Paragliding Crash Accident at Annecy France - Raw Video

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Nour Lababidi

Nour Lababidi

5 жыл бұрын

I start with saying I love paragliding and it is life to me. I can't wait to recover just so I fly again.
please like and subscribe to support my plans to grow my channel after recovery to support my goal getting to xalps and being sponsored.
Here is my review for the accident:
After having many great flights and building confidence and feeling with both my wings and the air, I took a risky decision over estimating my skills at landing. I knew I'm taking a risk but I don't know why I did it anyway. It was a big mistake that you can easily hear in my voice questioning if I want to go with this bad idea. The main issue is I focused too much on crossing the lake again and didn't think enough about if I miss my landing zone. I thought that at this point I can land anywhere after many good landings at landing zones. I had much more sink than I expected which forced me to land and it didn't go well. I hit a house downwind while doing my last loop (I Shouldn't do 360 but things happened very fast) and hit the wall at 60 km/hour.
I broke my right leg and did a lot of damage to my ankle (The biggest issue). Hurt my right shoulder from falling on it and left leg from the impact.
Good people took care of helping me until the ambulance arrived and did the surgery same day, stayed in hospital 5 days, and now recovering for the next 6 weeks then will learn how to walk and build strength again.
Lesson to learn: When something questionable and unknown it is fun to do but in this sport it is better to not do. My next flights I'll be more conservative and now I know how ugly is to crash so if I had a second chance I would of choose some trees or through my parachute. Flying is the most fun so enjoy it and don't let my mistake affect your flying negatively. It is safe sport if done safely.
*Please feel free to write honest comments below so we all learn from my mistake. Clearly I made a mistake! My next goal after recovering and gaining confidence again is to train on spot landing.

Пікірлер: 594
@houseofsolomon2440 4 жыл бұрын
Fastest "WOO-HOO!!" to "OOOHHHHHH!!" transition
@2kAdrien 4 жыл бұрын
@ridgesail Жыл бұрын
I'm a hang glider pilot with hundreds of hours so not just armchair opinion, but that guy passed a LOT of landing spots and kept going towards trees and houses. I was genuinely confused where he was trying to get to with his sink rate, esp with all the turbulence he was flying thru.
@alextaylor8776 11 ай бұрын
You know something, I have never hang glided or para sailed in my life and even I know what you are saying is absolutely correct. How could this guy succumb to hitting that house when he had so many other options and safe places to land. Total amateur move.
@brunol-p_g8800 11 ай бұрын
Hope the house owner insurance believed the owner when he filled the form, “cause of the damage: a Hawaiian tourist fell from the sky down on my house”
@chicago_race_engines7538 11 ай бұрын
I know it's not funny but holy cow I laughed so freaking hard the noises he made..he went from laughing having fun to screaming I'm pain...glad he is ok
@alesh-cz 5 ай бұрын
@@brunol-p_g8800 PG pilots are required to have an insurance for damages they might cause. There is a minimum coverage you need to have which may differ in different countries in Europe. I typically go for 1500000EUR insurance that covers the whole word.
@Osamabintardin Ай бұрын
Read the description he explains his thinking and reasoning and admits his mistakes
@sakisa9130 5 жыл бұрын
I wish you a very quick recovery so you can get back to normal again! Thank you very much for posting this video! It's very educational. Unlike when we are in school, with flying (any type of flying) we get the test first, and then the lesson. I hope you are back to flying again soon! Be strong and thank you again for the great video.
@wallabybob3020 Жыл бұрын
As a pilot, I know only too well how quickly things can go wrong. You lived to tell the tale and it sounds like you’re on the mend. Good news.
@pablonosnothing.1952 11 ай бұрын
Tell him the truth, he is NOT bright enough to FLY even a paper air plane, stick with BASE JUMPING, that jump will be the thrill of your last life on earth, HAPPY KARMA.
@alanduncan1980 8 ай бұрын
I felt bad for him until he start referring to himself in the third person.
@wallabybob3020 8 ай бұрын
@@alanduncan1980 A lot of people seem to do that these days. A certain Mr Trump being the main culprit. A sign of pretentiousness and a very annoying habit.
@NourLababidi 5 жыл бұрын
Now im flying good and swimming a lot. life is almost back to normal
@MoneyMan28 4 жыл бұрын
Learn from your mistake, you could have died, don't fly again
@NourLababidi 4 жыл бұрын
@@chonch7441 I wish you safe flying deep from my heart. Fly with a smile and spread the ALOHA!
