PATH of EXILE: Affliction Final Thoughts - Was this the Best PoE to Date?

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ZiggyD Gaming

ZiggyD Gaming

4 ай бұрын

My final thoughts and closing out of Affliction league in Path of Exile. What a league. What'd you think?
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@einhasad7 3 ай бұрын
4:05 You mention that the encounters in the wildwood were a nothingburger but I feel like that is only valid for normal PoE. In Ruthless, I loved the forest because every encounter was useful and relevant. Beyond encounters were great for getting tainted fusings, harvest encounters were genuinely a huge help because you need harvest juice to flip maps and fragments in the ruthless endgame, the packs of monsters actually gave decent loot and exp if you could kill them (which, in ruthless, isn't exactly trivial). Overall, I think that this has been my favorite league of all time and not because of the loot, because I play ruthless and you really don't get a whole lot when you juice your maps there, but because I genuinely think that the forest exploration, the ascendancies and the special corpses were a fun addition to the game. Even stuff like having Bloodmagic in a sub ascendancy felt much more interesting and less punishing than having it on the passive tree. And honestly, while I understand that charms are borrowed power and every league we get something in that form, my takeaways from charms and how they contributed to the game was that I really enjoyed having 3 gear slots that were flexible and that I could change them on the fly to adapt to the maps that I was running or the bosses that I was killing. In PoE, your gear is usually very static and you are never really swapping things other than maybe a mana flask on no regen maps, so swapping in between a bunch of charms and keeping specific charms in my inventory felt great. Personally, I wish that the forest went core, even if they had to revamp the three npcs and change the rewards of it. I feel like it is one of those mechanics like Alva's incursions where they could just keep implementing more encounters and keep making the mechanic more interesting if they wanted. I'm sad to see it go, because I genuinely loved exploring and I love the aspect that I never knew what I was going to get and we just lack content that is like that. Even in Delve there isn't really a mystery because you know what each of the nodes have.
@dannorcph 3 ай бұрын
The player fun and retention of this league, is because of one thing and one thing only. The accessibility of more currency, to buy and craft items, which then unlocks more content. I can't even count the amount of players, streamers, content creators, that says, they are interacting with new content, they have never interacted with before. People are killing UBER's, they are crafting with high tier currency, making amazing and fun items, they are experimenting with new builds, due to the accessibility of higher tier items. All of this is an indirect consequence of the higher influx of currency. People are doing MF to get more currency and the rest of us, are doing other content and selling our items for much higher value than normal. I've not yet heard anyone actually say, that they actually like the league mechanics. And most people say, they dislike running the league mechanics and are tired of it. But for some reason, I've heard so many say, that this is the most fun league they have ever had. I thinks it pretty straight forward, to see, why people are having fun and still playing so late in the league. And it proves Chris' philosophy is wrong, with limiting peoples access to higher tier items and currency, which indirectly limits the access to higher tier content. People see streamers play around with Headhunter, Mageblood, Original Sin and so on, every single league. So that becomes the standard of what is considered fun. That becomes the gold standard. They should either remove items like this or make them easier to access. Depending on what we see next league, Affliction could very well be the best things that has ever happened to Path of Exile or the worst thing ever happened. It depends on how GGG reads and understands what has has happened this league, with retention. Sorry for the long post...
@aw2031zap 3 ай бұрын
I do like the wildwood: Line of sight blocking is a good mechanic in an ARPG. I like the vendors. I like the ascendancies. I like the wildwood specific loot. I like the hard juiced-up Abyss and Beast monsters. But these mechanics are VERY simple obviously. But some of these mechanics could go "core" and be fine. They will never give us this amount of loot ever again, lol.
@1320crusier 3 ай бұрын
You know damn well it'll be nerfed all to hell and they'll be wondering why player retention sucks.
@haroldoduarte1393 3 ай бұрын
It was just perfect... I played the league at the beginning but after a while I didn't need it anymore. Just farming what other aren't farming makes enough currency to get everything I needed.
@daboross2 3 ай бұрын
I think the game wouldn't be able to sustain interest if every league was like this one. But I fully agree about unlocked content, and if one in every 4-6 leagues ended up like this I'd be quite happy.
@blrrich1051 3 ай бұрын
i love quality comments like yours. very well thought out.
@haroldoduarte1393 3 ай бұрын
I played from 2015 till 2017 and came back this league. It was like playing a new game, so much fun. I don't think I'll ever play another league, I got everything I wanted in this one. I can't imagine going back to play without mage blood and everything else. 🤣
@gishgali8354 3 ай бұрын
One thing that was definitely best in POE history? Your Arc Unleash build. I've never had a better play experience. Thank you Ziggy!
