Physical Exams for Driver's Licenses?

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Steve Lehto

Steve Lehto

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@roberteltze4850 Жыл бұрын
My grandfather when he was elderly passed a car on the highway, didn't see another car in front of it and pulled over and forced that car onto the shoulder. When he got home he put away the car keys and never drove again. I can only hope I have that level of self awareness when I reach that point in my life.
@BigLisaFan Жыл бұрын
My father had 2 minor incidents in 6 months. One was a pile of sand beside the road in the dark and the second was when he turned into the driveway too early and climbed the curb. He hung up his keys right there before he said he killed someone.
@machintelligence Жыл бұрын
A friend had "the talk" with her father who had worsening vision and he agreed that there would be no more driving. Less than two weeks later she was called because he had an accident and totaled his car. She confronted him and wondered why he was driving. He replied that "I wasn't driving. I went to the Post Office."
@JPaterson8942 Жыл бұрын
My grandma gave up driving years ago when her glaucoma got too bad and she felt unsafe. She's also the one who took her dad's keys after a friend called and let her know that he had been seen driving over 60 in a 25 zone.
@repatch43 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately alot of drivers like that don't realize what kind of trouble they're causing on the road, and claim they are 'good drivers' because they never get in an accident, yet behind them they've caused several accidents.
@matthewlee9728 Жыл бұрын
my grandmother at 78 mad her own descion not to drive any more said she didnt want her kids to have to make her stop
@arinerm1331 Жыл бұрын
I met a wonderful lady of advanced age at a dialysis clinic. She's also diabetic, and at one time in her life she'd lost enough of her vision that she carried the iconic white cane tipped with red. During this period she had occasion to renew her driver's license, which went off without a hitch at the DMV, **while she was using her white cane as a navigational aid.** Never let it be said that common sense overrides the rules in a bureaucracy.
@vm1776 Жыл бұрын
when I was in college I knew a girl who had a seing eye dog and used a white cane when the dog wasn't with her, but she had glasses with something that reminded me of binoculars in them and her license said that she could drive in daylight only. She didn't drive often but those who rode with her said it was a nervewrecking experience. there are degrees of blindness but wild things happen.
@davidcollver6155 Жыл бұрын
Probably if you had looked over her shoulder she was probably just getting identification card which from a distance looks like a standard driver's license at least in North Carolina that's the way they look.
@TechGorilla1987 Жыл бұрын
If you're undergoing dialysis treatments yourself, my heart is with you. My wife is stage 5 (borderline) ESKD with a GFR of 15. We're going through the "Million Dollar Workup" for the transplant list now. When Dialysis come, we chose peritoneal vs hemo. Stay well internet denizen!
@artbrownsr Жыл бұрын
​@Tech Gorilla, sir, may you get on the transplant list and have a long life with it. My wife of 43 years did not last until transplant. She also chose peritoneal dialysis. Blessings on her and you!
@arinerm1331 Жыл бұрын
@@davidcollver6155 No. She got her driver's license renewed. I don't know why you'd think I was looking over her shoulder from a dialysis clinic, but whatever.
@Flachickenman Жыл бұрын
As a truck driver, I get a FULL physical and eye exam every 2 years...unless I fail, then every year thereafter! At a healthy 55yo!
@slackdaddy1912 Жыл бұрын
Well, you’re driving a 60,000 pound vehicle for up to 10 hours, and two more hours for good measure.
@Flachickenman Жыл бұрын
@@slackdaddy1912 actually...possibly 80k lbs for 11 max hours with a 30 min mandatory break after 8 hrs. I drive a route for 6 hrs, in state, refrigerated trailer of juice
@KA-om9oz Жыл бұрын
​@@slackdaddy1912 would about the dumb rv drivers..crazy
@slackdaddy1912 Жыл бұрын
@@KA-om9oz ….. you mean the dumb drivers that don’t give rv’s or trucks room to move, or stop because they are to dumb to realize theirs something called blind spots?
@gordybishop2375 Жыл бұрын
Any vehicle can Maine or kill, no matter the size
@itatane Жыл бұрын
My late grandfather was adamant that any driver over 65 should have a vision, hearing and cognitive tests done every two years. He also thought the same should be the rule for judges, politicians, baseball umpires, police, and assorted other characters. He became even more outspoken when he had to have cataracts taken care of, and realized just how little he was able to see before the surgery. Pilots lose their license if they can't pass a physical, and CDL holders also face DOT physical requirements in many, if not all cases, if I recall correctly.
@billyjoejimbob75 Жыл бұрын
So deaf people can't drive?
@diveforknowledge Жыл бұрын
Mostly correct. CDL holders and Pilots require regular DOT and FAA exams respectively. Private pilots (pilots for fun, can't fly for hire) are eligible for something called BasicMed, which is sort of an honor system exemption to the medical exam rule. Pilots of light sport aircraft (under 1320lbs) and gliders (no engine) are completely exempt from medical requirements.
@cjlaity1 Жыл бұрын
Too old to run an automobile but no problem running the entire country.
@dr.barrycohn5461 Жыл бұрын
Same thing for a pilot in airlines, right?
@flazzorb Жыл бұрын
The body often fails before the mind, though I'm not sure all of those minds worked in the first place.
@robertheinkel6225 Жыл бұрын
You beat me to it!
@zeropolicy7456 Жыл бұрын
Meh, Presidents have think tanks and entire teams of advisors that do the actual running of things. The main job of the POTUS is to be a representative of the American people. Admittedly, our last 2 presidents haven't exactly been stellar representatives.
@mrtechie6810 Жыл бұрын
Ain't that the truth!
@EM-fi2qg Жыл бұрын
Imagine what the clinic is going to charge for that physical. It's going to cost hundreds of $$ to renew your license
@hauntedshadowslegacy2826 Жыл бұрын
Y'know what'd help that? Cracking down on healthcare price gouging. Like, it's 'nice' and all that the major producers of insulin are 'oh so graciously' reducing the cost of a month's supply of insulin from several thousand dollars down to several hundred, but that doesn't excuse hospitals charging forty bucks for a single dose of Tylenol.
@peteengard9966 Жыл бұрын
Great idea. Around here just about every store has big steel encased concrete barriers to keep the Qtips from driving into the store. One day a 97 year old lady mistook the gas and brake and drove my loaded shopping cart into two parked cars. The police allowed her to drive home!!!!! The grocery store replaced all my smashed food.
@virginiamoss7045 Жыл бұрын
I happened to take note of a very old lady who frequented my grocery store; she seemed so frail, but she got her small cart and walked through the store to get what she wanted. One day I saw her backing out of a parking spot, very slowly, but without incident. I wondered about her and saw her again driving in and around looking for a parking spot which she navigated just fine, very slowly. Then in the local paper I saw her being feted on her birthday of 102 years. I was flabbergasted! Her family reported that they had all decided that she would no longer, at age 102, drive her car. I was relieved.
@riverraisin1 Жыл бұрын
Come to Arizona in the winter. Practically everyone driving around in the parking lot is 102 years old.
@NewHampshireJack Жыл бұрын
When I applied for my first Philippine driving license it was a bit of a different experience. I sat at a desk and the person across from me had the application form with my age on it. First question: "what are you taking?" I replied, "excuse me?" He clarified. "people your age take maintenance medications." The poor fellow was shocked when I replied: "Dude, I take no drugs of any kind. I control most things like BP with a good, healthy diet." He shook his head and after a few more steps, I received my new Philippine license.
@makeitpay8241 Жыл бұрын
i would have said "i only take Red Horse at the end of each day as it aids in sleep"
@NewHampshireJack Жыл бұрын
@@makeitpay8241 We do it a bit differently. Two mugs are retrieved from the freezer. A bottle of San Mig Cerveza Negra is split between the two mugs and then a bottle of San Mig Pilsen tops off the two mugs. That is the closest I can get to a "black & tan" for a guest and myself.