@NourLababidi 4 жыл бұрын
@@MoneyMan28 You don't know what you are talking about. I mean it. You just don't know what you are talking about!
@MoneyMan28 4 жыл бұрын
@@NourLababidi this accident wouldn't have happened if you just stayed home, watch tv or youtube, play fortnite
@chonch7441 4 жыл бұрын
Nour Lababidi I’m sorry for being such a crab. Have you made a full recovery ?
@NativeExplorer 3 жыл бұрын
I hope you are okay now. I broke my palm skydiving, not as nearly as bad as you, but I sympathize with your feelings and attitude. I hope you are healthy and back on the sky! Cheers ❤️
@federikus2928 5 жыл бұрын
it's my tenth glider lesson and I started to watch video like this to learn from other's mistakes. I'm appalled how fast things can take the wrong turn. I'm happy you are still alive but that was a hell of an impact. Anyway I fly not far (Chablais) and one day I'll fly your same path, godspeed
@nilomardesouza5 Ай бұрын
Have you flown that path already ?
@a.w.thompson4001 Жыл бұрын
Nour, I'm so glad you got back to trail running, flying, and swimming, after learning that really hard lesson.
@christoffer9696 5 жыл бұрын
Wish you a speedy recovery! I do believe you have the best description i have read in years. We all fail somewhere in life, both in air and on foot. Get up on the horse as quick as possible and train spotlandings where it doesn't matter if you fly to far or don't reach it (like on a field for example) Best of luck 🤞 👍
@NourLababidi 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you brother. Yup recovery is going well. Everyday is better. I hope soon I'll be back on the horse and yes first thing will be spot landing in a safe area. Cheers!
@drobichaud1000 11 ай бұрын
You should write for Hallmark cards
@a.w.thompson4001 Жыл бұрын
Nour, thanks for both sharing and requesting advice so we can all learn. Ouch!!
@mattchristie1810 9 ай бұрын
I was looking at that return journey and thinking I don't see any good landing options. It was too tight a space to land in. But I totally get the desire to push and do something amazing. Good learning and glad you shared. Very glad to hear you are recovering.
@mike747436 Жыл бұрын
Ouch, very painful. I’m glad you’re ok now. I never did work out where exactly you were trying to land.
@oscarschuit Жыл бұрын
I have been hanggliding for 10 years, in the French Alps, and also had to improvise sometimes in finding a landing spot due to an unexpected sink area. Once almost hit the roof of a bungalow, had to steer my left wingtip just over the chimney, and landed in their back garden. That could have gone terribly wrong. Safety first always. Flying is unforgiving. I quit hanggliding when my son was born but never regret my hours in the sky, soaring like a bird.
@Paiadakine 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your story. Hope you’re all better now.
@CoIoneIPanic Жыл бұрын
Nour, i totally get your reaction immediately after you crashed. It was very Human. One minute you are cruising through the skies in bliss and then as you turn above the shore you lose altitude and suddenly the trees, houses and cars look terrifyingly real. You try to maneuver as if you are still in control but now you are just a speeding lump of flesh heading straight for a wall. Now it seems so obvious THE DANGER IS REAL AND NOW SO IS THE PAIN and you feel so stupid you didn't realize it sooner. Thank you for posting the entire video. It was good instruction for exactly how not to paraglide.
@creationancestor 11 ай бұрын
Ouch, that hurts from just viewing it. Hope you're well now. As a volunteer firefighter it's good to hear someone crying out in pain, because who's crying is not dying 🙂
@mimibee626 11 ай бұрын
Geez, what an attitude
@NourLababidi 4 жыл бұрын
Update: I'm running trails again and flying almost every day. If you crash and break bones be optimistic regardless what others say even doctors because with positive mindset and training you can do the impossible!
@lesliewu3208 3 жыл бұрын
i hope youve improved your skill set. you are a shockingly incompetent pilot.
@gregorjcocco Жыл бұрын
May it serve you as a lesson, and above all that it can increase your awareness. Certainly that atrocious pain experienced in the lower limbs will be the most authoritative basis for building your Experience. I am sure you will never forget it and it will always be on your "mental checklist" of operations to avoid". Big Embrace. G.
@lapipesmoker3751 11 ай бұрын
Oh it was so difficult hearing you scream. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, and I hope you can return to doing what you love again soon. At any rate, I'm glad it all ended well eventually.
