I got the apache strap and counter weight yesterday, well worth it in my opinion, so much more comfortably and really keeps the headset in place
@liebesmaennchen Жыл бұрын
Great, it is very nice and I also got the Apache Strap now. Part 4 of my "Let's Play Hellblade VR" I used the strap and yes, this is very nice. It is funny, because when you compare just the pure numbers of the weight, the crystal is by far the heaviest, but in praxis, the comfort is great.
@Lorien311 Жыл бұрын
Funny i do not have the issue with multiple connect attempts when using the 120hz mode, connects instant, although i do use the fiber optic cable from the 8kx with the crystal.
@liebesmaennchen Жыл бұрын
Crystal is a funny device indeed :). I also have the fiber optic cable. Pimax is sending me a new one which should improve the connection, I guess the 160hz should also be possible.
@nigaudlotovrbenchmarkandvi3132 ай бұрын
my motherboard appears not to be compatible with steam vr and light house detection (3.2 usb port) ! It was the same with a vive elite cosmos or pro and now the pimax crystal's faceplate is not detected but muy good old intel i78700 k had no problem with vive hmds and also the pimax crystal light !
@liebesmaennchen2 ай бұрын
Is it possible to try a second pc? Doesn't have to be very powerful, just to see if it's working there
@nigaudlotovrbenchmarkandvi3132 ай бұрын
@@liebesmaennchen as I mentioned I tested it on my 8700k(as a secondary PC) I know the face plate works perfectly, but with the Asus AMD motherboard and the 5800x3D with only 3.2 usb ports it is never detected.
@04steffen25 Жыл бұрын
Moin schön das du immer so fleissig bist mit der Pimax :) Hoffe kannst mir weiterhelfen , folgenes ist geplant : Habe eine Pimax und mir das Cover bestellt , weiter 2 x Basestation 2.0 nur finde ich nix im Netz mit welchen Bluetooth Dongle der ganze Kram funktionieren soll? Danke
@liebesmaennchen Жыл бұрын
Servus. Vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar, das ehrt und motiviert mich. Ich habe sehr gute Neuigkeiten für dich, du brauchst keine Dongles, dafür ist das lighthouse Faceplate da. Die Dongles waren nur für den Mod notwendig. Theoretisch könntest du damit auch eine Quest mit lighthouse bestücken. Sag bescheid wenn ich dir noch helfen kann. Wie ist deiner Erfahrung mit der Crystal und was hattest du zuvor genutzt!
@04steffen25 Жыл бұрын
Ja das Cover ist noch nicht da, wollte halt die Stationen schon montieren ... dann warte ich noch :) Hatte vorher eine HP Reverb G2 , aber das Bild der Pimax ist schon mega. Hoffe das Pimax auch endlich den normalen Usern die Software freischaltet ... glaube was vom 15.9 gelesen zu haben. @@liebesmaennchen
@liebesmaennchen Жыл бұрын
@04steffen25 ah verstehe. Also einer aus dem Discord meinte, dass er schon eine Versandbestätigung bekommen hat. Leider typisch Pimax, zu sagen, dass die Faceplate fertig ist und diese dann erst einen Monat später zu versenden, naja das ist einfach nicht ok. Ich kann dich sonst ins Programm aufnehmen, die Software rennt so gut, wenn jemand was anderes behauptet, hat er ziemlich sicher gar keine Crystal
@04steffen25 Жыл бұрын
@@liebesmaennchen ja das kenne ich nicht anders von Pimax , was halt als Vorbestellter einem sauer aufstößt ist das man da nicht besser behandelt wird … meine Crystal war noch nicht da , aber man konnte sie schon bei manchen Händler bestellen und auch lagernd. Sowas darf einfach nicht passieren !!!
@liebesmaennchen Жыл бұрын
@04steffen25 das war damals tatsächlich bei der G2 auch so. Ich habe am ersten Tag vorbestellt und habe die Brille später erhalten als Leute die dann bei bestware bestellt haben. Tatsächlich war es bei der psvr2 auch so, direkt bei Sony bestellt und ein paar Tage später bekommen als Leute die bei Media Markt bestellt haben 😂 ist ärgerlich, aber stört mich nur ein wenig, bin froh dass ich derzeit die Crystal und das beste Bild in VR genießen darf. So wie es aussieht, wird die Somnium VR1 noch länger brauchen.
@jackr.7496 ай бұрын
Years ago, when I got a OG Vive, I looked at how much junk HTC was running in the background and was blown away, since the OG Vive was a SreamVR HMD, I had decided to uninstall all the HTC Vive software and try it with just SteamVR, it worked, so why does HTC insist on cluttering it's customers computers with a bunch of buggy junk software that really isn't needed and without the option to not load it at system startup. It was the first and last HTC HMD I ever owned, never again.
