Patrick Smith - Salvia divinorum and "The Wheel": What Can We Learn From This Persistent Phenomenon?

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@user-dy5ho4sj2w 3 жыл бұрын
Dear KZbin, please don’t wait a year to show me these kinds of videos. 😆 I am super fascinated by salvia divinorum and really appreciate hearing someone talk about this who has such an interesting background. Salvia was the most interesting, terrifying, real experience I have ever had and I’ve been seeking any information I can find about it since then.
@joshuajoshua7257 Жыл бұрын
It seems like it's may be wrong to smoke it. Like coca leaves vs cocaine. Or chugging alcohol instead of enjoying it slowly in degrees. Like rough sex vs making love. Profane. Interesting it always made me lie down no matter what like having to be asleep before dreaming.
@matt-zz6ct 4 жыл бұрын
A deconditioner is anything that temporarily or permanently suspends cultural conditioning in the mind, assumptions and delusions that filter out reality. Heavily conditioned people who KNOW they're heavily conditioned MIGHT benefit from an eye-opening Salvia journey. Heavily-conditioned people who DON'T KNOW they're heavily conditioned may be utterly terrified under Salvia's spell--it's a traumatic experience to see how mucked-up one's mind has gotten, and this is not for the faint-of-heart.
@edwardadkins519 4 жыл бұрын
Gee whizz, good explanation, the very idea of a continuous self is irrelevant. Variations of possible outcomes, a sort of ruthlessness in the wheel. Kind of realizing the dichotomy of people's blame, my own conditioning, and seeing salvia as a mental medicine.
@bingoblue 4 жыл бұрын
I had felt as if I had died. And I was put into a never ending repetitive process induced with pain, all I could see were shapes and colours that i have never seen or experienced. It was frightening.
@ma.2733 3 жыл бұрын
You got stuck in the fear process which means your ego is a stubborn one
@Ghost-gf4yd 4 ай бұрын
@@ma.2733how can you be so sure that his experience was constructed by ego
@ma.2733 4 ай бұрын
@@Ghost-gf4yd all experience when not in the oneness attaches emotions(experience) to what you know. Like “wheel” attaches to the experience of motion during the trip. When you lose identity its just an experience and its a great one every time good/bad non existent.
@Ghost-gf4yd 4 ай бұрын
@@ma.2733 how can you be so sure that when we are not in the physical body anymore, we won’t experience feelings like good or bad? Why do you think that these feelings disappear? From all the reports I have heard, none of them mention losing feelings. In fact, they often report feeling very frightened of what they saw during their near-death or psychedelic experiences. If people continue to experience intense emotions in these states, doesn’t that suggest that feelings persist beyond the physical body?
@ma.2733 4 ай бұрын
@@Ghost-gf4yd simpler terms the experience is felt outside the human one. It’s like watching yourself get mindfked instead of being the experience of it. One will have subjective opinions the other will have just experience because he wasn’t separated.
@CosmiaNebula 3 жыл бұрын
"The Writing of the God" (1949) by Borges seems to strongly resemble a Salvia trip. There is an imprisoned Aztec preist, ego death, oneness with the universe, and God is seen as a giant, relentless wheel. This should be a coincidence, since the story was published in 1949, while the western tradition of using salvia started only in 1960s. > I saw a Wheel of enormous height, which was not before my eyes, or behind them, or to the sides, but everywhere at once. This Wheel was made of water, but also of fire, and although I could see its boundaries, it was infinite. It was made of all things that shall be, that are, and that have been, all intertwined, and I was one of the strands within that all-encompassing fabric, and Pedrode Alvarado, who had tortured me, was another. In it were the causes and the effects, and the mere sight of that Wheel enabled me to understand all things, without end. O joy of understanding, greater than the joy of imagining, greater than the joy of feeling! I saw the universe and saw its secret designs. > ... I saw the faceless god who is behind the gods. I saw the infinite processes that shape a single happiness, and, understanding all, I also came to understand the writing on the tiger. > It is a formula of fourteen random (apparently random) word s, and all I would have to do to become omnipotent is speak it aloud. Speaking it would make this stone prison disappear, allow the day to enter my night, make me young, make me immortal, make the jaguar destroy Alvarado, bury the sacred blade in Spanish breasts, rebuild the Pyramid, rebuild the empire. Forty syllables, fourteen words, and I, Tzinacán, would rule the lands once ruled by Moctezuma. But I know that I shall never speak those words, because I no longer remember Tzinacán. > Let the mystery writ upon the jaguars die with me. He who has glimpsed the universe, he who has glimpsed the burning designs of the universe, can have no thought for a man, for a man's trivial joys or calamities, though he himself be that man. He was that man, who no longer matters to him. What does he care about the fate of that other man, what does he care about the other man's nation, when now he is no one? That is why I do not speak the formula, that is why, lying in darkness, I allow the days to forget me.
@captainsnizz 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing this! I think one of the points I was making in the talk was that the wheel is universal, and existed throughout human religion and mythology before Salvia was encountered by Westerners. Salvia is one way for us to get in touch with it, among many many others. Clearly Borges had had his own experiences with the wheel.