@holyshiet787 3 ай бұрын
I also played his Arc Unleash at first Till i decided to switch to Penance brand of dissipation. The difference was day and night in damage and how comfortable it is to play. Same ascendancy, both ES and lots of damage and tankiness
@haroldoduarte1393 3 ай бұрын
Same... I just couldn't play with his arc version. I had a lot of fun with bodyswap one and poisonSRS tho :D
@wanderingtrader1147 3 ай бұрын
Although I casually played this league when I had time, I still got to T16 maps and learned a few new things about the game. I liked this league just not the mechanic running around blind trying to find wisps. It has been a blast
@lendial 3 ай бұрын
came back after two years and was delighted to see poe had improved so much: mainly stash tab affinity, the atlas tree, and the huge amount of build diversity, and finally the ease of gear obtainment due to the insane loot explosions the leauge mechanic enables
@sylverxyz 3 ай бұрын
It’s so good to see you having an open incredible time this league mate!
@DirkVomEck 3 ай бұрын
I always wondered how I would react if I ever dropped something really big. Yesterday I dropped my first ever Mageblood and my initial reaction was: "Oh, fuck off!" xD
@cabal123123123 3 ай бұрын
Is nice to see more PoE content for you, the OG! Also welcome to the 40/40 club too! 😎
@vincesundara8579 3 ай бұрын
Affliction will be my most memorable league. I achieved the most personal best and goals.. first 100 div. first 2 void stones. etc.. I learned alot this league ..
@rukinohi 3 ай бұрын
It turns out that if you give players the freedom to pretty much play whatever build they want (via currency being so free) the game becomes so much FUN.
@Quiestre 3 ай бұрын
I found my first mirror yesterday. playing since closed beta april 2012. and my first level 100 FeelsStrongMan
@mantaskatkus4733 3 ай бұрын
It's such a joy seeing you enjoy the game so much, I remember the early beta days when I watched your videos. Love how the game still hooks us so many years after, looking forward to more PoE and PoE2 in the future Ziggy!
@kieranblain3880 3 ай бұрын
omg world first lvl 100 ziggyd affliction league champion!!!!
@OhZordan 3 ай бұрын
As an isolated league, the league was amazing, but this exuberance should stay the exception. Once every 5 or 6 leagues. The issue wasn't the increased amount of currency, although anybody who didn't want to run MF automatically was poorer than in any other league, but the unique drops. I got so numb to finding T0 uniques and it took a lot of fun out of the game for me. I found my first HH, my first MB and probably a copy of every single T0 item and it didn't feel earned at all. Especially since you could make MF characters that could deal with the juice difficulty easily. Being able to actually Divine my items use Metacrafting freely felt amazing though. Also if I wanted to hover over 400 identical items every map, I would play D4. I think for the future they should tone down MF a bit and decrease the base rarity of T0 uniques and Divines. If I ever drop a MB in a regular juiced map with a regular character it's gonna feel 1000 times better.
@Essemlol 3 ай бұрын
For me this league was really fun for about 2-3 weeks, but after that i had full build 4 mirrored items, just a maxed out MF char. I like to play the game by just blasting maps. And the currency that dropped was too much for me, i was just farming for raw mirrors and nothing else really hold any "value". So i got bored a little faster than usual.
@ADVGuiltyParty 3 ай бұрын
This is my first league and having a lot of fun. SSF is basically how I’m playing even though I’m not officially in that mode. Hoping future seasons are just as fun but really hanging out for PoE2 beta
@aeryka 3 ай бұрын
Awesome video, and I agree so much with it! I played this league more than I ever have any league and also finished the level 100 grind for the first time
@Schmidteren 3 ай бұрын
Loved the league, been a blast! Got my 2 ever lvl 100, this time only through mapping instead of Chayulu runs. Been awesome with all the juice.
@AlucardNoir 3 ай бұрын
When the league was announced I though "there's a mechanic that isn't going core", but I have to say there are more than a few things I like about it. Not only do I think they should revisit the idea of a second ascendancy - maybe have different second ascendancy each league, or have the ones available each league be on rotations after they add a few more - BUT I think the wildwood is preferable to things like harvest. We already have micro harvest in the wildwood, as well as a few other mechanics. I'd really love to see harvest be revamped and rebuilt with a few other mechanics in the form of the wildwood. In place of going to "what's her name's" farm we go to the wildwood were we get to encounter a series of wildwood exclusive mechanics. It's not a perfect league, and it's not over yet, but it brought a few interesting ideas that I'd love to see GGG improve upon rather that abandon.
@SimonMester 3 ай бұрын
I havent been able to play yet, but there is still like 2 months of the league afaik?
@milkyspin 3 ай бұрын
Liked upon "ughhh beef" flex, keep doing what you do so well Ziggy
@MrBahciao 3 ай бұрын
yeah, i'm going to miss charms more than tattoo :'(
@thinhso 3 ай бұрын
The 3 ascendencies are way to op to add in core. TWWT are may be added
@killer109536 3 ай бұрын
Found 2 mirrors in 3 days.. had more currency than i ever knew what to do with, so just went nuts with a bunch of test builds and had an absolute blast doing it. Also had a mageblood from a reliquary key and another mageblood from the easy as hell valdos map as a drop.. really crazy league, and it'll probably never happen again.
