What Would It Take to Achieve Hawaiian Sovereignty? | INSIGHTS ON PBS HAWAIʻI

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PBS Hawaiʻi

PBS Hawaiʻi

9 жыл бұрын

In 1993, President Bill Clinton signed a law apologizing for the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom, fueling hopes that an independent Hawaiian nation would be recognized by the federal government. Twenty-two years later, sovereignty proponents continue to push for recognition in Congress, while new pathways toward nation-building emerge at home. What might an independent Hawaiian nation look like? Daryl Huff moderates the discussion.
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@michaelbrembs9443 6 жыл бұрын
"I owe no allegiance to the Provisional Government established by a minority of the foreign population .... nor to anyone save the will of my people and the welfare of my country." Queen Liliuokalani of Hawai’i after the overthrow of the monarchy by US Marines in 1893.
@julieoliver8170 4 жыл бұрын
Your holding the title to your trust. Release it.
@user-gc1ee5sv1y 10 ай бұрын
We as the Kingdom of Hawaii need to keep reiterating that the US committed a war crime and that is totally illegal. So we need to get what has been taken illegally taken and give us kanaka maoi back what belongs to us. The Apology bill was correct, when Clinton acknowledged that Hawaii has been stolen illegally. So it's time to return what has been stolen. Do what is right, it's been long enough, it's time to make matters right. Give back what you don't own. 😢
@Lilmanskis 10 ай бұрын
@@user-gc1ee5sv1y I don't have a problem with Hawaii not being apart of America but didn't Kamehameha use the Americans navy to conquer and unite the islands?
@808lavaboy 7 ай бұрын
That’s where you err. Kamehameha used private help not American help.
@dutchymon 7 ай бұрын
1895 notarized legal abdication, "First. In order to avoid any possibility of doubt or misunderstanding although I do not think that any doubt or misunderstanding is either proper or possible, I hereby do fully and unequivocally admit and declare that the Government of the Republic of Hawaii is the only lawful Government of the Hawaiian Islands, and that the late Hawaiian monarchy is finally and forever ended, and no longer of any legal or actual validity, force or effect whatsoever; and I do hereby forever absolve all persons whomsoever, whether in the Hawaiian Islands or elsewhere, from all and every manner of allegiance, or official obligation or duty, to me and my heirs and successors forever, and I hereby declare to all such persons in the Hawaiian Islands that I consider them as bound in duty and honor henceforth to support and sustain the Government of the Republic of Hawaii. Second. For myself, my heirs and successors, I do hereby and without any mental reservation or modification, and fully, finally, unequivocally, irrevocably, and forever abdicate, renounce and release unto the Government of the Republic of Hawaii and the legitimate successors forever all claims or pretensions whatsoever to the late throne of Hawaii, or to the late monarchy of Hawaii, or to any past, or to the existing, or to any future Government of Hawaii, or under or by reason of any present or formerly existing constitution, statute, law, position, right or claim of any and every kind, name or nature whatsoever, and whether the same consist of pecuniary or property considerations, or of personal status, hereby forever renouncing, disowning and disclaiming all rights, claims, demands, privileges, honors, emoluments, titles and prerogatives whatsoever, under or by virtue of any former, or the existing Government, constitution, statute, law or custom of the Hawaiian Islands whatsoever, save and excepting only such rights and privileges as belong to me in common with all private citizens of, or residents in the Republic of Hawaii."
@mathoskualawa9000 Жыл бұрын
It's now 2023, 7 years after this video. Another census was held recently, where more kānaka maoli live abroad than in Hawaiʻi. The Hawaiian Homes Commission Act still requires a 50% blood-quantum to get on the wait list, which is tens of thousands of people long. Nothing substantial has come out of the ʻAʻole TMT Mauna Kea protests, of which I personally participated. All we have right now is a TV series by Jason Momoa, which is nothing. The US Navy is poisoning Oʻahu waters at Red Hill. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs, right now, is being bribed by the State of Hawaii legislature to not construct housing. I used to hate the idea of federal recognition, for the reasons posed here. I used to agree with Kaeo and Kanahele, because I hoped that something might come out of their ideas. But we have nothing. The Nation of Hawaii is in its enclave, not really getting kānaka maoli on their lands, just taking care of their own thing. Kaeo is teaching at University of Hawaii, preaching the same stuff he's saying here. Like Keanu Sai, who has tried the US in court, but failed at least twice thus far. Kānaka maoli NEED something, not in 100 years, not in 50 years, NOW. We need something NOW. It has been 129 years since overthrow. And we're still bickering over how to holomua. As it stands, federal recognition is the closest thing to something the US is willing to concede to kānaka maoli. It might even the be ONLY thing the US is willing to concede. They're not going to return our sovereignty. They're not going to rule against themselves in their own courts. They're not going to be held accountable by foreign courts. We need something now, or we are going to lose everything in two or three generations.
@freerangemaker Жыл бұрын
Your words have so much wisdom, to me personally, and as a kanaka maoli, which is how I now identify, to spite having been raised on Turtle Island, in the region of the first people, the Chumash, it was not by choice, for my father. He could not raise his six children in Hawaii with the type of work he did, as an engineer. For myself, it has been a long de-colonization as well as a long healing journey, and in this journey, there has also been healing from the historical harm. This, for me, is an area that would be good to give attention to, how historical trauma is manifest in Hawaiian families, on the islands, but also for those who had to flee because they could not afford to stay, but are still what they are, Hawaiians. For this to occur, it is my understanding, it will require those who were a part of the historical harm to go BEYOND saying I am sorry, to mend ways in moving forward, and for just restitution to occur. I think of two siblings that died early, before their time, which is in alignment with the science behind trauma now, adverse childhood experiences, which for some Hawaiians, can have historical trauma wounds as well. So, for me, that is my personal focus, the healing, this is my kuleana, and what is bringing me healing, is learning the language, learning about the culture, and letting this inform my path moving forward.
@MaQuGo119 7 ай бұрын
Genetic purity? that sounds like nationas socialism.