@ko7302 2 жыл бұрын
@@captainsnizz I experienced the wheel and what was so cool is I was in the wheel and I could pick whatever reality I wanted. They were represented by different elements. Water was a a world of Islands, fire was a world with volcanoes and mountains, ect. It seemed I was able to view threw each sliver but my uncontrollable laughing made me not be able to go threw to those worlds. What was interesting is my husband was in each world and I could touch him. It's almost like it was trying to tell me we were always together and will be together forever. It made me really happy. It was extremely profound for me.
@captainsnizz 2 жыл бұрын
@@ko7302 Wow what a profound and lovely experience. Thanks for sharing!
@ko7302 2 жыл бұрын
@@captainsnizz I am so glad you were able to read it! Also thank you for all the important information!
@ay7pre 5 ай бұрын
​@@captainsnizz are you on reddit?!
@MisterNiles 9 ай бұрын
Time travel to an empty past is a major theme in my salvia experiences. I travel to a specific place in the past and there's no one there. My childhood bedroom is a common place I visit. The first time was also the first and only time I had a trip with product placement. It was my old bedroom, but festooned with Coca Cola branded items that I did not have when I was a kid. I prefer Pepsi. When I time travel on Salvia I am the only being that exists in these spaces. The places may be familiar or just a place I once passed through. Usually I exist as something made of paper in these places. I have been a book on many occasions, my pages flipping in an invisible wind. The shape of a book with flipping pages is sort of like a semi-wheel I suppose. What I call the Salvia Rolodex is another object I have become. Spinning and flipping pieces of yardstick, driven by a disembodies, but seemingly conscious wind. In one particularly strange experience I became a wrinkled sheet of translucent glassine paper, laying on a road, beneath an underpass somewhere in Los Angelas. I believe it was an underpass near a place I briefly lived in Santa Monica. I had the knowledge that I was alone in this city. Every other creature had abandoned it for a future version, as they do everywhere, every nanosecond. I just lay on this road, being fluttered and held down by a wind blowing through the underpass. There's always a feeling of being pushed and pulled in a curving direction. Or of being compressed and squeezed through rollers into. sheet of strange paper. Even when my consciousness has become enmeshed with a nearby piece of furniture I feel this effect. It even happens when I am seeing the room from the perspective of a painting on the wall and I'm mixed with the consciousness of the painting itself. What a strange drug. I've only used it at breakthrough doses 40 or 50 times. By itself it is physically unpleasant and can be disorienting. I especially dislike the after effects. I usually feel prickly and physically yucky for the rest of the day. Sort of wired. I wish I could use it more. It has helped me with physical issues and even with psychological issues. It's definitely a drug you need to learn to use before you get anything out of it. The reverse tolerance is helpful in this regard. Plain leaf will eventually become as strong as an extract if you use it enough. I find salvia is more interesting when used in lower doses (a cigarette of plain leaf smoked) as the base for a dmt trip, or as an admixture in a changa blend. When used with dmt, I reliably enter a circus/carnival themed world. Very distinct from Salvia or DMT.
@Sleazystudiosart 4 жыл бұрын
As someone who has experienced this “wheel” phenomena many times it’s interesting to hear the eastern stories. I’ve been aware of these ideas for a while but never put the two together. During salvia experiences the initial introduction to the “salvia space” can be quite unpleasant. However, I always found it to be a relieving feeling to feel a part of the construct again. This feeling of being home or nostalgia is what keeps me going back to the experience time after time. Do you have any thoughts on the experience being more intense every time someone partakes in the substance? It seems to feel like I travel further or for a longer period of time every time I do it. In my personal experience the space seems multi dimensional. As if you can pick a part the wheel, each segment having infinite parts. A break down of this idea is as follows: Each segment as a reality/dimension, then inside that years, inside that days, then, hours and so on till you’re left with fractions of second. Frames if you will.
@chromakey84 4 жыл бұрын
The more I used it the further I would get. After a year or so of use I can go right through a membrane into a physical space. Its like waking up from a dream. The wheel, slamming of dimentional pages, getting stuck in furniture all happened prior. After a few months of use I could regularly meet entities, most celebrating my arrival.
@klausknudsen9646 4 жыл бұрын
im intreaged by this information, this study came to me after researching the third eye in the brand and the ability to produce DMT, here lies the answers we seek, we are capeable of producing and using the DMT, we are just so slow evoled in using the brain that only few people master it - hence the munk.
@stefanlaus216 4 жыл бұрын
Everything is in a cycle
@ma.2733 4 жыл бұрын
Terrance McKenna also said this is the perfect substance to walk into because you go deeper every time
@airbornepizza 4 жыл бұрын
Kind of reminds me of the mandala structure of different universes in Tibetan Buddhism
@dasociety129113 4 жыл бұрын
Themes of salvia - seeing the fundamental nature that constructs reality via wheel, zipper, flipbook etc - experiencing other people’s/alternate lives or life to the point where you forget who you are - lots little people sometimes children chanting - encountering a feminine entity that is the boss - seeing frames of experience like a flipbook, strobe, wheel and zipper - nostalgia of home - becoming objects - circus themes
@subplantant 4 жыл бұрын
Perfect - although my absolute boss has a definite masculinity (and is unfathomably huge, all around me yet I can feel him almost breathing into my ear - I mean this really couldn't be any more similar to how a devout Christian sees God. He is basically benevolent but pities my puniness and naivete and I sometimes find myself struggling to follow his path because it can be so terrifying and physically disorientating) his messengers have always been female.
