Paul and Justification by the Faithfulness of Messiah (N. T. Wright)

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Glenn Packiam

Glenn Packiam

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N. T. Wright explains how God called a covenant people so that through them the world may be put to rights. Wright shows how "justification" happens by the "faithfulness of Jesus the Messiah" and how we respond with covenant faithfulness. We, the people of God, have been set right in advance-- in anticipation-- of the whole world being one day set right.

Пікірлер: 66
@theFluff7 13 жыл бұрын
I genuinely praise God for Tom Wright. The first time I read Jesus & The Victory of God was a watershed moment for me that led to reading Fresh Perspectives, the commentary on Romans in NIB, Surprised by Hope etc. My understanding and preaching has benefited immeasurably from this man! "He gave the...teachers" (Eph 4.11) and this is surely one of them, eh?
@ianat9 13 жыл бұрын
N T Wright has reshaped my understanding of God's plan of salvation, he is true to Scripture with a breathtaking vision
@ProtestantismLeftBehind 6 жыл бұрын
@mosestwinkle7922 4 жыл бұрын
@anthonyc8887 Жыл бұрын
That is a rather glorious 8 minutes and 51 seconds!
@yueh-linglee3346 4 жыл бұрын
Bravo! Rev Wright. You have deepened and enlarged my understanding of the true meaning of the Gospel. I now have the thirst to know Him, love Him and serve Him more. Thank you for sharing your spiritual knowledge and understanding with us. May God continues to reveal you more the depth of insights of the richness of God.
@edmondbeatty9309 6 жыл бұрын
Marvellous presentation of the faithfulness of a loving forgiving mercy and grace giving God in Christ Jesus.
@chakib7318 2 жыл бұрын
bless you, saint Thomas
@brotherbaker4599 2 жыл бұрын
This is amazing. Here Tom Wright is presenting in the most profound sense true Roman Catholic belief and practice. Rome is so proud of this man.
@johndodson8464 Жыл бұрын
@youngrevival9715 9 ай бұрын
Or he is presenting what paul actually meant and now what Luther and Calvin thought he meant
@FaithFIX 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent historical explanation of why it's going as it is going today from the very first minute, thank you! I've learned some valuable pieces
@johnjwilks 12 жыл бұрын
Some of the negative comments below sound like the authors didn't actually watch the video. Bishop Wright is very clear that God through Jesus is redeeming His Church that He might redeem the world. Wright is correctly putting forward Paul's theology in Romans and elsewhere, show that Paul and James were not, as some suppose, in ideological conflict and that there is a connection between faith and works. This is steeped in a sound view of the unique saving work of Jesus Christ.
@1956gaba 2 жыл бұрын
@patriciobeta 13 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this!
@willgeorge5644 3 жыл бұрын
The Strange thing for me is:- up to just a few years ago i would not enter a Anglican Church. The history of how it started, all the religious rituals etc were abhorrent to me. Now, I have heard N.T.'s teaching he had made my head spin! An Anglican Bishop is supposed to do and say nothing helpful! But he sees all that I have had to work out over 45 years of being a Christian! And he puts it so well! I see Christ in him.
@simonskinner1450 6 жыл бұрын
Only when we know the one faith can the gospel work Tom. I agree it is covenantal faith, all covenants and prophecies fulfilled in AD30-70. Jesus is sat on the mercy seat in heaven.
@granthollandvideos 6 жыл бұрын
I wish on these short snippets of him, we would be given a link to the whole sermon, but thanks for this..
@lutherkayban2788 4 жыл бұрын
It’s called Paul and the people of God
@brotherbaker4599 2 жыл бұрын
A very powerful argument in support of climate change .....and worst....
@johndodson8464 Жыл бұрын
Wright's heresy is that he ADDS "loyalty" to the definition of PISTIS and PISTEOU. If so, why did James use pisteuo in the PARTICULAR CONTEXT where Christians and demons LACKED good fruit and loyalty. Jm 2:19 "You believe that there is one God. Good! Even demons believe that and shudder." Were the demons LOYAL to God???! Then why is the verb PISTEOU used here? Did the apostle lie?
@iMentieth 12 жыл бұрын
Years of study, reading and thinking...
@GatheringJacob 4 жыл бұрын
“they are in a sense doing the Torah, in the deepest sense...”. Now why does Dr NT make that connection, and how do people “keep Torah” without actually keeping Torah? If God writes His Torah on our hearts wouldnt we by nature walk in Torah? If Jesus kept Torah, wouldnt it be nessessary for us to do what Jesus did to be like Jesus. Doesn’t Johns epistle say, “We ought to walk as he walked”? Come on Dr NT, YOU ARE TO SMART NOT TO FIT THIS PUZZLE TOGETHER!