@KanakaMaoli94 7 ай бұрын
Aloha kākou, “What Would It Take To Achieve Hawaiian Sovereignty”, the title of this video misses the mark, because Hawaiian sovereignty was never extinguished or relinquished. I understand that it seems as if nothing has changed since the airing of this video for the independent State of the Hawaiian Islands. However, since August 2023, the Council of Regency who is the legal acting Provisional Government of the Hawaiian State, has been communicating with the state of Hawaiʻi in transitioning the state of Hawaiʻi into a Military Government. Because the Hawaiian Islands is occupied by the United States, international laws of occupation must be applied and therefore a military government is to be established in compliance with the international laws of occupation and international humanitarian laws. The transition fro the state of Hawaiʻi to a military government will be the first step to correct the United States’ non-compliance of international law for 130 years. When both the Council of Regency and the United States are able to reach a consensus in a treaty of peace, the sovereign and independent Hawaiian State will no longer be under American rule.
@mathoskualawa9000 6 ай бұрын
@@KanakaMaoli94 Yea I know HKG and the cult of Sai. They've been chasing their tail for decades now. Before this pie in the sky idea of a transition to a military government, they were trying to get the courts to switch from an Article III to Article II, to no avail. If you really think the State of Hawaii will transition to a military government, I say put the pipe down and live in the real world for a moment.
@nicholasaichele3353 4 ай бұрын
How can I help organize as a hapa haole who lives on mainland? How do we organize?
@warrenestender6527 5 жыл бұрын
Re-education is much needed starting with these Hawaiians in leadership. Brainwashing is real and is so sad. Kaleikoa and Keanu need to continue to educate all peoples.
@darrenkamalu9047 8 жыл бұрын
As far as the question about land titles . . . I actually won that in court. All land titles are still traced back to the Kingdom of Hawaii and not the "United States".
@ikaiamercer9987 6 жыл бұрын
Thunderlizard2 Every culture had war and bloodshed. We had codes of honor that weren’t to be broken, and a time of peace each year called Makahiki. You should also look up the bloodless wars in Hawaii. We have more than America does that’s for sure.
@matalimanaito6341 6 жыл бұрын
Iv'e heard similar claims too . The fake state pretenders of the U.S. taking and selling all they can even from they own citizens . Now that's desperation .
@alexfilipovic586 5 жыл бұрын
Exactly the same as in the rest of the 49 states the property doesn't belong to the "United States"!!!! Remember "United States" is a corporation owned by the Crown of England who is owned by the Vatican operating under its corporation the Federal Reserve...The "united States of America" is very different from the "United States" as it is conglomerate of sovereign states and peoples working in unison. "The idea prevails with some, indeed it has expression in arguments at the bar, that we have in this country substantially two national governments; one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its restrictions; the other to be maintained by Congress outside and independently of that instrument, by exercising such powers as other nations of the earth are accustomed to... I take leave to say that, if the principles thus announced should ever receive the sanctions of a majority of this court, a radical and mischievous change in our system will result. We will, in that event, pass from the era of constitutional liberty guarded and protected by a written constitution into era of legislative absolutism... It will be an evil day for American Liberty if the theory of a government outside the Supreme Law of the Land finds lodgment in our Constitutional Jurisprudence. No higher duty rests upon this court than to exert its full authority to prevent all violation of the principles of the Constitution." --Honorable Supreme Court Justice John Marshall Harlan--- in the 1901 case of Downes v. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244. Next to revenue (taxes) itself, the late extensions of the jurisdiction of the admiralty are our greatest grievance. The American Courts of Admiralty seem to be forming by degrees into a system that is to overturn our Constitution and to deprive us of our best inheritance, the law of the land. It would be thought in England a dangerous innovation if the trial, of any matter on land was given to the admiralty" Jackson v. Magnolia, 20 How. 296 315, 342 (U.S. 1852)
@julieoliver8170 4 жыл бұрын
Yes all land titles titles revert back to original Land titles but the system is in trust and you have to know where that trust is and you have to know how to get out of the trust yourself individually and how it's operating. It's actually pretty simple but I can't tell anybody because Hawaiians are way too unorganized and they're not coming from a spirit of forgiveness which is what is required to be freed
@julieoliver8170 4 жыл бұрын
And I will add one thing the trust is there and it is 100% preserved for the Hawaiian people. Nothing has been lost it's in a trust
@multifacetedshaye6657 2 жыл бұрын
Is it me or is it just crazy that an original people have to fight for something that already belongs to them? Vote for what that is crazy. HAWAII BELONGS TO HAWAIIANS PERIOD!!!!
@ericwilliams4300 10 ай бұрын
@johnlopez3275 "Does California belong to the Mexicans?" Actually yes, because Manifest Destiny through Polk and the Mexican-American War was an illegal invasion.
@shinyape1741 6 ай бұрын
"Out of a total population of 600,000 in the islands and 155,000 registered voters, 140,000 votes were cast, the highest turnout ever in Hawaii. The vote showed approval rates of at least 93% by voters on all major islands. Of the approximately 140,000 votes cast, fewer than 8,000 rejected the Admission Act of 1959."
@808-PFH-Kanaka-Rights 3 ай бұрын
bro forgot who actually made up that 140k@@shinyape1741
@edwintmarsel8029 7 жыл бұрын
Hawaii for the Hawaiians.
@ikaiamercer9987 6 жыл бұрын
Thunderlizard2 what is with your hatred for the native people? Supremacists?
@venaz4166 4 жыл бұрын
remember.,if you born here U R HAWAIIAN NATIONAL. BLACK, WHITE, RED, YELLOW Hawaiian
@melodylover2825 2 жыл бұрын
Hawaii is run and owned by Japan and Xhina not Hawaii or usa
@808-PFH-Kanaka-Rights 3 ай бұрын
you are kama'aina* and don't forget asian, native american, african, indonesian ect@@venaz4166
@808-PFH-Kanaka-Rights 3 ай бұрын
factually no 😂@@melodylover2825
@lcrain7840 2 жыл бұрын
get your children into law-school- just like the mainland tribes- you have excellent legal framework to reclaim sovereignty and should mahalo for this talk and your continued fight for freedom
@darrenkamalu9047 8 жыл бұрын
Building a Nation is NOT about signing a paper and getting a T-Shirt.Very well said!!!!!!!!!!!Why did we wear those red T-Shirts in Waikiki all those years ago?Who were we talking to?The Kau Inoa program did not explain anything. They just told you to sign your name for a T-Shirt.The program assumed Hawaiians were too stupid to understand that a T-Shirt was not a good way to build a nation.
@venaz4166 4 жыл бұрын
Good one. and so true. Not knowing all along we are a nation being occupied...too long
@SUpersaiyajinjerkbag 2 жыл бұрын
Any program that assumes Hawaiians are stupid might be on to something...