@pavlict Жыл бұрын
One of the most painful videos to watch. It's because we have all made a bad last second decision... and walked away. You were a bit less lucky. Happy to hear that you are ok now.
@docohm50 Жыл бұрын
I am glad you survived. That was brutal man. I don't fly but I have to believe this video is being used constructively to show others how fast things can get stupid up there.
@neerajkulkarni6506 Жыл бұрын
Scary to watch. Wish you a speedy recovery
@mark675 Жыл бұрын
Ouch! We live and learn though, wishing you a Speedy and full recovery 👍
@mark675 Жыл бұрын
Just realised this isn't a new video 🤦‍♂️ I'm hoping you will have fully recovered by now! 😂
@frankieduvall5642 2 ай бұрын
I used to think jumping out of a plane was the dumbest thing ever until I watched this.
@sevenrats Жыл бұрын
I wanted to learn to paraglide but I watched videos like this one and determined that I like walking too much.
@dmrusak 3 ай бұрын
those born to crawl will not fly
@panther-xc8929 3 жыл бұрын
Safe flying my friend! Sad to see anyone getting hurt
@howardyeo1964 11 ай бұрын
Gee….! It’s hurts! Glad you are recovered!
@ddlmln7830 Жыл бұрын
Your landing solution was right there in fron of you on that clearance entrance on the woods but looks like you choose the "security" of the house that finally was an illusion and a trap to a cruel end. Very educational and inspiring that idea that we could being more attracted by what we know the better than by what is a real cold decision. Looks like you were managing a certain control of kkeping away from the electrical wires. Good for that. Have a good recovery.
@fbidenflagguy Жыл бұрын
Hope you took to the skies and recovered well. 🤙
@cloudbaserapture99942 Жыл бұрын
Wow just relived all my flying at Annecy years ago. Too bad you had such an awful experience. I was screaming at the computer turn back you don't have enough height. Glad you pulled through. Cheers.
@jabeblumenthal 5 жыл бұрын
I wish you a speedy recovery. I'm pretty sure I was in Talloires (where you "landed") when this happened and that several of my fellow pilots watched you go in from the house we were staying at, just a few hundred meters to the north. What was the date of the flight? Meaning no offense, you made a whole series of bad mistakes that led to this. You have mentioned several of them already: * By the time you were announcing you were at 1000 meters, you should have known that you were almost certainly not going to make the main LZ at Perroix. So at that point, you didn't have an adequate landing field within easy glide, not to the north anyway. But had you not been fixated on crossing the lake or even just looking to the north, you would have seen lots of huge fields on the west side of the lake and even probably could have made the main LZ at Doussard. So, as you said, don't let your (understandable) enthusiasm for some (rather meaningless) goal like "crossing the lake" get in the way of the rule of always having an acceptable LZ within glide. * At that pointed you started to talk about landing in a tennis court. Very few pilots can land successfully in a "tennis court" 9 times out of 10, let alone the 99 times out of 100 you should really aspire to if you want a long and safe flying career. And trying to land in a small LZ with hard obstacles around it and lots of wind and thus lots of rotor is even that much harder. Really experienced pilots will sometimes land in small LZ's but even they know to avoid it when they can. So, yes, as you said, you underestimated your skills at small LZ landing, but arguably the bigger problem is that you put yourself needlessly in a position where you needed such skills. Most pilots with those skills try to avoid having to use them. * You flew right over a much larger landing zone just a little bit to the south at Angon -- you seemed to be fixated on heading to the north but with the wind direction you would have easily made the large campground at Angon -- it's technically not an LZ but it's safe and you'll just get yelled at, nothing worse. So I think it's fair to say that you got directionally fixated too. * Once you'd passed that last acceptable LZ, you should for 100% sure chosen a landing in the very nice, thick, but not too tall, deciduous trees immediately to the east of the houses -- worst case you'd have a few tears in your wing, but no broken bones * Even with all those things, had you simply stayed over the south end of that series of 3 lawns and done S-turns, losing altitude without advancing, you likely would have pulled it off -- this is a basic skill that anyone wanting to land in small LZ's must master and it is much, much, much safer than trying to do a last-second 360 as you tried to do (and discovered you only had the altitude for a 180). Again, I wish you a speedy recovery but please take *all* the lessons from this experience to heart if you are going to fly for another 5 or 10 or 20 years. I've written, by the way, a very long and complete guide to paragliding at Annecy that specifically mentions the sink and venturi that you get over Talloires if you try to approach Perroix from too low. You might find it a worthwhile read. Best wishes!