@tehf00n 3 ай бұрын
Not gonna lie, I thought it was nothing compered to Ancestor league. I started the league late so my motivation was already down because I like to start with the economy, but I thought the mechanic was really dull. I did like some of the changes, like the transmog gems, but the actual wildwood gameplay was pretty boring.
@thomasgrimm1664 3 ай бұрын
That flute music is dope! Glad to see you geek out with 40/40.
@koobz4ever 3 ай бұрын
The most fun ssf has ever been for casual
@Sidnv 3 ай бұрын
The best thing about affliction juicing for me was that it was self-sustaining in terms of supplies. This meant I could juice consistently in SSF, which is usually a tortured, convoluted process of sustaining short bursts of sextants and scarabs. I was even able to max juice basically any mechanic I wanted thanks to the scarab sextant sustain. It made every SSF farm fun to do. Even in trade, I hate having to trade for juicing supplies, so this would have been very enjoyable there as well.
@KALClFER 3 ай бұрын
Ssf ruthless player here and this league was awesome. I’m still playing compared to ancestors league I played 3 days and quit.
@ferloulefou5061 3 ай бұрын
I loved seeing you so happy, now I'm even more happy !!
@Lorunex 3 ай бұрын
What is the song playing at the end when you sign off ?
@ZiggyDGaming 3 ай бұрын
One of the flute songs from The Witcher 3 OST
@HermanManly 3 ай бұрын
Really hope That Which Was Taken will be That Which is Given next League xD
@Moonmager 3 ай бұрын
Affliction was my first time playing SSF, and being able to MF uniques and get currency/scarab explosions got rid of so many of the points of friction of SSF for me. I'm definitely spoiled now. But man, it has been a blast. I'm still playing now!
@KingQuetzal 3 ай бұрын
Very good league and you didn't even mention all the new transfigured gems. I hated running lab for enchantments.
@davidpowell3469 3 ай бұрын
As a long-time power player I love this league and it is easily the best along with the great base game. Honestly my only slight issue was the wisp farming early on in the league before I learned the tricks and got an OP build and then it was fine. Anyway, the ease of juicing the heck out of maps is crazy and easy (which is important to me). The charms are insane and I ran every map unidentified since I had everything covered - everything. 10/10. I don't see how the next league will be able to compare but one can hope.
@AngelsNeverFade 3 ай бұрын
im so sad I cant play affliction with my work schedule :( Glad to see so many people are having a blast!
@qazaq25 3 ай бұрын
For me It's a strange one. Typically I most enjoy playing a few characters into the low 90's and a bunch more to the mid 80's. Essentially playing till I can say to myself if an idea was a success or failure then rerolling and I enjoy that through most if not the full duration of a league. This time however while I did get 3 into the 90's, including one to 97 which is the the highest I've reached in my over 10 years of playing the game, for some reason I just couldn't get excited to experiment and dropped the league probably sooner then any other league I can remember? maybe it was that charms felt like too easy of a fix to too many build challenges or that some of my favorite skills happened to get little to nothing from transfigured gems or even just a bit of burnout after all these years... who knows. Hopefully next league gives something I can dig into because wanting to play the game but having nothing in the game I fell like playing has been frustrating...
@Tulkor1 3 ай бұрын
yeah, making things "too easy", made it me lose interest in the game sooner than basically any other league in the last few years.
@MyNameIsSalo 3 ай бұрын
I had a similar experience. First time grinding up a mageblood and I made sure to use it as much as possible, making builds designed to abuse it. My armorstacker reached 3.5 million armor, one of the most solid and well rounded builds ive ever played. Shame that a lot of the very top end optimisations costed multiple mirrors, like 1 passive voices price was a total meme even 3 passives was close to 1 mirror. I could grind up and afford stuff costing 100 or 200div easily enough but 1 mirror for a single item is a bit too much still. But regardless a 3.5m armorstacker was plenty. Made a few other builds too, int stacker kinetic bolt wander that had such high dps I couldnt calculate it. Uber bosses died in
@saintevo6953 3 ай бұрын
I haven't played in a few years and saw these affliction videos so decided to try this league about 2 weeks ago. All other leagues the most I'd ever made was about 10ex/div and I'd stop playing after doing Shaper/Elder a few times. This league I randomly dropped a ventor's gamble while lvling and it sold for 75 div. First mageblood, first headhunter, first everything happened for me this league after like 10 years of playing as a super casual player. I used to run maybe 3 maps before I got tired but this league I'm running at least 5 maps a day. I know how ridiculous that sounds considering people run hundreds of maps a day but I like my slow af pace.