@mathoskualawa9000 Жыл бұрын
As it stands, 7 years after this video, kānaka maoli still have nothing. Been participating at protests non-stop since 2016. Kūʻē not getting our land back. Kuleana ke ʻano alodio isn't happening fast enough. OHA still good for nothing. DHHL still letting kānaka maoli die on the wait list. Nation of Hawaii not liberating anybody, fighting with their own neighbors. All we got is Momoa playing make believe, and Sai chasing his own tail. We losing.
@sfelix1045 5 жыл бұрын
i like the guy with the tats!! he's on the right track! get up stand up, stand up for your rights, now you see the light... what you gonna do?...you gonna stand up for your rights!!
@venaz4166 4 жыл бұрын
Hallelujah...kanahele was right too, its time. WHAT WE WAITING FOR?
@keaunui3366 3 жыл бұрын
@@venaz4166 exactly
@KM-om1dy Жыл бұрын
I love you my Hawaiian brothers & sisters. I am so sorry your land was stolen by the US Govt. My heart aches and cries for all Hawaiian people.
@kjames1414 Жыл бұрын
I as a Navajo living in Hawai'i I vote for Milliani Trask.
@paulbrenner174 4 жыл бұрын
Just wonderful!!!! Must see for everyone. A lot of information and a history lesson. Just a great panel and very knowledgeable!!
@JohnS-gf4sz Жыл бұрын
This hard, I Hawaiian, my ancestors made their bones on these islands for the past couple millenniums, at least, but I love my country, it has given so much, and if had to choose either one, my heart would break whichever way I'd go...
@PracticalPerry 5 ай бұрын
I really like that "Bumpy" guy who runs the Nation of Hawaii, as he is a man of action.
@doreenredford8971 4 жыл бұрын
I pray Hawaiians get their lands back a.s.a.p.!!! May IT BE SO!!!
@venaz4166 4 жыл бұрын
@True_Mana 3 жыл бұрын
Kaleikoa is on point 💯 look at the facts if the people unite with the right leaders it will be unstoppable...💯💯💯 UNITE!
@skys6655 Жыл бұрын
@ryohn5468 2 жыл бұрын
I am a haole who totally agree with the Kanaka Mao'li. The US has been trying to steal lands for centuries. Hawai'i needs to go back to being a Kingdom and sovereign land. The commercial development of Hawai'i upsets me to no end. No respect to the sacred lands which there are plenty of. Waikiki is sacred land. Many Heiaus and fishing areas are known to be within the beaches area. Development has damaged them. There are 1000s of sacred lands in O'ahu alone. Complaining to Local, Federal, and State falls on deaf ears. I enjoy hearing the Hawaiian language and I'm glad it's returning. I hope returning lands will one day happen. The Military bases have lots of sacred lands located on them and wish they'd be returned to the Kanaka Mao'li.
@nadinelynch9591 Жыл бұрын
I loved this video 💜💜💜. Mahalo....
@isaackaiu3073 4 ай бұрын
No need raise your voice. A soft voice calms the storm. I suggest when Hawaiians come and share their mana'o to be respectful of one another. Period!👍👍
@faja98 3 жыл бұрын
You are the Aloha, after all that has been done, you still are... it will prevail and, in this chaotic world of ignorance and lack of respect, you will be the exemple and the change we need... my heart is with you...
@MagnoliaLane4809 10 ай бұрын
Hawaiian determination for generations to come. #decolonize
@bdumlao817 4 жыл бұрын
The Hawaiian flag should be flown above the US flag . After all. We are still Hawaiian Kingdom which leaves us a that nation being first.
@shin-ishikiri-no 4 жыл бұрын
@@The.Hawaiian.Kingdom Agreed. Remove the US flags. End of.
@olivialing7995 3 жыл бұрын
We as need to take care of. Ourselves as Hawaiian, not give our country to another entity, for all to the others to be. It will take more communication and work within, to take care ourselves. Not so fast by handing over our national standing for fast track by giving up our rights to be
@olivialing7995 3 жыл бұрын
We should have our own elections with no interruptions from those who occupied us, American or federal. We can, Hawaii always been all inclusive, diverse. But plenty greedy, and misinformed. We need to make our own choices, not American or Federal.
@olivialing7995 3 жыл бұрын
,to support our nationality our national recognition, not federal with all the loopholes, it is not freedom.
@olivialing7995 3 жыл бұрын
America is known for many things, taking other countries, lands and their resources. Why would we rush and give up what is ours to be controlled by a non Peace supporting entity with out fear.
@alohaaina8159 4 жыл бұрын
1) A pono representative 2) A secure governing system 3) A Constitution with basic behavioral expectations, our rights, benefits and protections. Our connection to Hawaii and her to us.. For the life of her. 4) Hawaiian Only Council, Hawaiian only vote. This council will communicate our views to other countries, to America. 5) The State becomes a maintenance. We have many passionate, well researched individuals to fill departments. 6) We should keep as much normalcy in our home as possible. 💖💖💖💖💖🗻💖💖💖💖💖
@kapenamokiao6384 3 жыл бұрын
Man I wish these guys sat down on a separate show with no time limit
@SunnyIlha 5 жыл бұрын
"117 years of..." This is finally being resolved. It's the beginning of the beginning. The start of reclaiming what was and has always been present. It's also the ending of the end. The end of something that needed and was destined to be resolved, to be corrected.
I know this is an old video and in this year 2024 I'm glad to see that the focus , aim and facts have become a lot more clear since hearing the the lectures of one DR.KEANU SAI. THANK YOU, DR. SAI FOR CLARIFYING TO ME WHAT A LOT OF THIS ERRONIOUS TERMS SAID AT THIS MEETING TRULY MEAN
@kyasimpkins1993 8 жыл бұрын
I like what she said about having land so her family can move back from the mainland and have a HOME!!! Own the land and let the land produce an economy for you to strengthen communities. Without land and an economy you control, you can't be free, or independent.
@cooper482011 7 жыл бұрын
Kya Simpkins I totally agree.
@SomeUrbanNinja 7 жыл бұрын
and how do you plan on taking care of the rich businesses that already own land on the island? Some rich people own 90% of individual islands... companies own entire mountains.. etc.. how do you deal with that?