@dasociety129113 4 жыл бұрын
ipoundstuff wow super interesting. if you dont mind me asking how many separate experiences have you had with salvia where you met this masculine entity? also what do you mean by him showing you his path? is he teaching or showing you or telling you how to live you life? Timothy Wylie met an entity on so many ketamine trips that the entity begun to live through him, the entity was a woman and wanted to experience what that was like as a human so timothy obliged and wore dresses etc. its not uncommon in shamanic cultures in which people form relationships with entities or plants. many mono and polytheistic have gods that are generally relational. terence mckenna atributed his whole timewave theory to the mushroom sometimes directly quoting it, he would talk to the mushroom for hours about history science politics indepth conversations. it would be interesting if the entity could tell you something that you dont even know yourself like a complex math question, this is what rick strassman and andrew gallimore are interested in in finding out with intravenous extended state dmt trips
@subplantant 4 жыл бұрын
@@dasociety129113 Don't mind at all! I feel like with salvia I could talk about if forever hehe... I don't partake often - limiting myself to a couple of times per year or only when I'm reaching a particularly low point and need to be reminded that my brain is not my enemy - so I have only been aware of him a couple of times when I've had particularly intense trips, although I have met a number of different female entities who are more or less human and, for example might be running away into the distance carrying a flagpole from which the fabric of existence streams out and I know I must follow... But the big guy is totally different - damn it makes me feel emotional just thinking about it! He's very linked to the extreme physical sensations salvia brings (the twisting, unzipping, ripping feeling) and that sense you have that struggle is futile, although irresistible. I often find myself struggling against the urge to struggle - and I find this whole process extremely cathartic even if sometimes I've been told that I've been screaming at the top of my lungs. I'm always elated for days afterwards - in the past salvia has cured me of suicidal thinking.) When in the salvia realm reality rips back to reveal the brightly coloured stripes and interlocking geometric shapes (before this happens, I am often visiting a bright green lawn surrounded by white picket fences or huts under a searing blue sky,) it is like he is the entire world and mechanism. I can feel his desire for me to accept what is happening, but also his knowledge that I am not yet fully able and for that he feels sorry and protective of me yet also slightly disappointed yet resigned.... The whole space seems to resonate with his breathing. Don't get me wrong - I don't for a second think that any of this is anything other that the realities - archetypes - that lie in centre of our own consciousness, and I've not experienced any speech or verbal communication of any sort - and nothing so specific as you described - yet! What I find so completely unfathomable about salvia is the consistency of the reports from other trippers. I think it's almost like we're able to look into the "DNA" - the fundamental machine code - of our shared consciousness. I have no feeling or sense that any of what I'm experiencing exists outside or away from me. One thing is for certain: I shall be visiting the salvia realm many times in the future!
@LostProfit 4 жыл бұрын
What about sally land?
@akilluminati47 4 жыл бұрын
The recent trip I had went like exhale, few seconds of the familiar come up feeling then boom a pinwheel swooped over everything and then I was on a stage singing a song getting zipped into a dark bag at the end of the lyrics until I realized I had my own life before this weird circus act, which was terrifying… so while performing with a bunch of other magic crayon-people I began trying to escape the zipping shut ending which I knew started the whole song over and the only thing I could do was improvise in the song trying to explain who I was and not just a crayon guy. That kept happening for the longest few minutes until I became a rush of pages flipping from a massive hardcover book- then I see my cat staring at me which chilled me out. Staring at my cat realizing I was coming down from a bad one I spent 10 minutes reflecting on the intense experience I made it through, all that dissociation from two pinches of purple sticky salvia 40x through a bong hit.
@mikeydashank3897 Жыл бұрын
I smoked salvia about 12 times, and although they were each very unique experiences, they all had the common theme of spinning, relentless vortex, pinwheel, roulette wheel, etc with riotous colors, circus tent pattern. I could probably paint or draw each individual experience. I don't know if I'm traumatized by these experiences, but sometimes I remember them and I stop everything I'm doing and zone out for a little bit and remember the visions and almost feel it again, I have to snap myself back out of it. There's something I crave about destroying my ego, I'm always at odds with it, there is something both satisfying and terrifying about losing your ego. And no other substance does it like salvia. Would like to try DMT.
@williamlitsch5506 Жыл бұрын
Pretty much any experience that causes dissociation of the brain from the body, including blood loss to the brain, and certain anesthesia can cause a similar experience. I expect that a strong dose of salvia is knocking out the reception of messages from the body.
