People with personality disorders, how do you adapt to everyday life?

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@peachbloodbunny Ай бұрын
I say this EVERY time I see someone mention it... IF YOU ARE DIAGNOSED WITH A MENTAL CONDITION, TELL YOUR COLLEGE/UNI!!! Under the ADA (in America) they have to give you extra time for your assignments! IT IS FEDERAL LAW! I would have failed so many classes if I didn't have that little bit of extra time, I graduated with a 4.0 GPA.
@morfeubranco Ай бұрын
Exactly something someone with a personality disorder would do… instead of holding yourself accountable for the curriculum, manipulate your way to easy grades.
@Bobby_wobby Ай бұрын
Nah I had a teacher who wouldn't give me extra time for assignments. I have autism, anxiety, depression, and PSTD. I have an IEP and stuff. This teacher would never give me extra time to get shit done. In my IEP I have something for me to get extra time on assignments. Legit my anxiety was so high for that class I started to skip it. Idc if it's an honors class you're kinda breaking the law Ms. B.
@Moon_x_sun Ай бұрын
Yes! I have depression (and more) and i told my School and they want to help me so much. Extra time on tests, someone to help me during normal day to say stuff, i even Got my own room during my exams Because i cant handle sitting around other people and my gymnasium wasnt strict on rules for people who needed help. I live in Denmark not America tho sadly not everone who needs help know about the stuff that is there to help :/
@AlTheWombat Ай бұрын
​@@morfeubrancoHow you going through life without a few shorcuts here and there? Who cares if it's justified or not. Looking at my retirements fund's predictions imma get 200$ a month to live after working 45 years, of course I'm gonna take what I can get from the system.
@Fade_NB Ай бұрын
That’s cool asf
@r.b.johnson5269 Ай бұрын
When I was diagnosed with BPD 35 years ago, I thought, "Well, at least it's just BORDERLINE and not FULL personality disorder!" hahaha It's been a trip. DBT helped.
@fantasticmrfox9291 29 күн бұрын
Hehehehe and 'generalized anxiety disorder' oh it's not horribly specific so it must be OK!
@r.b.johnson5269 28 күн бұрын
@@fantasticmrfox9291 hahahaha
@typicalairhead6846 26 күн бұрын
Lmao, I thought it was we are always walking in the borderline - am i gonne be a bitch this minute or be a sweetheart the next? 😂
@r.b.johnson5269 26 күн бұрын
@@typicalairhead6846 roll the dice, Baby!! 😜
@emilieloveskiwi 24 күн бұрын
What is DBT? I think my partner might have BPT and I want to try and take the first steps to getting her help. 🥺 I know it needs to start with an official diagnosis first though.
@qeshetanimals Ай бұрын
I have BPD and I pretty much just gaslight myself into not being a menace. It involves a lot of distraction and just telling myself “bestie we’ve done this before itll be over in like 30 min” and then 30 min later I’m like “oh bestie I was right” The splitting is probably the thing I have the least control over, but I still do the same stuff like “oh but they do (bla bla bla) it’s just me overthinking!” But idk that one’s hard lol
@r.brooks5287 Ай бұрын
I'm Asperger and do something similar with meltdowns. I try to picture myself dead, buried, and being eaten by worms, and how the worms don't care about whatever is upsetting me now. I try to explain why thinking of myself as worm food is quite liberating from anxiety for me but it seems to worry normal people more.
@Fingerscrossedout Ай бұрын
Hahaha I love how it works for you but I got definitely freaked out by that image 😅. But maybe that's because of my being dead and stuck in my body nightmares😅​@@r.brooks5287
@wonderlandeldemonanastasi 29 күн бұрын
​@@r.brooks5287 that is a very soothing thought. Autism and adhd here! The peace of being in the soil.