@philipd1439 7 жыл бұрын
She's delusional. The island is out of space, the population has grown and there is no more room to build, so its pretty obvious right? If you want a home of your own, you have to leave.
@HawaiiRebel 7 жыл бұрын
"own" lol you cannot legally own stolen property, that's why they are trying their hardest to keep it silent. they don't want the real estate, military and tourist industries to fall apart because they can't legally prove they own the land bwahahaha!!!
@cookieslimeee 4 жыл бұрын
@@SomeUrbanNinja Kick them out!!
@Aleamae_Mokae 8 жыл бұрын
This debate was only a few that took place. Question, how come these debates did not take place with ample room for Q&A within each of our communities? Q: why did the department of interior have community hearings on every island? Q: what was the majority voice at each and every meeting? Why hasn't Na'i Aupuni followed suit after the doi hosting hearings and or awareness as the DOI did? Why is Na'i Aupuni currently in the process of creating a government with a delegation that was not created by the people?
@venaz4166 4 жыл бұрын
thank you good questions....oh well that got shut down too. We doing it all wrong
@gracejones4424 2 жыл бұрын
I'm writing a paper about over-tourism in Hawai'i for my college english class and have fallen down this awesome rabbit hole of PBSHawaii round tables. Free Hawai'i!!!
@myralhf 5 жыл бұрын
Stop arguing! We don't need Federal recognition as a Hawaiian Kingdom. Use the Kingdom constitution to manage all those things. Period. We are a sovereign nation state...done, proven. Now just take the natural next step to position ourselves to make policy, make decisions to move forward with the Hawaiians best interest. Dr. Keanu with you all will show the way. His understanding of international law and Hawaiian Constitution is THE guide. You all need to get together with him. Make a list of what are the most important areas. Attitude and argument will steal the hope of our future to be a vibrant nation of Hawaiians. Please don't forget that and put EGOs aside, put being the right one aside. Hopefully in the past few yrs y'all have ironed out a few things. I myself being in the United States am just becoming privy to this amazing news! I am ecstatic to have my nationalism back or acknowledged again. The islands are calling me to come home and use my voice with yours. Please speak softly so you can hear me too.
@nohanahananokaukau6436 4 жыл бұрын
Kaleikoa makes alot of sense with what he is saying. Don’t confuse one with the other.
@e2dwf976 2 жыл бұрын
Kaleikoa is right.he asked when did the Hawaiian became US citizen what year and day??no record
@hawaiianhistory1012 5 жыл бұрын
This is the wrong question. Hawaii is already Sovergin. Our government was overthrown, there is no treaty of Annexation for our sovergin nation. What Hawaii is a Sovergin but occupied nation.
@joelpettie 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you "PBS Hawai'i" for posting this Video. Can you post more Videos on the History of Hawai'i please? I feel so sorry for Hawaiians. The Invaders came to the Land and taught the Bible. When they started taking over, the Native People couldn't retaliate because of what they were being taught from the Bible. I can imagine that they would have been told or came to the realisation of how they would've felt like they would be condemned if they retaliated. It's an absolute deceit of the very Book that those Invaders held in the Hands. The Ten Commandment speak about this. Thou shall not shall not steal. Also, thou shall not envy thy Neighbour. The Invaders clearly didn't give a Pineapple about any of that. I was actually thinking about what happened to Hawai'i and its People, without even having watched these Videos on the History of Hawai'i and I had a Feeling that things like that happened. I checked the Videos and what I was thinking about is exactly what happened. It's messed up. Hawai'i has been infected in so many ways. Infected with Sugar and everything else. There are Channels that reveal similar History on Hawai'i being annexed by the USA. They are "Johnny Harris", "Weird History", "Mastering Knowledge", "AJ+" and "Overly Sarcastic Production". These Channels come up when you type in Search Box, "What the Americans did to the Hawaiians".
@chasingmillions5253 5 ай бұрын
I respect the Hawaiian people. They have major disagreements, stolen lands, stolen culture, but unlike other countries with similar problems, they don’t resort to violence. They preach Kapu Aloha. Even at this table, Hawaiian leaders disagreeing, but you can still see their love for each other.
@oahugirlfriday7430 5 жыл бұрын
off topic: I just realized Uncle Bumpy is wearing Tennille's baking logo (Goodielicious) tshirt! Loooove it!
@outsidechambaz 4 жыл бұрын
All of hawaiian islands belong to the native hawaiians
@WilliamEvans-py4gq 9 ай бұрын
Beautiful looking country many respects Hawaii from 🇬🇧
@jasonpeterson9362 4 ай бұрын
Wow , very good conversation some heavy intellectuals.
@Sansaar1331 Жыл бұрын
Nowadays USA is loosing the power I believe Hawai’i will achieve independence I wish that for my Kanaka brothers. So much love from a Spaniard living in Paris.
@woodlandwahine 3 жыл бұрын
And hello I am a young hawaiian that can grow food organically and sustainably I would love to feed our people
@razorhawk9808 2 жыл бұрын
Kela maika'i!
@anitamendez116 2 ай бұрын
Very Simple. It is ALL about ending ILLEGAL OCCUPANCY!
@KahalealiiTedIshikawa 9 жыл бұрын
The Kingdom of Hawaii is an independent sovereign state. Federal recognition or any other law passed by the US congress has no effect within the borders of the Kingdom of Hawaii. The current issue is the lack of information and knowledge of the public and community leaders about the fact that the Kingdom of Hawaii is an independent sovereign state, and the implications of that. The only information I got from this video is the fact that, at this time, 1 out of 4 of our community leaders is educated on the legal status of the Hawaiian Kingdom, which is the basis of how to accomplish anything legally and politically.
@rainbowsixODST Жыл бұрын
Yea good luck getting that BS to hold up in a Court.
