Paul Washer- What Does it Mean to be Holy?

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Being separated from this world is just the means to a greater end....which is being separtated from this world and UNTO God!

Пікірлер: 60
@mailematseba9819 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful message "I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh and I will put my Holy Spirit in within you and cause you to walk in my statutes"
@boadwinduidonne339 Жыл бұрын
This beautiful massage I ever head in my life
@robertpiercy 15 жыл бұрын
The gospel: the deepest of all mysteries! Oh who can ascend to understand the grace and purposes of God!
@petrusvandenbergh6587 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Paul for spiritual meat .... Narrow is the way ...
@PastorBodie 6 жыл бұрын
Those on spiritual milk need to be ready for the spiritual meat that Paul Washer preaches. Not everyone can handle the truth or are willing to expose the sin that's in their life. Truly the gate is narrow and the way is straight which is why many go astray...
@praiseHimrightnow 14 жыл бұрын
WOW!! Praise God! Praise the Lord!
@kevinbarton1661 5 жыл бұрын
John 15 says !! If my words abide In you , and you abide in me , You get to ask what you will , and it will be done for you . If u abide - you are holy. Like Jesus Christ . You Can do all good things well through. Jesus Christ strength in you . So believe and do and be happy . Productive godly people .
@DanBeitzelMusic 10 жыл бұрын
Steve, i think you have missed the point big time. considering Paul Washer is a mighty man of God who has served him in ways you wouldn't dare, at least give an ear to hear. In no way is he saying that you can go on sinning because we have an imputed righteousness, but on the contrary, we have a perfect life through receiving Christs righteousness, so we actually have the strength of another in us helping us to kill sin, and we have a perfect standing with God because of Christs righteousness being credited to our account...the person who says "we can go on sinning because we are made righteous" is the one who is a devil.
@kersomeamirtharaj7801 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Dane
@melissaking8060 3 жыл бұрын
Can you help me understand? Someone said because of grace we are "Holy" is this true?
@charliebishop9320 2 жыл бұрын
@@melissaking8060 By GRACE we are saved through our faith; we are redeemed to God by the GRACIOUS gift of Jesus' redemptive blood. Now, we can be HOLY in God's eyes. Did that help or no??? The bible is way better for those answers than KZbin comments, ya know. The book of Ephesians maybe?
@LACraig621 Жыл бұрын
@Samuel-om6dw 6 жыл бұрын
If we read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation we see that GOD hates sin.
@limitetituimana3837 6 жыл бұрын
@Lisa-ty5xw 5 ай бұрын
We will never fully understand the intricacies of the Gospel of Jesus Christ this side of eternity; in eternity we will be tracking down more and more truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ but never arriving at its fullness because it’s Subject is too Great, it is God Himself, our Creator, our Master, His glorious Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and our Lord!!!
@Jfab777 16 жыл бұрын
amen Paul
@leenathomas2021 4 жыл бұрын
So so true , brother u
@susannavisser7939 5 жыл бұрын
The carnal/ motivational nonsence beeing preach today have made me not want to go to church anymore. i learn far more studying the Bible myself and listening to videos like this one.
@nompilothings5143 4 жыл бұрын
I thought I was alone 🥺church is void of the presence and the glory of God, it's so sad!
@TheBereangirl 3 жыл бұрын
@bianchinichester5896 2 жыл бұрын
Where is the liiiieeee?!... this is wht I'm going thru rn
@brianbannon6746 2 жыл бұрын
2 Corinthians 5:21
@joelhardin1166 7 ай бұрын
Still do not understand what it means to be Holy. Its like asking qhat is a woman. You just get circular reasoning. How is God righteous?
@BlueAstral12 15 жыл бұрын
A house devided cannot stand...
@stevereid6026 11 жыл бұрын
BE YE HOLY FOR I AM HOLY this is works you must be HOLY this will not happen with this(calvinness BELIEF SYSTEM) that teaches all the false doctrine its teachings will have you serving GOD and the devil see he teaches that once you are saved GOD dosnt see your sins he only see JESUS this is a lie GOD see your sins and all things noything is hid from him you cannot serve the kingom of the devil and the kingdom of GOD if you follow this teaching you serve the devil not GOD stop sinning obey GOD
@MiguelMartinez-go4se 2 жыл бұрын
holy: total otherness separated from that which is known
@stevereid6026 11 жыл бұрын
TIS IS WISDOM ROMANS 8-1 there is therefore now no condemnation to them which which are CHRISTJESUS who walk not after the flesh buy after the spirit Paul Washer will tell you that as long has you confess JESUS as your LORD and belive on him you will not be condemn but look at what it says who walk not afer the flesh but after the spirit see condemnation will come when you walk in the flesh( SIN) but if you (WALK LIVE IN THE SPIRIT YOU WILL LIVE AND NOT DIE.
@stevereid6026 11 жыл бұрын
ROMANS 6-12 Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body,that ye should obey it in the lust thereof. Neither yield ye members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin. but yield yourselves unto GOD for sinshall not have dominion over you for ye are not under the law but under grace 5-18 being then made free feom sin ye become the servants of rihteousness 15 shall we sin because we are not under the law but under grace?GOD FORBID. if you walk in the spirit condemnation want condemn you!!!
@rubyvera2554 5 жыл бұрын
If it truly means unique and we are made in the image of God then i understand now my obsession with musoc shiny stuff and being uniquely different from anyone around me. But I want to know more about God the true God.