@misfit_raven4367 25 күн бұрын
The difficult thing is when you think you’re just splitting but then nothing in the relationship/friendship changes and you slowly realise they’re genuinely toxic but by then you’re in too deep
@orange_leaf4913 8 күн бұрын
@@r.brooks5287 wait why does this help me lol
@T3RD5ify Ай бұрын
Not a mental health professional, but have known people with ASPD, and it’s important to remember it’s a spectrum disorder. Not everything is as dramatized as the internet and tv. They are people too that deserve love.
@huntsman9316 29 күн бұрын
I have ASPD (technically a sociopath, but I have psychopathic traits. Both are obsolete terms), and adapting to life after being diagnosed wasn't too hard. It wasn't really my choice to get professionally diagnosed, but it happened. When I was a kid I was diagnosed with ODD and then when I was an adult they finally concluded with ASPD. Looking back it was obvious haha. In all honestly, only I, my psychiatrist, and my ex therapist know about my PD. No friends kno;, my mother knows I had ODD but I took her off of my mental health records when I became an adult so she doesn't know about the ASPD. And because of that relationships aren't too hard. Just match peoples energy and everything is fine. Be happy when others are happy, cry when other cry, etc. I have defiantly scared people away due to them feeling uneasy about my behavior, but that just happens from time to time. The negative parts of ASPD like the aggression, narcissism, irritability, etc definitely gets in the way sometimes. That's why I actually tried getting a therapist (many people with ASPD don't). If I want to live in society then I’d need to learn. I'm still iffy with it, but I will say I am MUCH better than I was when I was a kid. Kid me had ZERO mask. Parents knew something was wrong with me and tried to make their kids avoid me. luckily for me I was funny and the kids my age loved hanging out with me.
@jayzepickle6637 Ай бұрын
Honestly as someone with BPD I had clicked on this video excited to hear about people's happiness. And though it's nice to hear how well people are doing in spite of everything I can't help but feel sad and jealous of them. I think for many people with BPD we feel a deep down sense of emptiness and worthlessness. I find it incredibly hard to feel loved by people even when surrounded by people who genuinely love me. The concept of having someone and knowing they love you unconditionally and sticking with you through everything feels like a far off idea to me. Like I never deserve to have that. I push people away easily because I don't believe them when they say they care about me. It's my own fault I wish I could feel secure and loved someday like these people do.
@Pvppy_dr3amz Ай бұрын
I have BPD. Life is extremely hard but I think the hardest part is watching your loved ones suffer and close themselves off from you and see you as a danger. Knowing I did that makes me want to throw up and lock myself away. Therapy and accountability is important with these disorders especially cluster B. Don't continue the cycle of abuse.
@lmaChroma 28 күн бұрын
Knowing what wires are crossed in your brain is so incredibly helpful in learning what you need to live a mostly normal/comfortable life
@hazelgrunts Ай бұрын
I’ve been diagnosed with autism, ADHD, depression, and multiple types of anxiety. Therapy and medication have helped me a lot, and I’m able to go to an alternative high school to finish my base education as it’s hard for me to cope in a normal school environment. Getting these diagnoses was so relieving, as before I got them I just beat myself up for “being weird and antisocial”. I wouldn’t be surprised if I end up getting diagnosed with a personality disorder like Borderline or Bipolar because they run in the family and I’ve exhibited some traits of Borderline. I can’t be truly evaluated for it until I’m a legal adult though because professionals are reluctant to diagnose minors.
@Genni4862 Ай бұрын
Autism, adhd and bpd have a lot of overlap- its entirely possible you have traits of borderline, without BEING a borderline. And as someone who spent years trying to be diagnosed, no one wants to diagnose adults either. Good luck if you think you're suddenly gonna get a diagnosis by becoming an adult. Took me years and years. Also, borderline is diagnosed in teens plenty often, so there's really no need to wait.
@r.brooks5287 Ай бұрын
I'm Asperger, I have some Bipolar traits but not diagnosis level. As Genni put there's lots of overlap. If you're not on any autism forums think of joining one so you can discus with Autistics who are Bipolars, BPDs and those like me who just have traits so you can see if a diagnosis would help or distract you. Good luck.
