Paper Mario Color Splash - Critique

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@notenoughgarlic 8 жыл бұрын
You were kinder to this game than I expected man. I get blinded with rage by the way the love's been stripped away from this series. Probably due to the original on N64 being one of the first games I ever played and beat as a kid. The originality and unique characters were what really connected with me. This series didn't deserve this dumbing down. I'm pretty sure not a single fan would ask for this. Nintendo needs to seriously stop catering to the kiddies, as you said. Great video.
@DarkkirbyKRPG 8 жыл бұрын
Forgettable and mediocre are the greatest things you can ever say about Color Splash. At this point, if your game is forgettable and mediocre, and all it did was copy everything Sticker Star did wrong, is it any better, if not worse than Sticker Star? Sticker Star at least attempted to be something new, something new that turned out to be complete and utter shit, but we can all remember how terrible it was, and at least we can complement it for trying. Color Splash simply copy and pasted everything Sticker Star did, added the fucking koopalings and called it a day.
@slenderfoxx3797 8 жыл бұрын
Don't forget they added more gimmick like the dang paint just to copy splatoon or epic Mickey lol
@cursedkevin 7 жыл бұрын
At least the graphics, writing, and soundtrack is great. Actually play the game before you critique it, m'kay?
@slenderfoxx3797 7 жыл бұрын
+Kevin Synan tbh the writing is just 24/7 jokes that aren't always great and the soundtrack is not its's out there or atmospheric or memorable it's a bit generic and there's not as many songs even...even the boss battles soundtrack aren't great and get interrupted by dumb thing objects making the songs even shorter and more forgettable
@kazoorion7993 7 жыл бұрын
The good writing is ruined by the fact that 99% of the NPCs are fucking TOADS
@azelfwillpowergod2430 7 жыл бұрын
DarkK~ Everything you just said was complete utter shit, Colour splash is Sticker star done right.
@julianx2rl 4 жыл бұрын
The card system was implemented pretty nicely in Paper Jam. It was an addition to the RPG mechanics rather than a replacement.
@Aaaa-g6u8e 2 жыл бұрын
It's a shame Paper Jam is a disappointment as well. Has great gameplay and a handful of banger music, but everything else sucks.
@Surgemaster2012 8 жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed this review of yours. And I fully agree, Color Splash is just an average game with nothing unique about it. I also agree with you that there's no reason to fight enemies when the game throws so much paint at you. Btw welcome back HyperCharge, missed your content. What sucks about all these toads, a small minority have costumes, but really you could just replace them with any other NPC and they'd still be the same. That's not to say you don't like some of them. (The Pirate one being my favorite) But overall I agree with this review as a whole, while I don't think the game is terrible and there could've been a bit more positivity I have to agree that your opinions are the same as mine. I'm sick of the Koopalings and their Spotlight Stealing Squad status. Not to mention the other half of boss battles are just bigger versions of regular enemies. The gameplay is a horrible gimmicky and tedious mess and the boss fights are just as terrible, unbalanced and rely on complete trial and error/hand holding. Personally I think you should've mentioned the unbalance issues and how the attacks are set to automatic. Like the game feels as if it holds the player's hand and plays itself. Not to mention you can avoid painting card just by buying painted cards in the Port Prisma shop. The plot isn't anything special either. It's just a typical Bowser kidnaps Peach with some Mario-Esque style. The only difference being the Black Paint (which is completely wasted) and Huey (who was the only good part plot wise) The level segments don't really connect with any part of the story and are just wacky randomness and mainly serve to go to the end to collect the Paint Stars while exploring the randomness. Unlike the first three games which had plot in their landscapes. The problem with Paper Mario being an Action/Adventure is that it has no identity of itself. (If I wanna play a Mario action/adventure game I'd play Galaxy or any other game) It being an RPG made it stand out so much as what it was. It actually existed before Mario & Luigi did as well. If you ask me I don't even care that Paper Mario isn't like TTYD, I just care that it's not an RPG series anymore. But rather a boring Action/Adventure that doesn't know what it wants to be. It's also is no longer any different from any of the Mario games, I could pretty much rank it with the main series games now, it shoves so much boring Mario tropes to the point where it's just SMBs just under a different skin, it's so bad how the series doesn't have anything unique or original. The world map is just there to make it more "Mario Like" even though a connected world feels a lot better and more established. I play Stinker Star and Color Splash and I don't play Paper Mario, I play SMBs, but as a different skin. There's so much Mario tropes that override the games that it's no longer fun gameplay wise. All you get out of them is jokes, music and graphics. Yeah the writing is good, but what good is that if I can't have a series with no longer an identity? I played Paper Mario for its gameplay and for being so different, now it's just Paper New Super Mario Bros. I also hate the overemphasis on the Paper theme. Though visually Color Splash looks the best. It's better than Stinker Star at least. At least I can say Huey is likable. It's fine that they wanna make Paper Mario different from Mario an Luigi, but they can still do that with the game being an RPG. After all Pokemon and Fire Emblem are both RPG series and are drastically different. Pokemon shouldn't be a Brawler just because Fire Emblem is an RPG, that's just stupid. To me it just seems they wanna make Paper Mario different just to be different, not because those differences add anything of value. Color Splash isn't a bad game, I'd say it's average, but it mainly stands on its humor, visuals, music and writing. Everything else is bland or terrible. I could also go into a long rant about how the battle system fails and doesn't work, but that's another rant in itself. The entire game feels like one big facaded Mario game, with how many elements are based off SMB (most notably SMB3) it just leads the game with being forgettable outside of its humor. The one thing I do disagree with is challenge, there was never challenge in any of the Paper Mario games, they were pretty easy for the most part. True in 64 and TTYD you can create your own pacing/challenge, but there is some exploit to make fights easier. Well mainly in TTYD's case. 64 can be a bit more challenging with its limitations, something I'll admit it has over TTYD. The main difference is that the easiness were issues created around the combat rather than the combat themselves. Enemies typically had Low HP, so it made dealing with them easier than usual. That's better than what Color Splash and Stinker Star do and have random number multipliers and have bosses do huge amounts of damage for no reason. Color Splash doesn't really offer any challenge if you just come with the right Cards. And people say "Not choosing to target enemies removes challenge" Don't most RPGs give the option to attack any enemy? (That's literally saying an RPG has no strategy) Not only that, but Mario can attack rows of enemies himself in an auto-scripted fashion as if her were hitting more than one target. Once a card is place, depending on how full the card is paint Mario will go in a scripted sequence and repeatedly attack enemies until they die, or at least until large amounts of damage are dealt, that's hardly a challenge. And that's really stupid to kill they player on a mini game.
@CasketCatYT 8 жыл бұрын
I actually appreciate this Uncivil Synopsis more-so than some of the others! You have actual valid points, you refer to how past Paper Mario games did certain aspects better, and there weren't repetitive vulgar jokes where the humor was just being vulgar. This has shed some light on me, since I don't plan on buying this game, especially now after this critique. The combat is what bothers me the most, especially with the unfair, unintelligent boss fights forcing you to have a fucking McGuffin to beat it. It's a shame the Paper Mario series has yet to have a sequel rivaling TTYD, but who knows, maybe Nintendo will listen to some people about some of this shit. Or not at all.