@NourLababidi 5 жыл бұрын
Jabe Blumenthal thank you very much for the input.
@jabeblumenthal 5 жыл бұрын
I should have added to my original comment that my hat is off to you for being so willing to solicit feedback. We all make mistakes, it's learning from them (assuming we survive them :-)) that makes us better pilots.
@sagism 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Jabe, can you please post a link to your guide to paragliding at Annecy?
@NourLababidi 5 жыл бұрын
I appreciate all the input and looking back at what my biggest mistake is that I applied what I always do which is let us go and then will figure it out :) It works in everything but not this time. Also I thought I'm going to put myself in challenging areas to advance because normal flying (what I was calling normal) became too easy. This was a painful mistake even more painful than the actual pain I went through when I crashed and in hospital many times is the pain of the waiting game to do what was too basic to even count like train running. Anyway, when I crashed I knew that this will pass and will be just an experience so live it and enjoy the most out of it. By the way this was on August 5th (May be 4th) . Very nice place you guys can stay at. *Next year I must fly with you if you are around. Enjoy Flying!
@NourLababidi 5 жыл бұрын
@@jabeblumenthal thank you
@airgaborpara3824 11 ай бұрын
I wish you 100% recovery!
@brandahmessenger433 Жыл бұрын
Oh man!!! So sorry you went through that. Even watching it is traumatizing to see how quickly things can go south! No pun intended!!! Hope you’re doing better and so glad it could’ve been so much worse!!!
@russelldoncouse9930 Жыл бұрын
Breathtakingly beautiful. I understand the addiction! Sorry for the pain and suffering.
@Jsgro69 Жыл бұрын
Thang God You only broke bone(or bones) because a downwind approach to land can be fatal easily...60mph...40mph head on collision into a structure or tree, a rocky cliff, just flat gound is very You had an angel on your shoulder that day...wind direction...know it when you are at 2500 ft...1500...1000...and what I was taught was to not make last second radical maneuvers when under 100 ft. 90* or 180* turns...I really used to get set up onto the wind even at 200 ft and just make little minor adjustments until you touch don't look all flashy but in activities of flight its always best to be on the safe side...I appreciate your courage in posting and I hope you have made a full recovery...this post is a great teaching experience..when things go bad..they go bad really fast and really bad...
@keawewong6110 3 жыл бұрын
Good learning. Thanks for posting!. I did something similar. Spiral fractured my leg. Separated the bone in half. Hurt like hell. I too screamed like a baby. Next time I will remember to go for the trees ;-)
@Jkur2009 Жыл бұрын
Good for you for continuing to fly after this. 👍🏼
@mimibee626 11 ай бұрын
Really? Maybe next time he'll breakshis neck and be a quadraplegic.
@travismayselah Жыл бұрын
Great video! Glad your ok, but dude you are soooo funny!
@NourLababidi 5 жыл бұрын
please like and subscribe to support my plans to grow my channel after recovery to support my goal getting to xalps and being sponsored. I learned a lot from this accident (Luckily didn't go too bad) and I think it was a necessary step to grow my skills in the future safely. Please feel free to leave your opinion and share with others to stop them from doing my mistake which is having "Over Confidence"
@lawrencefried5027 Жыл бұрын
You sound like a nice guy. Speedy recovery!
@gravityhawaii 5 жыл бұрын
Aloha Nour, You started to say you wouldn't make it halfway across, and I thought you would turn around, but you continued on the speed bar "Death Glide", then when you let off bar, you stopped sinking. Your choice of landing was as good as it was going to get. I thought to myself I would choose the same three houses. Power lines along the road. Then you got bumped around and panic set in. The worst possible thing was the downwind turn which increased your speed and with the tailwind you lost steering. If, you had just continued into the wind you would dropped right into those front yards. Maybe have landed on our arse, but at least it would been into the wind. Now, where's my hat? Speedy recovery brother. Ahui ho, Reaper
@NourLababidi 5 жыл бұрын
Aloha Pete, that is exactly what happened and you actually read the situation the best. I admit i messed up and the hat is yours now :) I will bring it to you in 2 month. Yup if i continued into the wind life would of be wonderful. by the way i feel the 360 was done by mistake while i was doing figure 8. probably panic mad me do it as well. Mahalo brother. thank you recovery is going well
@omfghai2u 5 жыл бұрын
Also: trees tend to be softer than brick walls. They can be a good alternative to houses, powerlines, water, rocks and other nasty things to land in :) H ope you have a good recovery.