@mrbonham3295 Жыл бұрын
It had been quite some time since I had last experimented with psychedelics, my first being LSD seven years ago, followed by mushrooms. After hearing about salvia online, I decided to delve into some research. Being from Mexico, it was incredibly easy to obtain, as here in Mexico is legal costing me less than $20 with shipping included. With my bong pipe in hand, I cautiously took a hit. Almost instantly, I felt overwhelming happiness wash over me, causing me to burst into uncontrollable laughter. It was as if an invisible force was pulling me downwards, guiding me to lay on my bed. The sheer euphoria flowing through my veins made it nearly impossible to stop laughing. But after a mere minute or two, the intense laughter subsided, and I decided to take another hit. And that's where things took a mind-boggling turn. In an instant, it felt as though I was transcending this reality, leaving everything familiar behind. My surroundings transformed into a colossal wheel, embellished with vibrant patterns reminiscent of an Alex Grey painting. I was not merely an observer, but an integral part of this mesmerizing wheel. As if guided by some invisible hand, the top of my bedroom wall started to open, just like the unzipping of a jacket. Through this opening, I could catch glimpses of the intricate wheel universe in which I found myself. My room, no longer confined by its physical boundaries, became part of this immense, cosmic wheel. It stretched onward into infinity, defying any sense of restriction or normalcy. As I continued to explorethis wheel reminded me to , a to the movie "Inception" but with alex grey textures it began to wash over me, as if reality itself was unraveling, revealing layers upon layers of existence. Doubts began to creep in, and I turned to my brother, desperately seeking confirmation of reality. "Are you real?" I implored, my voice filled with a mixture of awe and uncertainty. Yet, he remained silent, his response lost within the infinite folds of the mesmerizing wheel that enveloped us. Unfazed, I decided to stand up and explore this vibrant and ever-unfolding realm. Eventually, I returned to my physical form, though left with an indescribably strange sensation. Salvia had granted me an opportunity to delve into a world so radically different from anything I had ever experienced before. It was a journey that blazed a trail through the fabric of reality, leaving me with a newfound sense of wonder and craving for further exploration.
@aliwright1016 2 жыл бұрын
Really glad to catch this discussion. I had a loving, peaceful experience when I consumed salvia. It involved being sat in a distinct 'pilot seat' within a huge wheel, (that was 'time and matter' itself). The 'flipping of pages', description, in my mind, manifested as observation of copper/bronze piano keys on the inner side of the wheel moving in a wave, turning over and clicking audibly into place it was the 'wheel/ships' ignition ..we were 'ready to go'!! Lol I was aware there was more ...and that there were beings who wanted to talk to me, behind the black, star filled universe.... Which is when I chose to my will. And I did. ..although I know I could have gone further xxxx
@robinvanderlem895 Жыл бұрын
I know it's 2 years too late, but, great presentation man. Really enjoyed it. Close to home for me in every way 👌
@VisitKodytripsonInstagram Жыл бұрын
⬆️⬆️⬆️ Check the name description. Order from him. He got all kinds of psychedelics stuffs, like lsd, dmt, mdma, mushrooms 🍄🍄🍫
@pencir5737 3 жыл бұрын
Friend’s first time that I was trip sitting for, once they closed their eyes they saw a spinning kaleidoscope. From the 1/2 o’clock part of it, they saw positive-thought silhouettes (friends, interests, etc) and from 7/8 o’clock negative ones (bullies, failed classes, self-sabotage). Writing this now I can’t believe I never asked how the abstract things they saw were represented. Was a failed class a silhouette of the teacher? Or like a microscope if it were biology? A specific assignment? I have a text to send...
@dallelama8874 3 жыл бұрын
I have also experienced that time almost stopped. Sitting at a club with a friend at a round table with a lamp with a screen above us, Astrix plays live. We had taken some acid (2cb) I think it was called. suddenly everything stopped, the music, all people except me and my buddy. People danced in ultra slow motion and 1 minute later everything started going faster and faster and everything became normal again That evening I saw cities grow out of the wall and a cigarette rolling back and forth over the tiles on the ground. Interesting video, I have been going with these experiences for many years without being able to explain what happened. Thanks !
@ChattingwithKev 4 жыл бұрын
My trip was interesting and I have a hard time remembering it, I remember seeing people, I felt like I recognized them but couldn't make them out, I believe that they were all on a wheel or moving conveyer belt, the began getting swept under something and then I felt like I was but I didn't fight it because I knew I would freak out so I let it happen and then faded away and seeing my friend who brought me back to realit
@matt-zz6ct 4 жыл бұрын
I remember seeing sacred geometry and the patterns in everything. But what I remember most was a row of numbers containing 1 and 2 going up and down.i felt like I was in some sort of machine or a dream,very intense experience I would suggest not to fight it but just let go
@jameshite6268 3 жыл бұрын
That "wheel" is the storage disc your Google account is loaded on. Every time you die you get to choose a new Avatar.
@ScottRoberson 3 жыл бұрын
How do you know you get to choose?
@johnpolmanteer4907 3 жыл бұрын
My games stuck on random
@xcloudgamer1539 3 жыл бұрын
I tried salvia years ago, all I remember is a vortex or something and I never forgot it
@TheNomadicview 4 жыл бұрын
This talk made me wonder if primitive people that used the drug in religious ceremonies but who had no concept of the wheel ( as a technology) could have been influenced to invent the wheel.
@jonatkinsonriver1 4 жыл бұрын
Interesting. It got me wondering things the other way round, whether someone with no experience of a wheel in our everyday reality would experience it on salvia. 'Which came first...' one of the great mysteries, or if time's a relative illusion maybe there is no first.
@ze2149 Жыл бұрын
I can sort of "access" the wheel in my meditations with minimal effort. I work with the sage mother and don't need salvia to learn what she has to teach us
@mr-xoxoxomka6614 Жыл бұрын
Could you say that this “wheel” might also be described as a sphere? I’ve had fever dreams during my childhood that are basically like salvia trips, and from time to time during meditation it’s accessible again I saw a sphere and felt as a sphere, the sphere would change its texture from smooth to spiky or rough, and I would sense my whole “body” feeling uncomfortably smooth or spiky as well I could also describe it as tight, like my consciousness feels very tight Our body is dynamic and we constantly breathe, and in comparison to that once we stop breathing and moving at all, it gets very still, that’s approximate feeling that I get with tightness
@FireofOne 4 жыл бұрын
Yes the whole book and pages thing was my trip
@lucass6988 4 жыл бұрын
Holy shit I had the exact same thing. Messed me up completely that day, but now half a week later I'm okay. Not doing that again tho haha
@NoFapKing 4 жыл бұрын
part of the trip
@E-Kat 4 жыл бұрын
What did you see?
