Paul Taught Nothing but Torah and the Old Testament

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Finding The Ancient Path

Finding The Ancient Path

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@Trompie01 Ай бұрын
Thank you for your clear and well-presented teaching on this often misunderstood subject. May YAH bless you and your ministry richly.
@americanswan Ай бұрын
Disobedience is sin. The only way to comply with the Law is for Christ to be living in the heart and mind via FAITH.
@americanswan 13 күн бұрын
@@عبدالرحمنعبدالله-ز4م Well if you don't know, I can't help you.
@kingdomambassador1904 Ай бұрын
Consideration: Messiah being present at Hanukkah does not means He WAS celebrating it.
@bonnieisaac5811 13 күн бұрын
Exactly. When he ate with sinners he didn't join in their sin.
@JamesWilliams-sk3qj Ай бұрын
You'd better believe that I am a legalist because Yehovah is always legal, HE is a righteous JUDGE and we surely want to be legal in the eyes of Yehovah. The church made the "legalist" terminology a slur for someone who follows the Torah even as Yeshua Messiah instructed us to do if we love Him. So the next time someone calls you a legalist just ask them do you want to be an illegalist in the eyes of ALMIGHTY GOD? Shabbat Shalom
@danaleanne38 Ай бұрын
Shabbat shalom ❤from one legalist to another
@linak7155 Ай бұрын
Daniel Botkin has an article with similar thoughts.. I have heard a brother put it this way: practicing God's commandments is called obedience, not practicing them, disobedience, plain and simple!
@JamesWilliams-sk3qj Ай бұрын
@@danaleanne38 Shalom Shalom❣️
@davidwenger9821 Ай бұрын
Torah is teaching not the law as Christianity believes and as followers of Pauline Gospel teach.
@danaleanne38 Ай бұрын
@@JamesWilliams-sk3qj Ezekiel 18:9 He follows my decrees and faithfully keeps my law .That man is righteous ; he will surely live ; declares the sovereign Lord. Psalm 119:1 Blessed are those whose ways are blameless ,who walk according to the law of the Lord. Deuteronomy 6:25 And if we are careful to obey all this law before the Lord our God, as he has commended us ,that will be our righteousness.
@Dion-cp6kx Ай бұрын
I have not come across a single Christian who accurately understands Paul. Thank you for speaking on this so relevant subject.
@againsteveryoneswill1923 Ай бұрын
I know, even though Peter said Paul was hard to understand and many go astray interpreting him wrongly.
@MK4Hisglory Ай бұрын
As someone who came out of the mainstream church because of this understanding, in their defense, it’s more that they’ve been indoctrinated. Most in the mainstream church don’t really study the Bible, they listen to their pastors/teachers who’ve all been taught lawlessness in seminary and it becomes the lens through which they read scripture. The Holy Spirit has to do the work of opening their eyes and hearts to the truth. We left soooo many friends behind who think we’re crazy because they don’t see it. Truly they will say “our fathers have inherited lies…”
@MK4Hisglory Ай бұрын
@@leonardhunt7241 He actually did a separate video on Yahusha taught the Torah. I haven’t watched it yet, but I’m sure he goes more into Messiah’s teachings. I get what you’re saying, but Paul’s writings are very hard for many to understand, myself included until I understood correctly, that it’s good and important to focus on the main points of his letters.
@americanswan Ай бұрын
I have listened to the first 48 minutes of this video presentation. Except for a slight disagreement on the book of Job, this presentation has been known and preached by Seventh-day Adventist for over a hundred years. This speaker could give this exact sermon in an Adventist church, and it would not be new or unexpected.
@MK4Hisglory Ай бұрын
@@leonardhunt7241 Not sure what you mean when you ask if he deals with the Father taking away with the first commandment and establishing the second? He probably doesn’t then. What Yahusha was doing there, majoring in the minors as you say, was raising the standard of the law to the heart rather than mere compliance. The commandments of love Yahusha gave are very much wrapped up in the 10 commandments; the first 4 are how we love Elohim and the other 6 are how we love our neighbor. Yahusha Himself said, “On these hang all the law and the prophets”. Scripture states “He who denies the Son does not have the Father either; He who acknowledges the Son has the Father also”, (1 John 2:23). And, “I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me”, (John 14:6) so no, I don’t think you can have a relationship with One to the exclusion of the other.
@walterlahaye2128 Ай бұрын
The word “till heaven and earth pass away,” is an idiomatic statement. It is similar to our statement, “till hell freezes over.” The basic basic meaning for this idiom is, “Well, that’ll never happen.” And when you understand the facts, then you can rightly understand the reference that this text is pointing to. Namely, it is not saying that the law will be in effect until the end of the world. Instead, none of it will disappear until it is fulfilled. In fact, the Greek phrase in this sentence, there’s two “until” clauses, and the second one governs everything else in it, “until all is fulfilled.” That’s the idea, not the length of time the law was to continue, but the certainty that it would not fail to be fulfilled. And that is exactly what Jesus did. He fulfilled the Law just like He said He would. That’s why we’re no longer under the law, and that includes the requirements to keep the Sabbath (HEBREWS 8:6-7). The Mosaic Covenant in (HEBREWS 8) has been made obsolete and ready to vanish away. (EPHESIANS 2:14-15) states, For He Himself is our peace who has made us both one, and has broken down the middle wall of partition by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances. (EPHESIANS 2:14) makes it clear. The law and its ordinances have been abolished. So Christians are not obligated to keep the Mosaic Covenant. Under the New Covenant, Christians are not obligated to circumcise male children, keep a kosher diet, appear before Yahweh three times a year in the city of Jerusalem, which by the way, “The Torah” expressly says you must do. Celebrate the new moon or the Sabbath. Those were all types and shadows. And now that Christ is come, the shadows have been given away to their rightful substance. (COLOSSIANS 2) expressly says, Let no one judge you in regards to the Sabbath, because they are shadows. CHRIST IS THE SUBSTANCE!
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
@@walterlahaye2128 then why will we observe them in the afterlife?
@walterlahaye2128 Ай бұрын
@@findingtheancientpath, Question: Is Yahweh actually revealing that someone will be another person’s slave for all eternity? Well, before you answer that, look at another Scripture passage (EXODUS 27:20-21): Where is the lamp today? IT DOESN’T EXIST! God’s Word says that it will be a statute forever. DOES GOD’S CONTRADICT ITSELF? How can this be a statute forever if there’s no way to observe the statute? Well, the answer is simple: The Hebrew word in all three of these texts is, “Olam.” In the Hebrew text, “Olam” does not always mean, “Eternity,” but a duration of time. Forever, “speaking of eternal things and destinies, Etc…” Means, “Unending.” It is also used in speaking of laws. It indicates that they are a continuous force, standing permanent! In such a case, it indicates that such a law is unchangable, and unrepealable, while the system in which it’s apart “lasts.” The Sabbath is not used as a universal ordinance for all of mankind. But instead, it is a specific institution for lsrael as a sign of the Covenant. It was only to last as long as that Covenant. Not Forever! NEXT PASSAGE: (MATTHEW 5:17, AND 18): Now, all Sabbatarians have tried to misread this text, and believe that the reference of the clause, “until heaven and earth pass away,” means, that the Mosaic Law will be in effect until heaven and earth pass away.” This is a misreading of the text which can easily be cleared up by reading some good scholarly commentaries, and employing some goid hermeneutical principles. Namely, “That Principle.” That, “Scripture interprets Scripture.” And that clear passages always govern unclear passages and never the other way around. Well, if this passage were to say that the Mosaic Law were to last until heaven and earth pass away, then, the Bible contradicts itself, and here’s why: (HEBREWS 10:1) says this: The law was but a shadow of good things to come. (HEBREWS 10:9) says this: He does away with the First Covenant that He may establish the Second. Notice: “He says He does away with it.” (HEBREWS 7:11, AND 12) Now, when perfection had been attained through the Levitical priesthood, (for under it, people had received the law). What need would there be for another priest to arrive after the order of Melchisedec, rather than one named after the order of Aaron? 12 For when there was a change in the priesthood, there was necessarily a change in the law also. (ROMANS 10:4) For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth: (GALATIANS 3:19) WHY THEN THE LAW? It was added because of transgressions until the Offspring should come, to whom the promis has been made. (GALATIANS 3:23-26) Now, before Faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned, until the coming Faith should be revealed. 24 So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we may be justified by faith. 25 But now that Faith is come, we’re no longer under a guardian. In other words: “We’re no longer under the law.” 26 For in Christ, you are all sons of God by Faith. (ROMANS 6:14) For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under the law, but under Grace. In all of these clear passages, “Christians are not under the law.” HEBREWS makes this crystal clear: The law was a shadow of good things to come. “Instead of the true form of these realities.” Therefore, “until heaven and earth pass away,” is not the idea that the law will be in effect until the end of the world.
