when it comes to spiritually understanding & connecting with our ancestors. Thanks for your insight. :)
@dawnMcCOT7 4 жыл бұрын
I am on Irish/Scottish and some Scandinavian as well. For me, I chose my ancestoral path because that is who I am. It is important to me to be in touch with part of me, to connect with my heritage.
@robertrdbrooks1210 5 жыл бұрын
Hi! Scarlet ... I can relate to your video. I haven't moved from State to State or around the world, however, I've been a drifter around my State NJ. As for finding something Spiritual from place to place, I focus on Spirits & the Fae. For me I take a nature walk in the place I've relocated to & sometimes I can pick up on something new. Like when people are children & they go to a new home or new school they make new friends that's just how I view things. I get out & make new friends. For me it's Spirits & Fae. ALSO: You mentioned other paths. My Families are from the British Isles, Ireland, France, Germany, Holland, Sweden & a little Native American (Blackfoot). Colonial America New England. The core of my practice is European. However, I have "adopted" practices from India, China, & Native American into my craft. I've been a White Witch since 1978, 14. I started with Al G. Manning, Mail ordered books I found in the Adds in the back of Commic Books. I came out of the broom closet in 2013, after a year & a day of brush up. Keep up the good work. I enjoy your & many like you, videos. Thank You. RD.
@gryffyd_ 6 жыл бұрын
To me it's all about the feeling, if you really feel a connection to a place or a path then that can only help your practice I think. I'm currently living in Ireland, and being Australian I probably have some Irish heritage in my background (being all convicts :D), but I don't really feel a connection with the Irish pantheon or traditions, I enjoy some of them, but don't have that affinity to them that I need. If I were to use them in my practice I think it would suffer as I just wouldn't 'feel it' when calling on them. So whatever your ancestry and wherever you are living I'd say always go with what feels right to you as it can only strengthen your practice.
@EdwardIglesias 6 жыл бұрын
There is a good discussion of at least one aspect of this on the Witch Wave podcast episode with Rebecca Artemisa. I related quite a bit having grown up on the border of Mexico. I've also lived in New Orleans and New England (Connecticut) both of which have very strong magical traditions. I try to learn what I can, sort of a "take what you like and leave the rest" attitude.
@ScarletRavenswood 6 жыл бұрын
Awesome, I'll definitely check out that podcast. :)
@rynemeese6266 6 жыл бұрын
In my personal experiences, following the path of your ancestors is the easiest to connect to. My body has a combination of pictish and Scandinavian tattoos. I dont pick the designs, I let my skin tell me what belongs there. My spiritual practices happen in much the same way. As far as connecting to the land goes, when moving to a new place it is important to find the major source of energy in that area. In Chicago it would be Lake Michigan. Out west things get trickier, mountains usually work well. Once connected to that source, slowly let the rest of the energy trickle around you till it feels homey and comfortable
@gpsit4u166 4 жыл бұрын
Hi, I feel a conection to two ancesters that are Italian born, (I have never been to Italy though) but is there a book you can recomend to read about heritage or without a blod test learn more about the paganism in Italy (the web is good but I don't know how much I can trust the info there) a book means a more seriois research I think. Bless it be
@Cydsdad 6 жыл бұрын
Profound Question Indeed. I have recently received my Ancestry DNA as well. It's difficult to answer in this form so I have sent you a Email It was a private message about another topic. But explains my answer I have Recently obtained a Mjolnir Pendant and where it proudly. All The Best From Colorado G.
@ScarletRavenswood 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for sending me your message! :) I look forward to reading it.
@perretlaurent6665 4 жыл бұрын
From an European guy. I have felt since I was child that I am Swiss. But further than Swiss I know, I feel in my blood that I am Celt and Germanic. I really love greek mythology and I could look at baltic and slavic paganism with interest but I know deep down my skin that I belong to the Celts and the Germans so I mostly follow the way of thinking of these 2 groups. I imagine that for you who live in another continent, it can be hard to know who you are. That's why knowing from where you come is so crucial.