@simonskinner1450 6 жыл бұрын
Christians are baptised into the blood covenant of Jesus, hope of faithfulness to promises from Jesus as they are unseen and in heaven, for the faithfulness of the Christian.
@MichaelDonahueMS 13 жыл бұрын
If N. T. Wright doesn't think that Justification imputes anything, or does anything to the person being justified, what does he mean when he says @ 8:00 "God puts human beings in the right against the day when He will put the world right?"
@admiralmurat2777 6 жыл бұрын
Michael Donahue we have to put off the old man. It's reckoned after the putting off and replacing with good.
@celal777 2 ай бұрын
That bit from 8:00 which you quoted, i think is actually the weakest part of Wright's argument. In fact, it's a completely vacuous statement of the kind Wright is famously and widely accused of making by those who try to give him the benefit of the doubt and try to understand him. Justification does not "do anything to the person being justified". Justification is simply the declaration by God that a particular sinner is now righteous. How ? Because of the imputation of the righteousness of Jesus Christ to that person on the basis of his/her faith.Justification
@franciscafazzo3460 3 жыл бұрын
love what he said about being summed up in Cristos. Israel identified with Her adonai
@Surfxeo 12 жыл бұрын
Not sure if English is your first language but Charity means love. When the English Bible was being translated, it translated from the Greek New Testament the word love as Charity. Αγαπη is love = charity. If you have no love you have no charity. Why would you follow a man if you love God? Muhammad was very conceited writing that verse. Jesus said "If you love me then keep my commandments" Muhammad did not do the commandments of Jesus which are found in the Torah. So why would you follow him?
@ChipKempston 12 жыл бұрын
The question is, what, or whom will we be reigning over?
@admiralmurat2777 6 жыл бұрын
Chip Kempston the non-believers. ;) They become our footstools. We will judge with righteousness and mercy. They will carry their sorrow for eternity or God given judgement.
@Denise0752 2 жыл бұрын
If Christians are going to reign and rule with Christ, who will be the subjects they will rule over?
@celal777 2 ай бұрын
@Denise0752 2 ай бұрын
@@celal777 Thanks. Can you direct me to the scripture where it talks about this? Thanks in advance
@SonnyReeves 6 жыл бұрын
Does anyone know when men were first called "Reverend" as a title in the church of Christ? Where does the Clergy and lay levels/rank come from? Is every follower a believer?
@MichaelDonahueMS 12 жыл бұрын
I guess I fail to see the distinction between Jesus faithfulness to the OT covenant and his being obedient to the law in order to "put us in the right" or "justify" us. Romans says that we have "the righteousness of God" (not of Christ) through faith in the Lord Jesus. When I read Romans I see God giving us His own righteousness, wholly apart from our obedience or Christ's obedience to the law. Christ was obedient to the law to fulfil its demands. But the righteousness He gives was not earned.
@iMentieth 12 жыл бұрын
I agree. On behalf of Christians: sorry. There are those around working on it. We all need to pitch in, we don't always do it that well.
@youngrevival9715 9 ай бұрын
All the calvinist hating but have no argument except, faith over works faith over works, yes but thats only part of the story calvinist person
@vjensen56 3 ай бұрын
“Circumcise your heart” 😂
@davidclark6694 2 жыл бұрын
Angels means messengers. Anyone delivering a message is an angel. Be careful assuming that an angel is some other lifeform when a biblical author uses the word. It simply means a messenger. If it doesn't say that the messenger is from heaven itself then it should be interpreted as a human messenger. Only if the text is explicit that this messenger is a non human entity should it be concluded that the entity is from outside of the dome earth.
@UrukEngineer 12 жыл бұрын
...but what makes him think that any of this is true?
@Liminalplace1 12 жыл бұрын
The Reformed idea of imputation is saying God imputes Christs righteous life to our account and as a result we are jusified. For Wright this need is not in scripture, God declares us 'in the right" because Christ was faithful to Gods convenant to Israel - similiar but it has a larger background. In this way the whole world will be put "in the right". The point is it is NOT Jesus being good that does it for us, but his faithulness to OT convenant and he receives its promises
@jonpool9030 6 жыл бұрын
Wright says he believes in imputation but if you follow his theological road he denies it.
@celal777 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for an excellent summary of Wright's main ideas in this video. I just don't see or accept that there is this "larger background" operating in the way that Wright asserts. The only way the whole world is going to be "put in the right" is at the resurrection of all on judgement day (aka Great Day of the Lord) where unrepentant sinners will receive the punishment they deserve and those who repented and trusted Christ's cross for their salvation will be spared the punishment they deserve (because Christ was punished in their stead on the cross - i.e. imputation) and enter God's eternal kingdom. Then there will be a new heavens and a new earth where the redeemed will rule with Christ. All of this is not deny that The Church (i.e. the redeemed on the earth) has been and will always be a force for good in the world but not even the influence of Spirit filled Christians has the power to put this fallen world "in the right". That can and will only be done by God Himself ---- see Revelation 21:1-5 .