@RoganBits 3 ай бұрын
The problem with affliction is that GGG wants there to be end tier items beyond the insane mirror-tier. Guys; we're not getting any younger. The time sink of POE is insane, and GGG is intentionally making it more of a time sink than it needs to be. This league closed a bit of that gap; but it's still ridiculous that they want so much of our time. We're already giving this game our money and time, and they want our blood, is my perspective. They add amazing content with the whisp and whisp skill tree that they turn around and state are being removed end of league. (Rucksack is single-handedly one of the greatest additions that does not add direct power to a character I've ever seen.) The whisp tree completes the passive tree in my opinion. It becomes so close to perfect that you might as well call it perfect. This league is praised by most; with the exception that we all admit that the whisps are a bit overtuned. I'm fairly certain most of us want the skill tree from whisps more than anything. Admittedly the whisps IIQ/IIR and currency are clutch, wanted, and amazing, but...let's face it, ggg hates fun and wants us to spend every waking hour farming their game. I can not stress this enough guys; The time sink aspect is unacceptable. We all have roughly, on average let's say 66 years of living. Multiple by 12 month. That's 792 months of life. They want 3-4 months time per character...PER CHARACTER. I'm just saying; life isn't forever, and if they don't cut back on the time sinks, I'm going to have to abandon this game, and I legit just spent $100 on new MTX. I just can't play a game that refuses to let the player win without massive time sinks. Maybe the people using RMT have it right. Who cares if you get banned when you can pay $50 for a complete character someone else made? I'm usually 100% against RMT, but if GGG doesn't fix the time sink aspect; I have to either quit or start RMTing on new accounts.
@marioharrer9999 3 ай бұрын
its not a game for u if u don't have time for it simple as tht
@RoganBits 3 ай бұрын
@@marioharrer9999 lol, k.
@gochubattamugga 3 ай бұрын
@@RoganBits You can legit play 2ish hrs per day for 3ish weeks and go 40/40 or you can play 1hr per day for 2 months and go 40/40. If a HOBBY isnt fun for you or something you dont want to put time into then you may want to look into a different activity.
@RoganBits 3 ай бұрын
@@gochubattamugga Not the point; but keep giving advice for shit going over your head.
@sendneubs 3 ай бұрын
That's so funny. First league I've also gone 40/40, level 100 and 7 Uber's and I'm also playing Splitting Steel
@emilm8603 3 ай бұрын
As a player that mostly plays SSF these days, but has played every mode on and off since beta, this is my favorite league ever. Somehow, the wisps made me engange with content I have been avoiding for a long time, like delve, and actually enjoy it as well.
@hayden7335 3 ай бұрын
*long comment warning* I think it's great everyone is able to interact with all content and kill all bosses etc. However, i think the main long term impact that people aren't seeing here is replayability. I will use my own experience here and say that i lost all enjoyment for the GAME after i did everything available, built some ridiculous characters and had a few mirrors sitting around ready to rot in standard. The reason chris has the philosophy of "the weight" that he does is for the sake of replayability and is what made PoE what it is today. It's the reason people still consistently play and still consistently have goals to achieve, and come back every league to give it a go. I never understood it and was with the crowd that disagreed all the way up until affliction. I'll make a comparison here to survival and creative modes in minecraft, which most people have played. If you played survival and after you killed the ender dragon (or whatever tf the boss is these days) it turned on creative mode, would it even really be fun after that point? Where does the goal go after that? People build these crazy huge structures and railways that traverse the world and fight with huge odds to reach goals they've set and people go "wow, that must have taken a long time and effort". If someone was in creative mode and killed the ender dragon with a sword by flying around after it, it would probably be pretty pointless considering they're invincible and can fly. When next league rolls around i think everyone is going to be super hyped to try out all the new stuff, but as soon as they steam roll the new content the rest of the content has no value because it's been replayed into oblivion - reddit will straight away post the player retention stats plummeting and say it's a shit league when really it's just the fact that there is nothing left to do. Often the response is that there isn't enough loot or "creative mode", when in reality if that was to happen two leagues in a row the retention would likely look the same. I think it's hard to set goals now like 500 delve or kill all the ubers when you've kind of already done it (50 times in a row presumably); the game just becomes a challenge completion time sink. I personally had nothing left to even do and couldn't come up with a goal that wasn't just solveable by throwing my unlimited currency at it continually. I know people hate nerfs, but it's the same concept where you're incentivised to try