@HyperCharge 8 жыл бұрын
Usually if my videos more ridiculous and vulgar, it means that I enjoy the game and there's nothing wrong with it. When the game isn't that good, I have to sit down and put a huge focus on why I don't like it. I personally don't find this video that funny, but I think it's entertaining in it's own way. The whole concept of the show is that you know what happens throughout the game from start to finish, and I can pretty much do whatever I want as long as people can use these videos as a synopsis. That's the mission statement at least.
@CasketCatYT 8 жыл бұрын
I certainly hope your channel picks up! I thoroughly enjoy it, and I don't mind cursing tangents or vulgarity all that much. Hell, I curse like a sailor when just talking aloud. So speak your mind however ya want! I find it all entertaining in general.
@slowpoke8585 7 жыл бұрын
Keep up the good work, dude! You explain your gripes about things that are wrong and it really helps! I hardly see anyone bashing this game (mostly because Nintendo provided them a copy) and it's a breath of fresh air!
@Hellflame109 7 жыл бұрын
I absolutely love how spot-on you were throughout every section of this review. Very well done, loved every second of it. Keep up the good work. :)
@theonetruespice 8 жыл бұрын
That last line was great. Nostalgia goggles are a strange thing. I'm sure there was a few games I remembered fondly that ended up not being that great once I played them again.
@HyperCharge 8 жыл бұрын
You can go and browse through all the comments on my earlier videos and see the same kind of reaction from the kids who grew up playing Super Paper Mario. Some of them are so baffled that you don't like the game that it's kind of infuriating.
@chuploops9973 8 жыл бұрын
As someone who holds the same opinion about the Paper Mario series as you - I think that after watching this, I will give Color Splash a pass. It's really a shame how far the series has fallen from the first two games. I would love a true successor to TTYD, but I don't think it is going to happen.
@TheMarioManiac 8 жыл бұрын
I have to admit the citizens could have been different instead of toads it would have been better. The koopalings can get boring after a while.
@Genericdude 8 жыл бұрын
This game punishes the player for almost no good reason at times, and that's a big fuckin' no no.
@TinyGuy97 8 жыл бұрын
How so? Because TTYD and SPM did kinda as well assuming we're talking about the same thing.
@slenderfoxx3797 8 жыл бұрын
+Bob omb Guy I think the random game overs that no one could see coming....and where it's just stupid tedious trial and error to make the game seen hard but it's just dumb
@slenderfoxx3797 8 жыл бұрын
+Bob omb Guy I think the random game overs that no one could see coming....and where it's just stupid tedious trial and error to make the game seen hard but it's just dumb
@Whacka2008 8 жыл бұрын
+Bob omb Guy I'm not sure where Super Paper Mario punishes you for no good reason, but in the case of TTYD, I assume you're talking about the random stage hazards? Even though it seems a little unfair and like a random punishment, it can at least be avoided if you know how to block and superblock well. In Color Splash, you can't continue a boss fight without a thing card and then it unfairly makes you waste your time until you're insta-killed by the boss. Also Kamek randomly flies a battle and alters your cards which are your only way to win battles. And if you're like the dude who got stuck with hammers in a battle with Swoops because of Kamek, you have to waste all your cards until you run out or let the Swoops kill you. None of this can be avoided. Contrast that with TTYD and you'll see that it's not the same and a lot more fair. In battle, the audience can damage you by throwing stuff at you but you can avoid this by stopping them before they act or by blocking the attack. Same with stage hazards, they can all be blocked. Fog is the only one that doesn't benefit or damage anybody but can cause missed attacks. However, by seeing the fog you know the risk of possibly missing the enemy causing you to wait on FP attacks if you're not daring. So all of these can be avoided through blocks or by waiting a turn or two whereas in Color Splash none of those unfair scenarios can be avoided with the right skill but based on knowledge of not-so-clever puzzles and luck.
@Surgemaster2012 8 жыл бұрын
Don't forget about the random Game overs it throws at you. If you fail the "Sniff it or Whiff It" game you instantly die. You even die during scripted overworld events. All of these are cheap attempts to add difficulty and punish the player for no good reason. Also the Fog can be avoided. Bobbery's Bomb attacks can get rid of the fog completely, even just appealing with him can also do that. Flurrie's Gale Force can get rid of the fog also.
@julsmanbr8152 8 жыл бұрын
Whoa dude... I knew that the combat sucked from other reviews I read, but I wasn't aware that it puts you through so much crap, because no one else mentions how it really is. I'd rage so hard if that was me playing! Anyway this was a very fun video, and I also like how you countered the argument that "well, at least the writing is good, right?". From what I've seen the humor in this one is not exactly my cup of tea either. Keep up the good work on them vids :)
@slowpoke8585 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah, man. All the reviewers who all received a copy from Nintendo NEVER go into too much detail about the battle system. It's arguably the worst part about the whole game because it's so tedious and boring and it happens ALL THE TIME.
@yonatanhoresh2695 8 жыл бұрын
Roy was actually one of my favorite boss fights, because it kept me engaged throughout its etirity. It kept changing the way I looked at the battle, which was challenging, but not to the point of me being frustrated.
@Shikojen 7 жыл бұрын
I love all the points you make here, excellent critique!
@rayreborne4887 8 жыл бұрын
yeah wow the gameplay really is pointless huh? im so dissapointed that we wont get a real Paper Mario game.
@jeremyknight9980 8 жыл бұрын
We probably will. since the Switch is more of a traditional system.
@rayreborne4887 8 жыл бұрын
Jeremy Knight God I hope you're right lol
@jeremyknight9980 8 жыл бұрын
Probably, if it's Sticker Star 3 I wouldn't mind because Color SPlash shows that it can work. it just needs more thought put into it to a point that it feels very close to CLassic paper Mario. like a actual XP system.
@keerokamiya9126 7 жыл бұрын
I mean I don't really PLAY mario anymore but I can still appreciate how good the games are, especially paper ario, since I enjoyed both before super paper mario, which I didn't play. I mean were the first 2 PLUS mario Rpg NOT received well enough? why would they change the formula? Nintendo is always being criticized for doing the same thing over and over , and sonic is always criticized for always changing too much and not knowing what it wants to be, but hey both need to learn something. If it isn't broken don't fix it
@-Salut- 3 жыл бұрын
This is a real paper mario game.
@TheGms24 Жыл бұрын
I love how this started out as a pretty civil synopsis and steadily gets more unhinged
@thejonbrownshow8470 4 жыл бұрын
22:03 I think the ice pick situation was one of the few times I looked online for a solution to a paper Mario game lol I wish both were viable options personally
@blazinbutter6677 Жыл бұрын
Bro any chance you review origami king? You are one of the most sane voices for paper mario and I trust your opinion more than all these other chumps one way or another.