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
@@walterlahaye2128 you didnt answer my question
@walterlahaye2128 Ай бұрын
@@findingtheancientpath , It’s an oblivious question. Translate to English
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
@@walterlahaye2128 still not answering
@notbreadalone6696 Ай бұрын
I love Paul’s writings, once I understood the Torah I understood what Paul was saying. Also replacing the terms with their definitions. For example sin = transgression of the Torah.
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
So true!
@notbreadalone6696 Ай бұрын
@@findingtheancientpath We have to remember that he knew the torah very well and he even says that he was well advanced above his peers. He knew what was going on inside the authoritative circle.
@dancronce4203 Ай бұрын
So the priesthood did to the Torah, what the pope did to Christianity, what the politicians are doing to the Constitution?
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
I wouldn't the priesthood, but the Pharisees for sure!
@ZeldaVandermerwe-c3b Ай бұрын
Samuel Johnson's dictionary of 1755 defines legal as according to the law of the old dispensation. They are liars though they have added so much to the law, over 4 million laws. Getting out of Babylon is quitting being legal and keeping the commandments of God. We cannot serve both God and mammon
@doyouknowmyking1026 Ай бұрын
​@@findingtheancientpaththe pharasees were from the line of the priesthood, or else they would have no right to be in the temple
@noahcole6856 Ай бұрын
@@findingtheancientpathis this Hebrew roots?
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
@@noahcole6856 is what Hebrew roots? The lesson? No. This is just the Bible
@adairjanney7109 Ай бұрын
mmhmm he didnt teach against the law eh, saying all meats are clean and that you can eat meat sacrificd to idols as long as your mind is strong enough to do it
@TexasBlues-123 24 күн бұрын
That's called kosher pork and kosher meat sacrificed to idols. Paul was a flip.
@adairjanney7109 24 күн бұрын
@@TexasBlues-123 point me in the direction of this kosher pig been missing bacon for years since figuring out the truth, now I learn there is Kosher pork, are you being a wise ass, dont mess with a man and his bacon bro
@jimmcbee152 Ай бұрын
Job wrote : Though I be as the dust of the earth , I will see my redeamer. Not with the eyes of another , but with my own eyes!! ( He is talking about resurrection ) And then he repeates it again for emphasis. If that is not faith in God, then I don't know what would be counted as faith.
@brandongardner7398 Ай бұрын
Sha'ul (Paul) preached against the "oral law" ( the Babylonian talmud/the traditions of man), which is the exact same exact thing that YAHUSHA HA'MASHIACH preached against. Like you said brother, even Shimon Kepha (Simon Peter) warned people not to take Sha'ul's teachings out of text. I can't stand it when I tell someone what the TORAH, the Naviym (Prophets) or YAHUSHA HA'MASHIACH says, and they come at me with "Well Paul said this." No, no, no!!!!! Sha'ul taught the same thing that was taught from the beginning of time of memorial from YHWH EL SHADDAI. And on the other hand, I am tired of people rebuking Sha'ul's preaching also. Just because they also take Sha'ul's preaching out of text. I apologize for the rant, but it must be said. I also follow the ancient path known as the WAY. It is called the WAY because following YAHUAH'S TORAH is the only WAY that is pleasing to HIM. TORAH does not mean law at all. TORAH means instruction. EL ELEON YAHUAH TSEVA'OTH wants us, HIS children to believe in HIS BEN YACHID (BELOVED SON), and to follow HIS TORAH (INSTRUCTIONS). This is not a religion. This is a WAY or the WAY of CHAI (ETERNAL LIFE). Thank you for letting me share. I love you all. HalleluYAH m'olam v'ad olam!!! (Praise YAH forever and ever). YAH bless!!!!
@JahRootsRadio Ай бұрын
Bruh put it here 👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾 You NAILED IT!! 💯 TRUTH!!! It can get no clearer than this. 👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾
@jimnasium3979 Ай бұрын
Dumb take.
@lydianeilklassen Ай бұрын
you nailed it. That was half his ministry, teaching the gentiles and teaching the Talmudic jews of salvation. He wasn't teaching the Jews to not keep the law, but was teaching it in its whole context. His teaching was against not the law but their laws.
@almazchati4178 Ай бұрын
Why do you assume that Paul and Saul are the same person? They are different persons. Read Josephus.
@anomilumiimulimona2924 Ай бұрын
He said the law was given to Moses by weak and beggarly angels/spirit, he said the sabbath was whatever day you wanted, he taught against circumcision, but circumcised his buddy (weird) So just by the anti sabbath, and the anti circumcision we can deduce he was anti torah. And therefore antichrist. His teachings actually aligned with the pharrises when it comes to how to deal with gentiles. But hey this is just common sence when you have read as much as i have. But go do you, its not like any of this matters? Right?
@yehudahlioness8544 Ай бұрын
I just came across your channel, and as I'm listening, I thought it best to tell you thst the ethnic Children of Yisrael can make ourselves available for the proper study of Torah, to attain knowledge, wisdom, and understanding inherent within the Hebrew scriptures (Torah/Tanakh), as we have an everlasting covenant with the Creator of us all to share what we have been given, with all families of earth, since many of us are being awakened, and the law is being placed on our hearts. It is THAT time, .....the time to hear what your Creator requires, before it is too late, and the day of the Most High is upon us, leaving repentance unattainable. Shalom❤
@Pappy_1775 Ай бұрын
You probably say this later after I write this down (I got halfway through the video) but the one scripture that is pounded into us Messianic's heads is Matthew 5:17-19 (Complete Jewish Bible) 17 “Don’t think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete. 18 Yes indeed! I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away, not so much as a yud or a stroke will pass from the Torah - not until everything that must happen has happened. 19 So whoever disobeys the least of these mitzvot and teaches others to do so will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But whoever obeys them and so teaches will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven." The key words here are that both the "least (katon)" and "great (gadol)" of those who obey and teach HaTorah are in the "Kingdom of Heaven (Malchut HaShomayim)". So both being in heaven, it is just a ranking of where your place is in heaven, but the only way to enter the kingdom itself is through "Faith" in Yeshua HaMashiach. Addendum: Oh, and notice the word in Hebrew is "complete" instead of "fulfilled" which somehow the "Church" teaches means "made new" (as to distinguish between the Old to New Testaments).
@mikaelnazir7768 Ай бұрын
Good teaching, all "Believers" need to hear it, as not just listen to it, but HEAR IT. Shalam to all who are in Messiah. All praises to the Most High Yahuah Alahiym.
@conduit68 Ай бұрын
I want to be a good and faithful servant..... Heart felt obedience coming from being born again.
@graceinca5608 Ай бұрын
Paul is a fulfillment of prophecy. Yeshua gave fair warning about such as Paul.
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
@@graceinca5608 Yeshua called Paul into service. He was baptized in Yeshuas name. What in the world are you saying?
@amn7319 25 күн бұрын
@@findingtheancientpath Jacob's prophecy regarding Benjamin as a ravening wolf for one.
@TexasBlues-123 24 күн бұрын
@@findingtheancientpath The devil called Paul into service. There are no eye witness testimonies to verify Paul's Damascus Road lie. _“If I alone testify about Myself, My testimony is not true.”_ (John 5:31 ) Paul's writings are riddled with contradictions. Even the 3 Damascus Road accounts the Luke recorded in Acts contradict each other. *Where did Paul get told what he must do?* “Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.” (Acts 9:6) vs "‘But get up and stand on your feet. For I have appeared to you to appoint you as a servant .......... the Gentiles. I am sending you to them to open their eyes, ............’ “ (Acts 26:16-18) *Did the other men fall to the ground?* "And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, ..............” (Acts 9:7) vs "And when we all had fallen to the ground, ..............’” (Acts 26:14) *Did the other men hear the voice?* "And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, HEARING A VOICE, but seeing no man.” (Acts 9:7) vs ”And those being with me indeed beheld the light, but they DID NOT HEAR the voice of the One speaking to me.“ (Acts 22:9)
@sandygiacobbe3675 13 күн бұрын
@@findingtheancientpath You have a lot of good teachings but for some reason you haven't come to the truth on Paul yet .
@findingtheancientpath 13 күн бұрын
@@sandygiacobbe3675 Is it possible that YOU are wrong about Paul?