@Glittertrut Ай бұрын
As a person with more then 1 personality disorder, ones of them being BPD, sometimes the world can be hard.
@ggenderking5609 Ай бұрын
I have severe ADHD like the person in Story 7, sadly in my case it is so bad that meds just make me barely functional, i still can't follow any schedules or use paper trail methods because once i get pen and paper ready, i forget what i wanted to write down,
@indigolarsen3191 Ай бұрын
Yeah, that sounds really bad… I have ADHD as well (don’t worry, I’m not the “suck it up! If I can do it so can you!”-type. Not that I can do a lot, but still😅). Have you maybe tried looking into whether you might have some comorbid condition(s), that might be making it worse? For example PTSD can look a lot like ADHD, and people are sometimes misdiagnosed ADHD, when really it’s PTSD, but that also means that it can sometimes get overlooked if you have both. Also between 30-50% of people with ADHD are also autistic, which can present some unique challenges. Anyways, you might want to look into that😊
@huntsman9316 29 күн бұрын
More of a mental disorder than a PD. Curious if people truly know what PDs are
@hamstersdailylife4938 Ай бұрын
To be in a country where the doctor will diagnose a personality disorder for you, that alone is quite a privilege and a success story in my opinion.
@ourcavedinribs 29 күн бұрын
listening to others talk about getting better with bpd makes me feel much safer within my diagnosis and is a good reminder than i am on the right track
@ikmkr Ай бұрын
story 5, hey, psst, original op? you’re not alone. i’ve felt like that nearly every day of my life. the way you described it was as if you could hear my thoughts. you’re not in the wrong for feeling like this, and wanting to erase the Constant Loneliness is a valid desire. stay strong, alright? there’s so much more to life than just The Loneliness. and you’re human, too.
@zoelawrence568 26 күн бұрын
For anyone who's reading this that needs to hear it - I have BPD and at 33 I basically consider myself fully in remission. Admittedly I encounter a lot fewer triggers now because of other aspects of my life (not able to work, blissfully single after getting out of a unwanted marriage) and I'm not fully symptom free (my adrenaline still spikes like crazy, partially due to my physical illness), but it's still a WORLD of difference. I can set boundaries, self sooth, not fear abandonment, be alone without loneliness, trust my own perceptions of the world, tell people to bog off when I need time to my self, assert myself when my needs are being ignored, etc. My baseline mood is stable enough I can actually name and identify the source of emotions when they come up. I've even learned how to give my empathetic kindness only to those who actually deserve it (every human gets my cognitive empathy whoever they are, but my heart is now only for those who treat me well and BENEFIT me), and how to withdraw it as needed when someone starts to throw up red flags.
@vieravrem6810 Ай бұрын
As interesting as this list turned out many of the mental health issues presented were not the ones asked for. Like ADHD, definitely not a personality disorder. 😅
@ggenderking5609 Ай бұрын
maybe, but it can often be just as or more severely affecting someone's life as a personality disorder
@Chiller-pc1dv Ай бұрын
​@@ggenderking5609Sure, but they specifically asked for personality disorders
@ihaveseverefrootsnackism Ай бұрын
ADHD as it stands is not a personality disorder. I guess there is actually potential for some middle ground though, if you will. I was listening to a Dr. K stream literally just today and apparently there's been some research about an emotional dysregulation subtype of ADHD, seeing as it primarily affects the frontal lobe (which is responsible for emotional regulation). I guess even if it in and of itself did not qualify as a personality disorder, I could see how there might also be some comorbidity with a personality disorder. Perhaps it increases the risk? idk xd
@huntsman9316 29 күн бұрын
@@ggenderking5609i mean still, PDs are different, and have their own reasons for being tough to handle
@xyZer0_ Ай бұрын