@HyperCharge Жыл бұрын
I actually wrote up some thoughts about the game at some point and was planning on making another video, but it sort of felt like I was just retreading the same points over and over again and I ultimately dropped it. There are some changes that make Origami King "better" than Color Splash, but I still end up having the same issues with the character design, combat, overemphasis on paper mechanics, ect... and since the series has never even attempted to address or changes these issues post-Sticker Star, I just felt like it wasn't worth the effort. At this point, I feel like you either you hate the new games or you don't and everyone already knows what you're getting into and any other video I make on the subject will just be more of the same complaints.
@yonatanhoresh2695 8 жыл бұрын
18:50 I can't believe you forgot to mention the parallel world dude!
@FlameLFH 8 жыл бұрын
So glad I pirated this game. Nintendo frankly doesn't deserve the money. Stopped playing shortly after the first world boss, just like I did with Sticker Star
@SagaciousSilence 8 жыл бұрын
I truly hope Nintendo NEVER let's this same development team develop another game. This team was rather new and inexperienced, as sticker star was their first game they designed. Now they have two utter failures under their belt.
@daxteryvillencourt9048 8 жыл бұрын
Your Lord and Savior Didn't Intelligent Systems made this game? (Because they made all the previous Paper Mario games)
@HyperCharge 8 жыл бұрын
People like to believe that video games don't have an expiration date, but they sadly do. On a surface, it's the same company that made the previous games, but it's also an entirely new team of people, since people have either left the company or have moved on to work on other games. For example, the original artist of Paper Mario on the Nintendo 64 is now one of the directors for Paper Mario Color Splash. The last game the director of The Thousand Year Door was working on was Codename Steam. Video games are also a collaborative effort. Most of the people outside of the spotlight are the ones who really make the game good. Your favorite part of a video game could have been suggested by some nobody working within the company that brought it up to the director, which was then added into the game. Even then, maybe they really want to make a video game like the original games, but the higher ups at Nintendo want them to focus on making games similar to Sticker Star. We'll really never know the truth.
@SagaciousSilence 8 жыл бұрын
Daxtery Toon Intelligent Systems isn't just one team. It's a company with different teams. They assigned this game to a newer, less experienced team and to no surprised, they butchered both games they made.
@jeremyknight9980 8 жыл бұрын
Pfft. someone hasn't seen Big Red Button. At least this new team has somewhat of a idea what makes Paper Mario what it's supposed to be. and I can give them credit for fixing some of the problems from Sticker Star. it's enjoyable. of course it's not as good as the first 2 games (I'd get slaughtered if I said it's just as good as them) SO it's in between Super and Sticker Star for me. it's a Good improvement but still not what most of us want.
@jeremyknight9980 7 жыл бұрын
***** Yet Tanabe says he and his team will continue to try new things. plus the low sales can be twisted in many ways. they could easily asume Color Splash's low sales was due to it being on a dead console with 13 million units under it's belt. for me, the future of the series is unknown. maybe they'll go back to how it was before or they'll try new things. IDK, Since I actually enjoyed Color SPlash. I'll take what I can get. instead of being "Ew! it's not TTYD NO!". just drop the Toads... they aren't the only good guys.
@matrikomatriko 8 жыл бұрын
Commenting before watching... Let's hope it's as good as all of your other videos! Really looking forward to this video, been waiting for ages!
@matrikomatriko 8 жыл бұрын
Liked it, although it could have been a bit more uncivil. I mean you didn't get that mad and didn't swear that much like in some of the other videos. But still very enjoyable! Great channel man, keep it up!
@HyperCharge 8 жыл бұрын
The game is so frustrating in very specific ways that I kind of had to sit down and just explain everything. I think if I spent the video getting mad and frustrated, it would be a little too hard to get my points across. It's definitely not a funny video, but I think it concludes all of my opinions of Paper Mario up to this point. As usual, I have a ton of ideas I'm working on that are definitely a return to some of my classic videos. I also did a video on Oblivion that has the classic style as well, but I don't think many people saw it.
@matrikomatriko 8 жыл бұрын
HyperCharge Ah ok, I understand, it's not like I'm gonna stop watching you now, as this video was still entertaining, because I also love informative videos. Looking forward to your ideas in the future! Also, I did see the Oblivion video, that was great! Keep it up!
@dbomb8825 7 жыл бұрын
So like sonic
@HDRookie 7 жыл бұрын
Just finished the game and finally watched. Enjoyed it, I really like your content even if I disagree on some things. TTYD is still clearly the best game in the series, it was the first I played, but unlike SS I was actually able to enjoy this game. Though it was littered with generic Toads, it was significantly more interesting because they still had unique things to say this time, and the levels were much less generic than in Sticker Star also. I had lots of fun with it still, though I hope that some day they'll finally return to the series roots. Also please continue your Bowser kidnaps Princess Peach, because it's a fucking Mario game running gag, it's great and totally describes you as a KZbinr. Keep the good content coming. Additionally, I was surprised that you didn't address my number 1 complaint about this game, which was random Kamek encounters.
@mirtorande 8 жыл бұрын
To be fair the unbeatable battle was also done in TTYD in glitzville, before you get yoshi. And that happens in an arena too, so maybe that's what they were going for? Btw I love your style so keep on keeping on
@HyperCharge 8 жыл бұрын
I've never been a fan of that section in TTYD either, but I think it was a little better in that game. Right from the start, it's clear that there is no possible way that you can even damage them in the first place. You can even tattle them with Goombella and she tells you that you might as well just run away. The second you run away or die from the fight, your Yoshi hatches and you can immediately go right into the battle again and win within seconds. It's a very low stakes fight that's only a minor inconvenience. For about half of the Iggy fight, you can actually damage him and it looks like your making progress. He eventually reaches a point where he hops on the chariot and then you can no longer hit him. At this point, you either have to decide that you have to run away, or you keep trying to kill him until he decides to instantly kill you. Once you leave, you have to spend another 20 minutes or so wondering around the Colosseum trying to find the Bone Card. It's more frustrating because the fight has higher stakes and a longer time commitment, since winning the boss fight will get you another Big Paint Star. That's just my personal reasons, but some people might like it or hate it for completely different reasons.