@aliasgirl9 Ай бұрын
Wow! This just showed up on my feed for the first time and I absolutely LOVED this! I nodded in a agreement throughout and even though I already have a basic understanding that Paul is not contradicting OT - even though you explained it so well - he is *still* (lol) confusing because he is a highly learned and scholarly man and perhaps neglects that his audience isn’t. (Kind of like how lawyers speak legal jargon but we laypeople need it broken down in simpler terms). You broke it down well! That said, I also absolutely loved HOW you spoke! Not condescending, judgemental or arrogantly. Some of the people I have heard are that way and it is very off-putting and I already came to the knowledge, years ago, that Torah remains relevant after the cross. You didn’t say it but this is my understanding: Once I have been justified by faith that Yeshua is my King and Saviour, I follow my King’s laws that will sanctify me, allowing me to be one of his true ambassadors to the Kingdom of God. I’ll definitely be watching for next weeks teaching since you left on such a big cliffhanger 😉
@MosesGrace-f8e Ай бұрын
I believe that we are justified by TRUST and FAITH in Yeshua because I believe that, Biblically-speaking, TRUSTING and BEING FAITHFUL literally means KEEPING HIS COMMANDMENT. I believe there is a heavy misinterpretation of Shaul's 'works of the law' arguments that causes Christians and Messianics to believe that they are SAVED BY THEIR BELIEF and then the commandments are kept for sanctification after that saving BELIEF. But Shaul uses the phrase for 'RELIGION' and when speaking of obedience to the Law he used the term FAITH. Satan corrupted the Scriptures by twisting the definitions of the Bible's words. Only KEEPING THE LAW OF MOSHE can save us; it's called FAITH IN CHRIST by Shaul.
@aliasgirl9 Ай бұрын
@@MosesGrace-f8e I have to think on this more before I asking my question?
@yehudahlioness8544 Ай бұрын
I happened upon this channel just now, and it is hard to hear the new testament being blended with the Tanakh, as they are different books, with different outcomes. Only ethnic Israel can interpret law, and neither christ nor Paul are mentioned as any representative of YHWH. The laws and testimony of the prophets, are the only determining factors regarding what is true. If Paul did not teach YHWH only, he was teaching against the Creator, his laws, and the purpose of ethnic Israel's covenant. These are the end times, and important for all nations to worship YHWH alone, so we would ask to read Genesis through Malachi, and worship YHWH only.
@MosesGrace-f8e Ай бұрын
@@yehudahlioness8544 That is a very 'Yehudi' interpretation of the Scriptures and wholly incomplete. Yeshua and Shaul are the fulfillment of the Tanakh and of YHVH's clouded promises and encoded prophecies. And most 1st century Yehudim were expecting the Messiah to be a divine-human figure. Only centuries later did the rebbes come up with the idea of pure monotheism, as an attack against an a rejection of Yeshua's deity, no doubt. Shaul and Yeshua only taught Torah, nothing else. However, they did so in riddle and in parable because not all Christians have ears to hear the message, nor were they intended to inherit His Kingdom. No different than the Yehudim, who do not have eyes to see Yeshua, the Malak YHVH, the Torah-giver standing before them and instead prefer to obey their rabbis, never intended for His Kingdom. I would ask that you read the entire Scriptures, all 49 Books of YHVH - 22 of the Tanakh, the 5 Gospels, and the 22 letters of the Witnesses, and worship the Son, the Father's chosen messenger and savior of all Yisrael by obeying the Torah He gave us through Moshe instead of the worthless traditions and talmuds and mischnas and zohars of men. Shalom.
@rhondahart2416 4 күн бұрын
You know the laws are printed on our hearts after we accept the Savior. The Holy Spirit puts them there Hebrews 8:10, 10:15 . The Holy Spirit guides us with them. If you follow the Spirit then you will never contradict the law.
@JamesWilliams-sk3qj Ай бұрын
1 Samuel 15:22 To obey is better than sacrifice and to hearken is better than the fat of rams.... Matthew 24:13 He that endures to the end shall be saved. Faith is the root and works is the fruit. We do as our Abba tells us to do (Torah) to please HIM by our obedience. Faith without works is dead, show me your faith without works and I will show you my faith by my works as the Apostle James so elegantly stated. Without faith it's impossible to please Yehovah as the Apostle Paul so elegantly stated. Salvation is a gift from Yehovah through his only begotten SON Yeshua Hamashiach our living Torah and is offered to us just as written Torah was offered to the mixed multitude at Mount Sinai. It's up to us whether we choose life or death (obeying Torah and Yeshua is life and disobeying is death) We must obey the first greatest instruction, to love Yehovah with all of our heart, soul and mind. Shalom Shalom
@bonnieisaac5811 13 күн бұрын
@bonnieisaac5811 13 күн бұрын
Please explain blessings and curses then. You are contradicting throughout this message
@JamesWilliams-sk3qj 13 күн бұрын
@@bonnieisaac5811 There's no contradiction at all, it's very simple: obedience to Yehovah's Torah is life and disobedience is death, inside of his protection or outside of his protection. Just as it was with Adam and Eve who was taught Torah by ALMIGHTY GOD as HE communed with them in the Garden of Eden, Yehovah told them not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil for in that day you will surely die! They ate the fruit and died that day around 900 years old and we know that a day with Yehovah is a thousand years and a thousand years one day. Nobody has ever lived past a thousand years old. In short obedience to Yehovah's Torah is what HE expects from us! Ecclesiastes 12: 13-14 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter, fear Yehovah and keep HIS TORAH for this is the whole duty of mankind. For Yehovah will bring to judgement everything that we do, including every secret, whether it be good or bad. There's only one standard for all of mankind and that's Torah (GOD'S INSTRUCTIONS) Israel was chosen to preach TORAH to the rest of the nations but pretty much failed to do so. To be able to do Torah we must study and learn it so that we can live a life pleasing to Yehovah❣️ Walk as Yeshua Hamashiach did and we'll be safe and secure. Shalom and blessings‼️
@tylerenglehart1914 Ай бұрын
If he taught Torah why does he promote eating flesh that was sacrificed to idols. 1 Corinthians 8:1-13, 1 Corinthians 10: 23-33. James in Acts 15 condemned it, Yeshua in Revelation 2 condemned it. The Didache condemns it and the Preaching of Peter and Nazarene Acts condemns it.
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
He did not "promote" it. One thing you need to understand Tyler is that eating foods sacrificed to idols is NOT a commandment in the Torah directly. It becomes an issue when a person has intentionally decided to embrace idolatry and then share in their idolatry via eating. Paul says there is nothing tainted in the meat but to knowingly eat what you have learned is sacrificed to an idol then you sin. If you don't know, don't ask is what Paul is saying 🙂
@tylerenglehart1914 Ай бұрын
@@findingtheancientpath if that is the case the Yeshua’s own words have no bearing. Yeshua in Revelation 2 reprimanded several assemblies for eating meat that was served to idols.
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
@@tylerenglehart1914 Vs 14 because you have there those who hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit sexual immorality. - Again, it was intentional sin of idolatry. They knew what they were doing
@tylerenglehart1914 Ай бұрын
@@findingtheancientpathYeshua condemned it and all his apostles condemned it. If they all condemned it I condemn it. If we were living in ancient Corinth hands down we would know where it came from.
@Order-of-Melchizedek Ай бұрын
Paul, the only one in this case that understood the meaning of what occurred. From examining the Torah to the coming Messiah was the only one to recognize the significance of the events that ultimately led to his wandering away. A pharisee of pharisees, zealous for the law betrayed the law by instructions from Yahusha on the road to Damascus? He goes to Arabia for years, knowing that his presence before Yahuah is required three times by the law and betrays it? Think about it. He recognized what had happened, and he knew why the oblation ceased ended, the tearing of the vail, even the sacrifice that was not on the Jewish passover because Yahusha along with John the Baptist were of the Melchizedek order....Hebrews chapters 5-7, 1st Corinthians chapter 15... The gospels reflect that Yahusha used the proper timing of the ancient path in the Torah. Not looking to the moon or using the erev daystart. He practiced just the opposite of the Jews and the gospels, especially John, reflects this emphatically in the crucifixion accounts. Paul's recognition for the ancient covenant that was past down was used by Yahusha to remain blameless. Like Moses, Joshua, David, unto Solomon where it would be lost, reappears in the gospels, in Pauls epistles, in the OT... Why was Israel judged over and over again? They lost the true calendar and seek after and follow other gods like the moon, or mans traditions. Yahusha didn't walk in Jewry, nor did he attend the feasts as did the traditionalists/Jews. Its all right there in the gospels, two competing calendars, one right, one wrong. Whom did Yahusha admonish in Matthew 23? Whom did Paul admonish in the book of Acts for trying to get gentiles to follow the feast days? Never make the mistake of discounting Paul until you understand what he truly did in the calendars of the gospels! Its way to high a price to call him wrong if you don't see this!