@lucass6988 4 жыл бұрын
@@E-KatDid you experience the same thing? or just curious?
@E-Kat 4 жыл бұрын
@@lucass6988 oh I wish! Got this growing in my garden but I'm too scared to use it. Which part do you use?
@skyjuiceification 4 жыл бұрын
Seeing anyone smoke Salvia is never beautiful.
@Lucas-kj5kv 3 жыл бұрын
I ordered some 80x when I was a kid. I remember the book because I was trying to walk to my door and as the pages changed the door got farther away.
@sarahk6254 3 жыл бұрын
Dope presentation! 👍
@-fuk57 11 ай бұрын
My personal Western Salvia experience is on my YT channel. It was too much. I was flipping through the earth at my hips. It felt like everyone was waiting for me to wake up to this plane of existence that I was missing.
@davidca96 3 жыл бұрын
I saw the wheel one time, it didnt look like the graphic to me it literally looked like the depictions of ezekials wheel, was spinning wildly and was so unlike anything ive ever seen in reality. I also went to this place that was green and black, in squares and the closest thing I can explain it was like was like the 80's Tron environment. Its not something to screw with its so intense and time completely stops existing and you can feel trapped which if you arent able to accept can terrify you. The first feeling I always got was intense gravity like you are being accelerated on a roller coaster. The "slices" of reality I also had but it was interpreted as a roll of film on an old projector.
@mikaelamarie1846 2 жыл бұрын
I called it a book with pages, but it also seems like a Rolodex. It’s been 8 years since I did it and I can still remember it like it was yesterday.
@mko-ai Жыл бұрын
These I experience but with DMT.
@jCarloGalliano7279 Жыл бұрын
that salvia droid image ,,is exactly what i saw during my trip ,,,that figure was in my trip ,,,the jestiure what ah trip
@danielwoolman8969 3 жыл бұрын
I felt a wise ancient motherly feminine presence many times on salvia. It’s almost as if in Catholicism the Virgin Mary represents the Mother or sacred feminine.
@LostProfit 4 жыл бұрын
My wheel had no color, just light.
@stoicsavage509 2 жыл бұрын
I have a big cactus.. And it turned into wheels... It was crazy seeing the cactus literally transform into spinning cogs and it felt like I was inside a fishbowl but my vision got really vivid and it toom a while to get back to normal
@barrysmith4674 2 жыл бұрын
I had the cogs wheels people working on the infinite machine and the flip book experience of my thoughts
@stevenmoore3480 2 жыл бұрын
Hiding under the experience blanket from the uncaring face of infinity. That was then; but it's still now.
@dajmos6969 Жыл бұрын
wheel image he shows looks like a wheel of life
@junkettarp8942 Ай бұрын
Ezekiel's wheels.
@BenjaminSchmoll-n4q 3 ай бұрын
@damiandossantos5077 4 жыл бұрын
dude.. exactly xDD
@lastyfirst3788 2 жыл бұрын
Who knew salvia grew from the perineum. Explains the smell. Don’t do drugs kids
@yourdad587 Жыл бұрын
perennial... plant...
@Shrek-pu8uu 2 жыл бұрын
Foolish crowd who think it's wise to be laughing at this. Literally the wrong audience - if you're not going to deal with things you cannot understand in a mature manner, then you shouldn't to begin with. Whoever laughed is mocking what they do not understand...
@yourdad587 Жыл бұрын
Life's a joke and we're the fool buddy
@subplantant 4 жыл бұрын
Back when I was in school in the 90's our art teacher had us try automatic writing in one lesson. I still remember images coming into my 12-year-old brain (no exposure to any psychedelics or spirituality of any sort at that point!) of a huge wheel rotating towards me with faces on the spokes... I probably even have the art I made afterwards somewhere. Having now used salvia a number of times (with great love and respect for this substance) I am blown away by this talk and by all the connections that are being made in my mind. I have seen the wheel and the zipper and the book (as well as so many other things!) many times and I'm so grateful that there is the potential to access these aspects of consciousness. It somehow to me makes existence all the more worthwhile.
@Trevorj333 Жыл бұрын
You are the chosen one!
