Lived in Vietnam off and on for 4 years, its easy if you know where to look. Many girls are on telegram channels and do things low key. But if you dont know then YES it can seem very difficult!
@thumtlnguyen36269 ай бұрын
I am Vietnamese and you're abs. correct. He has to know where to look. There are lots of undercover police in Vietnam focusing on drugs and prostitution. He should know he can be arrested if he brings a girl to his hotel room to spend the night. Vietnam is not Thailand. Sorry man!
@djsweetdaddy32155 ай бұрын
Hanoi is old world, very traditional. All the fun party girls are in Saigon. Saigon is the New York City of Vietnam. It is the banking center, and where all the best and the brightest go. When you’re in district one, the girls will almost all speak English. You will hook up by accident Just living your life, more than in many other countries with hard work.