@ThirstyForTruth1164 Ай бұрын
I appreciate your teaching style and ability to help us understand more clearly Paul's writings.
@stephanieorr2593 5 күн бұрын
I fell asleep listening to Jamie Walden and woke up in the middle of the night to hear this message. So refreshing to hear ministries speaking the Truth. There are zero congregation where I live that have open hearts to hear anything like this. Eager to replay this whole video this morning and the other one that came on as I woke again. There was no New Testimemt at the time of Jesus, Yeshua's ministry!!
@chuckperschbacher2983 Ай бұрын
The Mishna was wriiten down in 206 ce/ad and this is when the term Rabboni began to be used, this term morphed into Rabbi. The Babylonian Talmud was written down in approx. 506 ce/ad and caused riots when introduced to the synagogues, which Justinian had to put down ...
@pamelalc63 Ай бұрын
So beautiful how awesome is our God !!!!!!!!! I love HIM, I LOVE HIM AND I LOVE HIM 💕
@tagladyify Ай бұрын
What do you do with Galatians?
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
@@tagladyify teach it. Why don’t you watch and learn?
@tagladyify Ай бұрын
@@findingtheancientpath I watched. It was twisted to opinion and spoken as fact. I did fall asleep after this comment but woke to when he was talking about Galatians.
@Psalm-119 Ай бұрын
"For not the hearers of the Law are just before God, but the DOERS of the Law shall be justified." Romans 2:13
@warneachothereverydayheb.3406 Ай бұрын
Right! They just love skipping over this clear passage in Chapter 2 and go to the more ambiguous ones.
@jaryd_yarid Ай бұрын
Hello brother. Does the sincere religious Jew have salvation because he holds to the law? Is this the message Paul is really trying to teach people in Romans 2?
@lydianeilklassen Ай бұрын
@@jaryd_yarid Does the sincere jew have any more salvation then the sincere christian? Both are missing the piece the other has... Revelations 12:17... commands and Messiah.
@gracehillcolorado2668 Ай бұрын
That's Old testament - The NEW ONE? The NT? Doesn't do Law - it does Grace. OT = Jews NT = Christians And you can't mix them.
@lydianeilklassen Ай бұрын
@@gracehillcolorado2668 You have a lot to learn. " Faith without works is dead. " - Pauls writings. If we love Him we will keep His Commandments. Johns writings. The law being done away with is a christian concept not a biblical one. " Depart from Me, you worker of lawlessness ". - Messiahs writings.
@CMO999 Ай бұрын
So do you follow all 600 however many mitzvah?
@dashulamite 14 күн бұрын
A good portion of the law is directed toward the priests. Some to farmers, women, men etc. Even Jesus didn't do all of them...
@CMO999 14 күн бұрын
@@dashulamite It doesn't sound like you do
@dashulamite 13 күн бұрын
@@CMO999 no one can. There are no Levitical priests to follow the laws related to their temple duties. Jesus didn't follow the laws for the Levitical Priests either...because He wasn't a Levitical priest. No one was meant to follow all of the laws, only the laws pertaining to themselves.
@CMO999 11 күн бұрын
@@dashulamite Some conservative Jews do. All in context, of course.
@dashulamite 9 күн бұрын
@@CMO999 of course. In context, though, there's no way to do anything relating to the temple. They'd do what relates to themselves. Professing Christians who abide in Christ do most of the laws relating to themselves too with the notable exception of the appointed feasts, food laws, Sabbaths and well,...they haven't put off the idolatry that is wrapped up as the Christmas & Easter seasons.
@LewWhite10 Ай бұрын
OLD TESTAMENT - An Incorrect Label The inspired writings of the prophets is erroneously referred to as "old testament." The Old "Covenant" was not the writings, but the animal sacrifices for atonement. MARCION - A second century circus father, Marcion, sought to eliminate the original prophets of Scripture from Barashith through Malaki, introducing the concept of "old testament and new testament." This labeling continues to stick in the minds of teachers. It's not correct to think in these terms, and it's called Marcionism. Danial 10:21 calls the Word the "Scripture of Truth" (Kethab Amath). Yahusha said the Scripture of Truth cannot be divided (Yahukanon 10:35). He wasn't referring to chapters and verses, but rather superseding and eliminating texts to control people's beliefs. Mordecai Nathan divided the Scripture into chapters (Barashith-Malaki) in 1445. Stephen Langton divided the "N.T." into chapters between 1255-1258 Santi Pagnini (a monk) worked on early revisions of the Latin Vulgate. He divided the "N.T." into verses. The first publication of the entire Scriptures into chapters and verses was the Geneva translation in 1560. This was accomplished by a colony of Protestant scholars in exile from England who worked under the general direction of Miles Coverdale and John Knox and under the influence of John Calvin.
@royalcompasspks Ай бұрын
People look for inconsistencies instead of focusing on who had more authority, Jesus said himself, the law should remain till heaven and earth passed..... if a reader thinks they found something that contradicts Jesus own words you my friend just don't understand the scripture. I would just like to say I subscribed to your channel based on this video, God Bless you.
@NinjaMaGoo22 Ай бұрын
58:35 We use the word end this way in modern English sometimes. "The end justifies the means" or "to what end?" It means goal, not termination point.
@gracehillcolorado2668 Ай бұрын
Hebrews 10:14-19 - MADE PERFECT. 14 For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy. 16 “This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says the Lord. I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.”[a] 17 Then he adds: “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.”[b] 18 And where these have been forgiven, sacrifice for sin is no longer necessary. STOP REPENTING > and Get Grace. BE FREE.
@jacobstrouble4273 Ай бұрын
Hey folks, nice group study. I hope this reaches the evangelical world. Another helpful tidbit considering the confusion surrounding Paul's letters is instead of starting with his words which have passed through different hands and languages not to mention our ignorance of torah culture let's consider his actions or observances to establish a foundation. It's conclusive that he and the gentile assemblies that he ministered to were all sabbath, festival and dietary obedient or were directed to be so by the Jerusalem council. Let's start with that scriptural fact then build upon his correct understanding of faith. An extra note for all is that the "works of the law" mentioned in Gal and Rom is a document from Qumran. The Dead sea scrolls. In other words it is not torah and dispute between the pharisees who brought it out of Babylonian captivity and the remnant of the Zadok priests which is the community that produced Zacharia and his son Yochanon the immerser. Which is why they where removed by the ruling pharisees. Enjoy. Eddie Chumney has some very good teachings on this subject.
@thechronicillnessdiaries2773 Ай бұрын
Truly thank you so so much for these videos. These are incredible. Just a kind suggestion: Throughout the video I really stuggle to see the verses and your notes because the print is so small. You have so much to offer here and I feel like I'm missing out because the lettering is so small. Would it be possible try to make it larger in any future videos? It looks like this was a zoom so it might not be possible - but I know it would help others too. ❤❤ All of this said with the upmost kindess and respect.
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
@@thechronicillnessdiaries2773 thank you so much and sure I can try. What are you watching these videos on? A computer or a phone or a laptop?
@KMBaker972 Ай бұрын
Where can you be reached for further teachings from the Bible?