@NourLababidi 5 жыл бұрын
I totally agree. The MAIN ISSUE is I thought I have the skills to land there so I didn't think I'm crashing. I would of absolutely choose the trees if I thought I'm crashing. That is what I called over confidence with my skills which is bad. I'm recovering well Thank you for the input :) After this I'll always look at tree as a safety net to catch falling bugs from the sky :)
@rustynail9007 Жыл бұрын
Glad ur alive to tell the tale
@bighaasfly Жыл бұрын
Flying in itself is not inherently dangerous. It’s just tremendously intolerant of any carelessness, disrespect or neglect. Those may not be the exact words written on the wall of my flight school, but it’s memorized from 35 years ago so allow me a little slack. I’ve never forgotten it. Glad it was just a broken leg. Safe travels my friend.
@laybkwya3101 Жыл бұрын
Speedy recovery 🙏🏾
@milolouis Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this horrible experience in full.I would've just ditched in the water rather than that tiny spot.
@paraglidingSafety 2 жыл бұрын
Leisure flying without motor is a continious "what if" game, accepting no risk and on-the fly honestly admitting mistakes and reevaluating situation to adapt for them. The more options you leave yourself, the better your chances are to cope with mistakes. The most difficult part is proper assessment of ones skill, thus always assume that you do not understand something and that something will surprise you. Paragliders are so slow and vunerable. that having a backup plan for the case of not advancing enough due to strong wind or sink is a must. In this situation you decided to cross in the direction where there were simply no options for 100 % safe landing in case of strong wind/sink.
@meangreen7389 11 ай бұрын
May you do what you love in life. The best to you.
@terryhoyt2058 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your pain Nour, but you are a champ for immediately chastising yourself while lying there- in song nonetheless!
@chrisk1903 Жыл бұрын
I feel you bro....i fell off a flying fox when the rope snapped...broke my arm...was dangling by the skin.....with excersize including swimming I got back to normal...the human body is a miracle bro and knows how to heal itself.
@petersiegfriedkrug 7 ай бұрын
Amazing video. The last part was hard
@Notilix 4 жыл бұрын
I truly am sorry considering you suffered when you crashed but I really laughed the way you acted after that, I almost thought it was a prank
@iantherealg 5 жыл бұрын
I'm sure it has been said before, but at the point you noticed those power lines in front of the houses the only good choice was to play "pick your tree [fast]". It doesn't even matter which tree at that point. I heard to aim for the big trunk of the tree, because the smaller limbs will break under your weight.
@tamasmeszlenyi4591 2 жыл бұрын
in the vid after it became clear that your positioning is bad and going to crash my main take aways (as someone relatively inexperienced) would be: -its better to crash into anything upwind then downwind -seems that youre steering away from the tree in the last second: tree is one of the best things to crash into i think, downwind it can be dangerous but better than any walls, cars or similar. -probably should have realised this is gonna end bad anyways and land on trees upwind. - if youre barely going forward, reminding yourself its gonna be a really bad idea to turn downwind :D - when you realised you missed your spot, it looks like you still could have turn back for water landing near the shore, if you didnt like taking glider off trees.
@HG-gs7je 3 жыл бұрын
I discover your video today only. Too many pilots get injured while flying over Annecy area because they haven't taken right decisions as said Jabe in a previous post (Hello Jabe!). As a local pilot, this my best advice, for what it worths. Next time and this is good to any pilots who will face this kind of situation again, please choose the shores of the lake. For sure you and your canopy will be wet, you will even get your devices drown and ruined. But if you choose to land on the very near of the shore, you will have water untill your knees maybe your hip, but you will be safer than surronding above houses and electrical or telecom wires. Problably your self-esteem get hurt but no physicial injuries for sure. Of course, it's always a good idea to ask local pilots about your flight intentions before take-off. It wouldn't come to mind not to check locals pilots about whether conditions or tricks and traps of a spot I've never flown before. Thought it was obvious to anyone. Thankfully, you fly again ;)
@NourLababidi 5 жыл бұрын
#### UPDATE: It has been 3 month and I start walking. Not near running and for sure no flying. My thoughts so far even that I got lucky but this is not good. I better be extra careful than being stuck like this even with good luck it is really not good. Fly safe my friends
@Ksensei41 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing and not cutting away the 'screaming' part - shows, just how serious the pain can be. Glad you are not paralysed. I am not a pilot myself, yet interested. A lot of the times I don't understand the 'over-excitment' people have while doing this stuff. I understand the joy of flying, yet the 'shaka-brah' symbol and overall attitude of some pilots seems harmful. Yes, please do have fun, but what you are doing is dangerous and should be considered accordingly. Once again, thank you for sharing. Would love to know your opinion about the 'recklesness' a lot of young pilots (and you in this particular video?) seem to have. Safe flights!