@ay7pre 5 ай бұрын
That's great that you encompass this 'position' with Salvia, many people are terrified that something else exists besides what we see
@AldenSathyanandaCecchettiTaboa Ай бұрын
WOW I am amazed by all the things I am reading here from you guys, and the striking connection and similarity, I can even feel the feel of being in Salvia spce just by reading you. I love it =)
@atlant1s 3 жыл бұрын
This is absolutely beautiful with roots myself in my ethnicity Of south American and Mayan. Salvia truly does it hard i was shook to hear so many experience the exact same thing the wheels yes wheels within wheels as if I can pop up into a reality and pop out afraid of being stuck forever in that space or a different reality. I have done this ritually for research and scientific purposes on the mind and have had profound experiences on the levels and realms there are and a state you can achieve I call it the shamanistic state when smoked not too much or too little you can achieve a stable stable state of altered ness where you can influence more or in tune with nature the state at where plants and nature communicate. Where I’ve had a rose bloom before my eyes and a group of friends and I interact with a being not of this plane answering our questions asking us questions and attempting to even influence to go deeper. It was mind boggling. To become a tree and witness hundreds of years go by you without any movement then the wind and growth only to provide, provide oxygen,warmth when burned, cool when shade, to provide a home for nature and critters and everything else on the planet and that we use wood paper and trees for taken for granted. Show me life as a tree now is a beautiful lie because we take them for granted, we must praise trees and nature, without it we wouldn’t be here no oxygen or water no life no air. With great awe also comes great fear it taught me that the experience is temporary and there’s nothing to be afraid to just sit and watch until you can interact and understand. I’ve taken a break from it but have had successful healings with others in it always thru meditation and intent always must put your intentions towards the spirit plant(energy of everything) , mind and heart that is the holy trinity set your intentions on what you seek to learn know or witness or ask it what you want to know or achieve otherwise if abused it will throw you or show you wherever whatever and it may not always be pleasurable in doing so. So always go in positive state of mind with intent spirit and heart. It’s not for everyone as of now you just have a strong mindset. Otherwise it will create only fear it shows you what it has to before you enjoy it you must learn and understand it before you enjoy it. Thank you very 🖤
@St1na Жыл бұрын
I’ve seen many of these things and I’ve never tried a psychedelic/hallucinogenic… and was not having a NDE.. I’m convinced that these things are very real.
@MisterNiles 9 ай бұрын
These substances seem more like a highly advanced communication/time travel device than a drug.
@edwardadkins519 Ай бұрын
So without labeling your experiences as anything. I Am assuming you could say you've had visions? Minds eye but realer, and what contexts have you experienced these wheels. I find your comment fascinating
@hitkid96 4 жыл бұрын
Wow i relate to all these experiences so much!! Salvia can be pretty ruthless in the way it shows you the truth, it doesn't pull any punches but all for the better.
@ALoonwolf 2 жыл бұрын
"The Great Wheel" is plainly seen in the spinning wheel of Zodiac constellations. We travel around it clockwise, but it is like the hands of a clock: As the hour hand passes through one age the minute hand goes around the whole thing, and as the minute hand goes through one age the second hand goes around the whole wheel. And the parts of the wheel are also found in the parts of the head which the blood circulates around, then the head is also found in the parts of the body...
@RekzaFS 2 жыл бұрын
Incredibly interesting. How is someone so young able to speak so eloquently and be so informed on such a wide variety of topics, this is like a convergence of science, religion and philosophy and this fella is like what… 23?
@d1ssolv3r Жыл бұрын
probably all the psychedelics lol. Some personalities are driven towards this, likely as a symptom of great early suffering.
@shorelygetts5425 4 ай бұрын
Psychedelics crack open your curiosity and mind.
@sekhmet7774 Ай бұрын
@@d1ssolv3r Taking psychedelics made me think in a completely different way and made me interested in consciousness and spirituality though I was a staunch materialist/atheist before. Going through life you feel like the surface-level ego (what you think of as "you") is all there is, but when you feel the layers of your consciousness being peeled back like an onion you wonder what's at the centre.
@dallelama8874 3 жыл бұрын
I have seen the wheel, it had a lot of flashing colors, signs and every time it stopped I got the feeling of an ice awl that gave me shocks down through my head, icy cold and had a very hard time breathing every time I was stuck in head with the awl. Guessing it lasted 10-15 min. I thought I was going to die, but I survived. The next day I felt like a different person, everything was completely different, my feeling inside, the feeling a world and the things I saw. I experimented a lot with drugs back then, but had not taken anything that night, or the days around, it just happened.
@svedge42 2 жыл бұрын
Cool so you could feel yourself?
@conormurray5309 4 жыл бұрын
Awesome talk! Do you think the claustrum could explain the phenomenology if consciousness is like a film and the reel is shutting down to reveal the frames of the moving pictures and the behind-the-scenes mechanism of the experience?
@captainsnizz 4 жыл бұрын
Yes the claustrum is certainly related. The neurobiological description of the brain during Salvia is that the claustrum (that usually ties together communication of different brain areas associated with perception) shuts down. This correlates with our normal cohesive moment-to-moment witnessing of reality breaking down into something very alien. I would avoid words like "explain" when we're talking about neurobiology, because ultimately all these physical processes just correlate with our subjective experience, and it's more interesting (and useful) to examine what happens in the mind during Salvia trips.
@chromakey84 4 жыл бұрын
@@captainsnizz even observation of the neuro behavior is a first person subjective experience. i have encountered this wheel countless times. Good work, thank you.
@mrcube2865 12 сағат бұрын
Please read "Transparency of Things Contemplating the Nature of Experience"
@rappinron1384 3 жыл бұрын
My Experiences With Salvia: Smoking: -Perception zooming in to surroundings, seeing everything in 4D -Seeing a circus, and the people running it -Having a women in view, not allowing me to go any further -Spinning -Seeing in 360 degrees without turning my head Tincture: -Sense of calm, higher awareness -Slightly hallucinogenic -Seeing people's auras with great accuracy, meaning I could see them as strands of energy, similar to lightening, with varying layers of color
@robertvondarth1730 3 жыл бұрын
This is always how it is We just lose awareness of it. Salvia simply unmasks our raw experience, before we twist our normality filter back on. Interesting....