@synewparadigm Жыл бұрын
It's funny that he asked you bc Philippines drivers are driving like crazy drunk.
@makeitpay8241 Жыл бұрын
@@synewparadigm they tend to make their own rules up as they go.
@thesisypheanjournal1271 Жыл бұрын
My mom was always a pretty bad driver in the first place. When she got older, her driving became downright alarming. Fortunately she lived in a rural area where the DMV was open very strange days and times. We pointed out to her that her license has expired, and we didn’t tell her she could renew it online. We would just wait for her to say she wanted to go in and renew her drivers license and we would go online, and whether the center was open or not we would tell her it was closed. That kept her out from behind the wheel without any drama.
@jsivco3sivco785 Жыл бұрын
Two words: Women driver!! "always a pretty bad driver"
@basillah7650 Жыл бұрын
@@jsivco3sivco785 Not the gender its how they are raised if only female in the house raised as a princess also if bad driver teaches them like their mother then they get taught bad stuff more entitlement from getting their own way.
@RealPackCat Жыл бұрын
That's just mean. It is passive aggressive. Be an adult and tell her the truth. She is beyond reason to operate a dangerous machine.
@MrTruckerf Жыл бұрын
@@RealPackCat Well, she is dead now so it worked.
@ostlandr Жыл бұрын
My Great-uncle "Doc" was also a terrible driver. Tended to take his half of the road out of the middle.
@juanaboynkin1196 Жыл бұрын
The new DMV in Reno is a larger building that now has 4 times as many closed windows as they had at the older, smaller location.
@Uberragen21 Жыл бұрын
I worked in an ER years ago and an elderly man drove through the gate in the garage and plowed into the large planters blocking the front door of the hospital. The planters did their job and stopped the vehicle from plowing through the front door. The elderly guy was in shock behind the steering wheel, smoking the tires until I ran out, reached over him to turn the ignition off. Turned out the guy was 93 and then became a patient right next to his wife... 🤦
@hauntedshadowslegacy2826 Жыл бұрын
Aaaaannnnnd, THAT is why the law was put into place. You get it. Without those planters, there would've been potentially dozens more patients.
@jonathanjones3126 Жыл бұрын
I would vote starting at age 50 or for certain medical conditions you get a full medical exam everytime you renew, once you hit 60 medical exam every year, 70 every 2 months.
@eujr4SC Жыл бұрын
An elderly person did that to a local fast food joint a while back. Kept spinning their wheels until a worker shut off the car. Luckily it was slow and nobody was in the restaurant.
@NooneStaar Жыл бұрын
Thank god we have no public transportation!
@aga5897 Жыл бұрын
@@jonathanjones3126 I'd vote for ever driver getting tested for Drugs, Alcohol, Eyesight, Cognitive ability, Idiocy etc etc every couple of years, no matter their age, same as the Car has to get checked to make sure it's not broken. The age of the vehicle or driver means nothing at all apart from Probabilities.
@davidzarodnansky4720 Жыл бұрын
I absolutely agree that older persons should have to prove that they are capable of seeing and properly operating a motor vehicle. I had a car totaled a few years back by a 92 year old woman who backed into my car at high speed, while backing out of her driveway! She then went back into her house, and when the police responded, she did not answer her door, claiming that she couldn't see well enough to see that the officer was wearing a police uniform! She told the officer that she had been driving for 75 years, and had never had an accident or ticket, but in NJ, an officer can, even if no summons is issued, recommend that a person be re-examined for continued licencing to drive. Turned out that she was LEGALLY BLIND, and KNEW IT, and was driving anyway! I understand that loss of a license is a major inconvenience for elderly drivers (I'm in my 60's myself), but getting hit by a driver who can't see where they're going is a greater inconvenience, especially if they total your car or kill you!
@gcanada3005 Жыл бұрын
Someone obviously complained this person is no longer safely driving to the DMV
@Uberragen21 Жыл бұрын
My elderly grandmother lost her DL due to poor eyesight. That didn't stop her! She drove for another decade after losing her license before she passed. What were they going to do, imprison an 80+ year old women? She also lived in a very remote part of the country, so the only sheriff deputy in town was her son-in-law. 😂😂
@dougbotimer8005 Жыл бұрын
I also just renewed my Michigan license. I’m not quite 70, but closer than not. I happen to be in SOS on other business, so renewed in person. The interesting thing is the “corrective lens” restriction was removed from my license after being there for over 50 years. No, haven’t had surgery. My optometrist has told me for years that my distance vision has been gradually improving. Apparently improving distance vision with age is not uncommon for people who have been near sighted since childhood. I’ve also known drivers well over 70 employed by manufacturers and trusted with performance vehicles.
@kenbrown2808 Жыл бұрын
interestingly, I've started wearing glasses full time, and expected the corrective lens to be added to my license last time. nope, they apparently trust me.
@bobfognozzle Жыл бұрын
An instructor at the BMW performance driving school was over 80 in 2015. I attended the school when I was 67. just sayin‘
@vm1776 Жыл бұрын
I'm in my late 40's. I've been wearing glasses since the 2nd grade. My optometrist says that my distance vision is legal for driving without my glasses but he also tells me that he doesn't recommend that (yeah, I agree with him because by the time I can read a sign without my glasses it's too close to react to it). But I now wear trifocals and without my glasses I can't read the dashboard on my car, if you can't read the speedometer you really should need lenses for driving.
@michaelthompson3994 Жыл бұрын
In Texas or at least my office had me take off my glasses to check vision, passed? Been wearing glasses 66 years, wow!
@vm1776 Жыл бұрын
@@michaelthompson3994 In NY if you go in person they always ask you to try the vision test without glasses first. When I was in my 20's and very nearsighted, I told them I wouldn't pass without glasses and they insisted I try. When they said, "tell us what you see" I asked if the machine was turned on yet and she said, "wow your vision's bad, put your glasses on." lol
@georgejr2640 Жыл бұрын
LOL, MY sisters old doc will say you are here for an annual checkup, if you want forms filled out you need to make another appointment. Needless to say, she has a new doctor.
@Hatbox948 Жыл бұрын
@jamessimms415 Жыл бұрын
Most Doctor’s Offices require a fee payment before filling out forms. My former Ortho Doctor required payment before filling out & certified I had a legal right for a handicapped placard. The next time, my normal Doctor filled out the form w/out payment.
@simpleman806 Жыл бұрын
I drove a semi for 13yrs. For cdl holders, you have to have a medical card. They check your eyes, hearing, blood pressure, urine to check for diabetes. If you're healthy, a medical card last 2yrs. Blood pressure/heart problems, 1yr max. I gave up my cdl last year because my rheumatoid arthritis is getting too bad and I had a heart attack last year. I could have kept it and get a 1yr card, but it was time for me to call it quits. My wife and I made that decision. She is working, so I don't have to.
@xlerb2286 Жыл бұрын
Years ago we had a feisty little old lady that owned half the town and probably should have quit driving years before she did. I can't imagine any clerk at the DMV denying her a license. She was one of those folk that could intimidate anyone just with a look. But that was a different time and place, everyone just knew you watched out for "the hat that drove a car" (she was quite short, and always wore a hat).
@arribaficationwineho32 Жыл бұрын
If the local board denied her….likely she would “make a call” and would be instantly granted the right to drive
@xlerb2286 Жыл бұрын
@@arribaficationwineho32 That she would. She'd call her lawyer, who rumor has it had the city government and police in his pocket for anything relating to her, or she'd just drive anyway and if any officer was new enough to not know to look the other way and give her a ticket the police would somehow lose the paperwork. Not saying those were better times, but they sure were more entertaining. And I don't mean to make it sound like she was some sort of terror. She was a kind person and was very generous with her money. But a spine of steel. They don't make them like that anymore.