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
@jersonteran8889 Ай бұрын
@sherridungan6449 Ай бұрын
COMMENTARY: Was “Jesus” /Yeshua a Christian? I once heard a Jewish believer make this sobering statement: “Jews don’t need a Christian Christ. Christians need a Jewish Messiah; Jesus/Yeshua; Hmmm, I thought, he has a point. Most Christians are shocked to learn that “Jesus” Whose real name is Yeshua, the one they consider the founder of their Sun Day Church Christianity (man-made Religion) , was born a Jew, died a Jew, arose a Jew, is seated in Heaven as a Jew and will return as a Jew on steroids - “the lion that is from the tribe of Judah, the root of David'' (Rev. 5:5). But their eyes really start to cross when they learn “Jesus”/Yeshua would have never thought of himself a Christian or that he came to start what is known as Modern/Mainstream Sunday Church Christianity; or that he ever called himself a “Christian”!! The term “Christian” did not come into existence until decades later when unbelievers in Antioch started calling his followers that name (Acts 11:26). And as many historians believe, it was not a compliment. But a Mockery!! Yeshua was/is a Torah-observant Jew who practiced the faith of Biblical Judaism throughout His lifetime. He looked like a Jew, acted like a Jew, and worshipped like a Jew. He kept the Sabbath, was in the Temple teaching on the Sabbath, He kept ALL Of the Biblical Feast days of Leviticus 23,including Purim and Chanukkah; he ate under the Dietary laws of Deut 14 and Lev. 11, He wore Tallits and Tzitzits, and NEVER did away with the law, changed the Sabbath, Said to go to church on Sunday, and did Not invent any form or Denomination of Sun day church "Christianity"!! Failure to understand these facts have robbed Jews and so-called "Christians" alike of spiritual and Proper understanding of who Yeshua really was, how he lived and what he Really did teach us in Scripture But what’s truly rattling the stained-glass windows of Christendom these days is the discovery by more and more believers that Yeshua never started, much less converted to nor did he ever instruct his followers to convert to the religion of Sun Day church Christianity. Yeshua came, not to start a new religion, but to fulfill the types and shadows of the only religion God has ever given His people. Or ever will. Namely, the Mosaic Law given on Mt Sinai, The Torah. And Yeshua’s arrival signaled that even that divine religion had fulfilled its purpose. “Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Messiah, so that we may be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor” (Gal. 3:24,25). Sun day church Christianity did not begin to organize into a religion until more than a hundred years after Yeshua’s ascension to Heaven/ the Shamayim. It reached full religious status under the Emperor Constantine, who after severing the faith of Yeshua from its Jewish roots, made it the chief religion of the Roman Empire. And himself, as (Pope) pontifex maximus, its chief priest. In the process, the simple gospel message that we could now come boldly into God’s presence through faith in Yeshua was nullified. It was replaced by a glitzy, full-blown, ecclesiastical approach to God through a robed priesthood unsanctioned by Scripture. A “new” religion given theological support by a handful of influential writers, rightly called “the Fathers of the Church” who were anti -Semetic. These Church scribes, unlike the Jewish writers of the NT (properly called the B’Rit Hadasha or Renewed Covenant) who grew up with the Scriptures, had little knowledge of, or interest in, God’s promises to Israel. They were Converted from pagan backgrounds, and they preferred the “wisdom” of the Greek philosophers, especially Plato. And their leavened teachings soon pushed God’s ecclesia off the bedrock of Scripture onto the shifting sands of man’s thoughts. And that’s where we’ve been ever since - even after the Reformation! In retrospect, have we been any less blind to the gospel than the Jews in thinking Yeshua gave us a new religion called (Sun day church) Christianity to practice? But today is a new day. And God’s Spirit beckons. “Come, let us return to the Lord. For He has torn us, but He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bandage us. He will revive us after two days; He will raise us up on the third day that we may live before Him” (Hosea 6:1,2). Christianity claims to be the faith of The Bible. But there are numerous problems with that. First of all, The Bible wasn't written by Christians. It was written by Hebrew-Speaking Torah-Observant Jews/Israelite people living in the Middle East/Mediterranean countries. Second, the people spoken of throughout The Bible are, obviously, the Hebrew people, the people of Israel. See Genesis 12 chosen by Yahweh Almighty to be his people in an Everlasting Covenant The plain fact of the matter is that Christianity, like it or not, is Not taught, practised or believed by anyone in the Entire Bible; At least not in a direct mention. Yes, there are a couple of places where the term "Christian" is used, seemingly in a mocking or derogatory manner, but even that long predates the formal establishment of the Modern, Mainstream Sunday church Christian religion. When you study this word in the Original Hebrew and translated Greek, its biblical use would have been descriptive of someone who lived like a slave to Yeshua through following The Torah. This is very different from what people think "being a Christian" means today. There are, however, two places where Christianity is perfectly described in The Bible... Her kohanim have done violence to My Torah and have profaned My holy things; they have made no distinction between the holy and the profane, nor have they taught the difference between the unclean and the clean. They shut their eyes to My Shabbatot. So I am profaned among them. -Ezekiel 22:26, TLV “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord!’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in Your name, and drive out demons in Your name, and perform many miracles in Your name?’ Then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you. Get away from Me, you workers of lawlessness!’” -Matthew 7:21-23, TLV In these two passages we have about as accurate a description of the Christian religion as we can find anywhere. It is a religion that disregards the biblical distinctions of clean and unclean, especially as found in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. It is a religion that profanes The Sabbaths, both the weekly seventh-day Shabbat and the annual Feast Days, having no regard for them as established in The Torah. It is a religion that boasts about all the signs and wonders it claims to perform, even saying they do these things in the name of Yeshua, but will ultimately meet its fate as the practitioners of this religion hear the words: "Depart from Me, I never knew you; (“you did not live according to The Torah)."”You workers of Lawlessness” You are to observe my laws and rulings; if a person does them, he will have life through them; I am Adonai. Leviticus 18:5, CJB Yeshua said to him. “There is only One who is good; but if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.”-Matthew 19:17, TLV Through The Torah we find life, just as through Yeshua we find life. We have to have both. Just read Revelation 12:17 and 14:12. Anyone who is not following both Yeshua AND The Torah will not have life. Both The Torah and The Messiah testify that life comes through keeping The Torah. This is also verified and confirmed in Hebrews 10:26-31 and 1 Corinthians chapters 5 and 6 Shalom
@Natsar-Torah Ай бұрын
The religion of Yeshua was Pharisee Judaism, he was a Rabbi.. he would of, imo, condemned Christianity as Idolatry. Just like most Jews today do.
@angieadams1902 Ай бұрын
Thank you
@angieadams1902 Ай бұрын
Very well said
@Arcadius8 Ай бұрын
So how are we supposed to follow Christ, if there is no church, which keeps all that He said? If we cannot keep the law, does it mean that almost noone is saved? Or are we to break into synagogues pretending to be jewish?
@sherridungan6449 Ай бұрын
@@Arcadius8 Yeshua did not tell people to go to church on Sunday; we are to follow His Example not man's. Yeshua was in the Synagogue on the sabbath, Every Sabbath. Maybe you should start your own Sabbath, Torah-Observant Fellowship like Yeshua's followers in the First Century did. And what would make you think that "We cannot keep the law" Anyway?? TO WIT: Things Yeshua Never said: Yes, i know the law is too difficult to keep so i will remove it/abolish it by dying on the Cross/tree and then pour out my wrath on the world for not keeping it When i return; Go, therefore and make disciples and teach them to DISOBEY Torah,and Start Meeting on Sunday instead of the Sabbath and then tell people we don’t have to keep the Sabbath day any longer; John 3:20-21 For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.” Can we redefine these terms outside of Scripture? Is that what John intended? Did John just throw away the Biblical definitions of "light" and "truth" as the Law of God? Is that even logical? We understand that the Light and the Truth is Christ but then we often stop at that and because we stop we miss all of the wonderful instruction and understanding that was intended to come out of that. Believing in God is loving the law and the Word (and Yeshua is the Word made flesh) Believing the Word to be true is the same as hating sin (which is breaking God's law) Evidence of loving the law is doing the law and evidence of hating sin is not sinning Can one claim belief that the WHOLE WORD OF GOD IS TRUE and intentionally not DO the Word of God? That would be the definition of a walking oxymoron. It would be hypocritical! Read what our Messiah said to the Pharisees in Matthew 23…because this is what they did…this is the theology that they taught… He commanded in Matthew 23 that we are to observe and do what Moses taught but not do the false traditions and doctrines of the Pharisees. Are we not to do everything our Lord commanded and also teach it to the nations? (Matthew 28:19-20) What we do is the evidence of what we believe internally. If one does not DO the Word then they DO NOT believe the Word to be truth. Our actions define for others our inward beliefs. When you love the Way, The Truth, The Life, The Light, and Liberty, you love both our Messiah and the Law of God because they are the same thing and can NOT be separated. Loving Yeshua = Loving God's law (Yeshua= The Word made flesh: John 1) Hating sin = Loving God's law (1 John 3:4) Loving God = Doing God's law (1 John 5:2-3) Not only did our Messiah die on the cross as a manifestation of God's grace to us (His love for us), but Christ taught us how to love by modeling the law of God, as EVERY commandment (not just some), every commandment of God hangs off of loving God and loving others (Matthew 22:40). Walking as Yeshua walked means walking the same instructions that Yeshua walked (1 John 2:6). This is why ALL Scripture is instruction in righteousness (not just some of it) (1 Timothy 3:16). That includes the front of the book. From a Biblical standpoint, believers are to do what they believe and believe what they do. We are called to believe the Word of God as truth, not to believe that the Word of God is now false and abolished. God and Yeshua are the same Word that the Bible declares is the Word, and we either accept our faith in God (the Word) as truth or not. We cannot pretend that some of the Word is no longer the Word of God. We cannot pick and choose and say this applies and this does not. If God is the Word, then how can we say that SOME OF what GOD says is TRUE and some is not true. That makes no sense. He is either the Word or He is not. Our Lord Yeshua is not just part of or a sample of the Word. Our faith saves us because we can never DO anything to save ourselves. That is what grace means, unmerited favor. At the same time, our faith is in the Word and Word made flesh. Can we have faith in a Word that we refuse or not want to do? What faith is that? Faith means we believe that the Word is true and commit to it as truth. In our faith can we continue to do things CONTRARY to the truth? What faith would that be? Our faith in the Word is our inward belief…but any true inward belief becomes outward practice.