@karstencollins6966 3 жыл бұрын
Hi, I agree with you. I'm an American of half Irish descent and a small amount norwegian (
@alissadavis9611 5 жыл бұрын
Ever since I was very young, I have had a connection to Native Americans. It’s actually something that has nudged me to become spiritual and true to myself. When I was very young, I remember becoming obsessed with arrowheads. I’d try to make my own after picking up rocks near the river. Once I realized why they were used, I stopped playing with them. Interestingly enough, my dad’s grandfather’s parents were both more than likely from Native American decent, meaning my grandmother may be a third to a half native. I’ve always been told I look like her dad the most out of all my great grandparents. It’s so interesting because I feel like I was in this family in a past life and I am carrying around the karma. My great grandfather was a dairy farmer and I am actually vegan. My great grandmother (his wife) has visited me before. I’m not sure if I am a reincarnate of him or if I’m his mother, aunt, or another family member but I’m fairly certain that my spirit is connected with it. That’s what my intuition says anyway. Therefore, honoring my ancestors is such a deep spiritual practice for me. I also want to add that when I visit my grandmother’s hometown, I feel like I’m home. It’s in the middle of nowhere, but definitely feels like it’s my place.
@nairbvel 4 жыл бұрын
I firmly believe that the more recent geographic sources of one's genes play a role in connecting one with the lore & magicks of that region, especially if they foster a feeling of rootedness. (A rootedness that is for me no more solid than yours, having grown up as a U.S. Foreign Service dependent.) That said, my personal bottom line is that whatever truly resonates with you is "your" path. Humans have apparently been at least semi-nomadic since they were recognizably "human" (and it looks like everyone carries genes from other species of humans overlapped with us but no longer exist)... which means that where one comes from depends entirely upon the time scale one chooses when asking the question. Over the past few thousand years (a blink in the passage of time), entire populations have picked up and moved (not always voluntarily or peacefully), so it could be said that the same people are from "here" *and* from "there" -- again, depending on which point in time one chooses to look at. Even places we currently take for granted may not be the same place that had that name just a few hundred years ago. For an individual example, we have papers showing my paternal grandfather is simultaneously from Poland, Russian Poland, Russia, Byelorussian Russia, the Soviet Union, and Belarus, with the difference depending entirely on date and/or politics of the official filling out the paperwork. For a national example, people who say they are from "Italy" or "Germany" (especially those in the U.S. for 1 or 2 generations) are often blissfully unaware of what those nations looked like just within the past 200 years... if they existed at all. For me, there's also something even bigger than mere geography & history. When practicing any form of the Craft, we are working with manipulation of the energies of the universe as a whole, connecting & conversing (if working with deity) with entities that span millenia and worlds, traveling across and through the divisions between realms and dimensions... in light of that, how much of a difference can even a few thousand miles across the surface of a relatively small planet make? :-)
@GlimmeringAtelier 2 жыл бұрын
So my family as far as I know are all from Croatia/Germany mostly Croatia. But I’m born in Australia I have a strong pull and connection to the Stonehenge and I don’t know why I pull towards all sorts of things. I’m currently learning Norse paganism as well I’m thinking I should do a DNA test Coz I’m curious. I dont think you have to be from a location to feel a pull towards a certain path either This was interesting thank you! I was wondering if it was wrong of me to like Norse beliefs or Celtic beliefs if I have no ancestors from there.
@MandaPandaBailey 5 жыл бұрын
Great video! I’ve not done 23 and me or anything like that but I really want to. I understand what you mean about not connecting to a specific place, I grew up moving all over Texas and while I didn’t leave states I still never felt like I could never connect to the spirit of place in the land. I now live in California and I feel such a different and deeper connection here. Maybe there is a place you will connect with that has nothing to do with heritage or you having physically growing up there.
@happierabroad 2 жыл бұрын
what if I'm asian on the outside but ancient white european on the inside and in my past lives? then what?
@aritarsmusicthatrock 6 жыл бұрын
I want to get a DNA test. My mom got one but i dont have contact with my dad. I do rootwork because of my mom's heritage and it effects my ancestor worship. My mom is african american and 60% west african and 16% english/ireland/scotland. My family considers ourself american because our ancestors is orally traced to slaves. But I consider my witchcraft pratice secular, despite being a hellenic polytheist. I try to avoid mixing witchcraft and religion. I personally believe it's best to go with what you connect to.
@brookeb4966 4 жыл бұрын
Do you connect w a lot of people in your normal every day life that practices? If so how did you come to find like minded ppl in your location? Its hard to find similar minded ppl unless online.
