I wish I could contribute... but I am not much better off than Patti...my own Vehicle is over 26 years old, and I also am on Social Security Disability for many of the same reasons. I hope and Pray that your Goals for her are met... and Pray for Blessings upon her and her Support Network for the Love You All Share. Sincerely, Bruno Biava ⚓
@jademusic12112 жыл бұрын
I was hit by a plow in January. An ambulance was called. I spent less than 10 minutes talking to the attendants, signed a waiver not to be transported, then given an ice pack for my leg. I got billed for $299.00. My insurance wouldn't cover it because they said the owner of the plow's no-fault insurance should pay it, so I sent the bill to him, and apparently, he ignored it...so I'm still getting billed for something that isn't my fault. In *this* case, it's unfortunate, but when you sign something, *you* are responsible. A verbal agreement is meaningless. Something should have been put in writing from the get-go. To expect someone to actually gift you a brand new car based on a verbal promise when *you* signed the contract, is extremely risky and rather foolish. I'm sorry this happened to this person, but it comes across as *very* narcissistic to expect someone to pay $18K+ for a *brand new car* that they *won't even be driving* , and then to *vilify* this person for not following through on their *verbal* agreement. That reeks of entitlement, and nobody owes this person anything simply because they struggle and/or suffer. We *all* do, in various degrees. Plus, the *audacity* to expect a *new* car. They couldn't accept a *used* one? Yes, it's unfortunate that this person changed their mind and won't even respond to efforts to communicate..but sadly, when you don't have something in writing..a notarized statement..or that other person's signature on the contract as a co-signee, so that in case you can't pay the premiums, it would fall on this other person (and this "victim" knew that they *couldn't* pay for the vehicle , so why literally make yourself *totally responsible* for it?)..you leave the door *wide* open for people to do what this person did..and the *only* person to blame for that is the one who is suffering as a result of their *own* ignorance. Why this person didn't view the lack of a co-signature or a written agreement as a "red flag", is beyond me. Are they really *that* naive? Btw, I *did* donate to this person at the time, but I regret it in hindsight, because it just reinforces the victim-hood that they perpetually want to "play" in. Sad, but true.