@Michael-im1vc Ай бұрын
Okay, wow ..... whoo! Prayers for better understanding of the relationship between Torah and walking in faith (and obedience) are being answered by this video, thank you! But man, you scared the pants off me with the last point hahaha! YES! That was exactly the question I was asking; "where does this leave me?" Need to let this sink in and pray for awhile but I will definitely be tuning in to part 2! ❤
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
Thank you Michael! Let me know what you think about Part 2
@rexwilson315 Ай бұрын
That's because at the time of Paul. The Torah was all their was. He wrote most of the New Testament. That just destroys some people and churches. The writings of Paul. They want the Bible to end after the 4 Gospels. God chose Paul as a Chosen vessel to bare His name unto the Gentiles. Jesus laid the Foundation. Paul was the Master Builder.
@adairjanney7109 Ай бұрын
yup you fake Christians literally raise Paul up to the Messiahs level. He was a false apostle
@B1G_ChUnG5 Ай бұрын
Paul didn’t write the New Testament? He only wrote the letters to the gentile nations. The New Testament didn’t come into being until way after Paul died. Furthermore. There are literally millions of copies of the New Testament, and no originals. Meanwhile the Torah remains till this day completely unchanged and devoid or error in ALL the nations.
@adairjanney7109 Ай бұрын
@@B1G_ChUnG5 dumbest thing I have ever heard in my life, no son you just believe that about the Torah
@gutygortega 14 күн бұрын
Thank you so much Ed for these wonderful teaching sessions. For someone that is just starting to learn and understand the importance of keeping the Law these sessions are so valuable. I appreciate you and this group! Shalom Shalom
@Tracy-Inches Ай бұрын
Channels that help understanding this as well are…. Kingdom in Context Hanging on His Words Ministers of the New Covenant
@tommydozier7347 Ай бұрын
Jews was teaching the Talmud not the Torah. Jesus said they are teaching man law not the law of Moses
@marianhoover8206 Ай бұрын
What a blessing for God to give me this teaching! Such a relief to have confirmation of what Hw has been showing me ever since He put it in my heart to rest with Him on the Sabbath! He has renewed my strength of mind and body and He has restored my faith in the vastness of His love! I have sooooo much to learn!! Do u have a site in which all the teachings are available? I’m on East coast - VA do u know of anyone teaching like this?
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your kind words! KZbin is basically the site that I use for these teachings. And there are many others who teach like this. Dr. Douglas Hamp for example or even Michael Rood. You can search for their names on KZbin. 🙂
@risennation1239 Ай бұрын
Because Abraham obeyed, thats why it was counted.
@Natsar-Torah Ай бұрын
exactly ! ""Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my Torah."" Genesis 26:5.. Abraham kept Torah and it was counted to him as righteousness,, exactly the same thing Yeshua taught in Matthew 5:17-20, as well as his brother James.. Paul was the odd man out
@teamrecon2685 Ай бұрын
​@@Natsar-Torahkeep trying to earn it
@Natsar-Torah Ай бұрын
@@teamrecon2685 that's the whole point of life and the whole reason Adam was created .. to earn Merit, and perfect himself, and thus receive the reward .. Paul teaches a lie to get mankind to submit to the will of haShatan, tricking them into thinking its a 'free gift' .. a lie from the pits of hell
@teamrecon2685 Ай бұрын
@Natsar-Torah Abraham didn't earn anything. He was a pagan. God is sovereign and chose him, not on the basis of anything Abraham had done, but of God's own purpose.
@Natsar-Torah Ай бұрын
@@teamrecon2685 chose him and then tested him to see if he would be obedient,, that way Abraham could Merit a reward.
@pamelalc63 Ай бұрын
faith born out of knowing Him. A relationship through faith ih Him.
@susanshea8415 Ай бұрын
When you receive the Spirit of YHWH, you want to obey His commands! It’s a beautiful thing and a great blessing, Not a burden.
@lasraiceseternas4629 Ай бұрын
very well explained. Thank you from Medellin, Colombia.
@hammer101 Ай бұрын
Paul DID NOT teach the law was done away with. Romans 3: 31 Do we then make void the law through faith? Certainly not! On the contrary, we establish the law.
@AChildOfGod2071 Ай бұрын
Yes but he taught that we died to the law did he not? Like how a wife is only freed from a man Romans chapter 7 Just read the whole of romans and pray for understanding Big love you though my brother
@shannonelliott9230 Ай бұрын
​@@AChildOfGod2071We died to the punishment, not the instruction.
@AChildOfGod2071 Ай бұрын
@@shannonelliott9230 Do you not know, brothers and sisters-for I am speaking to those who know the law-that the law has authority over someone only as long as that person lives? 2 For example, by law a married woman is bound to her husband as long as he is alive, but if her husband dies, she is released from the law that binds her to him. 3 So then, if she has sexual relations with another man while her husband is still alive, she is called an adulteress. But if her husband dies, she is released from that law and is not an adulteress if she marries another. 4 So, my brothers and sisters, you also died to the law through the body of Christ, that you might belong to another, to him who was raised from the dead, in order that we might bear fruit for God. No I do not see that
@davidwaller7029 Ай бұрын
Paul taught the gospel of Christ for 13 books and absolutely never taught us to perform the law of Moses as given to the nation of Israel. The doctrine contained in the revelation of the mystery of Christ (Romans 16:25) allows you to "establish" the law by minding the things of the Spirit, i.e. properly understanding the doctrines of justification (Romans 1-5) and sanctification Romans 6-8). You're supposed to have learned that you were forgiven, imputed righteousness, at peace with God, dead to sin, alive unto God, and an adopted son of God; all given to you by grace through faith the moment you trusted in Christ's completed work in the death burial and resurrection to function as you substitute redeemer. This was not taught in the old testament, it wasn't even taught in the NT gospels by Christ when he walked the earth. It was revealed to Paul by Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus. If you are saved by faith in Christ alone, you were saved by the gospel of Christ. If you're "faith" is not solely in Christ, you do not have faith in Christ.
@davidwaller7029 Ай бұрын
To say it politely, even the title of this video is incorrect.
@leroydavis7117 Ай бұрын
How do I join your zoom meeting?
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
Leroy send me an email and I can give you the link
@chetanpaulr Ай бұрын
Too much confusion here
@bonnieisaac5811 13 күн бұрын
Yes very contradicting
@Roc753 Ай бұрын
Your channel popped up in my feed and I've been binge watching your previous videos for a couple of days. I feel I am being led in the direction of obedience to the law. However, my unlearned self has found it difficult to put it together. Thank you for your videos, God has opened my eyes to a lot of things.
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
Amen Roc!
@שבתשלום-ת4ג Ай бұрын
Why do you use the J word?When you know it is Yeshua. I enjoy your teachings. Do you wear tzitzits?
@Stupidityindex Ай бұрын
Faith is shameless. Believers begin their crimes like Moses, becoming history's worst navigator, as if travel were best done with one foot in fantasyland.
@wildrover9650 Ай бұрын
@@שבתשלום-ת4ג I pray in the name of JESUS and FATHER answers. I had zits when I was a teenager.
@1stJohn3.9-10 Ай бұрын
Jesus stems from Zeus, which is a pagan god
@TexasRoadWarrior Ай бұрын
@@1stJohn3.9-10Hello, I believe that may be a little off. There are study’s of how Yeshua’s name was pronounced in Greek and Hebrew. The Greek sounded similar to what you say, but it didn’t come from a pagan source. Just my understanding at this moment in time 😊
@Natsar-Torah Ай бұрын
Most all scholars and hebrew linguists agree, Yeshua is the proper name for the Rabbi from Nasareth .. 'jesus' is a modern distortion from the greco-roman god/man deity, iseous christos,, as the letter "J'' was not invented until about 500 years ago.. it would be irrelevant to wear Tzizit if you do not keep Torah and your worshipping a man as god (idolatry).. orthodox christians should not be wearing tzitzit .. however Ebionite "christians" should be.
@jolantareflinska9940 Ай бұрын
Spbie przetlumacz . Ale w ,ktorym jezyku/hebrajskim , aramejskim, czy greckim?