@dutchymon 7 ай бұрын
ISLAND OF OAHU, HONOLULU, Jan. 24, 1895. TO THE HON. SANFORD BALLARD DOLE, President of the Republic of Hawaii: SIR: -- After full and free consultation with my personal friends and with my legal advisors, both before and since my detention by military order in the Executive building, and acting in conformity with their advice, and also upon my own free volition, and in pursuance of my unalterable belief and understanding of my duty to the people of Hawaii, and to their highest and best interests, and also for the sake of those misguided Hawaiians and others who have recently engaged in rebellion against the Republic, and in an attempt to restore me to the position of queen, which I held prior to the 17th day of January, A. D. 1893, and without any claim that shall become entitled, by reason of anything that I may now say or do, to any other or different treatment or consideration at the hands of the Government than I otherwise could and might legally receive, I now desire to express and make known, and do hereby express and make known, to yourself, as the only lawful and recognized head of the Government, and to all the people of the Hawaiian Islands, whether or not they have yet become citizens of the Republic, or are or have been adherents of the late monarchy, and also to all diplomatic and other foreign representatives in the Hawaiian Islands, to all of whom I respectfully request you to cause this statement and action of mine to be made known as soon as may be, as follows, namely: First. In order to avoid any possibility of doubt or misunderstanding although I do not think that any doubt or misunderstanding is either proper or possible, I hereby do fully and unequivocally admit and declare that the Government of the Republic of Hawaii is the only lawful Government of the Hawaiian Islands, and that the late Hawaiian monarchy is finally and forever ended, and no longer of any legal or actual validity, force or effect whatsoever; and I do hereby forever absolve all persons whomsoever, whether in the Hawaiian Islands or elsewhere, from all and every manner of allegiance, or official obligation or duty, to me and my heirs and successors forever, and I hereby declare to all such persons in the Hawaiian Islands that I consider them as bound in duty and honor henceforth to support and sustain the Government of the Republic of Hawaii. Second. For myself, my heirs and successors, I do hereby and without any mental reservation or modification, and fully, finally, unequivocally, irrevocably, and forever abdicate, renounce and release unto the Government of the Republic of Hawaii and the legitimate successors forever all claims or pretensions whatsoever to the late throne of Hawaii, or to the late monarchy of Hawaii, or to any past, or to the existing, or to any future Government of Hawaii, or under or by reason of any present or formerly existing constitution, statute, law, position, right or claim of any and every kind, name or nature whatsoever, and whether the same consist of pecuniary or property considerations, or of personal status, hereby forever renouncing, disowning and disclaiming all rights, claims, demands, privileges, honors, emoluments, titles and prerogatives whatsoever, under or by virtue of any former, or the existing Government, constitution, statute, law or custom of the Hawaiian Islands whatsoever, save and excepting only such rights and privileges as belong to me in common with all private citizens of, or residents in the Republic of Hawaii. Third. I do hereby respectfully implore for such misguided Hawaiians and others as have been concerned in the late rebellion against the Republic of Hawaii, such degree of executive clemency as the Government may deem to be consistent with its duty to the community, and such as a due regard for its violated laws may permit. Fourth. It is my sincere desire henceforth to live in absolute privacy and retirement from all publicity, or even appearance of being concerned in the public affairs of the Hawaiian Islands, further than to express, as I now do and shall always continue to do, my most sincere hope for the welfare and prosperity of its people, under and subject to the Government of the Republic of Hawaii. Fifth. I hereby offer and present my duly certified oath of allegiance to the Republic of Hawaii. Sixth. I have caused the foregoing statement to be prepared and drawn, and have signed the same without having received the slightest suggestion from the President of Hawaii, or from any member of the Government of Hawaii, concerning the same or any part thereof, or concerning any action or course of my own in the premises. Relying upon the magnanimity of the Government of the Republic, and upon its protection. I have the honor to be, Mr. President, Very respectfully, Your most obedient servant, (Signed) LILIUOKALANI DOMINIS.
@808-PFH-Kanaka-Rights 3 ай бұрын
go read the 1993 apology good sir@@rainbowsixODST
@katiejo1095 3 жыл бұрын
On Molokai there are many, many vacant vacation properties and condos built for rich people that are becoming dilapidated.
@melodylover2825 2 жыл бұрын
That's because people are scary and territorial on Molokai.. haoles are not welcome.. I have been threatened while living there for my life
@808-PFH-Kanaka-Rights 3 ай бұрын
then why are there condo's for rich people?@@melodylover2825
@user-qo2vn2ql4g 2 ай бұрын
I am Fijian and I perfectly understand my cousin Hawaiian . The word is vanua which means land but more than land it is their very existence. With Pacific Islanders it’s something we will die for.
@poipoundah808 2 жыл бұрын
I’m a kanaka maoli and you are able to apply for land if you have a certain amount of Hawaiian , so my grandmother applied for land in 2010 and is still on the waiting list, land is important. And land is important to us in our culture and as the natives, and 11 years is insane, again. There is barely 500,000 of us, and even less are applied, the system is fucked
@melodylover2825 2 жыл бұрын
Only the Japanese happa hawaiins receive land
@Geenine44 Жыл бұрын
Blood quantum practices are evil and steal the importance of tikanga and kawa.
@Menehune3461 11 ай бұрын
@@melodylover2825 that’s untrue. Kānaka of all kine are able to apply a get it. We have land in our name. And we aren’t Japanese.
@Menehune3461 11 ай бұрын
@@melodylover2825and it’s hapa not happy 😊🤙🏾
@gerismix-upadventures 2 жыл бұрын
I agree we have to make a stand
@sengomuramasa2251 27 күн бұрын
I was required to watch this video in 7th grade. I’m now married. How time flies
@ivanmaavehao4107 9 ай бұрын
@russellkahookele3756 5 жыл бұрын
first of all, i would like to say that my father and his brothers all served the united states of america in one branch of their military, my brothers and i served as well, when i came home after being honorably discharged and found out how i was made an american illegally agaisnt the will of my queen, kupuna and government, i got mad, when i saw and read the laws passed by the state of Hawaii and america, laws that admitted to these crimes of genocide, but more importantly laws that said we can be part of a sovereign government, i choose to be a part of the lawful Hawaiian government that was reinstated on march 13 1999, since then this government has passed it's own laws to govern it's people and have been conducting elections, and has won court cases defending it's peoples and position, i have traveled to america with the photo I.D.and even gambled in Vegas with this I.D. because that is who i am, we are not anti american or anti any nation for that matter, however if our nation never consented to be american, and no certificate of citizenship was awarded to us or our kupuna, then we are not american, however when we comply with their laws and identify ourselves as citizens of the 50th state knowing that it is built upon lies and an illegal act then we are part of our own problem, Prime Minister Henry Noa has been trying to tell all of Hawaii how we can go home, please give him a chance to speak, we just went into the Federal court house with our kingdom I.D. and the feds threw in the towel and dismissed the case because we were to true, to right, and they knew that their house of cards was falling down, we told the feds that we have a treaty of friendship and we hope to maintain our friendship status, God has a plan and we know not what his plan is, however we do know that with him all things are possible, our beloved Queen Lili'uokalani put her faith in the creator of this world whom she a i have come to know him as Jesus Christ, America said they honor God and they honor Liberty and Justice for all, let us all look to the source, stay in kapu aloha, onipa'a in who we are , and KU KIA'I AINA, EO Mahalo nui loa to our Lahui and the young educated future leaders as well as our Kupuna how have and continue to stand to make right what was wrong. Aloha i ke kahi i ke kahi, a pau
@rainbowsixODST Жыл бұрын
What utter BS. You have done “none” of these things and your lies might very well get people in trouble if they try it.