@drobichaud1000 11 ай бұрын
shut up... just shut up
@gregd2spam 11 ай бұрын
24:56 thinking just shut up, where was the landing spot.
@Motormouth2112 11 ай бұрын
Flying you learn from mistakes, hope you recovered well
@pierrew1532 11 ай бұрын
Glad you're alive and recovered. Looks like (from my armchair of course) you could almost have landed in a much clearer area (road/pool area, even despite of the power line not far) if you chose to keep facing the wind until touchdown no ? And, how much did all that costed you finally (damaged gear + hospital) ? Just so people can have one more reason helping them to stay on the conservative side of things. Thx and keep enjoying 👌🏻
@coldblue9mm 11 ай бұрын
I don't know any easy way to explain this all to you. Dude, you hit a freaking house! lol I hope you healed well!
@tomlavelle8340 11 ай бұрын
Very hard to watch but I’m glad you are okay now!
@dougfoster445 3 жыл бұрын
Do you know how to do S maneuvers? I always thought its very basic stuff.
@jimmyculp8756 Жыл бұрын
How many golf courses do you fly over? Seems you could fly forever?
@LollipopSnowy 3 жыл бұрын
Geez, I hope you’re ok, it looks like it hurt *really* bad.
@clumpybrown Жыл бұрын
Glad you're okay. How's the house ?
@klausschluter7991 Жыл бұрын
You're flew against the wind, back...because the wind always blows in the other direction. You disregarded your vario when it was telling you you were flying in a rotor, and when you finally had the chance to land, you decide to downwind.....WTF? My advice to all pilots: Annecy is a great place to fly, and in general it's pretty user friendly, but there is absolutely no excuse to forget everything you've learned in flight school. I'm really sorry this happened to you, but you took stupid risks which you didn't need to take. You had an easy option to fly two La forclaz, or Dossard landing and you chose to flying against the wind into a highly populated area. Next time spend a little time, ask locals, or at least do some research before you fly in a new place. Again, I'm really sorry this happened to you, but you could have easily died. Everyone can make a bad decision, everyone including me, but you made multiple bad decisions. And, one more thing...the lake drops off within a few meters off the shore in this area. The fact that you took the risk of crossing when in doubt, could have also killed you... Think ahead...way ahead
@NourLababidi Жыл бұрын
You are right ✅️ Annecy is very beautiful that I almost felt it is designed for pilots as if it is a Disneyland! I got lucky and so I'm giving health back to the whole world 🌎 Since that accident I started
@quasimoto4424 Жыл бұрын
@@NourLababidi afaik in france you don't need any piloting license to paraglide, and i think we can see the results here quite good :D
@TheDude1980 Жыл бұрын
@@NourLababidi It's okay, Nour. $hit happens, at least you're still alive and feeling better. I hope you decide to fly again eventually. Cheers!
@cmbhappy Ай бұрын
I think I was in Annecy at the same time, beautiful but potentially deadly. I'll not give a critique of the flight because the root cause of the accident was taking off with inexperience and in the absence of experienced help. No experienced pilot on radio would have let you get anywhere near that situation. Thinking further, perhaps the root cause was overconfidence and taking off in the first place. I wish you a sound recovery and thank you for posting this, I'm sure it's helping many pilots with future decision making.
@SkiFahrer 2 жыл бұрын
Couldn't watch the end more than three times.This was very hard. One question: All the way you flew against the valley wind, so you had less ground speed. Why don't you think about fly with the wind to the end of the lake and land there (near the official landig space)? I think this would be possible very late.
@davidwebb7179 2 ай бұрын
Just one question... why did you trun to land down wind? I mean there were alot of obstacles to land between in the first place but then you turned down wind and gave yourself a way faster landing speed, And by the looks alot more obstacles.
@booger65man 11 ай бұрын
How are you? I am not so good! Lol. Man, that house did not move an inch when you had it! You stuck the landing!
@ritparent7239 Жыл бұрын
At 2:53 I couldn't help but think of the scene in Wedding Crashers where Chaz says: "Dude died in a hang gliding accident. What an idiot. Uhhhhh I'm hang gliding, honey take a good picture, I'm dead."