new things and test yourself to see if you can do it. What makes this concept really apparent to me is ecstatic players celebrating they killed uber eater/exarch/maven etc for the first time after x leagues. They put in the effort, learnt the game, built a better character and took down a bigass boss. It had satisfaction and weight to it, they really tried for it and succeeded and everyone hits them with "gz!" or "wow nice bro!" in chat. I understand that the general idea here is that all of the content should be accessible and completeable by anyone playing the game but if every single league is you kill all the ubers right away and mirror a few items there's nothing left to even do and the game will die out. The 10 div explosions we saw back in archnem blew people's minds the first time, like we all lost our shit collectively. Now a 50 div 200 scarab bomb is like 2 seconds of shock and then the realisation it's the 50th one we saw this week. I was just really disappointed this time around with the state of drop rates and currency-fueled power creep. It felt pointless to make a new character when the experience was marginally similar to PoB (with the extra of you can walk them around a bit and simulate your 50 million dps before you get bored i guess): completely faceroll the campaign with minmaxed twink leveling gear and a mageblood ready to swap into at level 40-something, then sit in 5ways and buy an entire gear set for a mirror and a guarantee you can do any content you want. Nothing left to upgrade, no content you haven't already done. Why am i playing the game at that point? i might as well sit in PoB and slide all the mod sliders to the end because it's all completely feasible to find on trade or clown emoji server, and if not i can just sit and spam hinekora's locks on an item (like we're currently seeing with streamers chewing through hundreds on items) until i get what i want. I genuinely tried out ruthless for the first time this league and i'm having more fun than i did in the base league. Every time something drops i get excited and want to share it, and everyone else is just as equally amazed as me. It feels like an actual ARPG and not just a sandbox. When i take down an uber it's going to REALLY mean something, and i think that's what is important. I'm not saying ruthless is the answer, because it's really not for everyone and that's completely fine, but the game genuinely needs to dial back because a repeat of this league will cause unfixable damage in the long term, and players need to stop pushing for that before they find out that what they're asking for isn't actually what they want. Just my 2 cents.
@Arrythmic798 3 ай бұрын
Ziggy's laugh as he is leveling to 100 is so contagious 😂
@Zeroniumer 3 ай бұрын
There was/is a lot of conversation about the amount of loot, but also, I've never played PoE as much as I did this league, did my first 40/40 after 6.4k hours. So interesting question is, was this league good or bad for PoE?
@johndymond2688 3 ай бұрын
Totally agree with the economy this league. A lot of negative reviews fail to take into account all the ways you could make money through non-MF means and the average player could plan & get T0 uniques for once.
@juts89 3 ай бұрын
Same situation for me.great League
@mre3xaz 3 ай бұрын
how much did that weapon tier ring sell for?
@aeryka 3 ай бұрын
Pretty sure he used it on his Arcer character, and never sold it
@ZiggyDGaming 3 ай бұрын
Indeed I made it for the arc build and with the arc build it shall forever stay 😊 ​@@aeryka
@mre3xaz 3 ай бұрын
@@ZiggyDGaming what do you think it's price would be?
@ZiggyDGaming 3 ай бұрын
not sure now but when I made it there wasn't much competition outside of +1 power charge rings which put it at 200-300 div@@mre3xaz
@jareddrumheller2015 3 ай бұрын
So I just ran my first labyrinth and I use the enchantment reward and it was a gem reward a quality and so thing else. I put a steelskin in and got a flame golem and it changed my gem color to pinkish red can any one let me know what I did thank you
@Lautrec608 3 ай бұрын
You sacrificed a normal gem to receive a random transfigured gem. New mechanic they added
@jareddrumheller2015 3 ай бұрын
But isn't steelskin a transfiguration gem all ready and you can but flame golem at level 35-40 so. And it not that I don't believe you. Just still confused 😕
@jareddrumheller2015 3 ай бұрын
I get it now it gives you a chance to get a high level gem r
@jareddrumheller2015 3 ай бұрын
@oxygene9082 3 ай бұрын
After nearly 10 years, Affliction was the best league I ever played. Being able to juice my maps with the league meachanix was so, so good. Did my 40 challenges today and feel kinda done. Well, weeks after my normal burnout :) B e s t league ever for somone like me.
@Realness687 3 ай бұрын
definitely not for HC SSF Players. But in SC SSF it was fun. great overall league, especially minion wise. But thank god we get now a new league :)with a hopefully more Hardcore friendly Mechanic.
@FartSmucker 3 ай бұрын
Meanwhile D4 gets a $30 re color of the town portal that is also class-locked.
@Dizturb3dwun 3 ай бұрын
I think it has been the best one I've ever played. And I never even did magic find. I formed like four mirrors this league, without ever using magic find. I never even super juiced anything
@ScorpioNick 3 ай бұрын
I came back after 8 years, and it's insane.