@Surgemaster2012 8 жыл бұрын
Don't forget the bosses are all timed like with the *Thing system* you can actually still die if the correct thing isn't used on time. I'm dead serious, the game punishes the player for not using a *Thing* to defeat a boss with proper timing. I could rant all day about how awful the combat has evolved. It's literally trial and error and annoying handholding. You always need a thing object to beat them, the only real improvement it did was indicating you of what thing to use before the fight, which gets rid of backtracking for things unlike Stinker Star. However in terms of battle execution it's not improved, they still suffer more or less the same issues. You can get completely overpower the boss and most of the bosses are timed based, and if you don't beat them within a certain time limit you auto lose. That's horrible battle design. The game literally makes bosses create situations where the player can't choose to approach or kill bosses at their own control, like using different set of moves etc, your literally having your hand held and have to be forced to use a gimmick. The things have no purpose and make no sense other than to add humor to the scene, and while the animations can be fun to watch it breaks the pace of battles and the animations last too long. Player's are just forced to use things in battle, just to be forced to use them. There's no strategy when it comes to fights, you either have the correct thing or you don't the player doesn't have the option to control the battle at their pace, so it handholds you through attack animations and using things. Not to mention Things render using powerful moves sorta of pointless. Minus only like 1 or 2. The battle system still sucks! There's also the fact that whenever Mario attacks he's stuck in a auto-sequence where he KOs every enemy in a row. Once the player sets cards into play, Mario is stuck in a scripted sequence of attack where he repeatedly hits int enemy and the paint acts like a meter to how long he can hit something and you can hit something over and over again until the enemy dies. Then he moves along the line of the row of enemies and does the same thing. Sometimes he can even just KO them straight in a row depending on how powerful the card is. There's no sense of strategy at all (unlike people who try to say there is) There's also the added fact player's can buy painted cards from the store, removing any issue needing to paint cards in battle. So the "Collecting Hammer scrapes" was a poor attempt at fixing Stinker Star's "No reason to fight anything" by giving something contradicted by its own inclusion. Just because "You feel like its worth something" doesn't make its worth more or less, it's still the same thing. Battling is pointless. Speaking of battling, enemy cards suck too. *The new Enemy Cards that can summon the enemy on the card to act as a pseudo-party member in battle. For starters they're all generic enemies that you have no control over and all deal pathetic amounts of damage. In addition, They only last about one turn because on enemy turns, they act as meat shields that are easily defeated in one or two hits. To make things worse, they are useless in boss fights, as they run away the moment they're summoned, which means you just wasted a turn. The Koopalings can be gathered as rare Enemy Cards, but in addition to also being useless in boss fights, they're nothing more than Fright Jars (y'know that item in 64 and TTYD that gave NO exp?), as they do nothing but run up to the enemy team and chase them away note with no variation between each Koopaling. The only thing Enemy Cards seem to be good for is completing the Museum, but other than that they're almost useless in the main game.* And enemies are often stuck on a random number multiplier, meaning they do huge amounts of necessary damage in order to make the fights "hard" but all it does is add random high numbers to an attack. I say it's random because player's can't calculate what enemy has what attack or stats or whatever, the enemy is just dead when it's dead. Sure color indicates HP, but what difference does it make if the HP isn't shown? Stuff like these "Don't make the game easier" that's basic RPG logic (people who say that are literally admitting all RPGs to have no strategy) Bosses are uneventful and boring. Since it's just the Koopalings now (*Nintendo's new Mill ticket into avoid creating new characters and are 7 wasted slots.) there's no difference since like their gimmicks in the main series they repeat the same schtick they always do. Wendy always has to do something involved with a Ring, Lemmy's always on a ball, Larry always uses Magic. The games now use so many boring Mario tropes, Paper Mario is what I did to escape that stuff. I even liked Super Paper Mario, but agree the gameplay was awful. What gets me is how many things in this game resemble a typical SMBs game the developers did so poorly to facade it to pass it off as "new" but people don't see it. There's an underground section, that plays out like a SMBs underground level (even playing the same music) even a Giant/Tiny World and other obvious giveaways. This game isn't a Paper Mario game, but rather a Super Mario Bros game, but has a different skin slapped on it. It feels more like a typical Mario game with a slight twist thrown in. Which is why it's now shift to (Action/Adventure) makes it more apparent. This series is now just as predictable and bland and lost what made it unique. If it honestly wasn't for the music, humor or interesting level designs I feel this game would not have any backbone to stand point. The plot is also basic without any sort of narrative, plot or structure to hold it together. They try and make "the Black Paint" the main villain, but force it to fight as Bowser just t force Bowser into the "Big Bad Role" What also makes Toads pointless is that you can replace them with any NPC and get the same results, they suffer from "Personality syndrome" where they feel like they should be another character, but aren't because "Well this game wants to be SMBs now"
@HyperCharge 8 жыл бұрын
CodeBox42 The whole Super Mario Bros themed levels mixed with the bland character designs are the main reason that I found it so forgettable in the first place. The only good things about the game are the graphics and the music, which is perfectly fine, but it's almost a given with any Nintendo game on the Wii U. I honestly love the main theme for the game. It's super catchy and it's very enjoyable to listen to the over world map theme continue to evolve as you progress through the game, but it just isn't enough to make it stand out on it's own. In 10 years, is anyone going to care about Paper Mario Color Splash? I don't think people will.
@questionmarkquestionmarkques Жыл бұрын
thing is in ttyd thats just once. in color splash it happens 7 times for each major boss
@omar._.2117 5 жыл бұрын
@ravioli4601 5 жыл бұрын
Nintendo should remake the original Paper Mario but I bet they would ruin that too.
@thejonbrownshow8470 4 жыл бұрын
It'd very interesting seeing you do a video on orgami king, it's not as great as the orginal, but as far as the sticker star trilogy goes (as I call it), it's basically the ttyd of that lol
@hazelkinoko4779 4 жыл бұрын
My freakin’ god, thank you. This video not only helps me focus my scattered thoughts with this game more, but also perfectly explains why I refuse to 100% this mess. Screw it. I’m dubbing this New Paper Mario U. The game is stale, boring, forgettable, and not only repeats several fatal mistakes from Sticker Star, BUT ALSO MAINSTREAM MARIO TITLES. If people like this game, that’s fine, but leave me out of it.
@shadowpheonix1751 2 жыл бұрын
You’re part of the reason I got super into MatthewMatosis and coming back to your channel I see a lot of his influence on your critique style. The way you start the video is very similar to his Dark Souls 2 critique. Perhaps it’s just coincidence, but I still find it pretty interesting to see when I look back on it.
@HyperCharge 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a huge fan of MatthewMatosis and his videos, so I wouldn't be surprised if it rubs off when I'm actually just trying to straight up review and critique.
@lamegamertime 4 жыл бұрын
19:39 The functionality would make perfect sense if using a thing card didn't destroy it, the player would have been able to learn beforehand what the camera did and it would have made at least some sense why a single target attack would be defended like that. If only the developers remembered to utilize and fit their ideas within the systems they made instead of imagining gameplay scenarios that wouldn't happen.
@slenderfoxx3797 8 жыл бұрын
SPM kind of had different ways to play...I mean you could just use bowser the whole game or just use peach or just mario mostly etc or use certain pixels idk I mean it was better then SS and CS
@slowpoke8585 5 жыл бұрын
You're, like, one of the very few here on KZbin who actually point out how shitty this game is. You're definitely a reviewer I can trust on games. I'm sure when the next shitty Paper Mario comes out, all the other reviewers who praised Color Splash will THEN say how shitty it was and praise the new shitty PM.