@alexm7777 Жыл бұрын
​@@xlerb2286 that sounds more like moral corruption instead of standing for your beliefs
@xlerb2286 Жыл бұрын
@@alexm7777 Not arguing. Small midwest towns in the 60's were far from perfect. But you've also got to look at it from her point of view, her father was one of the first pioneers in the area, she and her family had to do everything for themselves. Food on the table came from hunting, trapping, or raising animals - which wasn't the easy option in those days. You spend decades of your life relying on yourself and doing what you have to when you need to, and you don't take kindly to a bunch of newcomers saying you need a permit for this or that :) I'd say she was quite a moral person and the town worked around her as she'd earned it.
@t.c.2776 Жыл бұрын
as devastating as it is to lose your driving ability to just get out to do simple things like food shopping, especially if you live in a rural area, I'm 73 and totally agree... I had to pass a "little old man" driving 12-15 in a 30mph zone who either couldn't SEE the road or physically was unsteady behind the wheel or both.... they are very dangerous to other drivers... and Florida is a great example especially the way the roads are set up...
@basillah7650 Жыл бұрын
You don't need to drive to go shopping or to visit people get a bike and get excuse instead of getting fat driving will live a lot longer that way as well.
@t.c.2776 Жыл бұрын
@@basillah7650 YOU however are are such a self-centered MORON... there are at least 6 reason I can think of elderly people can't ride bikes and your assumption is because they get FAT shows your IGNORANCE... wish I could be around when your sorry ass gets old and frail and ends up sitting in a chair, watching tv, and crapping in your diapers... personally, I live ONLY 2 miles from my store on a rural road that is even dangerous to walk on because of the truck traffic and speeders... and riding a bicycle in snow is a bit difficult... and how much food do you think you can load on a bike... WHAT A F**KING MORON... have a great life...
@rm19660 Жыл бұрын
Move to a place that you can take a bus
@billberry557 Жыл бұрын
I have always wondered about this and of course had mixed feelings since I am an older person. However back in 2012 I moved to Hawaii and had lived in Arizona for 20 years. I was 65 years of age at the time, and discovered Hawaii requires everyone moving to the state regardless of age to takea written drivng test. No oriving test is required for those witha license from another state, but a written test is required. I mumbled and grumbled, but went ahead and took the test, and was surprised when i failed by having answered one too many questions incorrectly. Taking the test seriously was my next step and two weeks later I took it and passed with 100%. One of the things I learned from this was no matter how good I thought I was at the rules of the road there were things I had forgotten or that had changed as i grew older. We all need to brush up from time to time and the older we get the more somethings we have left behind such as eye hand coordination eysight, and honestly quickness of mind besides physical abiliteis. So at least a brief evaluation of our abilities as we age is an honest thing to do if nothing else for our own safety and that of others. We talk about people driving after too much alchohol or having done drugs and being impaired what about failure to visualy see clearly from age glocoma, some of the frustration that comes with aging? Thank you and to be honest i am 75 years of age, and do still drive.
@scottcooper4391 Жыл бұрын
In KS EVERYBODY takes a vision AND written exam for renewal.
@basillah7650 Жыл бұрын
different state different rules you failed because you to lazy to look up the rules of a different state should always look up the rules when going to another state or country something legal where you live might be illegal somewhere else.
@r2db Жыл бұрын
@@basillah7650 Your first statement is absurd. There is absolutely no benefit to society or myself to have memorized all of the different specific penalties for the first/ second/ subsequent offenses of driving under the influence. I have my own personal standards with regards to drinking and operating a vehicle that are far more stringent than what any state requires, in part because I have far more to lose than just my drivers license if I am even charged with a DUI, regardless of guilt or innocence. I have also never operated a vehicle without proper insurance. When my "daily driver" was a utility vehicle (side-by-side) it was insured and registered no different than my car or truck. When I took the written examination for Alaska all of the questions I missed were on various permutations of DUI with or without proper vehicle insurance. These tests do not necessarily focus on proper vehicle operation. Knowing the legal limit for intoxication is one thing, knowing the blood alcohol implied consent/ refusal law would also be pertinent. Requiring knowledge of the penalty for a third DUI when one has not even been charged with a first offense is absurd. Recognizing that absurdity is not laziness.
I do worry that as written tests require more and more knowledge of DUI related stuff, that I won't pass. Seriously, if someone is gonna drink and drive, they aren't gonna be measuring their blood alcohol before they get behind the wheel. If a person doesn't drink, and doesn't take meds that interfere with their driving ability, who cares what zero point something your blood alcohol is? Actually knowing and following the rules of the road is far more essential.
@BubbaBubbinski Жыл бұрын
My mother in law (whom I respect and love) had her privilege to drive revoked when a doctor diagnosed her as having early stage dementia about 4 years ago She was fully functional and just less than a year before I had taken her to buy a replacement vehicle. Shortly after losing her driver's licence, she asked me to see what she could get for her vehicle. I took it back to the dealer, whom I have purchased 2 vehicles from, myself, and asked what they would offer. I was quite pleased when they offered only $2000.00 less than she paid for it about a year before. She was also pleased and said, "Go ahead," let her know what, when, and where she needed to sign, and all went well. Unfortunately, her dementia has accelerated to the point where she can't walk, and even talking is very frustrating for her. She's in a full time care home, seems happy, and my wife and I visit her as much as we have time to. Love you mom❤️❤️
@Whiskey77921 Жыл бұрын
As a CDL driver (Truck Driver) I am required to get a physical and carry a Med card proving it which is issued for no more that 2 years down to 6 months. I see drivers of cars that can't walk much less control a vehicle at highway speeds. Probably not a bad idea to prove your medically capable. lol
@ubergeek1968 Жыл бұрын
My Father-in-law chose to stop driving and surrendered his license at age 68. He knew that he was unsafe to drive, due to a familiar shake. It was a rough day for him when I drove him to the Utah DLD to get a state ID card. I wish more people would be as willing to recognize when they are unsafe to drive.
@buzzanderson6217 Жыл бұрын
There are so many more people driving in Florida at an advanced age. A lady in the grocery store I talked to was 95 and drove herself there. It’s amazing if you have kept from drinking or smoking too much how intact people can be at that age.
@nh251 Жыл бұрын
Not everyone is equal in capabilities, especially as they age.
@LuciferAlmighty Жыл бұрын
It has very little to do with drinking and smoking but more in your genetics.
@janeysiegrist5061 Жыл бұрын
Drinking and smoking has nothing to do with longevity
@sarajuanaict Жыл бұрын
My dad don't drink or smoke and he's got Alzheimer's.... Try again nancy reagan
@TheSjuris Жыл бұрын
My stepdad still drives at 97. His faculties are still sharp. My mom who is 84 doesn’t drive anymore since her faculties are diminished. It all depends on aging.
@ihatedietcola7920 Жыл бұрын
I want your shirt lol. I knew a guy that was 102 and still driving and drove better than most people I see today. I was riding with him going fishing all the time. He died at 104 sitting on his tractor after mowing down a field. It's the way he wanted to go and I'm glad he went out doing what he liked to do.
@ZerotheWanderer Жыл бұрын
We need more frequent tests for younger people and older people, I fully support that. It would make the roads a better place, instead of just passing the test once and just cruising on through for the rest of your life.
@shaunwheeler3484 Жыл бұрын
Most folks age 71 or older are on Medicare which will not pay for a physical, only an annual 'wellness' check which isn't the same thing. Social Security and most pension plans are always a few years behind inflation. Does it really make sense to hit them in the wallet again?