@TriconPOE 3 ай бұрын
Made me push push my boundaries as well, finally went hcssf
@user-ce7jk5ln4g 3 ай бұрын
I'm worried for future of poe. With poe 2 announced to be separate I was hoping for them to revert some of the harsher nerfs pre expedition league. Instead we have had 3 leagues straight with no loot drops from mechanic and they put content out that doesn't go core, only teasing what players actually want which is nem3 and their loot back. Sad times
@rayden54 3 ай бұрын
I really like this league. I'm one of those people killing ubers for the first time. I'm not going to make it to 100 unfortunately. The build I'm playing now just randomly explodes once or twice a map. That said, I really don't like the league mechanic itself. I'm not someone who's ever going to be good at navigating an un-mapped maze and unfortunately my badness has a knock-on effect for the rest of game. You really need the league mechanic for the juicing strategies to work and I'm just not good enough at it. Very, very rarely I'll get the stars to align and I'll get some amazing loot explosions and it'll feel amazing. Most of the time, I spend all this time setting everything up: rolling maps, rolling sextants, making the stupid wandering path tree, scarabs, all of it and I'll end up with like 2k juice and no alters. Screen full of alterations just doesn't feel the same. The other problem is, it makes any map I don't go to all that trouble feel like a waste. I'm out of sextants right now. I don't really want to buy more and go through the trouble of rolling them but I know if I don't and run a map, this will be the one where I manage to get that illusive 6k+ juice and it would've been great, but now it's just meh. Skill issue. I know.
@keithwinget6521 3 ай бұрын
My first league hitting level 90+ as mostly SSF (guild-found private league, basically). Dropped a Mageblood from a voidborn reliquary on day 3. Honestly, the Mageblood is kind of what lead to me quitting fairly early in the league. I should have just gave it away, tbh. I tried, actually, but none of my guild members I asked wanted it. We all like to experiment and have to find ways of making things work organically. Injecting a Mageblood in there wasn't part of the equation. I used it, myself, because I'll never likely have the opportunity again. I just felt a little off. Like, I had a free pass almost. In some ways, that just took the fun out of it, and it felt like a waste to not use it. I ended up just realizing that I could enjoy this league more watching streamers...and playing other games. Love PoE, and this league was a cut above, but I wasn't in the best mindset to keep playing one game, I guess.
@practic4l349 3 ай бұрын
15:57 please for the love of god, you can finish this map from kirac with planar tactician notable you don't have to pay 135 divines for it
@spiritkid9109 3 ай бұрын
3:31 oh god, he's gone mad with power
@Shadowquacker 3 ай бұрын
Other than Ultimatum ruining a hundred and fifty maps trying to get the Trialmaster to spawn for the challenge, I really enjoyed this league :-)
@alxk3995 3 ай бұрын
There is way to much stuff dropping. Clearing your inventory full of 1-slot items after every map gets tiring real quick. Also not needing to think what strategy to do and just MF because it's just so much better than anything else is also really boring. I agree on the rest though. The charm, transfigured gems etc. have been and are great toys.
@marioharrer9999 3 ай бұрын
my bossrushing makin 150div an hour begs to differ
@llucioo 3 ай бұрын
wow, i'm glad i did Doryani's machinarium when it was 30div
@marioharrer9999 3 ай бұрын
still is?
@llucioo 3 ай бұрын
@@marioharrer9999 you are correct, i did it when the prices were skyrocketing, so i assumed the 135 was not a typo at 15:51
@forevertaken8955 3 ай бұрын
I think they should rotate. Big expansion with tame league that could go core then super rewarding league
@nicknicksiren 3 ай бұрын
Patch was excellent. League mechanics itself? Ehhh. The ascendancies, charms, and tinctures were great for changing up the game (although probably too powerful). I enjoyed the Wildwood encounters, but the wisps aspect of the Wildwood and maps wasn't enjoyable for me.
@seapeajones 3 ай бұрын
It's too bad the ascendancy piece won't be retained. It really opened up so many ways to fix build issues.
@Dexxxterity 3 ай бұрын
Ziggy please do us a huge favor This is an amazing game but we need crossplay, please ask the devs on an interview if they can make it available, the supporter packs I and many bought don’t carry over to PC or other consoles, also the market on console is not as good as on PC the items cost are way more and the items are scarce too
@CodeCuttlefish 3 ай бұрын
Spot on.
@SangoProductions213 3 ай бұрын
I liked the "new" gems. I mean, a lot (especially the single target ones) were definitely not designed for PoE1. But it's cool that even in concept, they are there. Personally, I really enjoyed the new Arcs and Divine Ire. And actually being able to have half decent items (or at the very least, not be hard pidgin holed into the same set of gear for every character) was a nice change of pace. Granted... Still largely stuck to Lightning builds because I actually had good items for them. But still. That's more than I'd say for any other league. Now... the league mechanic... Boring. I could honestly just play standard, and have much the same experience. I'd even have good items.
@rogermagnusson8877 3 ай бұрын
I hare any leaguemechanic that forces me to leave the map. 1. Because I often accidently click the entrance and go in when i dont want to and 2. Since I avoid it, I play at a enormous advantage versus all other players. I stopped playing for this very reason at harvest league, got back now not knowing anything about the leaguemechanic , just to have the exact same issue with affliction.