@dylbill56remixes28 2 жыл бұрын
This quote here at 22:53 is exactly how I feel about the bosses in Origami King, just....not about steak.
@masterfarr8265 4 жыл бұрын
Origami King got rid of the cards and stickers, gave Mario back his jump and hammer, gave us a reason to fight, let us attack any enemy we want, got rid of things, made toads unique, brought back allies, brought back accessories and a sense of progression, got rid of the linear over world, and is consistent with how you preform in battles.
@Aaaa-g6u8e 2 жыл бұрын
27:43 I never will understand nor agree why the majority keep insisting Super Paper Mario is a spinoff. That doesn't make any sense to me. Just because it changes it's gameplay mechanics doesn't automatically mean its a spinoff. I disliked every Paper Mario games after SPM, but they are sequels whether we like it or not.
@WritingCountingOriginal Жыл бұрын
I’m sure this guy only calls it a spin off because he hates it. As if that’s a valid reason
@superdajoka 4 жыл бұрын
Who's here after the origami king announcement?
@thejonbrownshow8470 4 жыл бұрын
For the ending , I like to imagine Huey dumped all the black paint on the shroob planet xD
@slenderfoxx3797 8 жыл бұрын
Too harsh on SPM I played the first 2 and loved SPM...and a lot of people love SPM it's fine if you don't but you can't say no one liked it and it's a brain dead game it had great characters, story,plot, a decent battle system, unique chapters, it even had 2 pit of trials, it had cooking still and great humour and tons of partners...even though the pixels didn't have much dialogue I didn't mind them and I liked Tippi😊 anyways great review on CS but SPM deserves less hate imo
@jeremyknight9980 8 жыл бұрын
You can say the same thing about Color SPlash. it's fine if you don't like it. but you can't say nobody likes it.
@slenderfoxx3797 8 жыл бұрын
+Jeremy Knight I never said nobody likes it but it is safe to say it isn't as loved😄
@retrofan4963 2 жыл бұрын
@@slenderfoxx3797 Color Trash is bland and is nowhere near as good as Paper Mario 64, TTYD, and SPM.
@colton2658 8 жыл бұрын
Another great video. I kind of expected this to go down the sticker star route instead of being awesome like the first two games. I guess Paper Mario is officially a children's game.
@kazoorion7993 7 жыл бұрын
It was always a "children" game
@supermarioindia 7 жыл бұрын
Was Paper Mario rated M for hardcore nudity before?
@doxxshacks919 5 жыл бұрын
I laughed more to this video then sticker star and color splash combined
@MB-sq6td 7 жыл бұрын
I mean look at the toads in color splash on the pirate level then look at the characters in chapter 5 paper Mario the thousand year door there was a bomb (note that there are only toads and shy guys I only played 2 chapter 2 shitty temple and I didn't see a single bomb) who lost his wife at sea and stop sailing Then you have a heart warming letter. Then there is a greedy pirate. And toads yes like a few toads that look different!
@chickennoodlegamer915 3 жыл бұрын
I did the same exact thing you did before that Roy battle and it pissed me the fuck off when I spent thousands of coins on like 5 1 up mushrooms and that bitch stole them from me
@cubersanonymous5180 4 жыл бұрын
Tell us how you really feel about super.
@AgentAlaska9000 7 жыл бұрын
I still have a problem with you sticking Super Paper Mario with the latest 2 instead of the earliest 2. SPM is not nearly as bad as you're saying it is. It's not even bad at all! The first 3 games make an awesome TRILOGY whereas the last two were garbage in comparison. SPM may have lacked some RPG elements but that doesn't make the game any less enjoyable at all. The puzzles were creative and Flipside served as a really good hub world ON PAR with Rogueport in The Thousand-year Door. And the beings in SPM looked different because it's a game about DIFFERENT/BETWEEN DIMENSIONS. there's also the fact that Merlon and his cousins were in all 3 of the first games and each version of those characters served a different purpose. Just saying you really shouldn't categorize SPM with Sticker Star and Color Splash, but with 64 and TTYD instead
@HyperCharge 7 жыл бұрын
I'm not necessarily placing SPM along with Sticker Star and Color Splash for being bad, but mostly because they aren't Paper Mario games. SPM is objectively an alright game, but it's still drastically different from the first two games. I'm not really opposed to it being different, but it's so different that it's essentially an entirely different genre. The main common thread between SPM, Sticker Star, and Color Splash is that they've all implemented combat systems that aren't as good as the earlier games, which is what I was pointing out in this video in particular. You have to realize that I'm talking about these later games as a fan of Paper Mario, so while my criticisms might seem pretty harsh, they're based off of expectations of the earlier games in the series. The first two games setup the series to have some really great turn based combat, only to completely divert itself towards 2D platforming and other niche combat mechanics that fail to capitalize on what the earlier games did. There are some common threads between SPM and the first two games in the series, but as more of these spin off games are released, it feels more comparable to Sticker Star and Color Splash, even though it's not as terrible as those games. I'm really hoping they will make a more traditional Paper Mario game for the Switch, but if that doesn't happen, I don't think we'll ever see one anytime soon.
@KoroxasHeart 8 жыл бұрын
sadly how boss fight is ruin when you just need a current thing to beat it instead of the way how you play it out. (you can still play it out the way you want but yet you need to use required thing to make progress in boss fight or instant game over)
@thedeadlyune 8 жыл бұрын
So how would you rank Super Paper Mario, Sticker star, and Color Splash in least worse to worst?
@HyperCharge 8 жыл бұрын
Sticker Star is definitely the worst, with Super Paper Mario and Color Splash making a tie for 2nd worst.
@slenderfoxx3797 8 жыл бұрын
I would say SPM is great and SS and CS are the same crap lol they are both garbage...but CS fixing some things but also getting worse in some cases
@radiantray5231 7 жыл бұрын
Holy crap this is not only bad for a Paper Mario game but it's just a bad game in general. Are these the same people that made PM 64 and TTYD?
@kazoorion7993 7 жыл бұрын
Sadly yes, but it was because Miyamoto. If you don't believe me, read this
@TheAwesomeGN 4 жыл бұрын
Super paper Mario doesn't really deserve to be placed anywhere near colour splash or sticker star, however it also doesn't fit in with the original two either
@kazoorion7993 4 жыл бұрын
It pretty much placed in the limbo.
@DevilHunter1994 4 жыл бұрын
Agreed. It was a spinoff that nobody really asked for, but unlike Sticker Star and Color Splash, at least Super Paper Mario was actually worth the player's time. Would I have preferred a more traditional Paper Mario game? Oh absolutely, but I can at least say that I still enjoy playing Super Paper Mario. I REALLY can't say the same for Sticker Star and Color Splash.
@slenderfoxx3797 8 жыл бұрын
Hey SPM humour was the same as the first 2....I agree with pretty much everything else but some things about SPM aren't accurate I feel
@HyperCharge 8 жыл бұрын
I'd recommend watching my Super Paper Mario video if you want a more in depth reason as to why I don't like it, but it's probably not going to change anyone's mind.