I'm not diagnosed yet, but I have symptoms of BPD and NPD which I'm working on. So far my self esteem improved which makes my symptoms get triggered less often. I would get so angry and toxic if I perceived anything to mean that person doesn't care about me or would leave me, even though I logically knew that's untrue. I was also selfish and had way too high expectations of how my loved ones should treat me. I wasn't intentionally like this. I'm just deeply traumatized and had no idea how to cope in a healthy way. I didn't choose my trauma response but I'm choosing now to get better
@SorenBoBoren 28 күн бұрын
Hey!! I have BPD and NPD so if you need any advice or resources I'm happy too provide! I completely relate to this experience and it's cool to find someone in the comments talking about NPD in a non-demonizing way
@xyZer0_ 28 күн бұрын
@@SorenBoBoren Thank you so much! I honestly just wish I could get a diagnosis. Finding a professional is already hard enough, but finding someone who also is educated on personality disorders beyond BPD is like finding a rice corn on the beach. And of course, people with NPD deserve just as much help as anyone else. Yes, untreated it often causes unhealthy and toxic behavior which the person needs to take accountability for, but they didn't choose to have this. The same way someone didn't choose to develop any other disorder, so if they deserve help, so do disorders that cause negative behavior
@JigsawSaysHello 3 күн бұрын
I have OCPD and Avoidant Personality Disorder. I never thought anything was "wrong" with me until my psychiatrist took notice of patterns I always dismissed as normal for someone with anxiety and depression. My need for perfection, the way I take control of everything because others can't do it right so I needed to do everything myself, my fear of failure, my emotional withdrawal when I lose control, harsh internal criticism, the way I avoid emotional connection out of fear, intense fear of rejection, really bad self-esteem, etc.
@yasminh2006. 29 күн бұрын
This is actually so helpful saving this for my journal haha sometimes it's hard to really say what I mean directly
@Moon_x_sun Ай бұрын
These stories give me abit of hope :)
@msmcfly Ай бұрын
I was really hoping someone else with schizoid personality disorder would be on here. It's not very well known as people rarely seek treatment. And often does not have these same kind of positive endings to the posts on here. When you genuinely do not see any value in life or relationships it is hard to maintain any support system. No medication for it either. Just meandering through life wondering what all the fuss is about.
@year2082 29 күн бұрын
how it goes...that makes two of us, at least. i'm surprised to even see someone mention it in the comments. i don't have anything insightful to add about coping, given that i not...(i don't commonly interact with the outside world+am not looking to start), but i find it's nice to be reminded that we at least exist+have words for ourselves
@blowitoutyourcunt7675 28 күн бұрын
@typicalairhead6846 26 күн бұрын
Story 2, same situation here. Your person will never leave you don’t worry. Despite the difficulties, they understand why you are the way you are.
@selenarichardson523 29 күн бұрын
I mean, it’s been life for me. I’ve never known differently… life just sucks and my emotions are very strong, but that’s what it’s always been. My entire life is an attempt to adapt to the world that was made for anyone but me.
@lonelypancake5979 Ай бұрын
DID here, it’s a double edged sword mostly. Some days are hard, some are easy… others are hell. The identity part specifically… I can’t look into mirrors anymore because the person staring back just.. isn’t me. I’m kinda bad at explaining it, but if anyone has questions I’ll be more than happy to answer.
@xyZer0_ Ай бұрын
It's not a personality disorder though
@AuntieCreed 28 күн бұрын
DID used to be called "Multiple Personality Disorder". It's rarely diagnosed because most often the patient doesn't know they have it. The alternate identities come with amnesiac walls that make the patient unable to remember what they've done when someone else is in control of their body.
