me encanto, algunos los encontre dificiles de ejecutar, ya que aun me falta practica, ojala estuviera en español para entenderle mas, y me gustaria saber cuanta resistencia le puso en cada ejercicio, saludos!!!
@plessenberry12 жыл бұрын
Enjoyed this workout. It would be nice for PA viewers to know how many springs you're using and I suggestion you support the client at sternum before she begins the standing mid-back workout to demonstrate proper spotting.
@juliannao94411 жыл бұрын
yo tengo la maquina ..y la estoy ocupando solo 10 minutos porque recien empeze en ella ...pero ejercicios estoy haciendo ya desde 6 meses pero cuanto seria lo normal ? ademas me provoca un leve doloren el siatico ...
@finetunepilates12 жыл бұрын
Emma, Great progression, super tough, you're a killer! Really relateable cues. Would you considered doing some serratus work or external rotation for the shoulders between the tendon stretch and carriage pull? Might open up her for the chest expansion and keep her shoulders stable. Just wondering your thoughts because I might use some of this in my reformer classes ;) Thanks!