@ScarletRavenswood 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Brooke, I sometimes go to witchy events that I find through to connect with like-minded people in my area. :)
@kristig60 6 жыл бұрын
This has always been an issue for me. I have moved so much due to the military so I could never really connect to one specific place and feel the energy. Also I was adopted at birth and so that was an added feeling of not belonging and being confused. I am 46 now and have only truly realized I was Pagan for about 4 yrs now. Strange thing though I did my DNA to find out what my heritage is since I have never know. My Pagan path and studies are strongly leaned to Celtic and got it 1/3 Scottish/Irish and 1/3 Scandinavian and the rest Eastern European. So if you ask me you can find your path no matter if you move a lot of not and if you know your DNA or not. I didn't but my mind always knew. :) Plus if you believe in previous lives your subconsciousness will always know. Total dif video huh LOL LOL Thanks for what you do sweetie. Love your chats. :)
@blokeinconnu8490 4 жыл бұрын
I've lived in five different administrative regions of Sweden, but I have connected to The Land of all these regions - some better than others. I keep the civic, individual-devotional and personal-growth aspects of spirituality apart: Old Norse religion for the civic level, private well-informed syncretism including the land spirits on the individual-devotional level and something best kept secret for the personal-growth level. One single theogonical/cosmic paradigm doesn't necessarilly fill all three functions well. Instead, different ones may complement each other.
@RagingBull_UK 4 жыл бұрын
Pretty similar AncestryDNA to myself. Got UK, Irish, Swedish and 1% South Asian which wasnt expected 😅 I guess I have stuck to mostly Norse and Celtic pratices but thats just were I am drawn too not because of my genentics per say. I dont see an issue with praticing any path especially if you believe in reincarnation.
@georgeshotrodbarn2113 6 жыл бұрын
Life is about a connection with the earth you are of the earth and you will return to the earth your mother and father took nourishment from the earth then created you and you grew up by taking in nourishment from the earth life is about the elements of the earth witch you are made of so you are the earth.
@karstencollins6966 3 жыл бұрын
From my perspective, I feel that not being at least in acknowledgement of your ancestral path would be a disservice to yourself. The probability of you being on the earth is incredibly slim. Each and every one of your ancestors needed to have children that survived to procreate again. And this needs to happen consecutively, without fault. I feel that the least someone can do is acknowledge this; you don't necessarily need to worship them, but if you were to choose a path, it would make the most sense to choose the ancestral one in my opinion.
@smidefix8147 4 жыл бұрын
to me nature is. and it is everywhere (even in the concrete jungels) it may look different but al in al it is an extension of me/ you, pantheism is seeing yourself in everything, new aspects of you/me where ever you are. the same goes for gods and goddesses, one may pray to whatever kind, but essentially they to are a part of al that is to. at least that is my opinion. now i dont bother with dna test because i dont se how it would assist me in any way, it is thru my consciousness i experience this world (physically, mentally, spiritually and emotional ) the tiny building blocks of my body is just that, i am not my body. conscious energy makes up al matter, and thats whats matter to me, Next time i come around il be someone completely different, perhaps living the life im trying to dream/manifest now for the future generations (as many of the old shamans did)
@plantifulalexandra 4 жыл бұрын
I don't really know anything about my ancestry. I'd love to do a dna test but I'm not sure if these companies can be trusted and if I feel good about giving my dna to them. I'm German and have always been feeling that I belong in the North and I might move there in the near future so I'm wondering if I had ancestors from up there or where this connection to Northern Europe comes from. Right now I'm in the Australian outback and while I got used to it and now see the beauty of the nature and the lifestyle here, after almost 2 years I still don't feel I truly belong here as deep within I still have this calling for the North and the whole pagan culture. Even though I never really practised any paganism it's always been what spoke the most to me and I basically am a pagan anyway as I never got baptised as a Christian which my parents planned on doing when I was a child but then never got around to do it.
@blokeinconnu8490 4 жыл бұрын
According to archaeologists, there were a lot of trade contacts and intermarriage between Scandinavia and the Mecklenburg region from late Neolithic to early Iron Age. Likewise, the Schleswig-Holstein region has (culturally) been both German and Scandinavian until fairly recently (and was also the place of origin of the Angles who emigrated to (and named) England). Cultural fluidity is a normal state of being. It's politicians (German and Danish in this case) who force people to conform to their cookie-cutters.
@elasticharmony 3 жыл бұрын
Heritage originally is because they are who those gods revealed themselves to. But also place is much more important, the sagas state Odin is only worshipped in his lands ( north), also the Far are bond to place. But, there is always a way, the mind is one of them being pagan now is more about wisdom regained that was forced out of the world.