@xyZer0_ 28 күн бұрын
@@AuntieCreed True, though I'd also like to mention that the amnesia isn't always full blackouts
@lonelypancake5979 28 күн бұрын
@@xyZer0_ can confirm the amnesia isn’t always full blackouts. Can also confirm that the full blackout moments are really scary… I’ll a personal experience as an example: me and my girlfriend at the time were enjoying some Clone wars in my room, then the next moment I was suddenly showing her the new gun I bought. I told my girlfriend I don’t remember getting up to show her, and that the last thing I remembered was watching clone wars. She said about 15 minutes had passed since then. She knew of my diagnosis and was quite supportive. Personal experience of a full blackout I’ve had. One of many. It’s a scary experience I don’t wish on anyone
@lonelypancake5979 28 күн бұрын
@@AuntieCreed I was diagnosed by a 3 year psychology student (I assume she now has her bachelors and working on her masters). We were good friends for a few years but unfortunately parted on… less than friendly terms. I won’t say her place of residence, but I will say her name was Abby. This being such a rare diagnosis always makes me scared of talking about it. I mean, I must sound crazy right??? “He has to be making this up, right?” Let me tell you that I wish I was. It’s not fun most days. I’ve got gaps in my memory, some days I don’t know who the hell I am, and I’ve hurt people without even remembering doing it.
@pupdawn Ай бұрын
As someone with bpd this might be interesting:)
@Unnecessary_Potato Ай бұрын
Aye BPD Hugs it sucks
@gardenofsn5955 Ай бұрын
@@Unnecessary_Potato Yep, it's the worst. Hugs y'all, we're alright
@7ShadowMaiden7 Ай бұрын
I have BPD too… we’re misjnderstood and usually tortured people. My future career as a psychologist will be dedicated towards helping others with personality disorders and neurodevelopmental disorders (ADHD, Autism, etc.) Much love to fellow sufferers of BPD
@Moon_x_sun Ай бұрын
Its a shitty diagnosis but i hope the best for you anyway :) (i dont have it, my friend did (until she started getting manic then it Got changed to bipolar))
@pupdawn Ай бұрын
@@7ShadowMaiden7 definitely. Many people say it’s one of the worst mental illnesses and I can only agree. I also work in healthcare and want to specialise in psychiatric nursing. I want to help everyone who feels the way I do because no one should have to
@SilverStarlight5555 Ай бұрын
My fiance and I both have bpd, adhd and some other stuff, and because of that, we definitely have abandonment issues and lots of anxiety, (me being the moodiest by far, sometimes I don't know how they put up with me) but honestly, it's been very nice that since we parly have the same issues, we knew what to expect from the start. It's a lot about patience, communication and love, some days are hard but they're outweighted by how many good days there are. I'm very excited to spend my life with them, hope they feel the same about me.
@BriettyBratt Ай бұрын
I had to listen as someone with Borderline personality disorder. Lol knew we'd be speaking up.
@FirstDarkAngel2001 29 күн бұрын
Bpd here. 15 years with my guy who is stubborn and loves me just as much as I do too.
@UrsulaDaSeaWishh 11 күн бұрын
BPD here-I take mood stabilizers and if I’m having a particularly mood swing-y day, I call in sick. Also the acronym HALT-stop and ask yourself “am I hungry, angry, lonely, or tired?” and when you identify which one, fix it lol. I USED TO smoke a lot of weed, but recently had to cut that out bcuz of an interaction with my new anxiety med, sooooooo the symptoms have been a little extra hard to deal with lately 😅 just being patient with myself. Letting myself play Minecraft and listen to Reddit stories all evening instead of pushing myself to be as productive as possible.
@pyretta138-3 25 күн бұрын
My partner has bipolar. Its been a long road but sobriety and the correct med dosage is life changing
@Luri_exe Ай бұрын
Oh cool, this episode will be super interesting
@Stoove. 24 күн бұрын
BPD and PTSD, but I’ve been working as an actor for years. Nobody knows I have issues besides people who’ve known me for over 4 years. I use my work skills in my day to day life. I act like “normal” me all the time, he’s well loved in my community :)
@Chiller-pc1dv Ай бұрын
Wasn't this supposed to be about personality disorders?
@darkstarr984 25 күн бұрын
Yeah, several of these aren’t. I was hoping to see a story from someone with obsessive compulsive personality disorder instead of regular OCD.