@marioharrer9999 3 ай бұрын
explain disadvantage.. literally doin anythin tht is not directly tied to map clear is makin insane profits
@rogermagnusson8877 3 ай бұрын
@@marioharrer9999 Do i really need to explain the disadvantage to not participating in the very leauge-mechanic that made this season the richest ever for most people?
@LlenadeMalo 3 ай бұрын
This league has been so fun. Even if the rewards were not crazy, the mechanic is fun. GGG knocked it out of the park on this one.
@Akitohokuto1 3 ай бұрын
It felt a little old after a few weeks of juicing, it sucks to feel that if you are not MF wisping you are literally losing currency. Had a blast with HCSSF and SSF though, i restarted 3 different times and went 7/7 on ubers on most of them. I guess the wildwood mechanic is pretty okay for SSF but i just dont see any reason to continue playing trade, i can understand its pretty good for casual players, but for myself I farm for multiple mirrors in a normal league anyway so it kinda killed the fun for me especially because the economy is just dead. I don't want to undermine the league though it was really fun for a few weeks, i wouldnt mind if GGG is on the path of making currency easier to get, it would definitely help players learn the game better, it would make me play less but its a way to get more players so i definitely would support it.
@ILikeGuns1992 3 ай бұрын
Experienced the opposite of wanting to play more. Inflation made me feel really poor and discouraged playing. :/ You farm and farm only earning thousands of Divines only to realise that aspirational upgrade would eat your entire networth. Often just one upgrade. 6:44 - actually most aspirational items are ridiculuously expensive this League, much more expensive than they are in previous Leagues - 1-3 passive Voices, Original Sin, gg synthesised implcitis, etc. etc. Ignorance is a bliss.
@asianextinction 3 ай бұрын
How is his life globe purple?
@haroldoduarte1393 3 ай бұрын
40/40 challenges
@Flanktank2 3 ай бұрын
This was the best league since original harvest, and its all because GGG gave the players what they want, access to the full potential of their builds. The stronger the crafting, the better the drops, and the more high end items on the market all lead to an amazing league experience. It's a real shame they had to wait until one of the last leagues before poe2 to really listen to players and give us such an enjoyable league. I hope next league is even more of a goldrush.
@arckmage5218 3 ай бұрын
So...I think this league proved that giving players more accessibility to higher end uniques made playing the game so much more fun. For us more casual players being able to engage with the game because everything is so plentiful, made the game very enjoyable. Not sure I'll come back next league. I think I need a little break, because I spent way too much time in this game during this league.
@NoName-mi8js 3 ай бұрын
It also proved that too much rewards kills the longevity of the game. Many players quit because there was no point in playing. And like you, more will quit due to withdrawal effect. It's honestly like snorting a shit ton of crack at once. You'll feel amazing for a bit, but it won't do for you any more in the future.
@Luzarioth 3 ай бұрын
I have to disagree. The League Mechanic is way to strong, resulting in chase items suddenly being worth more than a mirror... Especially if you don't have much time to spent, it felt impossible to gain enough Currency to keep up with the inflation this league. Yes, the new gems are awesome, but that has nothing to do with Affliction itself ^^
@benjamincarmona3703 3 ай бұрын
This league was a blast. Indeed I think we are in the golden age of ARPGs, even when D4 is a meme lol
@knaz7468 3 ай бұрын
Agree league was amazing. I rarely do "high end" crafts (I think I have done like 3 in 10+ years). But this league was fantastic for doing it all. You didn't mention Ultimatum ... very poor addition back into the game. Horrible rewards. Can never find the boss. Amazing you got that challenge done.
@jonathanjones691 3 ай бұрын
I Hate the Wildwood mechanic. Loved the economy.
@dm3373 3 ай бұрын
Yeah been playing since legacy and this one just didn’t grab me for some reason. The wildwood for me was kinda meh, only using it to juice which I guess was the point of the league (magic find). Maybe just a tad burnt out but just so much loot, Diablo 3 memories 🤷‍♂️
@Xaltorez 3 ай бұрын
100% drop rate for that which was taken? nah.. should be the same drop chance as a watcher's eye
@Uninteruptable 3 ай бұрын
Affliction gets a 2/10 as a league for me . I got 40/40 just because it was a time i wanted to play the game and did so much things , but the league itself and the whole wisp shit i skiped after a week in .
