Francaphones (french canadians) are all over Canada. Because Canada is bilinqual country, we are taught french. However, few people, other than the franchophones speak it fluently. The Metis are people of mixed race. I believe the word Metis is a french word meaning mixed blood. Originally they were of French and indigeneous or European and indigeneous. Many of these french and europeans came here in the early days to work for the Hudson Bay Company in their trading posts scattered across the country. The metis are neither treaty or status indigeneous, meaning that they are not registered as belonging to a specific band. Therefore they have very few special rights and do not reside on crown land (reserves). However, they are still considered indigeneous but quite often must prove their blood line. In the past there have been people who claim indigeneous heritage but it has been proven later that this has not been the case. One such case has been Buffy St Marie . She claimed to have been adopted from the Piapot reserve in southern Saskatchewan. It has recently been discovered that she is Italian from the state of New York. But throughout her career she has passed herself off as being indigeneous and has won many awards other indigeneous were entitled to.
@InfiniteLoonie3 ай бұрын
Hello! Thank you so much for watching that video! We were waiting for you 😊 Thank you for all that information about the Metis people. In French there is indeed a word, “métissage” which means “mixing” and indeed, “métis” is also a word sometimes used to refer to biracial or multiracial people. Also this is unfortunate of all the scams of people pretending to have Indigenous heritage, I’ve seen them being referred to as “Pretendians”.
@mousegouse3 ай бұрын
Canada is really beautiful 😍 Thoroughly enjoyed the history lesson as well 😊 I guess for me I enjoy seeing you guys going to different places. The activities and scenery, whether it's in nature or in the various towns or cities are all interesting to me. Wish you guys the very best 🤗
@InfiniteLoonie3 ай бұрын
Thanks for your comment!🙏 Well noted! This kind of feedback makes us happy! We will try out best😀 I wish the same! Thanks again😍🥰
@KIK-fw4xs3 ай бұрын
@DrJinh0073 ай бұрын
Gatineau et Ottawa!
@InfiniteLoonie3 ай бұрын
@이현주-w5h7j3 ай бұрын
다람쥐: (1) [동물] 쥐목에 속한 날다람쥐, 참다람쥐, 하늘다람쥐 등을 통틀어 이르는 말. (2) [동물] 다람쥣과에 속한 포유동물. 몸길이는 12~15센티미터 정도이며, 모양은 쥐와 비슷하나 쥐보다 크다. 털은 적갈색이며, 등에 다섯 개의 검은 줄이 있고 입에는 볼주머니가 있다. 도토리, 밤 따위를 주로 먹으며 나무를 잘 타고 동작이 날래다. 겨울에는 나무 구멍에서 살고 5~6월에 네 마리 내지 여섯 마리의 새끼를 낳는다. 우리나라를 비롯하여 동부 유럽에서 아시아 북동부에 걸쳐 분포한다. 학명은 Tamias sibiricus barberi이다. "다람" 이 무슨뜻인지는 나도 모르겠네요
@InfiniteLoonie3 ай бұрын
외국살면서 느끼는점은 한국말은 정말 어렵다에요ㅎㅎ 이제는 영어도 안되고 한국말고 안되고 정체성이 없어지고 있네요🤪 댓글 감사합니다🤩😍
@EUGENESCOTT-sc2yf3 ай бұрын
Negative and positive always be even any other countries