@Chiller-pc1dv 20 күн бұрын
@@darkstarr984 Yeah, things just completely derailed on that ask reddit. Drives me nuts when people don't understand the question
@TheComedyGeek 29 күн бұрын
I love your voice, UnderSparked. The empathy and kindness and understanding you put into every word make you head and shoulders above all the other people doing the same thing, and several light years above the damn AI voices. That said, um.... did you not notice that most of these were BPD? Doesn't that seem weird to you? I mean, my own disorder, Avoidant, did get mentioned first but then.... never again. Why did you choose so many very similar BPD cases? And what about all the rest?
@AlastorTheNPDemon 29 күн бұрын
I'm on the Spectrum, but I have an internal experience similar to NPD or BPD. It's terrible. I'm not abusive at all, but damn if I'm not tempted to say some rotten things over things I know to be small. If I'm not in control - which is often - I just shrivel up and want to die. The shame and insecurity are persistent and wear me down when I don't get enough compliments. Ugh.
@threestarproductions2130 18 күн бұрын
I was hoping someone with DPD would answer. Would have been nice to hear a success story for motivation.
@gapjain 27 күн бұрын
As i am a person with SzPD/ StPD Schizoid/Schizotypal personality disorder being in relationships with others for more time than 4 months is hard. Rather it be the personality disorder feels like a huge asset in my life as many are attracted to the robust ‘eccentrics’ yet do not see my solidarity at home. coping with everyday life has included telling my partner what i struggle with and recognizing thoughts from reality. the fugue occasionally makes me forget my identity or suppress it , and some pills have let my personality spark out more. i am reluctant to share vapid details anonymously over the internet. Though i want those others in my position to know ‘we have such huge personality to fill the entire room’ ‘only if we wish it.’ much love 💙.
@cryschanel32 Ай бұрын
1000000% recommend checking into DBT. It saved me too 🖤🖤
@pwms11 28 күн бұрын
BPD! Been in a relationship for 10 years and have kids. Life with BPD is hard, but doable! ❤️❤️
@lyndseyhooper9457 Ай бұрын
As someone with bpd this is so wholesome 😭
@Le4PaRd 25 күн бұрын
Avoidant personality disorder is hell
@legendsofshyrin8149 Ай бұрын
I honestly think I have BPD but haven’t been able to talk to a psychiatrist yet. My mom also just told me that she doesn’t believe that I have it. After listening to some of these stories, I’m even more convinced. I’m honestly not sure what to do.
@ryanstarkweather3625 Ай бұрын
I do my job with enthusiasm, i pretend to care about the customers, listening to their stories and learning their faces. I have no real relationships with anyone. I go home to the emptiness of my domicile and try to fill it with noise and destraction until I'm ready to "sleep." Next day i do it all again. Weekends i spend stoned because they're too long to be isolated for sober. I have therapy every other week. I wish i was dead. Just not enough to try again.
@929yiyi3 28 күн бұрын
I hope I will be a success story soon.
@valdenay7264 28 күн бұрын
Personality disorder. Period. There was no reason to try and feed the stigma or be redundant.
@RedHeadForester 20 күн бұрын
This is difficult to listen to... I suspect my ex is a covert narcissist. She emotionally abused me the whole 7 months and also cheated on me. I'm diagnosed autistic and ADHD. Initially, I thought she had BPD and I was very willing to change how I interpreted things to work with (rather than against) her on it. Somewhat understandably, she quickly rejected the idea and insisted I did too. She is diagnosed ADHD, but often rejects any and all "labels", so I don't see any chance of her changing. It's sad because I know she is in constant emotional pain and without acceptance of herself she's just gonna live her life in pain and causing pain for others.
@kikiesque Ай бұрын
asks people with personality disorders and gets responses of adhd, autism, anxiety, ocd. smh.