@PatyBeloto 5 жыл бұрын
We have ancestors from blood, and spiritual ancestors as well. Race and region should not limit spirituality, because deities are cosmic manifestations that were only perceived in a certain way by certain groups of people, but are certainly not restricted to people from certain countries. We have examples of Egyptian deities that have been worshiped all over the world during ancient times. And many other deities from other pantheons as well. As for spiritual ancestry, I have observed some cases where it is taken very seriously. I know of an ancient tradition of germanic witchcraft that accept individuals from all over the world based on a “mark” that they have on their aura, indicating that they have been part of the tribe from which the tradition originated in the past, or have inherited it from an ancestor. I think it is important to engage in magical practices from our ancestors, connect with the land that we live in and such, but that should not determine our entire practice.
@GravesRWFiA 3 жыл бұрын
My family history is well documented on my mothers side. I was born in England and most records there survived. A friend of my mom's is into genealogy and traced the family line. when you hit a noble line- of which we are a distant line, you can go on a long way. ours goes back to France in the early 1100's when a lesser son of the duke of britany relocated during a civil war between stephen and matilda looking for land. My family line goes back to the Dux of Paris and people who went out of their way to execute pagans if they didn't convert. I'd be a real disappointment to them ;)
@darthszarych5588 4 жыл бұрын
I'm half Polish and very little is known about the pre christian religions in that region. I wish we knew about the gods the pre Christian slavs worshiped, but we do not :/
@psztyla Жыл бұрын
I encourage you to dig the topic deeper, thankfully to comparative and ethnographic research state of knowledge is quite good I would say. People have reconstructed Slavic religion and they praise old Gods these days. Do you speak Polish? That would help.
@alanschaub147 4 жыл бұрын
Ancestry is important, and we often reincarnate within the same racial lineage. However, past lives are also important. For example, your interest in Egypt during your recapitalization (before your first Saturn Return) likely indicates past lives in that culture.
@alanschaub147 4 жыл бұрын
How much Neanderthal? 😄 I’m only partially joking. I’m fascinated by Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA in Homo Sapiens.
@achilleshealed6251 6 жыл бұрын
A true connection with the land of ice and snow beyond the physical. Ancestors will initiate you on the path of spiritual remembrance and test a true connection. Presently I've been traveling totally opposite climate, heritage,and spiritual culture I resonate with and has been revealed in order to test past soul experiences. So far everywhere I've been there's a deep connection all within, all ancestries. I am melting in Maui😅 lets plan a trip to the highlands ya
@tuxedomark 5 жыл бұрын
I'm from Chicago but moved down to Florida 32 years ago. I don't feel like I belong anywhere (Chicago because I barely remember it, and this place because it sucks). I'm Polish. My mom said there might be some Czech on her dad's side, and her maiden name, according to her, isn't 100% Polish. Well, I looked up Slavic neopaganism, and I discovered it's very patriarchal, so that turned me off it right away. So I kinda just worship a generic Goddess. B*B )O(
@KingCatsTube 4 жыл бұрын
Those of us of European ancestry need to stop referring to ourselves as ‘mutts’, this is something you call a dog not a human. For instance if most or all of your ancestry is from the north western and north central part of Europe, you are descended from peoples that have much more in common with one another than differences as it applies to language, DNA, culture, customs, etc.
@volmarrwyrd 5 жыл бұрын
British is Anglo-Saxon. Scandinavian is Norse. Both Anglo-Saxon and Norse are largely the same group of Gods/Goddesses. I saw on another video you had a Thor's Hammer and were reading Norse mythology. That is good. In truth connecting to the Gods/Goddesses of our ancestors is more powerful, due to the effects of "meta-genetics". After you've studied the Gods/Goddesses of the north and their doings, the next is to study the runes from accurate source, to learn the metaphysics of the north. Books by Edred Thorsson are the way to go for learning the runes. Start with Futhark, and next read Runelore. After read Runecasters Handbook. There is Norse-Wicca, but than there is also Asatru (and all related paths to Asatru). Basically Norse-Wicca is more Vanir related, and the proper God and Goddess to be Lord and Lady for that is Freyr and Freya. The name Freyr literally means Lord. The name Freya literally means Lady. Asatru is more Aesir focused and more focused on the masculine Viking warrior side of things, which I am not so sure you are per say. You seem more on the Wiccan Vanir side of things. Freya is the northern Goddess of witches. The necklace she wears she got by sleeping with the Dwarfs that are the guardians of the four elemental directions. Basically her sleeping with the Dwarfs was a sex magick initiation into elemental magick, the magick that Wicca uses. Most don't realize this, as it is mostly attributed to be a Celtic path, but the true source of Wicca is Norse, but Vanic Norse. Yes it is a modern religion, but it was also a more ancient religion that brought itself back by speaking and acting through it's modern founders. Is no coincidence that it was brought back in England, the land of the Anglo-Saxons. The ancient Norse Gods/Goddesses are the connected to the genius locali of there. The symbol for Freyr is a stag horn, and the Lord of Wicca is the horned God. It is never said that the Horned God actually wears the horns. Freyr carries stag horns in place of a sword as his weapon. Freyr is also King of the elves. Elves are not only the dead male spirits of our ancestors, they are also the spirits of the land too. The elves are who grant good harvest to the land. The best book for Norse-Wicca is Norse Magic. This is not a book about Asatru.