@jackccrofootjr7228 Жыл бұрын
Yes, my sister was rear ended by an elderly women in a brand new car at 35 mph, because she admitted her reaction time was slow and her vision was failing. The officer felt sorry for her and did not ticket her. On the other hand my sister (financially strapped and driving an older vehicle) had her car totaled front and back as did the person in front of her because the elderly women did not even use he brakes and kept her foot on the accelerator. At that time there was no NO_FAULT laws in MI. My sister with children lost the use of her car and could not afford even another beater car and was without transportation to get to work. So, yes indeed a physical with proper vision exam that reports Acuity and Visual field is such a small price to pay for the lives and safety of others. When the time came I voluntarily surrendered my operators license and was ashamed that I did not know I legally should have surrendered it earlier. The DMV need to inform the public of the total vision requirement to hold an operators license.
@TheQuickSilver101 Жыл бұрын
Here in Ontario you need to take a vision test and a mental assessment (I believe you need to draw a clock) when you hit 80. You also need to renew you licence every 2 years. Most folks I have known of that age have no issues with it. Frankly a few folks I know in their 40s (and one in his 30s) should be forced to retake their tests
@johannesnoneoftheabove9957 Жыл бұрын
What kind of clock?
@TheQuickSilver101 Жыл бұрын
@@johannesnoneoftheabove9957 As I understand it you need to draw a dial clock and they tell you to put the hands to a certain time
@riverraisin1 Жыл бұрын
Hopefully the customer doesn't misunderstand the command and draw a Glock instead! 🤣🤣
@barto6577 Жыл бұрын
@@riverraisin1 It's Canada Glocks are VERBOTEN.
@loismiller2830 Жыл бұрын
Drawing a clock with the hands showing a specific time is a common test for dementia. Those with early dementia can't do it. Very interesting phenomenon.
@seymourpro6097 Жыл бұрын
In the UK it's on your 70th birthday. Your doctor can narc you out, otherwise for the first time it's just a renewal if you can read a number plate at the specified distance. After that it's a medical at a doctor's.
@LevinQGame Жыл бұрын
On both sides of my family there was a point the old men became unsafe drivers. For my Moms side they disabled the distributor caps and he wasn't able to fix it and he had worked on cars for years. When little things like that or disconnecting the battery are all it takes they for sure should not be behind the wheel.
@janeysiegrist5061 Жыл бұрын
Good litmus test
@NIGHTOWL-jf9zt Жыл бұрын
Anyone who has ever visited the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles - N.Y) Pre Pandemic and choose to go mid morning to early afternoon know that in itself could be the physical examination (simply locating a parking spot and making your way inside could be physically demanding itself), stress test (locating and filling out the forms that may or may not be needed at the window could be stressful), endurance test (sitting there waiting for them to call your service ticket number D-33 when they are only on B-14). In other places it could be an Olympic event.
@Garth2011 Жыл бұрын
Interesting...the doctors are now charging a fee to complete and sign those kind of "forms" now a days so not only the exam cost but the likely high fee to fill out forms.
@gerrygilmore4337 Жыл бұрын
I`m turning 79 yrs old. I just got my license by mail in Michigan. It is valid for 4 four years. @ 6:35 you said that Michigan licenses were valid for 8 yrs. Did I get cheated. Keep up the good work you do for the viewing public
@georgeadams1853 Жыл бұрын
Renewal interval changes in Indiana at age 75 from 6 years to 4 years, and at age 85 from 4 years to 2 years. When I worked at US Postal Service, I had to have my blood pressure checked before getting a postal driving permit. If you have high BP, you have to get it treated (with documentation, of course) before you are allowed to drive for the postal service.
@thundergod97 Жыл бұрын
Due to my dad's (75) dementia, I initiated the process of getting the Michigan Secretary of State, using that form, to require him to get re-examined before getting his driver's license renewal this year. When he got the letter about it, it did not identify me as the one who submitted the form. I told him anyway. He now has to get an examination by his doctor for his driving fitness on Wednesday. I have been driving him everywhere for a while now, as I don't think he should be on the road. It was initially rough convincing him of that, but more recently, he has been ok with it.
@kenbrown2808 Жыл бұрын
fortunately, in m family, as people have aged out of driving, they've recognized it and done it on their own.
@copcuffs9973 Жыл бұрын
​@@kenbrown2808 I retired one older woman from driving after she hit me and put me in the hospital her daughter said she said she never saw me until I was on her hood.
@prunabluepepper Жыл бұрын
Nowadays it's also easy to get deliveries when your at home all day long (retired). There is little need to drive
@callak_9974 Жыл бұрын
Good test is to have him play a driving Sim with a steering wheel.
@thundergod97 Жыл бұрын
@callak he acts like he is allergic to gaming...otherwise I would try that (definitely have the perhiperals). I grew up gaming and he developed a hatred of my gaming (I might have contributed a bit to that through my habits)...and now he doesn't play anything that isn't on his phone. Even then it's not much more than solitare.
@genepozniak Жыл бұрын
I wish NJ had had that law when my 80 yo mom had become incompetent to drive. Neither my dad nor my 4 siblings (I wasn't living there) could get up the courage to "bell the cat," as Mom had a hot temper. Finally, she sideswiped a parked car but kept on going. The cops came and took her license, saying she could only get it back if a doctor signed off on her competence. She yelled at my dad until he gave in and took her to our family physician, who talked to her for a literal minute then said, "No way in hell!" If she had to go into the DMV for an interview, there's also no way in hell they would have let her drive!
@jeromethiel4323 Жыл бұрын
This is a thing that needs to be. My father is a case in point. So many fused vertebrae that he could not physically turn his head. Which made changing lanes an experience fraught with peril. Taking the keys didn't work, he'd just order another key fob from the dealership. Without a court order, there was no stopping him.
@alexm566 Жыл бұрын
New cars have a blind spot camera and radar which could've probably helped
@slamshift6927 Жыл бұрын
Install a hidden killswitch
@jackccrofootjr7228 Жыл бұрын
In the U.K. Optometrists and Ophthalmologist are required to report patients whose vision no longer meets driving requirements. This is not so in the U.S. I was legally blind and asked my Ophthalmologist should I turn in my license, he told me that was up to me. Even as a Med Prac. I did not realize that in Michigan you cannot possess an operators license if your horizontal visual field is less than 140 degrees (norm. 180 degrees or 1/2 a circle). Legal Blindness is when your Visual Field is 20 degrees or less in your best seeing eye. Food for thought only because the DMV does not inform the gen. public.
@josephteller9715 Жыл бұрын
There is also the problem of folks who have non-vision related conditions which their doctor may or may not detect - bouts of Dementia may go undetected by normal checkups, which is why some families may have to get someone to stop driving. Seen this a number of times with Alzheimer's and Dementia patients.
@basillah7650 Жыл бұрын
doctors are useless they want to keep a customer they don't care if someone kills you its about money to them,
@OGBennyGoat Жыл бұрын
In NJ we have an entire chapter on how to deal with elderly drivers. I'm all for physical exams because especially in places as densely pack as Jersey it'll make the roads safer.
@user-hw1cr5uq4z Жыл бұрын
Have had to get a dot physical for a CDL medical card every two years for years.
@sashamoore9691 Жыл бұрын
As you should. You are working for a company, who has to have insurance on all employees, to avoid litigations and whatnot, plus you guys are transporting merchandise on a large scale in a very LARGE semi most of the time.
@kencramer1697 Жыл бұрын
We got lucky with my grand mother on my mothers side. At her 85th birthday she announced that she had a present for all of the family. She turned over her keys to my aunt and said I am not going to drive any more. No my grandmother on my fathers side, drove herself to her 97 birthday party. I will add that she is still a better driver than most people I have seen and she gets around better than most 75 year olds.