@shybandit521 Ай бұрын
The line between a personality disorder and other mental conditions is very vague. Frankly, lots of people with adhd or autism could very well zone out during any meeting with a psychiatrist and not remember the doctor saying the difference, so I can get it.
@kikiesque Ай бұрын
@@shybandit521 i know, i too have a slew of comorbid mental disabilities and illnesses, including personality disorder. it still sucks that personality disorder(s) aren't really given their own light in the way that some other mental health and neurodivergences have been given in recent years. there still exists a lot of dehumanization, stigmatization and villification towards people with personality disorder(s.) it would be nice to see that challenged and the positive results that would come from that.
@Genni4862 Ай бұрын
​@@shybandit521 there's overlap anywhere, but PD aren't talked about near enough, and when they are, it's in a negative light. We need space to talk about our issues, without people with every other mental/emotional issue butting in. Sure, there's overlap, but living with adhd is in no way the same as living with npd or something. Whether you get it or not doesn't matter. Everyone just has to make any questioned asked, into a question for themselves. It's pathetic.
@shybandit521 Ай бұрын
@@Genni4862 good for you?
@wednesdayschildfullofwoe 29 күн бұрын
​​@@shybandit521 There might be an overlap in symptoms when comes to certain disorders. However, the last sentence in your comment is the most piece of crap explanation I have ever heard 😂
@tifluvsu80 Ай бұрын
New video!!!
@Flygon-iy4sp 29 күн бұрын
My case is a little weird I have Dissociative Identity Disorder, but one of my Headmate/Alter has BPD and Major Social Anxiety, they will always yelled at me everytime i interacted with someone, even when that person is my own family and would act out when he is fronting When i started college after the pandemic, he basically tried to avoid as many people as he can until he is forced to interact in a group project, they realized that, people are not as bad as he thinks, people he thought was going to harm us as a collective turns out to be understanding and generally loving, while he does act out sometimes, especially went stressed, we does take him out of front when we decided he is too much of a trouble lol, but generally, him learning that people are not enemy is pretty great start in our life
@user-mn9wc5ru5w 27 күн бұрын
Let me guess, you have weird pronouns and probably dyed hair too?
@starfirei3356 29 күн бұрын
Seriously what happened to that deleted video with suspects who outed themselves by opening their mouth? I was watching it then suddenly comments wouldn’t load.
@Seabeastie20000 22 күн бұрын
I have AvPD, Dependant PD, aaaand OCD.... Full Cluster C
@archgirl7797 29 күн бұрын
Wow 'my Ex conditioned me to think that hitting was the appropriate response and not hitting was the ultimate punishment'. W.T.F. That is one of the most messed up things I've heard in a long time. The sad thing is, I get how her thinking could become so warppped
@Codm22712 Ай бұрын
Hi hmm this’ll interesting
@Techischannel Ай бұрын
As someone with Diagnosed Autism (Asbergers Syndrome), PTSD (Traumatic Childhood, Teenhood and Early Adulthood (I'm talking 18-21, I'm "Only" 24)), ADD (I simply am neither particularily Hyper or Hypo active, simple as that), General Mental and Emotional Instability (aka. "Have suspicions for more but I (as in the Psychiatrist) have not enough time to go ahead and do a deeper diagnosis") & Strong Suspicions for Depression (Suspicions exist since i was a small child, but for some reason i was never specifically "tested" for it) and BPD (It runs in the blood, would explain my emotional instability and volatility) Currently life is a bit more difficult. Still havent found a Psychiatrist, no drive aymore to keep looking for the next while as i only found people already too busy or unwilling because previous diagnosises and stuff. Its demoralizing. To be fair i currently dont have much of a drive for anything, so mostly going through the basic self maintaining motions and doing what i so do when i dont feel up to anything atall. Atleast my friend is here again more frequently, to push me to do something (on my own request). I may have no motivation, but i as myself exist in a strong seperation between body and mind afterall. That and a more severe disasociative episode, may be a contributing factor to the lacking drive and the loads more typos i am fixing as i type this. Its really frustrating. Prolly. Cant tell as i cant currently really tell what i am feeling either level of Disasociative episode. Running off of pure guesswork here.