@Joshbfil0 4 жыл бұрын
“British” is a mix of Brythonic and Northern/Western Germanic. If you’re following the “theory” of meta genetics then you should know that English people primarily descend from two cultural groups, both of which should be connected with.
@happierabroad 2 жыл бұрын
what if my ancestry is not spiritual at all but purely practical and materialistic? most asian cultures are not spiritual at all. totally materialistic in real life. even in china I know zero spiritual people. everyone is materialistic and practical. no zen or tao. that's all in the movies. I don't connect with my ancestry at all. I feel like a total fish out of water. I connect far better with europe. plus as an old soul I don't connect with materialistic countries like USA and Asia.
@elvacoburg1279 3 жыл бұрын
Trying to prove ones exact heritage could be a right can of worms - even with a DNA test the question becomes what percentage do you need to be to worship a given branch of pagan Gods. When you look at most European countries, they have been invaded that many times that the idea of a pure heritage is nearly laughable. Where I am English, and as far back as I have been able to trace my family tree all my ancestors have been English, BUT I know that back in 1066 when William the Conqueror invaded England, a lot of Normans came over with him which brings the possibility of Norse (Viking) and French heritage. Previous to that between 400AD and 800AD there were a lot of Anglo-Saxon invasions/migrations to England, therefore Germanic bloodlines. Before that between 65AD and 400AD England was part of the Roman Empire, which adds in Roman blood plus potentially heritage from all other parts of the Roman Empire. Then between 3000BC and 65AD there was an migration of Celtic peoples to England. Not to mention that many of the listed countries have had people migrate to them from elsewhere prior to them migrating to England. And this is only covering the mass migrations!!! So a DNA test telling me that I am predominantly English does not really mean that much as the English are made from such a mixture of older cultures. Add to this, the number of ancestors we all have, i.e. we all have 2 parents, each of those have 2 parents (making 4 grant-parents), those have 2 parents (so 8 great-grand-parents), etc. Working on each generation being 25 years, working this back to the early 1200's a the number of theoretical ancestors a person has (536,870,912) is more than the estimated world population at that time (360-400 million), if I just look at Europe my theoretical number of ancestors by 1300 (134,217,728) exceeds the European population at that time of 78.7 million. All this means that everyone is highly likely to have ancestors from a variety of ethnic backgrounds at least from your "home" continent, unless a person comes from people that have been really cut off from all other peoples for thousands of years. Add in that to prove a heritage you would need to trace your family back to the time period a pantheon was worshiped, so a thousand years for Norse Pagans, and two thousand plus for Celtic, Roman and Greek. From a spiritual point of view, I feel a strong connection to both the Celtic Goddess Danu/Dana and the Norse Vanir Goddess Freyja - whether I have any genetic heritage to the peoples who historically worshiped these Goddesses, I do not know - BUT I feel that regardless of heritage I cannot deny the connection that I feel to these Goddesses. Sorry for the log post, but I wanted to get all my points across.
@smashbros6480 4 жыл бұрын
This is Confederacy all over again
@user-or8eu8pq4n 3 жыл бұрын
@fredhugard7444 6 жыл бұрын
Wow, pagans are hot, apparently
@grizzlyaddams3606 3 жыл бұрын
EXPOSED!!! Fraud!!!
@paingain5693 5 жыл бұрын
European paganism is based on blood and ancestry, you need to come back where you ancestors lived to understand the true paganism and not this "hippy movement". I live in North of Italy, my ancestors were 17% from germanic tribes, 48% from celtics, 15% from vikings tribes and 20% from romans. Heil Wotan!
@Critic115 3 жыл бұрын
@miriamocean5275 3 жыл бұрын
BLESSED BE 🌛🌟🌜🙏❤💛💚💙💜
@happierabroad 2 жыл бұрын
what if I'm asian on the outside but ancient white european on the inside and in my past lives? then what?
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