@slenderfoxx3797 8 жыл бұрын
+HyperCharge oh I did watch it and I do get your points but still I think SPM deserves to be up there with PM64 and TTYD...or at least not as low as SS and CS do you at least think SPM is better then SS and CS??
@HyperCharge 8 жыл бұрын
It's better than Sticker Star, but it's kind of on par with Color Splash
@slenderfoxx3797 8 жыл бұрын
+HyperCharge oh we'll to me SPM is far better and is great like the first two but it's fine if you don't agree but SPM just has more effort into it and isn't flawed to me😄
@tanso4564 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with everything said in this video
@チュングスマスター9001 4 жыл бұрын
At 27:16 you show a thumbnail for an Uncivil Synopsis of Color Splash. Did you ever upload that? Did it get taken down? I cannot find it on your page.
@HyperCharge 4 жыл бұрын
That was actually this video, but during the time it was considered a part of Uncivil Synopsis before I rebranded it into it's own thing. The Dark Souls/Undertale video also used to be an Uncivil Synopsis as well. Forgot the video actually used the old thumbnail, so I suppose that's a weird easter egg now.
@daxteryvillencourt9048 8 жыл бұрын
I'm kinda suprised that you didn't mentioned the fact, that there is no way to see the damage you make with numbers. Every Paper Mario had that, but Color Splash doesn't for some reason.
@MusicJunkie37 8 жыл бұрын
Daxtery Toon It doesn't really matter as the goal of defeating an enemy is to look at them and see how much paint they still have on them.
@HyperCharge 8 жыл бұрын
It would have bothered me more if the battles had actual stakes. Like I said before, the battles are so short that you can pretty much kill every enemy in 1 to 2 turns, so it's not like seeing the stats would make a huge difference.
@ValseInstrumentalist 4 жыл бұрын
The instant game over rolling chain chomp was the assotry of all assotry. It was such assss.
@nicosuave9088 5 жыл бұрын
I kept losing the Iggy boss fight because I didnt have the bone smh
@mrpepermentman 6 жыл бұрын
Did the ending just rip off ocarina of time? Escaping a castle with the princess and rocks falling all over you
@josephcross8464 8 жыл бұрын
I still want to give this one a try, just not for full price.
@DarkkirbyKRPG 8 жыл бұрын
Just pirate it.
@josephcross8464 8 жыл бұрын
DarkK~ : Nah, I don't wanna mess up my Wii U, especially since the Switch isn't going to be backwards compatible. I can wait until I can find it in a bargain bin for $20 or less.
@DarkkirbyKRPG 8 жыл бұрын
Well the process of pirating Wii U games doesn't involve installing anything at all, as everything is done with the browser, but it's your choice. As long as you don't give them money to support this garbage new direction, I'm fine either way.
@josephcross8464 8 жыл бұрын
DarkK~ : Everyone knows how they spend their money. Save for a few exceptions, I rarely buy consoles and games day one. I read reviews to spare myself of dissapointments (never go into the game expecting something different than what it actually is) and give them enough time to patch bugs or, in the case of gaming systems, release new and updated o slimmer versions; plus, I save a few bucks, being patient really pays-off (quite literally).
@DarkkirbyKRPG 8 жыл бұрын
In certain cases, like this one for example, sales matter a lot because it'll show whether or not this new style of gameplay will stay. Considering how abysmally bad the game is selling, specially in Japan (the region that loved Sticker Star) I'm almost sure that this game will be a commercial flop and that it might kill any sort of progress made on Sticker Star 3.
@gooble2761 8 жыл бұрын
I like super paper Mario...
@HyperCharge 8 жыл бұрын
You can like whatever games you want!
@gooble2761 8 жыл бұрын
i know, i just don't think it deserve to be in the "bad" era of paper mario.
@HyperCharge 8 жыл бұрын
I think it does, but it's fine, because we can all like and dislike any game regardless of what people think
@gooble2761 8 жыл бұрын
yea, I'm just putting out my opinion, I'm not going to turn into super minecraft kid and be like "YOU'RE GAY CAUSE YOU DON"T LIKE THIS FUCKING GAME!!!!!!"
@trunks2585 8 жыл бұрын
I feel I have t disagree with you slightly. You spend a lot of time talking about the faults of the game, the BS mechanics, the generic characters, the non existent plot, and the parts of the game where they screw you and don't tell you what you need and punish you for it. But at the end you say 'it's not bad'. When you find so many negatives and not enough positives, when you've spent the whole review driving home the faults of this game, I think you should just call it bad at the end. Is it the worst thing ever made? No. But it's still a bad game.
@zarviusjones8708 4 жыл бұрын
Paper toads destroy the paper Mario series.
@ArcticWolf135420 8 жыл бұрын
is it just me or is this video less hype than the older videos?
@HyperCharge 8 жыл бұрын
It definitely was less hype than the other videos, but it's just because the game itself wasn't that hype to begin with. The game is frustrating in very specific ways that the only way to explain it was to just sit down and talk about it.
@ArcticWolf135420 8 жыл бұрын
tru tru, good video anyways :D
@HyperCharge 8 жыл бұрын
I thought my Oblivion video was super hype and a little return to form,, but I think people only want me to talk about Nintendo stuff
@ArcticWolf135420 8 жыл бұрын
dude, i love the elderscrolls, would love to see more videos outside of nintendo :D Keep on grinding :)
@ArcticWolf135420 8 жыл бұрын
BluHawkGames yeah true
@lamegamertime 5 жыл бұрын
"98% of my health" That's 96% but ok
@zechariahdsiler 4 жыл бұрын
Origami King?
@sauarkrokur818 8 жыл бұрын
HyperCharge do you ever plan on showing your face?
@HyperCharge 8 жыл бұрын
Not any time soon. Talking in front of a camera doesn't really work well with any of my show formats. Maybe if I did a talk show or a podcast, I would consider it.