@coughins 3 ай бұрын
The league mechanic itself was pretty mediocre imo, but the game was in a really healthy state overall. I enjoyed it a lot. Tinctures and charms were a lot of fun to use and they enabled a lot of new builds
@NInjaken1337 3 ай бұрын
So the game finally awards the player enough currency to keep crafting or buy "dream" T0 build enabling items, what a Shocker that player retention went up. it took them quite a wile to evolve the game, Lets hope it can keep been this way, because if the next leagues don't have something similar we all know what is gonna happen and how bad the outrage will be. Lets hope they no longer wanna loose retention at the excuse of "experimenting with new mechanics" xdd
@zaggedout 3 ай бұрын
god tier league
@sebc8804 3 ай бұрын
I think no matter what the level of progression usually reached before burnout, nearly every player pushed past that this league. The wisps and second mastery are just too good/fun. I would litteraly accept them nuking ANY of the current mechanics to replace with Affliction. Who cares anyways, POE 2 is on the way and 1 will become an afterthought when 2 comes out. Why not make it crazy overpowered and let everyone experience the crazyness. In the past, I'm pretty sure GGG would have nerfed the wisps/+proj stuff to the ground week 2 of the league and piss everyone off after they saw Empy's streams from before the patch. I felt they know that POE 1 is on it's last leg and they are straight up giving all the things to all the players :D. I mean, I made around 6-7x more currency this league than I made playing the game casually practically every league since Talisman (my Affliction stashes are worth more than everything I have in standard put together). Also, knowing that Ziggy didn't do Ubers or reach 100 yet makes me feel much better about being a forever 20 challenge player xD
@therocklau 3 ай бұрын
Oh no, it's way out of control, it's the most satisfying league sure, but not a good league for POE in long term, this is the type of high that players will get withdraw after, things became too easy and money are flooding everywhere, and it's intentional, it's digital cocaine. However, since POE2 is near, POE doesn't have a long future anyway, it's not a bad choice to do so, and I expect next league or ones after that (if POE2 don't start soon) will be even further in this direction, Poe community time after time proved their most hated thing is to take away their candy, mageblood for everyone, 10 years without dropping a mirror and you got two farming red maps, let the money rain.
@eternalerror1 3 ай бұрын
actually this is not the direction they want to go, they even said in interviews multiple times affliction being this broken wasn't intended and it was overtuned actually Jonathan even said they are going to dial it back next league so expect poverty next league and honestly I am fine with that I enjoyed this league but I wouldn't want every league to be like this.
@ccoospeh 3 ай бұрын
@@eternalerror1 The one thing I don't look forward to is the amount of times this league will be used as an example of why players should be given more power/access to currency (I think theres already a few in this youtube comments saying this is proof that chris is wrong about his core design choices with stuff like magebloods) while ignoring the fact that the negative effects from a league design like this wont show up immediately, especially for any players that are getting to try new things for the first time, but instead once all of that power becomes the new normal and people start expecting more again.
@TippzYT 3 ай бұрын
Idk tried the strat for the first 3 weeks got 10k juiced whisp maps with full. Mf gear tornado shot and Barely dropped anythjng never got a mirror made all my currency just providing for others doing mf overall boring I don’t know what I did wrong quit the mf and did penance instead most I got was like 5 divs on a map idk
@Straggler8 3 ай бұрын
To be fair - I was bored with this league after less than 2 weeks, mostly because of Abyss juicing - droping a Divine should be exciting, but after a week or so they felt like dropping Chaos Orbs
@masudalimran92 3 ай бұрын
affliction league was pretty good. Only thing keeping it from being awesome is the affliction league mechanic.
@rexdaemonicus 3 ай бұрын
The base state of poe was great for this league. Now the league mechanic was utter trash (for me). Spending 2-3 hours trying to get the 2nd charm slot for one of my characters was atrocious. Just tried getting the yellow npc. Spent 20 refreshes and nothing to show. I hated running around blind in the wildwood.
@tylerworrell7866 3 ай бұрын
@noahlevintholwinkler 3 ай бұрын
@rk-li9ks 3 ай бұрын
Doryani's Machinarum 135 div? I think you overpaid 100 div for that ;)
@ZiggyDGaming 3 ай бұрын
Haha yeah it was 35 div I typeod 😅
@The0wner 3 ай бұрын
For some reason which I can't put my finger on I didn't really enjoy it, still not sure why.
@arcadus 3 ай бұрын
i think this league made it hard to get excited about getting rare loot, because it's not rare anymore
@PeterTissot-cx7qd 3 ай бұрын
but ziggyd... softcore!
@lenandov 3 ай бұрын
People were getting more riches in one map than I’ve gotten total in years. Insult me. Brag. Laugh. This was a happy ending for some people. Sad and frustrating for others. The grind doesn’t pay. Either you can play in the end game where the wealth is, or you can’t. It isn’t skills, it’s fps. Lots of currency for the rmt crowd tho. So, yay?
@maagiapall 3 ай бұрын
I really hope they DON'T make That Which Was Taken core. It's a cool item for this league for sure, but I wouldn't want another unique jewel that is basically mandatory in every build like Watcher's Eye already is. Creates too much jewel socket pressure which we already have too much of. On an optimized build, you barely get to use rare jewels anymore because all the sockets are filled with uniques.
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