@liebesmaennchen6 ай бұрын
Amen. This whole third party software thing is very annoying. I had many problems with the Aero software in the beginning. I'm quite happy with Pimax Play, it is very solid, but like every software, sometimes it just doesn't work 😂
@ThePit19793 ай бұрын
^hey , brauche ich die faceplate um überhaupt index controller oder pimax sword controller damit nutzen zu können
@liebesmaennchen3 ай бұрын
Ja genau, für light house benötigt man diese
@archibaldikowski3646 Жыл бұрын
Wenn ich das Ding sehe, denke ich immer, das is ein Teil des Darth Vader Helms. ^^
@liebesmaennchen Жыл бұрын
Hahahhaa, ja, volle Zustimmung. Bis auf die Pico 4, schaut alles immer sehr plump aus. Aber ich habe lieber das beste Bild und ein optisch fragwürdiges Design als ein peinliches Apple Design
@archibaldikowski3646 Жыл бұрын
@@liebesmaennchen Voll!
@Nyersevo Жыл бұрын
Dear Reinhard Roscher Luke ross VR modded games (Cyberpunk , Zero Horizon Dawn ect) is working with Pimax Crystal? Can you use open xr layer or just steam VR? And can you play with 4090 with affordable fps? Furthermore can you play also praydog Resident Evil VR mod and the crystal controllers are working ? Because my G2 working very well with these modded games in open xr mode and i can achive affordable fps with my rtx 4080 and it will be very important question because i would like to upgrade my G2 if these are workign with also Pimax Crystal. Thanks this answer in advance.
@liebesmaennchen Жыл бұрын
Hi, nice to see you here. I tried the resident evil 4 remake mod and it worked very well. There is a video on my channel. If you like, we can talk about your situation on discord and I can try it and make a video about it. I also have the G2 and I like it really much, but now, I can't never go back from the crystal. I'm very curious, when something better will arrive.
@Nyersevo Жыл бұрын
Could you tell me the Pimax Crystal is working with Luker Ross VR mod games? Like Cyberpunk VR or Elden Ring VR mod? Why i can't find any kind of gameplay video on the youtube ? Perhabs it isn'T working with Crystal? And the performance good or not and it will be much sharper also than with ther Reverb G2 ?
@liebesmaennchen Жыл бұрын
Hi there! I only got RDR2 to try, is this ok for you?
@liebesmaennchen Жыл бұрын
oh, I just saw, that Luke Ross has removed the RDR2 Mod, he got some problems with Take Two :-(
@Nyersevo Жыл бұрын
@@liebesmaennchen Thanks this confirmation!
@Nyersevo Жыл бұрын
@@liebesmaennchen Cyberpunk VR is the best .
@damiengvideos4337 Жыл бұрын
Strange I installed my face plate today but in the software there is no option to switch over to lighthouse tracking.
@liebesmaennchen Жыл бұрын
This is odd, are you running the latest software and firmware? It should be the same as in the video
@damiengvideos4337 Жыл бұрын
@@liebesmaennchen I am, reinstalled the Pimax app and now my headset can’t be detected 🤦🏻♂️. Good ‘ol Pimax!
@liebesmaennchen Жыл бұрын
@@damiengvideos4337 :D I would say, typical PCVR, right now I have the same with Quest 3. USB connected, disconnected, connected.....etc. Are you on discord? It is easier to talk there, just write me a message.
@enterthegame2021 Жыл бұрын
I can only focus on your belt with the mushroom
@liebesmaennchen Жыл бұрын
Yes, this is my trick so nobody see how incompetent I am 🐷❤️🐒
@enterthegame2021 Жыл бұрын
@@liebesmaennchen 🤣 great answer
@SteBerFan Жыл бұрын
Yes, I already noticed it at the MRTV party in Dortmund
@liebesmaennchen Жыл бұрын
@@SteBerFan my USP 🐒🥓🍌
@enterthegame2021 Жыл бұрын
@@liebesmaennchen were you at the party too?
@der60er Жыл бұрын
Auch im task manager unter autostart nicht zu deaktivieren? Edit. Hätte das video erstmal zuende schauen sollen 😂
@liebesmaennchen Жыл бұрын
Kein Ding, natürlich kann man sich über den Taskmanager helfen, aber nicht jeder weiß das und naja, es ist einfach nicht cool wenn man in der Software nicht die Möglichkeit hat. Spannend ist, dass es tatsächlich nix bringt, wenn man das Programm beendet, scheinbar läuft noch ein Dienst im Hintergrund....PC-VR immer wieder lustig :D