@warioland523 6 жыл бұрын
For me I thought this game was good and a step in the right direction. It's not perfect though. There were 3 things that bugged me about this game and they mostly are from oversight issues. First is the Kamek mechanic. Kamek's battle is fun like most bosses but when he shows up after I start a battle I just cringe in disgust. He does stupid things like hide your cards, decrease your card count to 6 or change all your cards to the same card type. The last one can lead to a major issue where as a KZbinr Fatguy I believe demonstrated can put you in an unwinnable situation for example fighting a Swoop/Swooper with only Eekhammers that can't reach it and because Kamek disables the battle spinner and the flee option you are essentially screwed. The second problem is Roshambo Temples. The first 2 matches of each temple do have some degree of strategy to them with 6 and 7 having puzzle elements in memorizing which cards the players use but the wizard matches and the entirety of temple 8 are all luck based meaning you could be on these temples for a long time if that final round is giving you a hard time. The last one is more of an inconvenience then anything. There is a boss that spawns on the map sometimes to steal paint from various areas you cleared. If he succeeds all the colorless spots are restored in that area. It is possible to have this boss spawn in a position where you can't get to him in time and stop him thus forcing you to paint the level again. Aside from these 3 problems I really did enjoy this game. The areas were creative, the bosses were fun, there is incentive to battle as defeating enemies increases your paint capacity which you need to restore the color to the various areas as well as paint cards, the thing animations are creative due to how well they contrast to the rest of the game's art direction, and the plot is a touch darker then Sticker Star's. Bowser is able to talk again and he develops a split personality due to the paint on his body which makes him more evil and destructive. His ultimate goal in the game amounts to nothing more then global destruction using flying fortress to bombard the planet with deadly Banzai Bills filled with Black Paint which kills or poisons anything it comes into contact with. The game's levels I think are were it truly shined. One stage for an instance takes place in a diner in the middle of a desert and has you preparing both a pizza and a steak but with a good old Mario twist to them. 3 areas have parallel worlds to them and what happens in one side of the level effects the other and vice versa and by using this mechanic effectively you are able to progress forward. So in my opinion the pros definitely outweigh the cons. I wouldn't mind a sequel to this that irons out all the issues and oversights that I had with this game to make the definitive adventure experience that Color Splash provided but better. Did this game save Paper Mario? Probably not. The scar left by Sticker Star is still pretty deep but if they can keep making good games like this that improve upon any issues to make a good game then I would say that Paper Mario will one day hit it's stride once more.
@adamkogut6084 4 жыл бұрын
The bossfights were......bad, but okay.
@warioland523 4 жыл бұрын
@@adamkogut6084 I thought they were just the right amount of difficulty. Easier then Sticker Star's bosses but still enough to provide a more fair challenge.
@adamkogut6084 4 жыл бұрын
@@warioland523 The thing with the bossfights was that the only Challenge with them is having to Constantly lose for not having a certain card. This forced you to waste a bunch of time and continue backtracking to look for the right "Thing" that was needed. Maybe you like playing hide & seek within a video game but its overall a major downgrade from the combat in the early games.
@warioland523 4 жыл бұрын
@@adamkogut6084 The game tells you what things you need. A Toad in Port Prisma gives you hints.
@SimplySora_ 8 жыл бұрын
Where dat MMX vid at?
@DefinitivNichtSascha 7 жыл бұрын
Huey is better than Tippi?! Well at least Tippi had a proper personality. Even Kersti had one (although she was a huge bitch). Huey is just a standard nice character with no remarkable personality traits whatsoever. 13:43 Whatever happened to not being able to run away from Boss Fights?... 20:34 The humour itself tries to hard. the game feels like it has to shove paper-jokes down your throat all the time. The writing isn't good, it severely lacks depth. This makes the characters feel like they're only there to crack a joke when Mario comes by, and not like they have a life of their own, like in the first three games. 27:46 I liked Super Paper Mario, very much even. :C
@HyperCharge 7 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't say that Huey is amazing or anything, but at least he had some personality right out of the gate. I felt like Tippi was more of a generic helper fairy like Navi from Ocarina of Time, but with even less personality. She gets a bit more personality near the end, but I wasn't really invested in her character at that point. It's possible to run away from the boss fights, but you're never going to do that early on in the fight when you're making so much progress. The game kind of tricks you into believing that you can actually defeat the boss, because you can damage them until they become invincible and instantly kill you. You get really invested in the boss fight and waste a bunch of your cards, until you either run away or just instantly die. The problem I had at 13:43 was that the game kind of pushes you towards a boss fight that you can't win, which is just kind of annoying. The game hints you towards getting the Bone Card first, but having the freedom to fight the boss anyways serves no purpose. Maybe if you could beat the boss with a ton of skill and skip through the level, it would be pretty interesting, but since the Thing Card is required, all it does is trap beginners into an unwinnable fight. It's more of an issue early on in the game, but once you figure out that every boss fight requires a card, it becomes less of an issue.
@darkclem2531 7 жыл бұрын
ok so every mario game when you get game over, you fall, but in this game, you litterly DIED, the shy guys suck you paints and kill you, seriously nintendo? and you calls this a game for child????!
@kazoorion7993 7 жыл бұрын
I think Mario is already dead before the Shy Guys drains his colors.
@superdajoka 5 жыл бұрын
Paper mario color trash
@azelfwillpowergod2430 7 жыл бұрын
Wow, thanks for the compliment at the end I never knew having an opinion about a game would led me being called "dip-shit little kid".
@kazoorion7993 7 жыл бұрын
When he was referring to it as a game for "dip-shit little kids", he was talking about the mechanical complexity of the game.
@azelfwillpowergod2430 7 жыл бұрын
He said people who like it are dip-shit little kids...
@kazoorion7993 7 жыл бұрын
Again, when he was referring to people who like it are "dip-shit little kids", he was actually talking about the mechanical complexity of the game. Color Splash is so simplistic and gimmicky that it requires no skill or strategy whatsoever. I'm not saying that the first two games were that hard to begin with, but you had to at least think about what you were doing in order to beat the game. All Color Splash requires is either paint white spots or use the "cut out" technique whenever you reach a dead end to solve the "puzzle", with some very simple combat in between.
@jeremyknight9980 8 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I don't know why people hold Paper Mario's original characters in such high reguards for. They are only used for a specific game only to either never be seen again or reduced to pointless cameos. Mario and Luigi feels so much more connected than paper Mario. when M and L brought back characters like Fawful, the Shroobs and Popple. they served a purpose. Fawful, who was the secondary villain from Superstar Saga. was a shop keeper in Partners In Time and became the main villain in Bowser's Inside Story. The Shroobs from Partners In Time were a optional boss in Bowser's Inside Story. Popple, who was a reoccuring boss in SuperStar Saga was In Dream Team. where he was still going around trying to steal treasure and having run ins with Mario and Luigi. While Paper Mario makes one time original characters for one game only to never be seen again, killed off or reduced to lame cameos in the forms of catch cards and pictures. Yeah, there was Parakarry, Bow, Bootler and Junior Troopa in TTYD. but all they did was go "Hey, how's it going? you remember me from the last game right?" and nothing else. I don't have anything against those characters. it's just AlphaDream handles their characters much better. Maybe that's why Intelligent Systems went with Toads. because they realized what's the point of making all these new characters if we'll only use them once. and sadly Huey is going to have the same fate as all the other original characters.
@HyperCharge 8 жыл бұрын
To put it simply, the reason people hold the characters to such high regard is because they're good characters. The lack of continuity doesn't mean that the characters aren't as good as the ones from the Mario and Luigi series. All that it means is that you can enjoy the main characters in each game without having the play prior games to fully understand them. I never had a problem with the cameo's in the later games, since this wasn't their story to begin with. You can always go back to play Paper Mario and enjoy those characters whenever you want to.
@jeremyknight9980 8 жыл бұрын
HyperCharge Hmmm. I can understand that. By the way. despite Color Splash's issues I still enjoy the game. it's clearly not up there with the first 2. but it's OK for what it is like Super Paper Mario.