@axepagode33626 Жыл бұрын
The mail in route is actually great because I don't have to take a new picture. I like the picture I took when I was 45 a lot better than the picture I took for my recent passport. If you are in your sixties and you don't see a doctor or optometrist once a year, you are trying to get into a car accident.
@NR-nf1il Жыл бұрын
I like the mail in route to as I don't have a car so it's harder to get to DMV. However I still want my license because I might rent a car
@kamz4576 Жыл бұрын
Here in AZ, our licenses don't expire until age 65; thereafter, they renew every 5 years. However, you're required to update your photo every 12 years.
@machintelligence Жыл бұрын
@@kamz4576 That is similar to Colorado. Licenses last 5 years and every 10 you have to come into the DMV for a vision test and a new picture. The 5th year renewal can be done on line.
@hoosierplowboy5299 Жыл бұрын
My late, dear wife, at age 91 came home from grocery shopping, hung her keys up on the hook, and announced that she would no longer be driving. I asked, why, and she said, I don't feel comfortable doing it any was the beginning of her dementia...😢
@gordonshumway7239 Жыл бұрын
The NV rule doesn’t sound too bad. If you’re over 65 you get an annual Medicare physical which would be an easy time to get the doctor’s note. Plus you probably have more frequent visits for one chronic condition or other. I was more concerned with MD claiming the right to monitor your sleep apnea machine if you have one. I think Steve did that story but I’ve seen it several places. I don’t have one, but that gives me a great incentive never to get checked for sleep apnea…
@prunabluepepper Жыл бұрын
If you have sleep apnoea you know it. Because you always wake up exhausted. People who have it are usually overweight as well and snore a lot. So, three good indicators for you right there.
@jonathanjones3126 Жыл бұрын
If you don't treat your sleep apnea and you need to I wouldn't ever let you drive.
@gordonshumway7239 Жыл бұрын
@@jonathanjones3126As it happens, it’s not up to you to “let me drive”. Also, I’ve been driving since 1966 without an at fault accident. Other drivers have bigger worries than me.
@Lauren_C Жыл бұрын
@@jonathanjones3126Hence why one would opt to conceal it.
@@prunabluepepper I don't think so. Someone who is asleep may not know they're snoring, let alone have a gap in their breathing. You can wake up exhausted from a variety of ailments, too.
@stischer47 Жыл бұрын
For a number of years (I'm 76) I have had to do an eye exam at the DMV. Texas has now cut down the number of years your DL is valid. I see no problem with that. I hope I have enough sense to stop driving when it is a problem. If I don't, take my license.
@TropicalGardenGuy Жыл бұрын
Im in my 60’s and with all the physical changes I’ve seen in the last 10 years… I agree. I personally know of 3 women under 70 quit driving because they said their reaction time is slower and getting worse by the day.
@lesliemandic9673 Жыл бұрын
At least they were self aware.
@hauntedshadowslegacy2826 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, it really sucks that our bodies can break down as we age. But as you point out, it is a safety concern when it comes to driving. My grandma's last husband (he's still alive, she's not) has dementia and is getting worsening vision and reaction time. A couple years ago, he was driving my mom and his wife back from a funeral and nearly got into several collisions. My mom had to take over for him and drive the rest of the way home. Driving beyond your abilities could get you and others killed. I appreciate your self-awareness. It sucks, I get that, but living without driving is better than dying in a crash. By the way, I notice your username. I'm interested in growing a cacao tree and a passion fruit vine. Got any advice? Equipment, humidity, fertilization...? I love tropical plants, but I live in USDA zone 8a.
@jasonrodgers9063 Жыл бұрын
I'm 64, have a CDL that I just renewed, will be valid until October 2029, when I'll be 71 (IF I'm still around)! I want to keep it as a CDL, so that when I retire (soon!) I'll still be able to do some part time driving gigs. Requires a full physical exam annually. Not thrilled about it, but I knew what the deal was when I signed on.
@prunabluepepper Жыл бұрын
Yes! Absolutely yes. Many young people don't allow their own parents to drive their grandkids around. I've been driving as passenger with old people. It's scary af what they don't see or understand anymore. In the USA it might be an issue though.
@jonathanjones3126 Жыл бұрын
Past a certain age I would make testing a person reaction speed and decision making, if you fall below a certain threshold no license ever again.
@ganggreen9012 Жыл бұрын
When I was in college I lived with my grandmother, after one particularly ride with her I suggested to my aunt that she should be assessed by her Dr about her ability to drive. My aunt pulled the Dr aside at her next appointment and the Dr decided that she really didn't belong behind the wheel of a car. I believe that an accident would have been inevitable had she continued driving. Nobody in the family wanted to be the one to tell her that it was time, but we knew she would accept it from the Dr.
@ostlandr Жыл бұрын
Like the old joke, "I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my Grandfather, not screaming in terror like the rest of the people in his car."
@prunabluepepper Жыл бұрын
@@ostlandr 😂😂😂😂😭👏
@bellwethertrucking3650 Жыл бұрын
My friend was standing in line at S.O.S and an 80+ year old man was next to him and when the lady asked him to "look into the viewer" he couldn't understand her, so the lady with him led him to it. The clerk then asked him to, "tell me when you see the 2 lines cross" and he said nothing. She asked him again and started the test. Again, he said nothing. She then manually put the lines together and asked him, "are the lines crossed?" And he said, "yes". So she asked him to step over and put his feet on the footprints" and he did ...facing backwards! She told him, "No. Turn around", so he did a 360° and faced the backdrop AGAIN. My friend said that went on until the lady caring for him went over and physically turned him toward the camera where they took his picture for his updated *DRIVER'S LICENSE!!!* 😮🙃
@kaythegardener Жыл бұрын
Sounds like a hearing problem, not the vision!!
@bellwethertrucking3650 Жыл бұрын
@kaythegardener He heard her tell him to "put your feet on the footprints". And I never said it was his "vision". He mentally couldn't understand half of what she was asking. That's why he faced backwards on the footprints. He obviously heard her say, "turn around", because he spun a 360, because he wasn't comprehending what she was wanting.
@markrichards4042 Жыл бұрын
It really isn't a bad idea. A few years ago I had a friend who was driving in a 45mph zone. A car was stopped on a side road waiting to pull out and go the same direction. The car waited and waited until my friend got close, then it pulled out and caused an accident. The driver of the other car was a 76 year old lady. He asked why she pulled out right in front of him. No joke, she said her vision is so bad she has to wait til she can see someone to be sure she can pull out. This was in Florida, where even today they renue ppl 75+ for 5-6 years. Ridiculous.
@artbrownsr Жыл бұрын
Steve, I had heart surgery several years ago, I stopped driving on my own, my license expired before I was ready to resume. On reapply for a license I had to have a Dr. letter of approval to drive. A couple of years ago I had eye surgery and resulted in double vision, I immediately stopped driving and now carry a state ID. All these came about with ME initiating the actions. It is what a responsible person does.
@georgecurtis6463 Жыл бұрын
I had a driving test because calif freaked out because I was a paraplegic. Had been driving for near 20 years already as a paraplegic. Was not a requirement when I became a paraplegic. So took the test and passed with the lowest score the tester had seen. Then a few years later they called me in for another test because I turned 70. I argued that they had just tested me and they said it doesn't matter. So took that with flying colors. So in another year, 2024 i will have to get my license renewed again, 5 years. So no idea at this point if i need to do another driving test or not. I get more driving tests than those getting numerous tickets or accidents. And yea, since 1986 i have not caused an accident nor gotten any tickets of any sorts but yup, test the heck out of me.