@wyldphenomena6574 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve done mushrooms a few times and have had fairly bad experiences every time (I’m dying) after the rollercoaster effect the euphoria was quite nice with the leftover visuals. I just tried salvia for the first time a few weeks ago (at 35 yrs old) and had a really beautiful experience. I got some purple sticky (brand) 80x and put a little tiny bit on a bowl of weed. Smoked it and felt a tiny body buzz, visual was weird. Didn’t see anything but my vision seemed crisp as if I was seeing our physical realm for the first time. So I put a little bit more on the bowl, took a nice toke as I leaned back and slowly blew it out. Pretty quickly I could tell “this was it” it came of fast enough that I didn’t really have time to panic. It wasn’t heavy and rushy feeling like the mushrooms. I’m pretty sure my eyes were closed lol… I saw a bright white never ending room. There was a conveyer belt of feathers that was bringing them to me, they would stand erect at its closest point to me, then laid down as they went away from me on this conveyer belt. I too felt like I was made of these feathers, and I was being kind of sucked into this feathery conveyer belt. Within what felt about maybe 3-5 minutes I came back and was good. As one who smokes herb every day. The next day I felt like I didn’t really need or want to smoke. The feeling of sobriety was very nice. (Didn’t last long as I started smoking within minutes after the thought) 😏 Advice if you’ve made it through all that. Take it low and slow. Respect it. Relax, have some good music playing.
@VisitKodytripsonInstagram Жыл бұрын
⬆️⬆️⬆️ Check the name description. Order from him. He got all kinds of psychedelics stuffs, like lsd, dmt, mdma, mushrooms 🍄🍄🍫
@rev7690 4 жыл бұрын
Moksha means liberation
@redfish71 Жыл бұрын
For me the wheel was more like a clock with hands encompassing the whole universe and with every tick part of the universe was disappearing. Pretty scary in the beginning, but then replaced by acceptance. I think the motion comes from your body moving in a certain direction. Usually you lay down or pass out, and this motion then gets intensified and lingers for a while in the brain.
@tk33k Жыл бұрын
I’ve seen that wheel as well it was winding a thread made out all of most beautiful feelings on earth, and it turns it into what is a building material of the dimension we’re all coming from and going to after our journey here is over.
@toucan221 9 ай бұрын
I see this Four years later, Super interesting, didn't know there were so many reoccurring themes the zipper, wheel, accordion etc, thank you so much for sharing this. 💙💙
@1122redbird 4 жыл бұрын
Good talk young man.
@dragonmartijn 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, but if this NDE is true: the wheel isn't only a part of one's own mind. If it could alter reality it is reality-wide.
@lalamcgreenlight8478 2 жыл бұрын
It is reality it is us
@wuutnopepe613 4 жыл бұрын
On low dosage I start feeling the hyperdimensional wheele trying to peel me off of this reality more clearly. Trying low dosage has helped me have an idea of whats going on, and it seems our reality is a page on some book of realities. The wheele doesnt judge when it comes, it just takes you with it
@matt-zz6ct 4 жыл бұрын
Try smoking a whole bowl of it
@wuutnopepe613 4 жыл бұрын
@@matt-zz6ct oh hell no lmao
@wuutnopepe613 4 жыл бұрын
@@matt-zz6ct the first time I treated it like weed and it teached me a lesson lmao
@matt-zz6ct 4 жыл бұрын
@@wuutnopepe613 yea lol anything specific you seen or experienced while on high dose other than the wheel or book
@wuutnopepe613 4 жыл бұрын
@@matt-zz6ct a salvia entity, female is always watching me from afar. One time she ripped reality apart from my left eye. It was weirdly amazing. When I tried to move she said "DONT!". Shes been with me since the beginning. My first trip was a high dose of 10x extract, and the end of the trip I could sense her calming me down. All i was was an entity stuck on a wall with many others
@TwoTreesStudio 4 жыл бұрын
feelings like this is what the endless river is about but who knows lol
@theilluminatedkingdom267 3 жыл бұрын
I tried it for the first time a few days ago and omg I thought I was doing something with Shrooms I literally died and came back omg it was so profound but I don’t know what I really experienced
@erikj345 Жыл бұрын
I’m so happy to seee that people experienced the same thing as me I did 120x on top of bong with weed and another layer of 20x and saw the reality of our existence and the wheel and something said if I didn’t go sit back down on bed I wouldn’t be allowed to go back to my reality and dimension. Although ground shaking and unusual I’ve since figured out proper dosing and keep seeing the wheel and that is t a coincidence
@gchiaipartaire5833 7 ай бұрын
8:42 false it doesnt bind that strongly to Kappa opoid receptors, other molecules like descholroketamine knocks salvinorin from the receptors resulting in only ketamine effects, but regular ketamine or 2fdck has weaker affinity for the receptor and make salvia effects stronger.
@crimm2465 6 ай бұрын
[citation needed]
@PhillipHeil 4 ай бұрын
Ska Pastora is not a Mazatec term. It is Spanish. Terence McKenna said that the Mazatecs say they have no Mazatec word for it because it is too new. As Salvia is only found naturally is such a small area, we might conclude that it is either on the wax or the wane. Since science cannot account for the appearance of new species, evolution being the currently operative (and inadequate) model covering that area, we have to say we don't know how new species arise. If we take the Mazatecs at their word, that it is too new, then it could be the appearance of a new species and potentially on the increase. I'm certainly doing all I can towards that end.