@rusty_rhymez 20 күн бұрын
@FindingTheAncientPath Great teaching, but I am a bit confused on Christ dying for his bride. Its to my understanding that the New Jerusalem is the bride of Christ Rev21:2&9-10. If thats the case, Jesus dying on the cross wouldnt have freed Israel from that law. Let me know your thoughts! Thanks again for an awesome message. Yahweh bless you brother
@Hisappointedtimes. Ай бұрын
1 Timothy 1:7 (KJV) - Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm. 1 Timothy 1:8 (KJV) - But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully;1 Timothy 1:9 Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,
@Natsar-Torah Ай бұрын
1 Timothy is a Pseudograph, not written by Paul, but written by the Roman church 100s of years later to promote their teachings.
@ritabrandow1318 Ай бұрын
I will watch the one you told me. I will have to do it later today. I will let you know tomorrow. Thank you
@kevinerose Ай бұрын
20:45 One of the biggest problems modern Christians have is understanding what the Bible means by "Faith" and "Belief". And here you use the phrase "believing by faith" so when we talk about issues of faith and belief of the Jews 2000 years ago we have to point back to ourselves for the same. One of the reasons people don't understand Paul properly is this very thing. They don't understand what Paul means when he talks about faith and belief.
@jeraldkampbell2742 Ай бұрын
Hello Ed can I Have A Copy of Your Book right now things are a little tight would Love To Have One
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
@@jeraldkampbell2742 I ran out of hard copies but I can send a PDF if you like.
@lilyapura449 Ай бұрын
Hi from the Philppines. Thank you for helping me understand Paul and the bible.
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
Hello Lily!! Thank you!
@dok9024 Ай бұрын
contradictions when studied in their proper context aren’t always contradictions.
@238act Ай бұрын
The wages of sin is death. The apostles taught that you must turn from your sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus. The letters to the church is a warning not to sin. Jesus will cast you into the lake of fire if you continue to sin because you are a child of the devil. The book of Acts tells you what you must do to be saved and the rest of the books tells you how to stay saved.
@Daniel_Mahlangu Ай бұрын
This is what Paul said: - people can eat meat sacrifised to idols in 1 Corith 8. - circumcision is profits you nothing Gal 5:2 - Sabbaths are not important Col 2:16 Clearly Paul is against the Law. These are just few highlight. Those who claim to understand Paul in "context", please tell me; under which condition can one break the law as Paul taught?
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
You obviously didnt even watch the video. Just a fly-by
@cherylmiller7929 Ай бұрын
The LAW is not of the flesh, it is spiritual. Paul delighted in the LAW. Paul held up the LAW as the very definition of righteousness and holiness. And he taught breaking the Commandments were unrighteousness, lawlessness, wickedness and most importantly SIN!!! The LAW is FOREVER and has not been abolished. The Messiah did not come to change anything about the LAW or the Prophets. In today's society the LAW is under attack, the real Messiah is being turned into something He was not, and the WORD is being twisted into something unrecognizable.
@patrickscafe7 Ай бұрын
Have you seen or heard about the Noahide way?
@dancronce4203 Ай бұрын
Since the civil law in this country, (which they say is founded on the scriptures), contains at least the last 5 of the commandments. And we are told it’s impossible to keep them. It must be the 1st five that are impossible to keep. The ones concerning obeying Yahuah !
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
None are impossible to keep other than the ones that we cant keep like those requiring the presence of a temple.
@Natsar-Torah Ай бұрын
The Torah makes it very clear, it is NOT impossible to keep the whole Torah.. That's a anti-nomian christian lie.. however, having said that, the Torah itself provides a way of atonement for when Torah law however is broken. . it's not impossible to keep, it's just that men have a tendency to do otherwise and go astray. So the Torah provides a solution.. it's that simple. nothing more needed then the Torah
@shannonelliott9230 Ай бұрын
This was a reference to what the Pharisees were doing, adding and subtracting and making their own law, and giving it supreme importance, which was never God's Torah. They co-opt the name torah for their own traditions.
@Peace-n-Light Ай бұрын
God Bless Everyone
@Stupidityindex Ай бұрын
Faith is shameless. Believers begin their crimes like Moses, becoming history's worst navigator, as if travel were best done with one foot in fantasyland.
@brentbeatty4824 Ай бұрын
2 Peter 3 :14-18
@davidsimmons5936 Ай бұрын
I'm Chinese
@Proverbs27-7 Ай бұрын
@bensinclair8684 Ай бұрын
This message would be to the producer of this channel, I would love to join your guys's Shabbat gathering. If you could send me some info on how me and my son could attend Shabbat with y'all I would be grateful. Thank you kindly
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
Of course. Shoot me an email.
@pcontiman 7 күн бұрын
I must have missed this in the video, I'll try and go back and take a listen [Rom 6:14-16 KJV] 14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. 15 What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid. 16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?
@towme2556 29 күн бұрын
I listened to see where description is inserted in this teaching. Be not fooled brethren. He was quoting Habbakkuk2:4 "but the just shall live by his faith". Know that we are justified by His faithfulness not ours. We are made righteous by His (Jesus's) faithfulness.
@thewatchmanofephraimusa5251 Ай бұрын
Rev. 3:9
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
@@thewatchmanofephraimusa5251 ?
@peakperformance8865 Ай бұрын
This teaching is so important for all those who want to learn true discipleship! This is such a great teaching! ❤
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
Thank you so much Peak!
@johnf4531 Ай бұрын
For obedience to the Law Yeshua said, "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal" in Matthew 6:20 Doesn't that mean "bonus points" are treasure in Heaven? Psalm 119:111-135 says, "Your laws are my treasure; they are my heart's delight. I am determined to keep your decrees to the very end".
@bensinclair8684 Ай бұрын
And using scripture to interpret scripture is the only safe way to read scripture. That's why we have so many different denominations of this Christian religion. Each denomination uses a man's interpretation of the scripture not using the practice of letting scripture interpret itself
@B1G_ChUnG5 Ай бұрын
Fun fact: the word always used for “obedience” in the Tanach is (shema). There is no word that says “obey” in the Tanach.
@bmjjjja Ай бұрын
You're wrong. Faith IS obedience! If you do not obey, you do not believe! If you say that the stove is hot, you won't go jump up on it to sit. But if you do go jump up on it to sit, it does not matter what you said you believed, you didn't believe it was hot. Your true beliefs are proven by how you behave and not what you say. Therefore you cannot divorce belief from behavior. Either you believe God and therefore obey Him because you believe Him (this if faith) or you don't have faith. BTW, there is not a single person in the scriptures who obeys God but does not have faith. That is a ridiculous argument.
@bonnieisaac5811 13 күн бұрын
@gracehillcolorado2668 Ай бұрын
And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. Heb 10 - It's over Folks - IT IS Finished. God doesn't need your help. He made you PERFECT! Warts and All. NOW THAT's GOOD NEWS!
@bw2442 2 күн бұрын
Except Paul was called to teach the mystery of the gospel to the gentiles and wrote extensively on Gods grace and mercy.
@ritabrandow1318 Ай бұрын
I do use the Greek and Hebrew, and I have a Greek and Hebrew study bible . That helps me
@cathleen1717 Ай бұрын
Is not the teacher against the law of YHVH the advisory called the Lawless one? Famous words from Alister Crowley “Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”.
@conduit68 Ай бұрын
Matthew 5:20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Parashiym, ye shall in no case enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
@PrairieChristianOutreach Ай бұрын
Very good study on Paul’s approach to the Torah. Your exegesis of the text should clarify this issue for many Christians and help them better understand how the New Testament continues to word of God and the message of Jesus.
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
Thanks Prairie!
@pedrohenriques2983 Ай бұрын
Can you please make more videos about Paul . He is very hard to understand , in fact I gave up reading watt he wrote long time ago ,thinking he was false . Help us understand ,thank you
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
@@pedrohenriques2983 part 2 is coming 😇
@janwilliams3359 Ай бұрын
I have listened to Steve Martin in Alabama and he said that to use the name Jesus was using a name that actually doesn't mean anything. That we should use only Yashua. I hope I spelled that right. I am asking for help to know the right way.
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
Well, Steve is correct. The name Jesus means nothing in English. It's a transliteration of His name. Yeshua which means Yah saves or salvation. Having said that, I am not a name natzi like some who jump at people for using the wrong name. Watch my video on the Name.
@nilo1960220 Ай бұрын
and Paul also recievwd new revelation
@shannonelliott9230 Ай бұрын
What he counted as dung was his membership in the club of Pharisees, and did not consider himself better than others, though he knew more than all of them.