@phantom1539 12 жыл бұрын
N.T. Wright wrote a five-hundred page book detailing why he thinks it's true. At least as far as historical evidence for the life and resurrection of Jesus.
@Booboobear-eo4es 4 жыл бұрын
Truth by its very nature simple, clear and direct. Yet NT Wright will use 500 pages or a two-hour lecture to make the simplest point. He does this to engage in obfuscation and deception. To answer all his heresies is like trying to take hold of a vapor. He “floods the zone” with such a huge volume of nonsense and falsehoods, it eventually becomes impossible to address it all. I have read and watched some of NT Wright’s writings and videos. And I have walked away having no idea what he said. This isn’t because his ideas are so lofty that we “mere mortals” can’t comprehend them. It’s because he is saying NOTHING AT ALL. He sounds intellectual and sophisticated, but his words are without substance.
@KBalagia Жыл бұрын
"Renewed covenant"?! Ridiculous! The new one is not like the old, at all.
@Liminalplace1 12 жыл бұрын
Have you been to Asia? They leave people to die in the streets of India, In Thailand they view AIDS victims as suffering for past karma, there is a diference. true compassion finds a justification in Christ even if non-Christians have compassion inspite of the religious beliefs
@donboniface9173 3 жыл бұрын
The Catholic view of Salvation is that Christ’s death is a sacrifice of atonement (see Leviticus chapter 5). Christ offers himself, not just nails through his wrists, but his whole life is a offering given to God. Holy Week is Christ displaying before our very 👀 the ethic that he commands for us. Christ surrenders himself to wicked men who martyr him, not God killing Christ, but us. Not as a penal substitution but as a martyr to charity, holiness and righteousness. As Paul says he took on the nature of a servant, obedient to death on a Cross, therefore God exalted him.
@robertszontagh1297 2 жыл бұрын
Tom goes down deep and comes up dry. So much for the simplicity of the true Gospel. Just another version of a false synergistic salvation.
@UrukEngineer 12 жыл бұрын
"Charity means love", nah. Charity means Charity. Furthermore Muslims also lay claim to love in their doctrine too. Qur'an 3:31 "Say, if you love Allah, then follow me and Allah will love you greatly and forgive your sins for Allah is forgiving and merciful." Sound familiar?
@willgeorge5644 3 жыл бұрын
Charity, in the original Greek: agape ag-ah'-pay from 25; love, i.e. affection or benevolence; specially (plural) a love-feast:--(feast of) charity(-ably), dear, love. The only reason people think it's something else is that the meaning has changed in popular usage of the English language.
@Surfxeo 12 жыл бұрын
/* For Wright this need is not in scripture */ Which is why Wright is Wrong (pun intended). For if we are not justified by faith we have no way of being justified by our own works. Scripture does teach Justification by Faith Romans 5:1. And the world thing also depends on context. If Wright meas world as in Earth & Universe then Scripture teaches that it will be burned with fire and pass away. We look for a new Heavens and a new Earth. Or world meaning church then all the elect are saved.
@phantom1539 12 жыл бұрын
I have to respectfully disagree. Christians are and have been the biggest source of charity and service throughout the world for hundreds of years. I do of course admit that Christians could be doing a lot better, and many of us may be in for a shock if and when God truly revealed to us.
@Surfxeo 12 жыл бұрын
/* Charity is one of Islam's 5 pillars */ Charity means love. This is not a concept within Islamic theology.
@Surfxeo 12 жыл бұрын
/* Muslims point to the obvious errors in the bible */ Such as? Muslims only ever know of what is in the Bible because of Christians. Muslims don't even read the Bible. The Qur'an says the Bible is uncorrupted 5:47, 6:114-115, 18:27. I can demonstrate the Old & New Testament has been remarkable preserved, which is much older than the Qur'an. And what about the obvious errors in the Qur'an? Factual errors which the author made because of ignorance of Judaism and Christianity.
@rev.stephena.cakouros948 Жыл бұрын
At 6:01 he gives himself away. He does not really believe in the Penal Atonement doctrine preached in Rev. 13:8. Jesus used the unbelief of Israel to die for sinners, :The just for the unjust that He might bring us to God." [1 Peter 3:18] The cross was always the plan. This man is a false prophet. At 6:51 he approaches the Gradual Extirpation of Sin doctrine which bases salvation not on the death of Jesus, John 3:16, but on His victory over sin, a heresy that brought about the defrocking of Edward Irving, and later gained traction in the Seventh Day Adventist movement with the Enthusiast Ellen White.
@ThinkingBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
N. T. Wright preaches a false gospel. We are justified by faith in Christ and His death bearing our sins in our place.
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