Wasn't it always a requirement that if you had to use specialized equipment to operate your car, that you had to be trained and tested with it? At least when you first got it? When I was a kid, the neighbor across the street wheeled herself over to our house and showed my mom her brand new driver license after she finally got her car set up with the special controls. She had four kids, was a Girl Scout leader, and my mom always felt put to shame by how active this lady was. As I recall, I rode with her a time or two. So I have no problem with paraplegics driving. Later, in our new neighborhood, we moved next door to a man who also was a paraplegic and had the special controls. However, I did feel freaked out when I watched a video about Joni Eareckson Tada, the famous quadriplegic who paints with a brush in her mouth. In one scene, they showed her driving a van down the road with a tiny joystick controlled by a vestige of movement she had in her hand. Especially when I realized she also lived in the Los Angeles area, and it was possible I could be sharing the road with her. I find it odd that when I broke my ankle and was wearing a cast, people told me it wasn't legal to drive with a cast on, a police officer told them so, etc. I tried to look it up in the California Vehicle Code, and couldn't find anything about a cast for a limb, only about casting votes for the Board of whatever, and bureaucratic things like that. If paraplegics can drive, why can't a person with a cast? Especially with power steering, power brakes, and automatic transmission, people who are otherwise unimpaired can control a car with one hand and one foot. A person's mental capability and attitude are much more important for safe vehicle operation than the number of limbs they have available.
@georgecurtis6463 Жыл бұрын
@@EXROBOWIDOW in my case when I became a paraplegic it was not. If the doctor said I was capable of using hand controls then that was it. I got hand controls put into my new car and it took very little time or effort to learn to use them or drive. My hand controls consisted of one lever on the left for controlling gas and brakes. I legally had a spinner knob on the steering wheel. Easy. Other controls, more involved possibly took more training but I was never involved in those. So my point was that I drove for near 20 years with no issues and they freaked out. Other states may have differant regulations though.
@coop5329 Жыл бұрын
I knew a pilot with his commercial license to take passengers (I have flown with him) complaining because his 97 year old mother "just doesn't want to get out and do anything anymore". I had zero qualms about being a passenger with Omar flying. Everyone is different. My issue with this business is that nobody in that license bureau has any qualifications to evaluate a person's medical condition or physical ability to safely operate a vehicle. As for the vision test, I have always been horrendously nearsighted and certainly need glasses to drive, but keep in mind that people who have completely lost one eye are still qualified to drive. My second issue with this, overall, is that our government has done absolutely nothing to develop cheap readily available public transportation. If they were really worried about all those emissions that's what they would be jumping on instead of trying to force people to buy electric cars that we don't have enough electricity to charge.
@lowercherty Жыл бұрын
I'm sure there are parts of Nevada where you have to drive over 100 miles to see a doctor, optometrist, or DMV office.
@robertc.9503 Жыл бұрын
I grew up in northern Nevada. It was a 71 mile trip to see an optometrist. The town I was in did have a DMV office, but they apparently closed it some time after I moved away, along with a bunch of other DMV offices in rural areas.
@sashamoore9691 Жыл бұрын
Thts exactly what I was thinking! They clearly want these individuals destitute or reliant on transportation that large corporations will own
@kingalexander43 Жыл бұрын
In reading, PA, they make you take a physical before you take your test to get your driver's license. But in maryland, you don't have to take any kind of physical exam to take a test. However, physical or not, license or not, there will always be drivers unfit to drive. And having a driver's license won't change that.
@Bdoserror Жыл бұрын
It's interesting that in explaining how the noun "narc" is now used as a verb, Steve explains it using another noun that is used as a verb, "rat". And if someone was unfamiliar with that usage (e.g. if English isn't their first language) that would just add confusion.
@NogardCodesmith Жыл бұрын
I was about to make this same comment.
@CarlosRodriguez-hb3vq Жыл бұрын
Although “la rata” in Spanish has the same meaning
@vintagestufflover7020 Жыл бұрын
My mother in law was slated to renew her California DL in person as she needed to take the written test. This was late in 2020, and, due to Covid, she was able to renew online (her son helped her). She was so excited despite the fact that she needed eye surgery, couldn't hear worth a darn, and suffered from dizzy spells. Thankfully, a convenient flat tire and her tight wallet, she was unable le to drive her car. Now, all her tires need replacing and she is too cheap to buy 4 new tires and have them mounted and balanced.
@groermaik Жыл бұрын
Seems like generally requiring an additional test for older persons might be against the discrimination law here in Michigan.
@prunabluepepper Жыл бұрын
Not really. So, in this case you have to balance two laws. Right to not get discriminated versus right of not getting physically harmed. Who's right weighs more? Since the second one also applies to the elderly themselves, we can deduce that in sum, a test is an acceptable infringement and not a discrimination.
@prunabluepepper Жыл бұрын
Also... Is there a Kleiner Maik?
@Baughbe Жыл бұрын
When my father-in-law got into his 80s, his vision and mental capacity began to drop rapidly. But he was insistent he could still drive in spite of a few incidents where he 'misjudged distances' and 'kissed' a few walls and barriers. He even got his license renewed, only a couple of months before he plowed into a car stopped at a light. Luckily nobody was badly hurt, but it did end his driving mostly because he could not afford to buy another car. Not the way you should stop driving.
@THE-michaelmyers Жыл бұрын
I am 65, and I am in great physical shape. My last labs were all normal as well as all my vitals. I work out several times a week. I have no issues with a physical exam. I am sensitive to the fact some older folks won't be able to pass these exams. I hate that! When the day comes I can no longer drive I will hang up my keys just as my mom did. None of us had to ask her.
@hauntedshadowslegacy2826 Жыл бұрын
It does suck that some older folks won't be able to pass those exams, yes, but consider the alternative. Imagine a friend of yours who is starting to lose motor function and vision due to age. Imagine that friend getting behind the wheel anyway because they're too stubborn to admit they're losing motor function and vision. Imagine they go onto the freeway, 70 mph, and don't notice the silver car directly beside them. Imagine the roll-over crash. Do you want that? Not everyone is like you or your mom. Not everyone is gonna be willing to admit they shouldn't be behind the wheel anymore. That's why those exams exist. Yes, some older folks will fail those exams. When they do, it means they shouldn't drive anymore. It sucks, but it's better than dying in a crash- or worse, killing someone else in a crash.
@Joe-lb8qn Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately too many people dont do as your mother.
@ram50v8 Жыл бұрын
OK, all joking aside. I had a customer who drove until she was 96. She was a very safe driver but one day she backed over a boulder that did considerable damage to the car. I fixed it (the floor board in the center was pushed up high enough that the seats tipped out enough to prevent closing the doors) Anyway, she decided that her driving days were over. And for the next year her daughter in law drove her around until she passed away. Wonderful lady! She was a French resistance fighter in WW2, met an American soldier there and ended up marrying him and moving to the U.S. She would often come by the shop just for a chit chat. As such I learned a bit of French and always greeted her in her native tongue. I relished the stories she would tell me of pre war and during the war in France. Au revoir Michelle, jusqu'à ce que nous nous revoyions
@rickdoner5181 Жыл бұрын
I don't know if they still do it, but Florida used to have a "part time resident" ID snowbirds could get that had their Florida address on it, which I found interesting.
@Teekyho Жыл бұрын
Florida no longer has the Florida only driver licenses. Thanks Patriot Act. But honestly, they were really only good for getting into the theme parks for a reduced price.
@rickdoner5181 Жыл бұрын
@@Teekyho Yeah, I was stationed there in the 90's and remember snowbirds that lived in the community going back and forth that had the part time ID's. Gods I am getting old lol
@Teekyho Жыл бұрын
@@rickdoner5181, lol. The snowbirds have a whole new set of games to play. They do keep it interesting. But a lot have moved here permanently.