@junuhunuproductions Жыл бұрын
Ok but it was funny when you started saying "Yo yo yo yo!" when you foud out your feet was broken haha, at least you were making the atmosphere lighter!
@VenturiLife Ай бұрын
Good caring people there helping.
@kkim1177 2 ай бұрын
Out of all the place he couldve landed.. he crashes into a house...BRILLIANT!!!
@laniik 5 жыл бұрын
hope you get better soon! I had a similar (much less dramatic) crash into a bunch of bushes because I turned too late, that last 360 goes so fast. I think the main mistake was not turning around back to the west side of the lake when you were low and had a good amount of time to think about your plan. and of course, once it goes bad aim for the trees, but that part all happens so quick that its easy to mess up. thanks for sharing
@NourLababidi 5 жыл бұрын
Oliver Wang thank you brother. Yes exactly things gets too fast and smart choice becomes hard to make.
@micr0d0t97 Жыл бұрын
Yeah that turn had him gain so much more speed I couldn’t help but wonder if he would have just continued to drift down how he was going a bit longer if he would have landed ok
@wolcek 4 ай бұрын
You have a very good aim... :D And it looks to me you were landing with the wind.
@christopherwall444 Жыл бұрын
That was some good got the part..great realism for the audition..
@davidx.4323 7 күн бұрын
It hurt so much bro started rapping and singing 😂😂 “yo yo yo, why did I do this”
@KiwiBro8 10 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for posting so that we can all learn. You may have saved another pilot from injury or worse. Best wishes 🫡
@favoriteblueshirt 9 ай бұрын
So where exactly was the landing planned for?
@ianclampin103 7 ай бұрын
I have never tried paragliding and I don't know haw small an area you need to land, but as he was crossing that lake I was thinking I wouldn't want to be in his shoes as I couldn't see anywhere to land. That all turned bad very quickly. Im glad he is recovering ok and hope he goes on to enjoy many years of flying.
@Milo_Olo 4 ай бұрын
It's just the camera angle. With a correct landing circuit, which this was not, you can land at a spot 20 by 20m easily or next to the shore in the campground. This pilot somehow forgot everything he must have learned in his basic course. When flying always have a plan B, so if you get sink, you should always have a safe landing spots. If there are no landing spots, than you messed up way before, because you should not have been flying there. Then the landing approach, like stated many times in the comments. There is no circuit, no sidewind leg, downwind turning when landing. Really really stupid flying. Please don't give up on your dream of flying after seeing this video. This was just reckless flying even a novice flies better.
@54spatula 11 ай бұрын
What is that beeping? Is that for thermals? Sorry I know nothing of this
@MichaelRainabbaRichardson Жыл бұрын
I've learned through multiple traumas that we can be put back together, but we're never "good as new". These joys can bring huge costs that we can't foresee. Thank you for sharing and i wish you well recovering (even that carefully.)
@newsky_laboratory Жыл бұрын
Ранее я встречал на Ютубе, только отрывок с падением. Теперь я увидел, полностью всё видео. Спасибо,это хорошая школа,как не надо делать. Вам здоровья и безопасных полётов! 🪂👍
@jessicablum4096 11 ай бұрын
These are very very nice people to help you
@applehead252 Жыл бұрын
Omg . Could not imagine! Tough guy man !
@ragingmonster 11 ай бұрын
Legend in so many ways, but most of my comments would only be applicable to some instances in British comedy / sitcoms, apart from the one about "I am hurt very bad", just reminded me of the Austin Powers scene. Love the way you handled it like a champ, and great that all is good now. Keep flying bro. Quick question though, did you not think about going for the road?