@Seabeastie20000 22 күн бұрын
Wuh... Its like i wrote the first storyyyyy
@starlost1003 29 күн бұрын
I have bpd its so nice to see how peope succeed. Ive been having ideation due to this disorder and im desperately trying to hold on to hope. I worry im slowly losing this fight lol
@frankauer99 24 күн бұрын
I really feel with autist poster never heard it described that way and it hit hard
@twbean Ай бұрын
speaking for many people in this comment section, i can say that the majority enjoys the OG narrator over the new one. (im not bashing the narrator. the new one seems like a nice person too, i feel like this kinda job doesnt totally suit the new one) the reason why i enjoy the old narrator so much is because of his calming voice, that sounds nowhere near AI, his personality (he doesnt seem like a scummy person. i would totally be friends with him lol), and the commentary that he adds to stories i feel adds another element to the story. also i did see the comment left on one of the old videos explaining the new guy also- on a random note, i think that it would be so cool to see a face reveal for these guys, (although i understand why there isnt)
@chokingchicken99 Ай бұрын
I just don't kill people 🤷
@cosmonation1840 Ай бұрын
@kennygaming208 28 күн бұрын
You need to get better at Forza your driving isnt smooth and you need to turn your assists off
@morfeubranco Ай бұрын
People with BPD suffer less than the people they encounter.
@Pvppy_dr3amz Ай бұрын
As someone with BPD I would say so. We tend to project our suffering onto others to avoid facing it ourselves. Emotional punching bag you can say. People with BPD who are single are usually suffer way more the BPD people who have partners.
@xyZer0_ Ай бұрын
Sure, keep acting like personality disorders don't stem from trauma. I bet you don't have it, so how would you know how much they suffer?
@Dae_Tripping Ай бұрын
do you even understand the base of how bpd develops? people with bpd generally suffer a LOT, and disregarding that is toxic and plainly wrong
@Glittertrut Ай бұрын
excuse me? As a person with bpd i don't agree on this. Yes we can be a pain on others without the proper treatment and help, but oh wait how did bpd come into my life at the first place... yeah.. stigmatize us more. ffs
@Pvppy_dr3amz Ай бұрын
@@xyZer0_ I have Borderline Personality disorder and PTSD. My life was pretty sad and traumatizing but I also put my friends and romantic partners through hell because I refused to do therapy and heal myself and became an childish, unfaithful, emotionally abusive, violent junkie loser. Trauma isn't an excuse to be horrible to people and traumatize them. I learned the hard way now I have nobody and I'm trying to take accountability and be a better person instead of playing the victim. I'll admit I can't speak for everyone with the disorder it's a septrum but from my experience with other pwbpd we are absolutely obnoxious untreated. I know we suffer I understand BPD is Terrible but imagine how horrible it is for the loved ones who want nothing more then to love this mentally ill person and fix them but all they are met with is abuse and chaos it can absolutely destroy a person. We aren't evil people we are just extremely mentally ill and unpredictable and can hurt the people around us even if we don't mean to. It's sad but it's our job to fix it.
@kibertyisgay Ай бұрын
Wow this is gonna be amazing! This vid is going to fucking suck.
@UrsulaDaSeaWishh 11 күн бұрын
BPD here-I take mood stabilizers and if I’m having a particularly mood swing-y day, I call in sick. Also the acronym HALT-stop and ask yourself “am I hungry, angry, lonely, or tired?” and when you identify which one, fix it lol. I USED TO smoke a lot of weed, but recently had to cut that out bcuz of an interaction with my new anxiety med, sooooooo the symptoms have been a little extra hard to deal with lately 😅 just being patient with myself. Letting myself play Minecraft and listen to Reddit stories all evening instead of pushing myself to be as productive as possible.
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