@johnp139 Жыл бұрын
Well, if their car was there more than 30 days in a year…or is that just in MA?
@Teekyho Жыл бұрын
@@johnp139, shh! Legislature is in session. For the love of all that is holy, please do not give them any ideas! 😉
@toddvanhorn1886 Жыл бұрын
I completely agree with that law, truck drivers have to get yearly check-ups, why not everyday drivers no matter what age.
@jobustad1691 Жыл бұрын
I do...I have a CDL.....not 71 yet but...
@davidobrien6222 Жыл бұрын
About 15 years ago, or so, there was a little thing on one of the local Los Angeles T.V. stations about a nursing home in Riverside County. The staff relied on volunteers to take residents to their doctor appointments. One volunteer that had been doing this was 105 years old. Sharp as a tac. She didn't look much older than about 60 years old. Anyway, there are older people that live the right kind of life, physically and mentally fit.
@Nightrunnergunner Жыл бұрын
We all love jumpin through hoops ! 😂
@titandragon6737 Жыл бұрын
Very glad we can turn someone in, in Mo. I was at the chiropractor and an elderly couple came in, sorry they are late, but wife had to keep husband, who was driving, to stay focused. Everyone over heard the conversation. I let her know as a medical person, she can report the issue.
@marinosipod Жыл бұрын
Here in Arizona, your license is good until age 65. Unless you get tickets. Your photo must be updated every 10 years.
@brianconn773 Жыл бұрын
mine expires in '42, my wife's is '47
@sashamoore9691 Жыл бұрын
@almostfm Жыл бұрын
In HS, a friend of mine owned an absolute base model 1971 Ford Galaxie, complete with the stock dog dish hubcaps and in the Ford color Wimbledon White. It absolutely looked like a police cruiser that had been sold once the department decided to update its vehicles. We all called it the "Narc-mobile".
@tomm21 Жыл бұрын
Got no problem with this. It shouldn't even have a loophole for in-person renewals. I wish they had it in Kentucky before my 90+ year old grandfather hit, not one, but two pedestrians (on two different days) and continued driving because he simply didn't register that he hit them.
@Meatball2022 Жыл бұрын
Regular points for the first, but bonus points for the second. That’s when the scores can really change!
@socket_error1000 Жыл бұрын
My kids great grandfather was a great driver but at 78yo he started getting a lazy accelerator foot. As he went down the road, often while on the freeway, his foot would slowly let up on the gas without him being conscious of it until he had slowed so much people were honking and swerving to get around him. It was caused by a nerve issue in his lower back that was getting worse over the years. If this were today, modern cruise control would make this a non issue, but the tech back then basically just locked the accelerator and actually required more attention be paid to it. The issue eventually led to him only driving short distances for the last few years of his life which he was fine with. The driving that is, I am sure he would have wanted a few more years.
@jimmybutler1379 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like age discrimination and controlled by the light they use in DMV to make it harder to read the eye chart even though you passed the written test or computer test or driving test with examiner ! had to have a eye doctor change their mind that I had to wear glasses when driving by a letter from him and exam results !...
@ramjam720 Жыл бұрын
In the late 1960's my godfather was living in FL. He had been in a couple of minor accidents, and was ordered to renew his license annually, including a road test with a license examiner. They finally forbade his renewal when he as 90. It made life very difficult for him because he was the primary caregiver for his wife, who was 3 years older than him. It was a crushing blow to him, because he had been so independent.
@southernflatland Жыл бұрын
I only had to take the eye test when I first got my license at age 17. I'm 40 now, and they haven't asked me to take the eye test again at any renewal. For reference, South Mississippi here, and I always go in for renewals, never done it by mail. Edit: And my vision is piss poor without glasses. I do have the restriction on my license where I always have to wear corrective lenses, which is more than understandable. Still kinda weird to me they haven't asked me to redo their eye test though.
@ostlandr Жыл бұрын
NY requires an eye test in person, or a statement from your optometrist.
@southernflatland Жыл бұрын
@@ostlandr Our DMV down here, at least back when I was 17, had their own eye test device right there at the facility. The eye test device I was presented with seemed fair and legitimate enough to make sure potential drivers can at least read the street signs. Still seems funny to me they haven't had my eyes tested since, but as long as I'm wearing my glasses I'm good. Sucks that they didn't realize I wore the same glasses for another 17 years after that, but my vision is actually fairly stable. I've since gotten new glasses though, but yeah it's weird to me even that they don't at least double check driver's vision down here in the swamps once in a while.
@court2379 Жыл бұрын
There should be a low light vision test, glaring light test, and emergency response time testing. If you cannot respond fast enough to a surprise situation, you don't drive. Testing for everyone every 5 years. Annually over 65. So many people cannot see at night and continue to drive. So many cannot react to changes in a reasonable time.
@obsidiansands Жыл бұрын
I would agree with the physical exam, it helps for real. It should be mandatory actually once you hit 70 - that way, any information embeded in your DL magnetic stripe would include any health concerns whatsoever. So in case of any emergency like a seizure behind the wheel, for example - first responders who are able to pull up your info on-site will be filled in on what needs to be done.
@michaelsommers2356 Жыл бұрын
What about HIPAA?
@drucifer_too Жыл бұрын
Yea, so much for privacy and hippa.
@jonathanjones3126 Жыл бұрын
Driving is a privilege not a right.
@michaelsommers2356 Жыл бұрын
@@jonathanjones3126 Wrong. Without statutes requiring licenses, you couldn't be arrested for driving without one.
@jonathanjones3126 Жыл бұрын
@Michael Sommers are you one of those sovereign citizen idiots? How many of your types have to be arrested and tossed in prison.
@leifsonoferik Жыл бұрын
Reminds me of old buddy Ralph. He was 90 and still riding one of his 2 Harleys or his classic MG sports car. Then he bought a brand new Chevy Impala(2018) with the high performance package. Then he had a issue with his heart and his O2 machine kept him off of his Harleys. To some guys age is just a number. I hope to have half of his energy when I'm 80.
@DaveBigDawg Жыл бұрын
$Big Ben$ hiding behind the Mymitv Michigan license plate
@BruceS42 Жыл бұрын
I have "the best of both worlds", in that I winter in Florida, and moved away from Michigan in 1980. A few years ago, someone I knew, who lived in FL, was blind in one eye and couldn't see very well out of the other, but he had a FL driver's license. From how I've seen people drive in many states, near-blindness could be quite common among licensed drivers.
@brucelytle1144 Жыл бұрын
Ben above MYMITV Plate.
@mikmik9034 Жыл бұрын
In the old Connecticut statues it was unlawful for a person with Narcolepsy, or Diabetes to drive. It is easy to guess why. Laws since repealed.
@justanotheraviator2357 Жыл бұрын
A driving medical clearance makes sense, I as a CDL driver do one every year. It just makes sense to screen people for conditions that can cause vehicular accidents. Also Ben's @ MYMITV
@larrymills8527 Жыл бұрын
ben behind the top of mymitv plate
@dongrant5827 Жыл бұрын
My parents both self regulated. Stopped driving at night, stopped driving in urban settings. Stopped driving anywhere but local and familiar. Didn’t like to ask us children to drive them around, but knew it was for the best. They both were licensed to drive a truck. My mother died in 2020 at 91, my father died just a month ago at 96.
@sealand000 Жыл бұрын
How about mental exams as well?
@Daves_Not_Here_Man_76 Жыл бұрын
90% of the drivers would fail
@jaykoerner Жыл бұрын
​@@Daves_Not_Here_Man_76 more like 70-80% if they count all mental heath disorders across your entire life, at any one time, idk top of my head but I would guess 30...