@SomeUrbanNinja 7 жыл бұрын
I just hope I'm already living on Hawaii before all of this. I'll work for my citizenship :D. Grow Food, give to the community, help build homes.
@Ashley-km4qi 3 жыл бұрын
Why do you want to live in Hawaii? They want outsiders to leave not to keep coming in.
@FairyCRat 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ashley-km4qi What they want is to have housing for the native population. If they have enough homes, then any leftover homes could be occupied by immigrants or their descendents.
@sandramorey2529 3 жыл бұрын
I just finished reading Lost Kingdom and it was the most highly researched book on what happened to Hawaii that I have read (and I've read several). I find myself in most agreement here with Bumpy and Kalakoa and I found this to be really interesting. With minds like these at work, I feel that Independence will return. There were no treaties and Hawaii was seen as a sovereign nation by France, England & Japan in the 1840's. The US is powerful, but it is not invincible unless it wants to impose it's will on Hawaii by extreme force. I have to notice that it now has one of the nuclear submarines at Pearl. The Hawaiians have lots of allies all over the world. I think you can tie that to the many Kumu Hula, language teachers, Hawaiian history teachers & -yes-aloha that has been introduced in most of the nations of the world. Please don't forget about the citizens of Hawaii (non Hawaiian) who also lost their right to vote in 1897.
@dreamcatcher5502 3 жыл бұрын
Have you had an updated show with these guests on the same topic ? Could you share the link ? Could you have another show like this one with the same guests please ? Now that Biden is in office I keep hearing his administration talking about giving recognition to Hawaiians is an urgent issue. I would like to hear from your guests on this very current and serious issue !! Mahalo 🥰
@tehauariikaonohi2141 Жыл бұрын
@hnttakata713 5 жыл бұрын
Land that we can live upon; recognition by the Feds would then provide access. These important people at the table need to come together, agree and move forward with a plan. Nation building is the fervor; but not the anger of a people.
@wahiawabound808 4 жыл бұрын
i think asking for federal recognition could do more harm then good because then it would cause the u.s to still be entitled to if you know any facts about the u.s and their plan for Hawaii i say imua kingdom of hawaii i stand with independence.
@gertieshaw90 6 жыл бұрын
At 51:50 What did the lady professor say? I couldn't catch what she was referring to about pregnant women not being able to give birth if they are foreign. That sounded interesting but i couldnt follow, so if someone could clarify what she said.
@kasiabiaspalava3067 4 жыл бұрын
I think she said "Tonga wouldn't allow pregnant women to give birth if they are not Tongan"
@kamiradread129 4 жыл бұрын
Well done whanau, aloha aina
@kevinpoole4323 Жыл бұрын
You must Protest in Washington with us August 26 2023
@katiejo1095 3 жыл бұрын
Hawaiian people had a respite from all the tourists during covid. Some good came out of the global quarantine. The Islands should be returned to the Hawaiian people.
@cwell510 3 жыл бұрын
Independence is a direct result of sovereignty...
@denniskaaihue7519 4 жыл бұрын
The solution to hawaiian soverinty is to take care me first. Each and everyone should respect each others opinion but talk story and be humble.
@denniskaaihue7519 4 жыл бұрын
@@The.Hawaiian.Kingdom There is no hawaiian government yet!!! I am not into political issues. It makes sense all kanaka maole to move forward knowing what is!!!!! and organizing. Very ignorent to take action and have no leadership "kahu".
@808-PFH-Kanaka-Rights 3 ай бұрын
kahu means priest- There is a hawaiian governnment. first off what do you think the state (technically a false state) is? infact, because of the idea of the kingdom being illegally occupied and the 1993 apology resolution, it's still living, just asleep for now. either way, respect is what we need as you said 4 years ago. hope life is all good cuz @@denniskaaihue7519
@malino1661 4 жыл бұрын
The Kingdom of Hawai'i is in continuity! Imua Hawaiki! Ku Kia'i Hawaiki!!
@FairyCRat 2 жыл бұрын
Hawaii has never been legally American. I hope that one day I'll be able to support the Hawaiians as they retake their nation. Cheers from Europe.
@jokamaunu4660 2 ай бұрын
The change we are waiting for is a movement that begins in the mind, Individually. The Jews were looking for a warrior on a white horse instead, the Savior came as a carpenter preaching good news. Hearers were converted in their hearts and minds by the spirit of truth. The message when embraced brought a bright hope, it didn't change their political situation. Our rights exist. To vote as a subject, to go back to your lands may not be easy but your right exists and is not impossible to get. You MAY have to fight for it.
@cu4achat123 9 ай бұрын
Take your land back and become the kingdom you have always been.
@islestylelorna7348 4 жыл бұрын
I agree Federal recognition in agreeing to slow genocide, like what is happening to Native Americans in the Reservation life.
@natewalker7064 6 жыл бұрын
I've done as much research as I could via KZbin and through talking to others and I never come across Hawaiians that support state hood. I'd be interested to hear something like that.
@dng6121 Жыл бұрын
Indentured servants disagree. They are now land owners in Hawaii.
@williamtehero8720 9 ай бұрын
"You know what Bumpy, you wrong about Federal Recognition" is Antagonist and argumentative.
@darrenkamalu9047 8 жыл бұрын
Unless you understand what the "Federal" government really is, you cannot move forward here. I don't quite know how else to put it. We (hawaiians) are being forced to play a game (Corporate State or Hawaii) within a game (Corporate United States) within the larger game.(Just gues) and until you recognize the true source of power, you are fighting a losing battle.
@SteadyBark96720 8 жыл бұрын
Akua always wit us...HE get our backs til da end!