@TheBereangirl 3 жыл бұрын
Then read the Bible, that's why it was written, so we could know him. He talks about himself and shows us what he's like, that's how I got to know him.💗
@AL-ri6bk 5 жыл бұрын
Yes expose it Expooooose there Yeaaaaa😶
@stevereid6026 11 жыл бұрын
JESUS said whosover (THAT IS YOU) committeth sin is the servant of sin JHON-8-34 if you place your faith in what he is preaching that to be HOLY is to disobey the RULE BOOK in other words being HOLY is you dont have to keep or obey JESUS COMMANDMENTS( the way)that he belives is for you to be HOLY is you can disobey the rules but to be HOLY is just seperate yourself from the world if you belive you are a sinning perfessing christian how can the world seperate you from GOD if you are a sinner?
@LACraig621 Жыл бұрын
Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. 35 Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 34,36.
@timsilver777 6 жыл бұрын
Like everyone else Paul you miss very immediate point of the word Holy and that’s the reason why in your logic it turns out there are two different holy one for God and one for everyone else and that is not correct
@stevereid6026 11 жыл бұрын
You cannot hold on to this world and hold on to GOD if any man loves the world the love of the father is not in him. he is teaching you that you dont have to keep the commandments( the rule book) this is false teaching that you dont have to OBEY GODS WORD.. this is WISDOM you will never be able to be HOLY unless you keep the words of JESUS also you will never sepreate your self from the world unless you OBEY JESUS COMMANDS he is alllowing you to keep your sins just kick out the rule book ITS OK
@wrasslinwarrior 7 жыл бұрын
Steve Reid what if I love God then the love of the world is not in me
@stevereid6026 11 жыл бұрын
IF you belive you are HOLY because JESUS is HOLY for you? then why doses the bible tell you to be HOLY as he is HOLYthis means to be without sin this is works you (be HOLY) if you belive you are just a sinner savd by grace you will never be HOLY why because you belive that you can never be free from your sin PAUL teaching will allow you to serve the devil SIN) and allow GOD to INputet JESUS righteousness for you so you dont have to be HOLY. JESUS WAS HOLY FOR YOU mr washer wants you in sin
@gregorywalker5449 5 жыл бұрын
I didn't hear what you heard... He's preaching on Sin and being falsely converted..
@samuelhamel2042 5 жыл бұрын
Paul washer makes salvation HARD, but the HOLY bible says its easy. BELIEVE the Gospel and your saved, works are NOT attached to your salvation period!. God says hes not the author of confusion and the bible is not up to private interpretation. STOP painting a picture of the ideal or "saved" christian, not every saved christian is starting a ministry and pastoring. After someone is saved there works will be unique to them, and everyone's will be different. Doesn't mean there not saved. Works and Salvation are totally seperate from one another, if not than are we really sure the thief on the cross went to heaven, I mean he had no good works after believing? Stop adding good works to prove I'm a saved and a good christian, I don't need to prove anything to any mortal man, just Jesus Christ.
@samuelhamel2042 5 жыл бұрын
@brad renfroe So how many good works prove my salvation? How many good works did the thief on the cross that believed on Christ have after he believed? 0 none not any at all. But he went to heaven didn't he? God wants us to do good works after were saved I'm not disputing that, the word says so. It doesn't affect my salvation how many I do or how good they are. Lordship salvation is no different than the JW's saying the obedient will make it to paradise.
@samuelhamel2042 5 жыл бұрын
Lordship salvation is not biblical, Works do not get you saved or keep you saved, believing the true gospel does period
@samuelhamel2042 5 жыл бұрын
@brad renfroe I disagree and the bible says so. If someone believes on the gospel, but they don't show the works, than hes a bad testimony to Christ, and God would curse there blessings and he would punish and chastise his child while that person is alive, he may even kill them early. That person would still end up in heaven.I'm sick and tired of other christian's (really only pastors preaching Lordship salvation) that I have to Prove my salvation to other men, through works. My works will be unique to me and yours will be yours. Everyone's works will be different, not everyone will join up to be pastor or join a ministry So what about the thief on the cross next to Jesus? . I'v had all you stated in your last statement, but there unique to me and my change is different than others. If works are tied to salvation than its not a FREE gift from God if there's something attached to it. He calls use to do good works after were saved, but it doesn't affect my salvation.
@samuelhamel2042 5 жыл бұрын
Well have to agree to disagree, but the Word is the authority. Men will wrest (twist) scripture to suit there needs, but that will be between them and God.
@samuelhamel2042 5 жыл бұрын
@brad renfroe I agree with most of what you say except, this "easy believism". That's a doctrine of Man. Does a saved person always bear good fruit, if we are still sinners? No we don't. The bible says good or evil fruit, not good or "bad" fruit. The only evidence of salvation needed is the words that come from my mouth if I profess Jesus Christ as messiah and I believe his gospel. My works Good or evil dosen't prove my salvation. If works were able to prove ones salvation than why did Christ offer himself freely as our sacrifice? A Saved person's works will change, the indwelling holy ghost will see to it. But back to a previous question, how many works does someone have to do so it proves there truly saved? How good do they have to be, to prove it? Believeing on the gospel is easy, and believing is what saves you right? If someone doesn't believe, than its not easy but hard for that person to change there mind (repent). God made salvation easy, lost peoples heart makes it hard.. not God. Attaching works to salavation as if you can't have one without the other is false doctrine. If that were the case Christ died in vain i guess. Like I said before I don't have to prove anything to men.
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