@HyperCharge 8 жыл бұрын
You can like whatever you want. I don't know why everyone thinks that they have to agree with me. I didn't outright hate this game that much, but it definitely wasn't as fun as the previous games.
@jeremyknight9980 8 жыл бұрын
Hey, If you don't like it as much as I do it's totally fine. At least your not one of those 64/TTYD fanboys that shame others for liking Color SPlash. Hel, even I used to be salty about this game and I never did that,
@Surgemaster2012 8 жыл бұрын
CS and SS fans are doing the same to TTYD/64 fans as well. So both sides of the spectrum are at fault here. Literally CS/SS fans aren't so innocent either, I've literally seen videos of them randomly attacking a person just calling out flaws of CS and they didn't even mention TTYD, yet they defenders brought it up anyways out of complete nowhere as an excuse to just throw in a random insult. So really both sides do the exact same thing CS/SS fans get defensive anytime someone criticizes CS. For example: I saw a comment where a person was literally just commenting saying he prefers TTYD, but thinks Color Splash is a fun and charming game and even recommended it for fans to try out, what does a CS defender do? He immediately assumes the person is a TTYD fanboy and throws it out as a blind assumption, even though the person compliment CS. CS defenders are LITERALLY doing the exact same thing they claim against the older fans, they constantly act as if CS can't be criticized then throw insult for no reason other than to generalize. That's the problem, neither side is right, yet both sides claim they are right when they trying "pointing how a generalization of how they see the other side" (although the CS defenders are ironically hypocritical by doing the same thing as what they preach) Like a person can literally NOT mention TTYD at all, but the moment someone criticizes CS the CS defenders just instantly assume their a TTYD fan and stereotype them with each other, with no evidence behind their claims. How can you tell this person is just automatically a TTYD fan when they never brought up nor mentioned the game? They literally throw words into other people's statements. For all we know they could like 64 or SPM as their favorite, they just generalize and throw out terms based on what they think, then use what they think as confirmed facts. To based your experience on beliefs is completely judgmental. Sadly the CS defenders fail to see their side doing this. And a lot of their bashing of the older games comes to either doing the same thing with their generalizing, while completing acting as if anything outside their personal experience is mute. There's a difference between one's experience and actual truth. I literally see people call out flaws of 64/TTYD all the time, seriously you can Google search. People have shown to actively hate 64 as well. It's honestly treated as a crime to like TTYD anymore. I've even seen casual TTYD fans be attacked just for liking it, even ones who love it and don't have it as their favorite game CS defenders literally attack them simply because they like it. Why nobody sees this I will never understand. Another example comes from a casual Paper Mario fan asking if battles are worth anything in CS, and a random CS defender attacks them and calls them "Salty TTYD fanboy", even though all they did was ask a simple question about CS's EXP system and never mentioned TTYD in anyway. But people act as if this logic is a TTYD specific thing (he same logic they uses when printing out issues, even though the flaws of TTYD stem from actual RPG flaws.) You can't just assume someone thinks "TTYD" simply by asking a question. It's comments like this that make the fanbase toxic. But it seems liking a game is considered a war crime, and even now I don't really see anyone hating this game, yet people bring up TTYD for no reason other than to point the blame. Seems rather contradicting and counterproductive, it also doesn't help that neither side of the fanbase is perfect either. People just make up assumptions and put words in others mouths simply because of their own viewing perspectives. It’s just biased and quite frankly insulting. This isn’t because they are TTYD fans, this is basic RPG logic people. EXP has to be worth something in order to benefit, you see they automatically throw it out even during times people aren’t even mentioning the game. Isn’t it kind of ironic how CS defenders complain about older fans about the older games being “immune to criticism” yet the moment SS and CS are criticize these people immediately do the exact same thing? (Even SPM fans do this) Or leaving bait comments to spite the exact people. In this logic you actively want the games to be hated. Not only this but they overinflated the flaws just to make the game have “flaws” even though the games do have flaws. It’s always a 100% fact that every game will have its issues and people who say they don’t are in denial (it's like a Human trying to point out a Human is flawed), but to me these people don’t even pay enough attention to this series to see the older games do get criticized all the time. 64 gets hate because people see it as a “Bowser kidnaps Peach” TTYD gets complaints with the backtracking and SPM gets hate for the flip mechanic. You can easily do a quick Google search of “Worst Chapters of TTYD” aka Something NEGATIVE about the game and there’s comments in a lot of forums discussing their least favorite, namely chapter 2. As far as backtracking goes. People in Let’s plays complain about that all the time, I seriously question if these people are even fans at all.
@sauarkrokur818 8 жыл бұрын
@supermarioindia 7 жыл бұрын
The entire Paper Mario series was meant for children
@DevilHunter1994 4 жыл бұрын
As is the entire Mario series in general. Just because a game is intended for children doesn't mean it should be excused for being poorly designed.
@CarlosMunoz-vn5es 7 жыл бұрын
I love this game i hater
@shadowkirbae4289 8 жыл бұрын
@bomberbosses 4 жыл бұрын
no I'm first
@ironkeepgaming1936 4 жыл бұрын
Do the characters really matter, I mean it’s a Mario game
@ironkeepgaming1936 4 жыл бұрын
It’s not dark souls and never will be, it’s a kids game
@ironkeepgaming1936 4 жыл бұрын
@colombiaball8239 7 жыл бұрын
Ohh... another TTYD fanboy
@adamkogut6084 4 жыл бұрын
Idk why TTYD "fanboys" are seen as biased when their much older and experienced, and always provide a BUNCH of evidence to prove their point. On the other hand, Color Splash fans are like 10 years old and think they know everything from the previous games even though they havent played them. On top of that, they can never prove their point.
@TheCeraization 7 жыл бұрын
You are so biased and unprofessional.
@kazoorion7993 7 жыл бұрын
Because he doesn't like the game?
@adamkogut6084 4 жыл бұрын
Uh-oh! The Color Splash fan is mad! He cant accept the fact that the Game is way worse that TTYD and hes probably 10 lol. If anything, your opinion is biased because I seriously doubt you played the first two.
@TheCeraization 4 жыл бұрын
Adam Kogut Nah, I wasn’t mad. This guy is just not worthy of being a critic. And btw, Ive played all the Paper Mario games and enjoyed all of them. You’re just a nostalgic internet troll with nothing better to do.
@TheCeraization 4 жыл бұрын
Lol and what’s funnier is that his channel is dead too... like I said, terribly reviewer.
@adamkogut6084 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheCeraization Well if you're so confident, can you please provide examples of how he is biased? He played through the entire game and thoroughly explained the events that took place. He also explained how those things are either good or bad in ways that made perfect sense. He may have compared a few things to the original games, but he didnt hate on it for being different, he just used it to show how the game was a major downgrade from most RPGs. But dont worry, all of this will just fly over your head because your lack of brain cells cant understand simple things apparently.
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