@jarhead57vn 5 жыл бұрын
To quit is to give up and lose, Hawaiian people are not like that. Never
@venaz4166 4 жыл бұрын
@@SteadyBark96720 So we need to get closer to Him and pule for the people to make good decision, peaceful, righteous mindsets. No pilikia, just KeAkua to open the way for us to become the People. His plan for us is big, so we need to hurry get akamai, the children cannot be lazy but learn what they can contribute to this WONDERFUL position.
@jameskawaikaupejrcwo3usmcr573 3 жыл бұрын
For God’s sake our Aina has been stolen from our Native Kanaka Maoli’s and their descendants. I’m of Hawaiian bloodline but also a mix of Irish, Scot and Portuguese. Both of my parent are one half Hawaiian. I now have a family tree that shows who, what, where and why of my Ohana descendants. I’m so tired of hearing the bickering between us Kanaka Maoli’s on what’s Federal or National recognition. Look I moved my family to California so that our son’s can get a better education and a better opportunity to grow. I’ve been away almost 28 years now. Hawaii will always be in my heart and soul. No one can take that away from me and my family. My father is 91 years old now and everyone of his family members are all in Heaven. My mom’s in Heaven since 2016. That was the last time I was in Hawaii. Just look at our Island and the many different nationalities from many different countries. Our Ancestors are rolling in their graves in the Islands. We all forgot what the True meaning of Aloha is. Remember, I’m old now and I would like to have my children and there children to live in Hawaii peacefully and proudly. Mahalo Nui Loa to my brothers and sisters in the Islands. O .
@thepunadude 6 ай бұрын
@808-PFH-Kanaka-Rights 3 ай бұрын
ho cuz, eeeasy. due to the claims of 1993, we apperently never lost sovereignty, only independence. secondly, wanna try contact all the groups and tell them to try and work together?
@coolprof1951 5 жыл бұрын
I see Mr. Apo as a Hawaiian who likes being an American; he’s not the only one; there are many; call it what you like, he’s chosen the United States as his nation. The others, bumpy, keiliikoa, lilikala, want sovereignty but each has a different idea as to the best way forward. Bottom line, the US stole our nation under threat of war...the marines landed bearing arms! This scene has played itself out all over the world, for three hundred years. I maintain, in 100 years, what Lilikala says about Hawaiians having 80% of the population WILL become reality, and these aloha Aina warriors, Mr Apo excepted, will have helped light and pave the way.
@FairyCRat 2 жыл бұрын
How do we define Hawaiian anyway? If we go by the ethnic definition, then it does sound to me like an extreme and borderline racist policy, to drive out the diverse population that has grown there. However, if awareness is being raised in Hawaii about the sovereignty issue, then there could be a situation in which 80% of the population could identify with the Hawaiian nation, despite not being ethnically Hawaiian. I don't think that most of the population has to be expelled, there just needs to be enough people leaving so that the natives can be guaranteed a home in Hawaii.
@sasquatch8268 Жыл бұрын
@@FairyCRat I believe both have application. Hawaiian Kingdom nationals were people of all races.
@mikahist4155 2 жыл бұрын
@danielmaldonado1074 Жыл бұрын
The professor ignores the point that Hawaiian sovereignty gives sovereignty over ALL Hawaiian lands whether non-Hawaiians live there or not. This is no different than when countries in Africa got their sovereignty back and took over the lands owned by the former white colonizers. Hawaiians can do the same thing once they have their sovereignty. It's not about parsing lane left over land if sovereignty is given.
@denisereghetti7369 5 жыл бұрын
@nab.7250 5 жыл бұрын
They even have their own language, why not let them have their country independence politically
@aidabeyene6834 2 жыл бұрын
I lived in Hawaii for a year, and I started to see and understand that the Hawaiin people want their land back. Outside of the touristy places, there are Hawaiians that have their own language and culture that is very much still practiced.
@rainbowsixODST Жыл бұрын
Good for them are they also planning to bring back our dead? We shed the blood, sweat and tears of hundreds of thousands of American men and women for those islands. Without American protection the Imperial Japanese would have raped and butchered Hawaii the same as they did most of they’re neighbors. We “OWN” those islands by the fact we fought and died to defend them. Period.
@WilliamEvans-py4gq 9 ай бұрын
I bet you enjoyed being in Hawaii from a citizen of the 🇬🇧
@NuEyedeas 4 ай бұрын
@@rainbowsixODST What an ignorant statement the Japanese would have never attacked Hawaii if the U.S. military wasn't occupying it in the first place lol
@prowolf633 8 ай бұрын
I’m not Hawaiian (Filipino and Italian) and as much as I would love to go to Hawaii someday, for now I will support the Sovereignty movement from a distance and respect the natives’ wishes of no tourists right now (and I’ll probably donate money to help them for the fire)
@shinyape1741 6 ай бұрын
Them not asking for tourism hurt them more.. While simultaneously asking for more gov assistance is a double wammy. They keep digging holes for themselves & then pointing fingers elsewhere. They NEED tourism. This idea of achieving a Hawaiian ethnostate with zero economy is a gaffe. Learn to adapt.
@808-PFH-Kanaka-Rights 3 ай бұрын
I think you just really wanna come to hawai'i bro. you can, just have respect, it's literally all we ask. if people don't have respect, we don't want people to come. just li'dat, it's simple@@shinyape1741
@kevinpoole4323 Жыл бұрын
Full Engagement and Authority The People Rule.
@CalifaJohn1 11 ай бұрын
What would honorary citizenship mean? Would people have Hawaiian passports based on honorary citizenship? Would they also keep their US citizenship? If no, would other countries recognize an honorary passport for travel? Would the US allow dual citizenship? Would honorary citizenship be more like a Hawaiian residency for US citizens with that status? Would Hawaiian citizens maintain rights and privileges within the US including residency if they choose to live on the US mainland? Would Hawaiian citizens maintain benefits such as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, EBT, hospital grants, DOT funding, etc?