@NourLababidi 11 ай бұрын
:) thank you for understanding me and I'm happy to be helpful by sharing this mistakes so hopefully I'm the reason for some pilots to not get hurts. I didn't go to the road because I trusted my landing too much without having enough experience. This is why slow progression and with others are good for safety I think. I almost did fly without knowing what I'm doing sometimes. It is nice to explore. But with more attention
@ragingmonster 11 ай бұрын
@@NourLababidi As a fellow aviator, I salute you to share your story, it helps us all learn. All the best my friend, and keep flying dude
@chicago_race_engines7538 11 ай бұрын
​​@@ragingmonster swear I watched the crash atleast 15 times and literally cried I was laughing so hard..the shift when he went from yahoo to screaming in pain was amazingly hilarious he's says this is not super good...hahH
@ragingmonster 10 ай бұрын
@@chicago_race_engines7538I watched it more than that I am sure. I think that it is down to the way Nour handled it like a champ why this is a great watch. We of course don't want to see Nour get hurt, but of course the video is a story. First it is a very daring thing to go paragliding solo. The video also shows how planning in aviation is vital, and Nour was very kind sharing this video because that is how we learn in the aviation world - from mistakes! Always the best way to learn. Going back to why it makes us smile is not because we are bad people, it's just the way Nour handled it - like an absolute legend. The yo yo yo's, and the woooos. For me that is someone who can have a bad day and get on with it :)
@richardneville4255 Жыл бұрын
The turbulence before the LZ, is it possible that this was generated from the heat from the buildings and roads? The turbulence before the turn appears to have lost you some altitude and then set you up badly for the landing. Thanks for posting, hard to watch but i am glad you are okay sir!
@pizzafrenzyman 11 ай бұрын
Ohhhh! Wooooo!!
@reddrumboy Жыл бұрын
That crash definitely wasnt a whoo hooo moment. Probably broke his femur(s). Hope your recovery is going good and you reconsider flying in that thing again.
@ActionHeinz 3 жыл бұрын
I'm not liking this cause it feels kind of wrong liking a video where you got hurt so badly. But I'm glad you have recovered and still flying! Mistakes were made but at least you are still alive and learnt a lesson, yet a painful one. You had the courage to upload the video, never denied your responsibility giving no cheap excuses for what happened. People who claim you are a bad pilot after you already admitted your fault, are just idiots.
@karmalabarable 9 ай бұрын
Ouch ! Hope you're well now. So many turbulences so why don't you land in the water ?
@johnnaylor9668 11 ай бұрын
Sorry you had all the pain & recovery to go through, we all make mistakes. You did have a good few options to land though, why just keep flying onward? I broke my rib & fib on take off, at least you had a flight ! (Running forward checking canopy inflated, foot in rabbit hole & SNAP. I took off & had to do a circuit back to the hill with left leg at rt angles ! I feel you pain ! Hope you make a full recovery. I decided to get an aircraft with an undercarriage after that, how about you ?
@paulmahy Жыл бұрын
That was hilarious!!! lmfao!! Hope you keep filming, look forward to the next crash!!!
@DeuceGenius Жыл бұрын
overshot the landing damn . looks like you have to be an absolute master of all things to use one of those
@chestyoz9725 Жыл бұрын
I love the singing near the end
@NourLababidi Жыл бұрын
:)))))) lol
@radioa3sthetic Жыл бұрын
Damnnnnn I can tell when you first hit the wall it was like something getting knocked out of you and like shock probably too mannnnn I felt that scream and the whoooooo 😢😢😢
@ryandinan 2 ай бұрын
God, that howl after he hit the ground.... Ouch. I was hoping he wouldn't turn downwind when he realized he was too high. S turns could have probably helped eat altitude to hit those bigger, more open spots to land. Hopefully he healed up (this was 5 years ago lol) and is flying again.
@Ripstop_pilot 5 жыл бұрын
Looked landable, then that 360.......eeeeek
@xaviergerard3697 Ай бұрын
What a bad decision to turn around. You could see where you were going and it was okay-ish. Worst case scenario, land in the water close to the coast. I did, you feel stupid for a day or two but that's about it. Hope you recovered well and make better decisions now
@ozone7 4 жыл бұрын
Landing on small cramped spaces like the ones you had available, is definately doable. I do it all the time, but it requires a great deal of awareness and planning in the air, and some finesse in the execution. Especially in thermal conditions. Such landings are seldom perfect (with the glider hanging in an appletree and such) but as long as the pilot is standing on the ground, it is a good landing! You had better options in the neighboring gardens (possibly they were your intended spot?) Tips: Be very careful to establish the wind-direction from above! Lose altitude with S-turns right over the downwind edge of your intended landing. Fly in over the landing in the last possible moment, and as slow as possible! it is much better to stall out at a few meters hight and land hard, than to overfly your available space at higher speed and hit something! Be mentally prepared beforehand to do just that, if needed! Happy landings : )
@micr0d0t97 Жыл бұрын
I hear that beeping in plane glider videos also what does it to? Detect updrafts or thermal air currents?
@AlexStormDrake Ай бұрын
yea. happy beeps means going up. Sad long boop means sinking. Its a variometer
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