@TexasRoadWarrior Ай бұрын
Thank you again for the teaching ! Poor Paul, he has been accused of breaking YHVHs instructions for 2000 years ! (For 15 years I did the same) And more so today. I hope you have some more on Paul, it is very important that he be understood!!
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
I have PART 2 next week 🙂
@TexasRoadWarrior Ай бұрын
@@findingtheancientpath Good deal ! Looking forward to seeing it !
@shannonelliott9230 Ай бұрын
I hear you!
@mikebrown9850 29 күн бұрын
Circumcision was not of the law of Moses (Genesis 17:9-14). The law of Moses was a civil law for regulating a nation, a society that no longer existed under the rule of the Romans in the first century. Paul was indeed teaching Roman converts to keep the 10 commandments, not the laws of the land Sabbath, of mixing fabrics in making clothes etc. Certainly Gods Law is in force and will be forever! The dietary laws are for everyone, Jew and gentile! But some statutes and judgments can only apply to a society as a whole like the 50 year Jubilee. That simply cant apply to a group of Gentile Christians living in Corinth.
@formersarge Ай бұрын
First time listener. EXCELENT teaching!
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
Welcome aboard!
@aliasgirl9 Ай бұрын
Same here too!
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
@@aliasgirl9 Welcome Alias!
@formersarge Ай бұрын
@findingtheancientpath3945 I have "believed" in "Jesus" since i was 12 (45 now). It took the last 5 years of studying to understand the OT before i realized my Christian upbringing fell short of what Yah has called us to DO if we love Him. I never understood how people could stand in the judgment line having done miracles, yet not be known by the Father. I would have been one of those people because I honored him with my lips, but my heart was far from His instruction. So grateful to truly be grafted in. Praise Yah.
@shannonelliott9230 Ай бұрын
Genesis is the oldest book. Moses compiled and edited it, but did not pen it. There is evidence.
@michaelanderson8911 Ай бұрын
He was a Benjimite and a Judean by birth. Not a Judihite, that's important. Be careful when using the word Jew.😊
@tagladyify Ай бұрын
Paul spoke of himself as a Roman as well as being born a Pharisee, does that mean he also worshipped Roman Gods. The Essenes were keeping the actual scriptures not the Sadducees or Pharisees who took away or added to the scriptures. The Macabees changed the calendar and allowed non levites to be priests. Israel never actually kept the law at all, but continually went astray. David took several wives, completely disregarding Deuteronomy 17:17 and made a complete mess of his family. Solomon did even worse. God was supposed to be their king and they rejected him in 1 Samuel 8. No human is meant to have that kind of power. It’s corrupting. Yes his evil sons should have been dealt with, but they went beyond and rejected Gods altogether and wanted a king like the other nations. All of the kings failed as predicted in 1 Samuel.
@EthanReviews123 Ай бұрын
I’m about halfway through, I agree the old and New Testament jive perfectly. I haven’t rejected the Old Testament as long as you hold to the fact that we’re justified through and not works of the law.
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
@@EthanReviews123 keep going 😇
@EthanReviews123 Ай бұрын
@@findingtheancientpathso the last part about Roman’s 7, are you saying the people only died to that particular law about marriage or are that the resurrection gives God a way to remarry his people after leaving them?
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
@@EthanReviews123 In order for the House of Israel to be freed from the law of the husband, the husband had to die. We also die in our conversion to be raised anew in Christ Romans 6
@Natsar-Torah Ай бұрын
@@findingtheancientpath Romans 7 is not based on Torah,, it's a total distortion by Paul.. trying to get his fellow Jews to die to YHWH (who is personified as Torah) and to marry another foreign god, the christian god/man figure of jesus .. this is paul being a false prophet 101.
@EthanReviews123 Ай бұрын
@@findingtheancientpath that sounds like you’re saying the house of Israel is then freed from the law, but your saying just the law about going to a new “husband” meaning God, after having been divorced?
@wordpresslife7551 Ай бұрын
Sabbath importance in New Testament: Hebrews 4:9-11 Matthew 24:20
@nicolediamond8273 23 күн бұрын
Excellent illustration of the driver's manual as compared to the Torah Law!
@MonstaHitzMusik Ай бұрын
You totally fail to understand Paul because Paul only wrote to his people about his people. Paul spoke only of what the Prophets of the Old Testament wrote concerning Christ and the New Testament that He established, which is a Covenant made only with Israelites. This is why you don't understand the Bible. It's not written to you. 👇🏾 2 Cor. 3:3 Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ >ministered by us, >written not with ink, >>but with the Spirit of the living God; >>not in tables of stone, >>but in fleshy tables of the heart. 4 And such trust have we through Christ to God-ward: 5 Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is >of God; 6 Who also >>hath made us>able ministers of >>the new testament;>>not of the letter, >>but of the spirit: >for the letter killeth,>but the spirit giveth life.
@nicoleserreli4121 Ай бұрын
In churches you learn that Paul was a christian that persecuted Jews because they didn't believe in Jesus. As the Father opens your eyes you learn that Shaul persecuted Israelites (covenanted people) for their belief in Yeshua Hamashiach and so it goes with everything as the Fathers calls people out of 'her' and opens eyes and ears. May Yah be blessed and praised forever and ever ❤
@MakaiJohnkenneth Ай бұрын
But the Law is the 613 laws given to Israel not everybody God gave the law and its perrfect. It was for Israel. A holy nation and Gods people A chisen race. This is to demonstrate to the world the peoe from whom will come the scripture and messiah
@Apredikator Ай бұрын
Everybody who have faith in Yeshua keep his commandments ergo become part of the nation of Israel, but not the country in the news, the real one. PraysYAH
@kingdomambassador1904 Ай бұрын
CORRECTION: ONE TORAH FOR ALL👇 " one law is for you of the assembly and for the stranger who sojourns with you. A Law forever throughout your generations as you are, so is the stranger before The Great I Am/HE IS [HAYA] One Torah and one right ruling is for you and for the stranger who sojourns with you." Numbers 15:15-16 Exodus 12:49 Leviticus 24:22 Numbers 9:14 Numbers 15: 29 Many are led to believe there are 613 mitzvot but please know there are Laws specified to whom they pertain, eg is every known man or woman to do the Commandments that are exclusively written for the lepers, ARE YOU A LEPER??? or the judges or the farmers or the animals or the servants or those who are married. Are you ANY of these folks, their laws are WITHIN the so called 613 Laws. Do you understand now? I hope this comment slap a ice cold wet rag across your face[ LOVINGLY of course]... and this truth builds up your understanding. Get RIGHT and live READY!! Shalom.
@GENESIS-3 Ай бұрын
First: What the author of Acts is saying about what Paul’s says - is not necessarily true about Paul. No wonder Paul is still hard to understand, as he was just like a chameleon - depending on if it was a Greek or a Jew he was trying to convince. Paul consciously contradicts himself, changing his approach depending who he was communicating with. Therefore, not even what Paul says about himself in his letters is one sided.
@Nosnoozebutton 15 күн бұрын
Just to be clear, it’s not in any way all of Christianity that believes a person no longer has to obey the law after faith in Jesus. I’ve actually never heard that claim made, so it has to be either singular Christian ignorance, or a false sect. Other I deas like the church “replacing” Israel as God’s people, or that salvation in Christ gives a person the freedom to continue sinning without consequence are certainly unbiblical teachings, and even though some sects teach them, they are not Christian teachings. I believe these issues have more to do with loose usage of the words “church” and “Christian” for the purpose evil agendas over poor Biblical knowledge or teaching.
@gracehillcolorado2668 Ай бұрын
Col 2.14 > BLOTTING OUT! 14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross By canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its LEGAL DEMANDS. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. Cor 2.14 For sin shall not rule over you because you are not under law, but under grace (Romans 6:14). YOU are not under LAW - But under GRACE.
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
@@gracehillcolorado2668 I’ll be teaching this verse in Part 2. Stay tuned.
@gracehillcolorado2668 Ай бұрын
@@findingtheancientpath OK Just don't teach Christians to follow the (non-profitable) Jewish Law - Because you will hurt them - and you'll disrespect the Cross and Christ Himself.
@findingtheancientpath Ай бұрын
@@gracehillcolorado2668 come willing to learn gracehill. Be open to the possibility that what you think you know may not be complete. 🙂
@shannonelliott9230 Ай бұрын
​@@gracehillcolorado2668The Law is not Jewish, but of Yehovah God by the hand of Moses, and made honorable by Yeshua/Jesus. Hope you watch and learn more.
@gracehillcolorado2668 Ай бұрын
@@shannonelliott9230 The LAW given to Moses - is NOT OUR evangel. OUR evangel - is GRACE. Chrsitianity is NOT about what YOU DO - It's about what GOD Does and has done,
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