@ParallelUniversity Күн бұрын
What other naturally occurring plants on Earth only reproduce via dropped cuttings without some backup like viable seeds or underground runners? None that I can find. What other plants on Earth contain Salvinorin-A? None that are known. It suggests that this plant in its current form has been cultivated and refined by humans over a long period of time, much like modern day corn (which relies on humans to reproduce and is nothing like its ancient ancestor teosinte). I imagine that at some point a genetic mutation caused the first Salvinorin-A producing plant to appear. When the mutated plant's properties were discovered, it was used for shamanism, and cuttings of it were propagated wherever it would grow. But over hundreds of years of humans propagating it via cuttings, it lost its ability to produce naturally via seeds (and the plants that did grow from the seeds may not have produced Salvinorin-A). So it was really just one plant that was cut and propagated over and over, a monoculture like the Cavendish banana. In nature, it struggles to reproduce as it can only do so if a piece breaks off and happens to land in the soil in a way that it can root. It is doubtful it evolved this way without some human meddling along the way.
@priscillaquinn9505 3 жыл бұрын
It has not been used by them for hundreds of years. That tribe quoted the plant as being new to them. Which is why it only has a Spanish name and no name in their native tongue. According to them it just showed up one day
@IceeDivision 2 жыл бұрын
Please! I've been hearing so much about this but I've heard it popped up. Like it was given to us, I suppose.
@sebastianbenitez948 2 жыл бұрын
p quinn and thats bs, its been used for centuries in Mexico
@priscillaquinn9505 2 жыл бұрын
@@sebastianbenitez948 yah maybe 100 150 years tops. Im talking about before that it wasn't around. Look into what I said you'll see it's true. Look up Terrence mkenna talking about it. Look up Hamilton Morris talking about it.
@sebastianbenitez948 2 жыл бұрын
@@priscillaquinn9505 nah youre wrong, you even crediting white men like mckena and morris on this is laughable/a joke.. they also said that dmt/toad wasnt even around til recently (big LOL) when in MX they have found anicent burial sites with toad remains etc. Youre delusional if you really think this was all recently when native peoples of MX and other regions within the americas were heavily invested culturally in mind altering substances/plant medicines etc for thousands of yrs if not more.
@fjallabrjotur Жыл бұрын
@rockopaws1610 Жыл бұрын
When I was going though some kind of “awakening” experience I guess you could call it, I kept having this comforting but terrifying scene of a water wheel come into my head, there was nothing else there just a field and some water and the wheel, but it was so familiar
@ismellnumbers Жыл бұрын
Got here from Google typing in my own experience and I also got the water wheel. I could feel each "slat" in what felt like an infinite amount of punches to the gut in a single moment.
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 2 жыл бұрын
I call it the "cosmic rainbow vortex"
@danielwoolman8969 3 жыл бұрын
At 11:56 that old wheel art it’s interesting how that inner circle shape is identical to nuclear waste warning symbols we use now. Even the inner circle parts.
@derekjeffries5904 3 жыл бұрын
Why would they start with salvia?
@hexcrackerjtj 4 жыл бұрын
Your conclusion that "Salvia points to a fundamental truth" @18:18 min mark and "many saints would not take this" remark by Ram Dass's guru relating the LSD experience -- I figure expanding on this tiny detail would take another presentation... ... any records/ references of #Salvia experiences from 'highly spiritual' individuals? #ProductiveEngagement #ConstructiveFeedback #DivineFriendship | 777ADVENTURES
@ryanlove8242 3 жыл бұрын
Catholic. Not Christian.
@JamesSteven-mb8zf 9 ай бұрын
Nice work.
@nintendiumarmour879 Жыл бұрын
I only done it once. And only a supposed 60x extract. I remember seeing a sort of barrier in my peripheral vision that I was so transfixed by it that I went in to a loop, just saying over and over again to my brother, "hold on rich, hold on rich, hold on rich". Didn't last long thankfully
@spiritlevelstudios 5 ай бұрын
Unusual to see "only" and "60x" in the same sentence. 😅
@Binused 4 жыл бұрын
I've taken a trip a few times the last time I was sitting inside of a bowl that you smoke out of and I was in somebody's hand in the bowl they went the put their hand down and their hand hit the door of their car and me and the ball broke into a million pieces and then it had me outside of where I was actually sitting and it started Rolling me up back into a human being but at the same time also like a puzzle being put back together and it rolled itself from outside on in to where I was sitting and next thing I know I came back to normal
@Binused 4 жыл бұрын
I also have a salvia trip video with a lot of views on my youtube
@danielwoolman8969 3 жыл бұрын
Any good books about salvia?
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 2 жыл бұрын
Good book on Salvia: "Salvinorin: The Psychedelic Essence of Salvia Divinorum" by D.M. Turner
@VisitKodytripsonInstagram Жыл бұрын
⬆️⬆️⬆️ Check the name description. Order from him. He got all kinds of psychedelics stuffs, like lsd, dmt, mdma, mushrooms 🍄🍄🍫
@NoFapKing 4 жыл бұрын
I saw a wheel in meditation
@gdavis9296 4 жыл бұрын
What kind of meditation?
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