@magdelenedomut1433 5 ай бұрын
True! Because it doesn't work for hawaiian people when it's run by U.S. policy instead the hawaiian kingdom of Hawaii constitutional law.Two different model and terminology.All hawaiians wants the land that are always theirs.Mahalo to all of you that are speaking for rights for all native hawaiian and for hawaiian islands belong to hawaiians people nationhood of Hawaii. True! We are not native american that is of United State.brainwash us, listen U.S. know what had happen was wrong but they will not admit it.let be hopeful they will come time.❤😊
@noanapoleon474 9 жыл бұрын
When Hawaiians say the Kingdom of Hawaii was never legally extinguished, or when I hear the idea of inherant sovereignty being defined as something protected by International law my heart wants to believe its true but my mind tells be something is wrong here. I'm for the idea that having a Hawaiian Convention to reclaim our "National Sovereignty" and do not believe such a stance is tantamount to "asking for something we already have." I believe this issue needed more space for discussion and agree with Lilikala, who spoke of political will making it clear that this is how we can and will prevail in the struggle for the control of land. Statehood/Admissions Act manufactured the consent of Native Hawaiian and therefore cannot be proper foundation for reconciliation. WE need NOT view the Native Hawaiian Convention as necessarily tied to OHA's version of what was or could be. Both sides of this debate bring their own baggage but neither will have any future without having been fully vetted by the Hawaiian community. Hawaiians that want independence should participate in this process even if it go's badly.
@PA96704 4 жыл бұрын
Only 2 out of the 4 know what's up!!! Just take it and make a stand!! I talk to rest of the Uncles and everyone else. When the time comes we are going up to stand and get arrested!!!!!
@teteirarawiri2646 5 ай бұрын
Hawaiian stand together working together Kotahitanga! Treaty o Hawaiian needed.
@oscarmartinez2538 7 күн бұрын
This is a complicated subject. Only the Hawaiians can decide this . Outsiders outnumber the Hawaiian population. Very difficult situation.
@hawaiibookmark 7 ай бұрын
Am I the only one who understands Bumby got awarded land for his type of protest?
@808-PFH-Kanaka-Rights 3 ай бұрын
no, however, that made way for aloooot of stuff to happen
@oohgee3093 4 жыл бұрын
Give my brothers and sisters home back
@corabrooks4337 4 жыл бұрын
keep the right to self rule in your hearts, as all native Hawaiians or those who where born on the country of Hawaii during occupation are Hawaiians. With support of other countries and people WITH the will to battle for hearts and minds through education, social INCLUSION AT ALL LEVELS OF THE COUNTRIES DEBATES. instill the narrative to the next educated younger generation to further the cause of a HAWAI AS A COUNTRY UNDER OCCUPIED TERRITORY, IT WAS NEVER AN AMERICAN STATE., IT IS HAWAI REGARDLESS WHAT THOSE WHO WOULD LIKE TO THINK THEY ARE AMERICAN.. HAWAIIANS THROUGH GENERATIONAL DEBATES WILL EVENTUALLY BRING ABOUT THE CHANGE. REEDUCATE REEDUCATE CHANGE THE NARRATIVE BE PROUD TO NAME YOUR COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AS HAWAI.
@lythonoise 4 жыл бұрын
Which holds more precedence loyalty to nation or lodge? How many Kings were Freemason?
@eldredika656 8 жыл бұрын
Our GOD-ORDAINED-LANGUAGE of {'HA 'WA'I 'I 'o 'le 'lo, GOD'S tongue} is GOD'S KEY to Our GOD (SPOKEN) FREEDOM. 'SE 'LA'H.
@crukustomworkz 4 жыл бұрын
Really, talking about Federal recognition, Dr. Lilikalā as she talks about we need land, we already have land; "Today, title to all land in Hawai`i can be traced back to one of the three land original land divisions created by the Great Mahele, whether the title to the land is recorded in the regular system, land court, or in both systems (dual system land)". Bumpy to advantage of the Kapu System at Makapuu Beach Park and now the stated granted him 55 year lease on state land in Waimanalo with a yearly fee of $3000 or $250. If he can why can't we do what he did. And get this ALL LAND TITLES CAN BE TRACK BACK TO THREE ORIGINAL LAND DIVISION'S CREATED BY THE GREAT MAHELE! So I don't know what this Dr. Lilikalā is tryna say that we need "FED REC" to get land, just gotta do the FOOT WORK to acquire it!
@GattacaKain 7 жыл бұрын
Has changing the State of Hawaii into a U.S. territory been considered as an option? I ask because the U.S. will absolutely not give up ALL power within the islands, but perhaps only some power. The U.S. will certainly insist on maintaining a Navy base there.
@joycewond3534 5 жыл бұрын
Peter kubicki your wrong do your homework. I rest my case.
@SunnyIlha 5 жыл бұрын
Hawai'i. What would it be like. It would be a center of international banking. It would be a center of international shipping (Port). There would be a resurgence of pineapple production, which would thoroughly replace sugar plantation. There would be the establishment of the 200-mile Oceanic Economic Zone, with special attention to extending this standard to 550 miles since such Hawai'i would be example of a purely isolated oceanic Island Archipelago which is isolated by extreme global distances from other geography. Tourism would remain a highlight of the economy, and would actually improve in quality. This highlights the requirement of such an Oceanic Archipelago on it's reliance on the Ocean surrounding it for sustenance of it's populace. It would clearly have an unusually close alliance to the United States, The Republic of the Philippines, Taiwan, Korea and Japan, with additional strong economic ties to Canada and New Zealand, and Polynesian, Micronesians and Melanesians. There would be a great development of both and saltwater and freshwater fish and shellfish aquaculture. There would be protection of grass-fed cattle production. Taro, breadfruit and yam production would be expanded on a very large scale, as well as hard vegetable horticulture. There would be a strong infrastructure of skilled, licensed hard trades, and of medical professions such as doctor, including surgeons. Incidentally, the Jones Act was mentioned in this roundtable discussion!
@hnttakata713 5 жыл бұрын
We have Kapu, Aloha! Yes, give back ceded lands. Maikai
@erlroe 4 жыл бұрын
actually those of Hawaiians the young can have their thoughts changed as mine was regarding Maori interests with a simple education self learning
@WilliamEvans-py4gq 9 ай бұрын
Can the yanks learn and understand Many respects from 🇬🇧
@kevinpoole4323 Жыл бұрын
Thurgood Marshall and the 1964 Civil Rights Act do you Recognize this Act,
@FirstLast-tj4nl 4 жыл бұрын
This is all so interesting to me since marrying a Hawaii girl
@kevinpoole4323 Жыл бұрын
Popular Sovereignty Act
@thelukesternater Жыл бұрын
Do it, a WELL REGULATED militia is essential for freedom.
@kevinpoole4323 Жыл бұрын
Hawaiian Sovereignty Act
@thepunadude 6 ай бұрын
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