@thiggy1249 Жыл бұрын
I renewed my license on line about 10 days ago at 75 years of age. My mom who will be 101 next month still keeps her license current. Mother drove herself till she was 93. One Sunday we had just finished lunch which she prepared for the family and we were sitting in the den chatting. She leaned over to my brother and asked him for her keys (he had driven them to church earlier). He gave the keys to mother, and she handed them back to him saying "from now on you and your brother do the driving". She had made the decision that this was the time for her to quit driving, avoiding any unpleasant arguments in the future.
@danieldennis9831 Жыл бұрын
I'm in Michigan, age 51, no vision issues, and have had to renew every four years since moving back from California at age 26. (original license in MI at age 16).
@keithmalmberg8395 Жыл бұрын
A neighbors mother at 73 was legally blind and still drove till she t-boned a county sheriff running code. She needed to lose her license years earlier but had memorized the vision test letters. On the other side of this a "young lady" locally just celebrated her 93 birthday and makes delivery for Meals On Wheels as well as pickups for the local food bank. I get why some people need to go through this process and why some should be able to continue for many more years.
@LouT1501 Жыл бұрын
My dad was driving into his early 90s (he passed ten years ago when he was 103). I found out that he had macular degeneration and was losing his vision. When he drove, he had to follow someone but claimed he could read the signs along the road. Shortly after that, I convinced him to sell his car.
@benhancock1408 Жыл бұрын
Back about 1990 or so I had to take the driving test. I drove a Ford truck with a "3 on the tree" shifter. At the first stop sign, at the end of the same block, the examiner, a DOT officer, said I needed to keep both hands on the wheel at all times. My response was " well then who's gonna shift? We can't just drive around in first gear all day." She wasn't amused. I passed the exam. In 1997 I went to the DOT to get a tractor-trailer learners permit. While taking the written test an elderly guy, a farmer, came in to renew his license. He clearly failed the eye test, couldn't read any of the lines of letters and couldn't comprehend the perrifferal vision lights part of it. They gave him a license anyway.
@Stevie_D Жыл бұрын
We took my mother's car away in 2019 when she was 96 but decided to let her hold her driver's license for identification until it was set to expire in May 2020. When May came around, the DMV in her state was pretty much on lockdown due to COVID, so was allowing folks to continue using their expired licenses and registrations until things cleared up. Around the middle of 2022 with the DMV again opening we decided to get Mom a state-issued ID card to replace her expired license. Unfortunately, there were some issues with her gathering the documents required for a state-issued ID card BUT imagine our surprise when we were told she could renew her license, online no less, for $85 and a doctor-supplied eye test. We filled out the forms, attached a check, and supplied the eye test form and Mom promptly got her license in the mail at age 98. While Mom will never drive a car again, she now holds a valid driver's license that doesn't expire until she is 106. I am deliberately not including the state that allowed this as she needs a form of ID.
@ralphjoyce9212 3 ай бұрын
Ah As a handicapped person with asthma, I have to have a physical every year as required by DMV. Years ago (I was about 52), I went to DMV to renew tags. I was having trouble standing and breathing after standing in line 30 minutes They finally brought me a wheelchair and I got waited on. After sitting for about 2 minutes I was breathing fine. They insisted on pushing me out to my car. I got into my car and they were concerned that I was alone. I carefully explained that I DID NOT stand or walk around while driving, explaining that was because of the height of the roof. Several days later my driver's license was suspended. I now have to have a Dr's note AND a driver's test every year.
@donaldhollingsworth3875 Жыл бұрын
My brother & myself have had this discussion with our father who is 86 years old & living in a retirement community. He agreed with us to an extent. He might drive once a month when he can not get the retirement community shuttle service because it is not readily available. This retirement community is great in that they provide free shuttle service within the complex & free shuttle service to the local grocery stores & Walmart once a week & 6 free rides to out of town doctor's appointment a year. Over that there is a $20.00 dollar fee.
@gretafortenberry5285 Жыл бұрын
In our State we have an Eye test no matter if you are wearing glasses or not. We can only renew by Internet or Mail only Every Other Time for Renewal. It wouldn't bother me even if I had to renew every 2 years. I am 74 and my last renewal was at 71 for 8 years, So I will be 79. But I will probably not be alive or unable to drive by then anyway but I will definitely get that State. And as you had to do...I had to tell my Dad that he could renew his Driver's License (no State IDs at that time) but he would have to let us drive him. He was Mentally fine. But was not doing so good Medically. Having his Driver's License was a form of Independence and Security for him. Also, if it was an Emergency he could drive as well. But he knew the short drive to the store was an ok...2 blocks away...but longer places we would do it or find a way for him and Mother to get there and back. He was fine with it all.
@lawrencelynch4546 11 ай бұрын
My mother-in-law has been gone for a number of years now, but her vision was getting too bad to drive. My wife and her sister talked it over and decided I should be the one to tell her that she should not be driving. They even had a list of friends and family that had volunteered to come over, drive her car and use her gas to get her where she needed to go. They informed her mom that they had taken all the keys and had handed them out to the volunteers. Surprisingly she agreed to this arrangement. Later we found out she had a key hidden, got it and drove cross country to the big town with a hardware just a few minutes after we had pulled out to go back home. We found all this out a few months later when she caused an intersection accident. She spent five weeks in the hospital, nine weeks in rehab at a nursing home and ended up moving into an assisted living facility. As we were helping her make the move and winterize the house, I flushed her toilet, turned off the water and checked the tank to see that it was empty. There hanging from a paperclip, fastened to the valve was another spare key!
@calamity0.o Жыл бұрын
That makes sense to me. They need proof your eyes still work. You can mail in the optometry result or walk in and look in their binoculars. Not needing the eye test or any test each time you renew is kind of cutting corners when ya think about it which is fine for a young body but cataracts and glaucoma are things.
@richardcrowell284 Жыл бұрын
My New South Wales (Australia) drivers licence fell due, and on the renewal forms you are asked questions regarding fits seizures and other health issues. I had to tick the diabetes section. I was required to have an eye test which my GP did and he filled out a form stating that I was on medication and my diabetes was under control. I then went to the services NSW to get my new photo and licence renewed. Due to my age I could only get a five year renewal and they re did the eye test which I passed without the need for glasses. I ended up going to the optometrist (as my health fund gives me two pairs of glasses a year) and had a pair of tinted long range driving glasses made. That was one of the best decisions I have made, as normal sunglasses were good but the vision from the script glasses is brilliant, and no more squinting.
@AlexKasper Жыл бұрын
I'm told in other countries, renewal of the driver's license has a medical exam. Said exam consist of: eye, motion, psychological, ear. There are entire industries that work around said exams. Usually a single stop to do all of them, get the certificate sent directly to the DMV.
@writerinfact1768 Жыл бұрын
My mother’s “family intervention” occurred when she was *gulp* about 80. She had just left the house - driving - and came back about 15 minutes later, visibly shaken. Seems she “gently” hit a teenaged neighbor from down the block. No injuries or damage, but in my opinion, she hadn’t been a great driver EVER and it was definitely time to bronze the keys and hang them up. Fortunately, she had both a daughter and a grandson who, however reluctantly, took over the transportation responsibilities. She left the car to the grandson in her will. So the streets are - relatively - safe in Chandler.
@northyland1157 Жыл бұрын
When I got diabetes in my late 40's I needed a Dr. note to renew my licence. Had a temp license for about 6 months as the paperwork went though, I applied for a driving job but was rejected as I had a temporary licence. Got pulled over as the temporary license didn't show up when a cop ran my plate, but no ticket. Finally got my License!
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